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Briefs & Resources on Justice-involved Women and Children (JIWC)
Incarcerated women and their children have complex health risks, yet addressing these risks presents new challenges for corrections systems and public health professionals. We’ve supported the creation of many resources to address the unique health challenges presented with populations involved with the incarceration system. We also have a catalogue of state-by-state policy briefs from JIWC here. Our newest publication is:
CYSHCN State Profiles
Compiled by MCH students and short-term trainees taking Dr. Zobeida Bonilla’s course PubH 6613: Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (Fall 2018). The purpose of this course is to examine the principles, programs, policies, and practices associated with identifying and meeting the needs of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) in the United States.
-Visit the state profiles page
Fact Sheets & Other Resource
-Immigration and Birth Outcomes among Latinas in the US: This brief describes how social and cultural norms and practices around pregnancy and motherhood may serve as protective factors for Latinas immigrating to the US. However, these protective factors may erode as Latinas acculturate to American society.
-Why Breastfeed? Access a one-page brief with information about the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother and infant, as well as Healthy People 2020 objectives around increasing the number of infants who are breastfed.
-Human Trafficking Factsheet describes human trafficking definitions, prevalence, risk markers and health.
Global MCH Infographics
Students in our Fall 2016 Foundations of Maternal and Child Health Leadership (MCH) (PubH 6630) researched and designed infographics on global MCH topics like C-section rates, teen pregnancy, infant mortality, and more.
Healthy Generations
Access archives of Healthy Generations, our feature publication of over 15 years, here.
MCH COVID Quick-Guide for COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
This is one of 50+ “Quick-Guides” that can help with communicating about COVID-19, especially when using social media. We’ve compiled some MCH-focused resources all in one spot. We’ve also drafted sample posts and compiled relevant hashtags for you so that you can easily edit, cut, and paste and adapt to fit many audiences.
Our “Quick-Guides” are designed to help savvy health professionals use and take advantage of national observances to promote health messages, programs and policies, especially when using social media.
– Visit the Quick-Guide page to find one- and two-page adolescent health and MCH Quick-Guides for 26 specific national observances.