
The Division of Design provides policies, procedures, guidance, technical assistance, training and equipment needed to develop and maintain a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system.

The Design Program innovates design solutions by:

  • Ensuring the adoption of “Best Practices” and design information to promote safety, statewide consistency, efficiency and quality.
  • Assisting in the application of design standards and practices to facilitate the resolution of project development issues.
  • Providing technical support and design expertise on highway design issues related to motor vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.
  • Establishing flexibility in Caltrans highway design standards and procedures, especially in the context of urban environments and multi-modal design.
  • Providing technical support, training and guidance to District personnel for CADD roadway design software, drafting software, and engineering GIS applications.
  • Providing Capital Outlay Support staff with computers, laptops, monitors, printers, plotters and other necessary tools.
  • Providing and maintaining information technology servers and data storage to meet the needs of the Districts.

Contact Design

Broadband Facility Program

Clean California Beautification Program

Complete Streets

At Caltrans, we understand that walking, biking, transit, and passenger rail are essential components for realizing California's vision of a brighter future with a top-tier transportation network. Director’s Policy 37 clarifies this commitment, and the Division of Design has developed Design Information Bulletin 94 to provide contextual guidance for the design of Complete Streets facilities. Caltrans has dedicated teams within the Division of Design, the Division of Transportation Planning, the Director’s Office, and each of the 12 Districts to implement the Complete Streets Program to maximize the use of design flexibility to provide Complete Streets solutions and networks for travelers of all ages and abilities.

Construction Contract Standards

Innovative Design & Delivery Methods

Landscape Architecture