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| about {adv} [approximately] | Pi mal Daumen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [circa] | |
| approximately {adv} | Pi mal Daumen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| circa {adv} <ca.> | Pi mal Daumen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
Substantive |
| math. pi <π> [the symbol π denoting the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter / the ratio itself] | 34 Pi {n} <π> [Kreiszahl] | |
| math. pi <π> | 28 Kreiszahl {f} <π> | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the engineer corps of German Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Pioniere <G.d.Pi., GdPi., Gen.d.Pi.> | |
| med. VetMed. parainfluenza <Pi> | Parainfluenza {f} <Pi> | |
| biochem. phosphoinositol <PI> | Phosphoinositol {n} <PI> | |
| pi <Π, π, ϖ> [Greek letter] | Pi {n} <Π, π, ϖ> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| math. piphilology | Pi-Sport {m} | |
| med. preimplantation <PI> | Präimplantation {f} <PI> | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| educ. phys. engineering physics [treated as sg.] <EP> | Physikingenieurwesen {n} <PI> | |
| phys. isoelectric point <pI, IEP> | isoelektrischer Punkt {m} <pI, IEP> | |
| Internet market. page impression <PI> | Seitenabruf {m} | |
| Internet page impressions <PI> | Seitenaufrufe {pl} | |
| Internet page impressions <PI> | Page Impressions {pl} <PI> [Seitenaufrufe] | |
| dent. palatal index <PI> | Gaumenindex {m} | |
| dent. palatine index <PI> | Gaumenindex {m} | |
| med. VetMed. paralytic ileus <PI> [Ileus paralyticus] | paralytischer Ileus {m} | |
| zool. parental investment <PI> | Elternaufwand {m} [z. B. Füttern, Beschützen, Brutfürsorge usw.] | |
| biol. med. pathogenicity index <PI> [virology] | Pathogenitätsindex {m} <PI> [Virologie] | |
| pharm. pentamidine isethionate <PI> | Pentamidinisethionat {n} | |
| econ. sports tech. performance index <PI> | Leistungsindex {m} <LI> | |
| econ. performance indicator <PI> | Leistungskennzahl {f} <LK> | |
| comp. econ. QM performance indicator <PI> | Leistungsparameter {m} | |
| chem. pi bond <π bond> | Pi-Bindung {f} <π-Bindung> | |
| Pi Day | Pi-Tag {m} | |
| biochem. pi helix <π-helix> | Pi-Helix {f} <π-Helix> | |
| phys. pi meson <π meson> | Pi-Meson {n} <π-Meson> | |
| mus. pi-pa [Chinese stringed instrument resembling a lute] | Pipa {f} [chines. Zupfinstrument, das einer Laute ähnelt] | |
| electr. polarization index <PI> | Polarisationsindex {m} <PI> | |
| phys. population inversion <PI> | Besetzungsinversion {f} | |
| electr. power integrity <PI> | Powerintegrität {f} <PI> [auch: Power-Integrität] | |
| law preliminary investigation <PI> | Ermittlungsverfahren {n} <EV> | |
| law preliminary investigation <PI> | Vorverfahren {n} <VV> | |
| journ. press release <PR> | Presseinformation {f} <PI> | |
| acad. jobs principal investigator [female] <PI> | Projektleiterin {f} | |
| acad. jobs principal investigator [female] <PI> | Studienleiterin {f} | |
| med. pharm. QM principal investigator <PI> | Hauptprüfer {m} [klinische Studie] | |
| acad. principal investigator <PI> | Projektleiter {m} | |
| acad. med. pharm. principal investigator <PI> | Prüfarzt {m} | |
| acad. principal investigator <PI> | Studienleiter {m} | |
| acad. principal investigator <PI> | Principal Investigator {m} <PI> [Leiter eines Forschungsprojekts] | |
| med. pharm. QM principal investigator <PI> | Leiter {m} der klinischen Prüfung <LKP> | |
| acad. principal investigator <PI> [female] | Principal Investigator {m} <PI> [Leiterin eines Forschungsprojekts] | |
| med. pharm. QM principal investigator <PI> [GCP] | verantwortlicher Prüfer {m} [GCP] | |
| jobs private investigator <PI> | Privatdetektiv {m} | |
| jobs private investigator <PI> | Privatermittler {m} | |
| jobs private investigator <PI> [female] | Privatdetektivin {f} | |
| comp. processing instruction <PI> | Steueranweisung {f} | |
| comp. processing instruction <PI> | Verarbeitungsanweisung {f} | |
| comm. ind. product identifier <PI> | Produktkennung {f} | |
| product information <PI> | Produktinformation {f} <PI> | |
| biochem. propidium iodide <PI> | Propidiumiodid {n} <PI> | |
| biochem. propidium iodide <PI> | Propidiumjodid {n} <PI> | |
| pharm. prostaglandin inhibitor <PI> | Prostaglandinhemmer {m} [auch Prostaglandin-Hemmer] | |
| biochem. pharm. protease inhibitor <PI> | Proteasehemmer {m} | |
| biochem. pharm. protease inhibitor <PI> | Proteaseinhibitor {m} | |
| biochem. pharm. proteinase inhibitor <PI> | Proteinasehemmer {m} | |
| biochem. pharm. proteinase inhibitor <PI> | Proteinaseinhibitor {m} | |
| med. pulsatility index <PI> | Pulsatilitätsindex {m} <PI> | |
| comp. Raspberry Pi <RPI> [a credit card-sized single-board computer] | Raspberry Pi {m} <RPI> [ein kreditkartengroßer Einplatinencomputer] | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| mil. chief engineer (officer) | Pionierführer {m} <Pi.Fhr.> | |
| politically incorrect word <PI word> | politisch inkorrektes Wort {n} <PI-Wort> | |
4 Wörter: Andere |
| idiom by rule of thumb {adv} | Handgelenk mal Pi [schweiz.] [so in etwa] | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| rule-of-thumb estimate | Pi-mal-Daumen-Schätzung {f} [ugs.] | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| Pi is roughly the number 3.14. | Pi entspricht ungefähr der Zahl 3,14. | |
5+ Wörter: Verben |
| to do sth. off the top of one's head [idiom] | etw.Akk. Pi mal Daumen machen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| film F Life of Pi [Ang Lee] | Life of Pi: Schiffbruch mit Tiger | |
| lit. F Life of Pi [Yann Martel] | Schiffbruch mit Tiger | |
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