| Englisch | Deutsch | |
| vacant {adj} [seat, also job etc.] | 168 unbesetzt [Platz, auch Stelle, Posten] | |
| furn. foldaway {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bed, seat, table] | 94 Klapp- [z. B. Bett, Sitz, Tisch] | |
| ancestral {adj} [e.g. castle, land, seat] | 83 Stamm- [z. B. Burg, Land, Sitz (einer Adelsfamilie)] | |
| unoccupied {adj} [e.g. seat, flat, slot] | 5 frei [z. B. Platz, Wohnung, Steckplatz] | |
| folding {adj} [e.g. seat rest] | umklappbar [z. B. Sitzlehne] | |
| repositionable {adj} [seat, chair] | verstellbar [Sitz, Stuhl] | |
| automot. unrestrained {adj} [not wearing a seat belt] | nicht angegurtet | |
Verben |
| to reserve sth. [a seat by placing sth. on it] | 365 etw. belegen [(einen Sitzplatz) reservieren] | |
| to recline [seat] | sich verstellen lassen [Sitz] | |
| to repad sth. [e.g. repair or replace the upholstery of a chair seat, armrest, sofa, etc.] | etw. aufpolstern [die Polsterung von etw. aufarbeiten, erneuern usw.] | |
| to snag sth. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [things particularly cheap, the best seat, etc.] | sichDat. etw.Akk. schnappen [ugs.] [günstige Dinge, den besten Sitz etc.] | |
Substantive |
| admin. pol. relig. office [official residence, seat] | 26 Amtssitz {m} | |
| art furn. relig. misericord [also: mercy seat] | 12 Misericordie {f} | |
| home [site, seat] | 8 Sitz {m} | |
| dickey [Br.] [folding seat at the back of a motor car] | 7 Notsitz {m} | |
| bench [judge's seat] | 5 Richterpult {n} | |
| furn. [a wooden chair with four slanted legs and a slab-like backrest dovetailed into the massive plank seat] | Stabelle {f} | |
| hist. pol. [Germany during the time when Bonn was seat of government] | Bonner Republik {f} | |
| [imperial, royal, ducal....seat] | Residenzstadt {f} | |
| relig. [seat of a missionary society] | Missionshaus {n} | |
| archi. pol. [seat of a state parliament in Austria] | Landhaus {n} [österr.] | |
| theatre [the seat rows in front of the stage] | Cercle {m} [österr.] | |
| dickey [driver's seat on a carriage] | Fahrersitz {m} [einer Kutsche] | |
| dickey [rear seat for servants on a carriage] | Rücksitz {m} [einer Kutsche, für Domestiken] | |
| dicky [Br.] [folding seat at the back of a motor car] | Notsitz {m} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| tech. wallowed out {adj} {past-p} [irregularly enlarged bearing or joint seat(s) through uncontrolled movement] | ausgeschlagen [Gelenk, Lager] | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to be one's [e.g. This is my seat.] | jdm. sein [regional] [ugs.] [gehören] [z. B. Der Platz ist mir.] | |
| to drop back [into, on to a seat etc.] | sich zurückfallen lassen | |
| to fold sth. down [a car seat] | etw.Akk. umlegen [einen Autositz] | |
| pol. to stand for [a constituency, a seat] [Br.] | kandidieren für [einen Wahlbezirk, einen Parlamentssitz] | |
| to wear sth. out [sofa, seat etc.] | etw.Akk. durchsitzen [Sofa, Sitz usw.] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| automot. anchorage point [of a seat belt] | Verankerungspunkt {m} | |
| automot. baby seat [booster seat] | Babysitz {m} | |
| furn. chair bottom [seat] | Sitz {m} eines Stuhls | |
| med. Chance fracture [seat belt injury] | Sicherheitsgurt-Fraktur {f} | |
| childcare slot [also: spot, seat, or space] | Betreuungsplatz {m} [für Kinder] | |
| admin. district offices {pl} [seat, building] | Amtshaus {n} | |
| dunny seat [Aus.] [coll.] [toilet seat] | Klositz {m} [ugs.] | |
| psych. hot seat [special seat in group therapy] | heißer Stuhl {m} [besonderer Platz in der Gruppentherapie] | |
| relig. judgement seat [also: judgment seat] | Richterstuhl {m} | |
| pol. leveling seat [Am.] [also: adjustment seat] | Ausgleichsmandat {n} | |
| archi. mansion house [seat of mayor] | [Amtssitz des Bürgermeisters einer wichtigen englischen Großstadt] | |
| automot. Maxi-Cosi® [child car seat] | Maxi-Cosi® {m} [Kindersitz] | |
| cloth. mining miner's apron [to protect seat of trousers] | Fahrleder {n} [Gesäßleder für den Bergbau] | |
| automot. passenger's seat [less common than passenger seat] | Beifahrersitz {m} | |
| automot. pillar loop [seat belt] | Umlenker {m} [Sicherheitsgurt] | |
| hist. pol. Unverified proconsul seat [esp. when combined with a name: proconsul's seat] | Statthaltersitz {m} [römisches Reich] | |
| rear end [chainstays & seat stays and all linkages at the back] | Hinterbau {m} [Fahrrad] | |
| automot. rumble seat [Am.] [folding seat at the back of an automobile] | Notsitz {m} | |
| toilet trainer [toilet training seat for children] | Toilettentrainer {m} | |
3 Wörter: Verben |
| to lie down on sth. [seat, bed, floor] | sichAkk. auf etw.Akk. legen [Sitz, Bett, Boden] | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| geogr. pol. Australian Capital Territory <ACT> [formerly: The Territory for the Seat of Government, Federal Capital Territory] | ACT {n} [Australian Capital Territory] | |
| automot. traffic child car seat [child safety seat] | Kinderautositz {m} | |
| automot. child safety seat [car seat] | Rückhalteeinrichtung {f} [fachspr.] [Kindersitz für Kraftfahrzeuge] | |
| automot. infant safety seat [car seat] | Rückhalteeinrichtung {f} [fachspr.] [Kindersitz für Kraftfahrzeuge] | |
| med. seat belt signs [marks left by the seat belt after an accident] | Gurtmarken {pl} [bes. Abschürfungen nach Verkehrsunfällen] | |
| aviat. side stick / sidestick [short for: side-stick controller] [situated to one side of the pilot's seat] | (seitlich montierter) Steuerknüppel {m} [Sidestick, Seitenknüppel] | |
4 Wörter: Andere |
| by a narrow margin {adv} [e.g. win a parliamentary seat] | mit knapper Mehrheit [z. B. einen Parlamentssitz gewinnen] | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| automot. back of a car [back seat] | Fond {m} | |
| furn. bottom of a chair [seat] | Sitz {m} eines Stuhls | |
| split-front toilet seat [also: open- front toilet seat] | vorne offener WC-Sitz {m} | |
| hist. St. Paul's church, Frankfurt [seat of the first German parliament] | (Frankfurter) Paulskirche {f} | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| quote I like to think of life as a limousine. Though we are all riding together we must remember our places; there is a front seat and a back seat and a window in between. [Sabrina] | Das Leben ist wie eine Limousine. Wir fahren zwar alle zusammen, aber jeder von uns hat einen Platz. Es gibt einen Rücksitz und einen Vordersitz - mit einer Glasscheibe dazwischen. | |
| Won't you please sit down? [polite invitation to take a seat] | Wollen Sie nicht Platz nehmen? | |
| Writing consists of applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair. | Die Kunst liegt beim Schreiben darin, seinen Hosenboden auf dem Stuhl zu halten. | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| film F Identikit [also: The Driver's Seat] [Giuseppe Patroni Griffi] | Identikit | |
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