| Englisch | Deutsch | |
| noon {adj} [attr.] [taking place at or around noon] | 133 Mittags- | |
| sb. bustled [about / around; in; out; (back) into sth., over to; round sth.] | 25 jd. hastete [herum; herein; hinaus; (wieder) in etw. hinein; hinüber zu; um etw. herum] | |
| about {adv} [all around] | 11 ringsum | |
| for. [of a tree; so big that a man cannot put his arms around it with the fingertips just touching each other] {adj} | 10 übergriffig [veraltet] [Baumstamm, den ein Mann nicht umklaftern kann] | |
| wraparound {adj} [attr.] [also: wrap-around] [e.g. windscreen, sunglasses] | 9 Panorama- [z. B. Windschutzscheibe, Sonnenbrille] | |
| electr. material textil. twined {adj} {past-p} [coiled around sth.] | 5 verdrillt | |
| proverb [Only fools go around defacing things.] | Narrenhände beschmieren Tisch und Wände. | |
| [the other way round / around] {adv} | anders herum [FALSCH für: andersherum] | |
| about {adv} [all around] | ringsherum | |
| flourishable {adj} [can be waved around] | schwenkbar [geeignet herumzuschwenken] | |
| midafternoon {adv} [around 3 pm] | am Nachmittag [ca. 15 Uhr] | |
| sb. frisked [danced around] | jd. tanzte herum | |
| sixish [coll.] [around six years in age] | etwa sechs [nur prädikativ] [Altersangabe] | |
| sixish {adj} [coll.] [around six years in age] | etwa sechs Jahre alt | |
| surrounding {adj} [attr.] [standing around] | umherstehend | |
Verben |
| to reverse sth. [turn around] | 387 etw. herumdrehen | |
| to skirt sth. [form a border around] | 282 etw.Akk. umranden | |
| to mill [move around aimlessly] | 222 herumschlendern | |
| to wander [walk around casually] | 186 herumlaufen | |
| to frisk [leap around] | 99 hüpfen | |
| to straggle [wander around] | 94 umherstreifen | |
| to scamper [run around at great speed] | 48 umhersausen [ugs.] | |
| to stray [rove around, tramp] | 32 vagabundieren [umherstreifen] | |
| to round sth. [make a complete circuit around] | 25 etw.Akk. umrunden | |
| to flash [coll.] [to run around naked] | 21 flitzen [ugs.] [nackt herumlaufen] | |
| to round sth. [go around sth.] | 20 etw.Akk. umkurven [ugs.] [umfahren, umgehen] | |
| to embrace sth./sb. [to put one's arms around with the fingertips just touching each other; e.g. a tree, a person] | 11 etw./jdn. umklaftern [veraltet] [mit ausgebreiteten Armen umfassen (sodass sich die Fingerspitzen eben berühren); z. B. einen Baum od. Menschen] | |
| audio to pan sth. [to move sth. around in the stereo sound image] | 8 etw. pannen [etw. im Stereoklangbild verschieben] | |
| to obvolve [obs.] [to wrap around] | 7 umwickeln | |
| math. to circumscribe sth. [to construct one regular geometrical figure around another so as to touch as many points as possible] | 5 etw.Akk. umbeschreiben | |
| to tootle [esp. Br.] [coll.] [drive around at a leisurely pace] | 5 gondeln [ugs.] [ohne Eile (herum)fahren] | |
| to circulate [pass around] | die Runde machen [ugs.] [herumgereicht werden] | |
| to clench sth. [to clench one's fingers / hands around sth.] | die Finger / Hände um etw.Akk. krampfen | |
| to cluster [crowd around] | sich drängen | |
| to cluster [crowd around] | sich scharen | |
| to gawk [coll.] [to stand around gawking] | Maulaffen feilhalten [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| to gird sb. [literary] [put a belt around sb.'s waist] | jdm. einen Gürtel umlegen | |
| to maunder [move around in a dreamy manner] | verträumt herumgehen | |
| to moon [about, around, away] | seine Zeit vertun | |
| to turn [around] | sichAkk. umdrehen | |
Substantive |
| cloth. handkerchief [around the neck] | 60 Halstuch {n} | |
| anat. pleura [the lining around the lung] | 29 Brustfell {n} | |
| cloth. scarf [esp. worn around the waist] | 27 Schärpe {f} | |
| [rotating time period during which a resident of e.g. an apartment is responsible for cleaning shared areas in and around the building such as sidewalks, driveways, hallways, etc.] | 18 Kehrwoche {f} [südd.] [bes. schwäb.] | |
| anat. zool. pleura [the lining around the lung] | 18 Rippenfell {n} | |
| cloth. scarf [worn around the shoulders] | 16 Schultertuch {n} | |
| sports airflow [also airstream, flow of air around a moving person or vehicle] | 15 Fahrtwind {m} | |
| braids [Am.] [around one's head] | 13 Kranz {m} [Kranzfrisur] | |
| bot. ecol. tussock [small area of grass that is thicker or longer than the grass growing around it] | 11 Bülte {f} [nordd.] [grasbewachsene Bodenerhebung in Moor oder Bruch] | |
| med. print caduceus [winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it] | 8 Hermesstab {m} [geflügelter Stab mit zwei gewundenen Schlangen; auch Symbol für Medizin in den USA] [Unicode: U+2624 (9764)] | |
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