| Englisch | Deutsch | |
| educ. [a slacker when it comes to education] {adj} | 21 lernfaul | |
| Internet .edu [educational; domain name, United States-affiliated institutions of higher education] | [Internet-Domain: bes. für Universitäten in den USA] | |
| educ. Unverified [relating to curative / remedial education] {adj} | heilpädagogisch | |
| home {adj} [attr.] [e.g. address, number, education, life] | Privat- [z. B. Adresse, Nummer, Unterricht, Leben] | |
| mus. musical {adj} [e.g. instrument, education, studies] | Musik- [z. B. Instrument, Erziehung, Studium] | |
| educ. secondary {adj} [e.g. education, school] | Sekundar- [z. B. Ausbildung od. Bildung, Schule] | |
Verben |
| to finish sth. [school, education, task] | 782 etw. abschließen [beenden, fertigstellen] | |
Substantive |
| educ. literacy [possession of education] | 896 Bildung {f} [grundlegend] | |
| educ. culture [education] | 153 Bildung {f} | |
| illiteracy [lack of education] | 97 Ungebildetheit {f} | |
| yahoo [coll.] [rude and violent person, esp. one with little education] | 82 Saukerl {m} | |
| educ. [Lower Secondary Education] | 44 Hauptschule {f} [Hauptschulbildung] | |
| NEET [Br.] [Can.] [Not in Employment, Education, or Training] [also: neet] | 27 [(junge) Person, die sich nicht in Beschäftigung, Unterricht, Aus- oder Fortbildung befindet] | |
| educ. [Austrian secondary education school type with emphasis on science] | 10 Realgymnasium {n} <RG> [österr.] | |
| educ. [qualification for a teaching career in higher education] | 10 Habilitation {f} [Universität] | |
| admin. educ. [education authority in an Austrian state] | 6 Landesschulrat {m} [österr.] [in Wien: Stadtschulrat] | |
| [established part of one's general education] | 6 Bildungsgut {n} | |
| [coll. description of paramedical staff working in emergency services regardless of rank or education] | 5 Notarzthelfer {pl} [ugs.] [falsche Bezeichnung für das Rettungsdienstpersonal] | |
| illiteracy [ignorance, lack of education] | 5 Unbildung {f} | |
| theatre [a theatre providing the middle class with education and refinement] | Bildungstheater {n} [meist pej.] | |
| educ. [framework of standards for higher education] | Hochschulraum {m} [fig.] | |
| educ. [general higher education entrance qualification in Europe] | allgemeine Hochschulreife {f} [Abitur; österr., schweiz: Matura] | |
| hist. [institution / club for the education of workers] | Arbeiterbildungsheim {n} | |
| [leave for further training or education, paid for by the employment agency] | Bildungskarenz {f} [Österreich] | |
| educ. [school for continuing non-credit education of adults, predominantly in Nordic countries, Germany and Austria] | Volkshochschule {f} | |
| educ. [Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany] | Ständige Konferenz {f} der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Kultusministerkonferenz] | |
| educ. [vocational schools with higher education entrance qualification, Austria] | Berufsbildende Höhere Schulen {pl} <BHS> [österr.] | |
| educ. spec. coeducation [also: co-education] | Koedukation {f} | |
| educ. Hauptschule [secondary school in Germany, with lower secondary education (level 2) acc. to the ISCED] | Hauptschule {f} [Schulform mit dem Level 2 nach ISCED-Klassifikation der UNESCO] | |
| educ. inclusion [education of disabled and non-disabled students in the same classes] | schulische Integration {f} | |
| educ. spec. monoeducation [also: mono-education] | Monoedukation {f} | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| educ. to improve oneself [through education] | sichAkk. weiterbilden | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| action competence [personnel development, education and psychology] | Handlungskompetenz {f} [Personalentwicklung, Pädagogik und Psychologie] | |
| educ. sports boys' PE [physical education] | Jungensport {m} | |
| educ. sports boys' PE [physical education] | Jungenturnen {n} | |
| educ. distance learning [in higher education] | Fernstudium {n} | |
| educ. educational aid [financial aid for education] | Ausbildungshilfe {f} | |
| educ. sports girls' PE [physical education] | Mädchensport {m} | |
| educ. sports girls' PE [physical education] | Mädchenturnen {n} | |
| educ. inclusion class [special education] | Inklusionsklasse {f} | |
| acad. hist. Jewish quota [for higher education] | Judenquote {f} [an Universitäten] | |
| labor camp [Am.] [re-education camp, esp. in China] | Umerziehungslager {n} [Arbeitslager, bes. in China] | |
| educ. movement education [physical education] | Bewegungsunterricht {m} | |
| educ. orientation stage [first 2 years of secondary education] | Orientierungsstufe {f} | |
| cloth. educ. sports P.E. kit [physical education kit] [Am.] | Sportzeug {n} [ugs.] | |
| cloth. educ. sports PE kit [physical education kit] [Br.] | Sportzeug {n} [ugs.] | |
| educ. PE lesson [Br.] [physical education] | Turnstunde {f} | |
| educ. public instruction [Am.] [or dated] [public education] | öffentliches Schulwesen {n} | |
| jobs relig. RE teacher [Br.] [religious education teacher] | Religionslehrer {m} | |
| educ. student body [of an institution of higher education] | Studierendenschaft {f} | |
| educ. study program [Am.] [at a higher education institution] | Studiengang {m} | |
| educ. study programme [Br.] [at a higher education institution] | Studiengang {m} | |
| educ. values class [moral education] | Werteunterricht {m} | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| comm. educ. commercial high school [vocational school with higher education entrance qualification in Austria] | Handelsakademie {f} <HAK> [österr.] | |
| educ. law Compulsory Education Act [Austria] [Compulsory Schooling Act, School Education Act] | Schulpflichtgesetz {n} | |
| educ. pol. minister of education [female] [title: Minister of Education] | Bildungsministerin {f} | |
| educ. pol. minister of education [title: Minister of Education] | Bildungsminister {m} | |
| educ. sports physical education class [also: class in physical education] | Sportstunde {f} | |
| acad. study program name [Am.] [at a higher education institution] | Studiengangsbezeichnung {f} | |
| acad. study programme name [Br.] [at a higher education institution] | Studiengangsbezeichnung {f} | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| educ. jobs (Swiss) Federal VET Diploma [Federal Vocational Education and Training] | eidgenössisches Fähigkeitszeugnis {n} <EFZ> [schweiz.] | |
| educ. eleven-plus / 11-plus [test in the last year of primary education in some parts of England and Northern Ireland] | [Prüfung im letzten Jahr der Grundschule in Teilen von England und Nordirland] | |
5+ Wörter: Substantive |
| educ. remedial education and social pedagogy [see: special needs education] | Heilpädagogik und Sozialpädagogik [Studiengang, heute oft Sonderpädagogik] | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| educ. hist. F [German language education textbook] | Deutsche Spracherziehung [Rahn-Pfleiderer] [Unterrichtswerk an den (meistens) höheren Schulen] | |
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