\ Part of the ♦
A which was presented bj /|
G Messrs. R: L. AND A. Stuart. 'J
sec #10,861 V.3
Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661.
The history of the worthies
of England
Boundaries, &c. l. — Natural Comraodities : Fallow Deer, Parks, Wood, 1, 2. —
Buildings : Oxford University, the Library, 2-4 — Proverbs, 5-7 — Princes :
Richard son of Hen. II., Edmund son of Edw. I., Edward and Thomas sons of
Edw. III., Anne Beauchamp, 8-10 Saints: St. Frideswide, St. Edwold, St.
Edward the Confessor, 10, 11 Cardinals: Robert PuUen, Thomas Joyce, 12.
— Prelates : Herbert Losing, Owen Oglethorp, John Underbill, John Bancroft,
13,14, — Statesmen: Sir Dudley Carleton, 15 — Soldiers: of the Norrises and
KnowUs ; Henry Lord Norris, Sir Francis Knowils, Sir John Norris, 15-18 —
Writers: John Ilanvile, John of Oxford, Robert Bacon, Robert of Oxford,
Jeffrey Chaucer, Tho. Lydgate, Sir Rich. Baker, Wm. Whateley, John Balle,
Wm. Chillingworth, Dr. Daniel Featley, John White, 19-24 — Benefactors:
Tho. Tisdall, 25 Memorable Persons: Anne Greene, 26. — Lord Mayors:
Gentry, ib. — List of Sheriffs ; with notices of Wm. Taverner, Robt. Doyle, Wm.
Clarke, Rich. Fiennes, Rich. Wenman, 31-35. — The Farewell, 35 — Worthies
since the time of Fuller, and Works relative to the County, 35, 36.
Etymology, &c. 37. — Buildings : Burgley on the Hill, ib — Wonders : Proverbs,
38 Saints : St. Tibba, ib Benefactors : Wm. Browne, John Harrington, 39,
40. — Memorable Persons: .... Jeffrey, 40. — Gentry, 41 — List of Sheriffs;
with notices of Christ. Browne, 42-50. — The Farewell, 51. — Worthies since the
time of Fuller, and Works relative to the County, ib.
Boundaries, &c.: Natural Commodities : Iron, Coal, 52 — Manufactures: Build-
ings, 53— Medicinal Waters : Spring at Pitchford, ib. — Proverbs : Princes :
Rich. Plantagenet, 54 Saints ; St. Milburgh, St. Oswald, 55.— Confessors :
Tho. Gataker, 56 Prelates : Robt. of Shrewsbury, Robt. Burnel, Walter de
Wenlock, Ralph of Shrewsbuiy, Robt. Mascal, Rich. Talbote, Geo. Day, Wm.
Day, 56-60 Statesmen: Sir Tho. Bromley, Sir Clement Edmonds, 60, 61. —
Capital Judges: Edm. Plowden, Sir John Walter, Edw. Littleton, 61, 62 —
Soldiers: Sir John Talbot, Sir John Talbot, jun. 62, 63._Writers: Robert
of Shrewsbury, David of Chirbury, Robt. Langeland, Thos. Churchyard, Dr.
Thos. Holland. Abraham Whelock, 63-66.— Benefactors : Sir Roger Achley,
Sir Rowland Hill, Sir Thos. Adams, Wni. Adams, 66-67— Memorable Persons :
Thos. Parre, 68. — Lord Mayors, 68, 69. — Gentry, 69. — List of Sheriffs;
with notices of Nicholas de Sandford, John Cornwall, Roger Kinaston, Thos.
Mitton, Gilb. Talbot, Roger Owen, Rowland Cotton, Rich. Newport, 70-82 —
The Farewell, 82. Worthies since the time of Fuller, and Works relative to the
County, 82-84.
Boundaries, Etymology, &c. 85. — Natural Commodities : Lead, Lapis Calaminaris,
Cheese, Woad, Mastiffs, 85-87 Manufactures: Taunton Serges, 88.— Build-
ings : Bath Cathedral, Wells Cathedral, Montague House, Hinton St. George
House, 88-90. Wonders: Wookley Hole, 90.— Medicinal Waters : Springs at
Bath, ih Proverbs, 91, 92.— Saints : St. Dunstan, 92 — Martyrs : John Hooper,
if) Prelates : Joceline of Wells, Fulke of Samford, John of Samford, Thos.
Beckinton, Rich. Fitz-James, 93-95. —Statesmen : Sir Amias Poulett, 96 —
Capital Judges : Sir John Fitz-James, Sir John Portman, Sir David Brooke,
Sir Jas. Dyer, Sir John Popham, 96-98. — Soldiers : John Baron Courcy, Mat-
thew Gournay, 99, 100. — Seamen: Sir Amias Preston, ib — Writers: Gildas,
Maurice Somerset, Alex, of Essebie, Adamus de Marisco, Hen. Cuffe, Sir John
Harrington, Saml. Daniel, Humphry Sidenham, John Gibbon, Robt. Person,
John Fen, John Collington, 101-106 — Benefactors : Lady Mohun, Nich. Wad-
ham, Philip Biss, 106, 107 Memorable Persons : Sir John Champneis, Tho.
Coriat, 108 Lord Mayors, 109. — List of Sheriffs ; w'ith notices of John Paulet,
109-112. — Modern Battles: at Martial's Elm, at Langport, 112 The Fare-
well, 113.
Etymology, Situation, &c. 113. — Natural Commodities: Diamonds, ib. — Manufac-
tures: Gray Soap, 114. — Buildings: Ratcliffe Church, 115. — Medicinal Waters :
St. Vincent's Well, ib. — Proverbs, ib — Martyrs : Rich. Sharpe, Tho. Benion,
Tho. Hale, 116 Prelates: Ralph of Bristol, Tobias Matthew, ?7>.— Seamen :
Hugh Eliot, ib Writers : Tho. Norton, John Spine, John of Milverton, Wm.
Grocine, John Fowler, 117-119. — Benefactors: Robt. Thorn, Mary Dale, Dr.
Tho. White, 119, 120. — Lord Mayors : The Farewell, 121.
Worthies since the time of Fuller, and Works relative to the County, 121-123.
Boundaries, Fertility, &c. 124 — Natural Commodities: Alabaster, i6 Manufac-
tures: Nails, 125 — Buildings: Lichfield Cathedral, Lichfield Close, Tutbury
Ciustle, Dudley Castle, 125-127.— Proverbs, 127 Saints: St. Bertelin, St. Wol-
fadus, St. Ruffiuus, 128 — Cardinals: Reginald Pole, i6.— Prelates : Edm. Staf-
ford,Wm. Dudley, Edm. Audley, 130, 131.— Lawyers : Sir Thos. Littleton, Edm.
Dudley, Sir Thos. Bromley, 131-133.— Soldiers : John Bromley, John Dudley,
the Bagnols, 133, 134. — Seamen: Wm. Minors, 135 Writers: John Stafford,
Wm. de Lichfield, Robt. Whittington, Hen. Stafford, Sampson Erdeswicke,
Tho. Allen, Wm. and Kobt. Burton, Edw. Leigh, Elias Ashmole, Dr. John
Lightfoot, Dr. Wm. Gifford, 135-138 Benefactors: Marten Noel, 139
Memorable Persons: Tho. Tarlton, John Sands, Walter Parsons, 139, 140
Lord Mayors: Gentry, 141 — List of Sheriffs: with notices of Ranul. com.
Cestr. et Henr. de Aldicheleia, John de Aston, Brian Cornwal, Roger de Wir-
ley, Thos. Stanley, John Delves, Walt. Wrotesley, John Dudley, Wni. Bowyer,
143-155 Battles: at Hopton Heath, 155 — The Farewell, i6.— Worthies since
the time of Fuller, and Works relative to the County, 156, 157.
Boundaries, Extent, Air, 158 Natural Commodities: Cheese, Butter, ib — Manu-
factures: Clothing, 159. — Buildings: Churches in Bury, Town of Bury, Long
Melford, Somerley Hall, 159, 160. — Proverbs: 160, l6l Princes : Edm. Mor-
timer, 161 Saints: St. Edmund, Robt. Grosseteste, 162, 163. — Martyrs:
Rowland Taylor, Robt. Samuel, 164.— Cardinal: Thos. Wolsey, 165 — Prelates:
Herbert Losing, Rich. Angervile, John Paschal, Simon Sudbury, Thos. Ed-
wardston, Thos. Peverel, Steph. Gardiner, John Bale, John May, John Overal,
Leonard Mawe, Ralph Brownrigg, 166-171 Statesmen: Sir Nich. Bacon, Sir
Wm. Drury, Sir Robt. Naunton, 173-175.— Capital Judges : John de Metingham,
Sir John Cavendish, Sir Robt. Broke, 176, 177. — Soldiers: Sir Thos. Went-
worth, 178. — Seamen: Thos. Cavendish, 179. — Physicians: Wm. Butler, 180 —
Writers : Humph. Necton, John Horminger, Thomas of Ely, Rich. Lanham,
John Kinyngham, John Lydgate, John Barnyngham, John of Bury, Thos.
Scroope, Rich. Sibs, Wm. Alablaster, Saml. Ward, John Boise, Robt. Southwel,
181-187 Benefactors: Elizabeth Countess of Ulster, Sir Simon Eyre, Thos.
Spring, Wm. Coppinger, Sir Wm. Cordal, Sir Robt. Hicham, 1 87- 189.— Memo-
rable Persons : John Cavendish, Sir Thos. Cook, Sir'Wm. Capel, 189-190._Lord
Mayors, 191.— -List of Sheriffs; with notices of John Higham, Robt. Jermin,
Nich. Bacon, Thos. Crofts, Simonds Dewes, 192-195 — The Farewell, 196.-—
Worthies since the time of Fuller, and Works relative to the County, 196-198.
Boundaries and Soil, 199. — Natural Commodities : Fuller's Earth, Wall-nuts, Box,
198-200 Manufactures : Gardening, Tapestry, 200, 201. — Buildings : Richmond
Palace, None-such Palace, 202 Medicinal Waters : Ebsham, 203. — Wonders :
The Swallow, Subterranean Castle, 203-204. — Pi-overbs,204. — Princes: Henry son
of Henry VIII., Henry son of Charles I., ib Martyrs, 206. — Confessors : Lady
Eleanor Cobham, ib — Prelates: Nicholas of Fernham, Walter de Merton, Thos.
Cranley, Nich. West, John Parkhurst, Thos. Ravis, Robt. Abbot, Geo. Abbot,
Rich. Corbet, 206-21 1 Statesmen : Thos. Cromwel,Wm. Howard, Chas. Howard,
206-21 1 — Seamen : Sir Robt. Dudley, 212. — Writers : Nich. Ockham,Wm. Ock-
ham, John Holbrook, Geo. Ripley, Dr. Hen. Hammond, Nich. Sanders, 213-
216 — Benefactors : Henry Smith, 217. — Memorable Persons : Eliz. Weston, ib —
Gentry, 218-220, — List of Sheriffs; with notices of Hilarius Episcopus Chiches-
ter, Family of the Sacvils, John Ashburnham, John Lewkenor, Matth. Brown,
Nich. Carew, Thos. Garden, Sir Geo. Goring, 220-235. — To the Reader, 235. —
The Farewell, 236 Worthies since the time of Fuller, and Works relative to the
County, 236, 237.
Boundaries, Fertility, &c. 238.— Natural Commodities : Iron, Talc, Wheat-cars
Carps, 239, 240.— Manufactures : Great Guns, Glass, 241, 242 Buildings:
Chichester Cathedral, Arundel Castle, Petworth House, 242, 243. — Wonders :
Proverbs, 243. IMartyrs, 244 — Cardinals : Herbert de Boshara, ib. — Prelates :
John Peckham, Robt. Wiuchelsey, Tho. Bradwardine, Tho. Arundell, Hen. Bur-
wash, Wui. Barlow, Wm. Juxon, Acceptus Frewen, 245-250— Statesmen :
Tho. Sackvill, 251 Capital Judges: Sir J. Jeffry — Soldiers: the Abbot of
Battle, Sir Wm. Pelham, Sir 'Anthony Shirley, Sir Robt. Shirley, Sir Tho.
Shirley, 252-255 — Physicians: Nich. Hostresham, 256. — Writers: Laurence.
Somercote, John Driton, John Wiuchelsey, Wm. Pemble, Tho. Cliune, Tho. May,
John Selden, Gregory INIartine, Tho. Stapleton, 256-261. — Benefactors: Rich.
Sackvill, 262. — Memorable Persons: John, Hen., and Tho. Palmer, Leonard
Mascall, Wm. Withers, 262, 263.— Gentry, 263 — List of Sheriffs, 264, 265.
— The Farewell, 265. — Worthies since the time of Fuller, and Works relative to
the County, 266.
Boundaries, &c. 267 — Natural Commodities: Sheep, Ash, Coal, 267, 268 — Build-
ings : Churches of Coventry, St. Mary's in Warwick, Kenilworth Castle, Cross
of Coventry, 268, 269 — Wonders : Leamington Springs, 270. — Medicinal Wa-
ters : Spring at Newnham Regis, ib. — Proverbs, 270, 271. — Princes : Anne Nevill,
Edw. Plantagenet, 272, 273 — Saints: St. Wolstan, 274 — Martyrs: Laurence
Sanders, Robt. Glover, Cornelius Bongey, John Carles, Julius Palmer, 275. —
Confessors: John Glover, ib — Cardinals: Wm. Maklesfield, Pet. Petow, 275 >
276. — Prelates: John Stratford, Ralph Stratford, Robt. Stratford, John
Vesty, John Bird, 276-279. — Statesmen : Sir Nich. Throckmorton, Sir Edw.
Conway, John Lord Digby, 280, 281 Writers : Walter of Coventry, Vincent of
Coventry, John of Killingworth, William of Coventry, John Rouse, Wm. Per-
kinS; Dr. Tho. Drax, Wm. Shakspcare, Mich. Drayton, Sir Fulke Grevil, Nich.
Byfield, Dr. Philemon Holland, Francis Holyoake, Jas. Cranford, Wm. Bishop,
281-289. — Benefactors: Hugh Clopton, John Hales, John Lord Harrington.
290. — Memorable Persons : Tho. Underbill, 291 Lord Mayors : Gentry, 292.
— List of Sheriffs ; with notices of An. Shugburgh, Rich. Verney, Fran. Leigh,
Sim. Archer, Tho. Leigh, 293-297— Battle of Edgehill, 297 — The Farewell,
293. — Worthies since the time of Fuller, and Works relative to the County,
Boundaries, Sterility, &c. 301. — Manufactures: Kendal Cottons, 302 Proverbs,
ib — Princes: Kath. Parr, ib. — Cardinals: Christ. Bambridge, 303. — Prelates:
Tho. Vipont, John de Kirkby, Tho. de Appleby, Rog. de Appleby, Wm. of
Strickland, Nich. Close, Hugh Coron, Barnaby Potter, 303-306.— Statesmen :
Sir Edw. Bellingham, 306 — Writers: Rich. Kendal, Bernard Gilpin, Rich.
Mulcastcr, Dr. Christ. Potter, 307-309 Benefactors : Dr. Robt. Langton,
Dr. Miles Spencer, Anne Clyfford, 309, 310 Memorable Persons: Rich.
Gilpin, 310— Lord Mayor, 31 1.— Sheriffs : Robt. de Vipont, ib.— The Fare-
well, ib. — Worthies since the time of Fuller, and Works relative to the County,
312, 313.
Boundaries, &c. 314.— Natural Commodities : Wool, ?7;.— Manufactures : Clothmg,
Tobacco-pipes, 314, 315. — Buildings: Salisbury Cathedral, 316. — Wonders:
Stonehenge, Knot-grass, 317,318 Proverbs, 319. — Princes: Marg. Planta-
genet, Jane Seymour, 319, 320. — Saints: St. Adelme, St. Edith, 320, 321
Martyrs : Rich. Smart, John Spicer, Wm. Coberly, John Maundrell, 321, 322.
— Confessors : John Hunt, Rich. White, Alice Coberly, 322. — Cardinals : Walt.
Winterburn, Robt. Halam, 322, 323. — Prelates : Johannes Sarisburiensis, Rich.
Poore, Wm. Edendon, Rich. Mayo, John Thorneborough, John Buckbridge,
323-327 — Statesmen: Edw. Seimor, Thos. Seimor, Sir Oliver St. John, Sir
James Ley, Sir Fran. Cottington, 327, 329. — Capital Judges : Sir Nich. Hyde,
Edw. Hyde earl of Clarendon, 329, 330. — Soldiers : Hen. d'Anvers, 330, 331 —
Writers: Oliver of Malmesbury, Wm. Malmesbury, Robt. Canutus, Richard of
the Devises, Godwin of Salisbury, John of Wilton, John of Wilton, jun., John
Chylmark, Dr. Thomas of Wilton, Wm. Horeman, 331-335 — Masters of Music :
Wm. Lawes, 336. — Benefactors: T. Stumps, 337. — Memorable Persons: ....
Sutton of Salisbury, Michel, .Sir James ...., 337, 338 — Lord Mayors, 338 —
Gentry : LordWm.Hungerford,Wm.Westbery, Dav.Cerington, 338-340. — List of
Sheriffs ; with notices of Hen. Sturmy, John Basket, Tho. Thin, Walt. Vaughan,
Fran. Seymour, 341-353 Battles : Lansdown Fight, Roundway Fight, 353, 354,
— The Farewell, 354. — Worthies since the time of Fuller, and Works relative to
the County, 354-357.
Boundaries and Divisions, 358 — Natural Commodities : Lampreys, Perry, Salt,
258, 359.— Buildings: Worcester Cathedral, 360 — Saints: St. Richard, ib —
Cardinals: John Comin, Hugh of Evesham, 361, 362 — Prelates: Wulstan of
Braundsford, John Lowe, Edm. Bonner, John Watson, 362-364 — Statesmen:
Sir Thos. Coventry, 365.— Writers on the Law : Sir Thos. Littleton, 366 —
Soldiers: Rich. Beauchamp earl of Warwick, 367, 368. — Physicians and Che-
mists: Sir Edw. Kelley, 369.— Writers : Florence of Worcester, John Wallis,
Elias de Evesham, Wm. Packington, Sir Edwin Sandys, Dr. Pdch. Smith,
John Marshall, Robt. Bristow, Hen. Holland, 370-374 — Masters of Music :
Walter of Evesham, 374. — Benefactors : Rich. Dugard, ib Memorable Per-
sons : John Feckenham, Hen. Bright, 375, 376 Lord Mayors, 376. — List of
Sheriffs ; with notices of Johannes Savage, Wm. Compton, John Russel, John
Packington, Rich. Walsh, 376-383. — The Battles: Worcester Fight, 383
Panegyric on Charles II. 385-388 The Farewell, 388. — Worthies since the
time of Fuller, and Works relative to the County, 389, 390.
Boundaries, Fertility, and Opulence, 391 Natural Commodities: Geat, Alum,
Lime, Horses, 392-394 Manufactures: Knives, Pins, 395. — Medicinal Wa-
ters : Petrifying Well, St. Mungus's Well, 396, 397- — Buildings : Beverley
Church, Wresel Castle, 397 Proverbs, 398 Princes : Henry son of William
duke of Normandy, Thomas son of Edward I., Richard Plantagenet duke of
York, Edward son of Richard III. 399, 400.— Saints: St. Hilda, Benedict
Biscop, St. John of Beverley, Thos. Plantagenet, Rich. Role, John of Birling-
ton, Wra. Sleightholme, 401-404 Martyrs, 405 Confessors, 406: Cardinals :
John Fisher, z7;.— Prelates : Eustathius de Fauconbridge, William de Melton,
Hen. Wakefield, Rich. Scroopc, Steph. Patrington, Wm. Percy, Cuthbert Ton-
stal, Ralph Baines, Thos. Bentham, Edm. Guest, Miles Coverdale, Adam
Loftus, Geo. Mountaine, 407-413 — CapitalJudges : Sir Wm. Gascoigne, Guido
de Fairfax, Sir Rog. Cholmley, Sir Christ. Wray, 413-415 Statesmen: Sir
John Puckering, Sir Geo. Calvert, Thos. Wentworth earl of Strafford, 416-418.
Seamen: Armigel Waad, Sir Martin Frobisher, Geo. Lord Clifford, 418, 419.
— Physicians: Sir Geo. Ripley, Thos. Johnson, 420-422,— Writers ; Alphred
of Beverley, Gulielmus Rehievailensis, Ealread abbot of Rievaulx, Walt. Da-
niel, Robert the Scribe, Peter of Ripon, William of Newborough, Rog. Hove-
den, John of Halifax, Robertus Persoriitator, Tho. Castleford, John Gower,
John jNIarre, Tho. Gascoigne, John Harding, Hen. Parker, Sir Fran. Bigot,
Wilfrid Holme, Tho. Roberson, Wm. Hugh, Rog. Ascliam, Sir Hen. Savil, Tho.
Taylor, Nath. Shute, Josiah Shute, Geo. Sandys, John Saltmarsh, Jer. Whitacre,
422-436.— Romish Exile Writers : John Young, John Mush, 436, 437. — Bene-
factors : Tho. Scot, John Alcocke, 437, 438 Memorable Persons : Paulinus de
Leeds, William de la Pole, 439. — Lord Mayors, ib. — Gentry, 440, 441. — Fare-
well of the English Gentry, 441 — List of Sheriffs ; with nolices of Simon Ward,
Thos. de Rokeby, Tlios. Rokeby, Halvatlieus Maulever, Hen. Bromfleet, Edm.
Talbot, Hen. Vavasor, Kadulphus Eure, Wm. Percy, Nich. Fairfax, Christ. Met-
calfe, Geo. Bowes, Robt. Stapleton, Fran. Clifford, Hen. Bellasis, Hen. Slingsby,
Geo. Savill, John Ramsden, 442-457. — Battles, 457-459. — The Farewell, 459.
Antiquity, &c. 460.— Manufactures, ib. — Buildings: the Cathedral, f^.— Proverbs,
461 Saints: Flaccus Albinus, St. Sewald, 461-463. —- Martyrs : Valentine
Freese, 463 — Confessors: Edw. Freese, ib Prelates: John Roman, Robt.
Walbey, Tlios. Morton, 464-466.— Statesmen : Sir Robt. Car, 466 Writers :
John Walbye, John Erghom, Rich. Stock, 467, 468. — Memorable Persons : John
Lepton, 468. — Lord Mayors : the Farewell, 469.
Worthies since the time of Fuller, and Works relative to the County, 469-474.
Preface, 477.— Boundaries, Division, &c. 479.— The Soil, 480.— Natural Com-
mudities: Silver, Royal Mines, Coinage, Lead, Goats, 481-484.-Manufactures •
Fneze, Cbeese, Metlieglen, 485, 486._Buil(]ings, 487, 488. _ Proverbs, 488
48y.--Princes, 489.— Confessors : Walt. Brute, Nich. Hereford, Phil. RepingI
ton Reg. Peacock, 490-492.-Popes: Cardi,mls, 492.-Prelates : Marbod Evanx,
Ualt. de Coj.stantiis, Caducanus, Hugh Jobnes, Dr. John Philips, 493-495.—
Physicians ; Robt. Recorde, Thos. Phaier, Albane Hill, 496, 497.-Writers :
Petrok Gildas the Fourlh, Blegabride Langauride, Sale),hilax tl)e Bard, Gwalte-
PI ^^,\""\7' ^'^^^o Brytannus, Wm. Breton, Utred Bolton, John Gwent, John
J^tle David Boys, Sir John Rhese, Jolui Griffin, Hugh Broughton, Hugh Hol-
land, 497-503. The Farewell, 504.-Works relative to the Principality and the
Counties thereof, 504, 505.
Etymology and Situation, 506 Mill-stones, ib Wonders: Subterraneous Trees,
507.— Proverbs, 508.— Prelates : Guido de Mona, Arth. Bulkley, Dr. Wm. Glyn,
Rouland Merrick, Lancelot Bulkley, 508-510 Seamen: Madoc, 510.— Sheriffs :
The Farewell, 511.
Boundaries, Soil, &c. 512. — Natural Commodities : Otters, ?6. — Wonders: in the
Air, Mounch-denny Hill ; in the Water, Mear Llynsavathan ; in the Earth,
City of Loventrium, 513, 514 Saints: St. Keyne, St. Canoch, St. Cadock,
St. Clintanke, 514,515 Prelates : Giles de Bruse, Thos. Howel, 515 — States-
men ; Hen. Stafford, 516 Memorable Persons: Nesta, ib. — The Farewell, 517.
Boundaries, &c. 518 Natural Commodities : Beavers, f6 — Proverbs, 519,520. —
The Farewell, 520.
Boundaries, &c,, Golden Grove, 521. — Wonders : Subtei-ranean Vaults, ib. — Martyrs :
Robt. Farrar, ib —Soldiers: Sir Rice ap Thomas, Walt. deDevereux, 522-524 —
Writers : Ambrose Merlin, 524 The Farewell, 525.
Boundaries, &c. 526.— Wonders : Floating Island, 26. — Proverbs: Princes, 527. —
Saints, 528 Statesmen: John Williams, ib Prelates: Rich. Vaughan, Hen.
Rowlands, 528, 529.— The Farewell, 529.
Boundaries, &c. 530 Natural Commodities : Amelcorne, ib. — Buildings : Wrex-
ham Church Organs; Holt Castle, 531.— Prelates : Leoline, Godfrey Goodman,
531, 532. — Writers: Wm. Salesbury, 533 Benefactors: Sir Thos. Exmew,
Gabriel Goodman, Sir Hugh Middleton, 633, 534. — The Farewell: the New
River, 535.
Etymology, Boundaries, &c. 536 Proverbs, 537 Princes: Elizabeth, ib
Saints : St. Congellus, St. Beno, St. Asaph, 537-539— Prelates : Rich. Parry,
539. — Soldiers : Owen Glendower-Wye, ^7>.— V/riters : Elvodugus, Dr. Meredith
Hanmer, 540 Benefactors: Rich. Clough, ib — Memorable Persons : Thos. ap
William, 541x— The Farewell, ib.
Boundaries, &c. 542.— Wonders : Barrey Island, Well at Newton, z6.— Civilians :
Sir Edw. Carne, 542, 543.— The Farewell, 543.
Boundaries, &c. Le Herbert, 545.— Wonders : Pimble-mear, z6.— Saints : St. The-
lian, 546. — The Farewell, 547.
Boundaries, Fertility, &c. 54S.— Natural Commodities: Horses, ib. — Proverbs, 548,
549 Writers: Geo. Herbert, Edw. Herbert, 549, 550.— Memorable Persons:
Hawis Gadarn, Juliues Herring, 550, 551 — The Farewell, 552.
Boundaries, Produce, original Population, 553 Natural Commodities: Falcons,
ib The Buildings; St. David's Cathedral, 553, 554.— Princes ; Hen. Tuthar,
554, 555 Saints : St. Justinian, 555. — ^Writers : Giraldus Cambrensis, 555-557.
—The Farewell, 557.
Boundaries, Etymology, Melieneth, Raihader Gowy, 558; — Princes: Prelates:
Elias de Radnor, Guilielmus de Radnor, ib. — The Farewell, 559.
INDEX of SUBJECTS, contained in the three Volumes 561
INDEX of PROPER NAMES, contained in the three Volumes 566
Oxfordshire hath Berkshire (divided first by the Isis, then
by the Thames) on the south ; Gloucestershire on the west ;
Buckinghamshire on the east ; Warwick and Northampton-shires
on the north. It aboundeth with all things necessary for man's
life ; and I understand that hunters and falconers are no where
better pleased. Nor needeth there more pregnant proof of
plenty in this place^ than that lately Oxford was for some years
together a courts a garrison^ and an university ; during which
time it was well furnished with provisions on reasonable rates.
And why of these in Oxfordshire ? why not rather in North-
amptonshire, where there be the most, or in Yorkshire, where
there be the greatest, parks in England ? It is because John
Rous of Warwick telleth me, that at Woodstock in this county
was the most ancient park in the whole land, encompassed with
a stone wall by king Henry the first.
Let us premise a line or two concerning Parks ; the case, be-
fore we come to what is contained therein.
1. The word parens appears in Varro (derived, no doubt, a
parcendo, to spare or save) for a place wherein siich cattle are
2. There is mention once or twice in Domesday-book of par-
ous^ silvestris bestiarum, which proveth parks in England before
the Conquest.
3. Probably such ancient parks (to keep J. Rous in credit
and countenance) were only paled, and Woodstock the first that
was walled about.
X Camden's Britannia, in Oxfordshire.
4. Parks are since so multiplied, that there be more in Eng-
land than in all Europe besides.*
The deer therein^, when living, raise the stomachs of gentle-
men with their sport ; and, when dead, allay them again with
their flesh. The fat of venison is conceived to be (but I would
not have deer-stealers hear it) of all flesh the most vigorous
nourishment, especially if attended with that essential addition
which Virgil coupleth therewith :
Implcntur veteris Bacchi jniigidsque feriace.
" Old wine did their thirst allay, fat venison hunger.''
But deer are daily diminished in England, since the gentry
are necessitated into thrift, and forced to turn their pleasure
into profit: "Jam seges est ubi parens erat;^^ and, since the
sale of bucks hath become ordinary, I believe, in process of
time, the best stored park will be found in a cooFs shop in
Plenty hereof doth, more hath, grown in this county, being
daily diminished. And indeed the woods therein are put to too
hard a task in their daily duty (viz. to find fuel and timber for
all the houses in, and many out of, the shire) ; and they cannot
hold out, if not seasonably relieved by pit- coal found here, or
sea-coal brought hither. This minds me of a passage wherein
Oxford was much concerned. When Shot-over woods (being
bestowed by king Charles the First on a person of honour) w^ere
likely to be cut down, the university by letters laboured their
preservation ; wherein this among many other pathetical expres-
sions, " Tliat Oxford was one of the eyes of the land, and Shot-
over woods the hair of the eyelids ; the loss whereof must needs
prejudice the sight, with too much moisture flowing therein.^'
This retrenched that design for the present ; but in what case
those woods stand at this day, is to me unknown.
The colleges in Oxford, advantaged by the vicinity of fair
free-stone, do for the generality of their structure carry away the
credit from all in Christendom, and equal any for the largeness
of their endowments.
It is not the least part of Oxford's happiness, that a moiety
of her founders were prelates (whereas Cambridge hath but three
episcopal foundations, Peter-house, Trinity-hall, and Jesus) ;
who liad an experimental knowledge what belonged to the ne-
cessities and conveniences of scholars, and therefore have accom-
modated them accordingly ; principally in providing them the
patronages of many good benefices, whereby the fellows of those
* Camden's Britannia, in Oxfordshire.
colleges are plentifully maintained, after tlieir leaving of the
Of the colleges, University is the oldest, Pembroke the
youngest, Christ Church the greatest, Lincoln (by many re-
puted) the least, Magdalen the neatest, Wadham the most uni-
form. New College the strongest, and Jesus College (no fault
but its unhappiness) the poorest ; and if I knew which was the
richest, I would not tell, seeing concealment in this kind is the
safest. New College is most proper for southern, Exeter for
western, Queen's for northern, Brasen-nose for north-western
men, St. John's for Londoners, Jesus for Welshmen ; and^ at
other colleges almost indifferently for men of all countries.
Merton hath been most famous for schoolmen. Corpus Christi
(formerly called Trihngue Collegium) for linguists, Christ
Church for poets. All-souls for orators. New College for civi-
lians, Brasen-nose for disputants. Queen's College for metaphy-
sicians, Exeter for a late series of Regius professors ; Magdalen
for ancient, St. John's for modern, prelates ; and all eminent
in some one kind or other. And if any of these colleges were
transported into foreign parts, it would alter its kind (or degree
at least) and presently of a college proceed an university, as equal
to most, and superior to many, academies beyond the seas.
Before I conclude with these colleges, I must confess how
much I was posed v/ith a passage which I met with in the epis-
tles of Erasmus, writing to his familiar friend Ludovicus Vives,
then residing in Oxford, in CoUegio Apinn, in the College of Bees,
according to his direction of his letter. I knew all colleges
may metaphorically be termed the Colleges of Bees, wherein the
industrious scholars live under the rule of one master, in which
respect St. Hierome* advised Rusticus the monk to busy him-
self in making bee-hives, that from thence he might learn ^^mo-
nasteriorum ordinem et regiam disciplinam," (the order of mo-
nasteries and discipline of kingly government. But why any
one college should be so signally called, and which it was, I was
at a loss ; till at last seasonably satisfied that it was Corpus
Christi ; whereon no unpleasant story doth depend.
In the year 1630, the leads over Vives's study, being decayed,
were taken up, and new cast ; by which occasion the stall was
taken, and with it an incredible mass of honey»t But the bees,
as presaging their intended and imminent destruction (whereas
they were never known to have swarmed before) did that spring
(to preserve their famous kind) send down a fair swarm into the
president's garden ; the which, in the year 1633, yielded two
swarms ; one whereof pitched in the garden for the president ;
the other they sent up as a new colony into their old habitation,
there to continue the memory of this mellifluous doctor, as the
university styled him in a letter to the cardinal.
* In Epistola ad Rusticum monachum. f Butler, of Bees, p. 23.
B 2
It seems these bees were aborigines from the first building
of the college, being called Collegium Apum in the founder's sta-
tutes ; and so is John Claymand, the first president thereof^
saluted by Erasmus.*
If the schools may be resembled to the ring, the library may
the better be compared to the diamond therein ; not so much
for the bunching forth beyond the rest, as the preciousness
thereof, in some respects equaUing any in Europe, and in most
kinds exceeding all in England : yet our land hath been ever
4>/Xo/jt/3\oc, much given to the love of books ; and let us fleet
the cream of a few of the primest libraries in all ages.
In the infancy of Christianity, that at York bare away the
bell, founded by archbisho}) Egbert (and so highly praised by
Alevinus in his epistle to Charles the Great) ; but long since
Before the dissolution of abbeys, when all cathedrals and
convents had their libraries, that at Ramsey was the greatest
Rabbin, spake the most and best Hebrew, abounding in Jewish
and not defective in other books.
In that age of lay-libraries (as I may term them, as belong-
ing to the city) I behold that pertaining to Guildhall as a prin-
cipal, founded by Richard Whittington, whence three cart-loads
of choice manuscripts were carried in the reign of king
Edward the Sixth, on the promise of [never performed]
restitution, t
Since the Reformation, that of Bene't in Cambridge hath for
manuscripts exceeded any (thank the cost and care of Mat-
thew Parker) collegiate library in England.
Of late, Cambridge library, augmented with the Arch-epis-
copal library of Lambeth, is grown the second in the land.
As for private libraries of subjects, that of treasurer Burleigh
was the l^est, for the use of a statesman, the lord Lumbers for
an historian, the late earl of Arundel's for an herald. Sir Robert
Cotton's for an antiquary, and archbishop Usher's for a
Many other excellent libraries there were of particular per-
sons : lord BrudenelPs, lord Hatton's, &c. routed by our civil
wars ; and many books which scaped the execution are fled
[transported] into France, Flanders, and other foreign parts.
To return to Oxford library, which stands like Diana
amongst her nymphs, and surpasseth all the rest for rarity and
multitude of books ; so that, if any be wanting on any subject.
It IS because the world doth not afford them. This Ubrary
was founded by Humphrey the good duke of Gloucester ; con-
founded, in the reign of king Edward the Sixth, by those who
* In Castigationem Chrysostomi Conclusiuncularum de Fato.
I atow, in his Survey of London.
I list not to name ; re-founded by worthy Sir Thomas Bodley,
and the bomity of daily benefactors.
As for the king^s houses in this county, Woodstock is justly
to be preferred, where the wood and water nymphs might
equally be pleased in its situation. Queen Elizabeth had a
great affection for this place, as one of her best remembrancers
of her condition when a prisoner here (in none of the best lodg-
ings) in the reign of her sister. Here she escaped a dangerous
fire, but whether casual or intentional God knoweth. Here,
hearing a milk-maid merrily singing in the park, she desired
exchange of estates, preferring the poorest liberty before the
richest restraint. At this day it is a fair, was formerly a fairer,
fabric, if the labyrinth built here by king Henry the Second
answered the character of curiosity given it by authors. But
long since the labyrinth (time, without the help of Ariadne^s
clue of silk, can unravel and display the most intricate building)
is vanished away.
Nor must Enston hard by be forgotten ; which though some
sullen soul may recount amongst the costly trifles, the more
ingenious do behold as Art's pretty comment, as Nature's plea-
sant text ; both so intermingled, that art in some sort may seem
natural, and nature artificial therein. It was made by Thomas
Bushel, esq., sometime servant to Francis Bacon lord Verulam.
Now because men's expectations are generally tired with the
tedious growing of w^ood, here he set hedges of full growth,
which thrived full well, so that where the former left no plants,
the following year found trees grown to their full perfection.
In a word, a melancholy mind may here feast itself to a surfeit
with variety of entertainments. But rarities of this nature are
never sufficiently described till beheld.
" You wei-e born at Hogs-Norton."]
This is a village, properly called Hoch-Norton, whose inha-
bitants (it seems formerly) were so rustical in their behaviour,
that boorish and clownish people are said born at Hoffs-^orton,
" To take a Burford bait."]
This it seems is a bait, not to stay the stomach but to
lose the wit thereby, as resolved at last into drunkenness. If
the fair-market of Burford in this county be so much guilty of
this foul sin, it is high time to damn the words of this pro-
verb, and higher to detest the practice thereof. Otherwise
Burford-bait m.ay have a hook therein, to choke such souls as
swallow it, without their sincere and seasonable repentance.
" Banbui-y zeal, cbrese, and cakes."]
I admire to find these joined together in so learned an
author as Mr. Camden,* affirming that town famed for these
* Britannia, in Oxfordshire, p. 376.
three things — quam male conveniunt ! and though zeal be
deservedly put first, how inconsistent is it with his gravity and
goodness/ to couple a spiritual grace with matters of coporeal
repast : so that, if spoken in earnest, it hath more of a pro-
fane than pious pen ; if in jest, more of a libeller than
But, to qualify the man, no such words are extant in the
Latin Camden ; where only we read, " Nunc autem conficiendo
caseo oppidum notissimum, castrum ostendit," &c.
Secondly, it being in the English translated by Philemon
Holland, was at the first (as I have been credibly informed) a
literal mistake of the printers' (though not confessed in the
errata) set forth in anno Domini 1608 ; zeal being put for veal
in that place.
But w^hat casual in that, may be suspected wilful in the next
and last edition, anno 1637^ where the error is continued out of
design to nick the town of Banbury, as reputed then a place
of precise people, and not over-conformable in their carriage.
Sure I am that Banbury had a gracious, learned, and painful
minister;* and this town need not be ashamed of, nor grieved
at, what scoffers say or write thereof; only let them add know-
ledge to their zeal, and then the more of zeal the better their
" He looks as the devil over Lincoln."]
Some fetch the original of this proverb from a stone picture
of the devil, which doth (or lately did) over look Lincoln Col-
lege. Surely the architect intended it no farther than for an
ordinary antic, though beholders have since applied those ugly
looks to envious persons, repining at the prosperity of their
neighbours, and jealous to be overtopt by their vicinity.
The Latins have many proverbs parallel hereunto, to express
the ill aspects of malevolent spectators ; as '^ Cyclopicus obtu-
tus," and the Cyclops, we know, were deformed at the best
(envy makes a good face look ill, and a bad look worse), " Vul-
tus Titanicus," ^* Vultus Scythicus,'' " Limis oculis os obhque
inspicere," "Thynni more videre ''. (to look like a tJmny), a
fish which, as Aristotle saith, hath but one eye, and that, as
some will have it, on the left side; so full is malice of sinis-
ter acceptions.
To return to our English proverb, it is conceived of more
antiquity than either of the fore-named colleges, though the
secondary sense thereof lighted not unhappily, and that it
related originally to ihe cathedral churcli in Lincoln. t
^ '• Teslons are gone to Oxford,:}: to study in Brazen-nose."]
This proverb l^egan about the end of the reign of king Henry
the Eiglith, and happily ended about the middle of the reign
• Mr. WiUiam Whaley, of whom hereafter iu tliis county.
•j- Vide supra, iu Lincolushire.
X J. Heywood, iu his Five Hundred Epigrams, num. 63.
of queen Elizabeth ; so that it continued in use not full fifty
This the occasion thereof; king Henry the Eighth, as his
in-comes, so his out-goings, were greater than any English king^s
since the Conquest. And it belongs not to me to question the
cause of either. Sure it is, as he was always taking he was
always wanting: and the shower of abbey-lands being soon over
his drought for money was as great as ever before. This made
him resolve on the debasing thereof, testons especially (a coin
worth sixpence, corruptly called tester) : so that their intrinsic
value was not worth above three shillings and four pence the
ounce, to the present jDrofit of the sovereign, and future loss of
the subjects. Yea, so allayed they were with copper (which
common people confound with brass), and looked so red there-
with, that (as my author saith) " they blushed for shame, as
conscious of their own corruption.^^*
King Edward the Sixth and queen Mary earnestly endea-
voured the reduction of money to the true standard (and indeed
the coin of their stamping is not bad in itself) ; but could not
compass the calling in of all base money, partly through the
shortness of their reigns, and partly through the difficulty of the
design. This, by politic degrees, was effected by queen Eliza-
beth, with no great prejudice to t;he then present age, and grand
advantage to all posterity, as is justly mentioned on her monu-
ment in Westminster.
" Send verdingalcs to Broad Gatesf in Oxford.' 'J]
This will acquaint us with the female habit of former ages,
used not only by the gadding Dinahs of that age but by most
sober Sarahs of the same, so cogent is a common custom.
With these verdingales the gowns of women beneath their
waists were pent-housed out far beyond their bodies ; so that
posterity will wonder to what purpose those bucklers of paste-
board were employed.
Some deduce the name from the Belgic verd-gard (derived,
they say, from virg a virgin, and garder to keep and preserve) ;
as used to secure modesty, and keep wantons at distance. Others
more truly fetch it from vertu and galle ; because the scab and
bane thereof, the first inventress thereof being known for a light
house-wife, who, under the pretence of modesty, sought to cover
her shame and the fruits of her Avantonness.
These by degrees grew so great, that their wearers could not
enter (except going sidelong) at any ordinary door ; which gave
* J. Heywood, ibidem, num. 64.
t Pembroke College, in Oxford, which originally belonged to the priory of St.
Frideswide, was for a long time known by the name of Segrira, or corruptly, Segreve
Hall ; and afterwards received the name of Broad-gates, from the wide form of its
entrance, " Aula cum lata porta, or Aula late portensis." (Chalmer's History of the
Colleges, &c. of Oxford, 1810, vol. ii. p. 417) — Ed.
X J. Heywood, in his Five Hundred Epigrams, num. 63.
the occasion to this proverb. But these verdingales have been
disused this forty vears ; whether because women were convinced
in tlieir consciences of the vanity of this^ or allured in their
fancies with the novelty of other fashions^ I will not determine.
*' Chronica si ]>enses, cum pvgnent Oxonienses
^ Fast aliquot menses volat ira per Angliginenses."
" Mark the chronicles aright,
When Oxford scholars fall to fight,
Before many months expir'd
England will with war be fir'd."]
I confess Oxonienses may import the broils betwixt the towns-
men of Oxford, or townsmen and scholars ; but I conceive it
properly to intend the contests betwixt scholars and scholars ;
which were observed predictional, as if their animosities were
the index of the volume of the land. Such who have time may
exactly trace the truth hereof through our English histories.
Sure I am, there were shrewd bickerings betwixt the southern
and northern men in Oxford in the reign of king Henry the
Third, not long before the bloody war of the barons did begin.
The like happened twice under king Richard the Second, which
seemed to be the van-courier of the fatal fights betwixt Lan-
caster and York. However, this observation holds not nega-
tively ; all being peaceable in that place, and no broils at Ox-
ford sounding the alarum to our late civil dissensions.
Richard, son to king Henry the Second and queen Eleanor,
was (the sixth king since the Conquest, but second native of
England) born in the city of Oxford, anno 1157. Whilst a
prince, he was undutiful to his father ; or, to qualify the matter,
over- dutiful to his mother, whose domestic quarrels he always
espoused. To expiate his offence, when king, he, with Philip
king of France, undertook a voyage to the Holy Land, where,
through the treachery or Templary cowardice of the Greeks, di-
versity of the climate, distance of the place, and differences be-
twixt Christian princes, much time was spent, a mass of money
expended, many lives lost, some honour achieved, but little
profit produced. Going to Palestine he suffered shipwreck and
many mischiefs on the coast of Cyprus ; coming for England
through Germany, lie was tossed with a worse land tempest, being
(in pursuance of an old grudge betwixt them) taken prisoner by
Leopoldus duke of Austria. Yet this Cc^ur de Lion, or Liori-
hearted king (for so was he commonly called) was no less lion
(though now in a grate) than when at liberty, abating nothing of
his high spirit in his behaviour. The duke did not undervalue
this his royal prisoner, ])rizing his person at ten years^ purchase,
according to the [then] yearly revenue of the Enghsh Crown.
Ihis ransom of a hundred thousand pounds being paid, he
came homcj first reformed himself, and then mended many
abuses in the land ; and had done more^ 'had not an unfortunate
arrow, shot out of a besieged castle in France, put a period to
his life, anno Domini 1199.
Edmund, youngest son to king Edward the First by queen
Margaret, was born at Woodstock, Aug 5, 1301. He was af-
terwards created earl of Kent, and was tutor to his nephew king
Edward the Third ; in whose reign falling into the tempest of
false, injurious, and wicked envy, he was beheaded, for that he
never dissembled his natural brotherly affection toward his bro-
ther deposed, and went about when he was (God wot) mur-
dered before (not knowing so much) to enlarge him out of
prison, persuaded thereunto by such as covertly practised his
destruction. He suffered at Winchester, the nineteenth of
March, in the fourth of Edward the Third.
Edward, eldest son of king Edward the Third, was born at
Woodstock in this county, and bred under his father (never
abler teacher met with an apter scholar) in martial discipline.
He was afterwards termed the black prince ; not so called
from his complexion, which was fair enough (save when sun-
burnt in his Spanish expedition) ; not from his conditions,
which were courteous (the constant attender of valour) ; but
from his achievements, dismal and black, as they appeared to
the eyes of his enemies, whom he constantly overcame.
But grant him black in himself, he had the fairest lady to his
wife this land and that age did afford ; viz. Joane countess of
Salisbury and Kent, which, though formerly twice a widow, was
the third time married unto him. This is she whose Garter
(which now flourisheth again) hath lasted longer than all the
wardrobes of the kings and queens in England since the Con-
quest, continued in the knighthood of that order.
This prince died, before his father, at Canterbury, in the 46th
year of his age, anno Domini 1376; whose maiden success at-
tended him to the grave, as never foiled in any undertakings.
Had he survived to old age, in all probabilities the wars between
York and Lancaster had been ended before begun; I mean,
prevented in him, being a person of merit and spirit, and in se-
niority before any suspicion of such divisions. He left two
sons ; Edward, who died at seven years of age, and Richard, af-
terwards king, second of that name ; both l^orn in France, and
therefore not coming within the compass of our catalogue.
Thomas of Woodstock, youngest son of king Edward the
Third and queen Philippa, was surnamed of Woodstock, from
the place of his nativity. He was afterward earl of Bucking-
ham and duke of Gloucester ; created by his nephew king Rich-
ard the Second, who summoned him to the Parhament by the
title of The King's loving Uncle. He married Isabel, one of the
co-heirs of Humphrey -Bohun earl of Essex, in whose right he
became consta])le of England ; a dangerous place, when it met
with an unruly manager thereof.
But this Tliomas was only guilty of ill-tempered loyalty,
loving the king well, but his own humours better ; rather wilful
than hurtful ; and presuming on the old maxim, '^ Patruus est
loco parentis," (an uncle is in the place of a father.) He ob-
served the king too nearly, and checked him too sharply ;
whereupon he was conveyed to Calais, and there strangled ; by
whose death king Richard, being freed from the causeless fear
of an uncle, became exposed to the cunning plots of his cousin
german Henry duke of Lancaster, who at last deposed him.
This Thomas founded a fair college at Pleshy in Essex, where
his body was first buried with all solemnity, and afterward
translated to Westminster.
AxxE Beauchamp was born at Caversham in this county.*
Let her pass for a princess (though not formally) reductively,
seeing so much of history dependeth on her ; as.
Elevated. — 1. Being daughter (and in fine sole heir) to
liichard Beauchamp, that most martial earl of Warwick. 2.
Married to Richard Nevil earl of Sarisbury and Warwick ; com-
monly called The Make-king; and may not she then, by a
courteous proportion, be termed The Make-queen ? 3. In her
own and husband^s right she w*s possessed of one hundred and
fourteen manors in several shires. 4. Isabel, her eldest daugh-
ter, was married to George duke of Clarence ; and Anne, her
younger, to Edward prince of Wales, son of Henry the Sixth,
and afterwards to king Richard the Third.
Depressed. — 1. Her husband being killed at Barnet fight, all
of her land by act of Parliament was settled on her two daugh-
ters, as if she had been dead in nature. 2. Being attainted (on
her husband's score) she was forced to fly to the Sanctuary at
Beaulieu in Hampshire. 3. Hence she got herself privately into
the north, and there lived a long time in a mean condition.
4. Her want was increased after the death of her two daugh-
ters, who may be presumed formerly to have secretly sup-
plied her.
I am not certainly informed when a full period was put by
death to these her sad calamities.
St. Frideswide was born in the city of Oxford, being
daughter to Didan the duke thereof. It happened that one
Algarus, a noble young man, solicited her to yield to his lust,
from whom she miraculously escaped, he being of a sudden
struck blind.t If so, she had better success than as good a
• Dugdalc, in his Illustration of Warwickshire, p. 334.
t Polydore Vergil, 1. v. Histor. Breviar. sec. usum Sarum. MS. Robert Buck.
virgin, the daughter to a greater and better father; I mean,
Thamar daughter of king David, not so strangely secured from
the hist of her brother.*
She was afterwards made abbess of a monastery, erected by
her father in the same city, which since is become part of
Christchurch, where her body heth buried.
It happened in the first of queen Ehzabeth, that the scholars
of Oxford took up the body of the wife of Peter Martyr, who
formerly had been disgracefully buried in a dunghill, and in-
terred it in the tomb with the dust of St. Frideswide. Sanders
addeth, that they wrote this inscription (which he calleth im-
piiim epitaphium) : " Hie requiescit Religio cum Superstitione :t^'
though, the words being capable of a favourable sense on his
side, he need not have been so angry. However, we will rub
up our old poetry, and bestow another upon them.
In lumulufuerat Petri quce Martyris uxor,
Hie cum Fridt'SwicUl virgiuejurejacet.
Virginis intactce nihilum cum cedat honori,
Conjugis in thcdanio non temerata fides.
Si sacer Angtigenis cultus mutetur fat absit ! J
Ossa siiian servent mutua luta locum.
" Entomb'd with Frideswide, deem'd a sainted maid.
The wife of Peter Martyr here is laid.
And reason good, for women chaste in raind
The best of virgins come no whit behind.
Should Popery return, (which God forefend !)
Their blended dust each other would defend."
Yet was there more than eight hundred years betwixt their
several deaths ; Saint Frideswide dying anno 7^9, and is re-
membered in the Romish calendar on the nineteenth day of
St. Edwold was younger brother to St. Edmund, king of the
East- Angles, so cruelly martyred by the Danes ; and, after his
death, that kingdom not only descended to him by right, but
also by his subjects' importunity was pressed upon him. J But
he declined both, preferring rather a solitary life and heavenly
contemjDlation ; in pursuance whereof, he retired to Dorchester
in this county, and to a monastery called Corn-house tlierein,
where he was interred, and had in great veneration for his
reputed miracles after his death, which happened anno Do-
mini 871.
St. Edward the Confessor was born at Islip in this
county, and became afterwards king of England, sitting on the
throne for many years, with much peace and prosperity ;§
famous for the first founding of Westminster Abbey, and many
other worthy achievements.
* 2 Sam. xiii. 14. f Sanders, de Schismate Anglican^, 1. iii. p. 344.
X Gul. Malmesbury de Pont. Angl. hac die Herbert, in Fest. S. S.
§ Speed's Chronicle, in the Life of this King.
By Bale he is called Edvardus simplex, which may signify
either shallow or single ; but (in what sense soever he gave it)
we take it in the latter. Sole and single he lived and died, never
carnally conversing with St. Edith his queen : which is beheld
by different persons according to their different judgments
(coloured eyes make coloured objects) ; some pitying him for
defect or natural impotence ; others condemning him, as affect-
ing singleness, for want of conjugal affection ; others applaud-
ing it, as a high piece of holiness and perfection. Sure I am,
it opened a door for foreign competitors, and occasioned the
conquest of this nation. He died anno Domini 1065, and
lieth buried in Westminster Abbey.
[S. N.] Robert Pullen, or Pullain, or Pulley, or Puley,
or Bullen, or Pully; for thus variously is he found written.*
Thus the same name, passing many mouths, seems in some sort
to be declined into several cases ; whereas indeed it still re-
maineth one and the same word, though differently spelled and
In his youth he studied at Paris ; whence he came over into
England in the reign of king Henry the First, when learning
ran very low in Oxford, the university there being first much
afflicted by Harold the Dane, afterwards almost extinguished
by the cruelty of the Conqueror. Our Pullen improved his
utmost power with the king and prelates for the restoring
thereof; and, by his praying, preaching, and public reading,
gave a great advancement thereunto.f Remarkable is his cha-
racter in the Chronicle of Osney :1 " Robertus Pulenius Scrip-
turas Divinas quae in Angha obsolverant apud Oxoniam legere
cepit,"" (Robert Pullen "began to read at Oxford the Holy
Scriptures, which were grown out of fashion in England.)
The fame of his learning commended him beyond the seas ;
and it is remarkable, that whereas it is usual with popes (in
policy) to unravel what such weaved who were before them,
three successive popes continued their love to, and increased
honours upon him: 1. Innocent comleously sent for him to
Rome. 2. Celestine created him cardinal 'of St. Eusebius,
anno 1144. 3. Lucius the second made him chancellor of the
Church of Rome.
He lived at Rome in great respect; and although the certain
date of his death cannot be collected, it happened about the
year of our Lord 1150.
[S. N.] Thomas Joyce, or Jorce, a Dominican, proceeded
doctor of divinity in Oxford ; and, living there, he became pro-
• Bi.shop Godwin, in his Catalogue of Cardinals.
I f^-.'iV ^i"^- ^itS'^eSniptoribusBritannicis.
I Cited by Mr. Camden, in Oxfordshire
vincial of his order, both of England and Wales.* From this
place, without ever having any other preferment, Pope Clement
the fifth created him cardinal of St. Sabine ; though some
conceive he wanted breadth proportionable to such an height
of dignity, having no other revenue to maintain it, cardinals
being accounted king's fellows in that age. Others admire at
the contradiction betwixt friars' profession and practice, that
persons so low should be so high, so poor so rich; which
makes the same men to suspect, that so chaste might be so
He is remarkable on this account, that he had six brethren
all Dominicans.t I will not listen to their comparison, who
resemble them to the seven sons of Sceva,J which were exor-
cists ; but may term them a week of brethren, whereof this
rubricated cardinal was the Dominical letter. There want not
those who conceive great virtue in the youngest son of these
seven, and that his touch was able to cure the Pope's evil. This
Thomas, as he had for the most time lived in Oxford, so his
corpse by his own desire was buried in his convent therein.
He flourished anno Domini 1310.
Herbert Losing was born in Oxford, his father being an
abbot, seeing wives in that age were not forbidden the clergy ;
though possibly his father turned abbot of Winchester in his
old age, his son purchasing that preferment for him. But this
Herbert bought a better for himself, giving nineteen hundred
pounds to king William Rufus for the bishopric of Thetford,§
Hence the verse was made,
" Filius est praesul, pater abbas, Simon uterque ; "
meaning that both of them were guilty of simony, a fashionable
sin in the reign of that king, preferring more for their gifts
than their endowments.
Reader, pardon a digression. I am confident there is one,
and but one, sin frequent in the former age, both with clergy
and laity, which in our days our land is not guilty of, and may
find many compurgators of her innocence therein ; I mean the
sin of simony : seeing none in our age will give anything for
church-livings ; partly because the persons presented thereunto
have no assurance to keep them, partly because of the uncer-
tainty of tithes for their maintenance. But whether this our
age hath not added in sacrilege what it wanteth in simony,
is above my place to discuss, and more above my power to
To return to our Herbert, whose character hitherto cannot
entitle him to any room in our Catalogue of Worthies ; but
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Rritannicis, Cent. iv. num. 89 ; and Pits, in anno 1311.
t Idem, ut prius. J Acts xix. 14.
§ Godwin's Catalogvie of the Bishops of Norwich, p. 481.
know that afterwards he went to Rome (no such clean washing
as in the water of Tiber), and thence returned as free from
fault as when first born. Thus cleansed from the leprosy of
simony, he came back into England, removed his bishopric from
Thetford to Norwich, laid the first stone, and in effect finished
the fair cathedral therein, and built five beautiful parish
churches. He died anno Domini 1119. See more of his cha-
racter, on just occasion, in Suffolk, under the title of Prelates.
[AMP.] Owen Oglethorp was (saith my author)* born
of good parentage ; and, I conjecture, a native of this county,
finding Owen Oglethorp his kinsman twice high-sheriff thereof
in the reign of queen Elizabeth. He was president of Mag-
dalen College in Oxford, dean of Windsor, and at last made
bishop of Carlisle by queen Mary. A good-natured man, and
when single by himself very pliable to please queen Elizabeth,
whom he crowned queen, which the rest of his order refused to
do : but, when in conjunction with other popish bishops, such
principles of stubbornness were distilled unto him, that it cost
him his deprivation. However, an authorf tells me, that the
queen had still a favour for him, intending his restitution either
to his own or a better bishopric, upon the promise of his gene-
ral conformity, had he not died suddenly, of an apoplexy, 1559.
SINCE THE reformation,
John Underhill was born in the city of Oxford;! first
bred in New College, and afterwards rector of Lincoln College
in that university ; chaplain to queen Elizabeth, and esteemed
a good preacher in those days.
The bishopric of Oxford had now been void twenty-two
years ; and some suspected that so long a vacancy would at last
terminate in a nulhty, and that see be dissolved. The cause
that church was so long a widow was the want of a competent
estate to prefer her. At last the queen, 1589, appointed John
Underhill bishop thereof. An ingenious pen § (but whose
accusative suggestions are not always to be believed) hinteth a
suspicion, as if he gave part of the little portion this church had
to a great courtier, which made the match betwixt them. He
died 1592 ; and lieth buried in the middle choir of Christ\s
John Bancroft was born at Ascot in this county; and
was advanced, by archbishop Bancroft his uncle, from a student
m Christ Church, to be master of University- college in Oxford.
Here it cost him much pains and expense in a long suit to reco-
• Bishop Godwin, in his Bishops of Carlisle.
t Sir John Harrington, in his Addition to Bishop Godwin.
; Register of New College, anno 1563.
§ Sir John Harrington, in the Bishops of Oxford.
ver and settle the ancient lands of that foundation. Afterwards
he was made bishop of Oxford ; and, during his sitting in that
see, he renewed no leases, but let them run out for the advan-
tage of his successor. He obtained the royalty of Shot-over
for, and annexed the vicarage of Cudsden to, his bishopric ;
where he built a fair palace and a chapel, expending on both
about three thousand five hundred pounds ; '^ cvjus muyiificentics
(said the Oxford orator of him to the king at Woodstock) debe-
mus, quod incerti laris mitra surrexerit e pulvere in Palatium/'
But now, by a retrograde motion, that fair building " e Palatio
recidit in pulverem,^^ being burned down to the ground in the
late wars ; but for what advantage, as I do not know, so I list
not to inquire. This bishop died anno Domini 1640.
Sir Dudley Carleton, Knight, was born in this county ;
bred a student in Christ Church in Oxford. He afterwards was
related as a secretary to Sir Ralph Winwood, ambassador in the
Low-CountrieSj when king James resigned the cautionary towns
to the states. Here he added so great experience to his former
learning, that afterwards our king employed him for twenty
years together ambassador in Venice, Savoy, and the United
Provinces ; Anne Garrard his lady (co-heir to George Garrard
esq.) accompanying him in all his travels, as is expressed in her
epitaph in Westminster Abbey,
He was by king Charles the First created baron of Imber-
court in Surrey, and afterwards viscount Dorchester ; marrying
for his second wife the daughter of Sir Henry Glenham, the
relict of Paul Viscount Banning, who survived him. He suc-
ceeded the lord Conway (when preferred president of the coun-
cil) in the secretaryship of state, being sworn at Whitehall,
December 14, 1628. He died without issue, anno Domini 163 . ,
assigning his burial (as appears on her tomb) with his first wife,
which no doubt was performed accordingly.
No county in England can present such a brace of families
contemporaries, with such a bunch of brethren on either, for
eminent achievements. So great their states and stomachs,
that they often justled together ; and no wonder if Oxfordshire
wanted room for them, when all England could not hold them
together. Let them be considered, root and branch, first seve-
. rally, then conjunctively.
Father.— Yii^^Y lord Norris (descended from the viscounts
Lovels) whose father died in a manner martyr for the queen^s
mother, executed about the business of Anne Bullen.
Mother. — Margaret, one of the daughters and heirs of John
lord Williams of Tame, keeper of queen Elizabeth whilst in re-
straint under her sister, and civil unto her in those dangerous
Thus queen EUzabeth beheld them both, not only with gra-
cious but grateful eyes.
Ricot in this county was their chief habitation.
Their issue. — 1. William, marshal of Barwick, who died in
Ireland, and was father to Francis, afterward earl of BerkshirCo
2. Sir John, who had three horses in one day killed under him
in a battle against the Scots.* But more of him hereafter.
3. Sir Thomas, president of Munster. Being hurt in a fight,
and counting it a scratch rather than a wound, he scorned to
have it plastered ; as if the balsam of his body would cure itself;
but it rankled, festered, gangrened, and he died thereof. 4. Sir
Henry, who died about the same time in the same manner.
5. Maximilian, who was slain in the war of Britain. 6. Sir
Edward, who led the front at the taking of the Groyn ; and
fought so valiantly at the siege of Ostend. Of all six, he only
survived his parents.
Father. — Sir Francis Knowlls, treasurer to the queen^s
household, and knight of the Garter (who had been an exile in
Germany under queen Mary) deriving himself from Sir Robert
Knowlls, that conquering commander in France.
Mother. — . . . Gary, sister to Henry lord Hundson, and cousin-
german to queen Elizabeth, having Mary Bullen for her mother.
Thus the husband was allied to the queen in conscience (fellow
sufferers for the Protestant cause) ; the wife in kindred.
Greys in this county was their chief dwelling.
Their issue. — 1. Sir Henry, whose daughter and sole heir was
married to the lord Paget. 2. Sir William, treasurer of the house-
hold to king James, by whom he was created baron Knowlls,
May 3, 1603 ; viscount Wallingford, 1616 ; and by king Charles I.
in the first of his reign, earl of Banbury. 3. Sir Robert, father
to Sir Robert Knowlls of Greys, nov/ living. 4. Sir Francis,
who was living at, and chosen a member of, the late long Par-
liament; since dead, aged 99. 5. Sir Thomas, a commander in
the Low Countries. 6. Lettice, though of the weaker sex, may
well be recounted with her brethren, as the strongest pillar of
the family. Second wife she was to Robert Dudley, earl of
Leicester, and (by a former husband) mother to Robert Deve-
reux, earl of Essex ; both prime favourites in their generations.
The NoRRisES were all ikf«r/i5 puUi, (men of the sword), and
never out of mihtary employment. The Knowlls were rather
valiant men than any great soldiers, as little experienced in war.
Queen Elizabeth loved the Knowlls for themselves ; the Nor-
* Camden's ElizaLeth, in anno 1578.
rises for themselves and herself, being sensible that she needed
such martial men for her service. The Norrises got more ho-
nour abroad ; the Knowlls more profit at home, conversing con-
stantly at court ; and no wonder if they were the warmest, who
sat next to the fire.
There was once a challenge passed betwixt them at certain
exercises to be tried between the two fraternities, the queen and
their aged fathers being to be the spectators and judges, till it
quickly became a flat quarrel betwixt them.-!^ Thus, though at the
first they may be said to have fenced with rebated rapiers and
swords buttoned up, in merriment only to try their skill and
strength ; they soon fell to it at sharps indeed, seeking for many
years to supplant one another, such the heart-smoking and then
heart-burning betwixt them. And although their inclinations
kept them asunder, the one brotherhood coming seldom to
court, the other seldomer to camp ; yet the Knowlls are sus-
pected to have done the Norrises bad offices, which at last did
tend to their mutual hurt ; so that it had been happy for both,
had these their contests been seasonably turned into a cordial
Sir John Norris must be resumed, that we may pay a
greater tribute of respect to his memory. He was a most accom-
plished general, both for a charge which is the sword, and a re-
treat which is the shield, of war. By the latter he purchased to
himself immortal praise, when in France he brought oflf a small
handful of English from a great armful of enemies; fighting
as he retreated, and retreating as he fought ; so that always his
rear aifronted the enemy ; a retreat worth ten victories got by
surprise, which speak rather the fortune than either the valour
or discretion of a general.
He was afterwards sent over with a great command into Ire-
land, where his success neither answered to his own care, nor
others' expectation. Indeed hitherto Sir John had fought with
right-handed enemies in France and the Netherlands ; who was
now to fight with left-handed foes, for so may the wild Irish well
be termed (so that this great master of defence was now to seek
a new guard), who could lie on the coldest earth, swim through
the deepest water, run over what was neither earth nor water, I
mean bogs and marshes. He found it far harder to find out
than fight his enemies, they so secured themselves in fastnesses.
Supplies, sown thick in promises, came up thin in performances;
so slowly were succours sent unto him.
At last a great lord was made lieutenant of Ireland, of an op-
posite party to Sir John ; there being animosities in the court
of queen Elizabeth (as well as of later princes), though her
general good success rendered them the less to the public notice
* Fragmenta Regalia, in Knowlls.
of posterity. It grieved Sir John to the heart, to see one of an
opposite faction should be brought over his head, in so much
that some conceive liis working soul broke the cask of his body,
as wanting a vent for his grief and anger ; for, going up into his
chamber, at the hrst hearing of the news, he suddenly died,
anno Domini 1597.
Queen Elizabeth used to call the lady Margaret, his mother,
her own crow, being (as it seemeth) black in complexion (a
colour which no whit unbecame the faces of her martial issue) ;
and, upon the news of his death, sent this letter unto her, which
I have transcril^ed from an authentic copy,
" To the Lady Norris.
" My own Crow : 22d Sept. 1597.
'• Harm not yourself for bootless help, but shew a good example
to comfort your dolorous yoke-fellow. Although we have deferred
long to represent to you our grieved thoughts, because we liked
full ill to yield you the first reflection of misfortune, whom we
have always rather sought to cherish and comfort; yet knowing
now, that necessity must bring it to your ear, and nature con-
sequently must move both grief and passion in your heart : we
resolved no longer to smother, neither our care for your sorrow,
or the sympathy of our grief for your loss. Wherein, if it be
true that society in sorrow works diminution, we do assure you
by this true messenger of our mind, that nature can have stirred
no more dolorous affection in you as a mother for a dear son,
than gratefulness and memory of his service past hath wrought
in us his sovereign apprehension of our miss for so worthy a
servant. But now that nature's common work is done, and he
that was born to die hath paid his tribute, let that Christian dis-
cretion stay the flux of your immoderate grieving, which hath
instructed you, both by example and knowledge, that nothing
in this kind hath happened but by God's divine providence.
And let these lines from your loving and gracious sovereign
serve to assure you, that there shall ever appear the Uvely cha-
racter of our estimation of him that was, in our gracious care of
you and yours that are left, in valuing rightly all their faithful
and honest endeavours. More at this time we will not write
of this unpleasant subject ; but have dispatched this gent, to
visit ])oth your lord and you, and to condole with you in the
true sense of your love ; and to pray that the world may see,
^yhat time curetli in a weak mind, that discretion and modera-
tion helpcth in you in this accident, where there is so just cause
to demonstrate true patience and moderation.
" Your gracious and loving sovereign, E. R."
Now, though nothing more consolatory and pathetical could
be written from a prince, yet his death went so near to the
Heart ot the lord, his ancient father, that he died soon after.
[AMP.] John Hanvile took his name (as I conceive) from
Hanwell^ a village in this county (now the habitation of the an-
cient family of the Copes), seeing none other in England, both
in sound and spelling, draweth nearer to his surname. He pro-
ceeded Master of Arts in Oxford : then studied in Paris, and
travelled over most parts in Christendom. He is commonly
called Archithrenius,'^ or Prince of Lamentation, being another
Jeremy and man of mourning. He wrote a book, wherein
he bemoaned the errors and vices of his own age ; and himself
deserved to live in a better : yet this doleful dove could peck
as well as groan, and sometimes was satirical t enough in his
passion, there being but a narrow passage betwixt grief and an-
ger ; and bitterness is a quality common to them both. He
flourished under king John, anno 1200; and, after his return
from his travels, is conceived by some to have lived and died
a Benedictine of St. Albans.
John of Oxford was, no doubt, so named from his birth in
that city ; otherwise, had he only had his education or eminent
learning therein, there were hundreds Johns of Oxford as well
as himself. Hector BoethiusJ surnamed him a Vado Boum, and
owneth him the next historian to Jeffrey Monmouth in age and
industry. He was a great anti-Becketist, as many more in
that age of greater learning (except stubbornness be made the
standard thqreof ) than Becket himself. Being dean of Old Sa-
rum,§ and chaplain to king Henry the Second, he was by him
employed, with others, to give an account to the Pope (but I
question whether he would take it) of the king's carriage in the
business of Becket. He was preferred, anno 1175^ bishop of
Norwich, where he repaired his cathedral, || lately defaced with
fire, built a fair alms-house, and Trinity church in Ipswich.
His death happened anno Domini 1200.
[S. N.] Robert Bacon, first scholar of, afterward a fami-
liar friend to, St. Edmund archbishop of Canterbury, was bred
a doctor of divinity in Oxford ; and, when aged, became a Do-
minican or preaching friar ; and for his sermons he was highly
esteemed by king Henry the Third, He was lepidus et cynicus,%
and a most professed enemy to Peter Roach bishop of Winches-
Matthew Paris** gives him and another (viz, Richard de
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iii. num. 49. \ Idem, ibidem,
X In the Preface of his History to James king of Scotland,
§ Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent, iii. num. 4 2.
II Bishop Godwin, in the Bishops of Norwich.
^ Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iv. num. 4. ; and Pits, in anno 1248.
** M. Paris, anno 1233, p. 386.
c 2
Fishakle) this praise, " quibus non erant majores, imo nee pares
(ut creditur) viventes in theologia, et aliis scientiis ; ^'* and I
listen the rather to his commendation, because, being himself
a Benedictine monk, he had an antipathy against all friars. I
behold this Robert Bacon as the senior of all the Bacons, which,
like tributary streams, disembogued themselves, with all the
credit of their actions, into Roger Bacon, who, in process of
time, hath monopolized the honour of all his surname- sakes in
Oxford, Our Robert died anno Domini 1248.
Robert of Oxford was not only an admirer but adorer of
Thomas Aquinas, his contemjDorary ; accounting his opinions
oracles, as if it were a venial sin to doubt of, and a mortal to
deny, any of them. Meantime the bishop of Paris, with the
consent of the masters of Sorbonne (the great champions of li-
berty in this kind) granted a licence to any scholar, opinari
de ojAnionibus, to guess freely (and by consequence to discuss
in disputations) any man^s opinions which as yet by a general
council were not decided matters of faith. Our Robert, much
offended thereat, wrote not only against Henricus Gandavensis
and ^gidius Romanus, but also the whole college of Sorbonne ;t
an act beheld of many as of more boldness than brains, for a
private person to perform. He flourished under king Henry
the Third, anno Domini 1270.
Jeffrey Chaucer was, by most probability, born at Wood-
stock in this county, though other places lay stiff claim to his
Berkshire's title. — Leland confesseth it likely that he was born
in Barochensi provincia ; and Mr. Camden J avoweth that Du-
nington castle, nigh unto Newbury, was anciently his inherit-
ance. There was lately an old oak standing in the park, called
Chaucer^s Oak.
London's title. — The author of his life, set forth 1602,proveth
him born in London, out of these his own words in the Testament
of Love :
^^ Also in the Citie of London, that is to mee soe deare and
sweete, in which I was foorth grown ; and more kindely love
have I to that place than to any other in yerth (as every kindely
creature hath full appetite to that place of his kindly ingendure) .^^
Besides, Mr. Camden praiseth Mr. Edmund Spenser, the
Londoner, for the best poet ;§ " ne Chaucero quidem concive
excepto," (Chaucer himself, his fellow-citizen, not being ex-
Oxfordshire's title. — Leland addeth a probability of his birth
m Oxfordshire; and Camden saith of Woodstock, || " Cum nihil
+ ^"""i? ^S"^?' P' ^*^' t ^^^^' ^6 Scriptjribus Britannicis, Cent. iv.
I In his Britannia, in Berkshire. § In his Elizabeth, anno 1598.
II In his Britannia, in Oxfordshire.
habeat quod ostentet, Homerum nostrum Anglicum, Galfredum
Chaucerum, alumnum suum fuisse gloriatur.'^ Besides, J. Pits*
is positive that his father was a knight, and that he was born at
Woodstock. And queen Ehzabeth passed a fair stone-house
next to her palace in that town unto the tenant by the name of
Chaucer^s house, whereby it is also known at this day.
Now, what is to be done to decide the difference herein ? In-
deed Apion the grammarian would have Homer (concerning
whose birth-place there was so much controversy) raised ah In-
feris, that he might give a true account of the place of his nati-
vity. However, our Chaucer is placed here (having just grounds
for the same) until stronger reasons are brought to remove him.
He was a terse and elegant poet (the Homer of his age) : and
so refined our English tongue, " ut inter expolitas gentium lin-
guas potuit recte quidem connumerari.'^t His skill in mathe-
matics was great (being instructed therein by Joannes Sombus
and Nicholas of Lynn) ; which he evidenceth in his book " De
Spheera." He, being contemporary with Gower, was living
anno Domini 1402.
Thomas Lydyate. — Now I find the old sentence to be
true, " Difficile fugitivas mortuorum memorias retrahere f' see-
ing all my industry and inquiry can retrieve very little of this
worthy person ; and the reader, I hope, will not be angry with
me, who am so much grieved with myself for the same. Indeed
contradicting qualities met in him, emmenct/ and obscurity ; the
former for his learning, the latter for his living. All that we
can recover of him is as followeth. He was born at AlkertonJ
in this county ; bred first in Winchester school, then in New
College in Oxford, being admitted therein June 22, 1593. An
admirable mathematician, witness these his learned works, left
to posterity: 1. De variis Annorum Formis ; 2. De natur^
Coeli, et conditione Elementorum ; 3. Preelectio Astronomica;
4- De origine Fontium ; 5. Disquisitio Physiologica ; 6. Expli-
catio et additamentum Arg. Temp. Nativitatis et Ministerii
In handling these subjects, it seems, he crossed Scaliger,
who was highly offended thereat, conceiving himself such a
prince of learning, it was high treason for any to doubt of, much
more deny, his opinion. Yea, he conceited his own judgment
so canonical, that it was heresy for any inferior person to differ
from the same. Shall Scaliger write a book of " the Emenda-
tion of Times,^^ and should any presume to write one of " the
Emendation of Scaliger ?'^ especially one no public professor,
and so private a person as Lydyate ? However, this great bug-
* De Augliae Scrip toribus, anno 1400.
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. vii. num. 14.
% New-college Register, in anno 1593.
bear critic, finding it more easy to contemn the person, than
confute the arguments of his adversary, slighted Lydyate as in-
considerable, jeering him for a prophet, who indeed somewhat
traded in the aj^ocalyptical divinity.
Learned men of unbiassed judgments will maintain, that
Lydyate had the best in theit contest ; but here it came to pass
what Solomon had long before observed, ^'^Nevertheless the
poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.''*
He never attained higher church-preferment than the rectory
of Alkerton, the town of his nativity ; and deserted that (as I
have cause to suspect) before his death.
Impute his low condition to these causes: 1. The nature of
his studies ; which, being mathematical and speculative, brought
not 7rp6(j aXcjjira, grist to the mill. 2. The nature of his nature,
being ambitious of privity and concealment. 3. The death of
prince Henry (whose library keeper he was) and in whose grave
Lydyate's hopes were interred. 4. His disaffection to church
discipline, and ceremonies used therein ; though such wrong his
memory, who represent him an Anabaptist.
His modesty was as great as his want, which he would not
make known to any. Sir AVilliam Boswell, well understanding
his worth, was a great friend unto him ; and so was Bishop
Williams. He died about Westminster, as I take it, in the year
of our Lord 1G44. Happy had it been for posterity, if on his
death-bed he could have bequeathed his learning to any sur-
viving relation.
Sir Richard Baker, Knight, was a native of this county,
and high sheriff thereof in the 18th of king James, anno Do-
mini 1621, His youth he spent in learning, the benefit
whereof he reaped in his old age, when his estate through sure-
ty-ship (as I have heard him comj)lain) was very much im-
paired. But God may smile on them on whom the world doth
frown ; whereof his pious old age was a memorable instance,
when the storm on his estate forced him to fly for shelter to his
studies and devotions. He wrote an "Exposition on the
Lord's Prayer," which is co-rival with the best comments
which professed divines have written on that subject. He
wrote a chronicle on our English kings, embracing a method
peculiar to himself, digesting observables under several heads,
very useful for the reader. This reverend knight left this trou-
blesome world about the beginning of our civil wars.
William Wh ate ley was born in Banbury (whereof his
fatlier was twice mayor), and bred in Christ's College in Cam-
bridge. He became afterwards minister in the town of his na-
tivity ; and though generally people do not respect a prophet or
* Eccle&iastcs ix. 16,
preacher when a man, whom they knew whilst a child, yet he
met there with deserved reverence to his person and profession.
Indeed he was a good linguist, philosopher, mathematician, di-
vine, and (though a poetical satirical pen is pleased to pass a
jeer upon him) free from faction. He first became known to
the world by his book called " The Bride - bush e," which some
say hath been more condemned than confuted, as maintaining a
position rather odious than untrue ; but others hold that blows
given from so near a relation to so near a relation, cannot be
given so lightly, but they will be taken most heavily. Other
good works of his have been set forth since his death, which
happened in the 56th year of his age, anno Domini 1639.
John Balle was born at Casfigton (four miles north-west
of Oxford) in this county ; an obscure village, only illustrated
by his nativity.* He proceeded bachelor of arts in Brazen-nose
College in Oxford (his parents^ purse being not able to main-
tain him longer) ; and went into Cheshire, until -at last he was
beneficed at Whitmore, in the county of Stafford. He was an
excellent schoolman and schoolmaster (qualities seldom meeting
in the same man), a painful preacher, and a profitable writer ;
and his ^' Treatise of FaitV^ cannot sufficiently be commended.
Indeed he lived by faith, having but small means to maintain
him (but 20 pounds yearly salary, besides what he got by
teaching and boarding his scholars) ; and yet was wont to
say he had enough, enough, enough : thus contentment consist-
eth not in heaping on more fuel, but in taking away some fire.
He had an holy facetiousness in his discourse. When his
friend having had a fall from his horse, and said that he never
had the like deliverance, '' Yea,'' said Mr. Balle, '' and an hund-
red times when you never fell f accounting God's preserving us
from, equal to his rescuing us out of, dangers. He had an hum-
ble heart, free from passion ; and, though somewhat disaftected
to ceremonies and church-discipline, confuted such as conceived
the corruptions therein ground enough for a separation. He
hated all new lights and pretended inspirations besides Scrip-
ture : and when one asked him, '^ whether he at any time had
experience thereof in his own heart ?" " No," said he, " I bless
God; and if I should ever have such phantasies, I hope
God would give me grace to resist them." Notwithstand-
ing his small means, he lived himself comfortably, relieved
others charitably, left his children competently, and died
piously, October the 20th, anno Domini 1640.
William Chillingworth was born in the city of Oxford;
so that, by the benefit of his birth, he fell from the lap of his
mother into the arms of the Muses. He was bred in Trinity
* The stibstance of his Character is taken out of his Life, written by Mr. Samuel
Clarke.— F.
College in this university; an acute and subtil disputant,
but unsettled in judgment, which made him go beyond the
seas, and in some sort was conciled to the church of Rome : but
whether because he found not the respect he expected (which
some shrewdly suggest), or because his conscience could not
close with all the Romish corruptions (which more charitably
believe), he returned into England ; and, in testimony of
his true conversion, wrote a book entituled, '' The Religion of
Protestants a safe way to Salvation," against Mr. Knot the Je-
suit : I will not say, ^' Malo nodo malus quserendus est cuneus,^^
but affirm no person better qualified than this author, with all
necessary accomplishments to encounter a Jesuit. It is com-
monly reported that Dr. Prideaux compared his book to a lam-
prey ; fit for food, if the venomous string were taken out of the
back thereof : a passage, in my opinion, inconsistent with the
doctor's approbation, prefixed in the beginning of his book.
This William Chillingworth was taken prisoner by the parlia-
ment forces at Arundel castle, and not surprised and slain in
his studies, as Archimedes at the sacking of Syracuse (as some
have giveii it out) ; but was safely conducted to Chichester,
where, notwithstanding, hard usage hastened his dissolution.
Daniel Featley, D. D. was born in (or very near to) the
city of Oxford, his father being a servant of Corpus- Christi
College, and this his son fellow thereof. Here he had the
honour to make the speech in the college, at the funeral of
Dr. Reynolds.
Some men may be said to have mutinous parts, Avhich will
not obey the commands of him who is the owner of them.
Not so this doctor, who was perfect master of his own learning.
He did not, as Quintilian saith of some, ^^ occultis thesauris
incumbere ;" but his learning was in numerato, for his j^resent
using thereof. He was as good in the schools as in the pulpit,
and very happy in his disputes with Papists ; for in the confer-
ence with F. Fisher (when Fisher was caught in his own net),
though Dr. White did wisely cast that net. Dr. Featley did help
strongly to draw it to the shore.
It seems, though he was in, yet he was not of, the late assem-
bly of divines ; as whose body was with them, whilst his heart
was at Oxford. Yea, he discovered so much in a letter to the
archbishop of Armagli; which, being intercepted, he was pro-
ceeded against as a spy, and closely imprisoned, though finding
some favour at last : he died in the prison college at Chelsea,
anno Domini 1643. His wife's son hath since communicated
to me his pocket-manual of his memorable observations, all
with his own hand ; but, alas ! to be read by none but the wri-
ter thereof.
John White (descended from the Whites in Hampshire)
was born at Stanton-St.-John's* in this county ; bred first in
Winchester, then New College in Oxford, whereof he was fel-
low ; and fixed at last a minister at Dorchester in Dorsetshire
well nigh forty years. A grave man, yet without moroseness,
as who would willingly contribute his shot of facetiousness on
any just occasion. A constant preacher, so that in the course
of his ministry he expounded the Scripture all over", and half
over again ; having an excellent faculty in the clear and sohd
interpreting thereof. A good governor, by whose wisdom the
town of Dorchester (notwithstanding a casual merciless fire)
was much enriched ; knowledge causing piety, piety breeding
industry, and industry procuring plenty unto it. A beggar was
not then to be seen in the town, all able poor being set on
work, and impotent maintained, by the profit of a pubHc brew-
house, and other collections.
He absolutely commanded his own passions, and the purses
of his parishioners, whom he could wind up to what height he
pleased on important occasions. He was free from covetous-
ness, if not trespassing on the contrary : and had a patriarchal
influence both in Old and New England ; yet, towards the end
of his d(iys, factions and fond opinions crept in his flock ; a
new generation arose, which either did not know, or would not
acknowledge, this good man ; disloyal persons, which would not
pay the due respect to the crown of his old age, whereof he
was sadly and silently sensible.
He was chosen one of the assembly of divines, and his judg-
ment was much relied on therein. He married the sister of
Dr. Burges, the great non-conformist (who afterwards, being
reclaimed, wrote in the defence of ceremonies) by whom he left
four sons ; and died quietly at Dorchester, anno Domini 1650.
I hope that Solomon's observation of the poor wise man, who
saved the little city,t '^ yet no man remembered him,'' will
not be verified of this town, in relation to this their deceased
pastor, whom I hope they will not, I am sure they should not,
forget, as a person so much meriting of them in all considera-
tions. His Comment on some part of Genesis is lately set
forth, and more daily expected.
Thomas Tisdall, of Glimpton in this county, esquire, de-
ceasing anno 1610, bequeathed five thousand pounds to George
Abbot, then bishop of London, John Bennet, knight, and
Henry Aray, doctor of divinity, to purchase lands for the
maintenance of seven fellows and six scholars : which money,
deposited in so careful hands, was as advantageously expended
for the purchase of two hundred and fifty pounds per annum.
It fell then under consideration, that it was pity so great a
* Where his father held a lease from New College — F.
t Ecclesiastes ix. 15.
bounty (substantial enough to stand of itself ) should be ad-
jected to a former foundation ;* whereupon a new college
(formerly called Broad-gates Hall in Oxford) was erected there-
with by the name of Pembroke College^ which since hath met
with some considerable benefactors. May this the youngest
college in England have the happiness of a youngest child, who
commonly have in their mother^s love what they lack in the
land of their father !
We must not forget, that the aforesaid Thomas Tisdall gave
many other charitable legacies ; and deserved very well of
Abington school, founding an usher therein.
Anne Greene, a person unmarried, was indicted, arraigned,
cast, condemned and executed, for killing her child, at the
assizes at Oxford, December 14, 1650. After some hours, her
body being taken down, and prepared for dissection in the
anatomy-schools, some heat was found therein, which, by the
care of the doctors, was improved into her perfect recovery.
Charitable people interpret her so miraculous preservation a
compurgator of her innocence. Thus she, intended for a dead,
continues a living anatomy of Divine Providence, and a monu-
ment of the wonderful contrivances thereof. If Hippolytus,
revived only by poetical fancies, was surnamed Virhius, because
twice a man ; why may not Mulierbia, by as good proportion,
be applied to her, who since is married, and liveth in this
county in good reputation ?
1. John Norman, son of John Norman, of Banbury, Draper,
2. Thomas Pargitor, son of John Pargitor, of Chipping Norton,
Salter, 1530.
3. Michael Dormer, son of Jeffrey Dormer, of Tame, Mercer,
William bishop of Lincoln, and William de Lovell, chevalier; —
Stephen Haytfeld, and Richard Quatermayns, (knights for
the shire) ; — Commissioners to take the oaths.
Tho. Wikeham, chev. Johannis Tyso.
Lodowici Grevill. Will. Thomlyns.
Johannis Wisham. Thome Audrey.
Johan. Banufo. . Thome atte Mille.
Humphridi Hay. Johannis Benet.
• Some ialentions there were to have made it an addition to Baliol College. — F.
Rad. Archer.
Joh. Archer.
Thome Willes.
Johannis Perysson.
Joh. Crosse de Sibford.
Thome Eburton.
Thome Kynch.
WiUielmi Brise.
WiUielmi Dandy.
Richardi Stanes.
Johannis Wallrond.
Johannis Daypoll.
Johannis Fabian.
Will. Page.
Johannis Mose.
Williel. Seton.
Johannis Pytte.
Thome Helmeden.
Tho. Scholes.
Thome Sperehawke.
Thome Gascoine.
Thome Clere.
Joh. Goldwell.
Williel. Goldwell.
Johannis White.
Thome Lynne.
Will. Smith de Bloxham.
Thome Chedworth.
WiUielmi Haliwell.
Johannis Chedworth.
Joh. de Berford.
Roberti duinaton.
Richardi atte Mille.
WiUielmi Mason.
WiUielmi Palmer.
Thome Tymmes.
Joh. Cross de Drayton.
Alexandri By f eld.
Joh. Andrew de Bodycote.
Thome Serchesden.
Thome Feteplace, arm.
Tho. Hastyng, arm.
Will. Wallweyn., arm.
Joh. Hille^ arm,
Joh. Lemilt.
Thome Mayor.
Johannis Hood.
Will. Gayte.
Johannis Martyn.
Thome Martyn.
Will. Fycheler.
Will. Brayn.
Nicholai Wenne.
Johannis Leche.
Will. Leche.
Richardi Fremantle.
Roberti Carpenter.
Richardi Colas.
Will. Coteler.
Richardi Coteler.
Johannis Punter.
Henrici Suthwik.
Johannis Fawlour.
Johannis Mosyer.
Joh. Wynchelcombe.
Will. Style.
Thome Vyncent.
Johannis Bedyll.
Johannis TrilUng.
Thome Marshall.
Johannis Walker.
Will. Walker.
Simonis Walker.
Thome Brys.
Thome Mede.
Joh. Freman de Pole.
Thome Chalkele.
Joh. Godefellawe.
Johannis Abraham.
Johannis Turfray.
Richardi Howkyn.
Rob. Bocher de Witteney.
Johannis Rous.
Stephani Comewaill.
Johannis lurdan.
Johannis Bronne.
Johannis Willeney.
WiUielmi Fellawe.
Johannis Pere.
Johan. Bray.
Richardi Wellwe.
WiUielmi Wynn.
Will. Whittington.
WiUielmi Dagbill.
Will. Dustelyng. •
Johannis Danvers.
Thome Mason.
Johan. Ay les worth.
Johan. Waver.
Henrici Frebody.
Richardi Harp our.
Will. Shitford.
Robert! Shitford.
Hugonis Culworthe.
Joh. Danus de Wardynton.
Richardi Touchestre.
Thome Blexham.
Rogeri Predy.
Will. Drynkwater.
Thome Wykham de Swalelyf.
Will. Willingham.
Roberti Campden.
Walteri Snappe.
Richardi Russhe.
Thome Spycer.
Joh. Draper.
Thome Peny.
Thome Harys.
Johannis Flore.
Will. Rothe.
Joh. Etterton.
Will. Witteney.
Will. Wych.
Joh. Potter.
Joh. Fletewell.
Richardi Eton.
Joh. Warner.
Will. Standell.
Richardi Sclaytey de Shorld-
Joh. Folke.
Tho. Takle bayle.
Thome Abbatis de Eynes-
Richardi Walkestede, chev.
Joh, Blount, arm.
Will. Marmyon.
Thome Halle.
Joh. Lydier.
Will. Berkingham.
Will. Rash.
Joh. Whighthill.
Roberti Croxford.
Thome Carwell.
Thome Yerman.
Joh. Somerton.
Will. Somerton.
Roberti Hare Court.
Simonis Somerton.
Thome Harlyngrigge.
Will. Horncastle.
Joh. Yerman.
Joh. Colles.
Joh. Bourman de Dadyngton.
Thome Magon.
Thome Pricket.
Thome Peb worth.
Walteri Jouster,
Rogeri Jouster.
Joh. Cobwell.
Joh. Bingham.
Joh. Tymmes.
Will. Frere.
Thome Maykyn.
Richardi Tanner de Wode-
Willielmi Weller.
Joh. Swift.
Richardi Stevenes,
Richardi Marchall.
Richardi Chapman.
Thome Snareston.
Joh. Bridde.
Richardi Aston.
Will. Parsons.
Thome Payne.
Joh. Nethercote.
Stephani Humpton.
Will. Romney.
Joh. Romney.
Roberti Rye.
Will. Swift.
Will. Harryes.
Joh. Tanner de Eynesham.
Will. Madle.
Thome Millward.
Joh. Fisher.
Joh. Webbe.
Edm. Rammesby.
Jacobi Howes.
Jac. Bocher de Stunsfeld.
Joh. Megre.
Joh. Halle de Barton.
Phillippi Frere.
Joh. Frere.
Joh. Stowe.
Joh. Knight.
Joh. Kemster.
Will. Kemster.
Rob. Quaynaton.
Rob. More, arm.
Rob. Alkerton. .
Joh. Chorleton.
Joh. Eburton, jun.
Joh. Eburton, sen.
Thome Eburton.
Joh. Yonge.
Joh. Balle.
Thome Balle.
Joh. Eureshawe.
Galfridi Crewe.
Will. Tommys.
W^ill. Ayltan.
Joh. Stokes.
Joh. Walle.
Will. Smith de Chepyng Nor-
Johannis Howes.
Thome Howes.
Willielmi Hide.
Rogeri Milton.
Johannis Stacy.
Richardi Gurgan.
Johannis Halle.
Johannis Sampson.
Willielmi Sampson.
Thome Churchehill.
Thome Cogeyn.
Willielmi Cogeyn.
Richardi Bury.
Willielmi Houchyns.
Johannis Channdyt.
Willielmi Bagge.
Will. Rollandright.
Thome Fayreford.
Joh. Martyn.
Thome Tackle.
Will. Weller.
Joh. Maynard.
Richardi Couper de Eastan.
Will. Wrench.
Joh. Halle de Shorthamton.
Willielmi Tunford.
Johannis Tunford.
Johannis Parkyns.
Rob. Raynald.
Joh. Mucy.
Will. Carter de Overnorton.
Tho. Balle de Parvo Rowlan-
Joh. Hammond.
Joh. Halle.
Joh. Payne.
Joh. Shawe.
Joh. Silver.
Joh. Brewes.
Tho. Spillesby.
Joh. Salman.
Joh. Potter, jun. Prioris de
Joh. Langeston.
Rogeri Powre.
Will. Anderne.
Joh. Aston.
Joh. Cornwaile.
Richardi Purcell.
Jacobi Samwell.
Rich. Fitz-Water.
Tho. Wyonbissh.
Joh. Togood.
Rich. Togood.
Joh. Spere.
Joh. Shone.
Nicholai Norris.
Thome Chapman.
Willielmi Durbare.
Thome Hoggys.
Thome Gurdon.
Tho. Markham.
Johannis Lile.
Johannis Sylvester.
Johannis Balegh.
Johannis Chantclere.
Joh. Huntingdon.
Will. Baldyngton.
Johan. Burdon.
Johannis Fellipps de Over-
Joh. Smith de Mellington.
Thome Smith de eadeni.
Johan. Notebene de Fencote.
Will. Fitz-Water.
Joh. Felmersham.
Johannis Abbatis de Oseneye,
Johannis Abbatis de Thame.
Edm. Prioris sancti Frides-
The. Baldingtoii^ jim.
Tho. Baldington, sen.
Job. Jacket.
Thome Welles.
Thome Longe.
Job. Ellys.
Rob. Crakeall.
Willielmi Tyller.
Job. Dogge.
Andree Sparewe.
Will. Loy, sen.
Job. Chamberleyn.
Job. Shrovebury.
Robert! Reve.
Job. Fry day.
Job. Maybon.
Job. Hamond.
Will. Halfeknigbt.
Hugonis Benet de Thame,
Will. Collyngrig.
Thome Credy.
Job. Savage bayly.
Job. Clifton Abbatis Dorca-
Job. Harpeden^ chev.
Hug. Wolf, chev.
Thome Chaucer, arm.
Rich. Drayton, arm.
Rich. Restold, arm.
Petri Feteplace, arm .
Will. Wikham, arm.
Job. Fitz-Elys, arm.
Reg. Barantyn, arm.
Will. Lynde, arm.
Rob. Simeon, arm.
Drugonis Barantyn.
Job. Bedford.
Edmundi Forster.
Rich. Gilot.
Thome Chibenburst.
Thome atte Hide.
Rogeri Radle.
Petri Shotesbroke.
Johannis Hide.
Will. Ravenying.
Willielmi Borde.
Williel. Skyrmet.
Johannes Elmes.
Thome Vine.
Job. Hertilpole.
Tho. Clerk bayly.
Job. Bayly de Puriton.
Johannis Badley.
W^ill. Bosenbe.
Thome Bartelot.
Rich. Calday.
Johannis Crips.
Williel. North.
Johannis atte Water.
Roberti atte Water.
Rich. Forster.
Thome Denton.
Thome atte Well de Garsing-
Johannis Holt.
Nicbolai Neuby.
Job. Thomley.
Will. Bele.
Johannis Lowe.
Rob. Hye.
Job. BuUery.
Job. Fitz-Aleyn.
Job. Walysby, clerici.
Thome Tretherfet.
Tho. Balingdon, sen.
Job. Smith.
Job. Skynner.
Rich. English.
Rob. Powlegb.
Nicb. atte Water.
Johannis Hawe.
Thome Dodde.
Thome Bartelet.
Will. Padenale.
Ade Hastyng.
Job. Stotewell.
Tho. Baker de Watlington.
Richardi Hurry.
Job. Tours.
Thome Muttyng.
Thome Deven.
Job. Martyn.
Will Somen
Job. Romsey.
Job. Yonge.
Will. Caturmayn. Rich. Malpas.
Will. Hervey. Joh. Boure.
Hen. Benefeld. Rob. Gorewey.
Will. North. Joh. Stafford.
Nicholai VVotton de Kingston. Rich. Saddock.
Joh. Temple. Joh. atte Lee.
Joh. Fynamour. Will. Derenden.
The commissioners in this county appear over diligent in dis-
charging their trust : for whereas those in other shires flitted
only the cream of their gentry^, it is suspicious that here they
made use of much thin milk, as may be collected from their nu-
merousness in a county of so small content. I could wish they
had spent part of their pains on some other places, seeing we
have so little of great, and nothing of some shires in this
kind. But, I see, nothing will here fall out adequate to our de-
sires in all particulars ; but still we shall conceive ourselves to
have cause to complain of something redundant and something
Although Oxford and Berk-shires be divided by the Thames,
and in the Saxon heptarchy were under two different kingdoms,
Oxfordshire belonging to Mercia, and Berkshire to the west
Saxons; yet after the Conquest they were united under one
sheriff, until the ninth year of queen Elizabeth, as by the cata-
logue formerly presented in Berkshire doth plainly appear: since
that year, for the more effectual discharge of the office, and
greater ease of the subjects, each have had several sheriffs, and
Oxfordshire as foUoweth :
Anno Name and Arms. Place.
9 Ric, Fines, mil. . . . Broughton.
Az. three lions rampant O.
10 Hum. Ashfeld, arm.
11 Will. Taverner, arm. . Water Eaton.
12 Tho. Gibbons, arm.
13 Ric. Waynman, mil. . . Tame Parke.
Quarterly G. and Az. a cross patonce O.
14 Joh. Dan vers, arm.
G. a chevron inter three mullets O.
15 Hen. Rainford, arm.
16 Will. Babington, mil.
Arg. ten torteaux, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
17 Mich. Molyns, arm.
18 Rob. Doyle, mil. et . , ut infra.
Joh. Coop, arm. . . vt wfra.
19 Will. Haw try, arm.
Anno Name. Place.
20 Ric. Corbet, arm.
O. a raven proper.
21 Edm. Bray, arm.
22 Ric. Hudleston, arm.
G. fretty Arg.
23 Tho. Denton, arm.
24 Anth. Cope, arm. . . Hanwell.
Arg. on a chev. Az. betwixt three roses G. slipt and
leaved Vert three flowers-de-luce O.
25 Ric. Fines, arm. . . . ut 2>Tms.
26 On. Oglethorpe, arm. . Newington.
Arg. a chevron vairy O. and Vert betwixt three boars'
heads Sable cut off O.
27 Joh. Doyle, arm.
O. two bends Arg.
28 Idem ut prius.
29 Mich. Blount, arm. . . Mappleduram.
Barry formy nebule of six O. and S.
.30 Joh. Danvers, arm. . . ut prius.
31 Will. Clarke, arm.
32 Will. Spencer, arm. . . Yardington.
Quarterly Arg. and G. a fret O. ; on a bend S. three escalops
of the first.
33 Anth. Cope, mil. . . ut prius.
34 Ro. Chamblayn, arm.
G. a chevron Arg. betwixt three escalops O .
35 Fran. Stonard, arm. . Stonard.
Az. two bars dancette O. ; a chief Arg.
36 Ric. Fiennes, mil. . . ut prius.
37 Oni. Oglethorpe, arm. . ut prius.
38 Will. Freer, arm. . . Water Eaton.
G. two flanches O. ; three wheat-ears erect in fess counter-
39 George Broome, arm.
40 Mich. Blount, arm, . . ut prius,
41 Fran. Curson, arm,
42 Will. Greene, arm.
43 Will. Pope, arm. . . . Wiscot.
Per pale O. and Az. on a chevron betwixt three grifHns'
heads erased four flowers-de-luce, all counterchanged.
44 Ric. Farmer, mil.
Arg. a fess S. betwixt three leopards' heads erased G.
1 Anth. Cope, mil. . . ut prius.
2 Georg. Tipping, arm.
3 Jac. Harrington, mil.
S. a fret Aro-.
Anno Name. Place.
4 Tho. Temple^ mil. . . Buckin.
Arg. on two bars S. six martlets O.
5 Roland. Lacy, mil.
6 Hen. Samborne, arm,
7 Mich. Dormer, mil,
Az. ten billets, 4, 3, 2, and 1, O. ; on a chief of the se-
cond a lion issuant S.
8 Bene. Winchcombe, arm.
9 Tho. Moyle, arm.
G. a mule passant Arg,
10 Will. Gierke, mil.
11 Hen. Lee, bar. . . . Dichley.
Arg. a fess between three crescents S.
12 Edw. Dunch, arm.
S. a chevron betwixt three towers Arg.
13 Tho. Read, arm.
G. a saltire betwixt four garbs O.
14 Tho. Spencer, mil. et bar. ut prius.
15 Joh. Curson, mil.
16 Edw. Fenner, arm.
17 Will. Cope, mil. et bar. ut prius.
18 Ric. Raker, mil.
19 Fra. Stoner, mil. . . ut prius.
20 Rowlan. Lacy, arm.
21 Will. Aishcombe, mil.
22 Walt. Dunch, arm. . . ut prius,
1 Ric. Blount, mil. . . ut prius.
2 Ric. Lovelace, mil.
modo dom. Lovelace . Berkshire.
G. on a chief indented S. three martlets O.
Cope Doyley, mil. . . ut prius.
3 Ric. Wenman, mil. . ut prius.
modo dom. Wenman.
4 Rob. Dormer, mil. . ut prius.
5 Will. Cobb, mil. . . Adderbury.
6 Joh. Lacy, mil.
7 Joh. Harborne, arm.
8 Tho. Coghill, arm.
modo miles . . . Blechington.
G. on a chevron Arg. three ogresses ; a chief S.
9 Joh. Mellor, mil.
10 Pet. Wentworth, mil. bar.
S. a chevron betwixt three leopards' heads O.
11 Fran. Norris, mil.
Quarterly Arg. and G., a fret Or, with a fess Az.
Anno Name. Place.
12 Will. Walter, arm. . . Saresden.
Az. three eagles displayed Arg.
13 T. Peniston, mil. and bar.
Arg. three Cornish choughs proper.
14 Joh. Doyly, arm. . . ut prius,
15 Rad. Warcoppe, arm.
16 Ric. Libb, arm.
17 Tho. Tippin, arm.
11. William Taverner, Arm. — This was he who, in the
year of his sheriffalty, came to Oxford, and went up into the
pulpit at St. Mary's with a sword by his side, and a gold chain
about his neck ; where he made a sermon (or an oration rather)
to the university, the stuff, or rather bombace, whereof we have
set down in our " Ecclesiastical History.'' Now, though this
was an odd act, wherein his zeal was conceived by most to tres-
pass on his discretion, yet was it borne the better in those darker
days from a person well affected in religion, and abhorring to
invade the ministerial function.
18. Robert Doyle, Mil. — This year (if I mistake not) were
the Black Assizes at Oxford, wherein (contrary to the common
course) the prisoners caused the death of the judge (chief-
baron Bell), the sheriff, some of the lawyers, many of the
justices, and most of the jury ; besides other persons of qua-
lity there present. It was generally imputed to the stench of
the prisoners' clothes and bodies; for, whereas other offensive
smells are open enemies, and, violently assaulting the brain,
warn men in some sort to avoid or resist them ; a gaol-stench
treacherously pretendeth alliance (as made of man-sweat), and
so insinuates itself with the less suspicion and more danger into
the spirits.
31. William Clarke, Arm. — He was a son, or (if the
same with Sir William Clarke, sheriff in the 10th of king
James), grand-child to Sir John Clarke of Northamptonshire in
the 21st of king Henry the Eighth; whose arms, with the
honourable augmentation, and the worthy cause thereof, are
there largely described.
36. Richard Fiennes, Mil. — He was a worthy gentleman;
and bred fellow (being the founder's kinsman) of New College
in Oxford. He was also lineally descended from James lord
Say and Sele, treasurer of England in the reign of king Henry
the Sixth ; and, in consideration thereof, was, 1 Jacobi, created
lord Say and Sele. He died anno domini 1612. William
Fiennes;, his eldest son, was since created viscount Say and
Sele, and is still alive, 1661.*
3. Richard Wenman, Mil. — This worthy knight was by
king Charles the First created first baron Wenman of Chil-
maynam in the county of Dublin, and then viscount Wenman,
of Tuant in the county of Galway, both in the kingdom of
Ireland, by letters patent, dated at Cambray the 25th of July,
1628, 4 Caroli.
As for the poorer sort of husbandmen in this county, I wish
there may be more Sir Henry Kebles for their sakes. This
knight (though a native of London, and lord mayor thereof)
had such an aifection for this and Warwickshire, that he singled
out a hundred and fifty of the poorest husbandmen therein,
and gave each of them a new plough-share and a new coulter of
iron,t and, in my mind, that is the most charitable charity
which enableth decayed industry to follow its vocation.
Andrew Allam, divine and biographer, assisted Anthony
Wood; born at Garsington 1655; died 1685.
Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A., celebrated painter; born at Burford
1753 ; died 1839.
William Berriman, divine, author of '^ Sermons ;^^ born at
Banbury 1688.
Charles Davenant, political economist; born at Oxford 1656 ;
died 1714.
Sir William Davenant, dramatist and poet-laureat, loyalist ;
born at Oxford 1605 ; died 1668.
Rev. Mr. De la Field, historian of his native parish ; born at
Hasely 1690.
Nathaniel Fiennes, son of lord Say and Sele, parliamentarian
officer; born at Broughton 1603 ; died 1669.
John Free, divine, poUtical and miscellaneous writer ; born at
Oxford 1711.
William Greenhill, divine, commentator on Ezekiel ; died
• He died 1662 Ed. f Stow's Survey of London, p. 89.
D 2
Warren Hastings^ for many years governor of the East Indies,
subsequently impeached^ but acquitted; born at Churchill
1732; died 1818.
Peter Heylin^ sub- dean of Westminster, author of ^^Cosmo-
graphy f born at Burford 1600 ; died 1662.
Sir John Holt, patriotic lord chief justice of the King^s
Bench; born at Thame 1642; died 1709.
Charles Jenkinson, first earl of Liverpool, statesman; born
at Walcot 1727 ; died 1808.
Mary Latter, dramatist and satirist; born at Henley-upon-
Thames 1725.
William Lenthal, speaker of the Long Parliament ; born at
Henley-upon-Thames 1591 ; died 1663.
Marchmont Needham, political writer during the civil war;
born at Burford 1620; died 1678.
William Oldys, biographer and herald ; bom at Adderbury
John Owen, independent divine, scholar and author ; born at
Stadhampton 1616; died 1683.
John Philips, poet, author of ^^ Cyder ^^ and "Splendid Shil-
ling;" born at Bampton 1676; died 17O8.
Edward Pococke, divine, orientialist, and archbishop Laud's
first professor of Arabic ; born at Oxford 1604 ; died 1691.
Thomas Randolph, divine and author; died 1788.
John Wilmot earl of Rochester, wit and poet; born at
Ditchley 1648 ; died 1680.
Dr. John Rogers, divine, author on "The Visible and Invisible
Church;'' born at Ensham 1679; died 1729.
Henry Rose, author of a philosophical essay for the. re-union of
languages; born at Pirton l7th century.
John Sibthorp, physician, botanist, and traveller; bom at
Oxford 1758; died 1796.
Edward Ward, miscellaneous writer, author of "London Spy ;'^
born 1667; died 1731.
Anthony a Wood, industrious biographer and antiquary; born
at Oxford 1632; died 1695.
Benjamin Woodroffe, Principal of Gloucester Hall, scholar j
born at Oxford; died 171I.
Wm. Smith, LL.D., naturalist and geologist; born at Churchill
1769; died 1840.
*#* Of Oxfordshire there is no complete topographical history. In 1705, how-
ever, Dr. Plot published the Natural History of the county; and in 1813 some
general notices appeared in the Beauties of [England and Wales, by J. N. Brewer.
In 1823 also appeared Skelton's engraved Illustrations of Oxfordshire, with de-
scriptive and historical observations. Of the town and university various accounts
have appeared ; as Pointer's Oxoniensis Academia (1749) ; Ant. a Wood's
History of the University, by J. Gutch (1796); Skelton's Oxonia Antiqua
Restaurata; Rev. T. Warton's History of Kiddington (1815) ; Dunkin's Histories
ofthe Hundreds of Bullinffton and Ploughley, and of Bicester, &c. (1823) — Ei>.
Rutlandshire is^, by a double diminutive, called by Mr.
Camden, ^^ Angliee Provinciola minima/^ Indeed it is but the
pestle of a lark, which is better than a quarter of some bigger
bird, having the most cleanly profit in it ; no place, so fair for
the rider, being more fruitful for the abider therein.
Banishing the fable of king Rott, and their fond conceit who
will have Rutland so called from roet, the French word for a
wheel, from the rotundity thereof, (being in form almost exactly
orbicular) ; it is so termed quasi Red-land ; for as nature kept a
dye-vat herein, a reddish tincture discoloureth the earth, stones,
yea the very fleeces of the sheep feeding therein. If the Rabbins'
observation be true, who distinguish betwixt Arets, the general
element of the earth, and Adamah, red ground, from which Adam
w^as taken and named ; making the latter the former refined ;
Rutland's soil, on the same reason, may lay claim to more than
ordinary purity and perfection.
Burgley on the Hill belonged formerly to the lord Harrington,
but since so beautified with buildings by the duke of Bucking-
ham, that it was inferior to few for the house, superior to all for
the stable ; where horses (if their pabulum so plenty as their
stabulum stately) were the best accommodated in England.
But, alas ! what saith Menedemus to Chremas in the comedy ?
" Filium unicum adolescentulum habeo. Ah, quid dixi habere
me ? immo habui." So may Rutland say, " I have, yea I had,
one most magnificent house : this Burgley being since demo-
lished in our civil war ;* so just was the poet's ancient invec-
"AjO£C, GLpEQ, f^poToXoiys, fXiaK^ovE Tei\e(nnXr}Ta.
" Mars, Mars, bane of men, slaughter- stain'd spoiler of houses."
But when we have first sufficiently bemoaned the loss of so
many worthy men in our late war, if then we have still any sor-
* Daniel earl of Nottingham afterwards purchased this estate, and rebuilt the
house, which has a park inclosed by a wall of five or six miles round. It has since
belonged to the earl of Winchelsea Ed.
row left, and tears to spare, we will spend them in lamenting the
raising and ruining of so many stately structures.
How it will appear to the reader I know not ; but it is won-
derful in my apprehension, that this county, so pleasant, so fruit-
ful, almost in the middle of England, had not one absolute or en-
tire abbey therein; producing only two small appurtenances
(of inconsiderable value) to convents in other counties : viz.
Okeham, under the custody of the priory of St. Anne by
Coventry, founded by William Dalby, for two chaplains and
twelve poor; receiving in all one and twenty pounds per annum.
Brook, a cell to Killingworth, founded by Walkeline de Fer-
rers, baron of Okeham, for black canons, valued, at the disso-
lution, at forty-three pounds thirteen shillings and four-pence.
Thelikecannotbe paralleled in England, choose so great aparcel
of good ground where you please. Shew me so fair a bunch of
sweet grapes which had no more flies to suck them. Nor can I con-
jecture any competent cause thereof, except because Edward the
Confessor, by his will, gave all Rutland to Westminster church ;
which, though rescinded by king William the Conqueror^, yet
other convents perchance might be scrupulous to accept what
once belonged to another foundation.
" Rutland Raddleman.'']
I meet in an author * with this blazon, as he terms it, of Rut-
landshire, though I can scarcely recover the meaning thereof.
Rad here is the same with red (only more broadly pro-
nounced) ; as Radcliffe, de rubro clivo, RedcUffe. Raddleman
then is a Reddleman, a trade (and that a poor one) only in this
county, whence men bring on their backs a pack of red stones,
or ochre, which they sell to the neighbouring countries for the
marking of sheep, well nigh as discernible (and far less hurtful
to the wool) as pitch-brands made on their fleeces.
St. Tibba. — Because this county is princeless, I mean, af-
fords no royal natives, we begin with Saints ; and here almost
we are at a loss, finding but one worshipped therein, and pro-
bably a native thereof. But seriously peruse, I pray, the words
of our author,t speaking of Rihall, a village in this county :
" Where, when superstition had so bewitched our ancestors,
that the multitude of their petty saints had well near taken quite
away the true God, one Tibba, a petty saint or goddess, reputed
to be the tutelar patroness of Hawking, was of fowlers and fal-
coners worshipped as a second Diana."
* Drayton's Polyolbion. f Camden's Britannia^ in Rutlandshire, p. 526.
This saint of falconers doth stive so high into the air, that my
industry cannot fly home after the same, so as to give a good
account thereof to the reader. All that I can retrieve of her is
digested into these following particulars ;
1. She was a female whose sex (dubious in the English) is
cleared in the Latin Camden, Tibba minorum gentium Sancta."^
2. Though gentium may import something of heathenism,
Sancta carries it clear for Christianity ; that she was no Pagan
deity amongst the Britons (who were not our ancestors, but pre-
decessors), but a Popish she-Saint amongst the Saxons.
3. She could not be Saint Ebba, a virgin Saint, of whom for-
merly in Northumberland, whom the country-people nick-name
Tabbs for St. Ebbs.
4. My best inquiry, making use of mine own and friends' in-
dustry, perusing authors proper to this purpose,t cannot meet
with this Tibb with all our industry.
But I will trouble myself and the reader no longer with this
saint, which if she will not be found, even for me let her be
lost; only observe, after that superstition had appointed saints
to all vocations (St. Luke to painters, St. Crispin to shoemakers,
&c.) she then began to appoint patrons to recreations; and
surely falconers [generally] according to the popish principles,
if any, need a saint, both to protect them in their desperate
riding, and pray for a pardon for their profane oaths in their
^ E^pr/Ka, at last we have found it. She was no Pagan deity,
but a Saxon saint, as plainly appeareth, because the passage
concerning her is commanded to be expunged out of Camden by
the Index Expurgatorius ; J bearing a pique thereat, as grating
against their superstitious practice. The same, no doubt, with
Tibba, virgin and anchoress, who, living at Dormundcaster,
died with the reputation of holiness about the year 660. How-
ever, reader, I am not ashamed to suffer my former doubts and
disquisitions still to stand, though since arrived at better infor-
• William Brov^ne, Esq. twice alderman of Stamford,
merchant of the Staple, was (as I am credibly informed)
extracted from the ancient family of Brownes of Toll-Thorp in
this county. He built, on his own proper cost, the beautiful
• Though it be Diva in his first and quarto Edition, yet it is Sancta in his last.
I mean in the text, whereon I rely, though Diva again in the margin — F.
f Csesar Baron. Not. on Martyrolog. Rom. Fran. Haraeus de Vitis Sanct Laurent.
Sur. Carthusian. Pet. de Natalib. Catal. Sanctorum, &c.
\ Printed at Madrid, by Lewes Sanchez, anno 1612.
§ MS. de Vitis Sanctorum Mulierum Angliee, p. 177
steeple, with a great part of the church, of All-Saints in Stam-
ford ; and lieth therein, with his wife, buried in a chapel proper
to his family. He also erected, anno 1493, the old Bead-house
in that town, for a warden, confrater, twelve poor old men,
with a nurse-woman to attend them : to this he gave the manor
of Swayfeld (seven miles from Stamford), worth four hundred
pounds per annum, besides divers lands and tenements else-
where. I am loath to insert, and loath to omit, what folio weth in
my author; viz. '^ That the pious and liberal gift is much abused
by the avarice and mis-employment of the governors thereof:"*
and charitably to presume that such faults (if any) are since, or
will be suddenly, amended.
John Harrington the elder, son to Sir James Harrington,
was born at Exton in this county, where their ancient family
had long flourished : — a bountiful housekeeper, dividing his
hospitality between Rutland and Warwickshire, where he had a
fair habitation. He was one of the executors to the lady
Frances Sidney, and a grand benefactor to the college of her
founding in Cambridge. King James created him baron of
Exton ; and his lady, a prudent woman, had the princess Eliza-
beth committed to her governments When the said princess
was married to Frederick prince Palatine, this lord (with Henry
Martin, doctor of the laws) was sent over to the Palatinate, to see
her highness settled at Hidleburgh, and some formalities about
her dowry and j ointure performed. This done (as if God had
designed this for his last work), he sickened on the first day of his
return ; and died at Wormes in Germany, on St. Bartholomew's
day, anno Domini 1613. The lord John his son (of whom in
Warwickshire) did not survive him a year ; both of them sig-
nally eminent, the one a pattern for all good fathers, the other
for all gracious sons ; and pity it is the last had not issue to be.
a precedent to all grand-children : but God thought it fit, that
here the male issue of that honourable family should expire.
Jeffrey was born in the parish of Okeham in this
county, where his father was a very proper man, broad shoul-
dered and chested, though his son never arrived at a full ell in
stature. And here we may observe Pliny's observationt not true,
K-ara ttuvtoq, "In plenum autem cuncto mortalium generi mi-
norem staturam indies fieri, propemodum observatur, rarosque
patribus proceriores,'^ &c.
It seems that families sometimes are checquered, as in brains
so in bulk, that no certainty can be concluded from such alter-
* Mr. Richard Butcher, in his Survey of Stamford, p. 39. f Lib. vii. c. 16.
His father^ who kept and ordered the baiting bulls' for George
duke of Buckingham (a place, you will say, requiring a robus-
tious body to manage it), presented him, at Burleigh on the Hill,
to the duchess of Buckingham, being then nine years of age, and
-scarce a foot and a half in height, as I am informed by credible
persons* then and there present, and still alive. Instantly
Jeffrey was heightened (not in stature but) in condition, from one
degree above rags into silk and satin, and two tall men to at-
tend him.
He w^as, without any deformity, wholly proportionable;
whereas often dwarfs, pigmies in part, are giants in another.
And yet, though the least that England ever saw, he was a pro-
per person compared to him of whom Sabinusf doth write,
in his comment upon the Metamorphosis :
"Vidit Italia nuper virum justa eetate, non majorem cubito,
circumferri in cavea psittaci, cujus viri meminit in suis scriptis
Hieronymus Cardanus ;" (there was lately to be seen in Italy
a man of a ripe age, not above a cubit high, carried about in a
parrot^s cage, of whom Hierome Cardan, in his writings, makes
It was not long before he was presented in a cold baked pie to
king Charles and queen Mary at an entertainment; and ever
after lived (whilst the court lived) in great plenty therein, want-
ing nothing but humility (high mind in a low body), which made
him that he did not know himself, and would not know his
father, and which by the king's commandcaused justly his sound
correction. He was, though a dwarf, no dastard ; a captain of
horse in the king's army in these late civil wars, and afterwards
went over to wait on the queen in France.
Here being provoked by Mr. Crofts, who accounted him the
object not of his anger but contempt, he shewed to all, that
hahet musca suum splenum ; and they must be little indeed that
cannot do mischief, especially seeing a pistol is a pure leveller,
and puts both dwarf and giant into equal capacity to kill and
be killed. For the shooting the same Mr. Crofts he was im-
prisoned. And so I take my leave of Jeffrey, the least man of
the least county in England.
William bishop of Lincoln, and William de Souche de Harring-
worth, chevalier; — Thomas Grenham, and William Beaufo,
(knights of the shire) ; — Commissioners to take the oaths,
Johannes Basings de Empyng- Johannes Colepepar de Ex-
ham, mil. ton, mil.
* John Armstrong of Cheshuut. f Lib. vi. fab. 19.
Henricus Plesington de Bur-
ley, mil.
Robertus Browne de Wode-
head, arm.
Robertus Davis de Tykencoat,
Johannes Browne de Tygh,
Johannes Plesington de Wis-
senden, arm.
Thomas Flore de Oakham, arm.
Franciscus Gierke de Stoke-
dry, arm.
Johannes Chycelden de Bram-
eston, arm.
Johannes Sapcoat de Keton,
Robertus Whitwell de eadem,
Johannes Clerk de Wissenden,
Willielmus Lewis de Oakham,
Johannes Brigge de eadem,
J oh. Basset de North Luflfen-
ham, gent.
Jacobus Palmer de eadem,
Johannes Palmer de eadem,*
Wilhelmi Sheflfeild de Seyton,
Johannes Sadington de eadem,
Rob. Sousex de Market Over-
ton, gent.
Johannes Vowe de Whitwell,
Willielmus Pochon de Wis-
senden, gent.
Willielmus Swafeld de Braun-
ston, gent.
Henricus Breton de Keton,
Willielmus Uffington de Pil-
ton, gent.
Thomas Luifenham de Winge.
It remaineth now that we give in a list of the sheriffs of this
shire ; and here Rutland conceiveth it to sound to her credit,
that whereas other shires ten times bigger than this (viz. Nor-
folk and Suffolk) had but one sheriff betwixt them ; this little
county never took hands to hold with a partner, but had always
an entire sheriff to itself; though anciently the same person
(generally honourable) discharged the office for many years to-
gether, as by the ensuing catalogue will appear.
Richard de Humet, from 10 to 26 Henry II.
William Molduit, 26 Henry II. to 1 Rich. I.
Anna Brigg dispensat. 1 to 2 Rich. I.
WiUiam Albeney et WiUiani Fresney, 2 to 9 Rich I.
William Albevine solus, 9 Rich. I. to 1 king John.
Benedic. de Haversham, 1 to 2 king John.
Robert Malduit, 2 to 5 king John.
Ralph Normanvill, 5 to 12 king John.
Robert de Braibro et Henry filius ejus, 12 king John to 2
Henry III.
Alan Basset, 2 to 12 Henry III.
Jeffrey de Rokingham, 12 to 38 Henry III.
Ralph de Grenehaml, 38 to 43 Henry III.
Anketyn de Markinal, 43 Henry III. to one Edw. I.
Peter Wakervill et William Bovile;, 1 to 9 Edw. I.
Alberic de Whitleber, 9 to 17 Edw. I.
Edmund earl of Cornwall, 17 to 29 Edw. I.
John Burley, 29 to 30 Edw. I.
Marg. widow to Edmund earl of Cornwall, 30 Edw. I. to 6
Edw. II.
Marg. widow of Pierce Gavester earl of Cornwall, 6 to 9
Edw. IL
Hugo de Audley, 9 to 17 Edw. II.
Edmund earl of Kent, brother to the king, 17 Edw. II. to
1 Edw. III.
Hugo de Audley earl of Gloucester, 1 to 22 Edw. III.
William de Bohun earl of Northampton, 22 to 33 Edw. III.
William Wade, 33 to 38 Edw III.
Humphrey de Bohun, 38 to 47 Edw. III.
John de Witlesbrough, 47 to 49 Edw. III.
Simon Ward, 49 Edw. III. to 1 Rich. II.
Anno Name, and Arms. Place.
1 Joh. Wittlebury.
2 Tho. de Burton.
Az. a fess betwixt three talbots' heads erased O.
3 Joh. Basings.
4 Will. Moorwood.
5 Joh. de Wittlesbury.
6 Will. Flore .... Okeham.
Ermine, a cinquefoil Erm.
7 Walt. Skarle.
8 Joh. de Calveley.
9 Rob. de Veer.
Quarterly G. and O. in the first a mullet Arg.
10 Idem ut prius, ]
11 Joh. Wittlebury.
12 Walt. Skarles.
13 Edw. Comes Rutland,
for eight years.
Quarterly France and England ; a label Arg. charged
with nine torteauxs.
21 Tho. Ondeley.
22 Idem.
(Recorda manca — all this king's reign.)
1 Tho. Ondeley.
Anno Name. Place.
2 Jac. Bellers.
Party per pale^ G. and S. a lion ramp. Arsr. crowned O.
3 Joh. Boyvill.
G. a fess O. betwixt three saltires humet Arg.
4 Tho. Burton, mil. . . ut prius.
5 Rob. Browne.
6 Rob. Chisdden.
7 Joh. Pensax.
8 Tho. Burton, mil. . . ut prius,
9 Idem ut prius.
1 Tho. Burton .... ut prius,
2 Joh. Ondeby.
3 Joh. Davies, mil. . . Tickencote.
4 Joh. Colepeper . . . Exton.
Arg. on a bend engrailed G.
5 Hen, Plessington, mil. , Burley.
Az. on a cross patee betwixt four martlets Arg.
6 Tho. Burton, mil. . . ut prius,
7 Joh. Denys.
8 Joh. Colepeper . . . ut prius,
9 Tho. Flore .... ut prius,
10 Hen. Plesington, mil. . ut prius,
11 Joh. Boyvile .... ut prius,
12 Will. Beaufo.
Erm. on a bend Az. three cinquefoils O.
13 Rob. Davies, et
Johc Pilton.
14 Joh. Branspath.
15 Hugo. Boyvile . . . ut prius,
16 Laur. Sherard.
Arg. a chevron G. betwixt three torteaux.
17 Will. Beaufo .... ut prius.
18 Tho. Burton .... ut prius,
19 Hen. Plesington, mil. . ut prius.
20 Tho. Flore ut prius.
21 Will. Beaufo .... ut prius.
22 Tho. Barkeley.
G. a chevron betwixt ten cinquefoils Arg.
23 Joh. Basings, mil.
24 Will. Walker.
25 Joh. Boyvile .... ut prius.
26 Wil. Haselden.
27 Hugo Boyvile .... ut prius,
28 Rob. Fenne.
Arg. on a fess Az. three escalop- shells of the first, a bor-
der engrailed as the second.
Anno Name.
29 Tho. Floure . . .
30 Will Heton.
31 Rob. Sherard . . ,
32 Rob. Fenne . . .
33 Will. Beaufo. . . .
34 Will. Haselden.
35 Tho. Flore, ar. . .
36 Tho. Dale,
37 Rob. Fenne . . .
38 Everard Digby . .
Az. a flower-de-luce
ut jivius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
tit prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
. Dry stoke.
1 Joh. Francis.
2 Tho. Palmer.
3 Idem.
4 Will. Greenham, arm.
5 Tho. Flore, arm. . . ut prius.
6 Ric. Sopcotts, mil.
S. three dove-cots Arg.
7 Will. Browne . . o Tolethorp.
S. three mallets Arsf.
8 Galfr. Sherard . . . ut prius.
9 Joh= Dale, arm.
10 Tho. Flore, arm. . . . ut prius »
11 Brian. Talbot, arm.
12 Tho. Berkley, mil. . . ut prius.
13 Will. Haselden.
14 Joh. Pilton, arm.
15 Will. Browne . . . ut prius.
16 Joh. Sapcote .... ut prius,
17 David Malpas.
Arg. a cross patee Az,
18 Hen. Mackworth . . Norman ton.
Per pale indented Erm. and S. a chevron G. frettee O.
19 Joh. Pilton.
20 Galf. Sherard . . . at prius.
21 Will. Palmer.
22 David Malpas
ut prius.
1 Will. Browne .
Arms, ut prius.
2 Galfo Sherard
3 Joh. Pilton.
ut prius.
1 Everard. Digby
on a fess Az. three lozenges O,
Anno Name.
2 Will. Browne
3 David Malpas
4 Maur. Berkley
5 The Sapcots
6 Job. Digby, mil.
7 Rob. Harrington, arm.
S. a frettee Arg.
8 Cbristoph. Browne . .
9 Job. Pilton.
10 Tbo. Sberard ....
11 Tbo. Sapcots, arm. . .
12 Geo. Mackwortb . . .
13 Rob. Harrington, arm. .
14 Everard Digby, arm.
15 Job. Cbisleden.
16 Cbrist. Browne, arm. .
17 Job. Digby ....
18 Job. Harrington . .
19 Maur. Berkley . . .
20 Will. Pole.
21 Tbo. Sberard ....
22 Ric. Flowre, arm. . .
23 Jobn Coly, arm.
24 Ever. Feilding, mil. . .
Arg. on a fess Az. tbree
1 Cbrist. Browne, arm.
2 Edw. Sapcote ....
3 Geo. Mackwortb, arm. .
4 Job. Harrington, arm. .
5 Everard Digby, arm.
6 Tbo. Brokesby, arm.
7 Job. Caldecott.
8 Job. Harrington .
9 Job. Digby, mil. . ,
1 0 Everard. Digby, arm. .
11 Will. Fielding, arm.
12 Jo. Harington, jun. arm.
13 Jo. Harington, sen. arm,
14 Geo. Mackwortb, arm. .
15 Job. Digby, mil. . .
16 Fran. Browne, arm.
17 Job. Caldecot, arm.
18 Will. Filding, arm. . .
19 Edw. Sapcots ....
20 Everard. Digby, mil. .
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut p)rius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut pi^ius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
Martin sthorpe.
fusils O.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius.
Anno Name.
21 Edw. Catesby, arm.
Arg. two lions passant I
S. crowned Or.
22 Geo. Mackworth^ arm. .
ut prius.
23 Edw. Sapcots, arm. . .
lit prius.
24 Everard. Digby, mil.
ut prius.
25 Joh. Harington, arm. .
ut prius.
26 Geo. Mackworth, arm. .
ut prius.
27 Edw. Sapcots, arm. . .
ut prius.
28 An dr. No well, arm. . .
O. a frettee G. a canton Erm.
29 Tho. Burdenell, arm. .
ut prius.
30 Fr. Mackworth, arm. .
ut prius.
31 Rich. Cecell, arm.
Barry of ten Arg. and Az. on six escutcheons
S. as many
lions rampant of the first.
32 Joh. Harington, mil. .
ut prius.
33 Kenelm. Digby, arm. .
ut prius.
34 Edw. Sapcots, arm .
ut prius.
35 Era. Mackworth, arm. .
ut prius.
36 Geo. Sherard, arm. . .
ut prius.
37 Anth. Browne, arm . .
ut prius.
38 Edw. Sapcots, mil. . .
ut prius.
1 Anth. Colly, arm.
2 Simon Digby, arm. .
ut prius.
3 Kenelm Digby, arm. .
ut prius.
4 Andr. Noell, arm. . .
ut prius.
5 Anth. Colly, arm.
6 Joh. Harrington, mil. .
ut pynus.
7 Jac. Harington, arm.
ut prius.
1 Kenelm. Digby, arm. .
ut prius.
2 Simon. Digby, arm.
ut prius.
3 Era. Mackworth, arm. .
ut prius.
4 Andr. Noell, arm. . .
ut prius.
5 Anth. Browne, arm.
ut prius.
Edw. Brudenell, arm.
Arg. a chevron G. betwixt three caps Az. turned up
1 Anth. Colly, arm.
2 Jac. Harington, mil.
3 Kenelm. Digby, arm.
4 Geo. Sherard, arm. .
5 Will. Caldecot, arm.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prizes.
0 Name.
Geo. Mackworth^ arm.
. ut prius.
Joh. Floure, arm.
. lit prius.
Jac. Harington, mil.
. ut prius.
Kenelm. Digby, arm.
. ut j^rius.
Anth. Colly^ arm.
Job. Floure, an\i.
. ut prius.
Maur. Berkley, arm.
. ut prius.
Anth. Browne . .
. ut prius.
Geo. Mackworth, arm.
ut prius.
15 Tho. Cony, arm.
S. a bar and two barrulets betwixt three conies currant
16 Rob. Sapcots, arm. .
17 Will. Caldecot, arm.
18 Anth. Colly, arm.
19 Joh. Floure, arm.
20 Jac. Harington, mil.
21 Mich. Catesby, arm.
22 Geo. Mackworth, arm.
23 Will. Feilding, arm.
24 Roger. Smith, arm. .
G. on a chev, O. betwixt
formee fitchee.
25 Anth. Colley, arm.
26 Tho. Coney, arm.
27 Kenelnic Digby .
28 Jac. Harington, mil.
Andr. Nowell, mil.
Geo. Sheffield,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
three bezants
three croslets
ut prias.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
Arg. a chevron betwixt three garbs G.
ut prius.
ut 2)riuSo
ut 2wius,
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
31 Rob. Sapcots, arm.
32 Hen. Harenten, arm.
33 Will. Fielding, arm.
34 Roger. Smith, arm. .
35 Jac. Harington, mil.
36 Joh. Harington, mil.
Andr, Nowell, mil. .
Will. Fielding, arm.
Hen. Ferrers, arm.
Arg. on a bend G. cotised S. three horse-shoes Arg.
40 Joh. Harington, mil. . ut prius.
41 Tho. Mackworth, arm. ut prius.
42 Andr. Nowell, mil. . . ut prius.
43 Jac. Harington, mil. . ut prius.
44 Joh. Harington, mil. . ut prius.
1 Will, Bodendin, arm.
Will. Boulstred, mil.
Basil. Feilding, arm.
Hen. Barkley, arm. .
Guido Palmes, mil.
Edw. Nowell, mil. .
7 Tho. Mackworth, arm.
8 Will. Halford, arm. .
ut prius,
lit prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
Arg. a greyhound passant ; on a chief S. three flowers-de-
luce of the field.
9 Joh. Elmes, arm. . . North H.
Erm. two bars S. each charged with five elm-leaves trans-
posed O.
10 Rob. Lane, mil.
11 Anth. Andrews, arm.
12 Fran. Bodinden, arm.
13 Ed. Noell, mil. et bar.
14 Rich. Cony, mil. . .
15 Guido Palmes, mil.
16 Abr. Johnson, arm.
17 Rich. Halford, arm. . . ut prius,
18 Anth. Colley, arm.
19 Ed. Harrington, mil. et bar. Ridlington.
Arms, ut prius,
20 Rob. Lane, mil.
21 Rob. Tredway, arm.
22 Joh. Osborne, arm.
Quarterly, Erm. and Az. a cross O.
1 Guido Palmes, mil.
2 Will. Gibson, mil.
3 Hen. Mackworth, arm. ut prius,
4 Ever. Fawkener, arm.
5 Joh. Huggeford, arm.
6 Joh. Wingfeild, mil.
Arg. a bend G. cotised S. three wings of the first.
7 Ric. Halford, arm. . . ut prius,
8 Anth. Colley, mil.
9 Ric. Hickson, arm.
10 Fran. Bodington, mil.
11 Hen. Mynne, mil.
12 Ed. Harrington, mil. et b. ut prius,
13 Edw. Andrews, arm.
14 Joh. Barker, arm.
15 Tho. Levett, arm.
16 Rob. Horsman, arm. . Stretton.
17 Tho. Wayte, arm.
Anno Name. Hace.
22 Abel Barker.
16. Christopher Browne, Arm. — This sheriff came over
with king Henry the Seventh, and assisted him against Richard
the Third ; for which good service king Henry the Eighth
granted to Francis Browne (son of our sheriff), of comicil to
the lady Margaret, the following patent :
^^ Henricus Octavus, Dei gracia Angliee et Francise rex, fidei
defensor, et dominus Hiberniee, omnibus ad quos preesentes lit-
terse pervenient, salutem. Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra
speciali concessimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris, quantum
in nobis est, dilecto nostro Francisco Browne, armigero, quod
ipse ad totam vitam suam non ponatur, impanelletur, nee jure-
tur, in assisis juratis inquisitionibus attinctis, seu aliis recogni-
tionibus aut juratis quibuscunque, licet ille seu eorum aliquis
tangant nos vel heredes nostros, ac licet nos vel herdes nostri
soli aut conjunctim cum aliis sit una pars, Concessimus etiam,
ac per presentes concedimus eidem Francisco, quod ipse de
cetero non fiat Vicecomes nee Escaetor nostri vel heredum nos-
trorum in aliquo comitatu regni nostri Anglise : et quod ipse ad
offic. vie. escaetoris superius recitat. habend. exercend. faciend.
recipiend. aut occupand. uUo modo per nos vel heredes nostros
assignet: ordinet. seu compellet. aut aliqualit. artet. ullo modo
nee ad ascend, jurat, super aliqua triatione, arrainatione alicujus
assises coram quibuscunq; justic. nostris vel heredum nostro-
rum ad assisas capiend. assign, aut aliis justic. quibuscunque;
et quod non ponatur nee impanelletur in aliqua magna assist
infra regni nostri Angliee inter partes quascunque contra
voluntatem suam, lic^t nos vel heredes nostri sit una pars. Et
ulterius de abundanciori gratia nostra concessimus preefato
Francisco, quod si ipse ad aliqua officia superdict. seu aliquod
prgemissorum eligat. ipseq; et officia superdict. recusavit, extunc
idem Franciscus aliquem contemptum deperdit. pcenam foris-
factur. aut aliquos exutos fines, redemptiones seu amerciament,
quoecunq; occasione omissionis sis^e non omissionis aut alicujus
eorundem, nuUatenus incurrat forisfaciat aut perdet ; sed quod
proesens carta nostra de exemptione coram quibuscunq; justic.
nostra et hered. nostri. ac in quocunq; loco aut curia de record,
per totum regnum nostrum pra3dict. super demonstratione ejus-
dem chartee nostras, absq; aliquo brevi preecept. seu mandat.
aut aliquo alio superinde habend. seu persequend. vel aliqua
proclamatione faciend. praefato Francisco allocetur. Concessi-
mus etiam, et per preesentes concedimus eidem Francisco, quod
ipse de cetero durante vita su^ in prsesentid nostri aut hered.
nostrorum, aut in prsesentid alicujus sive aliquorum magnatum,
dominorum spiritualium vel temporalium, aut aliquorum alio-
rum regni nostri quorumcunq; quibuscunq; temporil)us futuris
pileo sit co-opertus capite, et non exuat aut deponat pileum suum
k capite suo occasione vel causa quacunq; contra voluntatem
aut placitum suum. Et ideo vobis omnibus et singulis^ aut qui-
buscunque justic. judicibus, vicecomitibus^ escaetoribus, coro-
natoribus^ majoribus, prcepositis ballivis^ et aliis officiariis^ et
ministris nostris et hered. nostrorum firmiter injungendo man-
damus, quod ipsum Franciscum contra banc concessionem
nostr. et contra tenorem exigent, aut effect, prsesent. non vex-
etis, perturb, molest, in aliquo seu gravetis. In cujus rei tes-
tim. has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste meipso
apud Westm. sexto die Julii, anno regni nostri decimo octavo.
" Per ipsum Regem, et de dat. prsedict. authoritate Parlia-
Tolethorpe (the chief place of residence at this day of Chris-
topher Browne, esquire, who hath borne the office of sheriff in
this county, 1647^) was by deed conveyed unto John Browne,
from Thomas Burton, knight, in the fiftieth year of king
Edward the Third.
I meet with a Browne, lord mayor of London 1479 ; the son
of John Browne of Okeham.
Let not the inhabitants of Rutland complain, that they are
pinned up within the confines of a narrow county ; seeing the
goodness thereof equals any shire in England for fertility of
ground : but rather let them thank God, who hath cast their lot
into so pleasant a place, giving them a goodly heritage.
Thomas Barker, philosophical and theological writer; born at
Lyndon, 1722; died 1809.
Gilbert Clerke, learned mathematician, Grecian, and biblical
scholar ; born 1626; died 1697-
Vincent Wing, mathematician, author of almanac called by
his name ; born at Luffenham 1619 ; died 1669.
*^* The principal Works relative to this County, since the time of Fuller, are the
History and Antiquities of Rutland, by Mr. James Wright (1684) ; and another
W^ork recently published by Mr. Tho. Blore. The twelfth volume of the Beauties
of England and Wales also contains some useful information. — Eu.
e 2
Shropshire hath Cheshire on the north ; Staffordshire on
the east ; Worcester, Hereford, and Radnor-shires on the south ;
Montgomery and Denbigh-shires on the west. The length
thereof from north to south is 34 miles, and the general breadth
thereof about 26 miles. I behold it really (though not so re-
puted) the biggest land-lock-shire in England : for although,
(according to Mr. Speed's measuring) it gathereth but one hun-
dred thirty-four miles (short of Wiltshire by five) in circum-
ference ; yet, though less in compass, it may be more in content,
as less angular in my eye, and more approaching to a circle, the
form of greatest capacity : a large and lovely county, generally
fair and fruitful, affording grass, grain, and all things necessary
for man's sustenance, but chiefly abounding with
It is the most impure of metals, hardly meltable but with
additaments ; yea malleable and ductible with difficulty. Not
like that at Damascus, which they refine in such sort, that it
will melt at a lamp, and yet so tough that it will hardly break.*
Some impute the grossness of our English iron to our water,
not so proper for that purpose as in Spain and other parts ; and
the poet telleth us of Turnus's sword.
Eiiscm quern Davno igni potens Dcus ipse parenti
Fecerat, et S/ygiA ca7identem exlinxerat und^.f
" Sword which god Vulcan did for Daunus fix,
And quenched it when fiery hot jn Styx."
However, many utensils are made of the iron of this county,
to the great profit of the owners, and no loss (I hope) of the
One may observe a threefold difference in our English coal ;
1. >Sca-coa/, brought from Newcastle ; 2. Land-coal, at Mendip,
' * Bellovius. t Virgil, -^neid xii.
Bedworth, &c. and carted into other counties; 3, What one may
call River or Fresh-water coal, digged out in this county, at such
a distance from Severn, that they are easily ported by boat into
other shires.
Oh if this coal could be so charclied as to make iron melt
out of the stone, as it maketh it in smiths^ forges to be wrought
in the bars.
But " Rome was not built all in one day f and a new
world of experiments is left to the discovery of posterity.
This county can boast of no one, her original, but may be
glad of one to her derivative ; viz. the Welsh Friezes brought
to Oswestry, the staple of that commodity, as hereafter shall
be observed.
No county in England hath such a heap of castles together,
insomuch that Shropshire may seem on the west, divided from
Wales with a wall of continued castles. It is much that Mr.
Speed, which alloweth but one hundred and eighty-six in all
England,* accounteth two and thirty in this county.f But as
great guns, so useful in the side of a ship, are useless in the
middle thereof; so these castles, formerly serviceable whilst
Shropshire was the verge of English dominions, are now neg-
lected, this shire being almost in the middest of England, since
Wales was peaceably annexed thereunto. As for the houses
of the gentry of this county, as many of them are fair and hand-
some, so none amount to an extraordinary eminence,
There is a spring at Pitchford, in this shire, which hath an
oily unctuous matter swimming upon the water thereof. Indeed
it is not in such plenty as in a river near to Solos in Cilicia,J
so full of that hquid substance, that such as wash therein seem
anointed with oil ; nor so abundant as in the springs near the
Cape of St. Helen, wherewith (as Josephus Acosta reports) men
use to pitch their ropes and tackling. I know not whether the
sanative virtue thereof hath been experimented ; but am sure
that, if it be bitumen, it is good to comfort the nerves, supple
the joints, dry up rheums, cure palsies and contractions. I
have nothing more to say of bitumen, but that great the affinity
thereof is with sulphur, save that sulphur hath mgression into
metal, and bitumen none at all. Here I purposely pass by
* See his Map General of England.
T See his Description of Shropshire.
% Agricola de Natura, &c. lib. 1. cap. 7.
Okenyate in this county^* where are alum springs^ whereof the
dyers of Shrewsbury make use instead of alum.
" He that fetcheth a wife from Shrewsbury must carry her into Staffordshire,
or else shall live in Cumberland."]
The staple-wit of this vulgar proverb^ consisting solely in si-
militude of sounds is scarce worth the inserting. Know then
that (notwithstanding the literal allusion) Shrewsbury affordeth
as many meek wives as any place of the same proportion. Be-
sides^ a profitable shrew well may content a reasonable man,
the poets feigning Juno chaste and thrifty, qualities which com-
monly attend a shrewd nature. One being demanded, '^ How
much slirewishness may be allowed in a wife ? '^ " Even so
much/^ said he, " as of hops in ale ; " whereof a small quantity
maketh it both last the longer in itself, and taste the better to
the owner thereof.^^
" The case is altered, quoth Plowden."]
This proverb referreth its original to Edmund Plowden, an
eminent native and great lawyer of this county, though very va-
rious the relations of the occasion thereof. Some relate it to
Plowden^s faint pleading at the first for his client, till spurred
on with a better fee ; which, some will say, beareth no propor-
tion with the ensuing character of his integrity. Others refer
it to his altering of his judgment upon the emergency of new
matter formerly undiscovered ; it being not constancy, but ob-
stinacy, to persist in an old error, when convinced to the con-
trary by clear and new information. Some tell it thus, that Plow-
den being of the Romish persuasion, some setters trepanned
him (pardon the prolepsis) to hear mass. But afterwards Plow-
den understanding that the pretender to officiate was no priest,
but a mere layman (on design to make a discovering),^" Oh the
case is altered," quoth Plowden : " no priest, no mass." As
for other meaner origination of this proverb, I have neither list
nor leisure to attend unto them.
Richard Plantagenet, second son to Edward the Fourth
and Elizabeth his queen, was born at Shrewsbury 1472.t He
was created by his father duke of York, and affianced to Anne,
daughter and heir to John Mowbray duke of Norfolk. But,
before the nuptials vv^ere solemnized, his cruel uncle, the duke of
Gloucester, married him to a grave in the Tower of London .
The obscurity of his burial gave the advantage to the report,
that he lived in Perkin Warbeck, one of the idols which put
politic king Henry the Seventh to some danger, and more trou-
ble, before he could finally suppress him.
* D. Jordan of Mineral Baths, p. 26. f Stow's Chronicle, p. 703.
George Plantagenet, youngest son to Edward the Fourth
and EUzabeth his queen, was born at Shrewsbury.* He was
like Plaatas's Solstitial flower, " qui repentino ortus, repentmo
occidit/' dying in the infancy of his infancy. Some vainly con-
ceive (such conjectures may be safely shot, when nobody can
see whether they hit or miss the mark) that, had this George
survived, he would have secured the lives of his two elder bre-
thren, whose uncle duke Richard durst not cut through the three-
fold cable of royal issue ; a vain surmise, seeing when tyrants'
hands are once washed in blood, two or three are all one with
their cruelty.
MiLBURGH, daughter to Meroaldus prince of Mercia, had
the fair manor of Wenlock in this county given to her by her
father for her portion. She, quitting all worldly wealth, be-
stowed her inheritance on the poor, and answered her name of
Milburgh, which (as an antiquary t interpreteth) is good or gra-
cious, to town and city. Living a virgin, she built a monastery
in the same place ; and departed this life about the year 664.
Four hundred years after, in the reign of William the Con-
queror, her corpse (discovered by miracles wrought thereby)
was taken up sound and uncorrupted, to the admiration of the
beholders (saith my author t) ; and surely, had I seen the same,
I would have contributed my share of wondering thereunto.
This I am sure of, that as good a Saint, Lazarus by name, by
the confession of his own sister, did stink § when but four days
buried. Her rehcs, enshrined at Wenlock, remained there in
great state, till routed in the reign of king Henry the Eighth.
Osw^ALD was king of Northumberland, who, after many fortu-
nate battles fought, was vanquished and slain at last by Penda,
the Pagan king of the Mercians, at a place in this county, called
after his name, Oswaldstre (now a famous market town in the
Marshes) ; thereby procuring to his memory the reputation of
saint and martyr.
Be pleased, reader, to take notice, that all battles of this na-
ture, though there w^ere quarrels or armed suits, commenced on
a civil or temporal account, for the extending or defending their
dominions ; yet were they conceived (in that age especially) to
have a mixture of much piety and Church concernment therein,
because fought against infidels, and so conducing consequen-
tially to the propagation of the faith ; the reason that all kings,
killed in such service, achieved to themselves the veneration of
saints and martyrs. Say not that king Saul|| might be sainted on
the same account, mortally wounded in a pitched field fought
* Stow's Chronicle, p. 703. f Verstegan, p. 265.
t The English Martyrology, on the 13th day of February. § John xi. 39.
11 1 Samuel xxxi. 3.
against the uncircumcised Philistines ; both because in fine he
slew himself, and his former life was known to be notoriously
wicked ; whereas our^Oswald was always pious, and exceedingly
charitable to the poor.
His arm, cut off, it seems from the rest of his body, remained,
said Bede, whole and incorrupt, kept in a silver case in St. Pe-
ter's church at Bamborough, whilst his corpse was first buried
at Peterborough, and afterwards (in the Danish persecution) trans-
lated to Bergen in Flanders,* where it still remaineth.
The fifth of August was, in our calendar, consecrated to his
memory, save that the thanksgiving for the defeating of Gowrie's
conspiracy made bold to justle him out all the reign of king
James. His death happened anno Domini 655.
This county afforded none, as the word is re-confined in our
preface. But, if it be a little enlarged, it bringeth within the
compass thereof.
Thomas Gataker, younger son to William Gataker, was who
a branch of an ancient family, so firmly planted by Divine Provi-
dence at Gatacre-hall in this county, that they have flourished the
owners thereof, by a non-interrupted succession, from the time of
king Edward the Confessor, f This Thomas being designed a
student for the law, was brought up in the Temple, where, in the
reign of queen Mary, he was often present at the examination of
persecuted people. Their hard usage made him pity their per-
sons, and admirable patience to approve their opinions. This
was no sooner perceived by his parents (being of the old per-
suasion) but instantly they sent him over to Louvain in the Low
Countries, to win him to compliance to the Popish religion ;
and, for bis better encouragement, settled on him an estate of
one hundred pound per annum, old rent. All would not do.
Whereupon his father recalled him home, and revoked his own
grant ; to which his son did submit, as unwilling to oppose the
pleasure of his parents, though no such revocation could take effect
without his free consent. He afterwards diverted his mind from
the most profitable to the most necessary study ; from law to
divinity : and, finding friends to breed him in Oxford, he be-
came the profitable pastor of St. Edmond^s in Lombard Street,
London, where he died anno 1593, leaving Thomas Gataker, his
learned son (of whom formerly J) heir to his pains and piety.
Robert of Shrewsbury was, in the reign of king John
* English Martyrology, 165.
t Narrative of the lite of Thomas Gataker, junior, after the Sermon preached at
his funeral.
J Vide Learned Wkiters, in London.
(but I dare not say by him), preferred bishop of Bangor, 1197.
Afterwards the king, waging war with Leoline prince of Wales,
took this bishop prisoner in his own cathedral church, and en-
joined him to pay three hundred hawks * for his ransom. Say
not that it was improper that a man of peace should be ransomed
with birds of prey, seeing the bishop had leai nt the rule, " Re-
dime te captum quam queas minimo.^^ Besides, 300 hawks
will not seem so inconsiderable a matter to him that hath
read how in the reign of king Charles an English nobleman
(taken prisoner at the Isle Ree t) was ransomed for a brace of
grey hounds.
Such who admire where the bishop on a sudden should fur-
nish himself v\^ith a stock of such fowl, will abate of their won-
der, when they remember that about this time the men of
Norway, (whence we have the best hawks), under Magnus their
general, had possessed themselves of the neighbotiring Island of
Anglesea.J Besides, he might stock himself out of the eyres of
Pembrokeshire, where perigrines § did plentifully breed. How-
ever, this bishop appeareth something humorous by one pas-
sage in his will, wherein he gave order that his body should be
buried in the middle of the market-place || of Shrewsbury. Im-
pute it not to his profaneness and contempt of consecrated
ground ; but either to his humility, accounting himself unworthy
thereof; or to his prudential foresight, that the fury of soldiers
(during the intestine war betwixt the English and Welsh) would
fall fiercest on churches, as the fairest market; and men,
preferring their profit before their piety, would preserve their
market places, though their churches were destroyed. He died
anno 1215.
Robert Burnel was son to Robert, and brother to Hugh
lord Burnel, whose prime seat was at Acton-Burnel castle in
this county. He was, by king Edward the First, preferred
bishop of Bath and Wells ; and first treasurer, then chancellor, of
England. He was well versed in the Welsh affairs, and much
used in managing them ; and, that he might the more effec-
tually attend such employment, caused the court of chancery to
be kept at Bristol.^ He got great wealth, wherewith he en-
riched his kindred, and is supposed to have rebuilt the decayed
castle of Acton-Burnel on his own expence. And, to decline
envy for his secular structures left to his heirs, he built for his
successors the beautiful hall at Wells, the biggest room of any
bishop's palace in England, plucked down by Sir John Gabos
(afterwards executed for treason) in the reign of king Edward
the Sixth.
* Bp. Godwin, in his Bishops of Bangor.
t H. L'Estrange, in the History of king Charles.
t Camden's Britannia, in Anglesea. § Idem, in Pembrokeshire.
li Bishop Godwin, in Bishops of Bangor. ^ Camden'tj Britannia, iu ."^'alop.
English and Welsh affairs being settled to the king-'s con-
tentment, he employed bishop Burnell in some business about
Scotland, in the Marshes, whereof he died anno Domini 1292 ;
and his body, solemnly brought many miles, was buried in his
own cathedral. *
Walter de Wenlock, abbot of Westminster, was, no
doubt, so named from his nativity in a market-town in this
county. I admire much that Matthew of Westminster writeth
him William de Wenlock, and that a monk of Westminster
should (though not miscall) mis-name the abbot thereof. He
was treasurer of England to king Edward the first, betwixt the
twelfth and fourteenth year of his reign ; and enjoyed his
abbot's office six and twenty years, lacking six days.* He died
on Christmas day, at his manor of Periford in Gloucestershire,
1307 ; and was buried at his church in Westminster, beside the
high-altar before the Presbytery, without the south door of king
Edward's shrine, where " Abbas Walterus non fuit Austerus "
is part of his epitaph.
Ralph of Shrewsbury, born therein, was, in the third of
king Edward the Third, preferred bishop of Bath and Wells.
Being consecrated without the Pope's privity (a daring adven-
ture in those days) he paid a large sum to expiate his presump-
tion therein. He was a good benefactor to his cathedral, and
bestowed on them a chest, portcullis-like, barred with iron,
able to hold out a siege in the view of such as beheld it. But,
what is of proof against sacrilege ? Some thieves (with what
engines unknown) in the reign of queen Elizabeth forced it
But this bishop is most memorable for erecting and endow-
ing a spacious structure for the vicars-choral of his cathedral to
inhabit together, which in an old picture is thus presented:
Per vicQS positi villtB, pater alme, rogamus
Ut siniiil unili, te danle doynos, tnaneamus.
" To us dispers'd i' th' streets, good father, give
A place where we together all may live.''
Vestra petunt nierila quod sini cancessn petitn,
Ut mnneatis ita, loca fecimus hcec slabilitn.
" Your merits crave, that what you crave be yielded,
That so you may remain, this place we've builded.''
Having now made such a palace (as I may term it) for his vicars,
he was (in observation of a proportionable distance) necessitated
in some sort to enlarge the bishop's seat, which he beautified
* Register of Westminster Abbey.
t Godwin, in the Bishops of Bath and Wells.
and fortified castle-wise, with great expence. He much ingra-
tiated himself with the country people by disforesting Mendip ;
beef better pleasing the husbandman^s palate than venison.
He sat bishop thirty-four years ; and, dying August 14, 1363,
lieth buried in his cathedral, where his statue is done to the
life ; " Vivos viventes vultus vividissime exprimens," saith my
Robert Mascal was bred (saith Bale in) and born (saith
Pitst positively) at Ludlow in this county, where he became a
Carmelite. Afterwards he studied in Oxford, and became so
famous for his learning and piety, that he was made confessor
to Ilenry the Fourth, and counsellor to Henry the Fifth ; pro-
moted by the former, bishop of Hereford. He was one of the
three English prelates which went to (and one of the two which
returned alive from) the council of Constance. He died 1416,
being buried in the church of White-Friars in London, to which
he had been an eminent benefactor 4
Richard Talbote was born of honourable parentage in
this county, as brother unto John Talbote, the first earl of
Shrewsbury. § Being bred in learning, he was consecrated
archbishop of Dublin in Ireland 1417. He sat two and thirty
years in that see (being all that time a privy counsellor to king
Henry the Fifth and Sixth), twice chief justice, and once chan-
cellor of Ireland.
He deserved well of his church (founding six petty canons,
and as many choristers, therein) ; yea, generally of all Ireland,
writing a book against James earl of Ormond,|| wherein he
detected his abuses during his lieutenancy in Ireland. He
died August the 15th, 1449 ; and lieth buried in Saint Patrick^s
in Dublin under a marble stone, whereon an epitaph is written
not worthy the inserting.
The said Richard was unanimously chosen archbishop of Ar-
magh, a higher place ; but refused to remove, wisely preferring
safety, above either honour or profit.
George Day was born in this county,^ and successively
scholar, fellow, and provost of King^s College in Cambridge ;
which he retained with the bishopric of Chichester, to which
he was consecrated 1543. A most pertinacious Papist, who,
though he had made some kind of recantation in a sermon (as
I find it entered in king Edward the Sixth^s own diary) ; yet
either the same was not satisfactory, or else he relapsed into his
* Godwin, in the Bishops of Bath and Wells,
t De lUustribus Anglise Scriptoribus, p. 591
I Godwin, in Bishops. § Jacobus Wareus, de Prsesulibus Lageniae, p. 28.
II Idem, de Scriptoribus HibernicE, p. 131.
^ Parker, in his Skellitos Cantabrigiensis, in the Provosts of King's College.
errors again, for which he was deprived under the said king,
and restored again by queen Mary. He died anno Domini
William Day was brother to the aforesaid George Day.
I find no great difference betwixt their age ; seeing George Day
was admitted in King's College, anno 1538 ; William Day was
admitted in the same college anno 1545.*
Yet was there more than forty years^ betwixt the dates of
their deaths ; — George Day died very young, bishop of Chiches-
ter, anno Domini 1556 ; William Day died very old, bishop
of Winchester, anno 1596.
But not so great was the difference betwixt their vivacity, as
distance betwixt their opinions; the former being a rigid
Papist, the latter a zealous Protestant ; who, requesting of his
brother some money to buy books therewith, and other neces-
saries, was returned with this denial, "That he thought it not
fit to spend the goods of the church on him who was an enemy
of the church. "t
However, this William found the words of Solomon true,
" And there is a friend who is nearer than a brother,''! not
wanting those who supplied his necessities. He was proctor of
Cambridge 1558, and afterwards was made by queen Elizabeth
(who highly esteemed him for his learning and religion) provost
of Eton and dean of Windsor, two fair preferments (parted with
Thames, but) united in his person. The bishopric of Winches-
ter he enjoyed scarcely a whole year; and died as aforesaid,
Sir Thomas Bromley was born at Bromley in this county,
of a right ancient family, I assure you ; bred in the Inner Tem-
ple, and general solicitor to queen Elizabeth. He afterwards
succeeded Sir Nicholas Bacon, in the dignity of lord chancellor,
April 25, 1579.
Now, although it was difficult to come after Sir Nicholas
Bacon, and not to come after him ; yet such was Sir Thomases
learning and integrity (being charactered by my author, " vir
jurisprudentia insignis ;"§ that court w^as not sensible of any
considerable alteration. He possessed his place about nine
years, dying anno 1587, not being sixty years old.|| Hereby
the pregnancy of his parts doth appear, seeing by proportion of
time he was made the queen's solicitor before he was forty, and
lord chancellor before he was fifty years old. Learning in law
* Mr. Hatcher, in his Manuscript Catalogue of Fellows of King's College.
t Bishop Godwin, in his Catalogue of the Bishops of Winchester.
X Proverbs xviii. 24.
§ Camden, in his Elizabeth, anno 1587. H Idem, ibidem.
may seem to run in the veins of that name, which since had a
baron of the Exchequer of his alliance.
Sir Clement Edmonds was born at Shrawardine in this
county ;* and bred Fellow in All- Souls College in Oxford,
being generally skilled in all arts and sciences ; witness his
faithful translations of, and learned illustrations on, Csesar^s
Commentaries. Say not that comment on commentary was
false heraldry, seeing it is so worthy a work, that the author
thereof may pass for an eminent instance to what perfection of
theory they may attain in matter of war, who were not ac-
quainted with the practical part thereof, being only once em-
ployed by queen EHzabeth, with a dispatch to Sir Francis Vere,
which occasioned his presence at the battle at Newport : for he
doth'so smartly discuss i)'i'o and con, and seriously decide many
martial controversies, that his judgment therein is praised by
the best military masters.
King James, taking notice of his abilities, made him clerk of
the Council, and knighted him ; and he was at last preferred
secretary of state, in the vacancy of that place, but, prevented
by death, acted not therein. He died anno 1623 ; and lies
buried at Preston in Northamptonshire, where he purchased a
fair estate, which his grandchild doth possess at this day (1660)^
Edmund Plowden was born at Plowden in this county;
one who excellently deserved of our municipal law^, in his learned
writings thereon : but consult his ensuing epitaph, which will
give a more perfect account of him :
" Conditur in hoc tumulo corpus Edmundi Plowden, Armigeri. Claris ortus
parentibus, apud Plowden in comitatu Salop, natus est ; a piientia in litera-
rum studio liberaliter est educatus, in provectiore vero aetate legibus et
jurisprudentia operam dedit. Senex jam factus,^ et annum setatis suae
agens 67, mundo valedicens, in Christo Jesu sancte obdormivit, die sexto
mensis Februar. anno Domini 1584.''
I have rather inserted this epitaph inscribed on his monument
on the north side of the east end of the choir of Temple church
in London, because it hath escaped (but by what casualty^! cari-
not conjecture) Master Stow, in his " Survey of London.'' We
must add a few words out of the character Mr. Camden gives of
him :t " Vitse integritate inter homines su^ professionis nulh
secundus." And how excellent a medley is made, when honesty
and ability meet in a man of his profession ! Nor must we
forget how he was treasurer for the Honourable Society ot the
Middle Temple, anno 1572, when their magnificent hall was
builded ; he being a great advancer thereof.
Sir John Walter, son to Edmund Walter, chief justice of
* So his near kinsman informed ir.e — F. t His Elizabeth, anno 1584.
South Wales, was born at Ludlow in this county , and bred a
student of our common laws, wherein he attained to great learn-
ing ; so that he became, when a pleader, eminent ; when a judge,
more eminent; when no judge, most eminent.
1. Pleade?'.— The character that learned James Thuanus*
gives of Christopher Thuanus his father, being an advocate of
the civil law, and afterwards a senator of Paris, is exactly agree-
able to this worthy knight : — " Ut bonos a calumniatoribus, te-
nuiores a potentioribus, doctos ab ignorantibus, opprimi non
pateretur ;" (that he suffered not good men to be borne down
by slanderers, poor men by more potent, learned men by the
2. Judge. — Who (as when ascending the bench, entering into
a new temper) was most passionate as Sir John, most patient
as judge Walter; and great his gravity in that place. When
judge Denham, his most upright and worthy associate in the
western circuit, once said unto him, " My lord, you are not
merry \" " Merry enough," returned the other, "for a judge \"
3. No judge. — Being ousted of his place, when chief baron of
the Exchequer, about the illegality of the loa?i, as I take it.
He was a grand benefactor (though I know not the just pro-
portion) to Jesus College in Oxford; and died anno 1630, in
the parish of Savoy, bequeathing £20 to the poor thereof.f
Edw^ard Litleton, born at Mounslow in this county,J was
the eldest son to sir Edward Littleton, one of the justices of the
Marshes, and chief justice of North Wales. He was bred in
Christ Church in Oxford, where he proceeded bachelor of arts,
and afterwards one of the justices of North Wales, recorder of
London, and solicitor to king Charles. From these places he
was preferred to be chief justice of the Common Pleas, when he
was made privy counsellor ; thence advanced to be lord keeper
and baron of Mounslow, the place of his nativity. He died in
Oxford, and was buried in Christ Church, anno 1645.
Sir John Talbot was born (as all concurring indications do
avouch) at Black Mere in this county, the then flourishing (now
ruined) house, devolved to his family by marrying the heir of
lord Strange of Black Mere.
Many honourable titles deservedly met in him ; who was,
1. LordTalbot and Strange, by his paternal extraction. 2. Lord
Furnival and Verdun, by marriage with Joan, the daughter of
Thomas de Nevil. 3. Earl of Shrewsbury in England, and
Waterford in Ireland, by creation of king Henry the Sixth.
* Obituarium Doctorum Virorum, in anno 1565, in vita Joan. GroUierii.
t Stow's Survey of London, in the Rem. p. 910.
t So am I informed by his two survivingbrothers, the one a serjeant-at-law, the
other a doctor in divinity F.
This is that terrible Talbot, so famous for his sword, or rather
whose sword was so famous for his arm that used it ; a sword
with bad Latin* upon it, but good steel within it ; which con-
stantly conquered where it came, insomuch that the bare fame
of his approach frighted the French from the siege of Bordeaux.
Being victorious for twenty-four years together, success failed
him at last, charging the enemy near Castilion on unequal terms,
w^here he, with his son the lord Lisle, were slain with a shot,
July 17, 1453, Henceforward we may say, " Good night to the
English in France,^^ whose victories were buried with the body
of this earl, and his body interred at White Church in this
Sir John Talbot, son to Sir John Talbot aforesaid, and vis-
count Lisle in right of his mother. Though he was slain with
his father, yet their ashes must not be so huddled together, but
that he must have a distinct commemoration of his valour. The
rather, because a noble pent hath hinted a parallel betwixt him
and Paulus ^milius the Roman general, which others may
1. ^milius was overpower- 1. The same sad success at-
ed by the forces of Hannibal tended the two Talbots, in fight
and Asdrubal, to the loss of against the French.
the day.
2. Cornelius Lentulus en- 2. The father advised the
treated ^milius (sitting all son, by escape to reserve him-
bloodied upon a stone) to rise self for future fortune.
and save himself, offering him
his horse and other assistance.
3. ^milius refused the 3. His son craved to be ex-
proffer; adding withal, "that cused, and would not on any
he would not again come un- terms be persuaded to forsake
der the judgment of the people his father.
of Rome."
In two considerables Talbot far surpassed ^milius : for ^mi-
lius was old, grievously, if not mortally wounded; our lord in
the flower of his youth, unhurt, easily able to escape, ^milius
accountable for the overthrow received ; the other no ways an-
swerable for that day^s misfortune, being (as we have said) the
17th of July 1453.
Robert of Shrewsbury. — Take, reader, a taste of the
different spirits of writers concerning his character :
h Leland's re.^^.—"Eadem opera et religionem celebrabat et
literas ;" (with the same endeavour he pUed both religion and
* '* Sum Talboti pro vincere inimicos meos."
t Sir Walter Raleigh, in History of the World, lib. v. p. 455.
Bale's Comment.'^ — " Per religion em fortassis monachatum
intelligit, per literas sophistica pr£estigia ;'' (it may be he mean-
eth monkery by religion, and by learning sophistical fallacies.)
I confess he might have employed his pains better. But
Bale proceeds, de Consultis Ruthenis, consulting, — not the Rus-
sians, as the word sounds to all critics, but — the men of Ruthin
in Wales. He wrote the Life and Miracles of St. Winfride ;
flourishing anno 1140.
David of Chirbury, a Carmelite, was so named from his
native place in the west of this county, bordering on Montgo-
meryshire ; a small village, I confess, yet which formerly de-
nominated a whole hundred, and at this day is the barony of
the Lord Herbert. He was, saith Leland (whom I take at the
second hand on the trust of John Pits t), " Theologice cogni-
tione clarus '" and, going over into Ireland, was there made
Episcojyits Dromorensis, bishop of Dromore, as I take it.J
He is said to have wrote some books,§ though not mentioned
in Bale, and (which is to me a wonder) no notice taken of him
by that judicious knight Sir James Ware.|| So that it seems
his writings were either few or obscure. Returning into Eng-
land, he died, and was buried in his native county at Ludlow,
in the convent of the Carmehtes, anno Domini 1420.
Robert Langeland. — Forgive me, reader, though placing
him (who lived one hundred and fifty years before) since the
Reformation ; for I conceive that the morning-star belongs ra-
ther to the day than to the night. On which account this Ro-
bert (regulated in our book, not according to the age he was in,
but judgment he was of) may by prolepsis be termed a Protes-
He was born at Mortimer^s-Clibery in this county,^ eight
miles from Malvern Hills ; was bred a priest, and one of the
first followers of John WicklifFe, wanting neither wit nor learn-
ing, as appears by his book called " The Vision of Pierce Plowgh-
man -" and hear what character a most learned antiquary giveth
" It is written in a kind of English metre, which for discovery
of the infecting corruptions of those times I prefer before many
of the more seemingly serious invectives, as well for invention
as judgment."
There is a book first set forth by Tindal, since exemplified
* De Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. ii. num. 76.
t In Appendice lUustr. Angliae Scriptor. p. 832,
X David of Chirbury was bishop of Dromore from 1427 to 1429. — Ed.
§ In Append. Illustr. Angl. Script, p. 832.
II In his Book de Scriptoribus Hibernicis.
1" Bale, de Scriptoribus, Cent. vi. num. 37.
** Mr, Selden, in his notes on Polyolbion, p. 109.
by Mr. Fox,* called " The Prayer and Complaint of the Plowgh-
man/^ which, though differing in title and written in prose, yet
being of the same subject, at the same time, in the same language,
I must refer it to the same author ; and let us observe a few
of his strange words, with their significations :
1. Behotef, for '^ promiseth ;' 2. binemen, for '^ take away;'
3. blive, for ^ quickly;^ 4. fulleden, for M^aptized;' 5, feile
times, for ' oft-times ;' 6. forward, for ' covenant ;' 7' heryeth,
for ^ worshippeth ;' 8. /^ome/zc^, for ^household ;' 9. lesew, for
^pasture;' 10. leude-men, for ^laymen;' 11. nele, for '^will
not;' 12. nemeth, for ^ taketh ;' 13. seggen, for Mo say;'
14. swevens, for breams;' 15. syth, for ^afterwards;' 16.
thralles, for ^ bondmen.'
It is observable that Pits (generally a perfect plagiary out of
Bale) passeth this Langeland over in silence. And why ? be-
cause he wrote in oppositum to the papal interest. Thus the most
light-fingered thieves will let that alone which is too hot for
them. He flourished under king Edward the Third, anno Do-
mini 1369.
Thomas Churchyard was born in the town of Shrewsbury,
as himself doth affirm in his book made in verse of " The Wor-
thines of Wales," taking Shropshire within the compass ; making
(to use his own expression) Wales the park, and the Marches to
be the pale thereof. Though some conceive him to be as much
beneath a poet as above a rhymer, in my opinion his verses
may go abreast with any of that age, writing in the beginning
of queen Elizabeth. It seems by this his epitaph, in Mr. Cam-
den's "Remains," that he died not guilty of much wealth :
" Come, Alecto, lend me thy torch,
To find a church-yard in a church-porch ,
Poverty and poetry his tomb doth enclose ;
Wherefore, good neighbours, be merry in prose."
His death, according to the most probable conjecture, may be
presumed about the eleventh year of the queen's reign, anno
Domini 1570.
Thomas Holland, D.D. was born in this county,t "in
finibus et limitibus Cambriee, (in the confines and Marches of
Wales ;) bred in Exeter College in Oxford, and at last became
rector thereof. He did not, with some, only sip of learning,
or at the best but drink thereof, but was " mersus in libris,'
(drowned in his books) ; so that the scholar in him almost de-
voured all other relations. He was, saith the author of his fu-
neral sermon, so familiar with the Fathers, as if he himself had
been a Father. This quahty commended him to succeed Dr.
Lawrence Humphrid in the place of regius professor, which place
* Acts and Monuments, p. 398. f Herologia Anglica, p. 238.
he discharged with good credit for twenty years together.
When he went forth of his college on any journey for any long
continuance, he always took this solemn valediction of the fel-
lows : " I commend you to the love of God, and to the hatred
of Popery and superstition/^*
His extemporaries were often better than his premeditations ;
so that he might have been said " to have been out, if he had
not been out/^ He died in March, anno Domini 1612, and was
buried in Oxford with great solemnity and lamentation.
Abraham Whelock was born in White-church parish in
this county ; bred fellow of Clare Hall, library-keeper, Arabic
professor, and minister of St. Sepulchre^s in Cambridge. Ad-
mirable his industry, and no less his knowledge in the Oriental
tongues ; so that he might serve for the interpreter to the queen
of Sheba coming to Solomon, and the wise men of the East who
came to Herod ; such his skill in the Arabian and Persian lan-
guages. Amongst the western tongues, he was well versed in
the Saxon ; witness his fair and true edition of Bede.
He translated the New Testament into Persian, and printed
it, hoping in time it might tend to the conversion of that coun-
try to Christianity. Such as laugh at his design as ridiculous,
might well forbear their mirth; and, seeing they expended
neither penny of cost nor hour of pains therein, might let ano-
ther enjoy his own inclination. True it is, he that sets an acorn,
sees it not a timber- oak, which others may behold ; and if such
testaments be conveyed into Persia, another age may admire
what this doth deride. He died, as I take it, anno Domini 1654.
Sir Roger Achley, born at Stanwardine in this county.f
He beheld the whole city of London as one family, and himself
the Major 1511 (for the time being) the master thereof. He
observed that poor people, who never have more than they
need, will sometimes need more than they have. This Joseph
collected from the present plenty, that a future famine would
follow; as, in this kind, a lank constantly attends the bank.
Wherefore he prepared Leaden-hall (therefore called the com-
mon-garner), and stored up much corn therein ; for which
he deserved the praise of the rich, and blessing of the poor.
SINCE THE reformation.
Sir Rowland Hill, son of Richard Hill, was born at
Hodnet in this county ;% bred a mercer in London, whereof he
was lord major 1549, Being sensible that God had given him
a great estate, he expressed his gratitude unto him— in giving
maintenance to a fair school at Drayton in this county, which
he built and endowed ; besides six hundred pounds to Christ-
* Herologia Auglica. p, 238. f Survey of London, p. 577.
J Stow's Survey of London.
church hospital, and other benefactions : — in forgiving at his
death all his tenants in his manors of Aldersy and Sponely a
yearns rent ; also enjoining his heirs to make them new leases
of one and twenty years, for two years^ rent.*
As for the causeways he caused to be made, and bridges
built (two of stone containing eighteen arches in them botht)^
seeing hitherto it hath not been my hap to go over them, I
leave his piety to be praised by such passengers, who have
received safety, ease, and cleanness, by such conveniences.
He died anno Domini 1561.
A Note to the Reader.
I have heard the natives of this county confess and com-
plain of a comparative dearth (in proportion to other shires)
of benefactors to the pubhc. But sure, Shropshire is like
to the mulberry, which putteth forth his leaves last of all trees,
but then maketh such speed (as sensible of his slowness with an
ingenuous shame) that it overtaketh those trees in fruit, which
in leaves started long before it. As this shire of late hath done
affording two of the same surname still surviving, who have
dipped their hands so deep in charitable mortar.
Sir Thomas Adams, Knight,t was born at Wem in this
county ; bred a draper in London, where God so blessed his
honest industry, that he became lord mayor thereof 1646. A
man, who hath drunk of the bitter waters of Meribah without
making a bad face thereat, cheerfully submitting himself to
God's pleasure in all conditions.
He gave the house of his nativity to be a free school (that
others might have their breeding where he had his birth) ; and
hath liberally endowed it. He liveth in due honour and esteem ;
and, I hope, will live to see many years, seeing there is no better
collirium, or eye-salve, to quicken and continue one's sight, than
in his life-time to behold a building erected for the public profit.
William Adams, Esq. was born at Newport in this county;
bred by trade a haberdasher in London, where God so blessed
his endeavours, that he fined for alderman in that city. God
had given him a heart and hand proportionable to his estate,
having founded in the town of his nativity a school-house in
the form following.
1. The building is of brick, with windows of freestone,
wherein the school is threescore and ten in length, and two and
twenty feet in breadth and height. 2. Over it a fair library,
furnished with plenty and choice books. At the south end, the
* Dr. Willet, in his Catalogue of Protestant Charities,
f Stow's Survey of London, p. 90.
X Dubbed by king Charles II. at the Hague, when sent thither a Commissioner
for the City of London. — F.
F 2
lodgings of the schoolmaster, whose salary is sixty ; on the
north the usher's, whose stipend is thirty pounds per annum.
3. Before the front of the school a stately crypto-porticus, or
fair walk all the length of the school, with pillars erected ; and on
the top thereof a leaden terrace, with rails and balusters. 4. Two
alms-houses for poor people, at convenient distance from the
school, with competent maintenance. 5. Two gardens a-piece,
for schoolmaster and usher, with well nigh two acres of ground
for a place for the scholars to play in. 6. The rent for the
maintenance thereof deposed in the hands of trustees a year
before, that, in case of casualty, there may be no complaint.
7. More intended for the settlement of exhibitions to scholars
chosen hence to the university, as God hereafter shall direct
the founder. But who for the present can hold from praising
so pious a performance ?
** Come, Momus, who delight dost take, Here, whilst Apollo's harp doth sound,
Where none are found, there faults to The sisters nine may dance around ;
make : And architects may take from hence
And count'st that cost, and care, and The pattern of magnificence.
pain, Then grieve not, Adams, in thy mind,
Not spent on thee, all spent in vain. 'Cause you have left no child behind :
See this bright structure, till that smart Unbred ! unborn, is better rather,
Blind thy blear eyes, and grieve thy If so, you are a second father
heart. To all bred in this school so fair,
Some cottage schools are built so low, And each of them thy son and heir."
The Muses there must grovelling go.
Long may this worthy person live to see his intentions
finished and completed, to his own contentment !
Thomas Parre, son of John Parre, born at Alderbury, in
the parish of Winnington, in this county, lived to be above
one hundred and fifty years of age ; verifying his anagram :
" Thomas Parre '^ (most rare hapj. He was born in the
reign of king Edward the Fourth, one thousand four hundred
eighty three -, and, two months before his death, was brought
up by Thomas earl of Arundel (a great lover of antiquities in
all kinds) to Westminster. He slept away most of his time ;
and is thus charactered by an eye-witness of him :
" From head to heel his body had all over
A quick-set, thick-set, nat'ral hairy cover."
Change of air and diet (better in itself but worse for him), with
the trouble of many visitants, or spectators rather, are conceived
to have accelerated his death ; which happened at Westminster,
November the 15th, 1634 ; and he was buried in the abbey-
church ; all present at his burial doing homage to this our aged
Thomas de Temporibus.
1. Roger Acheley, son of Thomas Acheley, of Stanwardine,
Draper, 1511.
2. Rowland Hill, son of Thomas Hill, of Hodnet, Mercer, 1549.
3. Thomas Lee, son of Roger Lee, of Wellington, Mercer, 1558.
4. Thomas Lodge, son of WiUiam Lodge, of Cresset, Grocer,
5. Rowland Heyward, son of George Heyward, of Bridge-
north, Clothworker, 1570.
6. Robert Lee, son of Humphry Lee, of Bridge-north, Mer-
chant Tailor, 1602.
7. John Swinnerton, son of Tho. Swinnerton, of Oswestry,
Merchant Tailor, 1612.
8. Francis Jones, son of John Jones, of Glaverly, Haber-
dasher, 1620.
9. Peter Probey, not recorded of White-church, Grocer, 1622.
10. Allen Cotton, son of Ralph Cotton, of White- church. Dra-
per, 1625.
11. George Whitmore, son of Will, Whitmore, of Charley,
Haberdasher, 1631.
12. Thomas Adams, son of Thomas Adams, of Wem, Draper,
See we here a jury of lord mayors born in this (which I be-
lieve will hardly be paralleled in a greater) county. All [no
doubt] honest men, and true. "
(a) William bishop of Coven, and Lichf. and (^) John de Tal-
bot, knight ; — if) Richard Laken, and William Boerley,
(knights for the shire) ;— Commissioners to take the oaths.
WiUielmi Malory, Militis. Willielmi Poynour.
Johannis Fitz-Piers. Richardi Neuport.
Willielmi Lodelowe. Richardi Horde.
Thomse Hopton, de Hopton. Nicholai Sandford.
Richardi Archer. Griffin Kynaston.^
Johannis Wynnesbury. Johannis Bruyn, junioris.
Thom8e Corbet, de Ley. Hugonis Stepulton.
Thomee Corbet, de Morton. Simonis Iladington.
Johannis Bruyn, senioris. Alani Wetenhull.
Thomee Charletouo Richardi Sonford.
Richardi Peshale. Johannis Otley.
Thomee Newport. Edwardi Leighton de Mershe.
Georgii Hankeston. Edmundi Plowden.
Johannis Brugge. Thomge Mardford.
Thomee Banastre. Rogeri Bromley.
Hugonis Harnage. Richardi Lee.
Leonard! Stepulton. Humfridi Cotes.
Hugonis Cresset. Wilhelmi Leighton.
Johannis Skryven. Richardi Horton.
Willielmi Welascote.
Richardi Husee.
Johannis Wenlok.
Willielmi Mersheton.
Walteri Codour.
Richardi Gerii.
Willielmi Bourden.
(^) This William was William Hieworth, bishop of Coventry
and Lichfield^ of whom hereafter.*
(^) Sir John Talbot, (though here only additioned Knight)
was the Lord Talbot, and eight years after created earl of
Shrewsbury, of whom before.f
{^) Richard Laken, the same family with Lacon, whose seat
was at Willily in this county, augmented both in blood and es-
tate by the matches with the heirs of, 1. Harley ; 2. Peshal ; 3.
Passilew ; 4. Blunt of Kinlet,
My hopes are according to my desires, that this ancient fa-
mily is still extant in this county, though I suspect shrewdly
shattered in estate.
The commissioners of this shire were neither altogether idle,
nor very industrious ; having made but a short and slender re-
turn, only of 45 principal persons therein.
2 Will, filius Alani, for five
years together,
7 Guido Extraneus, for five
years together.
12 Gaufrid. de Ver, for four
years together.
16 Gaufrid. de Ver, et
Will. Clericus.
17 Guido Extraneus, for nine
years together.
26 Hugo Pantulfe, for eight
years together.
1 Will, filius Alani, et
Reginal. de Hesden,
2 Idem.
3 Will, filius Alani, et
Will, de Hadlega.
4 Will, filius Alani, for four
years together.
* Wiltshire Prelates. f Vide
% Camden's Britannia, in Salop.
Will, filius Alini, et
Reginald, de Hedinge.
9 Will, filius Alani, et
Wido filius Roberti.
10 Will, filius Alani Masculum.
1 Will, filius Alani, et
Warms de Wililegh.
2 Idem.
3 Will, filius Alani, et
Reiner de Lea.
4 G. filius Petri, et
Richardus de Ambresleg.
5 Idem.
6 Thomas de Erolitto, et
Robertus de Alta Ripa.
7 Idem.
8 Thomas de Erdington, for
nine years together.
Soldiers in this county.
2 Ranul. Com. Cestriee, et
Hen. de Aldetheleg.
3 Idem.
4 Idem,
5 Ranul. Com. Cestrise, et
Philippus Kinton.
6 Idem.
7 Idem.
8 Ranul. Com. Cestrise.
9 Johannes Bovet.
10 Idem.
11 Hen. de Aldithle.
12 Idem.
13 Idem.
14 Hen. de Aldithle, et
Will, de Bromley.
15 Idem.
16 Idem.
17 Petr. Rival, et Rob. de
Haye, for four years
21 Johannes Extraneus, et
Robertus de Acton,
22 Johannes Extraneus, for
eleven years together.
33 Thomas Corbet.
34 Idem.
35 Robertus de Grendon, for
five years together.
40 Hugo Acover.
41 Idem.
42 Willielmus Bagod.
43 Idem.
44 Idem.
45 Jacobus de Audeley, for
seven years together.
52 Walterus de Hopton.
53 Idem.
1 Roger, de Mortuo Mari.
2 Idem.
3 Idem.
4 Bago de Knovile.
5 Idem.
6 Idem.
7 Roger. Sprengehuse, for
eight years together.
15 Dominus de Ramesley.
16 Idem.
17 Robertus Corbet.
18 Will, de Tickley {sive Tit-
tle), for six years toge-
24 Radulp' us de Schirle.
25 Idem.
26 Idem.
27 Tho. Corbet.
28 Idem.
29 Richardus de Harleigh.
30 Idem.
31 Walter de Beysin.
32 Idem.
33 Johannes de Acton.
34 Johannes de Dene.
35 Idem.
1 Rogerus Trumvine.
2 Johannes Extraneus, ^t
Hugo de Crofts.
3 Hugo de Crofts.
4 Idem.
5 Hugo de Audeley.
6 Idem,
7 Idem.
8 Will, de Mere.
9 Rogerus de Cheyney.
10 Rogerus Trumwine.
11 Idem.
12 Robertus de Grendon.
13 Nullus Titulus Vicecom. in
hoc Roiulo,
14 Nee 171 hoc,
15 Johannes de Swinerton.
16 Idem.
17 Hen. de Bishburne.
18 Idem.
19 Idem.
1 Job. de Hinckley, et
Hen. de Bishburn.
2 Idem.
3 Johannes Hinckley.
4 Idem.
Anno Anno
5 Henricus de Bishburn. 15 Adam de Peshal.
6 Idem. 16 Thomas de Swinerton.
7 Rich ardus de Peshal. 17 Idem.
8 Idem. 18 Johannes de Aston.
9 Johannes de Hinckley. 19 Richardus Com. Arundel,
10 Simon de Ruggeley. for thirty-one years to-
ll Richardus de Peshal. gether.
12 Idem. 50 Richardus Peshall.
13 Simon de Ruggeley. 51 Petrus de Careswel.
14 Idem.
Anno Name and Arms. Place.
1 Brian, de Cornwel . . Burford.
Arg. a lion rampant G. crowned O. ; a border S. besant^.
2 Johannes Ludlow . . Hodnet.
Arg. a lion rampant S.
3 Joh. de Drayton . . . Drayton.
4 Roger us Hord.
Arg. on a chief O. a raven proper.
5 Johannes Shery.
6 Edw. de Acton . . . Aldenham.
G. two lions passant Arg. betwixt nine croslets O.
7 Joh. de Stepulton.
Arg. a lion rampant S.
8 Edw. de Acton , . . ut prius.
9 Nich. de Sandford . . Sandford.
Parti per chevron S. and Erm. two boars' heads coupee
in chief O.
10 Robert de Lee . . . Lee-hall.
G. a fess componee O. and Az. betwixt eight billets Arg.
11 Joh. Mowetho, aUas Mowellio, quaere.
12 Rob. de Ludlow . . , ut prius.
13 Edw. de Acton . , . ut prius.
14 Joh. de Stepulton . . ut p7^ius.
15 Will. Huggeford.
16 Hen. de Winesbury.
Az. on a bend betwixt two cotises O. three lions G.
17 Joh. de Eyton . . . Eyton.
O. a fret Az.
18 Thomas de Lee . . . ut prius.
19 Will. Worthie.
20 Will. Huggeford.
21 Adamus de Peshal.
Arg. a cross formee fleury S. ; on a canton G. a wolPs
head erased of the field.
22 Idem ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
1 Jo. Cornwal, mil. . . ut prius,
, 2 Will. Huggeford^ et
Johan. Daras.
3 Will. Banaster . . . Wem.
Arg. a cross patee S.
4 Tho. Newport . . . Arcol.
Arg. a chevron G. betwixt three leopards^ heads S.
5 Idem ut prius.
6 Joh. Cornwail^ mil. . . ut prius.
7 Tho. de Witton . . . Witton.
O, on a chevron S. five plates.
8 Will. Brounshul.
9 Joh. Boreley .... Brooms-craft Castle.
Arg.afess cheeky O. and Az. upon a lion rampant S. armed G.
10 Rog. Acton , . . , ut prius.
11 Edw. Sprengeaux.
12 Robertus Tiptot.
Arg. a saltire engrailed G.
1 Rob. Corbet, mil. . . Morton.
O. a raven proper.
2 Rob. Corbet, mil. . . ut prius.
3 Rich. Laken, mil.
Quarterly per fess indented Erm. and Az.
4 Geo. Hankeston.
5 Will. Ludelowe . . . ut prius.
6 Adam Peshal, mil. . . ut prius.
7 Rob. Corbet . . , . ut prius.
8 Johannes Bruyn.
Az. a cross moline O.
9 Idem ut prius.
1 Johannes Bruyn . . . ut prius.
2 Hugo Harnage . . . Cund.
Arg. six torteaux.
3 Tho. Le Strange.
G. two lions passant Arg.
4 Will. Boerley , , . . ut prius.
5 Tho. Corbet .... ut prius.
6 WiU. Liechfeld.
7 Joh. Winnesbury . . ut prius.
8 Hugo. Burgh.
Az. a chevron betwixt three flowers-de-luce Erm.
Thomas Hopton . . . Hopton.
G. seme de cross croslets, a lion rampant O.
9 Rich. Archer.
10 Johannes Bruyn . . . ut prius,
11 Johannes Ludlow . . ut prius,
12 Th. Corbet de Ley . . ut prius,
13 Hugo Cresset .... Upton Cresset.
Az. a cross within a border engrailed O.
14 Rob. Inglefeld
Barry of six G, and Arg
15 Will. Ludlow ....
16 Will.Liechfield.
17 Hum. Low.
18 Nicholaus Eyton
19 Idem ....
20 Johannes Burgh .
21 Will. Ludlow . .
22 Thomas Corbet .
23 Nicholaus Eyton
24 Hugo Cresset
25 Fulcho Sprencheaux
26 Will. Ludlow
27 Joh. Burgh^ mil. .
28 Rogerus Eyton .
Thomas Herbert
; on a chief O. a lion passant Az.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius,
Per pale Az. and G. three lions rampant Arg.
Will. Laken .... ut prius,
Joh. Burgh, mil. . . ut prius,
Robertus Corbet . . ut prius,
33 Nicholas Eyton . . . ut prius,
34 Will. Mitton.
Per pale G. and Az. an eagle displayed with two heads O,
Tho. Hord, arm. . . ut prius,
Fulco Sprencheaux.
Tho. CornwaiJ, arm. . ut prius.
38 Rob. Corbet, mil.
ut prius.
Hum. Blount, arm. . . Kinlet.
Barry nebulee of six, O and S.
Rog. Kinaston, arm. . Hordley.
(See our notes in this year.)
Idem ut prius.
Joh. Burgh, mil.
Rich. Lee, arm. .
Rob. Eyton, arm.
Hum. Blount, arm.
Joh. Leighton, arm.
Quarterly per fess
Rob. Cresset, arm.
. ut prius,
, ut prius,
, ut prius,
. ut prius.
, Watlesbury.
indented O. and G.
. . ut prius.
10 Rog. Kinaston, arm.
11 Rog. Kinaston^ mil. ,
12 Rob. Charleton^ arm.
O. a lion rampant
13 Will. Newport .
14 John Leighton
15 Hum. Blount^ mil.
16 Johannes Heuui.
17 Rich. Laken, arm.
18 Rich. Ludlow, mil.
19 Richardus Lee
20 Tho. Blount, arm.
21 Joh. Harley, mil.
O. a bend cotised S.
22 Joh. Leighton, arm.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
1 Thomas Mitton . . . ut prius.
2 Thomas Hord . . . ut prius.
3 Rob. Cresset, et . . . ut prius.
Gilb. Talbot, mil.
G. a lion rampant, and a border engrailed O.
1 Joh. Talbot, mil. • . ut prius.
2 Rich. Laken, mil. . . ut prius.
3 Thomas Hord . . . ut prius.
4 Edward Blount . . . ut prius.
5 Rich. Ludlow, mil. . . ut prius.
6 Johan. Newport . . ut prius.
7 Will. Young, mil. . . Kenton.
O. three roses G.
8 Edw. Blount, arm. . . ut prius.
9 Tho. Blount, mil. . . ut prius.
10 Tho. Leighton, mil. et . ut prius.
Rich. Lee, arm. . . ut prius.
11 Rich. Lee, arm. . . . ut prius.
12 Tho. Screvin, arm. . . Fradgly.
Arg. guttee G, a lion rampant S.
13 Rich. Laken, mil. - . ut prius.
14 Rich Harley, mil. . . ut prius,
15 Will. Otteley, arm. . . Pichford.
Arg. on a bend Az. three garbs 0.
16 Joh. Newport, arm. . . ut prius.
17 Tho. Blount, mil. . . ut p)rius.
18 Pet. Newton, arm. . , Hertley.
Arg. a cross S, fleury O.
19 Idem ut piius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
Anno Name.
20 Geo. Manwayring, arm.
Arg. two bars G.
21 The. Cornwall^ mil. . .
22 Rob. Corbet, mil. . .
23 Tho. Kinaston, mil. . .
henry VIII.
1 Tho. Laken, arm. . .
2 Job. Newport, arm. . .
3 Tho. Scriven, arm. . .
4 Pet. Newton, arm. . .
5 Will. Otteley, arm. . :
6 Tho, Laken, arm. . ,
7 Tho. Cornwall, mil. . .
8 Rob. Pigot, arm. . .
Erm. three fusils in fess S.
9 Peto Newton, arm. . . ut prius.
10 Tho. Blount, mil . , . ut prius.
11 Tho. Cornwall, mil. . . ut prius. *
12 Job. Salter, arm. . . Oswestry.
G. ten billets O. 4, 3, 2, and 1.
13 Geo. Bromley, arm. . . ut prius.
Quarterly, per fess indented Arg. and O.
14 Pet. Newton, arm. . . Bromley.
15 Thomas Vernon . . . Hodnet.
Arg. fretty S. ; a canton G. . !
16 Tho. Cornwall, mil. . ut prius.
17 Job. Corbet de Ley, arm.
18 Tho. Screvin, arm. . . ut prius.
19 Job. Talbot, mil. . . . Albrighton.
20 Rob. Nedeham, arm. . Shenton.
Arg. a bend engrailed Az. betwixt two bucks^ heads S.
21 Rog. Corbet, arm. . . ut prius.
22 Tho. Cornwal, mil. . . ut prius.
23 Tho. Manwarying . . ut prius.
24 Tho. Laken, mil. . . , ut prius.
25 Tho. Talbot, mil. . . ut prius.
26 Tho. Vernon, arm. . . ut prius.
27 Rob. Nedeham, mil. . ut prius.
28 Job. Corbet, arm. . . ut prius,
29 Job. Talbot, mil. . . ut prius.
30 Rich. Manwayring . . ut prius.
31 Rich, Laken, arm. . . ut prius.
32 Rob. Nedeham, mil. . ut prius.
33 Job. Talbot, mil. . . ut prius.
34 Tho. Newport, mil. . . ut prius.
35 Rich. Mitton, arm. . . ut prius.
36 Rich. Manwayring . . ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
37 Tho. Vernon^ arm. . . ut prius,
38 Tho. Lee, arm. . . . ut prius.
1 Will. Young, arm. . . ut prius.
2 Rich. Cornwal, arm. . ut prius.
3 Tho. Newport, arm. . . ut prius.
4 Andr. Corbet, arm. . . nt prius.
5 Rich. Newport, arm.
6 Rich. Manwayring, mil. ut prius.
1 Adam Milton, mil.
2 Nic. Cornwal, arm. . . ut prius.
3 Andr. Corbet, mil. . . ut prius.
4 Rich. Leveson, mil. . , Lilleshall.
Az. three laurel leaves slipped O.
5 Rich. Newport, arm. . ut prius.
6 Th. Farmour, arm. . .
Arg. a fess S. between three lions' heads erased G.
Rich. Mitton, arm. • .
Rich. Corbet, arm. . .
Rich. Cornwal, arm. . ut prius.
Arth. Manwayring . . ut prius.
Geor. Blount, mil. . . ut prius.
Rob. Nedeham, arm. . ut prius.
Hum. Onslow, arm. . Onslow.
Arg. a fess G. betwixt six merlins S. beaked and legged O.
ut prius.
8 Th. Charlton, arm. et
Th. Eaton, arm.
9 Edw. Leighton, arm.
10 Rich. Newport, mil.
11 And. Corbet, mil.
Rol. Laken, arm.
Will. Gratewood, arm.
Th. Powel, arm. . .
Arg. three boars' heads coupee S.
~ ' ~ ut prius o
16 Joh. Hopton, arm. .
17 Walt. Leveson, arm.
18 Art. Maynwaring, mil.
19 Franc. Lawley, arm.
Arg. a cross formee throughout O. and S.
20 Will. Young, arm. . . ut prius.
21 Edw. Cornwal, arm. . ut prius,
22 Will. Gratewood, arm.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
Tho. Williams, arm. . Willaston.
S. three nags' heads erased Erm.
Carolus Fox, arm. . . Chainham.
Arg. a chevron betwixt three foxes' heads erased G.
Rich. Cresset, arm. . . ut prius.
E-oul. Barker, arm. . . Haghmond.
G. a fess cheeky O. and Az. betwixt six annulets of the
ut prius,
ut prius.
lit prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
Arg. on a fess betwixt three cinquefoils G. a greyhound
current O.
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
a canton of the second.
27 Franc. Newport, arm.
28 Rob. Nedeham, arm.
29 Edw. Leighton, arm.
30 Th. Cornwall, arm. .
31 Andr. Charleton, arm.
32 Will. Hopton, arm. .
33 Rob. Eyton, arm.
34 Rich. Corbet, arm. .
35 Rob. Powel, arm.
36 Frances Albany, arm
Rob. Nedeham, arm.
38 Edw. Scriven, arm. . .
39 Carolus Fox, arm. . .
40 Edw. Kinaston, mil.
41 Hum. Lee, arm, . . .
42 Franc. Newport, arm. .
43 Franc. Newton, arm.
44 Rog. Kinaston, arm.
45 Rog. Owen, mil. . . .
Arg. a lion rampant S
1 Rog. Owen, mil. . . . ut prius.
2 Hum. Briggs, arm. . . Haughton.
G. two bars gemels O. ; on a canton S. a crescent of the first.
3 Hen. Walop, mil. . . Red-Castle.
Arg. a bend wavy S.
4 Rob. Nedeham, mil. . ut prius,
5 Edw. Fox, mil. . . . ut prius,
6 Rob. Purslow, mil. . . Sidbury.
Arg. a cross engrailed fleury S. ; a border of the same
form G. bezante.
7 Rich. Mitton, arm. . . Hols ton.
Per pale G. and Az. an eagle displayed with two heads
8 Bonham. Norton, arm. Stretton.
O. two bars G. ; on a chief Az, an inescutcheon Erm.
Anno Name. Place.
9 Fran. Laken, mil. . . Kinlet.
Quarterly per fess indented Erm. and Az.
10 Tho. Gervis, mil,
11 Joh. Cotes^ arm. . . . Woodcoat.
Quarterly Erm. and paly of six O. and G.
12 Tho. Piggot, arm. . . ut prius.
13 Th. Cornwall mil. . . ut prius.
14 Rolan. Cotton, mil. . . Bella- Porte.
Az, a chevron betwixt three cotton-skeans Arg.
15 Rob. Owen, arm. . . ut prius.
16 Tho. Harris, arm. . . Boreatton.
O. three urchins Az.
17 Will. Whitmore, arm. . Appley.
Vert, fretty O.
18 Walter Barker, arm. . ut prius,
19 Th. Edwards, arm. . . Creete.
G. a chevron engrailed between three boars* heads
erased O.
20 Will. Owen, mil. . . ut prius,
21 Walt. Piggot, arm. . . Chetwin.
Erm. three fusils in fess S.
1 Fran. Charleton, arm.. . Appley.
2 Ric. Newport, mil. . . High Arcol.
Arg. a chevron G. betwixt three leopards' heads S.
3 Rich. Prince, arm. . . Shrewsbury.
G. a saltire O. ; over all a cross engrailed Erm.
4 Joh. Corbet, bar. . . Stoake.
O. two ravens in pale proper, a border engrailed G.
5 Walt. Acton, arm. . . Aldenham.
G. two lions passant Arg. between nine crosses croslets,
fitched O.
6 Hum. Walcot, arm. . Walcot-
Arg. a chevron inter three chess-rooks Erm.
7 Tho. Ireland, arm. . . Abrington.
G. six flowers- de-luce Arg.
8 Phil. Eyton, mil. . . Eyton.
O. a fret Az.
9 Tho. Thynne, mil. . . Caus Castle.
Barry of ten, O. and S.
10 Joh. Newton, arm. . . Heytleigh.
Arg. a cross S. fleury O.
11 Rob. Corbet, arm. . . ut prius.
12 Paulus Harris, mil. . » ut prius.
13 Wil. Pierpoint, arm. . Tong- Castle. ^
Arg. a lion rampant S. in an orle of cinquefoils G.
Anno Name. Place.
14 Rich. Lee.
G. a fess componee, O. and Az. betwixt eight billets
15 Rog. Kinnaston^ arm. . ut prius.
16 Th. Nicholas^ arm. . . Shrewsbury.
17 Joh. VVelde, arm. . . Willye.
' Bellum nobis hoc fecit inane. .' T !
20 [
22 Rob. Powel, arm. . . The Park.
Arg. three boars' heads coupee S.
9. Nicholas de Sandford. — This ancient name is still
extant^ at the same place in this county, in a worshipful equi-
page. Well fare a dear token thereof: for, in the list of such
as compounded for their reputed delinquency in our late civil
wars, I find Francis Sandford, Esq. paying four hundred and
fifty-nine pounds for his composition. Yet I believe the gentle-
man begrudged not his money in preservation of his own inte-
grity, acting according to the information of his conscience, and
the practice of all his ancestors. I understand that the said
Francis Sandford was very well skilled in making warlike fortifi-
1. John Cornwall, Miles. — A person remarkable on se-
veral accounts. 1. For his high' extraction, descended from
Richard earl of Cornwall, and king of the Almains, his arms
do evidence. 2. Prosperous valour under king Henry the Fifth
in France ; there gaining so great treasure, as that therewith he
built his fair house at Amp-hill in Bedfordshire.* 3. Great
honour, being created, by king Henry the Sixth, baron of Fan-
hop, and knight of the Garter. 4. Constant loyalty, sticking
faster to king Henry the Sixth than his own crown did, faithfully
following after the other forsook him. 5. Vigorous vivacity,
continuing till the reign of king Edward the Fourth, who dis-
possessed him of his lands in Bedfordshire. 6. Cheerful dis-
position, pleasantly saying, " That not he, but his fine house
at Amp-hill, was f guilty of high treason :" happy ! that he
could make mirth at his misery, and smile at the losing of that
which all his frowns could keep no longer. Know, reader, that
if this J. Corwal shall (which I suspect not) prove a dis-
tinct person from this his kinsman and namesake, none will
blame me for taking here a just occasion of speaking of so
* Camden's Britannia, in Bedfordshire. f Camden, ut prius.
eminent a man, who elsewhere came not so conveniently under
my pen.
2. Roger Kinaston, Arm. — I cannot satisfy myself in the
certain arms of this ancient family (much augmented by match
with Hord), finding them giving sundry [all good and rich]
coats in several ages ; but conceive they now fix on, Argent, a
lion rampant Sable.
1. Thomas Mitton.— He, in obedience to king Richard's
commands, apprehended the duke of Buckingham (the grand en-
gineer to promote that usurper) in the house of Humphrey Ba-
naster, who, for the avaricious desire of a* thousand pounds,
betrayed the duke unto the sheriff.
3. Gilbert Talbot, Mil. — He was son to John Talbot, se-
cond earl of Shrewsbury of that name. In the time of his she-
riffalty, Henry earl of Richmond (afterwards king Henry the
Seventh) marching with his men to give battle to king Richard
the Third, was met at Shrewsbury by the same Sir Gilbert, with
two thousand men well appointed (most of them tenants and re-
tainers to his nephew George fourth earl of Shrewsbury, then in
minority) ; whenceforward, and not before, his forces deserved
the name of an army. For this and his other good service in
Bosworth field, king Henry rewarded him with fair lands at
Grafton in Worcestershire ; made him governor of Calais in
France, and knight of the Garter ; and from him the present
earl of Shrewsbury is descended.
I conceive it was rather his son than himself, to whom king
Henry the Eighth (fearing a sudden surprise from the French)
wrote ^briefly and peremptorily, " That he should instantly for-
tify the castle of Calais.^' To whom governor Talbot, unprovided
of necessaries, as briefly as bluntly replied, "That he could nei-
ther/or/i/z/ nor fi/ti/i/ without money.''
45. Roger Owen, Miles.— He was son to Sir Thomas
Owen, the learned and religious justice of the Common Pleas,
who lieth buried on the south side of the choir of Westminster
Abbey. This Sir Roger, most eminent in his generation, de-
served the character given him by Mr. Camden : " Multi-
plici doctrina tanto patre dignissimus." He was a mem-
ber of Parliament, "undecimo Jacobi" (as I take it), when
a great man therein (who shall be nameless) cast a griev-
* In Shropshire.
ous and general aspersion on the English clergy/^* This Sir
Roger Tippeared a zelot in their defence, and not only removed
the bastard [calumny] from their doors, at which it was laid,
but also carried the falsehood home to the true father thereof,
and urged it shrewdly against the person who in that place
first revived the aspersion.
14. Rowland Cotton, Miles. — Incredible are the most true
relations, which many eye-witnesses, still alive, do make of the
valour and activity of this most accomplished knight ; so strong,
as if he had been nothing but bones ; so nimble, as if he had
being nothing but sinews.
2. Richard Newport, Miles. — Signal his fidelity to the
king, even in his lowest condition, by whom he was deservedly
rewarded with the title of Baron of High-Arcol in this county,
being created at Oxford, the 14th of October, 1642. His son
Francis, lord Newport at this day, 1660, honour eth his honour
with his learning and other natural accomplishments.
May this Shire, by Divine Providence, be secured from the
sweating sickness, which first began and twice raged in
the town of Shrewsbury ! The cure was discovered too late to
save many, yet soon enough to preserve more thousands of men ;
viz. by keeping the patient in the same posture wherein he
was seized, without food or physic ; and such who weathered
out the disease for twenty-four hours did certainly escape.
William Adams, divine and author; born at Shrewsbury 1707;
died 1739.
Richard Allestree, loyal divine, provost of Eton ; born at
Uppington 1619 ; died 1680.
Richard Baxter, nonconformist divine, author, and sufferer;
born at Rowton 1615 ; died 1691.
William Baxter, nephew of Richard, antiquary and etymolo-
gist; born at Llanlurgan 1650; died 1723.
Thomas Beddoes, physician, and experimental philosopher;
born at Shifnall 1760 ; died 1808.
* " Quo genere hominum nihil est putidius."
John Benbow^ Admiral, born at Cotton Hill, Shrewsbury, 1650 ;
died 1702.
John Brickdale Blakeway, divine, historian, antiquary, and
genealogist; born at Shrewsbury 1765 ; died 1826.
James Bowen, antiquary and genealogist ; died 1774.
John Bowen, son of the above, genealogist; died 1832.
Dr. Charles Burney, musician, historian of music; born at
Shrewsbury 1726; died 1814.
William Caslon, letter- founder ; born at Hales Owen 1692 ;
died 1766.
Matthew Clarke, divine and orientalist; born at Ludlow;
died 1702.
William Clarke, divine, poet, and antiquary ; born at Haugh-
mond Abbey 1696; died 1771-
Lord Robert Clive, East Indian conqueror; born at Styche
1725; died 1774.
George Costard, divine, biblical critic, and mathematician;
born at Shrewsbury 17 10.
Sneyd Davies, divine and poet; born at Shrewsbury 1709.
John DovASTON, antiquary and naturalist ; born at Nursery in
West Felton 1740.
John Evans, topographer, author of " Nine Sheet Map of
North Wales ;^' born at Llwynygroes; died 1795.
Hugh Farmer, presbyterian divine, author on Demoniacs, &c. ;
born near Shrewsbury 1714; died 1787-
Robert Gentleman, dissenter, editor of " Orton^s Exposition -"
born at Whitchurch; died 1795.
Thomas Good, divine, author of " Firmianus et Dubitantius ;"
died 1678.
Dr. Ralph Griffiths, founder of the Monthly Review, 1720,
Sir Thomas Higgons, diplomatist and miscellaneous writer;
born at Westbury 1624 ; died 1691.
Right Hon. Richard Hill, statesman; born at Hodnet ; died
Sir Richard Hill, bart. M.P., and controversial polemic ; born at
Hawkstone 1733 ; died 1808.
Rev. Rowland Hill, dissenting divine and theological writer ;
born at Hawkestone 1744 ; died 1833.
Sir Thomas Jones, Lord Chief Justice, born at Shrewsbury ;
died 1683.
Francis Leighton, divine and antiquary ; died 1813.
Adam Littleton, divine, Latin lexicographer ; born at Hales
Owen 1627 ; died 1694.
Edward Lloyd, naturalist and antiquar}^ ; born at Llanvarder ;
died 1709.
Sir Edward Lutwyche, judge, author of " Reports ;" born at
Lutwyche ; died 1709.
Thomas Lyster, author of "Blessings of the year 1688 ;"born
at Duncott; died 1723.
G 2
Arthur Mainwaring, poetical and political writer; born at
Ightfield 1668.
Timothy Neve, divine and antiquary ; born at Wotton in Stan-
ton Lacy 1694; died 175/.
Job Orton, nonconformist divine and author, and biographer
of Doddridge; born at Shrewsbury 1717 ; died 1783.
Hugh OwEX, archdeacon of Salop, historian and antiquary ;
born at Shrewsbury; died 1827-
William Owen, R.A., portrait painter ; born 1769 ; died 1824.
David Parkes, to^DOgraphical antiquary ; born at Cackmore in
Hales Owen 1763; died 1833.
Robert Parr; born at Kinver 1633 ; died 17^7? aged 124.
He was great grandson of Thomas Parr, who lived to the
age of 152.
Thomas Percy, bishop of Dromore, poetical antiquary; born at
Brignorth 1729; died 1811.
John Sadler, M.P., law-writer, author of " Rights of the King-
dom f born 1615 ; died 1674.
Dr. Jonathan Scott, oriental professor and author; born at
Shrewsbury; died 1829.
William Shenstone, poet; born at the Leasowes, Hales Owen,
1714; died 1763.
Thomas Stedman, divine and author, friend of Job Orton,
born at Bridgnorth 1745 ; died 1825.
John Taylor, divine, '^Demosthenes Taylor,^^ classical critic;
born at Shrewsbury l704; died 1766.
Silas TAvlor, alias Domville, author of " Antiquities of Harwich,^^
&c.; born at Harly 1624; died 1678.
Jonathan Wild, the notorious thief- taker, and the hero. of
Ainsworth^s '^^ Jack Sheppard;^^ born at Boninghale 1682.
Edward Williams, divine, classical scholar, and antiquary;
died 1833.
William Wycherley, dramatist, comic poet, and wit ; born at
Clive, near Wem, 1640 ; died 1715.
*»* Of Shropshire there is as yet no regular historian ; hut of the county
town of Shrewsbury various histories and description?, by different authors, have
made their appearance; viz. by T. Phillips (1779); by the Rev. H. Owen
(1808); by the Rev. J. Nightingale, in the 13th volume of the Beauties of Eng-
land and Wales (1813); and by J. B. Blakeway (1826). There have also been
published an Historical Account of Ludlow Castle, by J. W. Hodges (1803) ; a De-
scription of Hawkstone, by T. Rodenhurst (1807); the History of Oswestry, by
Wm. Price (1815); and The Sheriffs of Shropshire, by the Rev. J. B. Blakeway
(1831) Ed.
Somersetshire hath the ^fcvprn^&ea- on the norths Glou-
cestershire on the north-east, Wiltshire on the east, Dorset-
shire on the south, and Devonshire on the west. Some will
have it so called from the summerliness, or temperate pleasant-
ness thereof: with whom we concur, whilst they confine their
etymologies to the air ; dissent, if they extend it to the earth,
which in winter is as winterly, deep, and dirty, as any in Eng-
land. The truth is, it is so named from Somerton, the most
ancient town in the county. It stretcheth from east to west
fifty-five miles, and from north to south forty- two miles.
No shire can shew finer ware, which hath so large measure ;
being generally fruitful, though little moisture be used thereon.
The inhabitants will tell you that there be several single acres
in this shire (believe them of the larger size, and sesqui-jugera,
if measured) which may serve a good round family with bread
for a year, as aff'ording a bushel of wheat for every week therein,
a proportion not easily to be paralleled in other places.
Plenty of the best (for the kind thereof) is digged out of
Mendip hills. Indeed it is not so soft, phant, and equally
fusile, as that in Derbyshire; not so proper for sheeting,
because, when melted, it runs into knots, and therefore Httle
known to, and less used by, our London plumbers ; for, being
of a harder nature, it is generally transported beyond the seas,
and employed to make bullets and shot, for which purpose it is
excellent. May foreigners enjoy iviJd lead, to kill men ; whilst
we make use of tame lead, to cover houses, and keep people
warm and dry therein.
It is almost incredible what great sums were advanced to the
bishops of Bath and Wells by the benefit of lead, since the
latter end of queen Elizabeth. Bishop Still is said to have had
the harvest, bishop Montague the gleanings, bishop Lake the
stubble thereof ; and yet considerable was the profit of lead to him
and his successors.
Plenty hereof is also found in Mendip hills ; and it is much
used in j^hysic (being very good, as artificially ordered, for the
clearing of the sight), and more by metallists; for brass, no
original, but a compound metal, is made of this stone and cop-
per ; and becometh more hard than copper alone, and therefore
the more servicable for many other purposes.
And now the riddle in nature, which so long hath posed me,
is at last explained ; viz. how it can come to pass that brass,
being made of the best copper with much art and industry, is
notwithstanding afforded some pence in the pound cheaper than
copper itself. This cometh to pass, because the calaminary-
stone, being of itself not worth above six-pence in the pound,
doth in the composition metalescere, turn metal, in the mixture
thereof; whereby the mass and bulk of brass is much advanced.
I have no more to observe of this stone, save that it was
first discovered in this county in that juncture of time when the
copper mines were newly re-discovered in Cumberland, God
doubling his gift by the seasonable giving thereof.
The best and biggest in England are made at Chedder, in this
county. They may be called Corporation Cheeses, made by the
joint dairies of the whole parish putting their milk together; and
each one, poor and rich, receive their share according to their
proportion : so that some may think, that the unity and amity
of those female neighbours, living so lovingly together, giveth
the better runnet and relish to their handywork.
If any ask, why as good cheese may not be made in the vi-
cinage, where the soil is as rich, and the same housewifery ? it will
be demanded of them, why (nails must be driven out with nails)
the like cheese, in colour, taste, and tenderness, may not be
made at Cremona as at Parma, both lying in Lombardy near
together, and sharing equally in all visible advantages of fatness
and fruitfulness. The worst fault of Chedder cheese is, they
are so few and dear, hardly to be met with, save at some great
m.an^s table.
111 Latin glastum or glaustum, was much used by the ancient
Britons for the painting of their faces ; for I believe it will
hardly be proved that they dyed their whole bodies. Say not,
painted terribleness is no terribleness, rather ridiculous than
formidable, seeing vizards are more frightful than men's own
faces. This woad gave the Britons a deep black tincture, as if
they would blow up their enemies with their sulphureous coun-
Our dyers make much use thereof, being color ad colorem,
the stock (as I may say) whereon other colours are grafted.
Yea^ it giveth them truth and fruitfulness, who without it prove
fading and hypocritical.
This herb doth greatly impair the ground it groweth on ; pro-
fitable to such to set, who have land to let without impeach-
ment of waste, it being long before it will recover good grass
therein. I have placed woad, which groweth in all rich places,
in this county, because, as I am informed, it groweth naturally
therein, hardly to be destroyed, especially about Glastonbury ;
insomuch that a learned critic,* and my worthy good friend,
had almost persuaded me, that from this glastum that town
taketh its denomination,
Smile not, reader, to see me return to coarse creatures
amongst the commodities of this county. Know, they are not,
like apes, the fools and jesters, but the useful servants in a fa-
mily, viz. the porters thereof. Pliny observes, that Briton
breeds cowardly lions and courageous mastiffs, which to me
seems no wonder ; the former being whelped in prison, the lat-
ter at liberty. An English mastiff, anno 1602, did in effect
worst a lion, on the same token that prince Henry allowed a
kind of pension for his maintenance, and gave strict order,
*^^ That he that had fought with the king of beasts should never
after encounter any inferior creatures. ^'t
Our English mastiffs are in high reputation beyond the seas ;
and the story is well known, that when an hundred molossi
were sent hence a present to the pope, a lack-Latin cardinal,
standing by when the letter was read, mistook molossos for so
many mules. Surely, had Britain been then known to the an-
cient Romans, when first, instead of manning, they dogged their
Capitol, they would have furnished themselves with mastiffs
fetched hence for that purpose, being as vigilant as, more
valiant than, any of their kind ; for the city of St. Malo in
France is garrisoned with a regiment of dogs, wherein many
ranks are of English extraction.
Hence it is that an author tells me, that it passeth for the
blazon of this county,
" Set the Band-dog on the Bull.":
It seems that both the gentry and country folk in this shire
are much affected with that pastime, though some scruj^le the
lawfulness thereof. 1. Man must not be a barrater, to set the
creatures at variance. 2. He can take no true delight in their
antipathy, which was the effect of his sin. 3. Man^s charter of
dominion empowers him to be a prince, but no tyrant, over the
creatures. 4. Though brute beasts are made to be destroyed,§
* Mr. John Langley, lute schoolmaster of Paul's. f Stow's Annals, p. 336.
X Drayton, in his Polyolbion. § 2 Peter ii. 12.
they are not made to be tormented. Others rejoin^ that God
gave us the creatures as well for our pleasure as necessity ; that
some nice consciences, that scruple the baiting of bulls, will
worry men with their vexatious cruelties. All that I dare inter-
pose is this, that the tough flesh of bulls is not only made more
tender by baiting, but also thereby it is discoloured from ox-
beef, that the buyer be not deceived.
Taunton Serges are eminent in their kind, being a fashionable
wearing, as lighter than cloth, yet thicker than many other stuflfs.
When Dionysius sacrilegiously plundered Jove^s statue of his
golden coat (pretending it too cold for winter, and too hot for
summer,) he bestowed such a vestment upon him as to fit both
seasons. They were much sent into Spain, before our late war
therewith, wherein trading (long since complained of to be dead)
is now lamented generally buried, though hereafter it may have
a resurrection.
Of these the churciies of Bath and Wells are most eminent.
Twins are said to make but one man, as these two churches
constitute one bishop^s see. Yet, as a twin oft-times proves as
proper a person as those of single births ; so these severally
equal most, and exceed many, cathedrals in England.
We begin with Bath, considerable in its several conditions :
viz. the beginning, obstructing, decaying, repairing, and finishing
1. It was begun by Ohver King, bishop of this diocese, in
the reign of Henry the Seventh, and the west end most curi-
ously cut and carved with angels climbing up a ladder to hea-
ven. But this bishop died before the finishing thereof.
2. His death obstructed this structure, so that it stood a long
time neglected, which gave occasion for one to write on the
church wall with a charcoal :
' ' O church, 1 wail thy woeful plight,
Whom king, nor cardinal, clerk, or knight,
Have yet restored to ancient right."
Alluding herein to bishop King, who began it ; and his four
successors, in thirty-five years, viz. cardinal Adrian, cardinal
Wolsey, bishop Clark, and bishop knight, contributing nothing
to the effectual finishing thereof.
3. The decay and almost ruin thereof followed, when it felt
in part the hammers which knocked down all abbeys. True it
is, the commissioners proflered to sell the church to the townsmen
under 500 marks. But the townsmen, fearing if they bought
it so cheap to be thought to cozen the king, so that^the purchase
might come under the compass of concealed lands, refused the
proffer. Hereupon the glass, iron, bells, and lead (which last
alone amounted to 480 tons) provided for the finishing thereof,
were sold, and sent over beyond the seas, if a shipwreck (as
some report) met them not by the way.
4. For the repairing thereof, collections were made all over
the land, in the reign of queen Elizabeth, though inconsiderable,
either in themselves, or througli the corruption of others. Only
honest Mr. Billet (whom I take to be the same with him who
was designed executor to the will of William Cecil Lord Burgh-
ley) disbursed good sums to the repairing thereof; and a stran-
ger, under a feigned name, took the confidence thus to play the
poet and prophet on this structure :
•' Be blithe, fair Kirck, when Hempe is past,
Thine Olive, that ill winds did blast,
Shall flourish green for age to last."
(Subscribed Cassadore.')
By Hempe understand Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth,
queen Mary, king Philip, and queen Elizabeth. The author, I
suspect, had a taiig of the cask ; and, being parcel-popish, ex-
pected the finishing of this church at the return of their religion;
but his prediction was verified in a better sense, when this church
5. Was finished by James Montague, bishop of this see, dis-
bursing vast sums in the same, though the better enabled there-
unto by his mines at Mendip ; so that he did but remove the
lead from the bowels of the earth to the roof of the church,
wherein he lies interred under a fair monument.
This church is both spacious and specious, the most lightsome
as ever I beheld, proceeding from the greatness of the windows,
and whiteness of the glass therein.
All I have more to add is only this, that the parable of Jotham*
is on this church most curiously wrought (in allusion to the
Christian sirname of the first founder thereof) — how the trees,
going to choose them a king, proftered the place to the olive.
Now when lately one Oliver was for a time commander-in-chief
in this land, some (from whom more gravity might have been
expected) beheld this picture as a prophetical prediction, so apt
are English fancies to take fire at every spark of conceit. But
seeing since that Olive hath been blasted root and branches,
this pretended prophecy with that observation is withered away.
As for the cathedral of Wells, it is a greater, so darker than
that of Bath ; so that Bath may seem to draw devotion with
the pleasantness. Wells to drive it with the solemnity
thereof; and ill-tempered their minds who will be moved
with neither. The west front of Wells is a master-
piece of art indeed, made of imagery in just proportion, so
that we may call them ^^ vera et spirantia signa." England
^ afFordeth not the like : for the west end of Exeter beginneth
accordingly : it doth not like Wells persevere to the end thereof.
* Judges ix. 8.
As for the civil habitations in this county (not to speak of
Dunstar castle^ having a high ascent, and the effect thereof, a
large prospect by sea and land) Mountague, built by Sir Edward
Philips, master of the Rolls, is a most magnificent fabric. Nor
must Hinton St. George, the house of the Lord Poulet, be for-
gotten, having every stone in the front shaped doul-ways, or in
the form of a cart-nail. This I may call a charitable curiosity,
if true what is traditioned, that, about the reign of king Henry
the Seventh, the owner thereof built it in a dear year, on pur-
pose to employ the more poor people thereupon.
Wockey Hole, in Mendip-hills, some two miles from Wells. This
is an underground concavity, admirable for its spacious vaults,
stony walls, creeping labyrinths, the cause being un-imaginable,
how and why the earth was put in such a posture, save that the
God of nature is pleased to descant on a plain hollowness
with such wonderful contrivances.
I have been at but never in this hole ; and therefore must
make use of the description of a learned eye-witness.*
^^ Entering and passing through a good part of it with many
lights, among other many strange rarities, well worth the observ-
ing, we found that Avater which incessantly dropped dow^n from
the vault of the rock, though thereby it made some little dint
in the rock, yet was it turned into the rock itself, as manifestly
appeared even to the judgment of sense, by the shape, and co-
lour, and hardness ; it being at first of a more clear and glassy
substance than the more ancient part of the rock, to which no
doubt but in time it hath been and will be assimilated : and
this we found not in small 2:)ieces, but in a very great quantity,
and that in sundry places, enough to load many carts ; from
whence I infer, that as in this cave, so no doubt in many other
(where they searched) the rocks would be found to have increased
immediately by the dropping of the water, besides that increase
they have from the earth in the bowels thereof; which still con-
tinuing as it doth, there can be no fear of their utter failing.^^
Bath well known in all England and Europe over; far
more useful and wholesome, though not so stately, as Dioclesian^s
bath in Rome (the fairest amongst 856 in that city, made only for
pleasure and delicacy), beautified with an infinity of marble pil-
lars (not for support but ostentation), so that Salmuth saith, four-
teen thousand men were employed for some years in building
thereof. Our bath waters consist of
1. Bitumen (which hath the predominancy); sovereign to
discuss, glutinate, dissolve, open obstructions, &c.
* Dr. Hakewel), in his Apology, lib. v, p. 69.
2. Nitre; wLicli dilateth the bitumen, making the solution the
better, and water the clearer. It cleanseth and purgeth both by-
stool and urine, cutteth and dissolveth gross humours.
3. Sulplmr ; in regard whereof they dry, resolve, mollify,
attract, and are good for uterine effects, proceeding from cold
and windy humours.
But how these waters come by their great heat, is rather
controverted than concluded amongst the learned. Some im-
pute it to wind, or airy exhaltations, included in the bowels of
the earth, which by their agitation and attrition (upon rocks and
narrow passages) gather heat, and impart it to the waters.
Others ascribe it to the heat of the sun, whose beams,
piercing through the pores of the earth, warm the waters,
and therefore anciently were called Aqua Solis, both because
dedicated to, and made by, the sun.
Others attribute it to quick lime, which we see doth readily
heat any water cast upon it, and kindleth any combustible sub-
stance put therein.
Others refer it to a subterranean fire kindled in the bowels of
the earth, and actually burning upon sulphur and bitumen.
Others impute the heat (which is not destructive, but genera-
tive, joined with moisture) to the fermentation of several mi-
It is the safer to relate all than reject any of these opinions,
each having both their opposers and defenders.
They used also inwardly, in broths, beer, juleps, &c. with
good effect. And although some mislike it, because they will
not mix medicaments with aliments, yet such practice beginneth
to prevail. The worst I wish these waters is, that they were
handsomely roofed over (as the most eminent baths in Chris-
tendom are) which (besides that it would procure great benefit
to weak persons) would gain more respect hither in winter
time, or more early in the spring, or more late in the fall.
The right honourable James earl of Marlborough undertook
to cover the Cross-bath at his own charge ; and may others
follow his resolution, it being but fit, that w^here God hath freely
given the jewel, men bestow a case upon it.*
" Where should I be born else than in Taunton Dean.'']
This is a parcel of ground round about Taunton, very plea-
sant and populous (as containing many parishes) ; and so fruitful,
to use their phrase, with the ziin and zoil alone, that it needs no
manuring at all. The peasantry therein are as rude as rich ;
and so highly conceited of their good country (God make them
worthy thereof!) that they conceive it a disparagement to be
born in any other place ; as if it were eminently all England.
* Dr. Fuller's beuevoleut wish has siace been amply realized. — Ed.
•' The beggars of Bath."]
Many in that place ; some natives there, others repairing thi-
ther "from all parts of the land ; the poor for alms ; the pained for
ease. Whither should fowl flock, in a hard frost, but to the
barndoor? here, all the two seasons, being the general confluence of
gentry. Indeed laws are daily made to restrain beggars, and
dairy broken by the connivance of those who make them : it being
impossible, when the hungry belly barks, and bowels sound,
to keep the tongue silent. And although oil of whip be the proper
plaister for the cramp of laziness, yet some pity is due to im-
potent persons. In ,a word, seeing there is the Lazars-bath in
this city, I doubt not but many a good Lazarus, the true object
of charity, may beg therein.
Dun STAN w^as born in the town of Glastonbury in this
county. He afterwards was abbot thereof, bishop of London
and Worcester, archbishop of Canterbury, and at last, for his
promoting of monkery, reputed a Saint.* I can add nothing to,
but must subtract something from, what I have written of him
in my "Church History .^^ True it is, l^e was the first abbot of
England, not in time but in honour, Glastonbury being the
proto-abbaty, then, and many years after, till pope Adrian ad-
vanced St. Alban^s above it. But, whereas it followeth in my
book,t " That the title of Abbot till his time was unknown in
England,^^ I admire by what casualty it crept in, confess it a
foul mistake, and desire the reader with his pen to delete it.
More I have not to say of Dunstan, save that he died anno
Domini 988 ; and his skill in smithery was so great, that the
goldsmiths in London are incorporated by the name of the
Company of St. Dunstan.
John Hooper was born in this county,^ bred first in Oxford,
then beyond the seas. A great scholar and linguist ; but suf-
fering under the notion of a proud man, only in their judgments ;
who were unacquainted with him. Returning in the reign of king
Edward the Sixth, he was elected bishop of Gloucester ; but for
a time scrupled the acceptance thereof, on a double account.
First, because he refused to take an oath tendered unto him.
This oath I conceived § to have been the oath of canonical obedi-
ence ; but since (owing my information to my worthy friend the
learned Dr. John Hacket) I confess it the oath of supremacy,
which Hooper refused, not out of lack ofloyalty but store of con-
science: for the oath of supremacy, as then modelled, was more
* Lives of the Saints. f Century x. p. 129.
X "Terrse Sommersetensis alumnus." Bale,' de Scriptoribus Britannicis,
Cent. viii. num. 86.
^ In my " Ecclesiastical History."
than the oath of supremacy enjoining the receiver's thereof con-
formity to the king's commands in what alterations soever he
should afterwards make in religion; which implicit and un-
limited obedience learned casuists allow only due to God him-
self. Besides the oath concluded with " So help me God, and all
his angels and saints." So that Hooper had just cause to scruple
the oath ; and was the occasion of the future reforming, whilst
the king dispensed with his present taking thereof.
' The second thing he boggled at, was the wearing of some
episcopal habiUments ; but at last, it seemeth, consented there-
unto, and was consecrated bishop of Gloucester.
His adversaries will say, that the refusing of one is the way
to get two bishoprics, seeing afterward he held Worcester in '
commendam therewith. But be it known, that as our Hooper
had double dignity he had treble diligence, painfully preaching
God's word, piously living as he preached, and patiently dying
as he lived, being martyred at Gloucester, anno 155 . .
He was onlyanative of this shire sufFeringfor the testimony of the
truth ; and on this account we may honour the memory of Gilbert
Bourn bishop of Bath and Wells in the reign of queen Mary,
who persecuted no Protestants in his diocese to death, seeing
it cannot be proved that one Lush was ever burnt, though by
him condemned. I mention bishop Bourn here the more
willingly, because I can no where recover the certainty of his
JocELiNE of Wells.* — Bishop Godwin was convinced, by
such evidences as he had seen, that he was both born and bred
in Wells, becoming afterwards the bishop thereof.
Now whereas his predecessors styled themselvesbishops of Glas-
ton (especially for some few years after their first consecration),
he first fixed on the title of Bath and Wells, and transmitted it
to all his successors. In his time the monks of Glastonbury,
being very desirous to be only subjected to their own abbot,
purchased their exemption, by parting with four fair manors to
the see of Wells.
This Jocehne, after his return from his five years^ exile in
France (banished with archbishop Langton on the same ac-
count of obstinacy against king John), laid out himself wholly
on the beautifying and enriching of his cathedral. He erected
some new prebends ; and, to the use of the chapter, appro-
priated many churches, increasing the revenues of the dignities
(so fitter called than profits, so mean then their maintenance) ;
and to the episcopal see he gave three manors of great value.
He, with Hugo bishop of Lincoln, was the joint founder of the
* Taken generally out of Bishop Godwin.
hospital of St. John's in Wells ; and, on his own sole cost,
built two very fair chapels, one at Wokey, the other at Wells.
But the church of Wells was the master-piece of his works, not
so much repaired as rebuilt by him ; and well might he therein
have been aiforded a quiet repose. And yet some have plun-
dered his tomb of his effigies in brass, being so rudely rent off,
it hath not only defaced his monument, but even hazarded the
ruin thereof. He sat bishop (which was very remarkable) more
than thirty-seven years (God, to square his great undertakings,
giving him a long life to his large heart), and died 1242.
FuLKE of Samford was born in this county; but in which
of the Samfords (there being four of that name therein, and
none elsewhere in England) is hard (and not necessary) to
decide. He was first preferred treasurer of St. Paul's in Lon-
don, and then by papal bull declared archbishop of Dublin,*
1256. Matthew Paris calleth him Fulk Basset by mistake. He
died in his manor of Finglas 12/1, and was buried in the church
of St. Patrick, in the chapel of St. Mary's, which likely was
erected by him.
John of Samford. — It is pity to part brethren. He was
first dean of St. Patrick in Dublin (preferred probably by his
brother), and for a time escheator of all Ireland.f Indeed the
office doth " male audire,'' (sound ill to ignorant ears) ; partly
because the vicinity thereof to a worse word J (Esquire and
Squire are known to be the same) ; partly because some, by
abusing that office, have rendered it odious to people, which in
itself was necessary and honourable. For the name escheator
Cometh from the French word eschoir, which signifieth to hap-
pen or fall out ; and he by his place is to search into any
profit accruing to the crown by casualty, by the condemnation
of malefactors, persons dying without an heir, or leaving him
in minority, &c. And whereas every county in England hath
an escheator, this John of Samford being escheator-general of
Ireland, his place must be presumed of great trust from the
king, and profit to himself.
He was canonically chosen, and by king Edward the First
confirmed, archbishop of Dublin, 1284, mediately succeeding
(John de Deiiington interposed) his brother Fulke therein ;
and I cannot readily remember the like instance in any other
see. For a time he was chief justice of Ireland, and thence
was sent (with Anthony bishop of Durham) ambassador to the
emperor; whence returning, he died at London, 1294; and
had his body carried over into Ireland (an argument that he
was well respected), and buried in the tomb of his brother in
the church of St. Patrick's.
* Sir James Ware, in the Archbishops of Dublin.
t Sir James Ware, ut snpra. \ Viz. Cheater.
Thomas Beckinton was bom at Beckinton in this county;
bred in New College,* doctor in the laws, and dean of the
Arches, till by king Henry the Sixth he was advanced bishop
of Bath and Wells.
1. A good Statesman; having written a judicious book to
prove [the right of] the kin|s of England to the crown of
France, notwithstanding the pretended Salique law.
2. A good Churchman (in the then notion of the word) ;
professing in his will that he had spent six thousand marks in
the repairing and adorning of his palaces.
3. A good Townsman ; besides a legacy given to the town
where he was born, he built at Wells, where he lived, a fair
conduit in the market-place.
4. A good Sitbject ; always loyal to king Henry the Sixth
even in the lowest condition.
5. A good Kinmian; plentifully providing for his alliance
with leases, without the least prejudice to the church.
6. A good Master ; bequeathing five pounds a-piece to his
chief, five marks a-piece to his meaner servants, and forty shil-
lings a-piece to his boys.
7. A good Man ; he gave for his rebus (in allusion to his
name) a burning Beacon, to which he answered in his nature,
being " a burning and shining light : " witness his many bene-
factions to Wells church, and the vicars therein ; Winchester,
New Merton, but chiefly Lincoln College, in Oxford, being
little less than a second founder thereof.f
A Beacon (we know) is so called from beckoning ,- that is,
making signs, or giving notice to the next beacon. This bright
Beacon doth nod, and give hints of bounty to future ages ; but,
it is to be feared, it will be long before his signs will be
observed, understood, imitated. Nor was it the least part of
his prudence, that (being obnoxious to king Edward the Fourth)
in his life-time he procured the confirmation of his will under
the broad seal of England, and died January the 14th, 1464.
Richard Fitz-James, doctor at law, was born at Redlinch
in this county, of right ancient and worshipful extraction ;
bred at Merton College in Oxford, whereof he became warden ;
much meriting of that place, wherein he built most beautiful
lodgings, expending also much on the repair of St. Mary^s in
Oxford. He was preferred bishop, first of Rochester, next of
Chichester, last of London.
He was esteemed an excellent scholar, and wrote some
books, J which, if they ever appeared in public, never descended
to posterity. He cannot be excused for being over busy with
fire and faggot in persecuting the poor servants of God in his
* New College Register, in anno 1408.
t Extracted and contracted out of Bishop Godwiu's Bishops of Bath and Wells.
X Pits, in Appendice.
diocese. He deceased anno 1512 ; lieth buried in his cathedral
(having contributed much to the adorning thereof) in a chapel-
like tomb, built (it seems) of timber,* which was burnt down
when the steeple of St. Paul's was set on fire, anno 1561.
This bishop was brother to judge Fitz-James, lord chief justice,
who, with their mutual support, much strengthened one another in
church and state.
To the Reader.
I cannot recover any native of this county who was a bishop
since the Reformation, save only John Hooper, of whom for-
merly in the catalogue of Martyrs.
Sir Amias Poulett, son to Sir Hugh, grandchild to Sir
Amias Poulett (who put cardinal Wolsey, then but a schoolmas-
ter, in the stocks,t) was born at Hinton Saint George, in this
county. He was chancellor of the Garter, governor of the Isles
of Jersey and Guernsey, and privy councillor to queen EUza-
beth, who chiefly committed the keeping of Mary queen of
Scots to his fidelity, who faithfully discharged his trust therein.
I know the Romanists rail on him, as over-strict in his
charge ; but indeed without cause, for he is no unjust steward
who to those under him alloweth all his master's allowance,
though the same be but of the scantiest proportion. Besides,
it is no news for prisoners (especially if accounting their
restraint unjust) to find fault with their keepers merely for keep-
ing them. And such who complain of him, if in his place,
ought to have done the same themselves.
AVhen secretary Walsingham moved this knight to suffer one
of his servants to be bribed by the agents of the queen of Scots,
so to compass the better intelligence, he would in no terms
yield thereunto. Such conniving at, was consenting to ; and
such consenting to, in effect, was commanding of such false-
hood. Whereupon the secretary was fain to go further about,
and make use of an instrument at a greater distance, who was
no menial servant to Sir Amias.
He died anno Domini 15 . .; and was buried in London, in
St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, where his epitaph is all in allusion to
the three swords in his arms, and three words in his motto,
" Gardez la Foy," (Keep the Faith.) Which harping on that
one string of his fidelity (though perchance harsh music to the
ears of others) was harmonious to queen Elizabeth.
John Fitz-James, Knight, was born at Redlinch in this
county, of right ancient and worthy parentage; bred in the
study of our municipal laws, wherein he proved so great a pro-
Bishop Godwin's words are, e materie.
t Godwin, in the Life of king Henry the Eighth.
ficient^ that^ by king Henry the Eighth, he was advanced chief
justice of the King's Bench. There needs no more be said of
his merit, save that king Henry the Eighth preferred him, who
never used either dunce or drone in church or state, but men of
abiUty and activity. He sat above thirteen years in his place, de-
meaning himself so that he lived and died in the king's favour.
He sat one of the assistants when Sir Thomas More was
arraigned for refusing the oath of supremacy, and was shrewdly
put to it to save his own conscience, and not incur the king's
displeasure : for chancellor Audley, supreme judge in that place
(being loath that the whole burtiien of More's condemnation
should lie on his shoulders alone), openly in court asked the
advice of the lord chief justice Fitz- James, " whether the in-
dictment were sufficient or no ?" To whom our judge warily
returned: — '^ My lords all, by St. Gillian," which was ever his
oath^ " I must needs confess, that, if the Act of Parliament be
not unlawful, then the indictment is not in my conscience
He died in the thirtieth year of king Henry the Eighth ; and
although now there be none left at Redlinch of his name and
family, they flourish still at Lewson in Dorsetshire, descended
from Alured Fitz-James (brother to this judge, and to Richard
bishop of London), whose heir in a direct line. Sir John Fitz-
James, knight, I must acknowledge a strong encourager of my
weak endeavours.
John Portman, Knight, was born of wealthy and worship-
ful extraction at Portman's Orchard in this county ; a fair
manor, which descended to him by inheritance ; the heir of the
Orchards being matched into his family. He w^as bred in the
study of the common law, attaining to such eminency therein,
that, June 11, the second of queen Mary, he was made chief
justice of the King's Bench, continuing two years in the place,
and dying therein for ought I find to the contrary ; and a baro-
netf of his name and lineage flourisheth at this day with a great
and plentiful estate.
David Brooke, Knight, born at Glastonbury, son to John
Brook, esquire, who (as I read in ClarencieuxJ) was serjeant
at law to king Henry the Eighth. Our David was also bred in
the study of our laws ; and, in the first of queen Mary, was
made chief baron of the Exchequer; but whether dying in, or
quitting the place, in the first of queen Elizabeth, I am not
informed. He married Katharine daughter of John Lord
Shandois ; but died without issue.
* Mr. More, in the printed Life of his Grandfather Sir Thomas More, p. 334.
f The baronetcy is extinct Ed.
X In the original of his last visitation of Somersetshire.
James Dyer, Knight, younger son to Richard Dyer,
Esquire, was born at Roundhill in this county, as may appear
to any by the heralds' visitation thereof, and doth also to me
by particular information from his relations.
He was bred in the study of our municipal law ; and was
made lord chief justice of the Common Pleas, primo Eliz.,
continuing therein twenty-four years,-^' longer (if my eye or
arithmetic fail me not) than any in that place before or after
him. When Thomas duke of Norfolk was, anno 1572, ar-
raigned for treason, this judge was present thereat, on the same
token, that, when the duke desired counsel to be assigned him,
pleading " that it was granted to Humphry Stafford, in the reign
of king Henry the Seventh;'' our judge returned unto him,
" that Stafford had it allowed him only as to point of law, then
in dispute,t viz. whether he was legally taken out of the sanc-
tuary ; but as for matter of fact, neither he nor any ever had, or
could have, any counsel allowed him ;'^ a course observed in
such cases unto this day.
But let " his own works praise him in the gates," J is known
for the place of public justice amongst the Jews. Let his learned
writings, called his " Commentaries," or " Reports," evidence
his abilities in his profession.
He died in 25 Ehz. (though married) without any issue ; and
there is a house of a baronet of his name (descended from an
elder son of Richard, father to our judge) at Great Stoughton
in Huntingdonshire, well improved, I believe, with the addition
of the judge's estate.
Sir John Popham, of most ancient descent, was born at
Huntworth in this county. § In his youthful days he was as
stout and skilful a man at sword and buckler, as any in that age,
and wild enough in his recreations. But oh ! if quicksilver
could be really fixed, to what a treasure would it amount !
Such is wild youth seriously reduced to gravity, as by this
young man did appear. He applied himself to a more j^i'ofit-
able fencing, the study of the laws, therein attaining to such
eminency, that he became the queen's attorney, and afterwards
lord chief justice of England.
Being sent, anno 1600, by the queen, with some others, to
the earl of Essex, to know the cause of the confluence of so
many military men unto his house, the soldiers therein detained
him for a time, which some did make tantamount to an impri-
sonment. This his violent detention Sir John deposed upon
his oath at the earl's trial, || which I note the rather for the rarity
thereof, that a lord chief justice should be produced as witness
in open court.
* Sir Henry Spelraan's Glossary. f Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1570.
\ Proverbs xxxi. 31. § So it appears to me, on my best examination.
11 Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1600.
In the beginning of the reign of king James, his justice was
exemplary on thieves and robbers. The land then swarmed
with people which had been soldiers, who had never gotten (or
else qmtQ forgotten) any other vocation. Hard it was for peace
to feed all the idle mouths which a former war did breed ; being
too proud to beg, too lazy to labour. Those infected the high-
ways with their felonies ; some presuming on their multitudes,
as the robbers on the northern road, whose knot (otherwise 7iot
to be untied) Sir John cut asunder with the sword of Justice.
He possessed king James how the frequent granting of par-
dons was prejudicial to justice, rendering the judges to the
contempt of insolent malefactors ; which made his majesty more
sparing afterward in that kind. In a word, the deserved death
of some scores preserved the lives and livelihoods of more
thousands ; travellers owing their safety to this judge's severity
many years after his death, which happened anno Domini 16 . .
John Courcy, baron of Stoke-Courcy in this county, was
the first Englishman who invaded and subdued Ulster in Ire-
land ; therefore deservedly created earl thereof.* He was
afterward surprised by Hugh Lacy (co-rival for his titled sent
over into England, and imprisoned by king John in the Tower
of London.
A French castle, being in controversy, was to have the title
thereof tried by combat, the kings of England and France be-
holding it. Courcy being a lean lank body, with staring eyes
(prisoners, with the wildness of their looks, revenge the close-
ness of their bodies) is sent for out of the Tower, to undertake
the Frenchman; and, because enfeebled with long durance, a
large bill of fare was allowed him, to recruit his strength. The
Monsieur, hearing how much he had eat and drunk, and guess-
ing his courage by his stomach, or rather stomach by his appe-
tite, took him for a cannibal, who would devour him at the last
course ; and so he declined the combat.
Afterwards the two kings, desirous to see some proof of
Courcy's strength, caused a steel helmet to be laid on a block
before him. Courcy, looking about him with a grim coun-
tenance (as if he intended to cut with his eyes as well as with
his arms), sundered the helmet at one blow into two pieces,
striking the sword so deep into the wood, that none but himself
could pull it out again.
Being demanded the cause why he looked so sternly, " Had
I,^^ said he, ^^ failed of my design, I would have killed the kings
and all in the place;'' words well spoken because well taken, all
persons present being then highly in good humour. Hence it
is, that the lord Courcy, baron of Kingrone, second baron in
* The effect of what follows is taken out of the Irish Annals, at the end of
Camden's Britannia. — F.
H 2
Ireland, claimed a privilege (whether by patent or prescription,
charter or custom, I know not) after their first obeisance, to be
covered in the king's presence, if process of time hath not anti-
quated the practice.
His devotion was equal to his valour, being a great founder
and endower of reUgious houses. In one thing he foully failed,
turning the church of the Holy Trinity in Down into the' church
of St. Patrick, for which (as the story saith) he w^as condemned
never to return into Ireland, though attempting it fifteen several
times, but repelled with foul weather. He afterwards went over,
and died in France, about the year 1210.
Matthew Gournay was born at Stoke-under-Hamden in
this county, where his family had long flourished since the Con-
quest, and there built both a castle and a college. But our
Matthew w^as the honour of the house, renowned under the
reign of king Edward the Third, having fought in seven several
signal set battles:* viz. — 1. At the siege of Algiers, against the
Saracens; 2. At the battle of Benemazin, against the same.
3. Sluce, a sea-fight against the French ; 4. Crescy, a land-
fight against the same; 5. Ingen, 6. Poictiers, pitched fights
against the French; 7. Nazaran, under the Black Prince,
in Spain. His armour was beheld by martial men with much
civil veneration, with whom his faithful buckler was a relic of
But it added to the wonder, that our Matthew, who did lie
and watch so long on the bed of honour, should die in the bed
of peace, aged ninety and six years,t about the beginning of king
Richard the Second. He heth buried under a fair monument in
the church of Stoke aforesaid, whose epitaph, legible in the last
age, is since (I suspect) defaced.
Sir Amias Preston, Knight, was descended of an ancient
family, who have a habitation at Cricket, nigh Crewkerne in this
county. He w^as a valiant soldier, and active seaman ; wit-
ness in 88, when he seized on the admiral of the Galiasses,
wherein Hugh de Moncada the governor, making resistance,
with most of his men, were burnt or killed, and Mr. Preston
(as yet not knighted) shared in a vast treasure of gold taken
therein. J
Afterwards, anno 1595, he performed a victorious voyage to
the West Indies,§ w^herein he took, by assault, the isle of Puerto
Santo, invaded the isle of Coche, surprised the fort and town of
Coro, sacked the stately city of St. Jago, put the town of
Cumana to ransom, entered Jamaica with little loss, some
Camden's Britannia, in this county. f Camden, jit pi his.
X Camden's Elizabeth, in 88. § Haclduyt'a Travels, part III. page 578.
profit, and more honour ; safely returned, within the space of
six months, to Milford Haven in Wales.
I have been informed, from excellent hands, that, on some
distaste, he sent a challenge to Sir Walter Raleigh ; which Sir
Walter declined, without any al^atement to his valour (wherein
he had abundantly satisfied all possibility of suspicion), and
great advancement of his judgment; for, having a fair and fixed
estate, with wife and children, being a privy councillor, and lord-
warden of the Stanneries, he thought it an uneven lay to stake
himself against Sir Amias, a private and (as I take it) a single
person ; though of good birth and courage, yet of no consider-
able estate. This also is consonant to what he hath written
so judiciously about duels, condemning those for ill honours
" where the hangman gives the gailand."* However, these two
knights were afterwards reconciled, and Sir Amias (as I collect)
died about the beginning of the reign of king James.
Gild AS, surnamed the Wise, was born in the city of Bath ;
and therefore it is that he is called Badonicus.f He was eight
years junior to another Gildas, called Albanius, whose nativity I
cannot clear to belong to our Britain. He was also otherwise
sur-styled Querulus, because the little we have of his writing is
only '^a complaint.^^ Yet was he none of those whom the
Apostle^ condemneth. These are, " murmurers, complainers,^^
&c. (taxing only such who either were impious against God, or
uncharitable against men ; complaining of them either without
cause or without measure) ; whilst our Gildas only inveigheth
against the sins, and bemoaneth the sufferings, of that wicked
and woeful age wherein he lived ; calling the clergy Monies
MaliticB ; the Britons gener&Xlyy. A trarnentum Seciili.
He wrote many books, though we have none of them extant
at this day (some few fragments excepted, inserted amongst the
manuscript canons), but his aforesaid history. This makes me
more to wonder that so learned a critic as Dr. .lerrard Vossius§
should attribute the comedy of " Aulularia^Mn Plautus to this
our Gildas, merely because that comedy is otherwise commonly
called ^' Querulus ;" whereas indeed their language is different :
that in "Aulularia^' tolerably pure (though perchance coarser
than the rest in Plautus) ; whilst the style of Gildas is hardly
with sense to be climbed over, it is so harsh and barbarous.
Besides, I do not believe that Gildas had a drop of comical
blood in his veins, or any inclination to mirth and festivity ; and
if he had prepared any thing scenical to be acted on the theatre,
certainly it would have been a tragedy relating to the ruin and
• History of the World, lib. v. page 548.
t Usher, De Britannicse Ecclesise Primordio, in his Chronologies. I Jude 18.
§ In his second book de Historicis Latinis, in the end of the 25tli chapter.^
destruction of his nation. Some variety there is about the date
of his death, which most probably is assigned anno 570.
Maurice Somerset carried this county of his nativity about
with Iiim in his name ; and was bred first a Cistercian monk in "
Ford Abbey ; then studied in Oxford, and became a good writer
both in prose and verse. His deserts preferred him abbot of
Wells, which in his old age he resigned, loving ease above ho-
nour. Some books he dedicated to his diocesan, Reginald
bishop of Bath; and flourished anno 1193.*
Alexander of Essebie is (saith my authorf) by some ac-
counted a Somerset, by others a Staftbrd-shire man ; and there-
fore by our fundamental laws (laid down in our preface, to de-
cide differences about nativities) falls to the share of this county.
He was the prince of English poets in his age ; and in imitation
of Ovid de Fastis, put our Christian festivals into verse, setting
a copy therein to Baptista Mantuanus.
Then, leaving Ovid, he aspired to Virgil, and wrote the His-
tory of the Bible (with the lives of some saints) in an heroical
poem ; and, though falling far short of Virgil, went beyond him-
self therein. He afterward became prior of Esseby Abbey,t
belonging to the Augustins ; and flourished under king Henry
the Third, anno Domini 1220,
Adamus de Marisco, or Adam of Marsh, was born in this
county, § where there be plenty of marshes in the fenny part
thereof. But I take Brent-marsh, as the principal, the most
probable place for his nativity. It seemeth that a foggy air is
no hinderance to a refined wit, whose infancy and youth in this
place was so full of pregnancy. He afterwards went to Oxford,
and there became D. D. It is argument enough to persuade
any indifferent man into a belief of his abilities, because that
Hobert Grosthead, that learned and pious bishop of Lincoln,
made use of his pains, that they might jointly peruse and com-
pare the Scripture. He became afterwards a Franciscan friar in
Worcester, and furnished the library thereof with most excel-
lent manuscripts ; for then began the emulation in England be-
twixt monasteries, which should outvie other for most and best
books. He flourished anno Domini 1257- I cannot grieve
heartily for this Adamus loss of the bishopric of Ely, because
Hugo de Balsham his co-rival got it from him, the founder of
Peter-house in Cambridge.
* Pits, setat. 12, num. 271.
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iv. num. 29.
X Qucfre. Where is this ? F — Answer. Canons Ashby, or Esseby, was a small
priory of Black Canons in Northamptonshire Ed.
§ Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iv. num. 12 ; and Fits, in anno
Henry Cuffe was born at St. George Hinton in this
county^ as the late Lord Powlett, baron thereof, did inform me,
though none of that name left there at this day. He was after-
wards fellow of Merton College in Oxford, and secretary to
Robert earl of Essex, with whom he engaged in his rising, anno
1600, being arraigned at Westminster for his life. Sir Edward
Cook (then but the queen^s attorney) disputed syllogistically
against him ; Avhom CufFe, an admirable logician, could, cmteris
paribus, well have encountered. But power will easily make a
solecism to be a syllogism. The most pregnant proof brought
against him was a verse out of Lucan alleged by him ; for, when
the earl, sitting in consultation with his complices, demanded
their advice, whether he should proceed in their design, or de-
sist, Mr. Cuffe returned,
" Viribus utendmn est quas fecimus ; arma ferenti
Omnia dat qui justa negat."*
This, I may say, proved his neck-verse, being attested against
him ; for which he suffered. He wrote an excellent book " of
the difference of the ages of man ;'^ a rare piece indeed, though
not altogether so hard to be procured, as worthy to be perused.
[S. N.] Sir John Harrington, Knight; where born I
know not : sure I am he had a fair estate at Kelston near Bath
in this county ; and is eminent for his confessor extraction. t
His father, only for carrying a letter to the Lady (afterwards
queen) Elizabeth, by Bishop Gardiner kept twelves months in
the Tower, and made to spend 1000 pounds er^ he could get
free of that trouble.
His mother, servant to the Lady EHzabeth, was, by Gardi-
ner's command, sequestered from her as an heretic, and her
husband enjoined not to keep company with her.
Queen Elizabeth was godmother to this Sir John; and he
was bred in Cambridge, where Doctor Still was his tutor ; but
whether whilst he was fellow of Christ^s or master of St. John's,
is to me unknown. He afterward proved one of the most inge-
nious poets of our English nation : witness his translation of
Orlando Furioso out of the Itahan, dedicated to the Lady Eli-
zabeth, since queen of Bohemia, and the several pieces of his
own invention.
It happened that, while the said Sir John repaired often to
an ordinary in Bath, a female attendress at the table, neglecting
other gentlemen who sat higher, and were of greater estates,
applied herself wholly to him^ accommodating him with all ne-
cessaries, and preventing his asking any thing with her officious-
ness. She being demanded by him the reason of her so careful
* The words of the poet are somewhat different. — F.
t In his continuance of Bishop Godwin, in his Bishops of Winchester.
waiting on him ? " I understand/' said she, ^^ you are a very
witty man ; and if I should displease you in any thing, I fear
you would make an epigram of me."
A posthume book of his is come forth, as an addition to
bishop Godwin^s Catalogue of Bishops ; wherein (beside mis-
takes) some tart reflections m Uxoratos Episcopos might well
have been spared. In a word, he vras a poet in all things save
in his wealth, leaving a fair estate to a learned and religious son,
and died about the middle of the reign of king James.
Samuel Daniel was born not far from Taunton in this
county ;* whose faculty was a master of music : and his harmo-
nious mind made an impression on his son's genius, who proved
an exquisite poet. He carried in his christian and surname two
holy prophets, his monitors, so to qualify his raptures, that he
abhorred all profaneness.
He was also a judicious historian ; witness his " Lives of our
English Kings, since the Conquest, until king Edward the
Third;" v\'herein he hath the happiness to reconcile brevity
with clearness, qualities of great distance in other authors ; a
work since commendably continued (but not with equal quick-
ness and judgment) by Mr. Trussell.
He was a servant in ordinary to queen Anne, who allowed
him a fair salary. As the tortoise burieth himself all the winter
in the ground, so Mr. Daniel would lie hid at his garden-house
in Old street, nigh London, for some months together (the
more retiredly to enjoy the company of the Muses) ; and then
would appear in public, to converse with his friends, whereof
Dr. Cowel and Mr. Camden were principal.
Some tax him to smack of the old cask, as resenting of the
Romish religion ; but they have a quicker palate than I, who
can make any such discovery. In his old age he turned hus-
bandman, and rented a farm in Wiltshire nigh the Devises. I
can give no account how he thrived thereupon ; for, though he
was well versed in Virgil, his fellow husbandman poet, yet there
is more required to make a rich farmer, than only to say his
Georgics by heart ; and I question whether his Italian will fit
our English husbandry. Besides, I suspect that Mr. Daniel's
fancy was too fine and sublimated, to be wrought down to his
private profit.
However, he had neither a bank of wealth, or lank of ivant ;
living in a competent condition. By Justina his wife he had
no child ; and I am unsatisfied both in the place and time of
death ; but collect the latter to be about the end of the reign of
king James.
Humphry Sidenham was born at Dalverton in this county,
* So am I certified by some of his [late surviving] acquaintance. — F.
of a most ancient and worshipful family ; bred fellow of Wad-
ham College; so eloquent a preacher that he was commonly-
called silver-tongued Sidenham. But let his own printed ser-
mons (and especially that called " The Athenian Babler^^) set
forth his deserved praise, who died since our civil distempers,
about the year 1650.
John Gibbon was undoubtedly born in this county, though
herein Pits presents us with an untoward and left-handed di-
rection, " Patrica Somersetensis, Diocesis Wintoniensis/^*
Now either Winchester is imprinted for Wells, or he was born
in this county in some peculiar belonging to Winchester, which
See hath large revenues about Taunton. Leaving the land for
his religion, Pope Gregory XIII. collated on him a canon^s
place in the church of Bonn. This he soon quitted, and became
rector of the Jesuits' College in Triers. He wrote a book
against G. Schon, professor at Heydelberg, in vindication that
the Pope was not antichrist. Being indisposed in health, his
hearing of the defeat of the Spanish Armada was no cordial
unto him, and he died anno 1589.
Robert Person was born in this county ;t bred in Baliol
College in Oxford, till for his viciousness he was expelled
thence with disgrace. Running to Rome, and there finishing
the course of his studies, he with Campian were the first brace
of English Jesuits, who returned hither 1589 to preserve this
nation. J Two years after he escaped hence, and got beyond
the seas.
One of a troublesome spirit, wherewith some moderate Ro-
manists were so offended, that (during his abode here) they once
resolved to resign him up to the queen's officers. § He had an
ill-natured wit, biassed to satiricalness : — a great statesman (and
it was not the least part of his policy to provide for his own
safety ;) who would look on, direct, give ground, abet on other
men's hands, but never played so as to adventure himself into
He wrote a shrewd book " of the Succession to the English
Crown ;" setting it forth under the false name of Dolman || (a dull
secular priest, guilty of little learning, and less policy) ; dedi-
cating the same to the earl of Essex. He had an authoritative
influence on all English CathoHcs ; nothing of importance being
agitated by them but Person had a finger, hand, arm therein.
He was for twenty-three years rector of the College at Rome,
where he died anno Domini 1610.
* Pits, de Angliae Scriptoribus, p. 788. t Idem, anno 1610.
i Camden's Elizabeth, in anno 1580,
§ Camden's Elizabeth, 1580. li Idem, anno 1594.
John Fex was born at Montacute in this county ;* bred in
New College in Oxford^ where he proceeded bachelor in laws^
continuing there till (anno Domini 1562) for his popish activity
he was ejected by the queen^s commissioners. Then for a time
he lived schoolmaster at St. Edmund^s Bury, till ousted there on
the same account. Hence hefled over into Flanders ; thence into
Italy ; whence returning, at last he was fixed at Louvain. He
wrote many, and translated more books ; living to finish his
jubilee, or fiftieth year of exile, beyond the seas, where he died
about the year of our Lord 1613. Let me add, that this John
Fen mindeth me of another of the same surname, and as
violent on contrary principles ; viz. Humphrey Fen, a non-
conformist minister, living about Coventry, who, in the preface
to his last will, " made such a protestation against the hierarchy
and ceremonies, that, when his will was brought to be proved,t
the preface would not be suffered to be put amongst the records
of the court; as which indeed was no limb, hut a tven oi his
John Collington was born in this county,J bred in Lincoln
College in Oxford. Going beyond the seas, and there made
priest, he returned into England, and with Campian was taken,
cast into the Tower of London, and condemned, but afterwards
reprieved, enlarged, and sent beyond the seas. Hence he return-
ed, and for thirty years together zealously advanced his own re-
ligion, being assistant to the two arch-priests, and he himself
supplied the place in the vacancy betwixt them. He could not
but be a very aged man ; who, though in restraint, was alive 1611.
The Lady Mohun. Reader, know I can surround the Chris-
tian names of her nearest relations. Her husband was John,
the last lord Mohun of Dunstor. The eldest daughter, Philip,
married to Edward duke of York; her second, EHzabeth, to
William Montacute earl of Salisbury; her youngest, Maud,
matched to the Lord Strange of Knockyn, but her own Christian
name I cannot recover.
However, she hath left a worthy memory behind her, chiefly
on this account, that she obtained from her husband so much
good ground for the commons of the town of Dunstor as she
could in one day (believe it a summer one for her ease and ad-
vantage) compass about going on her nakecl feet.§ Surely no
ingenious scholar beheld her in that her charitable perambula-
tion, but in effect vented his wishes in the poet's expression,
" Ah ! tibi ue teneras tellus secet aspera plantas.' ||
* New College Register, anno 1555.
+ See Master Clark, in the Life of Juliana Harring, p. 462.— F.
t Pit's Angliae Scriptores, p. 807, ; § Camden's Britannia; in this county^
Ij Vigil, Eclog. decimji.
The certain date of her death is unknown^ which by proportion
is conjectured in the reign of king Henry the Fifth.
Nicholas Wadham, of Merrifield, in this county, Esquire,
had great length in his extraction, breadth in his estate, and depth
in his liberaUty. His hospital house was an Inn at all times, a
court at Christmas. He married Dorothy, daughter to the
secretary, sister to the first lord Petre.
Absalom, having no children, reared up for himself a pillar
to perpetuate his name.* This worthy pair, being issueless,
erected that which hath, doth, and will aiford many pillars to
church and state, the uniform and regular (nothing defective
or superfluous therein) college of Wadham in Oxford. Had
this worthy Esquire (being a great patron of church-livings)
annexed some benefices thereunto (which may be presumed
rather forgotten than neglected by him) it had, for completeness
of fabric and endowment, equalled any English foundation.
If he was (which some suggest) a Romanist in his judgment,
his charity is the more commendable, to build a place for per-
sons of a different persuasion. Whilst we leave the invisible
root to the Searcher of hearts, let us thankfully gather the good
fruit which grew from it. He died before his college was
finished, his estate by coheirs descending to Strangeways,
Windham, White, &c.; and he lieth buried Avith his wife
under a stately monument in the fair church of Ilminster.
Philip Biss was extracted from a worshipful family in this
county, who have had their habitation in Spargrave for some de-
scents, being bred fellow and doctor in divinity in Magdalen
College in Oxford ; he was afterwards preferred archdeacon of
Taunton. A learned man, and great lover of learning. Now
though it be most true what reverend bishop Hall was wont to
say, "^ Of friends and books, good and few are best f yet this
doctor had good and many of both kinds ; and at his death be-
queathed his library (consisting of so many folios as were valued
at one thousand pounds) to Wadham College, then newly
This epitaph was made upon him, wherein nothing of wit,
save the verbal allusion which made itself without any pains of
the author thereof:
J3is fait hie natus, puer et Bis, Bis juvenisque.
Bis vir, Bisqne senex, Bis doctor, Bwque Sacerdos.f
I collect, by probable proportion, that his death happened
about the year 1614.
* 2 Samuel xviii. 18. f Camden's Remains, p. 380.
.Sir John Champxeis, son of Robert Champneis, was born
at Chew in this county ; bat bred a skinner in London, and
lord Mayor thereof, anno 1535. Memorable he is on this account,
that, whereas before his time there were no turrets in London
(save what in churches and public structures) he was the firr^t
private man, who, in his house, next Cloth-workers' hall, built
one, to oversee his neighbours in the city,* which delight of his
eye was punished with blindness some years before his death.
But seeing "prying into God's secrets is a worse sin than over-
looking men's houses," I dare not concur wifh so censorious an
author,t because every consequent of a fact is not the punish-
ment of a fault therein.
Thomas Coriat.^ — Though some will censure him, as a person
rather ridiculous than remarkable, he must not be omitted ; for,
first, few would be found to call him fool, might none do it save
such who had as much learning as himself. Secondly, if others
have more wisdom than he, thankfulness and humility is the
way to preserve and increase it.
He was born at Odcombe nigh Evil, in this county ; bred at
Oxford, where he attained to admirable fluency in the Greek
tongue. He carried folly (which the charitable called merriment)
in his very face. The shape of his head had no promising form,
being like a sugar-loaf inverted, with the little end before, as
composed of fancy and memory, without any common-sense.
Such as conceived him fool ad duo, and something else ad
decern, were utterly mistaken : for he drave on no design, carry-
ing for coin and counters alike ; so contented with what was
present, that he accounted those men guilty of superfluity, who
had more suits and shirts than bodies, seldom putting off either
till they were ready to go away from him.
Prince Henry allowed him a pension, and kept him for his
servant. Siveet-meats and Coriat made up the last course at all
court entertainments. Indeed he was the courtiers' anvil to
try their wits upon : and sometimes this anvil returned the
hammers as hard knocks as it received, his bluntness rej^aying
their abusiveness.
His book, known by the name of " Coriat's Crudities," nau-
seous to nice readers, for the rawness thereof, is not altogether
useless ; though the porch be more worth than the palace, I
mean, the preface, of other men's mock-commending verses
At last he undertook to travel into the East Indies by land,
mounted on a horse with ten toes, being excellently qualified
for such a journey; for rare his dexterity (so properly as con-
* Stow's Survey of London, p. 137. \ Idem, ibidem.
sisting most in manual signs) in interpreting and answering the
dumb tokens of nations, whose lansruasre he did not understand.
Besides, such his patience in all distresses, that in some sort
he might seem, cooled with heat, fed with fasting, and refreshed
with weariness. All expecting his return with more knowledge
(though not more wisdom), he ended his earthly pilgrimage in
the midst of his Indian travel, about (as I collect) the year of
our Lord 1616.
1. John Champneis, son of Robert Champneis, of Chew,
Skinner; 1535.
2. George Bond, son of Rob. Bond, of TruU^ Haberdasher ; 1588.
Know, reader, this is one of the ten pretermitted counties,
the names of whose gentry were not, by the Commissioners, re-
turned into the Tower, in the twelfth of king Henry the Sixth.
This county had the same with Dorsetshire until the ninth
year of queen Elizabeth; since which time, these following have
born the office in this county alone.
Anno Name and Arms. Place.
9 Maur. Berkley, mil. . . Bruiton.
G. a chevron between ten crosses formee Arg.
10 Geo. Norton, mil.
11 Hen. Portman, arm. . . Orchard.
O. a flower-de-luce Az.
12 Th. Lutterel, arm. . . Dunster Ca.
O. a bend betwixt six martlets S.
13 Geo. Rogers, arm. . . Cannington.
Arg. a chevron betwixt three bucks current S. attired O.
14 Joh. Horner, arm. . . Melles.
S. three talbots passant Arg.
15 Jo. Sydenham, arm. . Brompton.
Arg. three rams S.
16 Joh. Stowell, mil. . . Stawell.
G. cross lozengee Arg,
17 Christop. Kenne, arm. Courtwick.
Erm. three half-moons G.
18 Tho. Mallet, arm. . . Enmore.
Az. three escallops O.
19 Geo. Sydenham, arm. . ut prius.
20 Joh. Colles, arm.
21 Joh. Brett.
22 Maur. Rodney, arm. . Rodney Stoke.
O. three eaglets displayed, Purpure.
Anno Name. Place.
2.3 Hen. Newton, arm.
Arg. on a chevron Az. three garbs. O.
24 Joh. Buller, arm.
S. on a plain cross Arg. quarter pierced, four eaglets of
the field.
25 Ar. Hopton, arm. . . Witham.
Arg. two bars S. each with three mullets of six points O.
26 Gabr. Hawley, arm.
Vert, a saltire engrailed O.
27 Nic. Sidenham, arm. . ut prius.
28 Joh. Clifton, mil. . . Barrington.
S. semee of cinquefoils, a lion rampant Arg.
29 Hen. Berkley, mil, . . id 2>rms.
30 Edw. Sainthorp, arm.
31 Sam. Norton, arm.
32 Hugo Portman, arm. . ut prius,
33 Joh. Harington, arm.
S. a fret Arg.
34 Geo. Speke, arm. . . Whitlackington.
Arg, two bars Az. ; over all an eagle displayed G.
35 Geo. Lutterel, arm. . ut prius,
36 [AMP.] Hen. Walrond.
37 Joh. Francis, arm. . . Combe Flouree.
Arg. a chevron betwixt three mullets G. pierced.
38 Joh. Stowel, mil. . . ut prius.
39 Joh. Colles, arm.
40 Joh. Gennings, arm. , Burton.
Az. a chevron O. betwixt three bezants; on a chief Erm.
three cinquefoils G.
41 Geo. Rodney, arm. . . ut prius,
42 Hugo. Portman, mil. . ut p>rius,
43 Joh. Mallet, arm. . . ut prius,
44 Joh. May, arm. . . . Charterhouse Heyden.
S. a chevron O. betwixt three roses Arg. ; a chief of the
45 Edw. Rogers, arm. . . ut prius,
1 Edw. Rogers, arm. . . ut prius,
2 Joh. Windham, mil. ^ . Orchard.
Az. a chevron betwixt three lions^ heads erased O.
3 Tho. Horner, arm. . . ut 2^rius,
4 Joh. Portman, arm. . ut prius,
5 Edw. Hext, mil. . . . Ham.
O. a castle betwixt three pole-axes S.
6 Edw. Gorges, mil. . . Wraxal.
Masculy, O. and Az.
Anno Name. Place.
7 Geo. Lutterel, arm. . ut prius.
8 Francis Baber^ arm. . Chew Mag.
Arg. on a fess G. three falcons' heads erased of the first.
9 Jo. Rodney, mil. et . ut prius,
Hugo Smith, mil. . . Ash ton.
G. OK a chevron betwixt three cinquefoils O. pierced
as many leopards' heads S.
10 Rob. Hendley, arm. . Leigh.
Az. a lion rampant Arg. crowned O. ; within a border of
the second an entoyre of eight torteaux.
11 Nat. Still, arm.
12 Joh. Horner, mil. . . ut prius,
13 Barth. Michel, mil.
Parti per fess G. and S. a chevron Arg. betwixt three
swans proper,
Joh. Colics, arm.
14 Joh. Paulet, arm. . . Hinton St. George.
S. three swords in pile Arg.
15 Rob. Hopton, arm. . . ut prius,
16 Theob. Newton, mih . ut prius,
17 Jo. Trevilian, arm. . , Nettlecombe.
G. a demi-horse Arg. issuing out of the waves of the sea.
18 Hen. Hendley, arm. . ut p)rius,
19 Marmad. Gennings, arm. ut prius.
20 Edw. Popham, arm.
Arg. on a chief G. two bucks' heads O.
21 Will. Francis, arm. . . ut prius,
22 Th, Windham, arm. . . ut prius,
1 Rob. Phihps, mil. ; . Montacute.
Arg. a chevron between three roses G.
2 Joh. Symmes, arm. . . Pounsford.
Az. three scallops in base O.
3 Joh. Latch, arm. . . Langford.
Arg. on a fess wavy three lozenges O. between as many
ineschocheons G.
4 Joh. Stowell, mil. . . ut prius,
' 5 Tho. Thynne, mil. . . Wiltshire,
Barry of ten, O. and S.
6 Fr. Dodington, mil. . . Loxton.
S. three hunters' horns Arg.
7 Th. Lutterel, arm, . . ut prius.
8 Will. Walrond, arm. . ut prius,
9 Joh. Carew, mil.
O, three lions passant S. armed and langued G.
Anno Name. Place.
10 Hen. Hodges, arm. . . Hasilbere.
O. three crescents; and in a canton S. a ducal crown of
the first.
11 [AMP.] Joh. Basset, arm.
14 Will. Evvens, arm.
S. a fess between two flowers-de-luce Or.
18 yBellum nobis hcec otia fecit.
20 )
22 Rich. Cole, arm. . . . Nailsle.
Parti per pale Arg. and G. a bull passant counterchanged.
14. John Paulet, Armiger. — He was son to Sir Anthony
Paulet, (governor of Jersey) by the sole daughter of Henry Lord
Norrice, being the sole sister to the brood of many martial bre-
thren. A very accomplished gentleman, of quick and clear parts :
a bountiful housekeeper, so that king Charles consigned Mon-
sieur Soubize unto him, who gave him and his retinue many
months' liberal entertainment. The said king afterwards cre-
ated him baron Paulet of Hinton St. George, in this county,
descended to him from the Denbaudes, the ancient owners
thereof. He married Elizabeth, the daughter and sole heir of
Christopher Ken of Ken castle in the same shire, esquire,
whose right honourable son and heir John Lord Paulet now suc-
ceedeth in that barony.
None have been fought in this county, which come properly
under this notion. Indeed the skirmish at Martial's Elm (some-
thing military and ominous in the name thereof) fought 1642,
made much noise in men's ears (a musket gave then a greater
report than a cannon since) ; and is remembered the more, be-
cause conceived first to break the peace of this nation, long res-
tive and rusty in ease and quiet.
As for the encounter at Langport, where the king's forces un-
der the Lord Goring were defeated by the Parliament's, July
12, 1645, it was rather a flight than a fight; like the battle of
Spurs (fought many years since) ; the horse, by their speed,
w^ell saving themselves, whilst the poor foot (pawned in the
place) paid dearly for it. And henceforward the sun of the king's
cause declined, verging more and more westward, till at last it
set in Cornwall, and since (after a long and dark night) rose
again by God's goodness in the east, when our gracious sove-
reign arrived at Dover.
May He, who bindeth the sea in a girdle of sand^ confine it
within the proper limits thereof, that Somersetshire may never
see that sad accident return, which happened here 1 G07 ; when,
by the eruption of the Severn sea, much mischief was, more had
been done, if the west wind had continued longer with the like
violence. The country was overflowed, almost twenty miles in
length, and four in breadth, and yet but eighty persons drowned
therein. It was then observable that creatures of contrary na-
tures, dogs, hares, foxes, conies, cats, mice, getting up to the
tops of some hills, dispensed at that time with their antipathies,
remaining peaceably together, without sign of fear or violence
one tow^ards another ; to lesson men in public dangers, to de-
pose private differences, and prefer their safety before their re-
Bristol, more truly Bright-stoiv, that is, illustrious or bright
dwelling, answers its name in many respects : bright in the si-
tuation thereof, conspicuous on the rising of a hill ; bright in
the buildings, fair and firm ; bright in the streets, so cleanly
kept, as if scoured (where no carts, but sledges, are used) ; but
chiefly bright for the inhabitants thereof, having bred so many
eminent persons.
It standeth both in Somerset and Gloucester-shires (and yet
in neither, it being a liberty of itself) ; divided into two parts
by the river Avon, conjoined with a bridge, which, being built
on both sides, counterfeiteth a continued street, for which
strangers at the first sight do mistake it. The houses of the mer-
chants herein are generally very fair; and their entries, though
little and narrow, lead into high and spacious halls ; which form
may mind the inhabitants thereof of their passage to a better
These are the stars of the earth, though such but dim ones,
which St. Vincent's rock, near to this city, doth produce. Their
price is abated by their paleness and softness, to which we may
add their number and nearness ; for, were they but few and far
fetched, their value would be advanced. They are not those
unions, pearls so called, because thrifty Nature only affordeth
them by one and one ;* seeing that not only twins, but bunches
and clusters of these are found together.
Were this rock of raw diamonds removed into the East In-
dies, and placed where the beams of the sun might sufficiently
concoct them ; probably in some hundreds of years they would
be ripened into an orient perfection. All I will add is this : a
lady in the reign of queen Elizabeth would have as patiently di-
gested the lie, as the wearing of false stones or pendants of
counterfeit pearl, so common in our age ; and I could wish it
were the worst piece of hypocrisy in fashion.
I behold Bristol as the staple place thereof, where alone it
was anciently made ; for though there be a place in London,
nigh Cheapside, called Sopers-lmie, it was never so named from
that commodity made therein (as some have supposed), but
from Alen le ^oper, the long since owner thereof. Yea, it is
not above a hundred and fifty years, by the confession of the
chronicler of that city, since the first soap was boiled in Lon-
don ;t before which time the land was generally supplied with
Castile from Spain, and Gray-soap from Bristol. Yea, after
that London meddled with the making thereof, Bristol soap
(notwithstanding the portage) was found much the cheaper.^
Great is the necessity thereof: seeing, without soap, our bo-
dies would be no better than dirt, before they are turned into
dust : men, whilst living, become noisome to themselves and
others. Nor less its antiquity : for although our modern soap,
made of pot-ashes and other ingredients, was unknown to
the ancients, yet had they ti avdXoyov, something which efiec-
tually supplied the place thereof, making their woollen clear,
their linen cloth cleanly. Christ is compared by the prophet§
to Fuller's soap, in Hebrew borith, which word Arias Montanus,
in his Interlineary Bible, retain eth untranslated ; but, in his
comment (following the example of St. Hierom) on the place,
rendereth it herba Fullonmn, expounding it to be sapojiaria,
in English soapworth. Indeed, both Dodoneus and Gerardus
write thereof, " This plant hath no use in physic." Yet, seeing
Nature made nothing in vain, soapworth cannot justly be charged
as useless, because purging (though not the body) the clothes
of a man, and conducing much to the neatness thereof.
* " Uniones, quia nuUi duo simul reperientur. " Pliny's Natural History, lib.
ix. cap. 35.
t Stow's Survey, p. 265. % Idem, in his first Table, verbo Sope.
§ Malachi iii. 2.
RatclifFe Church in this city clearly carrieth away the credit
from all parish churches in England. It was founded by Can-
nings (first a merchant, who afterwards became a priest) ; and
most stately the ascent thereunto by many stairs, which at last
plentifully recompenseth their pains who climb them up, with
the magnificent structure both without and within.
If any demand the cause why this church was not rather
made the see of a bishop than St. Augustin's in this city, much
inferior thereunto; such may receive this reason thereof : that
this (though an entire stately structure) was not conveniently
accommodated like St. Augustin^s (formerly a great monastery)
with public buildings about it, for the palace of a bishop, and I
the reception of the dean and chapter. However, as the town f
of Hague in Holland would never be walled about, as accounting |
it more credit to be the biggest of villages in Europe, than but /
a lesser city ; so RatclifFe church esteemeth it a greater grace to
lead the van of all parochial,* than to follow in the rear after
many cathedral churches in England.
St. Vincent's Well, lying west of the city, under St. Vincent^s
Rock, and hard by the river, is sovereign for sores and sicknesses,
to be washed in, or drunk of, to be either outwardly or inwardly
applied. Undoubtedly the water thereof runneth through some
mineral of iron, as appeareth by the rusty ferruginous taste
thereof, which it retaineth though boiled never so much. Ex-
perience proveth that beer brewed thereof is wholesome against
the spleen ; and Dr. Samuel Ward, afflicted with that malady,
and living in Sidney College, was prescribed the constant drink-
ing thereof, though it was costly to bring it through the Severn
and narrow seas to Lynn, and thence by the river to Cambridge.
But men in pain must not grudge to send far to purchase their
ease, and thank God if they can so procure it.
''Bristol milk.'']
Though as many elephants are. fed as cows grased within the
walls of this city, yet great plenty of this metaphorical milk,
whereby xeres or sherrij sack is intended. Some will have it
called milk, because (whereas nurses give new-born babes in
some places pap, in others water and sugar) such wine is the first
moisture given infants in this city. It is also the entertainment
of course, which the courteous Bristohans present to all strangers,
when first visiting their city.
* Yet some have informed me that it only is a chapel-of-ease to the mother-
church of Bedminster F.
The moderation of John Holyman;, bishop of this city^ is much
to be commended ; who^ in the reign of queen Mary, did not
persecute any in his diocese. And yet we find Richard Sharpe,
Thomas Benion, and Thomas Hale, martyred in this city, whose
blood the inquisitor thereof will visit on the account of Dalbye,*
the cruel chancellor of this diocese.
Ralph of Bristol, born in this city, was bred (as I have
cause to conceive) in the neighbouring convent of Glastonbury.
Going over into Ireland, first he became treasurer of St. Patrick^s
in Dublin; then Einscopus Darensis, bishop of Kildare. He
wrote the life of Lawrence archbishop of Dublin ; and granted
(saith my authorf) certain indulgences to the abbey of Glaston-
bury in England, probably in testimony of his gratitude for his
education therein. He died anno Domini 1232.
Tobias Matthew, D.D. was born in this city ;J bred first
in St. John^s, then in Christ Church in Oxford ; and, by many
mediate preferments, became bishop of Durham, and at last
York. But it will be safest for my pen now to fast (for fear of
a surfeit) which formerly feasted io freely on the character of
this worthy prelate,§ who died 1628.
No city in England (London alone excepted) hath, in so
short a time, bred more brave and bold seamen, advantaged
for western voyages by its situation. They have not only been
merchants, but adventurers, possessed with a public spirit for
the general good ; aiming not so much to return wealthier, as
wiser; not always to enrich themselves, as inform posterity by
their discoveries. Of these, some have been but merely casual^
when going to fish for cod, they have found a country, or some
eminent bay, river, or haven of importance, unknown before.
Others were intentional, wherein they have sown experiments,
with great pains, cost, and danger, that ensuing ages may freely
reap benefit thereof. Amongst these seamen we must not
Hugh Eliot, a merchant of this city, who was, in his age, the
prime pilot of our nation. He first (Avith the assistance of Mr,
* Fox's Martyrology, p. 2052.
t Sir James Ware, in Episcopis Darensibus.
t Sir John Harrington, in his continuation of Bishop Godwin.
§ " In my Church History," book xi. p. 133.
Thorn his fellow-citizen) found out Newfoundland^ anno 1527.*
This may be called Old-found-land, as senior, in the cognizance
of the English, to Virginia and all our other plantations.
Had this discovery been as fortunate in public encourage-
ment as private industry, probably before this time we had en-
joyed the kernel of those countries whose shell only we now
possess. It is to me unknown when Eliot deceased.
Thomas Norton was born in this city ; and, if any doubt
thereof, let them but consult the initial syllables in the six first,
and the first line in the seventh chapter of his Ordinal, which
put together compose,
" Thomas Norton of Briseto
A parfet master you may him trow."
Thus his modesty embraced a middle way betwixt concealing
and revealing his name ; proper for so great a professor in che-
mistry as he was, that his very name must from his book be
mysteriously extracted.
He was scarcely twenty-eight years of age,t when in forty
days (believe him, for he saith so of himselfj) he learned the
perfection of chymistry, taught, as it seems, by Mr. George
Ripley. But what saith the poet ?
" Non minor est virtus, quam quserere, parta tueri."
The spite is, he complaineth, that a merchant's wife of
Bristol stole from him the elixir of life.§ Some suspect her to
have been the wife of William Cannings (of whom before), con-
temporary with Norton, who started up to so great and sudden
wealth, the clearest evidence of their conjecture. ||
The admirers of this art are justly impatient to hear this their
great patron traduced by the pen of J. Pits^ and others, by
whom he is termed Nugarum opifex infrivola scientia ; and that
he undid himself, and all his friends who trusted him with their
money, living and dying very poor about the year 1477 •
John Spine. — I had concluded him born at Spine in Berk-
shire nigh Newbury but for these dissuasives. 1. He lived lately
under Richard the Third, when the clergy began to leave off* their
local sirnames, and, in conformity to the laity, to be called from
their fathers. 2. My author** peremptorily saith he was born
in this city. I suspect the name to be Latinised Spineus by
Pits, and that in plain English he was called Thorn, an ancient
name, I assure you, in this city. However, he was a Carmelite,
and a doctor of divinity in Oxford, leaving some books of his
* Hacluit's English Voyages, vol. III. p. 10. f In his Ordinal, p. 88.
X Ibid. p. 33. § Ibid. p. 34, linea 33.
II "Theatrum Chimicum," made by Elias Ashmole, Esq. p. 441.
% De Anglise Scriptoribus, p. 666. ** Ibid. p. 673.
making to posterity. He died and was buried in Oxford, anno
Domini 1484.
John of Milverton. — Having lost the fore I must play an
aj'ter game, rather than wholly omit such a man of remark. The
matter is not much, if he, who was lost in Somersetshire (where
indeed he was born, at Milverton) be found in Bristol, where he
first fixed himself a friar Carmelite.* Hence he went to Oxford,
Paris, and at last had his abode in London.
He was Provincial-general of his Order through England, Scot-
land, and Ireland ; so that his jurisdiction was larger than king
Edward the Fourth^s, under whom he flourished. He was a
great anti-Wicliftist, and champion of his order both by his
writing and preaching. He laboured to make all believe that
Christ himself was a Carmelite (professor of wilful poverty;)
and his high commending of the poverty of friars tacitly con-
demned the pomp of the prelates. Hereupon the bishop of
London (being his diocesan) cast him into the gaol, from whom
he appealed to Paul the Second ; and, coming to Rome, he was
for three years kept close in the prison of St. Angelo. It made
his durance the more easy, having the company of Platina the
famous papal biographist,t the nib of whose pen had been too
long in writing dangerous truth. At last he procured his cause
to be referred to seven cardinals, who ordered his enlargement.
Returning home into England, he lived in London in good
repute. I find him nominated bishop of St. David^s ; J but how
he came to miss it, is to me unknown. Perchance he would not
bite the bait ; but whether because too fat to cloy the stomach
of his mortified soul, or too lean to please the appetite of his
concealed covetousness, no man can decide. He died, and was
buried in London, 1486.
William Grocine was born in this city,§ and bred in Win-
chester school ; where he, when a youth, became a most excel-
lent poet. Take one instance of many. A pleasant maid (pro-
bably his mistress, however she must be so understood) in a
love frolic pelted him with a snow-ball, whereon he extempore ||
made this Latin tetrastic : —
Me nive candetili petlit mea Julia : rebar
Igne carere nivem, nix tamen ignis erat.
Sola potes nostras extinguere Julia Jlam?nas,
A^un nive, noji glncie, sed potes igne pari.^
" A snow-ball white at me did Julia throw ;
Who would suppose it ? fire was in that snow.
Julia alone can quench my hot desire,
But not with snow, or ice, but equal fire."
♦ Pits, iEtat. 14, num. 885. f Bale, Cent. viii. num. 44.
X Bale and Pits, ut prius. § New College Register, anno 1467.
l! Bale, de .Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent, ix, num. 5, and Pits, in anno 1520.
If These verses are printed among Petronius's Fragments, being a farrago of many
verses later than that ancient author — F.
He afterwards went over into Italy, where he had Demetrius
Calchondiles and Politian for his masters ; and, returning into •
England, was public ^^rofessor of the Greek tongue in Oxford.
There needs no more to be added to his honour, save that
Erasmus in his Epistles often owns him pro patrono siio et
prceceptore. He died anno 1520.
John Fowler was born in Bristol;* bred a printer by his
occupation, but so learned a man, that (if the character given
him by one of his own persuasionf be true) he may pass for
our English Robert or Henry Stephens, being skilful in Latin
and Greek, and a good poet, orator, and divine. He wrote an
abridgment of " Thomas's Summes,'' the translation of Osorius
into English, &c. Being a zealous papist, he could not com-
port with the Reformation ; but conveyed himself and his press
over to Antwerp, v/here he was signally serviceable to the Ca-
tholic cause, in printing their pamphlets, which 'were sent over,
and sold in England. He died at Namurch 1579; and lies
there buried in the church of St. John the Evangelist.
Robert Thorn was born in this city, as his ensuing epitaph
doth evidence. I see it matters not what the name be, so the
nature be good. I confess, Thorns came in by " man's curse ;"t
and our Saviour saith, '^ Do men gather grapes of thorns ?"§
But this our Thorn (God send us many coppices of them) was a
blessing to our nation, and wine and oil may be said freely to
flow from him. Being bred a merchant tailor in London he
gave more than four thousand four hundred forty-five pounds
to pious uses; II a sum sufficient therewith to build and endow a
college, the time being well considered, being towards the be-
ginning of the reign of king Henry the Eighth. J
I have observed some at the church-door cast in sixpence j
with such ostentation, that it rebounded from the bottom, and \
rung against both the sides of the bason (so that the same piece |
of silver was the alms and the giver's trumpet) ; whilst others ?
have dropped down silent five shillings without any noise. Our
Thorn was of the second sort, doing his charity eff'ectually, but
with a possible privacy. Nor was this good Christian abroad
worse (in the apostle-phrase) than an infidel at home in not pro-
viding for his family, who gave to his poor kindred (besides
debt forgiven unto them) the sum of five thousand one hundred
forty-two pounds.^
Grudge not, reader, to peruse his epitaph ; which, though not
so good as he deserved, is better than most in that age : —
* Pits, de Angliee Scriptoribus, anno 1579. t I^em, ibidem.
X Genesis iii. 18. § Matthew vii. 16. || Stow's Survey of London, p. 90.
^ Idem, ibid.
" Robertas cubat hie Thornus, mercator honestus,
Qui sibi legitimas arte paravit opes.
Hiiic vitam dederat parvo Bristolia quondam,
Londiuum hoc tumulo clauserat ante diem.
Ornavit studiis patriam, virtutibus auxit,
Gymnasium erexit sumptibus ipse suis.
Lector, quisquis ades, requiem cineri, precor, era
Supplex, et precibus numina tlecte tuis,"*
He died a bachelor^, in the fortieth year of his age, anno Domini
1532^ and hes buried in St. Christopher's, London.
Mary Dale, better known by the name of Mary Ramsey,
daughter of WilUam Dale, merchant, was born in this city.
She became afterwards second wife to Sir Thomas Ramsey,
Grocer and lord mayor of London, anno 1577; and surviving
him, was thereby possessed of a great estate, and made good use
thereof.t She founded two fellowships and scholarships in
Peter-house in Cambridge ; and proffered much more, if on her
terms it might have been accepted. For most certain it is, that
she would have settled on that house lands to the value of five
hundred pounds per annum and upwards, on condition that it
should be called " The college of Peter and Mary.'' This Doc-
tor Soams, then master of the house, refused, affirming " that
Peter, who so long lived single, was now too old to have a fe-
minine partner,"^ a dear jest, to lose so good a benefactress.
This not succeeding, the stream of her charity was not pee-
vishly dried up (with those who in matters of this nature will
do nothing, when they cannot do what they would do) ; but
found other channels therein to derive itself. § She died anno
Domini 1596, and lieth buried in Christ's Church|| in London.
Thomas White, D. D. was born in this city, and bred in
Oxford. He was afterwards related to Sir Henry Sidney, Lord
Deputy of Ireland, whose funeral sermon he made, being ac-
counted a good preacher in the reign of queen EHzabeth.
Indeed he was accused for being a great pluralist, though I
cannot learn that at once he had more than one cure of souls,
the rest being dignities. As false is the aspersion of his being
a great usurer : but one bond being found by his executors
amongst his writings of one tliousand pounds, which he lent
gratis for many years to the company of Merchant Tailors,
whereof he was free, the rest of his estate being in land and
ready money. Besides other benefactions to Christ Church,
and a lecture in St. Paul's, London, he left three thousand
pounds for the building of Sion College to be a Ramah for the
* Stow's Survey of London, p. 193. f Idem, p. i24,
X So was I informed by Dr. Seaman, late Master of that College F.
. § Stow's Survey, in his description of Christ Church.
,i Lady Ramsey was a liberal benefactress to Christ's Hospital.— Ed.
sons of the prophets in London. He built there also a fair
alms-house for twenty poor folk, allowing them yearly six
pounds a-piece ; and another at Bristol, which, as I am in-
formed, is better endowed.
Now, as Camillus was counted a second Romulus, for enlarg-
ing and beautifying the city of Rome ; so Mr. John Simpson,
minister of St. Olave^s, Hart-street, London, may be said a se-
cond White, for perfecting the aforesaid college of Sion, build-
ing the gate-house with a fair case for the library, and endowing
it with threescore pounds per annum.
Dr. Thomas White died anno Domini 1623.
John Aderly, son of John Aderly, Ironmonger, 1442.
Thomas Canning, son of John Canning, Grocer, 1456.
John Young, son of Thomas Young, Grocer, 1466.
I am credibly informed, that one Mr. Richard Grigson,
citizen, hath expended a great sum of money in new casting of
the bells of Christ Church, adding tunable chimes unto them.
Surely he is the same person whom I find in the printed list of
compounders to have paid one hundred and five pounds for his
reputed delinquency in our civil wars ; and am glad to see one
of his persuasion (so lately purified in Goldsmiths Hall) able to
go to the cost of so chargeable a work.
I wish Bristol may have many more to follow his example ;
though perchance, in this our suspicious age, it will be conceiv-
ed a more discreet and seasonable desire, not to wish the in-
crease, but the continuance, of our bells ; and that (though not
taught the descant of chimes) they may retain their plain song
for that public use to which they were piously intended.
Dr. Thomas Amory^ eloquent dissenting divine ; born at Taun-
ton 1700; died 1774.
Thomas Baker, divine and mathematician ; born at Ilton
about 1625 ; died 1690.
Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger, biographical and historical writer ;
born at Wells 1778.
Richard Brocklesby, physician and author; born at Mine-
head 1722; died 1797-
Simon Browne, learned dissenting divine ; born at Shepton
Mallet about 1680; died 1732.
John Brydal, lawyer and antiquary ; born about 1683.
George Bull, Bishop of St. David^s, learned author ; born at
Wells 1634; died 1709.
Dr. Henry Byam, loyalist and learned preacher, author of
^^ Sermons ;^^ born at Luccombe 1580; died 1669.
Walter Charleton, physician, and voluminous writer on the
sciences; born at Shepton Mallet 1619 ; died 1707.
Robert Crosse, divine, philosopher, and controversialist; born
at Dunster about 1605 ; died 1683.
Ralph Cudworth, learned divine and philosophical writer;
born at AUer 1617 ; died 1688.
Richard Edgeworth, scientific and miscellaneous writer; born
at Bath 1744; died 1817-
Tho. Falconer, divine, writer, and classical scholar; born at
Bath 1772; died 1839.
Henry Fielding, novelist ^nd dramatist ; born at Sharpham
Park 1707; died 1754.
Dr. John Gardiner, divine; born at Wellington 1757.
Dr. Henry Harrington, musical poet and physician ; born at
Kelston 1727.
Henry Helliet, learned divine; born at Dundry ; flourished
Prince Hoare, dramatic and miscellaneous writer; born at
Bath 1755 ; died 1835.
Humphrey Hody, divine and author; born at Odcombe 1659;
died 17O6.
Lord Viscount Hood, distinguished admiral; born 1724; died
in 1816.
James Hurly, divine and eccentric philosopher; born at
Crowcombe : died 1783.
James Jennings, poetical writer; born at Huntspill 1772,
Richard Laurence, divine, and primate of Ireland, theological
antiquary and writer; born at Bath 17^8; died 1839.
John Locke, moral philosopher, author of "Essay on the Hu-
man Understanding,^^ &c. ; born at Wrington 1632 ; died
William Prynne, lawyer and antiquary, author of ^' Histrio
Mastix,^^ and star-chamber victim ; born at Swanswick 1600;
died 1669.
Lord Rodney, successful naval commander; born about 1718;
died 1792.
Elizabeth Rowe, poetess and accomplished lady, and author of
'^^ Letters from the Dead to the Living,^^ &c. ; born at Ilches-
ter 1674; died 1737.
Gilbert Sheldon, archbishop of Canterbury; born at Stanton
Prior 1598 ; died 1677-
Daniel Terry, comedian, and adapter of pieces ; born at Bath ;
died 1829.
Sir Edward Walter, historian and herald; died 1676.
Francis Webb, poet; born at Taunton 1735.
John WiCKE^ pious divine and friend of Dr. Lardner; born
at Taunton 17I8.
*^* Various topographical works relative to Somersetshire have been produced
since the time of Fuller. Of these the most important are, the Histories of the
County, 1st, by the Rev. J. CoUinson (l79l) ; and 2nd, by the Rev. Mr. Phelps;
the latter of which was commenced in 1836, and several parts have been already is-
sued, which display considerable judgment and research. Of the works connected
with the local topography of the county, the most prominent are the Description of
Bath, by J. Wood (1749) ; the History of Bath, by the Rev. R. Warner (1801);
the History of Bath Abbey Church, by J. Britton (1825), and Anstey's New Bath
Guide, edited by the same (1830) ; Delineations of the North-western division of
the County, by J. Rutter (1829) ; History of Taunton, by J. Toulmin (l79i), and
re-edited, in 1822, by J. Savage ; Customs of the Manor of Taunton and Taunton
Dean, by R. Locke (1816) ; Histories of Wells Cathedral, by J. Davis (1814), and
by J. Britton (1824); History of Glastonbury, by the Rev. R. Warner (1826),
and of the Hundred of Carhampton, by J. Savage (1830). — Ed.
Staffordshire hath Cheshire on the north-west; Derbyshire
on the east and north-east ; Warwick and Worcester-shires on
the south ; and Shropshire in the west. It lieth from north to
south in form of a lozenge, bearing forty in the length from the
points thereof, whilst the breadth in the middle exceeds not
twenty-six miles.
A most pleasant county : for, though there be a place therein
still called Sinai park (about a mile from Burton), at first so
named by the abbot of Burton, because a vast, rough, hilly
ground, like the wilderness of Sinai in Arabia;* yet this, as a
small mole, serves for a foil to set off the fair face of the county
the better.
Yea, this county hath much beauty in the very solitude thereof ;
witness Beau-Desert, or the Fair Wilderness, being the beautiful
barony of the lord Paget :
" And if their deserts have so rare devices :
Pray then, how pleasant are their paradises."
Indeed most fruitful are the parts of this shire above the
banks of Dove ; butchers being necessitated presently to kill
the cattle fatted thereupon, as certainly knowing that they wiU
fall in their flesh, if removed to any other pasture, because
they cannot but change to their loss.
The best Alabaster in England (know, reader, I have con-
sulted with curious artists in this kind) is found about Castle-
Hay in this county. It is but one degree beneath white marble,
only more soft and brittle. However, if it lie dry fenced
from weather, and may be let alone, long the during thereof.
Witness the late statue of John of Gaunt in Paul's, and many
monuments made thereof in Westminster, remaining without
break or blemish to this day. I confess Italy affords finer ala-
baster (whereof those imagilets wrought at Leghorn are made),
which indeed apes ivory in the whiteness and smoothness thereof.
But such alabaster is found in small bunches and little propor-
* Burton's Description of Leicestershire, p. 119.
tions : it riseth not (to use the language of workmen) in great
blocks, as our English doth. What use there is of alabaster
calcined in physic, belongs not to me to dispute. Only I will
observe, that it is very cool, the main reason why ^'^ Mary put
her ointment so precious into an alabaster box ;"* because it
preserved the same from being dried up, to which such liquors
in hot countries were very subject.
These are the accommodators generally to unite solid bodies, and
to make them to be continuous : yea, coin of gold and silver may
be better spared in a commonwealth than nails ; for commerce
may be managed without money by exchange of commo-
dities, whereas hard bodies cannot be joined together so fast,
and fast so soon and soundly, without the mediation of nails.
Such their service for firmness and expedition, that iron nails
will fasten more in an hour than wooden pins in a day, because
the latter must have their way made, whilst the former make way
for themselves.
Indeed there is a fair house on London bridge, commonly called
None-such, which is reported to be made without either nails or
pins, with crooked tenons fastened with wedges and other (as
I may term them) circumferential devices. This, though it was
no labour in vain, because at last attaining the intended end,
yet was it no better than a vain labour according to the rule in
logic, ^^ Frustra fit per plura quod fieri potest per pauciora.^'
But seeing the owner of that house had his harmless humour
therein, and paid dear, no doubt, to his workmen for the same ;
there is no cause that I or any other should find fault there-
I have presented the portraiture of the church of Lichfield
in my " Church History," with the due praise of the neatness
thereof. But now, alas ! the body thereof is become a very
carcase, ruined in our late civil wars. The like fate is likely to
fall on the rest of our cathedrals, if care be not taken for their
I have read of duke d'Alva, that he promised hfe to some
prisoners; but, when they petitioned him for food, he re-
turned, " he would grant them hfe, but no meat f by which
criticism of courteous cruelty the poor people were starved. If
our cathedrals have only a bare being, and be not supplied with
seasonable repairs (the daily food of a fabric) soon will they be
famished to nothing.f
* Matthew xxvi. 7. Mark xiv. 3. Luke vii. 37. , ^ ^i. ^ f
t This note, written in bad times, seven years since, I thought not tit to put
out.— F.
As for the Close at Lichfield, 1 have been credibly informed?
that the plague (which long had raged therein), at first shooting
of the cannon at the siege thereof, did abate, imputed by naturalists
to the violent purging of the air by the bullets ; but by divines
to God's goodness, who graciously would not have two miseries
of war and plague afflict one small place at the same time.
Pass we now to Civil buildings in this shire.
TuTBURY Castle is a stately place ; and I dare take it on
the credit of an excellent witness,* that it hath a brave and
large prospect [to it, in it, and y^rom it) ; northward it looks on
pleasant pastures ; eastw^ard on sweet rivers and rich meadows ;
southward on a goodly forest, and many parks (lately no fewer
than twelve) belonging thereto or holden thereof. It was for-
merly the seat of the Lord Ferrars earl of Derby; and how it
was forfeited to the crown is worth our observing.
Robert de Ferrars earl of Derby, siding with Simon Mont-
ford against king Henry the Third, was fined at fifty thousand
pounds, to be paid pridie Johannis Baptistee f next following.
I know not whether more to admire at the suddenness of pay-
ment, or vastness of the sum : seeing an hundred thousand
pounds was the ransom set by the Emperor on our king Richard
the First ; and it shaked all the coffers of England in that age
(without the help of church plate to make it up) . Well, these
lords following were the security bound for the earl's true pay-
ment at the time appointed :
1. Henry, son to Richard king of the Romans; 2. William
Valence earl of Pembroke ; 3. John de Warren earl of Surrey;
4. William Eeauchamp earl of Warwick ; 5. Sir Roger de
Somery ; 6. Sir Thomas de Clare; 7- Sir Robert Walrond; 8. Sir
Roger Clifford ; 9. Sir Hamond le Strange ; 1 0. Sir Bartho-
lomew de Sudeley; 11. Sir Robert Bruse; all being then barons
of the land.
But earl Robert, unable to advance the money at the time ap-
pointed, and unwilling to leave the lords, his bail, under the
king's lash, surrendered his lands (and Tutbury castle amongst
the rest) to the clear yearly value of three thousand pounds into
the king^s hands ; redeemable, when he or his heirs should pay
down on one day fifty thousand pounds ; which was never per-
The English clergy much pitied John the son of this earl
Robert, who presented a petition to the Pope, informing his
Holiness, that the English clergy were willing to give him money
by way of contribution to redeem his estate, but durst not,
because commanded to the contrary under the pain of the
Pope's curse; and therefore he craved his apostolical indulgence
Something I find was restored unto him; but Tutbury was
* Sampson Erdesvvicke, in his manuscript survey of this shire,
f Idem, ibidem.
too sweet a morsel to return, being annexed to the Duchy of
Lancaster. John of Gaunt built a fair castle there, walled on
three sides by art, and the fourth by its natural steepness.
Dudley Castle must not be forgotten, highly and pleasantly
seated ; and in the reign of king Edward the Sixth well built,
and adorned by John Dudley duke of Northumberland, whereon
a story worth the reporting doth depend.
The aforesaid duke, deriving himself (how truly not yet de-
cided) from a younger branch of the lord Dudley, thirsted after
this castle, in regard of the name and the honourableness of the
house, some having avouched that the barony is annexed to the
lawful possession thereof, whether by purchase or descent.*
Now finding John Sutton the lord Dudley (grandfather to the
last baron) a weak man, exposed to some wants, and entangled
with many debts, he, by the help of those money-merchants,
wrought him out of his castle. So that the poor lord, turned
out of doors, and left to the charity of his friends for subsistence,
was commonly called the lord Quondam. But, after the execu-
tion of that duke, queen Mary, sympathizing with Edward the
son of this poor lord (which Edward had married Katharine
Bruges her maid of honour and sister to the lord Chandois), re-
stored him to the lands and honour which justly belonged to his
In April, t Dove's flood
Is worth a king's good."]
Dove, a river parting this and Derbyshire, when it overflow-
eth its banks in April, is the Nilus of Staffordshire, much bat-
tling the meadows thereof.
But this river of Dove, as overflowing in April, feeds the
meadows with fruitfulness ; so in May and June chokes the
sand grained with grit and gravel, to the great detriment of the
owners thereof.
** Wotton-under- Weaver,
Where God came never. ''J]
It is time that this old profane proverb should die in men^s
mouths for ever. I confess, in common discourse, God is said
to come to what he doth approve; to send to what he only
permits ; and neither to go nor send to what he doth dislike
and forbid. But this distinction, il granted, will help nothing
to the defending of this profane proverb, which it seems took its
wicked original from the situation of Wotton, so covered with
hills from the light of the sun, a dismal place, as report repre-
* Mr. Dugdale, in his Illustration of Warwickshire, in the Catalogue of the Earls
of Warwick F.
f Camden's Britannia, in this county. % Idem, ibidem.
senteth it. But were there a place indeed where God came
never, how many years^ purchase would guilty consciences give
for a small abode therein, thereby to escape Divine justice for
their offences !
Authors do as generally agree about a grand massacre com-
mitted by the Pagans under Dioclesian on the British Christians
in the place where Lichfield now standeth : I say, they as ge-
nerally agree in the fact, as they disagree in the number : some
making them two hundred, others five, others seven. And one
author (certainly he was no Millennary in his judgment) mounts
them to just 999. Indeed many were martyred in those days,
both in Britain and elsewhere, whose names and numbers are
utterly unknown ; so true is the expression of Gregory the
Great,* *^ Ipsi sancti martyres Deo numerabiles, nobis arenam
multiplicati sunt, quia quot sint k nobis comprehendi non
possunt: novit enim eos tantum ille, qui (ut habet Psalmus
cxxvi.) numerat multitudinem stellarum, et omnvbus eis nomina
St. Bertelin was a Briton of a noble birth, and led an
eremitical life in the woods near StafFord,t anciently called
Bethiney (contracted, it seems, for Bertiliney) ; something of
solitariness still remaining in his memory, as being so alone, it
hath no memorable particulars of his accounts to accompany it.
WoLFADus — RuFFiNus. — It was pity to part them, seeing
they were ^^ loving in their lives, and in their death they were
not divided.^'J They were sons to Wolferus, the Pagan king of
Mercia and a tyrant to boot, who, hating Christianity, and find-
ing these twins to profess privately to practise it, was so en-
raged, that nothing but their blood would quench his anger.
Wolfadus was taken, and martyred at Stone in this county;
whilst his younger (if not twin brother) Ruffinus came little
more behind him at his death, than he started before him at his
birth ; seeking to hide himself in a woody place (where since
the chapel of Burnweston hath been built§) was there by his
Herod-father found out and murdered. They w^ere by succeed-
ing ages rewarded witli reputation of saintship. This massacre
happened anno domini .||
Reginald Pole was born at Stoverton castle in this county,
* In his 27th Homily in Evang.
t Camden and Speed, their descriptions of this country. :|: 2 Sam. i. 23.
§ Sampson Erdeswicke, MS.
II Wolfhere was king of Mercia from 659 to 67
5. —Ed.
anno 1500.* He was second son unto sir Richard Pole, knight
of the Garter, and /rate?' consobrinusf (a relation which I cannot
make out in reference to him) to Henry the Seventh. His
mother Margaret countess of Salisbury was niece to king Edward
the Fourth, and daughter to George duke of Clarence.
This Reginald was bred in Corpus Christi College in Oxford;
preferred afterward dean of Exeter. King Henry the Eighth
highly favoured and sent him beyond the seas, allowing him a
large pension, to live in an equipage suitable to his birth and
aUiance. He studied at Padua, conversing there so much with
the Patricians of Venice, that at last he degenerated into a per-
fect Itahan ; so that neither love to his country, nor gratitude to
the king, nor sharp letters of his friends, nor fear to lose his
present, nor hopes to get future preferments, could persuade
him to return into England, but that his pensions were with-
drawn from him.
This made him apply his studies the more privately in a Ve-
netian monastery, where he attained great credit, for his elo-
quence, learning, and good life. Such esteem foreign grandees
had of his great judgment, that cardinal Sadolet, having written,
a large book in the praise of philosophy, submitted it wholly to
his censure. Pole as highly commended the work, as he much
admired that a cardinal of the church of Rome would conclude
his old age with writing on such a subject,^ applying unto him
the verses of Virgil,
Est in conspectu Tenedos notissima famd
Insula, dives opum, Priuvii dum regna manebant,
Nxinc tantum sinus, et statio mcdefida carinis.
" From Troy may the isle of Tenedos be spied,
Much fam'd when Priam's kingdom was in pride,
Now but a bay where ships in danger ride.''
These far-fetched lines he thus brought home to the cardinal,
that though philosophy had been in high esteem whilst pagan-
ism was in the prime thereof, yet was it but a bad harbour for
an aged Christian to cast his anchor therein.
It was not long before he was made deacon-cardinal, by the
title of St. Mary in Cosmedin, by Pope Paul the Third, who
sent him on many fruitless and dangerous embassies to the<
emperor and the French king, to incite them to war against king
Henry the Eighth. Afterwards he retired himself to Viterbo inv
Italy, where his house was observed the sanctuary of Lutherans,!
and he himself became a racking, but no thorough-paced Pro-*
testant; insomuch that, being appointed one of three pre-j
sidents of the council of Trent, he endeavoured (but in vain)i
to have justification determined by faith alone.
During his living at Viterbo, he carried not himself so cau-
tiously, but that he was taxed for begetting a base child, which
* Camden's Britannia, in English, in StafFordshire.
t Antiquit. Britan. in Vita Poli., p. 344. X Idem, p. 345.
Pasquil* published in Latin and Italian verses^ affixed in the
season of liberty on his lawless pillar.
This Pasquil is an author eminent on many accounts. First,
for his self-concealment^ being '^noscens omnia^ et notus
nemini/' Secondly, for his intelligence, who can display the
deeds of midnight at high noon, as if he hid himself in the holes
of their bed-staves, knowing who were cardinals' children better
than they knew their fathers. Thirdly, for his impartial bold-
ness. He was made all of tongue and teeth, biting whatever he
touched, and it bled whatever he bit; yea, as if a General Coun-
cil and Pasquil were only above the Pope, he would not stick to
tell where he trod his holy sandals aAvry. Fourthly, for his lon-
gevity, having lived (or rather lasted) in Rome some hundreds of
years ; whereby he appears no particular person, but a succes-
sive corporation of satirists. Lastly, for his impunity, escaping
the Inquisition ; whereof some assign this reason, because
hereby the court of Rome comes to know her faults, or rather
to know that their faults are known ; which makes PasquiFs
converts (if not more honest) more wary in their behaviour.
This defamation made not such an impression on Pole's cre-
dit, but that, after the death of Paul the Third, he was at mid-
night, in the conclave, chosen to succeed him. Pole refused it,
because he w^ould not have his choice a deed of darkness,
appearing therein not perfectly Italianated, in not taking prefer-
ment when tendered ; and the cardinals beheld his refusal as a
deed of dulness. Next day, expecting a re-election, he found
new morning new minds ; and, Pole being reprobated, Julius
the Third, his professed enemy, w^as chosen in his place.
Yet afterwards he became " alterius orbis Papa," when made
archbishop of Canterbury by queen Mary. He was a person
free from passion, whom none could anger out of his ordinary
temper. His youthful books were full of the flowers of rhetoric ;
whilst the withered stalks are only found in the writings of his
old age, so dry their style, and dull their conceit. He died a.
few hours after queen Mary, November the IJth, anno 1558.
Edmund Stafford was brother to Ralph first earl of
Stafford, and consequentially must be son to Edmund baron
Staflford.t His nativity is rationally with most probability
placed in this county, wherein his father (though landed every
where) had his prime seat, and largest revenues.
He was by king Richard the Second preferred bishop of
Exeter; and under king Henry the Fourth, for a time, was
chancellor of England. I meet with an author who doth make
him bishop first of Rochester, then of Exeter, and lastly of York.J
* Antiquit. Brit. inVitaPoli, p. 348.
f Bishop Godwin, in tlie Bishops of Exeter.
j Mr. Philpot, in his Catalogue of Lord Chancellors, p. 53.
But of the first and last altmn silentium in bishop Godwin^
whom I rather believe. He was a benefactor to Stapleton^s-Inn
in Oxford, on a three- fold account, viz.
1. Of Credit; first calling it Exeter College, whereby he put
an obligation on the bishop of that see, favourably to reflect
2. Of Profit; adding two fellowships unto it, and settling
lands to maintain them.
3. Of Safety ; which consistcth in good statutes, which here
he wisely altered and amended.
He sat in his see twenty-four years ; and, dying 1419, was
buried under an alabaster tomb in his own cathedral.
William Dudley, son of John Dudley, the eighth baron
Dudley, of Dudley castle in this county, was by his parents
designed for a scholar, and bred in University College in
Oxford, whence he was preferred to be dean of Windsor, and
afterwards was for six years bishop of Durham.* He died
anno 1483, at London, and lies buried in Westminster on the
south side of St. Nicholas Chapel.
Edmund Audley, son to the lord Audley of Heyley in this
county, whose surname was Touchet. I am informed by my
worthy friend, that skilful antiquary Mr. Thomas Barlow of
Oxford, that this Edmund in one and the same instrument
writeth himself both Audley and Touchet. He was bred in the
university of Oxford; and, in process of time, he built the
choir of Saint Mary's therein anew on his own charge, adorn-
ing it organis hydraulicis, which, I think, imports no more than
a musical organ.
He was preferred bishop, first of Rochester, then of Hereford,
and at last of Salisbury,t He died at Ramsbury, August 23,
1§24 ; and is buried in his own cathedral, on the south side of
the altar, in a chapel of excellent artifice of his own erection.
Not meeting with any bishops born in this county since
the Reformation, let us proceed.
Sir Thomas Littleton, Knight. — Reader I have seriously
and often perused his life, as written by Sir Edward Coke ;
yet, not being satisfied of the certainty of his nativity, am
resolved to divide his character betwixt this county and Wor-
cestershire. He was son to Thomas Westcote, esq. and Eliza-
beth Littleton his wife ; whose mother being daughter and
heir of Thomas Littleton, esq. and bringing to her husband
a great inheritance, indented with him before marriage, that
* Godwin, in the Bishops of Durham,
t Bishop Godwin, in the Bishops of Sarutn.
K 2
her virgin surname should be assumed and continued in his
He was l)red student of the laws in the Inward Temple;
and became afterwards serjeant and steward of the court of the
Marshalsea of the king's household to Henry the Sixth. By
king Edward the Fourth, in the sixth of his reign, he was
made one of the judges of the Common Pleas ; and in the fif-
teenth of his reign by him created Knight of the Bath.
He is said by our learned antiquaryt to have deserved as well
of our Common as Justinian of the Civil law ; whose " Book of
Tenures^' (dedicated by him to Richard his second son, who
also studied the laws) is counted oraculous in that kind, which
since hath been commented on by the learned endeavours of
Sir Edward Coke.
He married Joan, one of the daughters and co-heirs of William
Boerley, of Bromscraft castle in Salop, by whom he had three
sons, founders of three fair families still flourishing :
1. William, fixed at Frankley, in this county, where his
posterity is eminently extant.
2. Richardyl whose issue, by Alice daughter and heir of
William Winsbury, remain at Pillerton Hall in Shropshire.
3. Thomas, who, by Anne, daughter and heir of John Bo-
treaux, hath his lineage still continuing in Worcestershire.
This reverend judge died the 23rd of August, in the one and
twentieth of king Edward the fourth ; and lieth buried under a
very fair monument in the cathedral of Worcester.
Edmund Dudley, Esq, was son to John Dudley, Esq.
second son to John Sutton, first baron of Dudley, as a learned
antiquary J hath beheld his pedigree derived. But his descent
is controverted by many, condemned by some, who have raised
a report, that John, father to this Edmund, was but a carpenter,
born in Dudley town (and therefore called John Dudley), who,
travelling southward to find work for his trade, lived at Lewes
in Sussex, where they will have this Edmund born, and for
the pregnancy of his parts brought up by the abbot of Lewes
in learning. But probably some who afterwards were pinched
in their purses by this Edmund, did in revenge give him this
bite in his reputation, inventing this tale to his disparagement.
I must believe him of noble extraction, because qualified to
marry the daughter and heir of the viscount of Lisle, and that
before this Edmund grew so great with king Henry the Seventh,
as by the age of John his son (afterwards duke of Northum-
berland) may probably be collected.
He was bred in the study of the laws, wherein he profited so
well, that he was made one of the puisne judges, and wrote an
* Lord Coke, in his Preface to Littleton's Tenures.
t Camden's Britannia, in Staffordshire. J Sampson Erdeswicke, MS.
excellent book, compounded of law and policy (which hitherto
I have not seen), intituled '^ The Tree of the Commonwealth.'^*
But what saith Columella ? '^ Agricolam arbor ad fructum
perducta delectat," (a ^ husbandman is delighted with the tree
of his own planting when brought to bear fruit.') Judge Dudley
knew well how to turn a land into the greatest profit of his
prince, which made him employed by king Henry the Seventh
to put his penal statutes in execution ; which he did, with se-
verity, cruelty, and extortion ; so that, with Sir Richard Empson,
viis et modis {vitiis et modis rather) they advanced a mighty
mass of money to the king, and no mean one to themselves.
King Henry the Eighth coming to his crown, could not pass
in his progress for complaints of people in all places, against
these two wicked instruments, who, with the two "daughters of
the horse leech,"t were always crying, Give, give ; and therefore
he resolved to discharge their protection, and to resign them to
justice ; so that they were made a peace-oifering to popular anger
1510, and were executed at Tower-hill.
Sir Thomas Bromley, Knight. — Reader, I request thee
that this short note may keep possession for his name and
memory, until he may be fixed elsewhere with more assurance.
He was, in the first of queen Mary, October 8, made lord chief
justice of the King's Bench, holding his place hardly a year;
but, whether quitting his office, or dying therein, is to me
unknown. J
John Bromley, Esq., branched from the Bromleys in
Shropshire, but born and living in this county at Bromley, fol-
lowed the fortunate arms of king Henry the Fifth in France.§
It happened that, in a battle near Corby, the French (accord-
ing to their fashion, furious at first) fell so fiercely on the Eng-
lish, that they got away the king's standard of Guienne, to the
great dismay of our armyc But Bromley's heart had no room
for fear or grief, anger had so wholly possessed it : insomuch
that valiantly he recovered the captive standard, and by his
exemplary prowess largely contributed to that day's victory.
Hereupon Hugh Stafford lord Bourchier conferred on him a
yearly pension of forty pounds during his life. |1 Afterwards, in the
sixth of king Henry the Fifth, anno 1418, he was not only
knighted by the king for his venturous activity, but also made
captain of Dampfront, and great constable of Bossivile le
Ross in France ; yea, and rewarded by the king with forty
pounds in land a year to him and his heirs, the patent whereof
is extant in the Tower, and exemplified in my author.^ He
* J, Bale, and J. Stow. f Proverbs, xxx. 15.
\ Spelman's Glossary, veibo Jusliciarius. § lloliuslied, i)age 551,
II Idem, ibidem. ^ Holinslied, p. 563.
appears to me no more than a plain knight, or a knight bachelor ;
but were it in the power of my pen to create a banneret, he should,
for the reason premised, have that honour affixed to his memory,
who, as we conjecture, died about the middle of the reign of
king Henry the Sixth,
John Dudley, duke of Northumberland (where born uncer-
tain) was son to Edmund Dudley, esq. (of whom before*), and
would Avillingly be reputed of this county ; a descendant from
the lord Dudley therein, whose memory we will gratify so far
as to believe it.
He lived long under king Henry the Eighth, w^ho much
favoured him ; and the servant much resembled his master, in
the equal contemperament of virtue and vices, so evenly matched,
that it is hard to say which got the mastery in either of them.
This John was proper in person, comely in carriage, wise in
advising, valiant in adventuring, and generally (tiU his last pro-
ject) prosperous in success. But he was also notoriously wan-
ton, intolerably ambitious, a constant dissembler, prodigiously
profuse ; so that he had sunk his estate, had it not met with a
seasonable support of abbey land ; he being one of those who
well warmed himself with the chips, which fell from the felling
of monasteries.
King Henry the Eighth first knighted, then created him. Vis-
count Lisle, Earl of Warwick,t and Duke of Northumberland.
And under queen Mary he made himself almost king of Eng-
land, though not in title, in power, by contriving the set-
tling of the crown on queen Jane his daughter-in-law, till
success failed him therein. And no wonder if that design
missed the mark, which, besides many rubs it met with at hand,
was thrown against the general bias of English affection. For
this his treasonable practice he was executed in the first of
queen Mary, much bemoaned by some martial men, whom he
had formerly endeared in his good service in the French and
Scottish wars. He left two sons, who survived to great honour ;
Ambrose earl of Warwick, heir to all that was good, and
Robert earl of Leicester, heir to all that was great, in their
The Bagnols. — Something must be premised of their name
and extraction. The Bagenhalts (commonly called Bagnols)
were formerly a family of such remark in this county, that before
the reign of king Henry the Eighth there scarce passed an
ancient piece of evidence which is not attested by one of that
name. J But (see the uncertainty of all human things) it after-
wards sunk down (to use my author's language) into a plebeian
* In the Lawyers of this county, p. 132.
f Dr. Fuller afterwards co>Tec7s this passage ; seep. 155 — Ed.
X Sampson Erdeswicke, M.S.
condition.* But the sparks of their gentle blood (though
covered for a time under a mean estate) have since blazed again
with their own worth and valour, when Ralph and Nicholas,
sons to John Bagnol of Newcastle in this county, were both
knighted for their good service, the one in Musselburgh fight,
the other in Ireland. Yea, as if their good courage had
been hereditary, their sons Samuel and Henry were for their
martial merit advanced to the same degree.
William Minors. — Reader, I remember how, in the
case of the ship-money, the judges delivered it for law,
that, England being an island, the very middle-land shires
therein are all to be accounted as maritime. Sure I am, the
genius even of land-lock counties acteth the natives with a mari-
time dexterity. The English generally may be resembled to
ducklings, which, though hatched under a hen, yet naturally
delight to dabble in the water. I m.ean, though born and bred
in in-land places, (where neither their infancy nor childhood
ever beheld ship or boat) yet have they a great inclination and
aptness to sea-service. And the present subject of our pen is a
pregnant proof thereof.
This William, son to Richard Minors, Gent, of Hallenbury-
Hall, was born at Uttoxeter in this county ; who afterwards
coming to London, became so prosperous a mariner, that he
hath safely returned eleven times from the East Indies : whereas,
in the days of our grandfathers, such as came thence twice
were beheld as rarities ; thrice, as wonders ; four times, as
Much herein (under Divine Providence) is to be attributed
to the make of our English ships, now built more advantageous
for sailing than in former ages. Besides, the oftener they go,
the nearer they shape their course, use being the mother of per-
Yet, whilst others wonder, at his happiness in returning so
often, I as much commend his moderation in going no oftener
to the East Indies. More men know how to get enough, than
when they have gotten enough, which causeth their covetous-
ness to increase with their wealth. Mr. Minors, having ad-
vanced a competent estate, quitted the water to live on the land ;
and now peaceably enjoyeth what he painfully hath gotten, and
is living in or near Hartford at this present year 1660.
John Stafford, born in the shire town of this county, was
bred a Franciscan ; — no contemptible philosopher and divine .
* Sampson Erdeswicke, in his Description of the Town of Bageuhalt.
but considerable historian^ who wrote a Latin History of Eng-
land's Affairs. Authors are at an absolute loss when he livedo
and are fain by degrees to screw themselves into a general
notice thereof.
He must be since the year 1226, when the Franciscans first
fixed themselves in our land.
He must be before John Ross, who flourished anno 1480,
under Edward the Fourth, and maketh honourable mention
of him.
Therefore with proportion and probability he is collected to
have written about 1380.
William de Lichfield, so termed from the place of his
nativity,* apj^lied himself to a study of divinity, whereof he be-
came doctor, and afterwards rector of All-hallows the Great, in
Thames-street, London. He was generally beloved for his
great learning and godly life. He wrote many books, both
moral and divine, in prose and verse ; one entitled " The Com-
plaint of God unto sinful Men.'' There were found in his study
after his death three thousand four score and three sermons of
his own writing.f He died anno Domini 1447^ being buried
under a defaced monument in the choir of his own church.
Robert Whittington, born at Lichfield,J was no mean
grammarian. Indeed, he might have been greater, if he would
have been less ; pride prompting him to cope with his con-
querors, whom he mistook for his match. The first of these
was Will. Lillie, though there was as great difference betwixt
these two grammarians as betwixt a verb defective and one per-
fect in all the requisites thereof. The two other were William
Horman and Alderedge, both eminent in the Latin tongue : but
some will carj^ at the best, who cannot mend the worst line in a
picture, — the humour of our Whittington, who flourished 1530.
Henry Stafford, baron of Stafford in this county, was son
unto Edward duke of Buckingham, attainted and beheaded un-
der king Henry the Eighth. This our Henry, though losing
his top and top-yallant (his earldom and dukedom) in the tem-
pest of the king's displeasure, yet still he kept his keel, his
barony of Stafford. The less he possessed of his father's lands,
the more he enjoyed of himself. It was not sullenness or
revenge, but free choice, which made him betake himself to his
studies, wherein he became eminent.
I place him confidently not a trans but cis -reformation man,
* Pits, de Anglise Scriptoribus, in Appendice, p. 854.
I Stow's Survey of London, p. 251.
% Bale, Cent. ix. num. 43; and Pits, atat. xvi. num. 940.
for translating the book of Dr. Fox bishop of Hereford (a
favourer of Luther) into EngUsh, " Of the Difference of the
Power Ecclesiastical and Secular."
A subject profitable in all^ seasonable (not to say necessary)
in our times : for, as the water and earth, making but one
globe, take their mutual advantages to enlarge themselves ; so
these two powers, united under one king in our land, wait their
opportunities to advance their respective jurisdictions, the right
stating whereof would conduce much to the public peace. This
lord died (I dare not say the more the pity) some months
before the beginning of queen Elizabeth, anno 1558.*
Sampson Erdeswicke, Esq., was born at Sandon near
Stafford in this county, of a right worshipful and ancient ex-
traction. He was a gentleman accomplished with all noble
qualities, affability, devotion, and learning. ^Tis hard to say
whether his judgment or industry was more in matters of
Bearing a tender respect to his native county, and desiring
the honour thereof : he began a description (entitled ^^ A View
of Staffordshire,") anno Domini 1593, continuing the same till
the day of his death ; — a short, clear, true, impartial work, taken
out of ancient evidences and records ; the copies whereof in
manuscripts are deservedly valued for great rarities. This is
he who, when I often groped in the dark, yea, feared to fall in
matters concerning this county, took me by the hand (oh for
the like conductors in other counties !), and hath led me safe by
his direction. He was much delighted with the decency of
God's house, which made him on his own cost to repair and
new glaze the church of Sandon, wherein (to prevent neglect of
executors) he erected for himself a goodly monument of free-
stone, with his proportion cut out to the life, and now lieth
therein interred. He died April 11, 1603 ; and let his elegy of
Mr. Camden serve for his epitaph, " Veneranda3 Antiquitatis
fuit cultor maximus."t
Thomas Allen was born in this county, deriving his origi-
nal from Alanus de Buckenhole,J lord of Buckenhole, in the
reign of king Edward the Second. He was bred in Gloucester-
hall in Oxford; a most excellent mathematician, where he
succeeded to the skill and scandal of friar Bacon (taken at both,
but given I believe by neither,) accounted a conjuror. Indeed
vulgar eyes, ignorant in optics, conceit that raised which is but
reflected, fancy every shadow a spirit, every spirit a devil. And
when once the repute of a conjurer is raised in vulgar esteem,
it is not in the power of the greatest innocence and learning to
allay it. He was much in favour with Robert earl of Leicester ;
* Pits, anno 1558 f Britannia, in this county.
X Sampson Erdeswicke, MS.
and his admirable writings of mathematics are latent with some
private possessors, which envy the public profit thereof. He
died, a very aged man, towards the end of the reign of king
William and Robert Burton, brethren, and eminent
authors in their several kinds, were, as some say, born at Falde
in this county. But Leicestershire, pretending some probabi-
lity to their nativities, hath by the alphabetical advantage pre-
vented this shire, and carried away their characters therein.*
Besides these deceased Writers, reader, I have three in my
eye, who are (and long may they be) alive, as diiferent as
eminent in their liberal inclinations :
Edward LEiGH,t of Rushwell hall, Esq.,^whose ^^ Critica
Sacra,^^ with many other worthy works, will make his judicious
industi*y known to posterity.
Elias Ashmole,J Esq., born in Litchfield, critically skilled
in ancient coins, chemistry, heraldry, mathematics, what not ?
John Lightfoot,§ D.D. who, for his exact insight in He-
brew and Rabbinical learning, hath deserved well of the Church
of England.
But forgive me, reader, I have forgot myself, and trespasssd
on my fundamental rules";
William GifforDc — Though this ancient and worshipful
name be diffused in several counties, I have satisfied myself in
fixing him here, as an extract of the family of ChilUngton. He
was a man of much motion ; and my pen is resolved to follow
him, as ai;le to travel with more speed, less pain, and cost :
1. From his father's house he went to, and lived four years
in, Oxford. 2. Thence (with his schoolmaster) he went over to
Louvain, where he got lauream doctor alem in artibus,\\ was
made master of arts. 3. Then, studying divinity there under
Bellarmin, was made Bachelor in that profession, 4. Frighted
hence with war, went to Paris. 5. Removed to Rheims, where
he eleven years professed divinity. 6. Doctorated at Pont-
Muss in Lorrr.ine. 7- Highly prized by Henry duke of Guise,
and cardinal Lewis his brother, who gave him a pension of two
hundred crowns a-year. 8. After their death, he went to Rome,
where he became dean of St. Peter's in the Isle for ten years.
9. Returning to Rheims, he was made rector of the university
* See, in Leicestershire, " Writers since the Reformation.''
t SirEdw. Leigh died in l67l.— Ed.
X Founder of the Ashmolean Library at Oxford; see p. 156 Ed.
$ He died in 1675. — Ed.
II Pits, de Illustribus Anglise Scriptoribus, p. 809.
therein. 10. At fifty years of age, bidding farewell to the world,
he became a Benedictine at Deleware in Lorraine.
Thus far Pitseus (acquainting us that he was^alive 1611) ; on
whose stock give me leave to graft what followeth.
This Dr. GifFord was advanced archbishop of Rheims by the
favour of the duke of Guise, who is shrewdly suspected to have
quartered too heavily on the profit of that place.
However, our Giftbrd gained so much, as therewith to found
not only a convent for English monks at St. Maloes in France,
but also at Paris for those of the same profession. Remarkable
charity, that an exile (who properly had no home of his own)
should erect houses for others.
This county, I confess, is exceeded by her neighbours in this
particular ; and I meet with few either ancient or eminent bene-
factions therein. Yet, besides a fair school at Wolverhampton,
built by Sir Stephen Jennings, lord mayor of London, and
another erected by Mr. Thomas Allen at Utceter,* I am credibly
informed, that
Marten Noel, Esq. born in the county town of Stafford,
bred scrivener in London, hath fairly built and largely endowed
an hospital in Stafford aforesaid.
The crown-mural amongst the Romans was not given to every
soldier who scaled the walls, but only to him who footed them
first : on which account a garland of glory is due to this gentle-
man, whose foundation (as I am certified) is the first [consider-
able] fabric of that kind in this county. It is to be hoped that,
as " the zeal of Achaia provoked many,^'t so this good leader
will invite many followers to succeed him, living in London this
present 1660.
[REM.] Thomas Tarlton. — My intelligence of the cer-
tainty of his birth-place coming too late (confessed by the mar-
ginal mark), I fix him here, who indeed was born at Condover
in the neighbouring county of Shropshire, where still some of
his name and relations remain. Here he was in the field, keep-
ing his father's swine, when a servant of Robert earl of Leicester
(passing this way to his lord's lands in his barony of Denbigh)
was so highly pleased with his liappij unhappy answers, that he
brought him to court, where he became the most famous jester
to queen Elizabeth.
Many condemn his (vocation I cannot term it, for it is a
coming without a calling) employment as unwarrantable. Such
maintain, that it is better to be a fool of God's making, born so
into the world, or a fool of man's making, jeered into it by gene-
* Uttoxeter Ed. f 2 Corinthians ix. 2.
ral derision, than a fool of one's own making, by his voluntary
affecting thereof. Such say also, he had better continued in his
trade of swine-keeping, which (though more painful, and less
profitable) his conscience changed to loss, for a jester's place in
the court, who, of all men, have the hardest account to make
for every idle word that they abundantly utter.
Others allege, in excuse of their practices, that princes in all
ages were allowed their apriroXoyoi, whose virtue consisted ' in
speaking anything without control : that jesters often heal
what flatterers hurt, so that princes by them arrive at the notice
of their errors, seeing jesters carry about with them an act of
indemnity for whatsoever they say or do : that princes, over-
burdened with state-business, must have their diversions; and
that those words are not censurable for absolutely idle which
lead to lawful delight.
Our Tarlton was master of his faculty. When queen Eliza-
beth was serious (I dare not say sullen) and out of good humour,
he could un-dumpish her at his pleasure. Her highest favourites
would, in some cases, go to Tarleton before they would go to
the queen, and he was their usher to prepare their advantage-
ous access unto her. In a word, he told the queen more of her
faults than most of her chaplains, and cured her melancholy
better than all of her physicians.
Much of his merriment lay in his very looks and actions, ac-
cording to the epitaph written upon him :
*' Hie situs est cujus poterat vox, actio, vultus,
Ex Heraclito reddere Democritum."
Indeed the self-same words, spoken by another, would hardly
move a merry man to smile ; which, uttered by him, would
force a sad soul to laughter.
This is to be reported to his praise, that his jests never were
profane, scurrilous, nor satirical ; neither trespassing on piety,
modesty, or charity, as in which plurimum inerat salts, multum
aceti, aliquid sinapis, nihil veneni. His death may proportion-
ably be assigned about the end of queen Elizabeth.
James Sands, of Horborn,* (nigh Birmingham, but) in this
county, is most remarkable for his vivacity ; for he lived 140 and
his wife 120 years. He outlived five leases of twenty- one
years a-piece, which were made unto him after his marriage.
Thus is not the age of man so universally contracted, but that
Divine Providence sometimes draweth it out to an extraordinary
length ; as for other reasons, so to render the longevity of the
primitive patriarchs more credible. He died about the year
Walter Parsons, born in this county, was first apprenticed
to a smith, when he grew so tall in stature, that a hole was made
* Doctor Hacwill in his Apology, p. 283.
for him in the ground, to stand therein up to the knees, so to
make him adequate with his fellow-workmen. He afterwards
w^as porter to king James ; seeing as gates generally are higher
than the rest of the building, so it was sightly that the porter
should be taller than other persons. He was proportionable in
all parts, and had strength equal to height, valour to his strength,
temper to his valour ; so that he disdained to do an injury to
any single person. He would make nothing to take two of the
tallest yeomen of the guard (like the gizard and liver) under his
arms at once, and order them as he pleased.
Yet were his parents (for ought I do understand to the con-
trary) but of an ordinary stature; whereat none will wonder who
have read what St. Augustine reports of a woman which came
to Rome (a little before the sacking thereof by the Goths) of so
giant- like a height, that she was far above all who saw her, though
infinite troops came to behold the spectacle.* And yet he
addeth, ^^ Et hoc erat maximse admirationis, quod ambo parentes
ejus," &c., (this made men most admire that both her parent
were but of ordinary stature.)
This Parsons is produced for proof that all ages afford some
of extraordinary height, and that there is no general decay of
mankind in their dimensions ; which if there were, we had ere
this time shrunk to be lower than pigmies, not to instance in a
less proportion. This Parsons died anno Domini 162. .
1. William Taylor, son of John Taylor, of Eccleston, Grocer,
2. Stephen Jennings, son of William Jennings, of Wolver-
hampton, Merchant Tailor, 1508.
3. Richard Pipe, son of Richard Pipe, of Wolverhampton,
Draper, 1578.
4. James Harvey, son of William Harvey, of Cottwalton, Iron-
monger, 1581.
5. Stephen Slany, son of John Slany, of Mitton, Skinner, 1595.
6. WilHam Rider, son of Thomas Rider, of Muclestone, Haber-
dasher, 1600.
7. Hugh Hamersley, son of Hugh Hamersley, of Stafford,
Haberdasher, 1627.
THE SIXTH, 1433.
William bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Humphry earl
of Stafford ; — Hugh Ardeswyk, and Thomas Arblastier,
(knights for the shire) ; — Commissioners to take the oaths.
* De Civitate Dei, lib. xv. cap. 23.
Johannis Sutton, chev.
Johannis Bagot, chev.
Rogeri Aston, chev.
Johannis Gruffith, chev.
Johannis Gresley, chev.
Thomse Stanley, arm.
Radulphi Egerton, arm.
Radulphi Basset, arm.
Roberti Harecourt, arm.
Philippi Chetwynd, arm.
Richardi Bagot, arm.
Roberti Whitgrave, arm.
Thomae Barbour, arm.
WiUielmi Grevel, arm.
Thomse Detheck, arm.
Thomee Goyne, arm.
Johannis Miners, arm.
Tho. Oker, arm. sen.
Tho. Oker, arm. jun.
Johannis Miiierel, arm.
Richardi Peshale, arm.
Hugonis Wrotesley, arm.
Richardi Harecourt, arm.
Sampsonis Ardiswick, arm.
Johannis Winesbury, arm.
Thomae Swinerton, arm.
WilUelmi Newport, arm.
Johannis Hampton, arm.
Humphry Low, arm.
Richardi Lone, arm.
WiUielmi Lee, arm.
Willielmi Everdon, arm.
WiUielmi Leveson, arm.
Nicholai Warings, arm.
Jacobi Leveson, arm.
Rogeri Wirley, arm.
Cornelii Wirly, arm.
Johannis Whatecroft, arm.
Gerardi de Ringeley, arm.
Richardi Pety, arm.
Willielmi Hexstall, arm.
Edwardi Doyle, arm.
Richardi Selman, arm.
Davidis Cawardyn, arm.
Thomse Swynfen, arm.
Richardi Rugeley, arm.
Johannis Broghton, arm.
Johannis Atwell, arm.
Thomse Cotton, arm.
Johannis Cotton, arm.
Aymeri Cotton, arm.
Thomee Wolseley,'arm.
Johannis Colwich, arm.
Roberti Swinerton, arm.
Rogeri Swineshede, arm.
Tho. VVhitington, arm.
Joh. More, arm.
Thomae More, arm.
Joh. Askeby, arm.
Joh. Mollesley, arm.
Joh. Horewold, arm.
Will. Saltford, arm.
Will. Leventhorpe, arm.
Will. Corbyn, gent.
Joh. Corbyn, gent.
Thomae Walton, arm.
Reg. Bro de Oake, arm.
Johannis Sheldon, arm.
Radulj)hi Frebody, arm.
Will. Bradshaw, arm.
Joh. Bonghay, gent.
Joh. Burton, gent.
Roberti Stokes, arm.
Joh. Cumberford, arm.
Nicolai Thiknes, arm.
^gidii Swinerton, arm.
Thomae Wolaston, gent.
Hugonis Holyns, gent.
Thomae Lokewood, gent.
Thomae Stafford, gent.
Nicolai Norman, gent.
Richardi Snede, gent.
Willielmi Orme, gent.
Hugonis Greneway, gent.
Humfridi Clerkeson.
Rogeri Bealchier.
Willielmi Sondbache.
Johannis Brennere.
Richardi Vicarus.
Johannis Wylot.
Thomae Bowyer.
Johannis Ruggeley.
Petri Goldsone.
Nicholai Flaxale.
Thomae Brette.
Thomee Neweno.
Richardi Banastre.
Willielmi Fouke.
Rogeri Milnes.
Richardi Bisheton.
Roberti Onowyne.
Roberti Berdusmore.
Humfridi Walker, of Kes-
Willielmi Bowdel, of the Me.
Willielmi Sherred.
Willielmi Broke.
Henrici Monyfold.
Stephani Bagonnal.
ThomcE Glyfe.
Hugonis Bertam.
1 Milo de Gloucest.
2 Robertus de Stafford, for
five years together.
7 Alex. Clericus, for six years
13 Hen. Stratton, for eighteen
31 Thomas Noel, for three
1 Thomas Noel.
2 Tho. de Cressewel.
3 Hugo Coven trien sis Epis. et
Robertus filiusWalleram.
4 Hugo CJoventr. Episcopus
et Rober, de Humant,
frater ejus.
5 Hugo Episcop. Coventr. et
Richardus Maresse.
6 Hugo Bardulfe.
7 Idem.
8 Hugo de Caucombe, for
three years together.
1 Galf. filius Petri, et Tho.
de Erdington, for five
years together.
6 Tho. Erdington, et
Robertus de alta Ripa.
7 Idem.
8 Tho. de Erdington, for
nine years together.
1 Ranul. Com. Cestr. et Hen.
de Aldicheleia, for four
years together.
5 RanuL Comes Cestr. et
Phil, de Kinton, for three
years together.
8 Ranul. Com. Cestr.
9 Joh. Bonet, for three years
12 Hen. de Aldich, et
Rober. de Leia.
13 Hen. de Aldich, et Will.
de Bromley, for four
years together.
1 7 Robertus de Haga, for four
years together.
21 Joh. Estraneus, et
Robertus de Acton.
22 Joh. Estraneus, for ten
years together.
32 Thomas Corbet.
^3 Idem.
34 Rober. Grendon, for six
years together.
40 Hugo de Acovere.
41 Hugo de Acovere.
42 Will, Bagod, for three years
45 Will, de Covereswel, et
Jac. de Aldahell.
46 Jaco. de Aldahell, for six
years together.
Radul. de Mortuo Mari, for
three years together.
Bogo de Knovil, for three
years together.
7 Rogerus Springliuse^ for ^'^^^
seven years together.
14 Rogerus Springhuse, et
Lioniiie Ramesley, for
three years together.
17 Robertus Corbet.
18 Will. Tictely, for six years
24 Radul. de Shirle, for three
years together.
27 Thomas Corbet.
28 Idem.
29 Richardus de Harleigh.
30 Idem.
31 Walter de Bey sin.
32 Idem.
33 Johannes de Acton.
34 Johannes de Dene.
35 Idem.
Rogerus Trumwinne.
Johannes Extraneus.
Hugo de Crofts.
Hugo de Andecle, for three
years together.
Will, de Mere.
9 Rogerus de Cheyne.
10 Rogerus Trumwinne.
11 Idem.
Robertus de Grendon, for
three years together.
Johannes de Swinerton.
Henricus de Bishburn, for
three years together.
Johannes de Hinkele, et
Henricus de Bishburn.
Johannes de Hinkele.
Henricus de Bishburn.
Richardus de Peshal.
Johannes de Hinkeley.
10 Simon de Ruggeley.
11 Richardus de Peshal, et
Simon de Ruggeley, for
four years together-
15 Adam de Peshal.
16 Thomas de Swinerton.
17 Idem.
18 Johannes de Aston,
19 Henr. Com. Derby, for se-
venteen years together.
36 Johannes de Swinerton.
37 Robertus de Grendon.
38 Johannes de Perton.
39 Philippus de Lutteley, for
four years together.
43 Henricus Pius.
44 Johannes de Perton.
45 Idem.
46 Johannes de Gresley.
47 Nicholaus de Stafford.
48 Johannes de Verdon.
49 Johannes Bassey.
50 Nicholaus de Stafford.
51 Petrus de Careswel.
52 Walterus de Hopton,
53 Williel. de CaneresweL
I. Ranul. com. Cestr. et Henr. de Aldicheleia. — This
Henricus of Aldicheleia was the first lord Audley in this county,
and founder of that noble family so long famous for martial
achievements. I meet with a record extant in the Tower, too
long to transcribe, wherein king Henry the Third confirmed
unto him not only many lands of his own donation, but what
other persons of quality in this county had bestowed on him.'J^
* Sampson Erdeswicke, MS.
Nich. de Verdun gave him Aldithlege ; Hugh de Lacy, CoiiU
ton; Eutropius Hastang, Cold Norton ; Will, de Betleigh, Bet-
leigh ; Harvey de Stafford, HeJeicjh ; Egidius Erdington, Shag-
bourn; Herbert Rusbin, Staniveare ; Eugenulphus Greasly,
Tiinstal, Chaderley ; Alice his wife, Chell, Normancot ; Marga-
ret Strange, Nerle, Brudnap ; Ahce Hartoate, Weston: Joan
Noel, Weston ; Peter Morton, Hauksleij, Bagley, and Morton.
All or most of these were great manors cum pertinentiis .
What man of men was this Henry, that so many of both sexes
should centre in their bounty upon him ? was it for fear, or
love, or a mixture of both ? But I have no calling to inquire
into the cause thereof; and if they were pleased to give, none
will blame him for receiving them.
Heleigh, the fifth manor here mentioned, was afterwards the
prime seat of the lord Audley, who also had great lands in
Devonshire, where formerly we have spoken of him. Their
heir-males failing about the reign of king Henry the Sixth,
Joan one of their heirs was married to Sir John Tutchet, whose
son Sir John assumed the title of Baron Audley, and was ances-
tor to the present lord Audley earl of Castle-haven* in Ireland.
18. John de Aston. — I have not met with a more noble
family, measuring on the level of flat and un-advantaged anti-
quity. They have ever borne a good respect to the church and
learned men, and not without just reason, seeing Roger de
Molend, bishop of Litchfield in the reign of king Henry the
Third, gave Haywood in this county " Rogero de Astonf Valecto
suo," (to Roger de Aston his servant.) This Roger was son to
Ralph Aston, and father unto Sir John Aston, whose succession
is thus ordered :
1, Sir John Aston, aforenamed. 2. Sir Thomas Aston, his
son. 3. Sir Roger Aston, his son. 4. Sir Robert Aston, his
son. 5, John Aston, his son, esquire. 6. Sir John Aston, his
son, knight banneret. 7- Sir Edward Aston, his son. 8. Sir
Walter Aston, his son. 9. Sir Edward Aston, his son. 10. Sir
Walter Aston, his son.
This last Sir Walter was employed by king James ambas-
sador unto Spain. He married Gertrude sole daughter of Sir
Thomas Sadler of Standon in Hertfordshire.
Nor must it be forgotten, that that pious poet, master
Michael Drayton,t confesseth, that his muse oft found safe and
sweet retreat at Tixhall, the habitation of this family ; and thus
windeth up his well-wishing for them ;
" Whose bounty still ray muse so freely shall confess,
That when she lacketh words, then signs shall it express.''
* This title became extinct in 1777.— Ed. Sampson Erdeswicke, MS.
\ In his Poly olbion, the 12th Song.
Anno Name and Arms. Place.
1 Brian. Cornwall . . . Shropshire.
Arg. a lion rampant G. armed Az. in a border S. bezantee.
2 Will. Calleson.
3 Job. de Verdon.
O. a fret G.
4 Rog. de Wirley . . . Hampsbed.
Ar. a cbev. engrailed betwixt three bugle-borns S.
5 Will. Walsball.
Arg. a fox passant S.
6 Idem ut prius.
7 Humf. de Stafford.
O. a chevron G. a quarter Erm.
8 Will, de Walshal . . ut prius,
9 Rog. Manneyson.
10 Adomar de Lichfeld.
11 Will. Chetwin . . . Ingestree.
Az. a chevron betwixt three mullets O.
12 Humf. de Stafford , . ut prius,
13 Will. Walsh all . . . ut priiis,
14 Job. Delves .... Apedale.
Arg. a cbev. G. fretty O. betwixt three delfs S.
15 Job. Swinerton.
Arg. a cross formee flurt S.
16 Will, de Sharshall.
17 Adam, de Lichfield.
18 Rob. Frances.
Arg. a cbev. betwixt tliree spread eagles G.
19 Rob. Mannesin.
20 Will. Walsball ... ut prius,
21 Idem ut prius.
22 Idem ut prius,
1 Will. Sharshall, mil.
2 Rob. Mannesin, mil.
Will. Newport, mil.
Arg. a cbev. G. betwixt three leopards' beads S.
3 Rob. Frances , . . . ut prius.
4 Humf. Stafford . . , ut prius.
5 Idem ut prius.
6 Will. Newport . . . ut prius.
7 Will. Walshal . . . ut prius.
8 Will. Newport, mil. . ut prius.
9 Rob. Frances, mil. . .• ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
10 Tho. Aston^ mi], . . . Haywood.
Arg. a fess, and three lozenges in chief S.
11 Joh. Delves .... ut prius.
12 Tho. Giffard .... Chillington.
Az. three stirrups leathered O.
1 Joh. Basset, mil. . . Drayton.
O. three piles G. a canton Erm.
2 Rob. Babthorpe.
3 Joh. Delves .... ut prius.
4 Rich. Vernon.
Arg. fretty S. a canton G.
5 Joh. Meverel .... Throwley.
Arg. a griffin segreant S.
6 Will. Trassel.
O. a cross formy fleury G.
7 Humf. Haighton.
8 Joh. Delves .... ut prius,
9 Idem ut prius,
1 Tho. Gresley, mil.
Vairy, Erm. and G.
2 Hug. Erdeswick, arm. . Sandon.
O. on a chev. G. five bezants.
3 Ni. Montgomery, mil.
O. an eagle displayed Az.
4 Johan. Bagot, mil. . . Blithfield.
Arg. a chev. G. betwixt three martlets S.
5 Roger Eston.
6 Ric. Vernon, mil. . . ut prius,
7 Phil. Chetwin . . . ut prius,
8 Tho. Griffith.
G. a chev. betwixt three helmets Arg.
9 Ni. Montgomery, mil. . ut prius.
10 Rog. Aston, mil. , . , ut prius.
11 Radul. Egerton.
Arg. a lion rampant G. between three pheons S.
12 Thorn. Stanley.
Ar. on a bend Az. three stags^ heads O.
13 Rob. Strelley, mil. . . Nottingham.
Paly of six, Arg. and Az.
14 Rich. Peshale . . . Horsley.
Arg. a cross formy fleury S, ; on a canton G. a wolfs head
erased of the first.
15 Phil. Chetwin, iniL . . ut prius.
16 Radul. Basset . . . ut prius,
L 2
Anno Name. Place.
17 Thomas Stanley . . . ut prius.
18 Thomas Gresley . . . tit prius,
19 Humf. Lowe.
20 Radulphus Aucher.
21 WilHehnus Mitton.
Per pale Az. and G. an eagle with two heads displayed O.
22 Nic. Mountgomery . . ut prius.
23 Thomas Blomit.
Barry nebulee of six O. and S.
24 Joh. Griffith, mil. .
. ut prius.
25 Humf. Blount . .
. ut prius.
26 Tho. Ferrers, arm. =
. Tamworth.
Vairy, O. and G.
27 Idem
. ut prius.
28 Humf. Swinerton
. ut prius.
29 Joh. Stanley, arm. .
. ut prius.
30 [AMP.] Tho. Astley
. Patshall,
31 Robertus Aston . .
. ut prius.
32 Rich. Bagot, arm.
. ut prius.
33 Th. Cotton, arm.
sive Lotton.
(Let the name first be agreed on.)
34 Joho Delves, arm.
. ut prius.
35 Joh. Coles, arm.
Quarterly, Erm. and
Paly of six O and G
36 Will. Mitton, arm. .
. ut prius.
37 Hug. Egerton, arm.
. ut prius.
38 Johc Stanley, mil. .
. ut prius.
1 Walt. Wrotesley . . . Wrotsley.
O. three piles S. a canton Erm.
2 Joh. Harecourt, arm.
O. two bars G.
3 Idem ut prius.
4 Humf. Peshal . . . ut prius.
5 Joh. Stanley, mil. . . ut prius.
6 Tho. Basset, arm. . . nt prius.
7 Joh. Harecourt, arm. . ut prius.
8 Johan. Aston, arm.
G. two lions passant Arg. betwixt nine croslets O.
9 Joh. Stanley, mil. . . ut prius.
10 Ran. Brereton, mil.
Arg. two bars S.
11 Hen. Beaumont, mil.
Az. semee de flowers-de-luce, a lion rampant O.
12 Walt. Griffith, mil. . . ut prius.
13 Will. Basset .... ut prius.
Anno Name.
14 Geo. Stanley . .
. ut prius.
15 Joh. Stanley, mil.
. ut prius.
16 Joh. Ash ton . .
. ut 2^rius.
17 Hug. Egerton, arm.
. . ut prius.
18 Rich. Bagot . .
. ut prius.
19 Nic, Mountgomery
. ut prius.
20 Joh. Aston . .
. ut prius.
21 Will. Basset, mil.
. ut prius.
22 Humf, Stanley, mil.
. ut prius
1 Ni. Montgomery, arm. . ut prius,
2 Th. Worlseley, mil,
3 Marm. Constable, mil. . Yorkshire.
Quarterly G. and Vaire, a bend O.
Hum. Stafford, mil. . ut prius.
1 Humf. Stanley . . . ut prius,
2 [AMP.] H. WiUoughby.
3 Will. Harper.
Arg. a lion rampant in a border engrailed S.
4 Hug. Peshal .... ut prius,
5 Th. Gresley, mil. . , ut prius,
6 Ranul. Oker.
Queere, if not the same with Okeover ?
7 Roger. Draycot, arm.
O. fretty G. ; on a canton Arg. a cross patee Az.
8 Ric. Wrote sley, arm.
9 Humf. Stanley, mil. .
10 Ric. Harecourt, mil,
11 Joho Mitton, arm.
12 Joh. Draycot, arm. .
13 Tho. Gresley, arm. .
14 Will. Harper, arm. .
Joh. Ferrers, mil.
Johan. Aston, arm. .
Ric. Wrotesley, arm.
Will. Harper, arm. .
Joh. Draycot, mil.
Will. Smith, arm.
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
vt prius.
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius*
ut prius.
ut prius.
Idem ...... ut prius.
Ludovic. Bagot, mil. . ut prius.
23 Joh. Mitton, arm. . . ut prius,
24 Joh. Aston, mil. . . . ut prius.
1 Joh. Giffard, arm,
/// prius.
. Chenston Park,
an annulet S.
. ut yrius.
. ut prius,
. ut prius.
. ut prius.
. ut prius.
, ut prius.
. ut prius.
. ut prius.
Th. Nevil, arm. . .
G. on a saltire Arg.
Joh. Egerton^ arm. .
Joli. Mitton. arm.
Joh. Aston, mil. . .
Will. Chetwin, arm.
Th. Nevil, arm. . .
Ric. Wrotesley, arm.
Joh. GifFard, mil.
Rad. Egerton, mil. ,
Edward Grey, mil.
Barry of six Arg. and Az. three torteaux ; in chief a label
of three points of the first.
Lodo. Bagot, mil. . . ut jjrius.
Joh. Giffard, mil. . . ut prius.
Will. Smith, mil. . . ut prius.
Ed. Littleton, mil. . . Pletonhall.
Arg. a chevron between three escalop shells S.
16 Edward Grey, mih . . ut prius.
17 Joh. GifFard, mil. . . ut prius.
18 Joh. Blount, arm.
Barry nebule of six O. and S.
19 Joh. Vernon, arm. . . ut prius.
20 Edw. Ashton, arm.
Arg. a fess. and three lozenges in chief S.
21 Th. Giffard, arm.
22 Joh, GiiFard, arm.
23 Wil. Wrotesley, arm
24 Joh. Vernon, arm.
25 Phi. Dray cot, mil.
26 Edw. Ashton, mil.
27 Will. Chetwin, arm.
ut prius.
tit prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
28 Joh. Dudley, mil.
O. a lion rampant tail-forked Vert.
29 Geo. Gresley, mil. . . ut prius o
30 Joh. Vernon, arm. . . ut prius.
"31 Edw. Littleton, arm. . ut prius.
32 Edw. Ashton, mil. . . ut prius.
33 Joh. GifFard, mil. . . ut prius.
34 Will. Basset, mil. . . ut j)rius,
35 Th. Fitzherbert, arm.
Arg. a chief vairy O. and G. ; a bend engrailed S.
36 Geo. Gresley, mil. . . ut prius.
37 Joh. Harecourt, mil. . ut prius.
38 Jac. Leveson.
Quarterly G. and Az. three sinister hands couped Arg.
Walt. VVrotesley, arm. . ut prius.
Anno Name, Place.
1 Fran. Meverel, arm. . ut prius.
2 Job. Fleetwood, arm. . Cakewish.
Partie per pale nebule Az. and O. ; six martlets in pale
3 Will. Snead, mil. . . Bradwel.
Arg. a scithe and flower-de-luce in the middle of the shield S.
4 Ed. Littleton, arm. . . ut prius,
5 Will. Basset, mil. . . ut prius,
6 Geo. Blomit, mil. . . ut prius.
1 Th. GifFard, mil. . . ut prius.
1.2 T. Fitzherbert, mil. . ut prius.
2. 3 Pe. Draycot, mil. . . ut prius.
3.4 Edw. Ash ton, mil. . . ut prius.
4, 5 Jo. Harecourt, mil. . ut prius.
5, 6 AVill. Snead, miL . . ut prius.
1 Hum. Wells, arm.
2 Had. Bagnol, mil.
Erm. two bars O. over all a lion rampant Az.
3 Job. Leveston, arm. . ut prius.
4 Will. Gresley, arm. . . ut prius.
5 Ed. Littleton, mil. . . ut prius.
6 Rad. Oker, arm.
7 Jo. Wrotesley, arm. . ut prius.
8 Sim. Harecourt, arm, . ut prius.
9 Jo. Skrimshere, arm.
G, a lion rampant O. within a border Vairy.
10 Jo. Fleetwood, arm. . ut prius.
11 Ric. Bagot, arm. . . . ut prius.
12 Walt. Ash ton, arm. . . ut prius,
13 Th. Trentham, arm.
Arg. three griffins^ heads S. langued G.
14 Geor. Blount, mil. . . ut prius,
15 Job. GifFard, arm. . . ut prius,
16 Th. Horwood, arm. . . Compton.
Arg. a chevron betwixt three bucks' heads caboshed S.
17 Rad. Adderley, arm. . Blackhaugh.
Arg. a chevron S. three mullets of the first.
18 Rad. Snead, arm. . . ut prius.
19 Ric. Bagot, arm. . . » ut prius.
20 Jo. Chetwyn, arm. . . ut prius.
21 Th. Trentham, arm. . ut prius.
22 Walt. Ashton, mil. . . ut prius.
Anno Name. Plac e.
23 Edw. Littleton^ arm. . at pyius.
24 Johannes Grey^ arm. . ut pr'ius,
25 Th. Gresley, arm. . . ut prius,
26 Eclw. Leigh^ arm.
G. a cross engrailed Arg. in the first quarter a lozenge.
27 Rad. Okever, arm.
Erm. on a chief G. three bezants.
28 Walt. Leveson^ arm. . ut prius. *
29 WilL Basset, arm. . . ut prius.
30 Joh. Bows, mil. . . . Elford.
Erm. three bows S.
31 Rob. Stanford, arm.
Arg. three bars Az. on a canton G. a hand holding a bro-
ken falchion O.
32 Edw. Eston, mil.
33 Th. Leveson, arm. . . ut prius.
34 Fr. Trentham, mil. . . ut prius.
35 Ed. Littleton, mil. . . ut prius.
36 Hen. Griffith, arm. . . ut prius.
37 Rad. Sneade, arm. . . ut prius.
38 Tho. Horwood, arm. . ut prius.
39 Will. Crompton, arm. . Stone.
Arg. on a chief Vert three pheons O.
40 Walt. Wrotesley, arm. . ut prius.
41 Walt. Bagot, arm. . . ut prius.
42 Win. Chetwyn, arm, . ut prius.
43 Will. Skevington, arm.
Arg. three bulls' heads erased S.
44 Edw. Leigh, arm. . . ut prius.
45 Walt. Bagot, arm. . . ut prius.
1 Walt. Bagot, arm. , . ut prius.
Edw. Leigh .... ut prius.
2 Will. Horwood, mil. . ut prius.
3 Gilb. Wakering, mil.
4 Ed. Brabazon, mil.
G. on a bend Arg. three martlets of the first.
5 Walt. Chetwyn, mil, . ut prius.
6 Ja. Skrimshere, arm. . ut prius.
7 Walt. Haveningham, arm. Aston.
Quarterly, O. and G. a border S. with scallop-shells Arg.
8 Simon AVeston, mil.
9 Fr. Trentham, arm. . . ut prius.
10 Th. Meverel, arm.
Arg. a griffin segreant S.
11 Th. Littleton, mil. . . ut prius.
12 Ric. Fleetwood, bar. . ut p^nus.
13 Joh. Peshal, mil. et bar. ut prius.
14 Joh. Offley, mil.
Arg. on a cross Az. formee fleury a lion passant O. between
four Cornish choughs S.
15 Hug, Wrotesley, arm. . ut prius,
16 Th. Skrimshere^ arm. . ut prius.
17 Hen. Leigh^ arm. . . ut prius,
18 Ed. Winsor, arm.
19 Rad. Snepe, arm. . . ut prius,
20 Will. Cumberford, arm.
21 Will. Skeftington^ arm. . ut prius.
22 Ed. Stanford^ arm. . . ut prius.
Th. Parkes, arm.
Herveus Bagot^ bar.
Will. Bowyer^ mil. .
Arg. a lion rarripant
fitch ee G.
Joh. Bowes^ arm, . . .
Joh. Cotes, arm. . .
Will. Wollaston, arm.
ut prius,
betwixt three
ut prius,
ut prius.
cross croslets
S. three pierced mullets Arg.
Th. Broughton, arm.
Arg. two. bars. G.
the first.
Th. Horwood, mil.
Hen. Griffith, bar.
a canton of the
second a cross of
ut prius,
ut prius.
Arg. three bugle horns S. stringed Vert.
Ric. Pyot, et
Humf. Wyrley, arm.
Ed, Littleton, bar. .
Joh, Skevington, arm.
Joh. Skrimshere, arm.
Joh. Bellot, arm.
Joh. Agard, arm.
Ed. Mosely, bar.
S. on a chevron betwixt three mullets Arg. as many
mullets G.
10 Humf. Wyrley, arm.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
19 Simon Rudgeley.
Arg. on
a chevron S. three mullets of the first.
Th. Kynnersley, arm.
Az. semee de crosses croslet, a lion rampant Arg.
1. Brian Cornwal, — He was also this year sheriff of Shrop-
shire ; SO that the two adjacent counties were under his inspec-
4. Roger de Wirley, — When I observe how this gentle-
man is fixed in his generation^ I cannot satisfy myself whether
he lived nearer unto his ancestor Robert de Parva Wirley, who
flourished in this county under king Henry the Second (if not
before) ; or whether he approached nearer unto his descendant.
Sir John Wirley, that learned knight now living at Hampstead.
In my arithmetic he is equally distanced from them both.
henry VI.
12. Thomas Stanley. — His true name was Audley ; for,
after that Adam, youngest brother to James Lord Audley, had
married the daughter and heir of Henry de Stanley, William
their son assumed the surname of Stanley, and transmitted it to
As for this Thomas Stanley, till I be clearly convinced to the
contrary, he shall pass with me for the same person whom king
Henry the Sixth made Lord Stanley, knight of the Garter, lord
deputy of Ireland, and lord chamberlain of his household ; and
father unto Thomas Stanley, whom king Henry the Seventh
created the first earl of Derby.
34. John Delves, Esq. — He is the last of that ancient fa-
mily appearing in this catalogue, who were fixed in this county
in the reign of king Edward the Third. This Sir John Delves
(for he was afterwards knighted) left one daughter and sole heir,
called Helene, married unto Sir Robert Sheffield, knight, and
recorder of London, ancestor unto the present earl of Moul-
1. Walter Wrotesley. — He was lineally descended from
Sir Hugh Wrotesley,:}: one of the first founders of the most
noble order of the Garter.
28. John Dudley. — I had thought his ambition had been
too high to come under the roof of such an office, and discharge
the place of a sheriff. But know, that as yet Sir John Dudley
was but Sir John Dudley, a plain but powerful knight, who not
long afterwards, viz. the 38th of king Henry the Eighth, was
* Camden's Remains, p. 142. f Sampson Erdeswicke, MS.
X Camden's Britannia, in this county.
created Viscount Lisle ; and then earl of Warwick^ in the first
of king Edward the Sixth ;* and in the fifth of the said king,
Duke of Northumberland. However, now he waited at Assizes
on the itinerant judges, who afterwards made all the judges of
the land (justice Hales alone excepted) attend on him, and dance
after the pipe of his pleasure, when the instrument was drawn
up (testament I can hardly term it) whereby the two sisters of
king Edward the Sixth were disinherited.
3. William Bowyer, Knight. — Thomas Bowyer^ his an-
cestor, from whom he is lineally descended, did, in the reign of
king Richard the Second, marry Catharine, daughter and heir
of Robert Knipersley, of Knipersley in this county, with whom
he had a fair inheritance.t The Bowyers of Sussex (invited
thither some two hundred years since by an earl of Northum-
berland) are a younger branch from these in Staffordshire.
At Hopton Heath, in this county, in March 1643, a fierce
fight happened betwixt the king's and parliament's forces, on a
ground full of cony-burrows, therefore affording ill footing for
the horse. But an equal disadvantage on both sides is no dis-
advantage on either. The royalists may be said to have got the
day^ and lost the sun which made it : I mean the truly loyal and
valiant Spencer earl of Northampton, though still surviving, as
in his grateful memory, so in his noble and numerous issue, no
less deservedly honoured by others than mutually loving amongst
To take our vale of Staffordshire. I wish that the pit-coal
(wherewith it aboundeth) may seasonably and safely be burnt
in their chimneys, and not have their burning ante-dated, before
they be digged out of the bowels of the earth. The rather, be-
cause I have read, how in the year 1622 there was found a coal-
mine actually on fire, between Willingsworth and Weddesbury
in this countyof I find not by what casualty this English
^tna was kindled, nor how long it did continue. And although
such combustions be not so terrible here as in the south of
Italy, where the sulphureous matter more enrageth the fury of
the fire, yet it could not but cause much fright and fear to the
people thereabouts.
* Reader, by this be pleased to rectify wliat before [not so exactly] was written
of his honour, in his character under the title of Soldiers. — F.
t Sampson Erdeswicke, MS.
+ Burton, in his Description of Leicestershire, p. 218.
George Lord Anson, circumnavigator; born at Shugborougli
1697; died 1762.
Elias AsHMOLE, founder of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford,
skilled in chemistry, antiquities, heraldrv, mathematics, &c. ;
born at Lichfield 1617 ; died 1692.
Thomas Asti.e, antiquary, author on writing; born at Yoxhall
1735 ; died 1803.
Philip AsTLEY, equestrian, originator of " Astley's Amphithea-
tre;'^ born at Newcastle-under-Line 1742; died 1814.
John BoYDELL, lord mayor of London, engraver, patron of the
arts; born 1719; died 1804.
Isaac Hawkins Browne, elegant poet in Latin and English ;
born at Burton-upon-Trent 1706 ; died 1766.
Theophilus Buckeridge, divine, antiquaiy, and learned writer;
born at Lichfield 1724 ; died 1803.
George Butt, divine, author of a collection of poems, and other
works ; born at Lichfield 1741 ; died 1795.
Arthur Clifford, author of a History of Tixall, and other
works; born 1778; died 1830.
Sir William Congreve, engineer, inventor of the Congreve
rockets, &c.; born 1772 ; died 1828.
Charles Cotton, poet, principally in burlesque ; born at
Beresford 1630; died 1687.
Thomas Dilke, dramatic writer; born at Lichfield about 1699.
Elijah Fenton, scholar and dramatist, assisted Pope in his
Odyssey; born at Shelton near Newcastle 1683 ; died 1730.
Sir John Floyer, physician and author; born at Hints 1649;
died 1734.
Alan Lord Gardner, celebrated admiral; born at Uttoxeter
1742; died 1809.
Thomas Guy, founder of Guy's hospital in Southwark, and
benefactor to his native town; born at Tam worth 1644;
died 1724.
Richard Hurd, bishop of Worcester, philological writer; born
at Congreve 1720; died 1808.
R. Jago, divine and poet; born at Beau-Desert 1715 ; died
Dr. Robert James, inventor of the Fever Powders bearing his
name; born at Kinverton 1703; died 1776.
Jervis earl of St. Vincent, naval commander; born at Mea-
ford Hall 1734 ; died 1823.
Dr. Samuel Johnson, lexicographer, critic, poet, biographer,
and moralist; born at Lichfield 1709; died 1784.
Samuel Johnson, divine, writer in favour of civil liberty ; born
1649; died 1703.
Gregory King, draughtsman, herald, and poUtical economist;
died 1712.
Dr. John Lightfoot, learned divine, who assisted in the Poly-
glot Bible; born at Stoke-upon-Trent 1602; died 1675.
R. Meadowcroft, divine, critic, and annotator on Milton;
Thomas Moss, divine, author of the Beggar's Petition, and
other poems ; born about 1740; died 1808.
Thomas Newton, bishop of Bristol, author of " Dissertations
on the Prophecies f born at Lichfield 1703 ; died 1782.
Henry Salt, traveller in the East, and British consul in Egypt;
born at Lichfield; died in Alexandria 1827.
Rev. Stebbing Shaw, historian of his native county ; born at
Stone 1762; died 1802.
Gilbert Sheldon, archbishop of Canterbury ; born at Stanton
1598; died 1677-
George Smalridge, learned bishop of Bristol ; born at Lich-
field 1663; died 1719.
Izaak Walton, " honest Isaac,'' celebrated angler and amusing
writer; born at Stafford 1593; died 1683.
Josiah Wedgwood, improver of the manufacture of pottery ;
born 1731; died 1795.
Samuel Pipe Wolferstan, eminent antiquary ; born at Stat-
fold 1751; died 1820.
WiUiam Wollaston, philosophical writer; born at Coton
Clamford 1659.
James Wyatt, architect of the Pantheon, London, Beckford's
Fonthill, &c.; born at Burton 1743; died 1813,
**♦ The county of StafFord has been fortunate in its historians. So early as
1603, Mr. Sampson Erdeswicke, whom Camden styles " Venerabilis antiquitatis
cultor maximus," made Collections for a topographical History of Staffordshire,
which Dr. Fuller frequently cites in the course of this work. A portion of these
were published in 1717, and the remainder in 1723. In 1820, the Rev. T. Har-
wood brought out an enlarged and greatly improved edition of Erdeswicke, of
which another edition is now in preparation. Histories of the county have also been
published by W, Tunnicliffe (1787); by the Rev. S. Shaw (1798 and 1802) ; and
by W. Pitt (1817); besides the Natural History of Staffordshire, by Dr.
Plott, which was published so early as 1686. Several local histories have also
appeared at different times ; as the Histories of Lichfield, by J. Jackson (1805), and
by the Rev. T. Harwood (1806) ; of Eccleshall, by S. Pegge (1784) ; of Shenstone,
by the Rev. H. Sanders (1794) ; Roby's Tamworth ; the Rev. S. Shaw's Histories
of Byshbury, Shenstone, the Three Ridwares, Tamworth, Walsall, &c — Ed.
Suffolk hath Norfolk on the north, divided with the rivers
of Little Ouse and Waveny ; Cambridgeshire on the west ; the
German Ocean on the east ; and Essex, parted with the river
Stour, on the south thereof. From east to west it stretcheth
forty-five miles, though the general breadth be but twenty,
saving by the sea-side, where it runneth out more by the ad-
vantage of a corner. The air thereof generally is sweet, and by
the best physicians* esteemed the best in England, often pre-
scribing the receipt thereof to the consumptionish patients.
I say generally sweet, there being a small parcel nigh the sea-
side not so excellent, which may seem left there by Nature, on
purpose to advance the purity of the rest.
Most excellent are made herein, whereof the finest are very
thin, as intended not for food but digestion- I remember,
when living in Cambridge, the cheese of this county was pre-
ferred as the best. If any say that scholars' palates are incom-
petent judges, whose hungry appetites make coarse diet seem
delicates unto them, let them know, that Pantaleon, the learned
Dutch physician,t counted them equal at least with them of
Parma in Italy.
For quantity and quality this county doth excel, and venteth
it at London and elsewhere. The child not yet come to and
the old man who is past the use of teeth, eateth no softer, the
poor man no cheaper (in this shire), the rich no wholesohier
food, I mean in the morning. It was half of our Saviour's bill
of fare in his infancy, " Butter and honey shall he eat." J
It is of a cordial, or, I may say, antidotal nature. The story
is well known of a wife which, desiring to be a widow, incorpo-
rated poison in the butter, whereon her husband had his prin-
cipal repast. The poor man, finding himself strangely aff'ected,
* Speed, in his Description of Suffolk.
t Camden's Britannia, in Suffolk. % Isaiah vii. 15.
repaired to a physician, who by some symptoms suspecting
poison, demanded of his patient which was his chiefest diet.
The sick man told him, that he fed most constantly on butter.
" Eat butter still/^ returned the physician, " which hitherto
hath saved your life :" for it corrected the poison, that neither
the malignity thereof, nor the malice of the wife, could have
their full operation.
Here it will not be amiss to insert a passage which I meet with
in an industrious antiquary, as relating to the present subject.
" The manufacture of clothing in this county hath been much
greater, and those of that trade far richer, I persuade myself,
heretofore than in these times ; or else the heirs and executors
of the deceased were more careful that the testator^s dead corpse
should be interred in more decent manner, than they are now-a-
days ; otherwise I should not find so many marbles richly inlaid
with brass, to the memory of clothiers in foregoing ages, and
not one in these later seasons. All the monuments in the church
of Neyland, which bare any face of comeliness and antiquity,
are erected to the memory of clothiers, and such as belong to
that mystery.''*
Some perchance would assign another reason, viz. because
monuments formerly were conceived to conduce much to the
happiness of the deceased (as bespeaking in their epitaphs the
suffrages of the living in their behalf) ; which error is vanished
away since the Reformation ; all which being fully believed,
weakeneth not the observation, but that Suffolk clothiers were
wealthier in former than in our age.
This county hath no Cathedral therein, and the parochial
churches [generally fair] no one of transcendant eminency.
But formerly it had so magnificent an abbey-church in Bury,
the sun shined not on a fairer,t with three lesser churches wait-
ing thereon in the same church-yard.
Of these but two are extant at this day, and those right stately
structures :
'* And if the servants we so much commend,
What was thejuistress whom they did attend ?"
Here I meet with a passage that affected me with wonder,
though I know not how the reader will resent it. It is avouched
by all authors,! that Mary, youngest sister to king Henry the
Eighth, relict to Louis the Twelfth, king of France, afterwards
* Weaver's Funeral Monuments, page 770.
f Leland, in his Description of Bury,
X Stow, Speed, Mills, Vincent, Weever, &c.
married to Charles Brandon duke of Suffolk, died on Midsummer
eve, 1533, and was buried in the abbey church in Bury. But,
it seems, her corpse could not protect that church ffom demolish-
ing, which in'few years after was levelled to the ground. I read
not that the body of this princess was removed to any other
place ; nor doth any monument here remain to her memory,
though her king-brother and second husband survived the de-
struction of that church. A strange thing ! save that nothing
was strange in those days of confusion.
As for the town of Bury, it is sweetly seated and fairly built,
especially since the year 1608 ; about which time it was lamen-
tably defaced with a casual fire, though since God hath given
them "beauty for ashes.^^* And may the following distich (set
up therein) prove prophetical unto the place :
Burgus ut antiqnus violento corruit igne,
Hie stet dunijlcnnmis terra iwlusque jiagrent.
" Though furious fire the old town did consume,
Stand this, till all the world shall flaming fume."
Nor is the school a small ornament to this town, founded by
king Edward the Sixth, being itself a corporation, now (as
well as ever) flourishing under Mr. Stephens, the able master
Amongst the many fair houses of the gentry in this county.
Long Melford must not be forgotten, late the house of the
countess Rivers, and the first fruits of plundering
in England ; and Sommerley hall (nigh Yarmouth) belonging
to the lady Wentworth, well answering the name thereof : for
here Sommer is to be seen in the depth of winter in the plea-
sant walks, beset on both sides with fir-trees green all the year
long, besides other curiosities. As for merchants' houses, Ips-
wich town (co-rival with some cities for neatness and greatness)
afFordeth many of equal handsomeness.
" Suffolk milk."]
This was one of the staple commodities of the Land of Ca-
naan, and certainly most wholesome for man's body, because
of God's own choosing for his own people. No county in England
affords better and sweeter of this kind, lying opposite to Hol-
land in the Netherlands, where is the best dairy in Christendom,
which mindeth me of a passage betwixt Sj^inola and Grave Mau-
The Spanish general being invited to an entertainment by
the aforesaid prince at Breda (as I take it), when lemons and
oranges were brought in for sauce at the first course, ^^ What a
brave country is my master's," quoth the Don, " affording this
* Isaiah Ixi. 3.
fair fruit all the year long !" But when cream \Yas brought up
to close the feast, Grave Maurice returned, "What a brave
country is ours, that yieldeth this fruit twice every day !"
" Suffolk fair maids,"]
It seems the God of nature liath been bountiful in giving
them beautiful complexions, which I am willing to believe so
far forth as it fixeth not a comparative disparagement on the
same sex in other counties. I hope they will labour to join
gracious hearts to fair faces ; otherwise, I am sure, there is a
divine proverb of infalUble truth, " As a jewel of gold in a
swine^s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.^'*
" Suffolk stiles."]
It is a measuring cast, whether this proverb pertaineth to
Essex or this county ; and I believe it belongeth to both, which
being inclosed countries into petty quillets, abound with high
stiles, troublesome to be clambered over. But the owners
grudge not the pains in climbing them, sensible that such seve-
rals redound much to their own advantage.
" You are in the highway to Needham."]
Needham is a market-town in this county, well stocked (if I
mistake not) with poor people; though I beUeve this in no
degree did occasion the first denomination thereof. They are
said to be in the highway to Needham who hasten to poverty.
However, these fall under a distinction ; some go, others are
sent thither. Such as go embrace several ways ; some, if poor,
of idleness ; if rich, of carelessness, or else of prodigality.
Others are sent thither against their wills by the powerful
oppression of such who either detain or devour their estates.
And it is possible some may be sent thither by no default of
their ow^n, or visible cause from others, but merely from divine
justice, insensibly dwindling their estates, chiefly for trial of
their patience.
Wherefore, so many ways leading to Needham from divers
quarters, I mean from different causes ; it is unjust to condemn
all persons meeting there, under the censure of the same
[AMP.] Edmund Mortimer, son to Roger Mortimer
earl of March, grandchild of Edmund Mortimer earl of March,
and of Philippa sole daughter of Lionel duke of Clarence, may
pass with the charitable reader for a prince, since he paid so
dear for the same, as will appear. I confess it impossible to fix
his nativity with assurance (having not hitherto read any record
which reached it), the rather because of the vastness of his pa-
trimony, and several habitations :
In England, Clare castle, with many other manors in
* Proverbs xi. 22.
VOL. III. ly\
Suffolk : — In the Marches of Wales, whence he had his honour,
Wigmore in Herefordshire^ Ludlow in Shropshire :— ^In Ireland,
Trim Connaught ; with large lands in Ulster.
But most probable it is that he was born, where he was
buried^ at Clare. After the death of king Richard the Second,
he was the next heir to the crown. Happy had he been, if
either nearer to it, so as to enjoy the honour thereof, or farther
off, so as not to be envied and suspected for his title thereunto
by king Henry the Fourth. Now, all the harm this earl had
done king Henry was this, that king Henry held from him his
lawful inheritance. Yea, this meek Mortimer was content to
waive the crown, so be it he might but enjoy his private patri-
mony, which he could not without many molestations from the
king. For this is the nature of some men, to heap injuries on
those they have wronged, as if the later injuries would give a
countenance of justice to the former.
He employed this Edmund in a war against Owen Glen-
dower, the Welsh rebel, on the same design that Saul sent
David to fight against and fetch the fore- skins of the Philis-
tines.* If he proved conqueror, then v»as king Henry freed
from a professed foe ; if conquered, then was he rid of a sus-
pected su1)ject. But Mortimer went by the worst ; and, being
taken prisoner, the king (though often solicited) never endea-
voured his enlargement, till at last he dearly ransomed himself.
Yet did he but exchange a Welsh for an Irish prison, kept
twenty years in restraint in his own castle of Trim, in the end
of the reign of cunning king Henry the Fourth, all the reign of
courageous king Henry the Fifth, and the beginning of the reign
of innocent king Henry the Sixth, their different tempers meet-
ing in cruelty against this poor prisoner. He died anno
Domini 1454, without issue, leaving Anne his sister his heir;
and lieth buried in Clare, as is aforesaid.
St. Edmund, king of the East-Angles. — Hear what falsehoods
are huddled together in our English Martyrology, written (as
he terms himself) ^' by a Catholic Priest, permissu Superiorum,
1608,'' page 319, on the 20th of November :
" At Hexam in Northumberland, the passion of St. Edmund
king and martyr, who being a Saxon by bloud, born in the city
of Noremberg in that province, and nephew to Offa king of the
East- Angles.''
First, Hexam in Northumberland should be Hoxtonf in this
county, where St. Edmund was martyred. Secondly, there is
no city Noremberg in Britain, nor Europe, save that in Ger-
This is enough to make us distrust what he writeth after-
• Samuel xviii. 25. f Hoxne, otherwise called Hoxon — Ed.
wards, viz. that, when the said St. Edmund was cruelly mur-
dered by the Danes, and when the Christians, seeking his corpse,
were lost in a wood, did call one to another, " Where art ?
where art ? where art ? '' the martyred head answered, " Here,
here, here." However, God forbid that this author's fal-
sities should make us undervalue this worthy king and mar-
tyr, cruelly tortured to death by the pagan Danes, and by an
old author thus not unhandsomely expressed :*
Utque cruore suo Gnllos Dionysius ornat :
Grcucos Demetrius : gloria quisque suis :
Sic nos Edmimdiis rmlli virlule sectindus,
Lux jyatet, et patrice gloria magna sua;.
Sceptra manum, diadema capxit, sua purpura corpus
Ornat ei, sed plus vincula, mucro, cruor.
' ' As Denis by his death adorneth France :
Demetrius Greece : each credit to his place :
So Edmund's lustre doth our land advance,
Who with his virtues doth his country grace.
Sceptre, crov/n, robe, his hand, head, corpse renowns,
More famous for his bonds, his blood, his wounds.'*
His death happened anno Domini 870, whose body was
placed in a goodly shrine, richly adorned with jewels and precious
stones, at Bury in this county. These all are vanished, whilst
the name of St. Edmund will ever remain in that town's denomi-
Robert Grosseteste.— Jehosaphat, seeing four hundred
prophets of Baal together, and suspecting they were too many
to be good, cast in that shrewd question ; ^^ Is there not here a
prophet of the Lord besides ; " f and thereupon Micaiah was
mentioned unto him.
Possibly the reader, seeing such swarms of Popish saints
in England, will demand, "Is there not yet a saint of the Lord
besides ? " And I conceive myself concerned to return a true
answer, that there is Robert Grosseteste by name, whom now
we come to describe.
He was born in this county,t bred in Oxford, where he
became most eminent for religion, and learning in all kind of
languages, arts and sciences ; and at last was preferred bishop
of Lincoln 1235, He wrote no fewer than three hundred
treatises, whereof most are extant in manuscript in Westmin-
ster library, which Dr. W^illiams (his successor in the see of
Lincoln) intended to have published in three fair folio volumes,§
had not the late troublesome times disheartened him. Thus
our civil wars have not only filled us with legions of lying pam-
phlets, but also deprived us of such a treasure of truth, as this
worthy man's works would have proved to all posterity.
* Ex Libro Abbathiae de RufFord, in Bibl. Cott.
t 1 Kings xxii. 7. % Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, cent. iv. num. 18.
§ So Mr. Goland, the learned library keeper (lately deceased), informed
me— F.
M 2
He was a stout opposer of Popish oppression in the land,
and a sharp reprover of the corruptions of the court of Rome,
as we have largely declared in our " Ecclesiastical History."
Such the piety of his life and death, that, though loaded with
curses from the Pope, he generally obtained the reputation of a
Bellarmine starts a question,* whether one may pray law-
fully to him, and paint his ^^icture in the church, who is not
canonized by the Pope ? And very gravely he determineth (a
short line will serve to fathom a shallow water) that privately
he may do it ; and that a picture of such a man may be painted
in 'the church, provided his head be not encompassed with a
radiated circle as particular to canonized saints. Thus our
learned and pious Robert must want that addition of a glory
about his picture ; and the matter is not much, seeing no doubt
having " turned many to righteousness, he doth shine in Hea-
ven as the brightness of the firmament ; "-^ whose death hap-
pened anno Domini 1254.
Rowland Taylor. — Where born unknown (though some)
without any assurance, have suggested his nativity in Yorkshire,
was bred in Cambridge, and became head of Borden Hostle,
nigh (if not now partly in) Caius College, where he commenced
doctor of laws. Hence he was, by archbishop Cranmer, pre-
sented to the rectory of Hadley in this county. He was a great
scholar, painful preacher, charitable to the poor, of a comely
countenance, proper person (but inclining to corpulency), and
cheerful behaviour. The same devotion had different looks in
several martyrs, frowning in stern Hooper, weeping in meek
Bradford, and smiling constantly in pleasant Taylor.
Indeed some have censured his merry conceits, as trespass-
ing on the gravity of his calling, especially when just before
his death. But surely such Romanists, who admire the tem-
per of Sir Thomas More jesting with the axe of the executioner,
will excuse our Taylor for making himself merry with the
stake. But though it be ill jesting with edged tools (whereof
death is the sharpest), yet since our Saviour hath blunted it, his
servants may rather be delighted than dismayed with it. Not
long after, doctor Taylor set archbishop Cranmer, who was his
patron, a copy of patience, who indeed wrote after it, but not
with so steady a hand, and so even a character of constancy.
Taylor was martyred at Hadley, February 9, 1555.
Robert Samuel was minister of Barf old in this county,
who, by the cruelty of Hopton bishop of Norwich, and Dowm-
ing his chancellor, was tortured in prison : not to preserve
* De Sanct. Beatit. cap. 10. f Daniel xii. 3.
but to reserve him for more pain. He was allowed every day
but three mouthfuls of bread, and three spoonfuls of water.
Fain would he have drunk his own urine ; but his thirst-
parched body afforded none.
I read how he saw a vision of one ail in white, comforting
and telling him, " that after that day he never should be hun-
gry or thirsty ;"* which came to pass accordingly, being within
few hours after martyred at Ipswich, August 21, 1555. Some
report, that his body, when burnt, did shine as bright as bur-
nished silver.t ^^ Sed j^arcius ista/^ Such things must be
sparingly written by those who would not only avoid untruths,
but the appearance thereof. Thus, loath to lengthen men^s
tongues reporting what may seem improbable, and more loath
to shorten God's hand in what might be miraculous, I leave
the relation as I found it.
Besides these two, I meet with more than twenty by name
martyred (confessors doubling that number), whose ashes were
scattered all over the county, at Ipswich, Bury, Beccles, &c.
It is vehemently suspected, that three of them burnt at Beccles
had their death antedated,J before the writ de Hceretico com-
hurendo could possibly be brought dow^n to the sheriff. And
was not this (to use TertuUian's Latin in some different sense)
festinatio homicidii ? Now though charity may borrow a point
of law to save life, surely cruelty should not steal one to
destroy it. • .
Thomas Wolsey was born in the town of Ipswich, where
a butcher, a very honest man, was his father, though a poet be
thus pleased to descant thereon :
" Brave priest, whoever was thy sire by kind,
Wolsey of Ipswich ne'er begat thy mind."
One of so vast undertakings, that our whole book will not afford
room enough for his character ; the writing whereof I commend
to some eminent person of his foundation of Christ-church in
He was made cardinal of St. Cecily, and died heart-broken
with grief at Leicester 1530, without any monument, which
made a great wit§ of his own college thus lately complain :
" And though for his own store Wolsey might have
A palace, or a college for his grave,
Yet here he lies interred, as if that all
Of him to be remember'd were his fall.
Nothing but earth to earth, nor pompous weight
Upon him but a pebble or a quoit,
If thou art thus neglected, what shall we
Hope after death, that are but shreds of thee ?"
This may truly be said of him, he was not guilty of mis-
* Fox's Acts and Monuments, page 1709. f Idem, ibidem.
X Fox's Martyrology, p, ^912. § Dr. Corbet, in his Iter Boreale.
chievous pride ; and was generally commended for doing jus-
tice^ when chancellor of England.
Herbert Losing w^as born in this county, as our anti-
quary* informeth us^ " In pago Oxunensi in Sudovolgia Anglo-
rum comitatu natus : '' but, on the perusing of all the lists of
towns in this county, no Oxun appeareth therein, or name
neighbouring thereon in sound and syllables.f This I con-
ceive the cause why bishop Godwin so confidently makes this
Herbert born Oxonioe, in Oxford, in which we have formerly
placed his character.
However, seeing Bale was an excellent antiquar}^, and, being
himself a Suffolk-man, must be presumed knowing in his
own county ; and conceiving it possible that this Oxun was
either an obscure church-less village, or else in this day
disguised under another name; I conceive it just, that as
Oxfordshire led the front Suffolk should bring up the rear
of this Herbert's description.
Indeed he may well serve two counties, being so diffe-
rent from himself, and two persons in effect. When young,
loose and wild, deeply guilty of the sin of simony: when
old, nothing of Herbert was in Herbert, using commonly
the words of St. Hierome;t ^^ Erravimus juvenes, emendemus
senes ; '' (when young we went astray, when old we will amend.)
Now, though some controversy about the place of his birth, all
agree in his death, July 22, 1119; and in his burial, in the
cathedral church of Norwich.
Richard Angervile, son to Sir Richard Angervile, knight,
was born at Bury§ in this county, and bred in Oxford, where
he attained to great eminency in learning. He was gover-
nor to king Edward the Third whilst prince, and afterwards
advanced by him to be successively his cofferer, treasurer of his
wardrobe, dean of Wells, bishop of Durham, chancellor, and
lastly treasurer of England. He bestowed on the poor every week
eight quarters of wheat baked in bread. || When here moved
from Durham to Newcastle (twelve short miles) he used to give
eight pounds sterling in alms to the poor, and so proportion-
ably in other places betwixt his palaces. He was a great lover
of books, confessing himself " extatico quodam librorum amore
potenter abreptum,''^ insomuch that he alone had more books
than all the bishops of England in that age put together, which
* Bale, Cent. ii. p. 171.
t Dr. Fuller did not recollect the town of Hoxan, otherwise Hoxne, in the hxindred
of that name Ed.
t William Malmesbury. § Hence commonly called Rkhardns de Burgo.
II Godwin, in his Bishops of Dm-ham, p. 131.
^ In his book called " Philobiblos."
stately library, by his will, he solemnly bequeathe i to the un-
versity of Oxford. The most eminent foreigners were his
friends, and the most learned Englishmen were his chaplains
until his death, which happened anno 1345.
John Paschal was born in this county* (where his name
still continueth) of gentle parentage ; bred a Carthusian, and
D. D. in Cambridge ; a great scholar, and popular preacher.
Bateman, bishop of Norwich, procured the Pope to make him
the umbratile bishop of Scutari, whence he received as much
profit as one may get heat from a glow-w^orm. It was not long
l3efore, by the favour of king Edward the Third, he was removed
from a very shadow to a slender substance, the bishopric of Llan-
daff; wherein he died anno Domini 1361,
Simon Sudbury, alias Tibald, was born at Sudbury, as
great as most and ancient as any town in this county. After
many mediate preferments (let him thank the Pope^s provisions)
at last he became archbishop of Canterbury. He began two
synods with Latin sermons in his own person, as rare in that
age as blazing-stars, and as ominous ; for they portended ill suc-
cess to Wickliffe and his followers. However, this Simon Sud-
bury, overawed by the God of heaven and John duke of
Lancaster, did not (because he could not) any harm unto him.
He was killed in the rebellion of Jack Straw and Wat Tyler,
anno Domini 1381.
And although his shadowy tomb (being *no more than an
honourary cenotaph) be shown at Christ Church in Canterbury ;
yet his substantial monument, wherein his bones are deposited,
is to be seen in St. Gregory's in Sudbury, under a marble stone
sometime inlayed all over with brass (some four yards long,
and two broad, saith mine eye-witness author,t though I con-
fess I never met with any of like dimension) ; so that in some
sense I may also call this a cenotaph, as not proportioned to the
bulk of his body, but height of his honour and estate.
Thomas Edwardston, so named from his birth-place, Ed-
wardston, in this county (a village J formerly famous for the
chief mansion of the ancient family of Mounchensey) ; bred first
in Oxford, then an Augustinian eremite in Clare. He was a
great scholar, as his works evidence, and confessor to Lionel
duke of Clarence, whom he attended into Italy, when he mar-
ried Joland, daughter to John Galeaceus, duke of Milan.
J. Pits conceiveth him to have been an archbishop in Ireland,
which is utterly disowned by judicious Sir James Ware.§
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. v. num. 95.
-f- Weever's Funeral Monuments, p. 743.
t Camden's Britannia, in Suffolk. § De Scriptoribus Hibernise, lib. ii. p. 126.
And indeed if Bale's words * (whence Pits deriveth his intelligence)
be considered, it will appear he never had title of an archbishop,
'^^Sed cujusdam Archi-episcopatus curam accepit/' (he under-
took care of some archbishopric), probably commended in the
vacancy thereof to his inspection. And why might not this be
some Italian archbishopric, during his attendance on his patron
there, though afterwards (preferring privacy before a more
pompous charge) he returned into his native country, and died
at Clare, anno 1396.
Thomas Peverel. was born of good parentage, in this
county :t bred a Carmelite, and D.D. in Oxford. He was af-
terwards, by king Richard the Second, made bishop of Ossory in
Ireland. I say by king Richard the Second, which minds me of
a memorable passage which I have read in an excellent author.
It may justly seem strange, which is most true, that there are
three bishoprics in Ireland, in the province of Ulster, by name
Derry, Raphoe, and Clogher, which neither queen EHzabeth,
nor any of her progenitors, did ever bestow, though they were
the undoubted patrons thereof;! so that king James was the
first king of England that did ever supply those sees with
bishops ; so that it seems, formerly, the great Irish lords in
those parts preferred their own chaplains thereunto.
However, the bishoprics in the south of the land were ever in
the disposal of our kings, amongst which Ossory was one, bestow-
ed on our Peverel. From Ireland he was removed to Landaff in
Wales, then to Worcester in England, being one much esteemed
for learning, as his books do declare. He died, according to
bishop Godwin's account, March 1, 1417- and heth buried in
his own cathedral.
Stephen Gardiner was born in Bury St. Edmund's,§ one
of the best airs in England, the sharpness whereof he retained
in his wit and quick apprehension. Some make him base-son
to Lionel Woodvile, bishop of Sahsbury ;* which I can hardly
believe, Salisbury and St. Edmund's Bury being six score miles
asunder. Besides, timeherein is harder to be reconciled than place.
For it being granted an error of youth in that bishop, and that
bishop vanishing out of this world, 1485, Gardiner in all pro-
babiUty must be allowed of greater age than he was at his death.
It is confessed by all, that he was a man of admirable na-
tural parts, and memory especially, so conducil^le to learning,
that one saith, " Tantum scimus quantum meminimus." He
was bred doctor of laws in Trinity Hall in Cambridge ; and,
after many State embassies and employments, he was by king
* De Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. vii. num. 7.
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. vii. num. 49.
t Sir Job Davis, in his Treatise of Ireland, p. 255.
§ Bale, Pits, Godwin, &c.
Henry the Eighth made bishop of Winchester. His malice was
Hke what is commonly said of white powder, which surely dis-
charged the bullet, yet made no report, being secret in all
his acts of cruelty. This made him often chide Bonner, calling
him ass,* though not so much for killing poor people^ as not for
doing it more cunningly.
He was the chief contriver of what we may call Gardiner^s
Creed, though consisting but of six articles, which caused the
death of many, and trouble of more Protestants. He had al-
most cut off one who was and prevented another for ever being,
a queen (I mean Catherine Parr and the lady Elizabeth,) had not
Divine Providence preserved them. He complied with king
Henry the Eighth, and was what he would have him; opposed king
Edward the Sixth, by whom he was imprisoned and deprived ;
acted ail under queen Mary, by whom he was restored, and
made lord chancellor of England.
He is reported to have died more than half a Protestant,
avouching that he believed himself and all others only to be
justified by the merits of Christ ; which if so, then did he verify
the Greek and Latin proverb,
UoWciKiQ Koi K-qnspoQ avrip jidXa Kaipiop eiirey.
Scepe Olilor valde verba opportuna loquutus.
" The Gardiner oft-times in due season
Speaks what is true, and solid reason."
He died at Whitehall of the gout, November the 12th, 1555 ;
and is buried, by his own appointment, on the north side of the
choir, over against bishop Fox, in a very fair monument. He
had done well, if he had paralleled bishop Fox (founder of
Corpus Christi College in Oxford) in erecting some public work ;
the rather because he died so rich, being reported to have left
forty thousand marks in ready money behind him.t
However, on one account his memory must be commended,
for improving his power with queen Mary to restore some noble
families formerly depressed. My author J instanceth in some
descendants from the duke of Norfolk, in the Stanhopes, and the
Arundels of W^ardour castle. To these give me leave to add,
the right ancient family of the Hungerfords, to whom he pro-
cured a great part of their patrimony, seized on by the crown,
to be restored.
John Bale was born at Coviein this county, five miles from
Dunwich ;§ and was brought up in Jesus College in Cambridge,
being before, or after, a Carmelite in Norwich. By the
* Sir John Harrington, in the Bishops of Winchester.
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. viii. num. 88.
: Sir John Harrington, ut prius. $ In Vita sua, Cent. viu. num. 100.
means of Thomas lord Wentworth, he was converted to be a
Protestant. This is that Bale who wrote a book " De Scrip-
toribus Britannicis/^ digested into nine centuries, not more be-
holding to Leland, than I have been to Bale in this work, and
my " Church History .^^ Anno 1552, February the 2nd, he was
consecrated at Dublin, bishop of Ossory in Ireland, whence, on
the death of king Edward the Sixth, he was forced to fly (some
of his servants being slain before his eyes) ; and, in his passage
over the sea, was taken prisoner by pirates, sold, ransomed, and
after many dangers safely arrived in Switzerland.
After the death of queen Mary, he returned into England, but
never to his Irish bishopric, preferring rather a private life, being
a prebendary of the church of Canterbury. One may wonder,
that, being so learned a man, who had done and suff'ered so
much for religion, higher promotion was not forced upon him,
seeing, about the beginning of queen Elizabeth, bishoprics went
about begging able men to receive them. But probably he was
a person more learned than discreet, fitter to write than to go-
vern, as unable to command his own passion ; and biliosus Ba-
IcBus passeth for his true- character. He died in the sixty-eighth
year of his age at Canterbury,* (anno Domini 1563, in the
month of November) ; and was buried in the cathedral church
John May was born in this county,t bred in the university
of Cambridge, whereof he became proctor 1545 ; elected master
of Catherine hall 1564, vice-chancellor 1569, and at last con-
secrated bishop of Carlisle Sept. 27, 1577^ continuing eleven
years in that see; and died in April 1598.
John Overal, D.D., born at Hadley in this county, was
bred in the free-school therein, till sent to St. John^s ; then to
Trinity College in Cambridge, whereof he was fellow, and there
chosen regius professor, one of the most profound school divines
of the English nation. Afterwards, by the queen's absolute
mandate (to end a contention betwixt two co-rivals), not much
with his will, he was made master of Catherine Hall ; for, when
archbishop Whitgift joyed him of the place, he returned that it
was terminus diminuens, taking no delight in his preferment.
But his Grace told him, " that if the injuries, much more the
less courtesies of princes must be thankfully taken ;" as the
ushers to make way for greater, as indeed it came to pass.
For, after the death of Dr. Nowel, he was (by the especial re-
commendation of Sir Fulke Grevil) made dean of St. Paul's.
Being appointed to preach before the queen, he professed to
my father (most intimate with him) " that he had spoken Latin
so long, it was troublesome to him to speak English in a con-
* Jac. Warixius, cle Scriptoribus Hibernise, lib, ii. p. 136.
! t Scelletos Cantab, of Parker, M.S.
tinued oration." He frequently had those words of the Psalm-
ist in his mouth, " When thou with rebukes dost correct man
for iniquity, thou makest his beauty to consume away like a
moth : surely every man is vanity."*
I cite it the rather out of the new translation (something dif- .
ferent from the old) because he was so eminent an instrument
employed therein. King James made him bishop of Ngrwich,
where he was a discreet presser of conformity, on which score
he got the ill-will of many disaffected thereunto, and died anno -
Leonard Mawe was born at Rendlesham in this county ;t
a remarkable place I assure you, which, though now a country
village,! was anciently the residence of the kings of the East
Angles ; where king Redwald, a mongrel Christian, kept at the
same time alt are et arulamy^ the communion table, and altars
for idols.
He was bred in Cambridge ; where he was proctor of the uni-
versity, fellow and master of Peter-house, after of Trinity Col-
lege, whereof he deserved well, shewing what might be done in
five years by good husbandry to dis-engage that foundation from
a great debt.
He was chaplain to king Charles whilst he was a prince, and
waited on him in Spain, by whom he was preferred bishop of
Bath and Wells 1628. He had the reputation of a good scho-
lar, a grave preacher, a mild man, and one of gentle deport-
ment. He died anno Domini 1629.
Ralph Brownrigg, D. D., was born at Ipswich, of parents
of merchantly condition. His father died in his infancy, and
his mother did not carelessly cast away his youth (as the first
broachings of a vessel) ; but improved it in his education at
school, till he was sent to Pembroke Hall in Cambridge, and
afterwards became scholar and fellow thereof.
King James, coming to Cambridge, was (amongst others) en-
tertained with a philosophy act ; and Mr. Brownrigg was
appointed to perform the Joco-seiHous part thereof; who did
both, to the wonder of the hearers.
Herein he was like himself, that he could on a sudden be so
unlike himself, and instantly vary his words and matter from
mirth to solidity. No man had more abihty, or less inclination,
to be satirical, in which kind posse et nolle is a rarity indeed.
He had wit at will ; but so that he made it his page, not privy
councillor, to obey, not direct his judgment. He carried
learning enough in numerate about him in his pockets for any
* Psalms xxxix. 11. f Scellet. Cant, of Mr. Parker, MS.
I Since the time of Fuller, this place has given title to a peerage in the family of
the celebrated John Thellusson, Esq. ; whose extraordinary will has excited so much
public attention. — Ed. § Beda.
discourse, and had much more at home in his chests for any
serious dispute. It is hard to say whether his loyal memory,
quick fancy, solid judgment, or fluent utterance, were most to
be admired^ having not only flumen but fiilmen eloquentue, be-
ing one who did teach with authority.
When commencing bachelor in divinity, he chose for his text,
^'^Vobis autem, &c." (it is given to you, not only to believe
but suffer in the behalf of Christ^) ; a text somewhat prophet-
ical to him, who in the sequel of his life met with affronts to
exercise his prudence and patience, being afterwards defied by
some, who [almost] deified him before in whose eyes he seem-
ed the blacker for wearing white sleeves^ when 1641 made
bishop of Exeter.
I was present at his consecration sermon, made by his good
friend Doctor Younge, taking for his text, " The waters are risen,
O Lord, the waters are risen," &c. ; wherein he very gravely
complained of the many invasions which popular violence made
on the privileges of church and state. This bishop himself
was soon sadly sensible of such inundations ; and yet, by the
procerity of his parts and piety, he not only safejy waded
through them himself, but also (when vice chancellor of Cam-
bridge) by his prudence raised such banks, that those overflow-
ings were not so destructive as otherwise they would have been
to the university.
He continued constant to the church of England, a champion
of the needful use of the Liturgy, and for the privileges of or-
dination to belong to bishops alone. Unmoveable he was in
his principles of loyalty ; witness this instance :
O. P.,t with some shew of respect unto him, demanded the
bishop^s judgment {non-plusH it seems himself) in some busi-
ness ; to whom he returned, " My lord, the best counsel I can
give you is, Give unto Caesar the things that are Ceesar^s, and
unto God the things that are God^s ;" with which free answer
O, P. was rather silenced than satisfied.
About a year before his death, he was invited by the Society
of both Temples to be their preacher, admirably supplying that
place, till strong fits of the stone, with hydropical inclinations,
and other distempers incident to plethoric bodies, caused his
I know all accidents are minuted and momented by Divine
Providence ; and yet, I hope I may say without sin, his was an
untimely death, not to himself (prepared thereunto), but as to
his longer life ; which the prayers of pious people requested,
the need of the church required, the date of nature could have
permitted, but the pleasure of God (to which all must submit)
denied. Otherwise he would have been most instrumental to
the composure of church differences, the deserved opinion of
* Philippians i. 29. t Oliver the Protector. — Ed.
whose goodness had peaceable possession in the hearts of th^
presbyterian party. I observed at his funeral, that the prime
persons of all persuasions were present, whose judgments going
several ways met all in a general grief for his decease. He was
buried on the cost of both Temples, to his great but their
greater honour.
The reader is referred for the rest to the memorials of his
life, written by the learned Doctor John Gauden, who preached
his funeral sermon, and since hath succeeded him, both in the
Temple, and bishopric of Exeter. His dissolution happened in
the 67th year of his age, December 7} 1659 ; and was buried
the week following in the Temple church.
Sir Nicholas Bacon, Knight, was born in this county, not
far from the famous abbey of St. Edmund's Bury ; and I have
read that his father was an officer belonging thereunto. His
name, I assure you, is of an ancient gentry in this shire as any
whatsoever. He was bred in Bennet College in Cambridge, to
which afterwards he proved a bountiful benefactor, building a
beautiful chapel therein.
He afterwards applied himself to the study of the common
law : and was made attorney to the court of wards, whence he
was preferred lord keeper of the great seal in the first of queen
Elizabeth, 1558. He married Anne, second daughter to Sir
Anthony Cook, of Giddy-hall in Essex, governor to king Ed-
ward th£ Sixth. And it is worthy of our observation, how the
statesmen in that age were arched together in affinity, to no
small support one to another.
Sir JoJm Cheek, secretary to king Edward the Sixth, whose
sister was first wife to Sir William Cecil, secretary to the same
Sir William Cecil aforesaid, for his second wife, married the
wife's sister unto this Sir Nicholas Bacon, lord-keeper.
Sir Francis Walsingham, secretary to queen Elizabeth, had
a sister married unto Sir Walter Mildmay, chancellor of the Ex-
•Sir Francis Walsingham was also brother-in-law unto Sir
Thomas Randolph, that grand statesman and ambassador.
To return to Sir Nicholas Bacon. He was condemned by
some who seemed wise, and commendedhy t\\Qn\\\\2it were so, for
not causing that statute to be repealed (the queen relying on him
as her oracle of law), whereby the queen was made illegitimate
in the days of her father. For this wise statesman would not
open that wound which time had partly closed,* and would not
meddle with the variety, yea, contrariety of statutes in this kind,
whereby people would rather be perplexed than satisfied ; but
* Camden, in the first of queen Elizabeth.
derived her right from another statute which allowed her suc-
cession, the rather because lawyers maintain, "^ that a crown
once worn cleareth all defects of the wearer thereof/^
He continued in his office about eighteen years, being a man
of rare wit and deep experience :
*' Cui fuit ingenium subtile in corpore crasso."
For he was loaden with a corpulent bodv;, especially in his
old age, so that he would be not only out of breath, but also
almost out of life, with going from Westminster hall to the Star-
chamber ; insomuch, when sitting down in his place, it was
sometime before he could recover himself; and therefore it was
usual in that court, that no lawyer should begin^to speak, till
the lord keeper held up his staif as a signal to him to begin.
He gave for his motto, ^^ Medioma Firma ;'^ and practised the
former part thereof, mediocria ; never attaining, because never
affecting, any great estate. He was not for invidious structures,
(as some of his contemporaries), but delighted in domo domino
pari; such as was his house at Gorhambury in Hertfordshire.
And therefore, when queen Elizabeth, coming thither in pro-
gress, told him, " My lord, your house is too little for you :"
" No, madam,^' returned he, no less wittily than gratefully, "but
it is your highness that hath made me too great for mine house.'^
Now as he was a just practiser of the first part of his motto,
mediocria, so no doubt he will prove a true prophet in the se-
cond part thereof, y/r»z«, having left an estate, rather good than
great, to his posterity, whose eldest son. Sir Edward Bacon, in
this county, was the first baronet of England.^^* He died on the
20th of February, 1578, and heth buried in the choir of St.
PauFs. In a word, he was a good man, a grave statesman, a
father to his country, and father to Sir Francis Bacon.
Sir William Drury was born in this county, where his
worshipful family had long flourished, at Hawstead. His name
in Saxon soundeth a jjearl, to which he answered in the pre-
ciousness of his disposition, clear and hard, innocent and valiant,
and therefore valued deservedly by his queen and country.
His youth he spent in the French wars, his middle in Scot-
land, and his old age in Ireland. He was knight marshal of
Berwick, at what time the French had possessed themselves of
the castle at Edinburgh, in the minority of king James. Queen
Elizabeth employed this Sir WiUiam, with 1500 men, to be--
siege the castle, which service he right worthily performed, re-
ducing it within few days to the true owner thereof.
Anno 1575 he was appointed lord president of Munster,
whither he went with competent forces, and executed impar-
tial justice, in despite of the opposers thereof. For as the sign of
* The lord keeper's eldest son (the first Baronet) was Nicholas. —Eu.
Leo immediately precedeth Vir^o and Libra in the Zodiac ; so
no hope that innocency will be protected, or justice administered,
in a barbarous country, where power and strength do not first
secure a passage unto them. But the earl of Desmond op-
posed this good president, forbidding him to enter the county
of Kerry, as a palatinate peculiarly appropriated unto himself.
Know by the way, as there were but four palatinates in Eng-
land, Chester, Lancaster, Durham, and Ely (whereof the two
former, many years since, were in effect invested in the crown)
there were no fewer than eight palatinates in Ireland, possessed
by their respective dynasties, claiming regal rights therein, to
the great retarding of the absolute conquest of that kingdom.
Amongst these (saith my author) Kerry became the sanctuary
of sin, and refuge of rebels, as out-lawed from any English
Sir William, no whit terrified with the earPs threatening,
entered Kerry, with a competent train, and there dispensed
justice to all persons, as occasion did require. Thus, with his
seven score men, he safely forced his return through seven
hundred of the earPs, who sought to surprise him. In the last
year of his life, he was made lord deputy of Ireland ; and no
doubt had performed much in his place, if not afflicted with
constant sickness, the forerunner of his death, at Water-
ford, 1598.*
Sir Robert Naunton was born in this county, of right
ancient extraction ; some avouching that his family were here
before, others that they came in with the Conqueror, who re-
warded the chief of that name for his service with a great inhe-
ritrix given him in marriage, insomuch that his lands were
then estimated at (a vast sum in my judgment) seven hundred
pounds a year.f For a long time they were patrons of Alder-
ton in this county, w^here I conceive Sir Robert was born.
He w^as bred fellow commoner in Trinity College, and then
fellow of Trinity Hall, in Cambridge. He was proctor of the
university, anno Domini 1600-1, which ofiice, according to the
Old Circle, returned not to that college but once in forty-four
years. He addicted himself from his youth to such studies as
did tend to accomplish him for public employment. I con-
ceive his most excellent piece, called ^' Fragmenta Regalia,^' set
forth since his death, was a fruit of his younger years.
He was afterwards sworn secretary of state to king James on
Thursday the eighth of January, 1617; which place he dis-
charged with great ability and dexterity. And I hope it will
be no offence here to insert a pleasant passage :
One Mr. Wiemark, a wealthy man, great novellant, and con-
stant Paul's- walker, hearing the news that day of the beheading
* Camden's Elizabeth, hoc anno. f Weevev's Funeral Monuments, p. 751.
of Sir Walter Raleigh, ^' His head/' said he^ " would do very
well on the shoulders of Sir Robert Naunton, secretary of
state/' These words were complained of, and Wiemark sum-
moned to the privy council, where he pleaded for himself, " that
he intended no disrespect to Mr. Secretary, whose known worth
was above all detraction ; only he spake in reference to an old
proverb, " Two heads are better than one/' And so for the
present he was dismissed. Not long after, when rich men were
called on for a contribution to St. Paul's, Wiemark. at the coun-
cil-table subscribed a hundred pounds : but Mr. Secretary told
him two hundred were better than one ; which, betwixt fear
and charity, Wiemark was fain to subscribe.
He died anno Domini 1630,* leaving one daughter, Penelope,
who was first married to Paul viscount Bayning, and after to Philip
lord Herbert, eldest son to Philip fourth earl of Pembroke.
John de Metingham was born in this county (where Me-
tingham is a village in Wangford hundred not far from Bungay) ;
and was lord chief justice of the Common Pleas in the reign of
king Edward the Third. It is reported, to his eternal praise,
that when the rest of the judges (IS Edw. III.) were fined and
ousted for corruption, this Metingham and Elias de Beckingham
continued in their places, whose innocence was of proof against
all accusations ;t and as Caleb and Joshua amongst the jury of
false spies, t so these two amongst the twelve judges only
retained their integrity.
Kino- Edward, in the 20th of his reign, directed a writ unto
him about the stinting of the number of the apprentices and
attorneys at law, vrell worth the inserting :
" Dominus Rex§ injunxit Johanni de Metingham et sociis
suis, quod ipsi per discretionem eorum provideant et ordinent
numerum certum e quolibet comitatu de melioribus et legaliori-
bus et libentius addiscentibus, secundum quod intellexerint^
quod curicG suae et populo de regno melius valere poterit, &c.
Et videtur regi et ejus concilio quod septies viginti sufficere
poterint. Apponant tamen priefati justiciarii plures, si viderint
esse faciendum, vel numerum anticipent."||
(" The lord the king hath enjoined John de Metingham and
his assistants, that they, according to their discretion, provide
and ordain a certain number out of every county of such persons
which, according to their understanding, shall appear unto them
of the better sort, and most legal, and most willingly applying
themselves to the learning of the law, what may better avail for
* He was buried in the church of Letheringham in this county ; which, being-
private property, and out of ecclesiastical jurisdiction, was wholly demolished in the
year 1789.
f Spelman's Glossary, verbo Justidurius. % Numbers xiii. 6, 8.
$ Edward. || Rot. v. in dorso, de Apprenticiis et Attornatis.
their court and the good of the people of the land, Sec. And it
seems likely, to the king and his counsel, that seven-score may
suffice for that purpose. However, the aforesaid justices may
add more if they see ought to be done, or else they may lessen
the number/^)
Some conceive this number of seven-score confined only to
the Common Pleas, whereof Metingham was chief justice. But
others behold it as extended to the whole land, this judge's
known integrity baing entrusted in their choice and number ;
which number is since much increased, and no wonder, our land
being grown more populous, and the people in it more litigious.
He died anno Domini 1301c
Sir John Cavendish, Knight, was born at Cavendish in
this county (where his name continued until the reign of king
Henry the Eighth) ; bred a student of the municipal law, at-
taining to such learning therein, that he was made lord chief
justice of the King's (or Upper) Bench, July 15, in the 46th of
king Edward the Third ; discharging his place with due com-
mendation, until his violent death, on the fifth of king Richard
the Second, on this occasion :
John Raw, a priest, contemporary with Jack Straw and Wat
Tyler, advanced Robert Westbroome, a clown, to be king of the
commons in this county, having no fewer than fifty thousand
followers. These, for eight days together, in savage sport,
caused the heads of great persons to be cut off^, and set on poles
to kiss and whisper in one another's ears.*
Chief justice Cavendish chanced then to be in the country,
to whom they bare a double pique ; one, because he was honest,
the other learned. Besides, they received fresh news from
London, that one John Cavendish, his kinsman, had lately
killed their idol, Wat Tyler, in Smithfield. Whereupon they
dragged the reverend judge, with Sir John of Cambridge, prior
of Bury, into the market-place there, and beheaded them ;t
whose innocent blood remained not long unrevenged by Spen-
cer the warlike bishop of Norwich, by whom this rascal rabble
of rebels was routed and ruined, 1381.
Reader, be charitably pleased that this note may (till better
information) preserve the right of this county unto Sir Robert
Broke, a great lawyer, and lord chief justice of the Common
Pleas in the reign of queen Mary. He wrote an Abridgment of
the whole Law, a book of high account. It insinuateth to me
a probability of his birth herein, because (lawyers generally
purchase near the place of their birth) his posterity still fiourish
in a worshipful equipage at Nacton, nigh Ipswich, in this
* Speed's Chronicle, in Richard the Second, p. 608.
t Lib. Eliens. MS. in Bibl. Cotton.
Sir Thomas Wentworth, of Nettlestead in this county, of
a younger family (confessed by the crescent in his coat), de-
scended from the Wentworths of Wentworth Woodhouse in
Yorkshire, was created Baron Wentworth by king Henry the
Eighth. He was a stout and vahant gentleman, a cordial pro-
testant, and his family a sanctuary of such professors; John
Bale* comparing him to the good centurion in the Gospel, and
gratefully acknowledging him the cause of his conversion from
a Carmelite.
The memory of this good lord is much (but unjustly) ble-
mished, because Calais was lost, the last of queen Mary, under
his government. The manner hereof was huddled up in our
chronicles (least is best of a bad business), whereof this the
effect. The English being secure by reason of the late con-
quest at St. Quintin, and the duke of Guise having notice
thereof, he sat down before the town at the time (not " when
kings go forth'^t to but return /rom battle) of mid-winter, even
on New-year's Day. Next day he took the two forts of Rise-
bank and Newnham-bridge (wherein the strength of the city
consisted) ; but whether they were undeiinined or undermonied
it is not decided, and the last left most suspicious. Within
three days the castle of Calais, which commanded the city, and
was under the command of Sir Ralph Chamberlain, was taken.
The French, wading through the ditches (made shallower by
their artificial cut) and then entering the town, were rej^ulsed
back by Sir Anthony Ager, marshal of Calais, the only man,
saith Stow,J who was killed in the fight (understand him of
note) ; others, for the credit of the business, accounting four-
score lost in that service. §
The French re-entering the city the next being Twelfth-day,
the lord Wentworth, deputy thereof, made but vain resistance,
which, alas ! was like the wriggling of a worm's tail after the
head thereof is cut off; so that he was forced to take what terms
he could get; viz. that the townsmen should depart (though
plundered to a groat) with their lives ; and himself with forty-
nine more, such as the duke of Guise should choose, should
remain prisoners, to be put to ransom.
This was the best news brought to Paris, and worst to Lon-
don, for many years before. It not only abated the queen's
cheer for the remnant of Christmas, but her mirth all the days
of her life. Yet might she thank herself for losing this key of
France, because hanging it by her side with so slender a string,
there being but five hundred soldiers effectually in the garrison,
too few to manage such a piece of importance.
The lord Wentworth, the second of June following, was
* De Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. viii. num. 100.
t 2 Samuel xi. i. % Chronicle, p. 632. § Speed's History, p. 856.
solemnly condemned for treason, though unheard^, as absent in
France ; which was not only against Christian . charity, but
Roman justice ; Festus confessing it was not fashionable
amongst them, " to deliver any man to die, before he which is
accused have the accusers face to face, and have licence to
answer for himself concerning the crime laid against him/^ *
It was well for this lord that he was detained in France till
his ransom was paid, and queen Mary dead, who otherwise pro-
bably had lost his life, if he had had his liberty. But queen
Elizabeth coming to the crown, he found the favour, or rather
had the justice, to be tried again ; and was acquitted by his
peers,t finding it no treachery, cowardice, or carelessness in
him, but in Sir John Harlston and Sir Ralph Chamberlain,
the one governor of Rise-bank, the other of Calais castle, for
which they were both condemned to die, though their judgment
was remitted. This lord was the only person I have read of,
who thus in a manner played rubbers when his head lay at stake ;
and having lost the fore recovered the after-game. He died, a
very aged man, 1590.
Thomas Cavendish, of Trimleyt in this county. Esquire, in
pursuance of his generous inclination to make foreign discove-
ries for the use and honour of his nation, on his own cost vic-
tualled and furnished three ships (the least of fleets) as followeth :
1. The Desire, admiral, of 120 tons: 2. The Content, vice-
admiral, of 40 tons : 3. The Hugh-Gallant, rear-admiral, of 40
tons; all three managed by 123 persons, with which he set sail
from Plymouth the 2^st of July, 1586.
So prosperous their winds, that by the 2Gth of August they
had gone nine hundred and thirty leagues to the south of Africa,
Then bending their course south-west, January the 7th, they
entered the mouth of the Magellan Straits ; straits indeed, not
only for the narrow passage, but many miseries of hunger and
cold, which mariners must encounter therein. Here Mr. Caven-
dish named a town Port-famine ; and may never distressed
seamen be necessitated to land there ! It seems the Spaniards
had a design so to fortify these straits in places of advantage, as
to engross the passage, that none save themselves should enter
the southern sea. But God, the promoter of the public good,
destroyed their intended monopoly, sending such a mortality
amongst their men, that scarce five of five hundred did survive.
On the 24th of February they entered the South Sea, and fre-
quently landed as they saw occasion. Many their conflicts
with the natives, more with the Spaniards ; coming off gainers
in most, and savers in all encounters, that alone at Quintero
* Acts XXV. 16. f Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1559.
: The substance of what followeth is taken out of Mr. Hackluit's Voyages, the
last part, p. 803 F.
N 2
excepted, April 1,1587, when they lost twelve men of good account,
which was the cause that the June following they purposely
sunk the rear-admiral, for want of men to manage her.
Amongst the many prizes he took in his passage, the St.
Anne was the most considerable, being the Spanish admiral of
the southern sea, of seven hundred tons. However, our Caven-
dish boarded her with his little ship (a chicken of the game will
adventure on a greater fowl, and leap where he cannot reach),
and mastered her, though an hundred and ninety persons therein.
There were in the ship an hundred and two and twenty thousand
pezos* (each worth eight shillings) of gold ; the rest of the
lading being silks, satins^ musks, and other rich commodities.
Mr. Cavendish's mercy after, equalled his valour in the fight,
landing the Spaniards on the shore, and leaving them plentiful
Surrounding the East Indies, and returning for England, the
ship called The Content did not answer her name, whose men
took all occasions to be mutinous, and stayed behind in a road
with Stephen Hare their master ; and Mr. Cavendish saw her
not after. But he, who went forth with a fleet, came home with
a ship, and safely landed in Plymouth, Sept. 9, 1588. Amongst
his men, three most remarkable ; Mr. John Way their preacher ;
Mr. Thomas Fuller, of Ipswich, their pilot ; and Mr. Francis
Pretty, of Eyke in this county, who wrote the whole history of
their voyage.
Thus having circumnavigated the whole earth, let his ship no
longer be termed The Desire, but The Ferformance. He
was the third man, and second Englishman, of such universal
Not so successful his next and last voyage, begun the 26th
of August, 1591, when he set sail with a fleet from Plymouth,
and coming in the Magellan Straits, near a place by him formerly
named Port-Desire, he was, the November following, casually
severed from his company, not seen or heard of afterward.
Pity so illustrious a life should have so obscure a death. But
all things must he as heing itself will have them to he.
William Butler was born at Ipswich in this county,
where he had one only brother, who, going beyond sea, turned
Papist, for which cause this William was so offended with him,
that he left him none of his estate.f I observe this the rather-,
because this William Butler was causelessly suspected for popish
inclinations. He was bred fellow of Clare Hall in Cambridge,
where he became the ^sculapius of our age. He was the first
Englishman who quickened Galenical physic with a touch of
* In English money, 48,000 pounds.
t So I am informed by Mrs. Crane ia Cambridge, to whose husband he left his
estate. — F.
Paracelsus^ trading in chemical receipts with great success. His
eye was excellent at the instant discovery of a cadaverous face,
on which he would not lavish any art. This made him, at the
first sight of sick prince Henry, to get himself out of sight.
Knowing himself to be the prince of physicians, he would be
observed accordingly. Compliments would prevail nothing
with him, entreaties l)ut little, surly threatenings would do much,
and a witty jeer do anything. He was Ijetter pleased with pre-
sents than money, loved what was pretty rather than what was
costly ; and preferred rarities before riches. Neatness he neg-
lected into slovenliness ; and accounting cuffs to be manacles,
he may be said not to have made himself ready for some seven
years together. He made his humorsomeness to become him,
wherein some of his profession have rather aped than imitated
him, who had morositatem cequahilem, and kept the tenor of the
same surliness to all persons. He was a good benefactor to
Clare Hall; and dying 1621, he was buried in the chancel of
St. Mary's in Cambridge, under a fair monument. Mr. John
Crane, that expert apothecary and his executor, is since buried
by him ; and if some eminent surgeon was interred on his other
side, I would say, that physic lay here in state, with its two
pages attending it.
Humphrey Necton was born (though Necton be in Nor-
folk) in this county;* and, quitting a fair fortune from his
father, professed poverty, and became a Carmelite in Norwich.
Two Jirstships met in this man, for he hanselled the house-
convent, which Philip Warin of Cowgate, a prime citizen, (and
almost I could believe him mayor of the city), did, after the
death of his wife, in a fit of sorrow give with his whole estate to
the Carmelites.
Secondly, he was the first Carmelite, who in Cambridge took
the degree of doctor in divinity ; for some boggled much thereat,
as false heraldry in devotion, to superinduce a doctoral hood
over a friar's cowl, till our Necton adventured on it. For,
though poverty might not affect pride, yet humility may admit
of honour. He flourished, under king Henry the Third and
Edv/ard the First, at Norwich ; and was buried with great
solemnity by those of his order, anno Domini 1303.
John Horminger was born of good parents in this county,t
and became very accomplished in learning. It happened that,
travelling to Rome, he came into the company of Italians (the
admirers only of themselves, and the slighters-general of all
other nations), vilifying England, as an inconsiderable country,
whose ground was as barren as the people barbarous. Our
* Bale, Cent. iv. uum. 24.
t Bale, lie Scriptoiibus Britamiicis ; and Pits, ^Etat. U, num. 450,
Horminger, impatient to hear his mother-land traduced, spake
in her defence, and fluently epitomized the commodities thereof.
Returning home, he wrote a book " De Divitiis et Deliciis
Angliae," (of the Profit and Pleasure of England ;) which, had
it come to my hand, O how advantageous had it been to my
present design ! He flourished 1310.
Thomas of Ely was born in this county; for, though Cam-
bridgeshire boasteth of Ely (so famous for the cathedral), yet
is there Monks-Ely in Suffolk, the native town of this Thomas,
who followed the footsteps of his countryman Necton, being a
Carmelite (but in Ipswich) ; and afterwards doctor in the uni-
versity of Cambridge, saith my author,* of both divinities.
But the same hand which tieth untieth this knot, giving us
to understand that thereby are meant scholastical and interpre-
tative divinity,- seeming to import them in that age to have been
distinct faculties ; till afterwards united, as the civil and com-
mon law, in one profession.
Leaving his native land, he travelled over the seas, with others
of his order, to Bruges in Flanders, and there kept lectures and
disputations, as one Gobelike (a formidable author) informeth
my informer,t till his death, about 1320.
Richard Lanham was bom at a market town well known
for clothing in this county, and bred (when young) a Carmelite
in Ipswich, He made it his only request to the Prefect of his
convent, to have leave to study in Oxford ; which was granted
him, and deservedly, employing his time so well there, that he
proceeded doctor with public applause. Leland^s pencil paints
him pious and learned ; but Bale cometh with his sponge, and
in effect deletes both, because of his great antipathy to the
Wickliflites. However his learning is beyond contradiction,
attested by the books he left to posterity. Much difference
about the manner and place of his death ; some making him
to decease in his bed at Bristol, J others to be beheaded in Lon-
don (with Sudbury archbishop of Canterbury, and Hales mas-
ter of St. John's of Jerusalem) by the rebellious crew of Wat
Tyler, who being a misogrammatist (if a good Greek word may
be given to so barbarous a rebel) hated every man that could
write or read, and was the more incensed against Lanham for
his eminent literature. He died anno Domini 1381.
John Kinyngham was born in this county ;§ bred a Car-
melite, first in Ipswich, then in Oxford, being the 25th Prefect
of his Order in England and Ireland, and confessor to John of
Gaunt and his lady. lie was the first who encountered Wickliffe
in the schools at Oxford, disputing of philosophical subtilties, and
* Bale, Cent. iv. num. 65. f Bale, ut prius. X Polydore Vergil.
§ Bale, Cent. vi. num. 4.
that with so much ingenuity, that WicklifFe, much taken with
the man's modesty, prayed heartily for him that his judgment
might be convhiced.* But whether with so good success where-
with Peter Martyr besought God on the same account for Ber-
nard iSrilpin^t I know not. He died a very aged man, anno
1399, and was buried at York; far, I confess, from Ipswich,
his first fixation. But it was usual for Prefects of Orders to tra-
vel much in their visitations.
John Lydgate was born in this countyj at a village so
called, bred a Benedictine monk in St. Edmund's Bury. After
some time spent in our English universities, he travelled over
France and Italy, improving his time to his great accomplish-
ment. Returning, he became tutor to many noblemen's sons;
and, both in prose and poetry, was the best author of his age.
If Chaucer's coin were of a greater weight for deeper learnmg,
Lydgate's was of a more refined standard for purer language ;
so that one might mistake him for a modern writer. But,
because none can so well describe him as himself, take an essay
of his verses, excusing himself for deviating in his writings from
his vocation. §
" I am a monk by my profession,
In Berry, call'd John Lydgate by my name,
And wear a habit of perfection,
(Although my life agrees not with the same)
That meddle should with things spiritual,
As I must needs confess unto you all,
But, seeing that I did herein proceed
At his command II whom I could not refuse,
1 humbly do beseech all those that read,
Or leisure have this story to peruse.
If any fault therein they find to be,
Or error, that committed is by me ;
That they will of their gentleness take pain.
The rather to correct and mend the same,
Than rashly to condeinn it with disdain ;
For well I wot it is not without blame,
Because I know the verse therein is wrong.
As being some too short and some too long.
For Chaucer, that my master was, and knew
What did belong to writing verse and prose,
Ne'er stumbled at small faults, nor yet did view
With scornful eye the works and books of those
That in his time did write : nor yet would taunt
At any man, to fear him or to daunt."
He lived to be 60 years of age ; and died about the year 1444>
and was buried in his own convent with this epitaph :
Morluus Sfsclo, superis superstes,
Hicjacet Lydgate tumulattts za-nd,
Quifuit quondam Celebris Bntannm
Fa7n(i jwesis.
* Bale, Cent. vi. num. 4. f See the Life of Bernard Gilpin.
J Camden's Britannia, in Suffolk.
§ History of the Life and Death of Hector, p. 316 and 317.
11 King Henry IV. ,
" Dead in this world, living above the sky,
Intombed within this urn doth Lydgate lie,
In former time famed for his poetry
All over England,"
As for the numerous and various books which he wrote of seve-
ral subjects^ Bale iiresenteth us with their perfect catalogue.*
John Barnyngham, born at a village so named in this
county^t was bred a Carmelite in Ipswich ; and afterwards pro-
ceeded doctor in Oxford : thence going to Sorbon (the cock-pit
of controversies) was there admitted to the same degree.
Trithemius takes notice of his parts and perfections, allowing
him " festivum ingeniuin et ad quodcunque deflexum/^ having a
subtile and supple wit, so that he could be what he would be, a
great master of defence in the schools, both to guard and hit.
Bale saith, he sav/ his works in Cambridge, fairly written in four
great volumes. Weary with his long race beyond the seas, he
returned at last to the place whence he started ; and, retiring to
his convent, whereof he was ruler, at Ipswich, died there
January 22, 1448.
John of Bury v/as an Augustinian in Clare, doctor of di-
vinity in Cambridge, Provincial of his order through England
and Ireland; no mean scholar, and a great opposer of Reginald
Peakock and all other Wickliffites. He flourished anno 1460.
Thomas Scroope was born at Bradley in this countyj (but
extracted from the Lord Scroope in Yorkshire) ; who rolled
through many professions: 1. He was a Benedictine, but found
that order too loose for his conscience. 2. A Carmelite of
Norwich, as a stricter profession. 3. An anchorite (the dungeon
of the prison of Carmelitism), wherein he lived twenty years.
4. Dispensed with by the Pope, he became bishop of Dro-
more in Ireland. 5. Quitting his bishopric, he returned to his
solitary life ; yet so, that once a week he used to walk on his
bare- feet, and preach the Decalogue in the villages round about.
He lived to be extremely aged ; for, about the year 1425,
clothed in sackcloth and girt with an iron chain, he used to cry
out in the streets, " That new Jerusalem, the bride of the
Lamb, was shortly to come down from heaven, prepared for
her spouse. Revel, xxi. ; and that with great joy he saw the
same in the Spirit.^^
Thomas Waldensis, the great anti-Wickliffite, was much of-
fended thereat ; protesting it was a scandal and disgrace to the
church. However, our Scroope long out- lived him, and died
De Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. viii. num. 7.
t Bale, De Cent. viii. num. 11.
X Bale, de Scriptoribus Britanuicis, Cent, viii uum 53. ; and Pits, de Scripto-
ribus Angliui, p. 681, anno 14 91.
WRITERS. . 185
aged well nigh 100 years^ " iion sine sanctitatis opinione/' say
both Bale and Pits ; and it is a wonder they meet in the same
opinion. He was buried at Lowestoffe in this county, anno
Richard Sibs was born in the edge of this county (yet so
that Essex seemeth to have no share in him) nigh Sudbury, and
was bred a fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge. He
proved afterwards a most profitable preacher to the Honourable
Society of Grays-Inn, whence he was chosen master of St. Katha-
rine Hall in Cambridge. He found the house in a mean condition,
the wheel of St. Katharine having stood still (not to say gone
backwards) for some years together : he left it replenished with
scholars, beautified with buildings, better endowed with reve-
nues. He was most eminent for that grace, which is most
worth, yet cost the least to keep it, viz. Cliristian humility. Of
all points of divinity he most frequently pressed that of Christ's
Incarnation ; and if the angels desired to pry into that mystery,
no wonder if this angelical man had a longing to look therein.
A learned divine imputed this good doctor's great humility to
his much meditating on that point of Christ's humiliation, when
he took our flesh upon him. If it be true what some hold in
physic, that " Omne par nutrit suum par," (that the vitals of our
body are most strengthened by feeding on such meat as are
likest unto them ;) I see no absurdity to maintain that men's
souls improve most in those graces whereon they have most
constant meditation, whereof this worthy doctor was an eminent
instance. He died in the 58th year of his age, anno Domini
William Alablaster was born at Hadley in this county ;
and by marriage was nephew to Doctor John Still, bishop of
Bath and Wells. He was bred fellow in Trinity College in
Cambridge, — a most rare poet as any our age or nation hath
produced ; witness his tragedy of '^ Roxana," admirably acted
in that college, and so pathetically, that a gentlewoman present
thereat (Reader, I had it from an author whose credit it is sin
with me to suspect), at the hearing of the last words thereof, se-
quar, sequaVy so hideously pronounced, fell distracted, and never
after fully recovered her senses.
He attended chaplain in the Calais-voyage on Robert earl of
Essex, where he was so affected with the beauty of Popish
churches, and the venerable respect the Papists gave to their
priests, that he staggered in his own religion. There wanted
not those of the Romish party to force his fall, whom they found
reeling ; working on his aml)ition, who complained of the slow-
ness of preferment in England, v/hich followed not so fast as in
due time to overtake his deserts ; so that soon after he turned a
Yet it was not long before he was out of love with that per-
suasion ; so that, whether because he could not comport with
their discipline, who would have made him (who conceived him-
self at the top) begin again (according to their course) at the
bottom of human learning ; or because (which I rather charita-
bly believe) that upon second thoughts he seriously disgusted
the Romish superstition, he returned into his own country.
It was not long before he was made prebendary of St. Paul's,
and rector of the rich parsonage of Tharfield in Hertfordshire.
He was an excellent Hebrician, and well skilled in cabalistical
learning ; witness his Clerum in Cambridge, when he commenc-
ed doctor in divinity, taking for his text the first words of the
first book of Chronicles, " Adam, Seth, Enos.^^
Besides the literal sense, as they are proper names of the Pa-
triarchs, he mined for a mystical meaning : man is put or placed
for pain and trouble.
How well this agreeth with the original belongs not to me to
inquire. This I know, it had been hard (if not impossible) for
him to hold on the same rate, and reduce the proper names in
the genealogies following to such an appellativeness as should
compose a continued sense. He died anno Domini 163 . .
Samuel Ward was born at Haveril in this county, where
his father had long been a painful minister of the place ; and I
remember I have read this epitaph written on his monument in
the chancel there, which I will endeavour to translate :
Q.UO si quis scivit scilius,
Aut si quis docuit doctius ;
At rams vixit sanctiiis,
Et millus tonuit fortius.
** Grant some of knowledge greater store,
More learned some in teaching ;
Yet few in life did lighten more,
None thundered more in preaching."
He bred his son Samuel, in Cambridge, in Sidney College,
whereof he became fellow, being an excellent artist, linguist,
divine, and preacher. He had a sanctified fancy, dexterous in de-
signing expressive pictures, representing much matter in a little
From Cambridge he was preferred minister in or rather of
Ipswich, having a care over, and a love from, all the parishes in
that populous place. Indeed he had a magnific virtue (as if he
had learned it from the load-stone, in whose qualities he was so
knowing) to attract people's affections. Yet found he foes as
well as friends, who comj^lained of him to the high commission,
where he met with some molestation.
He had three brethren ministers, on the same token that
some have said, that these four put together would not make up
the abihties of their father. Nor were they themselves offended
with this hyperbole, to have the branches lessened, to greaten
their root. One of them, lately dead, was beneficed in Essex ;
and, following the counsel of the poet,
Hidentem dicere venim,
Quis vetat ?
" What doth forbid but one may smile,
And also tell the truth the while ?"
hath in a jesting way, in some of his books, delivered much
smart truth of the present times. Mr. Samuel died 163 . .
John Boise, born at Elmeseth in this county, being son of
the minister thereof. He was bred first in Hadley-school, then
in St. John's College in Cambridge, and was deservedly chosen
fellow thereof. Here he (as a volunteer) read in his bed a
Greek lecture to such young scholars who preferred Antelucana
studia before their own ease and rest.* He was afterwards of
that quorum in the translating of the Bible ; and whilst St.
Chrysostom lives, Mr. Boise shall not die ; such his learned
pains on him in the edition of Sir Henry Savil. Being parson
of Boxworth in Cambridgeshire, and prebendary of Ely, he
made a quiet end about the beginning of our warlike disturb-
Bobert Southwel. was born in this county, as Pitseus af-
firmeth, who, although often mistaken in his locality, may be
believed herein, as professing himself familiarly acquainted with
him at Rome. But the matter is not much where he was born ;
seeing, though cried up by men of his own profession for his
many books in verse and prose, he was reputed a dangerous
enemy by the state, for which he was imprisoned, and executed,
March the 3rd, 1595.
Elizabeth, third daughter of Gilbert earl of Clare,t and
wife to John Burgh earl of Ulster in Ireland, I dare not say
born at, but surely had her greatest honour from, Clare in this
county. Blame me not, reader, if I be covetous on any ac-
count to recover the mention of her memory, who, anno 1343,
founded Clare Hall in Cambridge, since augmented by many
Sir Simon Eyre, son of John Eyre, was born at Brandon in
this county ; bred in London, first an upholsterer, then a draper ;
in which profession he profited, that he was chosen lord mayor
* Thomas Gataker one of them, See the narrative at the end of his funeral
Sermon — F.
f Vincent, in his Corrections of Brookes' Errors.
of the City, 1445. On his own cost he built Leaden-hall (for
a common garner of corn to the city) of squared stone in form
as it now sheweth, with a fair chapel in the east side of the
quadrant ; over the porch of which he caused to be written,
" Dextra Domini exaltavit me," (the Lord's right hand hath
exalted me.)* He is elsewhere styled " Honorandus etfamosus
Mercator/^ He left five thousand marks, a prodigious sum in
that age, to charitable uses ; so that, if my sight mistake not
(as I am confident it doth not), his bounty, like Saul, stands
higher than any others from the shoulders upwards.f He de-
parted this life the 18th of September, anno Domini 1459 ; and
is buried in the church of St. Mary Woolnoth, in Lombard
Street, London.
Thomas Spring, commonly called " the Rich Clothier," was
(I believe) born, I am sure lived and waxed wealthy, at Laneham
in this county. He built the carved Chapel of Wainscot in the
north side of the chancel, as also the chapel at the south side of
the church.f This Thomas Spring, senior, died anno 1510,
and lieth buried under a monument in the chapel of his own
William Coppinger, born at Bucks-hall in this county,
where his family flourisheth at this day in a good esteem. He
was bred a fishmonger in London, so prospering in his profes-
sion, that he became lord mayor anno 1512. He gave the
half of his estr.te (which was very great) to pious uses, and re-
lieving the poor.§
His bounty mindeth me of the words of Zacchseus to our Sa-
viour : '^ Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor ;
and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation,
I restore him fourfold." ||
Demand not of me whether our Coppinger made such plen-
tiful restitution, being confident there was no cause thereof,
seeing he never was one of the publicans, persons universally
infamous for extortion : otherwise I confess, that that charity,
which is not bottomed on justice, is but built on a foundered
foundation. I am sorry to see this gentleman's arms, (the epide-
mical disease of that age) substracted (in point of honour) by
the addition of a superfluous border.
[S.N.] Sir William Cordal, Knight. Wherever he was
born, he had a fair estate at Long-Melford in this county, and
Heth buried in that fair church under a decent monument.
We will translate his epitaph, which will perfectly acquaint us
* Stow's Survey of London, p. 163. f i Samuel x. 23.
X Weeyer's Funeral Monuments, p. 767.
$ Stow's Survey of London, anno 1512. || Luke xix. 8.
with the great offices he had, and good offices he did to pos-
terity :
Hie Gulielmus habet requiem Cordellus, avito
Stemmate qui clarus, clarior ingenio.
Hie sludiis primos consumpsil forliter annos,
Mox et causaruvi strenuus actor erat.
Tanta illi doctrina inerat,facundia tnnUt,
Ut Pnrlamcnli 2>ublica Lingua Jhrel.
Posteafactus Eques, Regincc arcaua Mari<v
Co7isilia, et patricv grande subibat opus :
Factus et est Custos Rotuloruni. Urgcnte seneclti
In Chrislo moriens cepit ad astra viani.
Patqyeribus largus, victum vestemque ministransy
Insuper Hosjntii condidit ille domum.
'* Here William Cordal doth in rest remain.
Great by his birth, but greater by his brain.
Plying his studies hard, his youth throughout,
Of causes he became a pleader stout.
His learning deep such eloquence did vent,
He was chose Speaker of the Parliament"
Afterwards Knight queen Mary did him make.
And counsellor, state-work to undertake ;
And Master of the Rolls. Well worn with age,
!^ying in Christ, heaven was his utmost stage.
Diet and clothes to poor he gave at large,
And a fair Almshouse * founded on his charge."
He was made Master of the Rolls, November 5th, the fifth of
queen Mary, continuing therein till the day of his death, the
23rd of queen Elizabeth.f
Sir Robert Hicham, Knight, and Serjeant-at-law, was born
(if not at) near Nacton in this county, and was very skilful in
our common law. By his practice he got a great estate, and
purchased the fair manor of Framlingham of the earl of Suffolk.
Herein he met w4th many difficulties (knots which would have
made another man^s axe turn edge to hew them off) ; so that, had
he not been one of a sharp wit, strong brains, powerful friends,
plentiful purse, and indefatigable diligence, he had never cleared
the title thereof to him and his heirs.
I am willing to believe that gratitude to God (who gave him
to wade through so many incumbrances, and land safely at last
on the peaceable possession of his purchase) was the main
motive inclining him to leave a great part of his estate to pious
uses, and principally to Pembroke Hall in Cambridge. He
departed this life a little before the beginning of our civil wars.
John Cavendish, Esquire, was born at Cavendish in this
county ; bred at court, a servant in ordinary attendance on king
Richard the Second, when Wat Tyler played Rex in London.
* At Melford aforesaid.
t J. Philpot, in his Catalogue of the Masters of the Rolls.
It happened that Wat Tyler was woundly angry with Sh' John
Newton, knight, (sword-bearer to the king then in presence) for
devouring his distance, and not making his approaches man-
nerly enough unto him. Oh, the pride of a self-promoting
peasant ! Much bustling arising thereabout, Sir WilUam Wal-
worth, lord mayor of London, arrested Wat, and with his dagger
wounded him ; and, being well stricken in years, wanted not
A^alour, but vigour, to dispatch him. He is seconded by John
Cavendish standing by, who twice or thrice wounded him mor-
tally; my author* complaining, "that his death was too worthy,
from the hands of honourable persons, for whom the axe of the
hangman had been too good." I would have said, " the halter
of the hangman." But it matters not by whom a traitor be
killed, so he be killed.
Hereupon the arms of London were augmented with a dag-
ger ; and, to divide the honour equally betwixt them, if the
haft belonged to Walworth, the blade, or point thereof at least,
may be adjudged to Cavendish. Let me add, that king Richard
himself shewed much wisdom and courage in managing this
matter ; so that in our chronicles he appeareth wiser youth than
man ; as if he had spent all the stock of his discretion in ap-
peasing this tumult, which happened anno Domini 1381.
Sir Thomas Cook, Knight. — Sir Wm. Capell, Knight-
I present these pair of knights in parallels, because I find
many considerable occurrences betwixt them in the course of
their liv^es :
1. Both were natives of this county, born not far asunder;
Sir Thomas at Lavenham, Sir William at Stoke-Neyland.
2. Both were bred in London, free of the same company of
Drapers, and were lord mayors of the city.
3. Both, by God's blessing on their industry, attained great
estates, and were royal merchants indeed. The later is reported
by tradition (since by continuance consolidated into historical
truth) that, after a large entertainment made for king Henry
the Seventh, he concluded all with a fire, wherein he burnt many
bonds, in which the king (a borrower in the beginning of his
reign) stood obliged unto him (a sweet perfume, no doubt, to so
thrifty a prince) ; not to speak of his expensive frolic, when at
another time he drank a dissolved pearl (which cost him many
hundreds) in a health to the king.
4. Both met with many molestations. Sir Thomas, being
arraigned for lending money (in the reign of king Edward the
Fourth), hardly escaped with his life (thank a good God, a just
judge,t and a stout jury) : though grievously fined, and long
imprisoned. As for Sir William, Empson and Dudley fell with
* Speed, in his Chronicle, p. 607.
t See Judge Markham's Life in Nottinghamshire. — F.
their bodies so heavy upon him, that they squeezed many thou-
sand pounds out of his into the king^s coffers.
5. Both died peaceably in age and honour, leaving great es-
tates to their posterities ; the Cooks flourishing lately at Giddy
Hall in Essex, in a worsliipful, as the Capels at Hadham in
Hertfordshire now in an honourable, condition.
Nor must it be forgotten, that Elizabeth, daughter to Sir
William Capel, was married to WilUam Powlet marquis of
Winchester ; and Mildred, descended from Sir Thomas Cook,
to William Cecil lord Burleigh ; both their husbands being
successively lord treasurers of England for above fifty years.
Sir Thomas Cook lieth buried in the church of Augustine
Friars, London. Sir Wilham Capel in the south side of the
parish church of St. Bartholomew's (in a chapel of his own ad-
dition) behind the Exchange, though the certain date of their
deaths do not appear.
1. John Michel, son of John Michel of Ekelingham, Stock-
Fishmonger, 1422.
2. Henry Barton, son of Henry Barton, of Myldenhal, Skin-
ner, 1428.
3. Roger,Oteley, son of Will. Oteley, of Uflford, Grocer, 1434.
4. John Paddesley, son of Simon Paddesley, of Bury St. Ed-
munds, Goldsmith, 1440.
5. Simon Eyre, son of John Eyre, of Brandon, Draper, 1445.
6. William Gregory, son of Roger Gregory, of Myldenhal,
Skinner, 1451.
7. Thomas Cook, son of Robert Cook, of Lavenham, Draper,
8. Richard Gardiner, son of John Gardiner, of Exning, Mercer,
9. William Capel, son of John Capel, of Stoke-Neyland,
Draper, 1503.
10. Wm. Coppinger, son of Walter Coppinger, of Buckshal,
Fish-monger, 1512.
11. John Milborn, son of John Milbourn, of Long-Melford,
Draper, 1521.
12. Roger Martin, son of Lawrence Martin, of Long-Melford,
Mercer, 1567.
13. John Spencer, son of Richard Spencer, of Walding Field,
Cloth- worker, 1594.
14. Stephen Some, son of Thomas Some, of Bradley, Grocer,
Reader, this is one of the twelve pretermitted shires, the
* He was mayor again 1436.
names of whose gentry were not returned into tlie Tower in the
reign of king Henry the Sixth.
Know that this county and Norfolk had both one sheriff, until
the seventeenth year of the reign of queen Elizabeth, a list of
whose names we formerly have presented in the description of
Anno Name and Arms. Place.
17 Rob. Ashfield, arm. . . Netherhall.
S. a fess ingrailed betwixt three flowers-de-luce Arg.
18 Joh. High am, arm.
S. a fess cheeky O. and Az. betwixt three nags' heads
erased Arg,
19 Will. Spring, mil. . . Lanham.
Arg. on a chevron between three martlets G. as many
cinquefoils of the field.
20 Rob. Jermin, mil. . . Rushbrook.
S. a crescent betwixt two mullets Arg.
21 Philip. Parker, mil. . Arwerton.
Arg. a lion passant G. betwixt two bars S., whereon
three bezants ; in chief as many bucks' heads caboslied
of the third.
22 Th. Bernardiston, mil. Kedington.
Az. a fesse dancette Erm. betwixt six croslets Arg.
23 Nich. Bacon, mil. . . Culfurth.
G. on a chief Arg. two mullets S.
24 Will. Drury, mil. . . Halsted.
Arg. on a chief Vert, the letter Tau betwixt two mullets
pierced O.
25 Carol. Framlingham, miles.
26 Joh. Gurdon, arm. . « Assington.
S. three leopards' heads jessant flowers-de-luce O.
27 Will. Clopton, arm.
S. a bend Arg. betwixt two cotiscs dancette O.
28 Geo. Clopton, arm. . . ut prius,
29 Franc. Jermy,-arm.
Arg. a lion rampant gardant G.
30 Phil. Tilney, arm. . . Shelleigh.
Arg. a chevron betwixt three griffins' heads erased G.
31 Will. Walgrave, mil. . Buers.
Party per pale Arg. and G.
32 Tho. Rowse, arm.
S. two bars engrailed Arg.
Anno Name. Place.
83 Nic. Garnish, arm.
Arg. a chevron engrailed Az. between three scallops S.
34 Lionel Talmarsh, arm. Helmingham.
Arg, fretty S.
35 Rob. Forth, arm.
36 Tho. Crofts, arm. . . Saxmundham.
O. three bulls' heads coupee S.
37 Will. Spring, mil. . . ut prius.
38 Tho. Eden, arm.
Arg. on a fess G. three garbs O. between two chevrons
Az. charged with escalops Arg.
39 Antho. Wingfield . . Letheringham.
Arg. a bend G. cotised S. three wings of the first.
40 Hen. Warner, arm.
41 Antho. Felton, arm. . Play ford.
G. two lions passant Erm. crowned O.
42 Edw. Bacon, arm. . . ut prius,
43 Edwin Withipol . . . Christ Church in Ipswich.
Party per pale O. and G. three lions passant regardant,
armed S. langued Arg. a bordure interchanged.
44 Tho. S tut vile, arm. . . Dallam.
Barruly, Arg. and G. a lion rampant S.
Nicol. Bacon, mil. . . ut prius.
1 Nicol. Bacon, mil. . . ut prius,
2 Edm. Bokemham, arm.
3 Tho. Playters, arm. . . Sotterley.
Bendy wavy of six Arg. and Az.
4 Antho. Penning, arm,
5 Joha. Wentworth, arm.
S. a chevron between three leopards^ heads O.
6 Lionel Talmarsh, arm. ut py'ias.
7 Geo= le Hunt, mil.
8 Tho. Tilney, arm. . . ut prius.
9 Calthorp Parker, mil. . ut prius.
10 Martin Stutevil . . . ut prius.
11 [AMP.] Ro. Brook, mil.
12 Rob. Barker, mil.
Per fess embattled O. and Az. three martlets counter-
13 Tho. Clench, arm.
14 Lio. Talmarsh, mil. et bar. ut prius.
15 Edw. Lewkenor, mil.
Az. a chevron Arg.
16 Joh. Wentworth, mil. . ut prius.
1 7 Hen. North, mil.
Az. a lion passant O. between three flowers-de-luce Arg.
Anno Name. Place.
18 Will. Spring, mil. . . ut prius,
19 VVill. Wetle, arm.
20 Rob. Brook, arm.
21 Nat. Bernardiston, mil. ut prius.
22 Galf. Pittman, arm.
1 Sam. Aylmer, arm. . . Cleydon.
Arg. a cross S. betwixt four Cornish choughs proper.
2 Joh. Prescot, mil.
S. a chevron l^etwixt three owls Arg.
3 Maur. Barrowe, arm.
S. two swords in saltire Arg. hilted betwixt four flowers-
de-luce O. within a border compone of the second and
4 Brampt. Gourden, arm. ut prius.
5 Hen. Hookenham^ arm.
6 Johan. Acton, arm.
7 Rob. Crane, mil. . . Chyston.
Arg. a fess betwixt three cross croslets fitchee G.
8 Will. Some, mil.
G. a chevron betwixt three mallets O.
9 Edw. Bacon, mil. . . ut prius,
10 Joh. Barker, arm. . . ut prius.
11 Joh. Rouse, mil. . . . ut prius,
12 Phil. Parker, mil. . . ut prius.
13 Ed. Duke, arm. . . . Brampton.
Az. a chevron betwixt three sterns Arg. membered G.
14 Joh. Clench, arm.
15 Sim. Dewes, mil. . . Stow-Hall.
O. three quatrefoils G.
16 Will. Spring, arm. . . ut prius.
17 Will. Castleton^ arm.
18 Maur. Barrowe, arm. . ut prius,
20 Joh. Cotton, arm.
22 Tho. Blosse, arm.
18. John'Higham, Arm. — I find this passage in the inge-
nious Michael lord Montaigne in France, in his " Essay of
Glory :^^*
" I have no name which is sufficiently mine. Of two I have
the one common to all my race, yea and also to others. There
is a family at Paris, and another at Montpelier, called Mon-
* Lib. ii. cap. 16.
taigiie; another in Britany, and one in Zantoigne, surnamed
De la Montaigne. The removing of one only syllable may so
confound our web, as I shall have a share in their glory, and
they perhaps a part of my shame. And my ancestors have
been heretofore surnamed Heigham, or Hiquem, a surname
which also belono;s to a house well known in EnHand.'^
Indeed the Highams (so named from a village in this county)-^
were (for I suspect them extinct), a right ancient family ; and
Sir Clement Heigham (ancestor to this John our sheritT), who
was a potent knight in his generation, lies buried under a
fair tomb in Thorning-church in Norfolk.
20. Robert Jermin, Mil. — He was a person of singular
piety, a bountiful benefactor to Emanuel College, and a man of
great command in this county. He was father to Sir Thomas
Jermin (privy councillor and vice- chamberlain to king Charles
the First) ; grandfather to Thomas and Henry Jermin, esquires ;
the younger of these, being lord chamberlain to our present
queen Mary, and sharing in her majesty^s sufferings during her
long exile in France, was by king Charles the Second deservedly
advanced Baron, and Earl of St. Alban^s.
33. Nicholas Bacon, Mil. — He was son to Sir Nicholas
and elder brother to Sir Francis Bacon, both lord chancellors of
England ; and afterward by king James, in the ninth of his
reign, on the 2 2d of May, created the first baronet of England.
36. Thomas Crofts, Arm. — He was a man of remark in
his generation ; father to Sir John Crofts, grandfather to ... .
Crofts,t who, for his fidelity to his sovereign during his suffer-
ing condition, and for several embassies, worthily performed to
the king of Poland and other princes^, was created Baron Crofts
by king Charles the Second.
15. SiMONDs Dewes, Mil. — This ,Sir Simonds was grand-
child unto Adrian Dewes, descended of the ancient stem of Des
Ewes, dynasts or lords of the Dition of Kessel in the Duchy of
Gelderland ; who came first thence, when that province was
wasted with civil war, in the beginning of king Henry the
He was bred in Cambridge, as appeared by his printed speech
(made in the Long Parliament), wherein he endeavoured to
prove it more ancient than Oxford. His genius addicted him
to the study of antiquity ; preferring rust before brightness, and
more conforming his mind to the garb of the former than mode
* Camden's Britannia (in English) in Suffolk.
t William lord Crofts of Saxham ; so created I8tli May, 10 Car I. He was
twice married, but left no issue. — Eo.
o 2
of the modern times. He was studious in Roman coin, to dis-
criminate true ones from such as were cast and counterfeit. He
passed not for price to procure a choice piece ; and was no less
careful in conserving, than curious in culling, many rare
records. He had plenty of precious medals, out of which a
methodical architect might contrive a fair fabric for the benefit
of posterity. His treasury afforded things as well new as old,
on the token that he much admired that the ordinances and
orders of the late Long Parhament did in bulk and number
exceed all the statutes made since the Conquest. He was
loving to learned men, to whom he desired to do all good of-
fices; and died about the year of our Lord 1653.
To conclude our description of Suffolk, I wish that therein
grain of all kinds may be had at so reasonable rates, that rich
and poor may be contented therewith. But if a famine should
happen here, let the poor not distrust Divine Providence,
whereof their grandfathers had so admirable a testimony, 15. .;
when, in a general dearth all over England, plenty of pease did
grow on the sea-shore near Dunwich (never set or sown by
human industry) w^hich, being gathered in full ripeness, much
abated the high prices in the markets, and preserved many hun-
dreds of hungry families from famishing.
John Batterley, divine and antiquary ; born at Bury 1647 ;
died 1708.
Sir Robert BEDiNGFiELD,lord Mayor of London in 1707 ; born
at Halesworth.
William Blair, surgeon and author; born at Lavenham 1766 ;
died 1822.
Edmund Bohun, political and miscellaneous writer ; born at
Ringsfield; living at the end of the l7th century.
Robert Bloomfield, author of "The Farmer's Boy/' &c. ; born
at Honnington near Bury 1766; died 1823.
William Bond, translator of Buchanan, and actor, who died on
the stage while acting in Zara 1735.
Peregrine Branwhite, ingenious poet and writer; born at
Lavenham 1745; died 1794.
William Burkitt, divine, commentator on the New Testa-
ment; born at Hitcham 1650; died 1703.
Edward Capell, commentator on Shakspeare ; born at Tros-
ton near Bury 1713; died 1781.
George Crabbe, divine and poet, author of '^^The Village/^
"The Borough/^ &c. ; born at Aldeburgh 1754; died 1832.
Rev. Sir John Cullum, bart. divine and author of the "His-
tory of Hawsted ;'^ born at Bury 1733 ; died 1785.
Arthur Duck, author of a volume of poems called "The
Thresher^s Miscellany ;" born at Ipswich 1680.
John Eachard, divine and wit ; born about 1636 ; died 1776.
Laurence Echard, divine and historian ; born at Barsham
1671; died 1730.
Dr, William Enfield, Unitarian divine, compiler of "The
Speaker," and numerous other works ; born at Sudbury
1741; died 1797-
Henry Falconberge, divine and benefactor ; born at Beccles;
died 1713.
Giles FiRMiN, nonconformist divine, physician, and author of
"The Real Christian;" died 1697.
Thomas Gainsborough, landscape and portrait painter ; born
at Sudbury 1727; died ^788.
Edmund Gillingwater, historian of his native town; born
at Lowestoif ; died 1813.
Thomas Herne, controversialist; died 1722.
Elizabeth Inchbald, dramatic writer and actress ; born at Stan-
ningfield 1756; died 1821.
Joseph Keble, lawyer and author; born 1332 ; died I7l0.
Richard Kidder, learned bishop of Bath and Wells ; died 1703.
John KiRBY, author of the "Suffolk Traveller," &c. ; died
John Joshua Kirby, F.R.S., A.S., son of the preceding, author
of a well-known treatise on Perspective ; born at Parham
17I6; died 1774.
William Layton, divine and antiquary ; born at Sproughton
1751 ; died 1831.
Sir Andrew Leake, naval commander; born at Low^estoff;
died 1705.
Capel Lofft, barrister, patron of Bloomfield; born at Bury
1751 ; died 1824.
George Pretyman, (Tomline), bishop of Winchester ; born
at Bury 1753; died 1827.
Clara Reeve, learned lady, author of " The Old English
Baron," &c.; born at Ipswich 1723 ; died 1807-
Humphrey Repton, landscape gardener and essayest; born at
Bury 1752; died 1818.
William Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury, author of
various works, sent to the Tower by James II.; born at
Fressingfield 1616; died 1693.
Anthony Sparrow, bishop of Norwich, author ; born at Dep-
den; died 1685.
Edward Thurlow^, lord high chancellor; born at Ashfield
1732; died 1806..
Thomas Thurlow, bishop of Durham, and brother of the
chancellor; born at Ashfield ; died 1791.
Sarah Trimmer, author of tracts, &c. for the moral and re-
ligious instruction of youth; born at Ipswich 1741; died
Admiral Samuel Uvedale; born at Barking 1729; died 1809.
Dr. Samuel Vince, professor of astronomy at Cambridge, author
and mathematician; born at Fressingfield ; died 1821.
William Wotton, learned divine and author; born at Wren-
tham 1666; died 1726.
Arthur Young, agriculturist and author ; born at Bradfield
hall 1741; died 1820.
*«* The county of Suffolk cannot as yet boast of a regular historian ; though
Kirby's "Suffolk Traveller," published in 1735 and 1764, may be considered
as the foundation for any future county history. Various publications, how-
ever, of a local nature have appeared at different times, which may greatly
contribute to the assistance of the future historian of the coimty ; as the histories
of Bury St. Edmund's, by E. Gillingwater (1804), by the Rev. W. Yates (1805),
and others ; Histories of Hawsted, by the Rev. J. Cullum (l784 and 1813) ; of Fram-
lingham, by R. Hawes and R. Loder (1798); of Lowestoff, by E. Gillingwater
(1780); of Hengrave, by J. Gage; and of Elmeswell and Campsey Ash (1790) i
the Lowestoff Guide (1812) ; and the History of Ipswich (1830).— Ed.
Surrey hath Middlesex (divided by the Thames) on the north ;
Kent on the east ; Sussex on the south ; Hants and Berk-shire
on the west. It may be allowed to be a square (besides its an-
gular expatiation in the south-west) of two-and-twenty miles ;
and is not improperly compared to a cinnamon tree, whose
bark is far better than the body thereof; for the skirts and
borders bounding this shire are rich and fruitful, whilst the ground
in the inward parts thereof is very hungry and barren, though, by
reason of the clear air and clean ways, full of many genteel habi-
The most and best of this kind in England (not to say Europe)
is digged up nigh Ryegate in this county. It is worth four-pence
a bushel at the pit, sixteen-pence at the wharf in London, three
shillings at Newbury, and westward twice as dear. Double the
use thereof in making cloth, to scour out stains, and to thicken
it, or (to use the tradesman's term) to bring it to proof. Though
the transporting thereof be by law forbidden, yet private profit
so prepondereth the public, that ships ballasted therewith are
sent over into Holland, where they have such magazines of this
earth, that they are ready (on their own rates) to furnish us
therewith, if there should be any occasion.
And now we are mentioning of earth, near Non-such is a vein
of potter's earth, much commended in its kind, of which cru-
cibles are njade for the melting of gold, and many other ne-
cessary utensils.
As in this county, and in Cash-Haulton especially, there be
excellent trouts : so are there plenty of the best wall-nuts tn
the same place, as if nature had observed the rule of physic.
Post pisces nnces. Some difficulty there is in cracking
the name thereof; why wall-nuts, having no affinity with
the wall, whose substantial trees need to borrow nothing
thence for their support. Nor are they so called because
walled with shells, which is common to all otheV nuts. The
truth is, gual or wall in the old Dutch signifieth stramje or
exotic (whence Welsh, that is foreigners) ; these nuts being
no natives of England or Europe, and probably first fetched
from Persia, because called nux Persique in the French tongue.
Surely, some precious worth is in the kernels thereof (though
charged to be somewhat obstructive, and stopping of the sto-
mach), because provident nature hath wrapped them in so
many coverts ; a thick green one (falling off when ripe), a
hard yellowish and a bitter blackish one. As for the timber of
the wall-nut tree, it may be termed an English Shittim-wood
for the fineness, smoothness, and durableness thereof ; whereof
the best tables, -with stocks of guns, and other manufactures are
The best which England affords groweth about Dorking* in
this county, yet short in goodness of what is imported out of
Turkey. Though the smell and shade thereof be accounted
unwholesome ; not only pretty toys for children, but useful tools
for men, and especially mathematical instruments, are made
thereof. But it is generally used for combs, as also by such as
grave pictures and arms in wood, as better because harder than
pear-tree for that purpose. For mine own part, let me speak
it with thankfulness to two good lords and patrons, it hath not
cost me so much in wood and timber of all kinds, for the last
ten years, as for box for one twelvemonth.
I mean not such which is only for pleasure (whereof Surrey
hath more than a share with other shires) to feast the sight and
smell with flowers and walks, whilst the rest of the body is
famished, but such as is for profit, which some seventy years
since was first brought into this county, before which time great
deficiency thereof in England.
For we fetched most of our cherries from Flanders, apples
from France ; and hardly had a mess of rath-ripe pease but from
Holland, which were dainties for ladies, they came so far, and
cost so dear. Since gardening hath crept out of Holland to
Sandwich in Kent, and thence into this county, where thougli
they have given six pounds an acre and upward, they have made
their rent, lived comfortably, and set many people on work.
Oh, the incredible profit by digging of ground ! For though
it is confessed that the plough beats the spade out of distance
for speed (almost as much as the press beats the pen) ; yet
what the spade wants in the quantity of the ground it manureth,
it recompenseth with the plenty of tlie fruit it yieldeth ; that
* Boxhill, near Dorking, is still famous for its box-trees, which were originally
planted there by Thomas Howard earl of Arundel. — Ed.
which is set multiplying a hundred-fold more than what is
It is incredible how many poor people in London live thereon^ so
that in some seasons gardens feed more poor people than the field.
It may be hoped that, in process of time, aniseeds, cummin-
seeds, caraway-seeds (yea, rice itself), with other garden ware now
brought from beyond the seas, may hereafter grow in our land,
enough for its use, especially if some ingenious gentlemen
would encourage the industrious gardeners by letting ground on
reasonable rates unto them.
Pass we from Gardening, a kind of tapestry inearth, to Tapes-
try, a kind of gardening in cloth. The making here )f was
either unknown or unused in England, till about the end of
the reign of king James, when he gave two thousand po mds to
Sir Francis Crane, to build therewith a house at Morec ark for
that purpose. Here they only imitated old patterns, un il they
had procured one Francis Klein, a German, to be th3ir de-
This Francis Klein was born at Rostock, but bred in the
court of the king of Denmark at Copenhagen. To improve his
skill he travelled into Italy, and lived at Venice, and became
first known unto Sir Henry Wootton, who was the English
lieger there. Indeed there is a stiff contest betwixt the Dutch
and Italians, which should exceed in this mystery ; and there-
fore Klein endeavoured to unite their perfections. After his
return to Denmark, he was invited thence into England by
prince Charles, a virtuoso, judicious in all liberal mechanical
arts, which proceeded on due proportion. And though Klein
chanced to come over in his absence (being then in Spain), yet
king James gave order for his entertainment, allowing him
liberal accommodations ; and sent him back to the king of
Denmark with a letter, which, for the form thereof, I conceive
not unworthy to be inserted, transcribing it with my own hand,
as followeth, out of a copy compared with the original :
^^ Jacobus, Dei gratia Magnse Britanniae, Francise, et Hiberniae
Rex, Fidei Defensor, Serenissimo Principi ac Domino Domino
Christiano Quarto, e^dem gratia Danise, Norvegise, Vandalo-
rum, et Gothorum regi, duci Slesuici, Holsatiee, Stormariee, et
Ditmarsice, comiti in Oldenburg et Delmenhorsh, fratri, com-
patri, consanguineo, et affini nostro charissimo, salutem et
felicitatem, serenissimus princeps frater, compater, consangui-
neus, et aflinis charissimus.
'^ Cum Franciscus Klein, Pictor, qui literas nostras fert, in
animo habere indicasset (si Vestr^ modo Serenitate volente id
fieret) filio nostro principi Walliee operam suam locare, accepi-
mus benevolo id k Vestr^ Serenitate fuisse concessum, data non
solum illi quamprimum videretur discedendi venia^ verum etiam
sumptibus erogatis ad iter, quo nomine est quod Vestree Sereni-
tati gratias agamus. Et nos quidem certiores facti de illius in
Britanniam jam adventu^ quanquam absente filio nostro, satis
illi interim de rebus omnibus prospeximus. Nunc vero nego-
tiorum causa in Daniam reversurus, tenetur ex pacto quampri-
mum id commode poterit ad nos revenire. Quod ut ei per
Vestram Serenitatem facere liceat peramanter rogamus. Vestra
interea omnia, fortunas, valetudinem, imperium Deo commen-
dantes Optimo Maximo.
'' Datum h Regia nostra Albania, die Julii 8, anno 1623.
^^ Serenitatis Vestrse frater amantissimus
" Jacobus Rex.^^
I perceive that princes, when writing to princes, subscribe
their names ; and generally superscribe them to subjects. But
the kmg of Denmark detained him all that summer (none wil-
hngly part with a jewel) to perfect a piece which he had begun
for him before. This ended, then over he comes, and settled
with his family in London, where he received a gratuity of an
hundred pounds per annum, well paid him, until the beginning
of our civil wars. And now fervet opus of tapestry at More-
clark, his designing being the soul^ as the working is the body,
of that mystery.
There are two most beautiful palaces in this county, both
built by kings. First, Richmond, by king Henry the Seventh,
most pleasantly seated on the Thames ; a building much be-
holding to Mr. Speed's representing it in his map of this county.
Otherwise (being now plucked down) the form and fashion
thereof had for the future been forgotten.
None-such, the other, built by king Henry the Eighth,
whereof our English antiquary* hath given such large commen-
dations. Indeed, what Sebastianus Cerlius, most skilful in
building, spake of the Pantheon at Rome, may be apphed to
this pile, that it is " ultimum exemplar consummatee architec-
But grant it a non-such for building (on which account this
and Windsor castle are only taken notice of in the description
of Sebastian Braune) ; yet, in point of clean and neat situation,
it hath some-such, not to say some above-such. Witness Wim-
bleton in this county, a daring structure, built by Sir Thomas
Cecil in eighty-eight, when the Spaniards invaded, and (blessed
be God !) were conquered by our nation.
* Camden, in the Description of Surrey.
They were found on this occasion some two-and-forty years
since (which falleth out to be 1618). One Henry Wicker^ in a
dry summer and great want of water for cattle, discovered, in the
concave of a horse or neat's footing, some water standing. His
suspicion that it was the stale of some beast was quickly con-
futed by the clearness thereof. With his pad-staff he did dig a
square hole about it, and so departed.
Returning the next day, with some difficulty he recovered
the same place (as not sufficiently particularized to his memory
in so wide a common) ; and found the hole he had made, filled
and running over with most clear water. Yet cattle (though
tempted with thirst) would not drink thereof, as having a mine-
ral taste therein.
It is resolved that it runneth through some veins of alum,
and. at first was only used outwardly for the healing of sores.
Indeed simple wounds have been soundly and suddenly cured
therewith, which is imputed to the abstersiveness of this water,
keeping a wound clean, till the balsam of nature doth recover it.
Since it hath been inw^ardly taken, and (if the inhabitants may
be believed) diseases have here met with their cure, though
they came from contrary causes. Their convenient distance
from London addeth to the reputation of these waters ; and no
wonder if citizens coming thither, from the worst of smokes
into the best of airs, find in themselves a perfective alteration.
There is a river in this county, which, at a place called The
Swallow, sinketh into the earth, and surgeth again some two
miles off, nigh Letherhead ; so that it runneth (not in an entire
stream, but) as it can find and force its own passage the inter-
jacent distance under the earth. I listen not to the country
people telling it was experimented by a goose, which was put
in, and came out again with life (though without feathers) ; but
hearken seriously to those who judiciously impute the subsi-
dency of the earth in the interstice aforesaid to some underground
hollowness made by that water in the passage thereof. This
river is more properly termed Mole, than that in Spain is on
the like occasion called Anas, that is a duck or drake. For moles
(as our Surrey river) work under ground, whilst ducks (which
A7ias doth not) dive under water ; so that the river Alpheus
may more properly be entitled Anas, if it be true, what is
reported thereof, that, springing in Peloponnesus, it runneth
under the sea, and riseth up again in Sicily.t
Nor may we forget a vault (wherein the finest sand I ever
* Now called Epsom— Ed. t Virgil, iEneid i. 3.
saw) nigh Ryegate, capable conveniently to receive five hundred
men ; which subterranean castle, in ancient time, was the recep-
tacle of some great person, having several rooms therein. If it
be merely natural, it doth curiously imitate art ; if purely arti-
ficial, it doth most lively simulate nature.
" The vale of Holms-dale
Never won, ne ever shall."]
This proverbial rhyme hath one part of history, the other of
prophecy therein ; and if, on examination, we find the first to
be true, we may believe the other the better.
Holms-dale lieth partly in this shire, and partly in Kent ;
and indeed hath been happy in this respect, that several battles
being fought therein and thereabouts, betwixt our Saxon kings
(the true owners of the land) and the Danes, the former proved
victorious. Thus was not Holms-dale won pro una et altera et
tertia vice.
But I hope I may humbly mind the men of Holms-dale,
that when king William the Conqueror had vanquished king
Harold, at Battle in Sussex, he marched with his army directly
to London, through the very middle and bowels of Holms-dale ;
and was it not won at that time ? However, if this vale hath
not been won hitherto, I wish and hope it never may be here-
after, by a foreign nation invading it.
Henry, eldest son of king Henry the Eighth and queen
Katharine dowager, was born at Richmond in this county, anno
Domini 1509, on the first of January.* As his parents were
right glad for this New-year^s gift of Heaven^s sending, so the
greater their grief when within two months he was taken away
again. The untimely death of this prince, as also of another
son by the same queen (which lived not to be christened), was
alleged by king Henry the Eighth, in the public court held in
Blackfriars, London, about his divorce, as a punishment of
God ujDon him, for begetting them on the body of his brother's
wife. This short-lived prince Henry was buried in Westmin-
ster the 23d of February.
Henry of Oatlands (so I have heard him called in his
cradle), fourth and youngest son of king Charles the First and
queen Mary, was born at Oatlands in this county, anno 1640.
This I thought fit to observe, both because I find St. James's
by some mistaken for the place of his birth, and because that
house wherein he was born is buried in effect ; I mean, taken
down to the ground. He was commonly called duke of Glou-
* Speed's Chronicle, page 789.
cester^ by a court prolepsis (from the king manifesting his
intentions in due time to make him so) before any solemn cre-
ation. Greatness being his only guilt, that he was the son of a
good king (which many men would wish, and no child could
The then present power, more of covetousness than kindness
(unwilling to maintain him either like or unlike the son of his
father) permitted him to depart the land, with scarce tolerable
accommodations, and the promise of a [never performed] pen-
sion for his future support. A passage I meet with in my
worthy friend, concerning this duke, deserveth to be written in
letters of gold :*
" In the year 1654, almost as soon as his two elder brethren
had removed themselves into Flanders, he found a strong prac-
tice in some of the queen^s court to seduce him to the church of
Rome, whose temptations he resisted beyond his years, and
thereupon was sent for by them into Flanders.^^
He had a great appetite to learning, and a quick digestion,
able to take as much as his tutors could teach him. He fluently
could speak many — understood more — modern tongues. He was
able to express himself in matters of importance presently, pro-
perly, solidly, to the admiration of such who trebled his age.
Judicious his curiosity to inquire into navigation, and other
mathematical mysteries. His courtesy set a lustre on all, and
commanded men^s affections to love him.
His life may be said to have been all in the night of affliction,
rising by his birth a little before the setting of his fathei^'s, and
setting bv his death a little after the rising of his brother's
peaceable reign. It seems Providence, to prevent excess,
thought fit to temper the general mirth of England with some
mourning. With his namesake prince Henry he completed
not twenty years ; and what was said of the uncle was as true
of the nephew : " Fatuos a morte defendit ipsa insulsitas ; si
cui plus cceteris aliquantulum salis insit (quod miremini) statim
He deceased at Whitehall on Thursday the 13th of Septem-
ber 1660; and was buried (though privately) solemnly, 'S^eris
et spirantibus lacrymis,'' in the chapel of king Henry the Se-
venth, r
I meet with few (if any) in this county, being part of the dio-
cese of politic Gardiner. The fable is well known of an ape,
which, having a mind to a chesnut lying in the fire, made the
foot of a spaniel to be his tongs, by the proxy whereof he got
out the nut for himself. Such the subtlety of Gardiner, who
minding to murder any poor Protestant, and willing to save
himself from the scorching of general hatred, would put such a
* Dr. Heylin, in his Life and Reign of King Charles, p. 157.
t Sir Francis Nethersole, in his Funeral Oration on Prince Henry, p. 16.
person into the fire by the hand of Bonner, by whom he was
sent for up to London, and there destroyed,
Eleanor Cobham, daughter to the Lord Cobham of Ster-
borough castle in this county, was afterwards married unto
Humphrey Plantagenet, duke of Gloucester. This is she who,
when alive, was so persecuted for being a Wickliffite, and for
many heinous crimes charged upon her ; and since her memory
hangs still on the file betwixt confessor and malefactor. But I
believe that the voluminous pains of Mr. Fox, in vindicating
her innocency against the cavils of Alan Cope and others, have
so satisfied all indifferent people, that they will not grudge her
position under this title. Her troubles happened under king
Henry the Sixth, anno Domini 14 . . .
Nicholas of Fernham, or de Fileceto, was born at Fern-
ham in this county, and bred a physician in Oxford. Now our
nation esteemeth physicians, little physic, little worth, except
far fetched from foreign parts. Wherefore this Nicholas, to ac-
quire more skill and repute to himself, travelled beyond the
seas. First he fixed at Paris, and there gained great esteem, ac-
counted Famosus Anglicus.^ Here he continued until that uni-
versity was in effect dissolved, through the discords betwixt the
clergy and the citizens. Hence he removed, and for some years
lived in Bononia. Returning home, his fame was so great, that
he became physician to king Henry the Third.f The vivacity
and health of this patient (who reigned longer than most men
live) was an effect of his care. Great were the gifts the king
conferred upon him, and at last made him bishop of Chester.
Wonder not that a physician should prove a prelate, seeing this
Fernham was a general scholar. Besides, since the Reformation,
in the reign of queen Elizabeth, we had J. Coldwel, doctor of
physic, a bishop of Sarum. After the resignation of Chester,
he accepted of the bishopric of Durham. This also he surren-
dered (after he had sitten nine years in that see), reserving only
three manors for his maintenance.! He wrote many books,
much esteemed in that age, of '^ the practice in Physic and use
of Herbs,^^§ and died in a private life 1257.
Walter de Merton was born at Merton in this county ;
and in the reign of king Henry the Third, when chancellors
were chequered in and out, three times he discharged that office :
1. Anno 1260, placed in by the king; displaced by the barons,
to make room for Nicholas of Ely: 2. Anno 1261, when the
king (counting it no equity or conscience that his lords should
* Mathew Paris, in anno 1229. f Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, p. 293.
J Isaclcson's Chronicle. § Bale, ut supra.
obtrude a chancellor on him) restored him to his place, continu*
ing therein some three years : 3. Anno 1273, when he was re-
placed in that office for a short time.
He was also preferred bishop of Rochester, that a rich prelate
might maintain a poor bishopric. He founded Merton College
in Oxford, which hath produced more famous school-men than
all England (I had almost said Europe) besides. He died in
the year 1277^ in the fifth of king Edward the First.
Thomas Cranley was in all probability born at and named
from Cranley (in Blackheath Hundred) in this county. It con-
firmeth the conjecture, because I cannot find any other village
so named in all England. Bred he was in Oxford, and became
the first warden of New College ;* thence preferred archbishop
of Dublin in Ireland. Thither he went over 1398, accompany-
ing Thomas Holland duke of Surrey and lieutenant of Ireland;
and in that kingdom our Cranley was made by king Henry the
Fourth chancellor, and by king Henry the Fifth chief justice
thereof. It seems, he finding the Irish possessed with a rebelli-
ous humour, bemoaned himself to the king in a terse poem of
106 verses, which Leland perused with much pleasure and de-
light. Were he but half so good as some make him, he was to
be admired. Such a case, and such a jewel, such a presence,
and a prelate clear in complexion, proper in stature, bountiful
in house-keeping and house-repairing ; a great clerk, deep di-
vine, and excellent preacher. Thus far we have gone along very
willingly with our author :t but now leave him to go alone by
himself, unwilling to follow him any farther, for fear of a tang of
blasphemy, when bespeaking him, "Thou art fairer than the
children of men ; full of grace are thy lips,^^t &c.
Anno 1417 he returned into England, being fourscore years
old ; sickened, and died at Faringdon ; and lieth buried in New
College chapel, and not in Dublin, as some§ have related.
Nicholas West was born at Putney in this county ;|| bred
first at Eaton, then at King's College in Cambridge, where
(when a youth) he was a Rakel in grain ; for, something crossing
him in the College, he could find no other way to work his revenge
than by secret setting on fire the master's lodgings, part where-
of he burnt to the ground. Immediately after, this incendiary
(and was it not high time for him?) left the college; and this
little Herostratus lived for a time in the country, debauched
enough for his conversation.
" But they go far who turn not again ;'^ and in him the pro-
verb was verified, " Naughty boys sometimes make good men.''
* New College Register, anno 1380.
f T. Marleburgensis, of the Writers of Ireland. X Psalm xlv. 2.
§ J. Bale and J. Pits.
li Mr. Hatcher's Manuscript of the Fellows of King's College.
He seasonably retrenched his wildness, turned hard student^ be-
came an eminent scholar and most able statesman ; and, after
smaller promotions, was at last made bishop of Ely, and often
employed in foreign embassies. And now, had it been possible,
he woLdd have quenched the fire he kindled in the college with
his own tears : and, in expression of his penitence, became a
worthy benefactor to the house, and rebuilt the master's lodg-
ings firm and fair from the ground. No bishop of England was
better attended with menial servants, or kept a more bountiful
house, which made his death so much lamented, anno Domini
John Parkhurst was born at Gilford in this county;* bred
first in Magdalen, then in Merton College, in Oxford. Here it
was no small part of praise, that he was tutor, yea Maecenas, to
John Jewel. After his discontinuance, returning to Oxford, it
was no small comfort unto him to hear his pupil read his learn-
ed Humanity lectures to the Somato Christians (reader, I coin
not the word myself, but have took it in payment from a good
handt) ; that is, to those of Corpus Christi College, to which
house then Jewel was removed. Hereupon Mr. Parkhurst
made this distich :
Olim discijndus niilii, chare Juelle.J'uisti ;
Nunc ero discijndus, te retiuetite, tuus.
" Dear Jewel, scholar once thou wast to me,
Now 'gainst thy will I scholar turn to thee."
Indeed he was as good a poet as any in that age ; and de-
lighted to be an anti-epigrammatist to John White, bishop of
Winchester ;J whom, in my opinion, he far surpassed both in
phrase and fancy.
Mr. Parkhurst, when leaving Oxford, was presented parson,
shall I say, or bishop of Cleve in Gloucestershire ; as which
may seem rather a diocese than a parish, for the rich revenue
thereof. But let none envy " Beneficium opimum Beneficiario
optimo,^^ (a good living to an incumbent who will do good there-
with.) He laid himself out in works of charity and hospitality.
He used to examine the pockets of such Oxford scholars as re-
paired unto him, and always recruited them with necessaries ; so
that such who came to him with heavy hearts and light purses,
departed from him with light hearts and heavy purses. §
But see a sudden alteration. King Edward the Sixth dies ;
and then he, who formerly entertained others, had not a house
to hide himself in. Parkhurst is forced to post speedily and
secretly beyond the seas, where he remained all the reign of
queen Mary ; and, providing for his return in the first of queen
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britaunicis ; and Godwin, in the Bishops of Norwich.
t Dr Humphrey, in the Latin life of Jewel, p. 26.
t See Fox's Acts and Monuments, p. 1471.
§ Dr. Humphrey, in the Latin Life of Jewel, p. 30.
Elizabeth, was robbed of that Uttle he had, by some searchers ap-
pointed for that purpose. Were not these thieves themselves
robbed, I mean of their expectation, who hoped to enrich them-
selves by pillaging an exile and a poet ? It grieved him most
of all that he lost the fair copy of his Epigrams, though after-
wards with much ado he recovered them from his foul papers.*
These at last he put in print, e^'^^^^^^^^* /<^'^^^^ senex edidit,
without any trespass on his gravity ; such his poems being so
witty that a young man, so harmless that an old man, need not
be of them ashamed.
Being returned into England, he was by queen Elizabeth pre-
ferred to the bishopric of Norwich ; and was consecrated Sep-
tember 1, 1560. Fourteen years he sat in that see, and died
Thomas Ravis was born of worthy parentage at Maulden in
this county ; J bred in Christ Church in Oxford, whereof he was
dean, and of which university he was twice vice-chancellor.
Afterwards, when many suitors greedily sought the bishopric of
Gloucester then vacant, the lords of the council requested Dr.
Ravis to accept thereof. §
As he was not very willing to go thither, so (after his three
years^ abode there) those of Gloucester were unwilling he
should go thence, who in so short a time had gained the good
liking of all sorts, that some who could scant brook the name
of bishop were content to give (or rather to pay) him a good
report. II
Anno 1607 l^e was removed to London ; and there died on
the 14th of December 1609 ; and lieth buried under a fair tomb
in the wall at the upper end of the north part of his cathedral.^
Robert Abbot, D.D. was born at Guildford in this county ;
bred in Baliol College in Oxford, whereof he became principal,
and king's professor of divinity in that University. What is
said of the French, so graceful in their garb, that they make
any kind of clothes becom^ themselves ; so general was his
learning, he made any liberal employment beseem him ; reading,
writing, preaching, opposing, answering, and moderating ; who
could disentangle truth, though complicated with errors on all
sides. He so routed the reasons of Bellarmin, the Romish
champion, that he never could rally them again. Yet prefer-
ment (which is ordered in heaven) came down very slowly on
this Doctor; whereof several reasons are assigned: 1. His hu-
* Dr. Humphrey in the Latin life of Jewel, p. 99. ■».
t Bishop Godwin, in his Bishops of Norwich.
X So expressed in his epitaph on his monument in St, Paul's.
§ Sir J. Harrington, in his additional supply to bishop Godwin's catalogue of
Bishops, p. 32.
II Bishop Godwin, in his Bishops of Lonaon. ^ Idem,
mility affected no high promotion. 2. His foes traduced him
for a Puritan, who indeed was a right godly man, and cordial to
the discipHne, as doctrine, of the church of England, 3. His
friends were loath to adorn the church with the spoil of the Uni-
versity, and mar a professsor to make a bishop.
However, preferment at last found him out; when he was
consecrated bishop of Salisbury, December 3, 1615. Herein
he equalled the feUcity of Suffridus bishop of Chichester, that,
being himself a bishop, he saw his brother George at the same
time archbishop of Canterbury. Of these two, George was the
more plausible preacher, Robert the greater scholar ; George
the abler statesman, Robert the deeper divine; gravity did
frown in George, and smile in Robert.
But, alas ! he was hardly warm in his see before cold in his
coffin, being one of the five bishops which Salisbury saw in six
years. His death happened anno 1617.
George Abbot was born at Guilford in this county, being
one of that happy tern ion of brothers ; whereof two, eminent
prelates ; the third, lord mayor of London. He was bred in
Oxford, wherein he became head of University College ; a pious
man, and most excellent preacher, as his lectures on Jonah do
He did first creep, then run, then fly into preferment, or ra-
ther preferment did fly upon him without his expectation. He
was never incumbent on any living with cure of souls, but was
mounted from a lecturer to a dignitary ; so that he knew well
what belonged to the stipend and benevolence of the one and
the dividend of the other ; but was utterly unacquainted with
the taking of tithes, with the many troubles attending it, toge-
ther with the causeless molestations which persons presented
meet with in their respective parishes. And because it is hard
for one to have a fellow-sufffering of that whereof he never had
a suffering, this (say some) was the cause that he was so harsh
to ministers when brought before him.
Being chaplain to the earl of Dunbar, then omni-prevalent
with king James, he was unexpectedly preferred archbishop of
Canterbury, being of a more fatherly presence than those who
might almost have been his fathers for age in the church of
England. I find two things much charged on his memory :
first, that in his house he respected his secretary above his chap-
lains, and out of it always honoured cloaks above cassocks, lay
above clergy-men : secondly, that he connived at the spreading
of non-conformity, insomuch that I read in a modern author,
'^ Had bishop Laud succeeded Bancroft, and the project of con-
formity been followed without interruption, there is little ques-
tion to be made but that our Jerusalem (by this time) might
have been a city at unity in itself.'' *
* The Observator rescued, p, 272.
Yet are there some of archbishop Abbot's relations, who (as I
am informed) will undertake to defend him, that he was in no
degree guilty of these crimes laid to his charge.
This Archbishop was much humbled with a casual homicide of a
keeper of the lord Zouch^s in Bramzell park, though soon after
he was solemnly quitted from any irregularity thereby.
In the reign of king Charles, he was sequestered from his
jurisdiction ; say some, on the old account of that homicide ;
though others say, for refusing to license a sermon of Dr. Sib-
thorp's. Yet there is not an express of either in the instru-
ment of sequestration ; the commission only saying, in the
general, ^' That the said archbishop could not at that present,
in his own person, attend those services which were otherwise
proper for his cognizance and jurisdiction."
For my own part, I have cause to believe that as vulnus
semel sanatum novo vulnere recrudescit, so his former obnoxious-
ness for that casualty was renewed on the occasion of his refusal to
license that sermon, with some other of his court-un-compli-
ances. This archbishop died anno Domini 1633, having erected
a large hospital with liberal maintenance at Guildford, the place
of his nativity.
Richard Corbet, D.D. was born at Ewel in this county,
and, from a student in, became dean of, Christ Church, then
bishop of Oxford ; — a high wit and most excellent poet ; of a
courteous carriage, and no destructive nature to any who of-
fended him, counting himself plentifully repaid with a jest
upon him. He afterwards was advanced bishop of Norwich,
where he died anno Domini 1635.
Thomas Cromwel was born at Putney in this county,
of whom I have given measure, pressed down and running over,
in my " Church History."
William Howard, son to Thomas Howard, second of
that surname, duke of Norfolk, was by queen Mary created
baron of Effingham in this county, and by her made lord admi-
ral of England, which place he discharged with credit. I find
he was one of the first favourers and furtherers, with his purse
and countenance, of the strange and wonderful discovery of
Russia.* He died anno Domini 1556.
Charles Howard, son to the Lord William aforesaid,
succeeded him (though not immediatelyt) in the Admiralty; — •
a hearty gentleman, and cordial to his sovereign ; of a most
* Hackluyt, in his Sea Voyages, in his Epistle Dedicatory.
f The father was appointed lord high admiral, by queen Mary, in 1554 ; the son,
by queen Elizabeth, in 1585. — Ed.
proper person, one reason why queen Elizabeth (who, though
she did not value a jewel by, valued it the more for, a fair case) re-
flected so much upon him. The first CAddence he gave of his
prowess was, when the emperor's sister, the spouse of Spain,
with a fleet of 130 sails, stoutly and proudly passed the narrow
seas, his lordship, accompanied with ten ships only of her ma-
jesty's navy royal, environed their fleet in a most strange and
warlike sort, enforced them to stoop gallant, and to vail their
bonnets for the queen of England.*
His service in the eighty-eight is notoriously known, when,
at the first news of the Spaniards' approach, he towed at a
cable w4th his own hands, to draw out the harbour-bound ships
into the sea.f I dare boldly say, he drew more, though not
by his person, by his presence and example, than any ten in
the place. True it is, he was no deep seaman (not to be ex-
pected from one of his extraction) ; but had skill enough to
know those who had more skill than himself, and to follow
their instructions; and would not starve the queen's service by
feeding his own sturdy wilfulness, but was ruled by the expe-
rienced in sea- matters ; the queen having a navy of oak, and an
admiral of osier.
His last eminent service was, when he was commander of
the sea (as Essex of the land) forces, at the taking of Cadiz, for
which he was made Earl of Nottingham, the last of the queen^s
His place was of great profit (prizes being so frequent in that
age), though great his necessary and vast his voluntary ex-
penses, keeping (as I have read) seven standing houses at the
same time, at London, Ryegate, Efiingham, Bletchingley, &c.; so
that the wonder is not great if he died not very wealthy.
He lived to be very aged, who wrote Man (if not married) in
the first of queen Elizabeth, being an invited guest at the so-
lemn consecration of Matthew Parker at Lambeth ; and many
years after, by his testimony, confuted those lewd and loud
lies, which the Papists tell of the Nag's Head in Cheapside.J
He resigned his admiralty in the reign of king James to the
duke of Buckingham ;§ and died towards the latter end of the
reign of the king aforesaid. ||
Sir Robert Dudley, Knight, son to Robert Dudley earl of
Leicester by Douglas Shefeld (whether his mistress or wife
God knoweth, many men being inclinable charitably to believe
the latter) was born at Shene in this county, and bred by his
* Hacluyt, in his Sea Voyages, in his Epistle Dedicatory.
t Camden's Elizabeth, in 88. % Mason de Ministerio Anglicano.
§ Buckingham (then only a Marquis) was appointed admiral, January 28, 1619-
20 — Eu.
I He was created Earl of Nottingham, October 12, 1588; and died December
13, 1629 Eu.
mother (out of his father's reach) at Offington in Sussex,* He
afterwards became a most complete gentleman in all suitable
accomplishments. Endeavouring, in the reign of king James,
to prove his legitimacy, and meeting with much opposition
from the courts in distaste he left his land, and went over into
Italy. But worth is ever at home, and carrieth its own welcome
along with it. He became a favourite to the duke of Florence^
who highly reflected on his abilities, and used his directions in
all his buildings. At this time Leghorn from a child started a
man without ever being a youth, and of a small town grew a
great city on a sudden ; and is much beholding to this Sir Ro-
bert for its fairness and firmness, as chief contriver of both.
But by this time his adversaries in England had procured
him to be called home by a special privy seal ; which he refused
to obey, and thereupon all his lands in England were seized on
by the king, by the statute of fugitives. These his losses dou-
bled the love of the duke of Florence unto him. And indeed
Sir Robert was a much meriting person on many accounts ; be-
ing: 1. An excellent mathematician; especially for the practi-
cal part thereof in architecture : 2. An excellent physician ; his
Catholicon at this day finding good esteem amongst those of
that faculty: 3. An excellent navigator; especially in the
Western Seas.
Indeed long before his leaving of England, whilst as yet he
was rectus in curia, well esteemed in queen Elizabeth's court,
he sailed with three small ships to the isle of Trinidad, in
which voyage he sunk and took nine Spanish ships, whereof
one an armada of 600 tons.f
It must not be forgotten how he was so acceptable to Ferdi-
nand the Second, emperor of Germany^ that, by his letters pa-
tent, bearing date at Vienna, March the 9th, 1620, he conferred
on him and his heirs the title of a Duke o'f the Sacred Empire.
Understand it a title at large (as that of Count Arundel's) with-
out the assignation of any proper place unto him. How long
he survived this honour, it is to me unknown. |
Nicholas Ockham was bred a Franciscan in Oxford, and
became the eighteenth public lecturer of his convent in that
university. He is highly praised by the writers of his own or-
der for his learning, whom I do believe, notwithstanding Bale
writeth so bitterly against him.§ He flourished anno 1320.
William Ockham was born in this county, in a village so
* Mr. Dugdale, in his Illustrations of Warwickshire, title Kenelworth Castle,
f Hackluyt's Voyages, second part, p. 574.
% He died in a palace of the duke of Florence, in 1649. See a farther account
of him in the " History of Leicestershire," vol. i. p. 5:59. — Ei>.
§ De Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent, v, num. 17.
called of Oaks ;* and indeed our William was all heart of oak,
as soon will appear.
He was first bred under John Scotus ; and afterwards served
him as Aristotle did his master Plato, disproving his principles,
and first setting on foot a new sort of sophistry. Then it was
hard to hear any thing in the schools for the high railing betwixt
the Reals, headed by John Duns Scotus ; Nominals, fighting un-
der their General Ockhani ; neither of them conducing much to
the advance of religion.
Our Ockham, flushed with success against John Scotus, un-
dertook another John, of higher power and place, even Pope
John the Three-and-twentieth, and gave a mortal wound to his
temporal power over princes. He got a good guardian, viz.
Lewis of Bavaria the emperor, whose court was his sanctuary ;
so that we may call him a schoolman courtier. But he was
excommunicated by the Pope, and the masters of Paris con-
demned him for a heretic, and burnt his books. This, I con^
ceive, was the cause why Luther was so versed in his works,
which he had at his fingers' ends, being the sole schoolman in
his library whom he esteemed.
However, at last the Pope took wit in his anger, finding it no
policy to enrage so sharp a pen ; and though I find no recanta-
tion or public submission of Ockham, yet he was restored to his
state, and the repute of an acute schoolman. Now because he
is generally complained of, for his soul of opposition (gain-
saying whatever Scotus said) it will serve to close his epitaph,
what was made on a great paradox-monger, possessed with the
like contradicting spirit :
Sed jam est mortuus, lit ajrparet,
Quod si vivcret id negaret.
" But now he's dead, as plainly doth appear ;
Yet would den^ it, were he living here.",j
He flourished under king Edward the Third; and, dying
1330, was buried at Monchen in Bavaria.t
John Holbrook was (as Leland states) a profound philo-
sopher and mathematician, much esteemed with the English
liobility for his rare accomplishments ; and yet is his short
character blemished in Bale with a double ut fertur : one, re-
lating to the place of his birth, yet so, as Surrey is assigned
most probable : the other, to the time wherein he flourished. J
The last is a wonder to me, that so exact a critic, who had
with great pains reduced the tables of Alphonsus most arti-
ficially to months, days, and hours,§ should have his own
memory left at such a loss as to the timeing thereof, that authors
* Camden's Britannia in this county,
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent, v. num. 18.
X De Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. vii. num. 9.
§ Idem, ibidem.
(hopeless to hit the mark of the year) aim at the butt of the age, and
conjecture him to have been eminent in the fourteenth century.
George Riply was born, saith my author, at Ripley in this
county.* But, on the serious debate thereof, he clearly ap-
peareth a native of Yorkshire ; and therefore we remit the reader
to that county, where he shall find his large character.
Henry Hammond, D.D. was born at Chertsey in this
county, his father being doctor of physic, and physician to king
James. He was bred in Eton school, where judicious Mr. Bust
(so skilful in reading other boys) could not spell his nature ;
but, being posed with the riddle of his portentous wit, at last
even left him to himself, which proved the best. Hence he
became fellow of Magdalen College in Oxford, till preferred
canon of Christ-church and orator of the university.
He may be called an angelical doctor, as justly as he who is
generally so styled. First, for his countenance and complexion,
white and ruddy ; resembling the common portraitures of che-
rubims. Secondly, his sanctity, spending his life in devotion.
His eating and drinking were next to nothing, so exemplary his
abstinence; and he always embraced a single life. Thirdly,
7neekness. '^ Michael durst not (the valour of an arch-angel
is frighted at a sin) bring a railing accusation against Satan.^^t
Herein only our doctor was a coward; he feared to revile any
of an opposite judgment. Fourthly, his charity ; he was the
tutelar angel, to keep many a poor royalist from famishing ; it
being verily believed, that he yearly gave away more than two
hundred pounds.
Lastly, for his knoivledge ; such the latitude of his learning
and languages. As distillers extract aqua vitce, or living water,
from the dregs of dead beer ; so he, from the rotten writings of
the Rabbins, drew many observations to the advance of Chris-
He could turn his plough-shares and pruning-hooks into
swords and spears in his Controversial Treatises ; and could
again at pleasure convert his swords and spears into plough-
shares and ptuning-hooks in his Comments and Practical
He was well versed in all modern pamphlets touching church
discipline. When some of the royal disputants (in the treaty
at Uxbridge) in some sort did overshoot their adversaries, this
doctor could lay his arguments level against them, and discourse
with the parliament divines in their own dialect.
But, alas ! he was an angelical man, no angel ; witness his
death of the student's disease, the stone. He died at West-
* Camden's Britannia, in this county, t Jude 9.
wood ill Worcestershire, at the house of the lady Packington ;
his Pella, where he peaceably reposed himself whilst all our
Eno-lish Jerusalem was in combustion. One thousand pounds
wen nio-h were due unto him at his death ; yet there appeared
neither^specialty, nor any man's hand amongst his writings ; so
confident he was that his conscientious debtors would faithfully
pay what was freely lent them. By his will he empowered
Dr. Humphrey Henchman (since bishop of Sarum) his sole
executor, to expend according to his discretion, in the relief of
poor people, not exceeding two hundred pounds. Let this his
short character be pitched up like a tent for a time, to be taken
down when a firmer fabric (which, as I am informed, a more
able pen is about) shall be erected to his memory.* He died
anno Domini 1659.
Nicholas Sanders was born at Charlewood in this county
(where his family still continueth worshipful) ; bred bachelor of
the laws in New College. f Going over beyond the seas he
was made D.D. at Rome, and afterwards king's professor
thereof at Louvain.
Pity it was he had not more honesty, or less learning, being
master of art in malice ; not hoping the whole body of his lies
should be believed, but, being confident the least finger thereof
finding credit coukl prove heavy enough to crush any innocence
with posterity ; presuming the rather to write passages without
truth, because on a subject beyond memory.
He thought it would much advantage his cause to call the
church of England schismatic first in that his libellous treatise.
But what said St. Augustine in a dispute with one of the Dona-
tists ? " Utrum schismatici nos simus an vos, non ego nee tu,
sed Christus interrogetur, ut judicet ecclesiam suam.J^^
Indeed the controversy consisting much in matter of fact, let
records and histories be perused ; and it will appear that our
English kings, after many intolerable provocations, and en-
trenchments on their crown from the church of Rome, at last
(without the least invading of others) conserved their own
right; partly as supreme princes calUng together their clergy,
by their advice to reform the errors therein ; partly to protect
their subjects from being ruined by the canons and constitu-
tions of a foreign power.
But this subject hath lately been so handled by that learned
baronet Sir Roger Twysden, that, as he hath exceeded former,
he hath saved all future pains therein. To return to Sanders,
it is observable, that he who surfeited with falsehoods was
* This was performed in 1662, by Dr. John Fell, afterwards bishop of Ox-
ford— Ed.
t Register of New College, anno 1548.
X Contra Literas Tetiliani, lib. 2. cap. 8. torn. vii.
famished for lack of food in Ireland. We must be sensible, but
may not be cejisorious, on such actions ; such deserving to for-
feit the eyes of their souls, who will not mark so remarkable a
judgment^ which happened anno Domini 1580,
I meet with none besides bishop Merton (of whom I have
spoken) eminent before the Reformation. Since it we find,
Henry Smith, who was born at Wandsworth in this county.*
Now, reader, before I go any further, give me leave to premise
and apply a passage in my apprehension not improper in this
Luther, commenting on those words, '^ and God created
great whales,^^t rendereth this reason why the creation of whales
is specified by name : " ne, territi magnitudine, crederemus ea
spectra esse :" (lest, affrighted with their greatness, we should
believe them to be only visions or fancies.) Indeed many sim-
ple people who lived (where Luther did) in an inland country,
three hundred miles from the sea, might suspect that whales (as
reported with such vast dimensions) were rather fables than
realities. In like manner, being now to relate the bounty of
this worthy person, I am afraid that our infidel age will not
give credit thereunto, as conceiving it rather a romance or fic-
tion than a thing really performed, because of the prodigious
greatness thereof. The best is, there are thousands in this
county can attest the truth herein. And such good deeds pub-
licly done are a pregnant proof to convince all deniers and
doubters thereof.
This Henry Smith, Esq. and alderman of London, gave, to
buy lands for a perpetuity for the relief and setting the poor to
work, — in Croydon, one thousand pounds ; in Kingston, one
thousand pounds ; in Guildford, one thousand pounds ; in Dork-
ing, one thousand pounds ; in Farnham, one thousand pounds ;
in llyegate, one thousand pounds ; in Wandsworth, to the poor,
five hundred pounds. Besides many other great and liberal le-
gacies bequeathed to pious uses, which I hope by his executors
are as conscionably employed, as by him they were charitably
He departed this life the 13th of January 1627, in the
seventy-ninth year of his age ; and lieth buried in the chancel
to Wandsworth.
[REM.] Elizabeth Weston. — We must gain by degrees
what knowledge we can get of this eminent woman ; who no
doubt was : 1. Oi gentle extraction, because her parents bestowed
* So testifieth his monument in the upper end of the chancel of Wandsworth,
t Genesis i. 21.
on her so liberal and costly education ; 2. A virgin, because she
wrote a book of poetry, called P arthenicon ', 3. A great scholar,
because commended by two grand critics ; 4. She must flourish,
by proportion of time, about 1600.
Hear what Janus Dousa saith of her,
" Angla vel Angelica es, vel prorsus es Angelus; immo
Si sexus vetat hoc, Angelus est animus."
Joseph Scaliger praiseth her in no less prose : " Parthenicon
ElizabethseWestonige, virginis nobilissim8e,poetrige florentissimee,
linguarum plurimarum peritissimee." And again, speaking to
her, " Pene prius mihi contigit admirari ingenium tuum quam
It seems her fame was more known in foreign parts than at
home. And I am ashamed that, for the honour of her sex and
our nation, I can give no better account of her. However, that
her memory may not be harbourless, I have lodged her in this
county (where I find an ancient and worshipful family of the
AVestons flourishing at Sutton) ready to remove her at the first
information of the certain place of her nativity.
Here we may see how capable the weaker sex is of learning,
if instructed therein. Indeed, when a learned maid was pre-
sented to king James for an English rarity, because she could speak
and write pure Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, the king returned, "But
can she spin ? ^' However, in persons of birth and quality,
learning hath ever been beheld as a rare and commendable
THE SIXTH, A.D. 1433.
Henry (Beaufort), bishop of Winchester, cardinal of England ;
and Robert de Ponyges, chevalier ;—Joh. Fereby (one of
the knights of the shire) ; — Commissioners to take the oaths.
Regin. Cobham de Lingfeld, WilL Uvedale de Tichsay, arm.
mil. Nich. Carewe de Bedington.
Joh. Kigele de Walketon, mil. Joh. Ardern de Lye, arm.
Hen. Norbury de Stokede- Rog. Elingbrig de Croydon,
beron, mil. arm,
Joh, Leboys de Farnham, mil. Th. Codeington de Coding-
Joh. Weston de Papeworth, ton, arm.
arm. Joh. Yerd de Chayham, arm.
Th. Wintershul de Winter- Will. KyghledeWaweton, arm.
shul, arm. Joh. Burg de Waleton, arm.
Tho.Huselede South wark, arm. Joh. Merston de Cobbesham,
Johan. Corue de Mercham. arm.
Rob. Skirn de Kingeston. WilL Otteworth de Parochia
Rob. Fitz-Robert de Bernas. Scemortle, arm.
Joh. Gainsford de Crowherst, Arth. Ormesby de Southwark,
arm. arm.
Will. Weston de Okeham,
Thomse Stoughton.
Ade Lene Lord de Southwark^
Will. Godyng de eadem, arm.
Nich. Hogh de eadem.
Joh. Malton de eadem.
Joh. Godrick de Bermondsey^
Tho. Kenle de South wark,
Rob. Stricklond de Walworth.
Rich. Tyler de Southwark.
Joh. Hanksmode de eadem.
Joh. Newedgate de eadem^
Will. Sidney de Cranle.
Will. Newgate de eadem, arm.
Hen. Snokeshul de eadem,
Joh. Burcestre de Southwark,
Joh. Burdeux de West-Bench-
worth, arm.
David. Swan de Dorking, arm.
Will. Ashurst de East-Bench-
Tho. Ashurst de Dorking.
Rob. Atte Sonde de Dorking.
Joh. Walleys de eadem.
Joh. Fontaines de Clopham,
Joh. Bitterle de Wandesworth,
Radul. Wymbledon de Asshes-
Ric. Parker de Byflete, arm.
Tho. Neweton de Crockfeld,
Will. Norman de Lambehithe,
. arm.
Joh. Henham de Southwark,
Will. Arberton de Chamber-
Nich. Randolf de Reddrede,
Tho. Grosham de eadem.
Joh. Exham de EweL
Petri Swifte de Lambhith,
Joh. Thorp de Thorp, arm.
Joh. Milton de Egham.
Joh. Bowet de Bokham Mag-
na, arm.
Laurent. Donne de Effingham.
Tho. Slifeld de Bokham Mag-
na, arm.
Tho.Donne de Coneham.
Joh. Donne de eadem.
Will. Craule de Duntesfeld.
Rob. Marche de eadem.
Joh. Atte Lee de Adington.
Johannis Leicestre de Kersal-
Johannis Drux de Ditton.
Roberti Mildnale de Kinge-
Johannis Chinnore de eadem.
Th. Overton de Merton, arm.
Will. Lovelase de eadem.
Tho. Hereward de Morwe.
Walteri Broke de eadem.
Thomas Palshud de eadem.
Richardi Combe de eadem.
Richardi Eton de eadem.
Hugonis Ashbury de eadem.
Nich. Fitz-John de eadem,
Thomae Bule de Wonersham,
Roberti Nytimber de Watton.
Rob. Bronnesbury de Ber-
Roberti Charingworth de Lam-
Thomas Hering de Croydon.
Richardi Ludlow de Hendle in
Henr. Coleman de Farnham.
Willielmi Hay ward de eadem.
Johannis Lilborn de eadem.
Johannis Redinghershe de
Willielmi Brigges de Sander-
Richardi Lynde de eadem.
Thomce Best de Caterhani.
ThomcG Basset de Cullesdon.
Rob. Rokenham de eadem.
Richardi Colcoh de eadem.
Richardi Herteswode de Lye.
Willielmi Rode de Guldeford.
Richardi Atte Lee de Godes-
Roberti Dogge de Croyden.
Jacobi Janyn de eadem.
Rich. Laurence de Chiding-
Willielmi Hichecock de Alfold.
Johannis Raynold de Dontes-
Johannis Wadebroke de Wy-
Richardi Tymme de Coneham.
Walteri Atte Denne de Sut-
Johannis Charlewode.
Henrici Aleyn de Merscham.
Johannis Campton de Chay-
Johannis Asher de Godaming.
Will. Inninwfeld de LinErefeld.
Thomae Sandre de Cherlewode.
Richardi Baker de Pekeham.
Richardi Ode de Camerwel.
Johannis Skinner de Reygate.
Richardi Knight de eadem.
Stephani Balhorn de Dorking.
Johannis Vincent de Maldon.
Thomee Vincent de Coneham.
Johannis Lake de Kingston.
Thomee Broker de eadem.
Willielmi Stoley de eadem.
Johannis Lake de eadem.
Walteri Woderove de eadem.
Thomse Setton de Ewel.
Thomee Cheteman de Ebbe-
Johannis Kightle de Waweton^
Rogeri Longland de Croyden.
Richardi Hayward de Foting.
Thomee Ingram de Shire.
Johannis Frolbury de eadem.
Roberti Tome de Walton.
Richardi Osteler de Coneham.
Of Surrey.
Of Both. Of Sussex.
1 Robertus Belet.
2 Paganus.
3 Paganus.
5 Paganus.
1 Hugo Wareluilla.
2 Magerus Maleuvenant.
4 Radulphus Picot.
5 Radulphus Picot.
7 Episc. Chichester. Hila-
7 Paganus.
8 Paganus. 8 Hilarius Episc. Chiches-
9 Paganus. 9 Hen. Archi-diaconus.
10 Gervasus Cornhil. 10 Rogerus Hai.
Rogerus Hai.
11 Gervasius de Cornhil. 11 Rogerus Hai.
12 Roger. Hay.
13 Gervasius de Cornhil. 13 Rogerus Hai.
14 Hugoni de Dour. 14 Idem.
Of Surrey. Of Both.
Anno Anno
15 Gervasius de Cornhil, for
fourteen years.
29 Idem, et
Hen. de Cornhil, fil. ej.
30 Hen. de Cornhil, for four
Of Sussex.
15 Rogerus Hai.
16 Reginaldus de Warrenn,
for seven years.
23 Rogerus filius Renfridi, for
eleven years.
1 Henricus de Cornhil.
2 Idem,
3 Idem.
4 Radul. de Cornhil.
5 Idem.
6 Will, de St. Mar. Ecclesia.
7 Idem.
Willielmus Panus.
Galfre. Peverel.
8 Robertus de Turnham.
Alanus de Withton.
9 Robertus.
10 Willielmus Marescal.
Philippus RufFus.
Philippus de Tresgar.
Johannes Marescal.
Willielmus Mareshal.
Willielmus Marescal.
Steph. de Pountfold.
8 Willielmus Marescal.
Steph. de Poudfold.
9 Willielmus.
10 Mich, de Apletricham.
Robertus de Turnham.
Alanus de Wichenton.
Johannes Chaper.
. 3
Robertus Turnham.
10 Robertus de Beregefeld.
11 Robertus de Milborn.
12 Robertus de Beregefeld.
13 Johannes fil. Hugonis.
Robertus Beregefeld.
14 Gilbert, de Barrier.
15 Johannes fil. Hugonis.
Robertus de Beregefeld.
16 Gilbert, de Baryer.
17 Reginald, de Cornhil.
1 Williel. Marescal.
Mich, de Appeltricham.
2 Robertus de Turnham.
Johannes Chaper.
Williel. Marescal.
5 Mich, de Apletricham.
Johannes Ferles.
WiUielm. de Chaignes.
Richardus de Maisi.
Williel. de St. Laudo.
WiUieL de Cahaignes.
Johan. filius Hugonis.
WilUel. Briewre.
Johan. filius Hugonis.
Matth. filius Herbert.
Gilbertus de Barier.
Matth. fiUus Herbert.
Matth. filius Herbert.
Gilbert, le Barrier.
Matth. filius Herbert.
Matth. fihus Herbert.
Gilbert. Barrier.
Of Surrey.
Of Both.
Of Sussex.
Gilbertus Barrarius.
Wil. de Warren C. Sur.
Willielmus de Mara.
Williel. de Warrena C. Surr.
Willielmus de Maram, for
six years.
Johannes Oracesdon.
Johannes de Gatesden, for
four years.
Willielmus Brunus.
19 Simon de Echingham.
Joel us de Germano.
20 Simon de Echingham.
Henry de Bada.
Johannes de Gatesden.
Joel de Sancto Germano.
Matth. filius Herbert!.
Gilbertus Barrarius.
Matth. fihus Herberti.
Gilbertus Barrarius^ for six
Matth. filius Herberti
Herbert filius Walteri^ for
four years.
Robertus de Laudelawe.
Henr. de Wintershul.
Petrus de Rival.
Id. et Hen. de Cancel.
Johannes de Gatesdon.
Joel de Sancto Germano.
Johannes de Gatesden.
Nicholaus de Wancy.
Johannes de Gatesden
Nicholaus de Wancy.
Gregorius de Arsted.
21 Johannes de Gatesdon.
Philip, de Crofts.
22 Idem.
23 Johannes de Gatesden.
24 Johannes de Gatesden,
Philippus de Crofts.
26 Philippus de Crofts.
Radul de Kaymes, for three years.
Rob. de Savage, for four years.
Nicholaus de Wancy, for three years.
Will, et Mich, de Vere,
Galfr. de Grues.
Gerard, de Cuncton.
43 David, de Jarpennil.
44 Johannes de Wanton.
45 Idem.
46 Willielmus de Lazouch, for three years.
46 Rogerus de Wikes^ for six 46 Robertus Agwilon, for six
years. years.
Of Surrey. Of Both. Of Sussex.
Anno Anno
52 Rogerus de Loges, for three years-
55 Matth. de Hasting. 55 Bartholomeus de Hasting.
56 Idem. 56 Idem.
Matth. de Hastings.
Willielmus de Heme.
Johannes Wanton, for three years.
7 Emerindus de Cancellis.
Nicholaus de Gras, for five years.
Richardus de Pevensey.
Will, de Pageham, for five years.
7 Rogerus de
; Lukenor, for
Robertus de Glamorgan, for six years
27 Johan. Albel^ for four years.
Walter de Gedding.
Robertus de le Knole, for three years.
Walter, de Gedding.
Willielmus de Henle, et
Robertus de Stangrave.
3 Willielmus de Henle, et
Robertus de Stangrave.
4 Idem.
5 Willielmus de Henle.
6 Willielmus de Henle, et
Williemus de Mere.
7 Petrus de Vienne.
8 Idem.
9 Willielmus Merre.
10 Walterus le Gras.
11 Walterus le Gras, et
Petrus de Worldham.
12 Petrus de Worldham, et
Henricus Husey.
13 Idem.
14 Henricus Husey.
15 Nicholaus Gentil.
17 Petrus de Worldham, et
Andream Medested, for
three years.
1 Nicholaus Gentil.
2 Nicholaus Gentil, et
Robertus de Stangrave,
for three years.
5 Johannes Dabnam.
6 Willielmus Vaughan.
7 Idem.
8 Willielmus Vaughan, et
Joh. Dabnam, for three
11 Willielmus Vaughan.
12 Idem.
13 Golfridus de Hunston.
14 Willielmus de North o, et
Golfridus de Henston.
Anno Anno
15 Hugo de Bowcy, et 34 Richarclus de Hurst, for
Willielmus de Northo. three years.
16 Andreas Peverel, et 37 Simon, de Codington.
Hugo de Bowcy. 38 Ranul, Thurnburn.
17 Idem. 39 Johannes Wateys.
IS WilHelmus de Northo. 40 Johannes Weyvile.
19 Regind. de Forester, for 41 Andreas Sackvile.
three years. 42 Idem.
22 Rogerus Daber. 43 Ranul. Thurnburn.
23 Tho. Hoo, for three years. 44 Idem.
26 Richardus de St. Oweyn. 45 Willielmus Neidegate.
27 Idem. 46 Roger. Dalingrugg.
28 Simon de Codington. 47 Nicholaus Wilcomb.
29 Rogerus de Lukenor. 48 Robertus de Loxele.
30 Will. Northo. 49 Robertus Atte Hele.
31 Tho. de Hoo, for three 50 Johannes St. Clere.
years. 51 Johannes de Melburn.
The sheriffs of these two counties, before king Edward the
Second, are in the Records so involved, complicated, perplexed,
that it is a hard task to untangle them, and assign which
sheriffs did severally, which jointly, belong unto them. Had
the like difficulty presented itself in other united shires, I sus-
pect it would have deterred me from ever meddling with their
Catalogue. Nor will we warrant that we have done all right in
so dare a subject, but submit our best endeavours to the cen-
sure and correction of the more judicious.
7. Sussex, HiLARius Episcopus Chichester. — The king had
just cause to confide in his loyalty, and commit the shire to his
care : for, although I behold him as a Frenchman by birth, yet
great always was his loyalty to the king, whereof afterwards he
gave a signal testimony ; for, whereas all other bishops assem-
bled at the council of Clarendon only assented to the king's
propositions with this limitation, salvo or dine suo, this Hilary
absolutely and simply subscribed the same. The time of his
consecration, as also of his death, is very uncertain.
1. Andreas Sacvil. — The family of the Sacvils is as an-
cient as any in England, taking their name from Sacvil- (some
will have it Sicca Villa) a town, and their possession, in Nor-
mandy. Before this time, me meet with many eminent persons
of their name and ancestry.
1. Sir Robert Sacvil, Knight, younger son of Herbrann de
Sacvil, was fixed in England, and gave the manor of Wickham,
in Suffolk, to the abbey of St. John de Baptist in Colchester,
about the reign of William Rufus.*
2. Sir John de Sacvil, his son, is by Matthew Paris f ranked
amongst those persons of prime quality, who in the reign of
king John were assistants to the five-and-twenty peers ap-
pointed to see the liberties of Charta Magna performed.
3. Richard de SacvU, (as I have cause to believe, his son) was
one of such quality, that I find Hubertus de Anesty to hold two
fields in Anesty and little Hormeed J of the Honor of Richard
Sacvil. Now the word Honor (since appropriated to princes^
palaces) was in that age attributed to none but the patrimony
of principal barons. §
4. Sir Jordan Sacvil, grand-child to the former, was taken
prisoner at the battle of Evesham, in the age of king Henry the
Third, for siding with the barons against him.
5. Andreiv, his son and heir, being under age at his father's
death, and the king's ward, was imprisoned in the castle of
Dover, anno the third of Edward the First ; and afterwards, by
the special command of the said king, did marry Ermyntude, an
(I conceive a Spanish) honourable lady of the household of
queen Elianor, whereby he gained the king's favour, and the
greater part of his (formerly forfeited) inheritance.
I behold this Andrew Sacvil the sheriff, as his son, ancestor
to the truly honourable Richard, now earl, of Dorset.
Anno Name and Arms. Place.
1 Will. Percy.
O. a lion rampant Az.
2 Edw. Fitz Herbert.
G. three lions rampant O.
.S Joh. de Hadresham.
4 Nich. Sleyfeid.
5 Will. Percy ut prius.
6 Will. Weston.
Erm. on a chief Az. five bezants.
7 Will. Waleys.
8 Robertus Nutborne.
9 Richardus Hurst.
10 Thomee Hardin.
11 Idem.
12 Edw. de St. Johan.
Arg. on a chief G. two mullets O.
13 Rob. Atte-MuUe.
14 Rob. de Echingham.
* Ordericus Vitalis, in his Norman Stor. f Page 262, anno 1260.
X Both in Hertfordshire. § Sir Hugh Spelman's Glossary, verbo Honor.
Nicholaus Carew . . Beddington, Surrey.
O. three lions passant-gardant S. armed and langued G.
1 6 Thomse Jardin.
17 Nicholaus Slyfeld.
IS Edw. St. John . . . ut prius,
19 Joh. x\shburnham. . . Ashburnham, Sussex.
G. a fess betwixt six mullets Arg.
20 Willielmus Fienes.
Az. three lions rampant O.
21 Johannes Salerne,
22 Willielmus Fienes . ^ ut prius.
1 Radu. Codington.
2 Nicholaus Carew
Johannes Pelham . .
Az. three peli cans Arg.
3 Joh. Ashburnham . .
4 Robert. Atte-Mulle.
5 Idem.
6 Phil. St. Olere.
7 Thomee Sackvile.
Quarterly, O. and G. ; ;
8 Thomae Clipsham.
9 Willielmus Verd.
10 Tho. Ashburnham . .
11 Joh. Warne Campie.
12 Joh. Waterton.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
1 Johan. Hay sham.
2 Joh. Wintershul.
3 Joh. Clipsham.
4 Joh. Uvedale.
5 Johannes Weston . . ut prius,
6 Johannes Knotesford.
Arg. four fusils in fess S.
7 Johannes Clipsham,
8 Johannes Hace.
9 Joh. Bolvey, et
James Knotesford
ut prius.
1 Rog. Fiennes, mil. . .
2 Joh. Wintershul.
3 Johan. Clipsham.
4 Thomae Lewkenor.
Az. three chevrons Arg,
ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
5 Johan. Ferriby.
6 Will. Warbleton.
7 Job. WintersbuL
8 Willielmus Uvedale . %U priufi,
9 WiUielmus Fincb.
Arg. a cbevron l^etween griffins-passant S.
10 Th. Lewkenor, mil. . . ut prius.
11 Joban. Anderne.
12 Ricbardus Waller.
S. tbree wall-nut leaves O. betwixt two bendlets Arg.
13 Rog. Fiennesj mil. . , ut prius.
14 Ricb. Dalingrugg.
15 Joban. Fereby.
16 Tbomae Uvedal . . . ut prius,
17 James Fiennes . . . ut prius, '
18 Rog. Lewkenor , . . ut prius,
19 Nicbolaus Carew . . ut prius,
20 Walt. Strickland.
21 Job. Stanley.
Arg. on a bend Az. tbree bucks' beads cabossed O.
22 Job. Baskett, arm.
Az. a chevron Erm. betwixt tbree leopards' beads O.
23 Nicb. Carew , . . , ut prius,
24 Nicb. Husey.
25 Will. Belknape.
26 Robertus Radmill.
27 Nicb. Carew .... ut prius,
28 Job. Penny coke.
29 Joban, Lewkenor . . ut prius,
30 Tbomee Yard.
31 Ricb. Fienes^ mil. . . ut prius,
33 Job. Knotesford . , , ut prius,
34 Tbo. Cobbam, mil.
G. on a cbevron O. tbree estoiles S.
35 Nicbolaus Husee . . . ut prius,
36 Tbo. Basset,
37 Tbomse Tresbam.
Per saltire S. and O. six trefoils of tbe last.
38 Rob. Fienes^ arm. . . ut prius.
1 Nicb. Gainsford . . Croburst.
Arg. a cbevron G. betwixt tbree greyhounds currant S.
2 Walt. Denis.
3 Idem.
4 Tbo. Goring, arm.
Arg. a cbevron between three annulets G.
Q 2
Anno Name.
5 Tho. Uvedale, mil.
Will. Cheney, arm.
Tho. Vaus:ham.
9 Nich. Gainsford, arm.
10 Rich. Lewkenor^ arm.
11 Th. St. Leger, arm.
Rog. Lewkenor, mil.
ut priits.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
Az. a fretty Arg. ; a chief O.
12 Joh. Gainsford
13 Nich. Gainsford . ,
14 Tho. Lewkenor^ arm.
15 Tho. Echingham.
16 Joh, Wode, Ser. arm.
1 7 Henr. Roos, mil.
18 Will. Weston . .
19 Tho. Combs, arm.
20 Joh. Elringhton.
21 Tho. Fienes . „ .
22 Joh. Apseley, arm.
Barry of six. Arg. and G, ; a canton Erm.
1 Hen. Roos, mil.
2 Joh. Dudley.
3 Joh. Norbury, mil.
Nich. Gainsford .
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
Nich. Gainsford . . . ut prius.
Tho. Combes, arm.
Will. Merston.
Rob. Morley.
S. three leopards O. fleurv Ar.
Joh. Apseley, arm. . . ut prius.
Rich. Lewkenor, arm. . ut prius.
Edw. Dawtree, arm.
Az. five fusils in fess Arg.
8 Joh. Leigh, arm. . . . Stockwel.
G. a cross engrailed within a border Aro-.
9 Joh. Coke, arm.
10 Joh. Apseley, arm. . . ut prius.
11 Ric. Lewkenor, arm. . ut prius.
Matth. Brown, arm. . Beach worth.
S. three lions passant gardant inter two bends gemeros Arg,
Rich. Sackvile, arm. . ut prius.
Joh. Coke, arm.
Tho. Ashburnham . . ut prius.
16 Joh. Gainsford, arm. . ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
18 Joh. Apseley^ arm. . . ut prius.
19 Rad. Shirley, arm.
Paly of eight O. and Az. a canton Erm.
Rich. Sackvile, arm. . ut prius.
Godr. Oxenbrig, arm.
G. a lion rampant queue forche Arg. within a border V.
charged an entoire of eight escalops O.
Will. Ashburnham . . ut prius.
23 Tho. Morton, arm.
Quarterly G. and Erm. ; in the first
head erased Arg.
24 Tho. Fienis, mil. . . . ut prius.
and fourth a goat's
1 Joh. Leigh, arm. . . . ut prius,
2 Edw. Lewknor, arm. . ut prius,
3 Rog. Lewknor, mil. . ut prius,
4 God. Oxenbrigg, mil. . ut prius.
5 Rich. Shirley, arm. . . ut prius,
6 Roger. Copley, arm.
7 Joh. Leigh, mil. . . . ut prius,
8 Will. Ashburnham . . ut prius,
9 Joh. Gainsford, mil. . ut prius,
10 Rich. Carewe, arm. . . ut prius,
11 God. Oxenbrigg, mil. . ut prius,
12 Joh. Scott, arm.
Arg. three Katharine wheels S. within a border engrailed G.
13 Edw. Bray, mil.
Arg. a chevron between three eagles' legs erased S.
14 Rich. Covert, arm. . . Slaugham, Sussex.
G. a fess Erm. betwixt three leopards O.
15 Will. Ashburnham . . ut prius,
16 Tho. West, mil.
Arg. a fess dancette S.
17 Rich. Shirley, arm. . . ut prius,
18 Joh. Dawtree, mil. . . ut prius,
19 Joh. Sackvill, arm. . . ut prius.
20 Rich. Belingham.
Arg. three hunters' horns stringed S.
21 Rog. Copley, mil.
22 Will. Goring, mil. . . ut prius.
23 Rog. Lewkenor, mil. . ut prius.
24 Christop. Moore, arm. . Looseley.
Az. on a cross Arg. five martlets S,
25 Joh. Palmer, arm. . . Angmarin.
O. two bars G. on each three trefoils Ar. ; in chief a
greyhound currant S. collared of the first.
Anno Name. Place.
26 Rich. Belengham . . ut prius,
27 Will. Goring, mil. . . ut prius,
28 Rich Page, mil.
29 Nich. Gainsford, arm. . ut prius,
.SO Edw. Bray, mil. . . . ut prins.
31 Christoph. Moor, mil. . utprius,
32 Joh. Sacvile, arm. . . ut prius,
33 Tho. Darell, arm.
Az. a lion rampant O. crowned Arg.
34 Rich. Belingham, arm. . ut prius.
35 Joh. Palmer, arm. . . ut prius,
36 Joh. Thetcher, arm.
37 Joh. Dawtree, mil. . . ut prius.
38 Joh. Sackvile, arm. . . ut prius.
1 Tho. Garden, mil.
2 Joh. Scott, arm. . . . ut prius.
3 Nich. Pelham, mil. . , ut prius.
4 Will. Goring, mil. . . ut prius,
5 Rob. Oxenbrigg, arm. . ut prius.
6 An tho. Brown, mil. . . ut prius.
Tho. Saunders, mil. . • . Chartwood.
S. a chevron between three bulls' heads Arg,
John Covert, arm. . . ut prius.
Will. Saunders, arm. . ut prius,
Edw. Gage, mil.
Gyronne of four, Az> and Arg. a saltire G,
Joh. Ashburnham . . ut prius.
Will. More, arm. , . ut prius.
Tho. Palmer, mil. . . ut prius.
Joh. Colepeper, arm.
Arg. a bend engrailed G.
Joh. Stidolf, arm.
Arg. O. a chief S. two wolves' heads erased O.
Hen. Goring, arm. . . ut prius.
Will. Gresham.
Rich. Covert, arm. . . ut prius.
Antho. Pelham, arm. , ut prius.
Will. Dawtree, arm. . , ut prius.
(This year the two counties were divided.)
9 Franc. Carew, arm. * . ut prius.
Anno Name Place.
10 Hen. Weston^ mil. . . ut priiis,
11 Tho. Lifeld^ arm. . . ut prius.
12 Tho. Brown, arm. . . ut prius.
(This year the two counties were again united under one Sheriff.)
13 Joh. Pelham, arm.
14 Tho. Pahner, mil.
15 Fran. Shirley, arm.
16 Joh. Rede, arm. et
Rich. Foisted.
17 Hen. Pelham, arm.
18 Will. Gresham, arm.
19 Tho. Shirley, mil.
20 Georg. Goring, arm.
21 Will. Moore, mil.
22 Will. Morley, arm.
23 Edw. Slifeld, arm.
24 Tho. Brown, mil.
25 Walt. Covert, arm.
26 Tho. Bishop, arm.
Arg. on a bend cotised G
27 Rich. Bostock, arm.
S. a fess humet Arg,
Nich. Parker, arm.
Rich. Brown, arm.
Joh. Carrell, arm.
ut priuso
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut p)rius.
three bezants.
. o ut prius,
, , Harting.
Arg. three bars, and as many martlets in chief S.
31 Thom. Pelham, arm. . ut prius,
32 Hen. Pelham, arm. . . ut prius,
33 Robt. Linsey, arm.
O. an eagle displayed S. beaked and membered Az. ; a
chief vairy.
34 Walt. Covert, mil. . . ut prius,
35 Nich. Parker, mil.
36 Will. Gardeux, arm.
37 Rich. Leech, arm.
38 Edm. Culpeper, arm. . ut prius.
39 Georg. Moore, arm. . ut prius.
40 Jam. Colebrand, arm. . Botham.
Az. three levels with plummets O.
41 Tho. Ever sf eld, arm. . Den.
Erm. on a bend S. three mullets O.
42 Edm. Boier, arm. . . Camberwell, Surrey.
O. a bend vairy betwixt two cotises G.
43 Thom. Bishop, arm. . ut prius.
44 Joh. Ashburnham . . ut prius.
45 Rob. Lynsey ut prius.
232 ^yoRT^IES of surrey.
Anno Name. Place.
1 Rob. Linsey, arm. . . ut prius,
2 Hen. Goring, mil. . . ut prius,
3 Edw. Culpeper, mil. . ut prius.
4 Tho. Hoskings, mil.
5 Hen. Morley, arm. . . ut prius.
6 Georg. Gunter, mil.
S. three gauntlets within a border O.
7 Thom. Hmit, mil.
8 Joh. Lomitesford,
Az. a chevron betwixt three boars O. coupe G.
9 Edw. Bellingham. . . ut prius.
10 Will. Wignall, arm. . Tandridge, Surrey.
Az. on a chevron O. betwixt three ostridges three mullets G.
11 Edw. Goring, arm. . . ut prius.
12 Joh. Willdigos, mil.
13 Rola. Tropps, Mor. et
Joh. Morgan, mil.
14 Joh. Shirley, mil. . . ut 2irius.
15 Joh. Middleton, arm.
16 Joh. Howland, mil. . . Shatham.
Arg. two bars and three lions rampant in chief S.
17 Nich. Eversfeld, arm, . ut prius,
18 Rich. Michelborne.
19 Franc. Leigh, mil. . . ut prius.
20 Tho. Springet, mil.
21 Ben. Pelham, mil. . . ut prius.
22 Amb. Browne, arm. . ut prius.
1 Edr. Alford, arm.
G. six pears, three, two, and one ; and a chief O.
2 Tho. Bowyer, arm. . .' Leghthorn, Sussex.
O. a bend Vairy betwixt two cotises G.
3 Edw. Jourden, arm. . Gatwik.
S. an eagle displayed betwixt two bendlets Ar. a canton
sinister O.
. 4 Steph. Boord, mil.
5 Anth. May, arm.
G. a fess between eight billets O.
6 Will. Walter, mil. . . Wimbledon.
Az. a fess indented O, between three eagles Arg,
8 Joh. Chapman, mil.
9 Rich. Evelyn, arm. . . Wotton.
Az. a gryphon passant, and chief O.
Aniio Name. Place.
10 Will. Culpeper, arm. . ut prius,
11 Will. Morley, mil. . . ut prius.
When I look upon these two counties^ it puts me in mind of
the epigram in the poet :
Nee cum te possum vivere, nee sine te.
" Neither with thee can I well.
Nor without thee can I dwelL"
For these two shires of Surrey and Sussex generally had dis-
tinct sheriffs until the reign of king Edward the Second, when
they were united under one. Then again divided in the ninth
of queen Elizabeth ; united in the thirteenth ; divided again in
the twelfth of king Charles, and so remain at this day. But
how long this condition will continue is to me unknown ;
seeing, neither conjunctim nor divisim, they seem very well
12 Antho. Vincent, mil. . Stock Daberon.
Az. three quartrefoils Arg.
14 Johan. Gresham, mil.
15 Joh. Rowland, mil. . . ut prius,
16 Tho. Smith, arm.
17 Georg. Price, arm.
19 Edru. Jorden, arm. . . ut prius.
20 Mathe. Brand, mil.
22 Will. Wymondsal, mil. Putney.
19. John Ashburnham. — My poor and plain pen is wil-
ling, though unable, to add any lustre to this family of stupen-
dous antiquity. The chief of this name was high sheriff of
Sussex and Surrey, anno 1066, when William duke of Nor-
mandy invaded England, to whom king Harold wrote to assem-
ble the posse comitatuum, to make effectual resistance against
that foreigner. The original hereof, an honourable heir-loom
(worth as much as the owners thereof would value it at) was
lately in the possession of this family ; a family wherein the
eminency hath equalled the antiquity thereof, having been barons
of England in the reign of king Henry the Third.
The last Sir John Ashburnham, of Ashburnham, married
Elizabeth Beaumont, daughter of Sir Thomas Beaumont (after-
w^ards by especial grace created Viscountess Crawmount in
Scotland) ; and bare unto him two sons; John, of the bedcham-
ber to king Charles the First and Second; and William,
234 WORTHIES of surrey.
cofferer to his majesty, who will build their name a story higher
to posterity.*
29. John Lewkenor. — -He was afterwards knighted by this
king, and was a cordial zealot for the Lancastrian title, at last
paying dear for his affections thereunto ; for, in the reign of king
Edward the Fourth, anno 1471, he, with three thousand others,
was slain in the battle at Tewkesbury, valiantly fighting under
prince Edward, son to king Henry the Sixth.
henry VII.
12. Matthew Brown, Arm. — I would be highly thankful
to him (gratitude is the gold wherewith scholars honestly dis-
charge their debts in this kind) who would inform me how Sir
Anthony Brown (a younger branch of this family) stood related
to this sheriff: I mean that Sir Anthony, standard-bearer of
England, second husband to Lucy fourth daughter to John
Nevell, marquis Montacute, and grandfather to Sir Anthony
Brown, whom queen Mary created Viscount Montacute. He
was a zealous Romanist, for which queen Mary loved him much
the more, and queen Elizabeth no whit the less, trusting and
employing him in embassies of high consequence, as knowing he
embraced his religion, not out of politic design, but pure devotion.
He was direct ancestor to the right honourable the present vis-
count Montacute.
This viscount is eminently, but not formally, a baron of the
land, having a place and vote in parliament by an express clause
in his patent, but otherwise no particular title of a baron. This
I observe for the unparalleled rarity thereof, and also to confute
the peremptory position of such who maintain that only actual
barons sit as peers in parliament.
henry VIII.
10. Nicholas Carew, Mil. — He was a jolly gentleman, fit
for the favour of king Henry the Eighth, who loved active
spirits, as could keep pace with him in all achievements, and
made him knight of the Garter, and master of his horse.
This Sir Nicholas built the fair house (or palace rather) at
Beddington in this county, which, by the advantage of the
water, is a paradise of pleasure.
Tradition in this family reporteth, how king. Henry, then at
bowls, gave this knight opprobrious language, betwixt jest and
earnest ; to which the other returned an answer rather true than
discreet, as more consulting therein his own animosity than
allegiance. The king, who in this kind would give and not
take, being no good fellow in tart repartees, was so highly
* Of this family is the present noble Earl of Ashburnhani ; whose ancestor, Joh'^
Ashbumham, Esq. was created a baron in 1689 ; he had two sons, of whom th^
3'oungest, John, was created Viscoimt and Earl in 1730.— Ed.
offended thereat, that Sir Nicholas fell from the top of his
favour to the bottom of his displeasure, and was bruised to
death thereby. This was the true cause of his execution,
though in our chronicles all is scored on his complying in a
plot with Henry marquis of Exeter, and Henry lord Mon-
We must not forget, how, in the memory of our fathers, the
last of this surname adopted his near kinsman, a Throckmor-
ton, to be his heir, on condition to assume the name and arms
of Carew. From him is lineally descended Sir Nicholas Carew,
knight, who, I confidently hope, will continue and increase the
honour of his ancient family.
1. Thomas Garden, Miles. — Some five years before, this
knight was improbable to be sheriff of this or any other county,
when cunning Gardiner got him into his clutches within the
compass of the Six Articles, being with a lady (and some others
of the king^s privy chamber) indicted for heresy, and for aiding
and abetting Anthony Persons, burnt at Windsor, as is before-
mentioned.* But king Henry coming to the notice hereof, of
his special goodness, without the suit of any man, defeated
their foes, preserved their lives, and confirmed their pardon.f
20. George Goring. — He would do me a high favour,
who would satisfy me how Sir George Goring, knight (bred in
Sydney College in Cambridge, to which he was a benefactor)
referred in kindred to this present sheriff.
This our Sir George was by king Charles the First created
Baron of Hurst-per- Point in Sussex, and (after the death of his
mother's brother, Edward lord Denny) Earl of Norwich. He is
a phoenix, sole and single by himself {vestigia sola retrorsimi),
the only instance in a person of honour who found pardon for
no offence, his loyalty to his sovereign. Afterwards, going be-
yond the seas, he was happily instrumental in advancing the
peace betwixt Spain and Holland. I remember how the nobi-
hty of Bohemia, who sided with Frederic prince Palatine, gave
for their motto, ^^ compassi conregnabimus ;'' meaning that
such who had suffered with him in his adversity should share
with him in his prosperity, when settled in his kingdom. But
alas ! their hopes failed them. But, blessed be God, this worthy
lord, as he patiently bare his part in his Majesty's afflictions, so
he now partaketh in his restitution, being captain of his guard.
May he be pleased to behold this my brief description of
* Berkshire, title Martyrs. f Fox's Martyrology, p. 1221.
Surrey^ as a running collation to stay his stomach— no set meal
to satisfy his hunger. But^ to tell him good news, I hear that
a plentiful feast in this kind is providing for his entertainment,
by Edward Bish, Esq. a native of Surrey, intending a particu-
lar survey thereof.* Now, as when the sun ariseth, the moon
sneaketh down obscurely, without any observation : so, when the
pains of this worthy gentleman shall be public, I am not only
contented, but desirous, that my weak endeavours (without
further noise or notice) should sink in silence.
I have been credibly informed, that one Mr. Clarke, some
seven- score years since, built at his charges the market-house of
Farnham in this county. Once, reproving his workmen for
going on so slowly, they excused themselves that they were
hindered with much people pressing upon them, some liking,
some disliking, the model of the fabric.
Hereupon Mr. Clarke caused this distich (hardly extant at
this day) to be written in that house :
*' You who do like me give money to end me ;
You who dislike me give money to mend me."
I wish this advice practised all over this county, by those
who vent their various verdicts in praising or reproving struc-
tures erected gratis for the general good.
\^ ^ SW*^^"* '' ^ TIME 03? FtTLLER/
ArchiWd A^Ktf^C^ third duke^ lord keeper of Scotland ; born
at Ham-house, Petersham; died 1761.
John Argyle, brother, second duke, statesman and general ;
born at Ham-house 1680.
John Bacon, eminent sculptor; born at Southwark 1740;
died 1799.
Josiah Bacon, benefactor to his native parish ; born at Ber-
mondsey ; died 17I8.
Henry St. John Bolingbroke, viscount, statesman and phi-
losopher; born at Battersea 1672 ; died 1751.
William Cobbett, M.P. political writer; born at Farnham
1762; died 1835.
Dr. Samuel Croxhall, archdeacon of Salop, and author;
born at Walton-upon-Thames ; died 1752.
Sir John Thos. Duckv^orth, admiral; born at Leatherhead
1748, or 1749.
* See more of him in the Life of Nicholas Upton, in Devonshire. — F.
Sir Philip Francis, political writer, and presumed author of
the " Letters of Junius;" born 1748 ; died 1818.
Edward Gibbon, author of " The Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire;" born at Putney 1731 ; died 1794.
N. Hardinge, clerk of the House of Commons, Latin poet;
born at Canbury 1700.
Edward LoviBOND, scholar and poet; died 1775-
Rev. T. R. Malthus, author of the celebrated " Essay on
Population;" born at Albury 1766; died 1835.
Israel Mauduit, political writer; born at Bermondsey l708.
Richard Mounteney, lawyer, and classical editor ; born at
Putney 1707.
John Partridge, the celebrated astrologer; born at East
Sheen; died 1715.
Charlotte Smith, elegant poetess ; born at Stoke near Guild-
ford, or Bignor Park, Sussex, 1 749.
Augustus Montague Toplady, champion of the Calvinists ;
born at Farnham 1740; died 1788.
Robert Wood, mathematician, and parliamentarian; born at
Pepperharrow ; died 1685.
Basil WoODD, divine and author; born at Richmond 1760.
*#* The county of Surrey has been admirably illustrated by the pen of the his-
torian and the pencil of the artist. John Norden, who made a complete survey of
the county, was among the earliest of its topographers. Mr. Aubrey also made
a survey, and perambulated the whole county ; and his labours were revised
and published by Dr. Rawlinson, under the title of The Natural History and Anti-
quities of the County of Surrey ; the woi-k being commenced in 1673, and completed
in 1719. In 1736, Mr. N. Salmon brought out his Antiquities of Surrey, collected
from the ancient records. These works, however, were in a measure superseded
by the labours of the Rev. O. Manning, which were continued by the inde-
fatigable exertions of Mr. W. Bray, and completed, in three vols, folio, in 1804.
In addition to these we have various Works of a local nature ; the principal of
which are, the Histories of Croydon, by Dr. Ducarel (1783), and by the Rev, D.W.
Garrow (1818) ; of Lambeth, by Dr. Ducarel (1785), by J. Nichols (l7S6), by the
Rev. S. Denne (1795), and by T. Allen (1828); History of St. Saviour's, South-
warV, by Concanen and Morgan (1795) ; Promenade round Dorking (1824) ; Sir
W. Chambers' Account of Kew Gardens, &c. — Ed.
Sussex hath Surrey on the north, Kent on the east, the sea
on the south, and Hampshire on the west. It is extended
along the sea-side three-score miles in length, but is contented
with a third of those miles in the breadth thereof. A fruitful
county, though very dirty for the travellers therein, so that it
may be better measured to its advantage by days^ journeys than
by miles. Hence it is, that, in the late order for regulating
the wages of coachmen, at such a price a day and distance from
London, Sussex alone was excepted, as wherein shorter way or
better pay was allowed. Yet the gentry of this county well
content themselves in the very badness of passage therein, as
which secureth their provisions at reasonable prices ; which, if
mended, Higlers would mount, as hajulatmg^ them to Lon-
It is joeculiar to this county, that all the rivers (and those, I
assure you, are very many) have their fountains and falls in this
shire (though one may seem somewhat suspicious) as being bred,
living (though not to their full strength and stature of being na-
vigable), and dying therein, swallowed up by the sea.
It is sufficient evidence of the plenty of this county, that the
toll of the wheat, corn, and malt, growing or made about and
sold in the city of Chichester, doth amount yearly, at a half-
penny a quarter, to sixty pounds and upwardst (as the gatherers
thereof will attest) ; and the numbers of the bushels we leave to
be audited by better arithmeticians.
It hath been said that the first baron, viscount, and earl in
England, J all three have, and have had for some term of time,
their chief residence in this county ; and it is more civility to
believe all than to deny any part of the report, though, sure I
am, this observation was discomposed at the death of the earl of
Essex, since which time viscount Hereford is the first person
in England of that dignity.
* Hence liadgers.
t So was I informed by Mr. Peckham, the recorder of Chichester F.
X Lord Abergavenny, Viscount Montacute, and the Earl of Arundel.
IRON — TALC. 239
Great the necessity hereof ; some nations having lived in the
ignorance of gold and silver, scarce any without the use of iron.
Indeed we read not of it in making the Tabernacle (though
from no mention no use thereof therein cannot infallibly be in-
ferred), which being but a slight and portable building, brass
might supply the want thereof. But in the Temple, which was
a firmer fabric, we find " Iron for the things of Iron,^^t and a
hundred thousand talents J of that metal employed therein.
Great the quantity of iron made in this county ; whereof
much used therein, and more exported thence into other parts
of the land, and beyond the seas. But whether or no the pri-
vate profit thereby will at long-running countervail the public
loss in the destruction of woods, I am as unwilling to discuss
as unable to decide. Only let me add the ensuing complaint,
wherein the timber-trees of this county deplore their condition,
in my opinion richly worth the reader's perusal :
" Jove's oak, the warlike ash, veined elm, the softer beech
Short hazel, maple plain, light asp, the bending wych,
Tough holly, and smooth birch, must altogether burn :
What should the builders serve, supplies the forgers' turn ;
When under public good, base private gain takes hold,
And we poor woful Woods to ruin lastly sold."
But it is to be hoped that a way may be found out, to cliarke
sea-coal in such manner as to render it useful for the making of
iron. All things are not found out in one age, as reserved for
future discovery ; and that perchance may be easy for the next,
which seems impossible to this generation.
Talc (in Latin talchum) is a cheap kind of mineral, which
this county plentifully affords, though not so fine as what is
fetched from Venice. It is white and transparent like crystal,
full of streaks or veins, which prettily scatter themselves. Be-
ing calcined and variously prepared, it maketh a curious white-
wash, which some justify lawful, because clearing not changing
complexion. It is a great astringent, yet used but little in phy-
sic. Surely Nature would not have made it such a hypocrite,
to hang out so fair a sign, except some guest of quality were
lodged therein ; I mean, it would not appear so beautiful to the
eye, except some concealed worth were couched therein ; inclin-
ing me to believe that the virtue thereof is not yet fully disco-
* Sussex has for some time ceased to be the county from which iron is princi-
pally obtained.— Ed. | i Chronicles, xxix. 2. % Ibidem, xxix. 7.
Wheat-ears is a bird peculiar to this county, hardly found out
of it. It is so called, because fattest when wheat is ripe,
whereon it feeds ; being no bigger than a lark, which it equal-
leth in the fineness of the flesh, far exceedeth in the fatness
thereof. The worst is, that being only seasonable in the heat of
summer, and naturally larded with lumps of fat, it is soon sub-
ject to corrupt, so that (though abounding within forty miles)
London poulterers have no mind to meddle with them, which
no care in carriage can keep from putrefaction. That palate-
man shall pass in silence, who, being seriously demanded
his judgment concerning the abilities of a great lord, concluded
him a man of very weak parts, '^ because once he saw him, at a
great feast, feed on chickens w^hen there were wheat-ears on the
I will add no more in praise of this bird, for fear some
female reader may fall in longing for it, and unhappily be disap-
pointed of her desire.
It is a stately fish, but not long naturalized in England ;*
and of all fresh-water fishes (the eel only excepted) lives longest
out of his proper element. They breed (which most other fishes
do not) several months in one year ; though in cold ponds they
take no comfort to increase. A learned writerf observeth, they
live but ten years ; though others assign them a far longer
They are the better for their age and bigness J (a rule which
holds not in other fishes ) ; and their tongues by ancient Roman
palate-men were counted most delicious meat; though, to speak
properly, they have either no tongues in their mouths, or all
their mouths are tongues, as filled with a carneous substance,
whilst their teeth are found in their throats. There is a kind
of frog which is a professed foe unto them ; insomuch, that of
a hundred carps put into a pond, not five of them have been
found therein a year after. And though some may say per-
chance two-legged frogs stole them away, yet the strict care of
their owners in watching them disproved all suspicion thereof.
Now as this county is eminent for both sea and river fish,
namely an Arundel mullet, a Chichester lobster, a Shelsey
cockle, and an Amerly trout; so Sussex aboundeth with more
carps than any other of this nation. § And though not
so great as Jovius reporteth to be found in the Lurian lake in
* See hereafter, under the Memorable Persons in this County.
+ Sir Francis Bacon, in his "History of Life and Death."
t Gesnar and Janus Dubranius.
§ Mr. Isack Walton, in his "Complete Angler."
Italy, weighing more than fifty pounds,* yet those generally of
great and goodly proportion. I need not add, that physicians
account the galls of carps, as also a stone in their heads, to be
medicinable ; only I will observe that, because Jews will not
eat caviare made of sturgeon (because coming from a fish wanting
scales, and therefore forbidden in the Levitical lawf) ; there-
fore the Italians make greater profit of the spawn of carps,
whereof they make a red caviare, well pleasing the Jews both
in palate and conscience.
All I will add of carps is this, that Ramus himself doth not
so much redound in dichotomies as they do ; seeing no one
bone is to be found in their body, which is not forked or di-
vided into two parts at the end thereof,
It is almost incredible how many are made of the iron in this
county. Count Gondomer well knew their goodness, when of
king James he so often begged the boon to transport them.
A monk of Mentz (some three hundred years since) is gene-
rally reputed the first founder of them. Surely ingenuity may
seem transposed, and to have crossed her hands, when about
the same time a soldier found out printing; and it is question-
able which of the two inventions hath done more good, or more
harm. As for guns, it cannot be denied, that though most be-
hold them as instruments of cruelty ; partly, because subjecting
valour to chance ; partly, because guns give no quarter (which
the sword sometimes doth) ; yet it will appear that, since their
invention, victory hath not stood so long a neuter, and hath been
determined with the loss of fewer lives. Yet do I not believe
what soldiers commonly say, " that he was cursed in his mo-
ther's belly, who is killed with a cannon," seeing many prime
persons have been slain thereby.
Such as desire to know the pedigree and progress of great
guns in England may be pleased to take notice, 1. Anno 1535,
John Oaven was the first Englishman, who in England cast
brass ordnance, cannons, culverings, &c.t 2. Peter Baud,§ a
Frenchman, in the first of king Edward the Sixth, was the first
who in England cast iron ordnance, falcons, falconers, minions,
&c. 3. Thomas Johnson, covenant-servant to Peter aforesaid,
succeeded and exceeded his master, casting them clearer and
better. He died about 1600.
Some observe, that God hath so equally divided the advan-
* Mr. Pennant notices, from Jovius, that they were sometimes taken in the La-
cus Lurius, of two hundred pounds weight, but of his own knowledge could speak
of none that exceeded twenty. Others are reported to have been taken in the
Dneister, that were five feet in length Ed.
f Leviticus xi. 12. X Stow's Annals, p. 572. § Idem, p. 584.
tage of weapons between us and Spain, that their steel makes
the best swords, our iron the most useful ordnance.
Plenty hereof is made in this county, though not so fine as
what Tyre affordeth, fetched from the river Belus and the Cen-
devian lake ; nor so pure as is wrought at Chiosa nigh Venice,
whereof the most refined falls but one degree short of crystal ;
but the coarse glasses here serve well enough for the common
sort, for vessels to drink in. The workmen in this mystery are
much increased since 1557, as may appear by what I read in an
author writing that very year :*
" As for glass-makers they be scant in this land,
Yet one there is as I do understand,
And in Sussex is now his habitation,
At Chiddingsfold he works of his occupation."
These brittle commodities are subject to breaking upon any
casualty ; and hereupon I must transmit a passage to posterity,
which I received from an author beyond exceptions.
A nobleman, who shall be nameless, living not many miles
from Cambridge (and highly in favour with the earl of Leicester)
begged of queen Elisabeth all the plate of that university, as
useful for scholars, and more for state than service, for super-
fluity than necessity. The queen granted his suit, upon con-
dition to find glasses for the scholars. The lord considering
this might amount to more than his barony would maintain
(except he could compass the Venetian artist, who, as they say,
could make " vitra sine vitio fragilitatis pellucida ;" yea, could
consoUdate glass to make it malleable) let his petition, which
was as charitable as discreet, sink in silence.
By the way be it observed, that thouojh coarse glass-making
was, in this county, of great antiquity, yet " the first making of
Venice glasses in England began at the Crotchet Friars in Lon-
don, about the beginning of the reign of queen Elizabeth, by
one Jacob Venaline, an Italian.^^f
Chichester Cathedral is a fine fabric, built (after it had
been twice consumed with fire) by bishop Seffride (the second
of the name) about the year 1193. Country folk are confident
in their tradition, that the master-workman built Salisbury, and
his man the church of Chichester ; and if so, " sequitur Domi-
num non passibus eequis." But proportion of time
confuteth the conceit, seeing Seffride flourished under king
John, and bishop Poor (the founder of Salisbury)
lived much later under king Henry the Third.
Now though Seffride bestowed the cloth and making on the
Thomas Charnock, in his Breviary of Philosophy, caji. i
f Stow's Chronicle, p. 1040.
tWoinfh°P Sherborne gave the trimming and best laee
caSlow t^' 'if" °^ ^"'f ^'"'y *« Seventh. I am sorry I
oX seanT t. T? '° ^^'' ^'"'S i"fo™ed that now it is not
ereatmrTfT' ""A' , °™/" *« ^^^ole cloth, having lately a
great part thereof fallen down to the ground
earld''o^T.';*^'"'^.'l°^f ""' f'^^^""' ^^^ ^''*<='- because a local
earldom is cemented to the walls thereof. Some will have it so
Cit isTo/"""";;' '\*' ''T' °'^'^^^'°'- '•- champion I con-
^ZZf "°' "''*°"t precedent m antiquity, for places to take
pXnn T'f' ^-^^tmg with the promontory Bucephalus in
anlTirn"'"'' ^^^T'""" '?P°^' ''^^ ^''''^ of Alexander buried;
and Bellonws w, 1 have it for the same cause called Cavalla at
narvhor'-., Vf ,^''f "^ '''''' '° •=^"'^'' ^""g ^^^"'^ *^t ™!»gi-
ter ReZ- fl '^'f-''^°r""°<^'^''f^"'='^d ^^er than his nias-
Arn n^r ' ^°""f '""/ ^^^^r the Conquest, long before which
Arundel was so called from the river Arund running hard by it.
Petworth, the house of the earls of Northumberland, is most
tendom rn'''*'^-^ '"'^^'' *^ ""''' °^ -^ -Eject's in Chri -
tendom. Comparisons must move in their own spheres and
are a b?,nlil . ^ of Saxony's stable at Dresden, wherein
^Le o„^.f V ff'y ^"'^ ''°'^' ^'''"'' °^ «<=^"<=e (with a maga-
zine out of which he can arm thirty thousand horse and foot at
the Jn Jrr"if ^; '^"' '^'"''^' "^""g ^-^ «°^t potest prince in
table Xrdp.iP^ 1- "°^ *" proportion fair that Petworth
stable affordeth standing in state for three-score horse with all
necessary accommodations ?
Expect not here I should insert what William of Newburv
in the n !L T * " ''°"';'y' "°' ^^"^ ^r°™ Battle abbey,
made ^}Z ■^'° ^'■'^' '^ '^''"g'^'" °f *« Englishmen was
Zl^A ^ fT^ ^^T'^'' P'-^^ently sweateth forth very fresh
blood out of the earth, as if the evidence thereof did plainly de
i^ltZTetSr'""''' '""''^ -' -^^*^ stilffronrthe
thZl Iff^^ M '^'" ■■"" "^"^^'^ of milk; neither being any
thing else han the water discoloured, according to the com
plexion of the earth thereabouts.
" He is none of the Hastings."!
red™eabL°Tn'';v'"'"^'' extended all over England, is properly
reduceable to this county as originated there; for there is a
a haven town named Hastings the?ein, which some erro^ieousW
• Mela, Pausanias, Ptolemy, Pliuy.
R 2
conceive so called from haste or speed, because William the
[afterwards] Conqueror, landing there, did, as Matthew Paris
sayeth, with haste, or speedily, erect some small fortification. But
sure it is that there is a noble and ancient family of the Hastings
in this land (I will not say first taking their name from this
town), who formerly were earls of Pembroke, and still are of
Now men commonly say. They are none of the Hastings, who
being slow and slack go about business with no agility. Such
they also call dull dromedaries by a foul mistake, merely be-
cause of the affinity of that name to our English word dreaming,
applied to such who go slowdy and sleepily about their employ-
ment ; whereas indeed dromedaries are creatures of a constant
and continuing swiftness, so called from the Greek word ^po'/xoe,
cursits, or a race; and are the cursitors for travel for the Eastern
Grievous the persecution in this county under John Christo-
pherson the bishop thereof. Such his havoc in burning poor
Protestants in one year, that had he sat long in that see, and con-
tinued after that rate, there needed no iron mills to rarefy the
woods of this county, which this Bonner, junior, would have
done of himself.
I confess, the Papists admire him as a most able and profound
divine ; w^hich mindeth me of an epigram made by one who,
being a suitor to a surly and scornful mistress, after he had
largely praised her rare parts and divine perfections, con-
** She hath too much divinity for me :
Oh! that she had some more humanity !"
The same may this diocese say of Christopherson, who,
though carrying much of Christ in his surname, did bear no-
thing of him in his nature ; no meekness, mildness, or mercy ;
being addicted wholly to cruelty and destruction ; burning no
fewer than ten in one fire in Lewes^ and seventeen others at
several times in sundry places.
Herbert de Bosham was born at Bosham, a goodly manor
in this county* (wdiich earl Godwin craftily kissed out of the
archbishop of Canterbury t) ; and, being a good scholar, he w^as
a manuhus (I mean to write not to fight for him) unto Thomas
Becket archbishop of Canterbury. He was present at his
murder-martyring ; and had the discretion to make no resistance^
lest he had been sent the same way with his master. However,
amongst many other books, he wrote the story of his master's
death. Going over into Italy-, he was, by Pope Alexander theThird;,
* Bishop Godwin, in his Catalogue of Cardinals, p. 165.
t Camden's Britannia, in Sussex.
made archbishop of Beneventum ; and, in the month of De-
cember 1178^ created cardinal; but by what title it is unknown,
as also is the exact date of his death.
John Peckham, born of obscure parents in this county ;*
bred, when a boy, in Lewes ; when a youth, a Franciscan in
Oxford ; when a young man, in Paris ; when a man, he lived in
Lyons (where he became canon) ; when a grave man, in Rome,
there made auditor of causes in that court ; when an old man,
in Canterbury, preferred against his will (except out of cunning
he would seem courted into what he coveted), by the Pope^s
plenary power to be archbishop thereof.
Peckham believed the pope invited him freely to that place,
when soon after he was called upon to pay a sad reckoning, no
less than four thousand marks. A worthy man he was in his
place, who neither feared the laity nor flattered the clergy, im-
partially imposing on both (if appearing peccant) most severe
penance. He was a great punisher of pluralists, and enjoiner of
His canon's place at Lyons he not only kept during his life,
but left it to his successors, who held it in commendam some
hundred years afterwards. Loath they were to part with it, as
a safe retreating place in case our English kings should banish
them the realm : besides it was a convenient inn for them to
lodge at, as almost in the midway of their journey betwixt Can-
terbury and Rome.
He sat archbishop almost fourteen years ; built and endowed
a college at Wingham ; yet left; a great estate to his kindred.
I believe his wealth well gotten, because the land purchased
therewith hath lasted so long in the lineage of his allies, in this
and the next county, even to our age. He died anno Domini
Robert Winchelsey. — Although Bishop Godwinf saith,
'^ Ubi natus traditur, opinor, ^ nemine ;" yet, considering the
custom of the clergy in that age, none can doubt his birth in this
county, except any should deny Winchelsea to be therein. He
was bred in the neighbouring shire of Kent, where he was such
a proficient in grammar learning, all did foretell that he [then
the arch-scholar in the school] in due time would be archbishop
of the see of Canterbury.
He was afterwards admitted in Merton College in Oxford ;
went thence to Paris, where he took the degree of master of
arts, and became rector (perchance no more than a regent
amongst us) of that university. Returning to Oxford, he there
* Tlie substance of his life is taken out of Bishop Godwin, in his Catalogue of
Archbishops of Canterbury.
f Out of whom the substance is taken of what followeth.
proceeded doctor of divinity, and became chancellor thereof j
successively canon of Paul's, archdeacon of Essex, and archbi-
shop of Canterbury. He went to Home, to procure his pall of
Pope Celestine.
This is that Celestine, formerly an Eremite, whom a cardinal
(afterward his successor by the name of Boniface the Eighth)
persuaded, by a voice through a hollow trunk, to resign his
Popedom, and return into the wilderness ; which he did accord-
ingly. Herein his Holiness did trust the spirit before he did
try it,* contrary to the counsel of the apostle. But this Pope,
appearing fallible in his chamber, if in his chair, and consulting
his conclave of cardinals, no doubt would not have been de-
He easily obtained his pall, and refused a cardinaPs cap
offered unto him. Returning to Canterbury, he was there so-
lemnly enthroned, and on the same day consecrated one bishop,
bestowed twelve rich benefices on twelve doctors, and twelve
meaner livings on as many bachelors in divinity.
Confiding in the canon of the council of Lyons, which for-
bad the clergy to pay any taxes to princes without the consent
of the Pope, he created much molestation to himself, king Ed-
ward the First using him very harshly, till at last he overcame
all with his patience. For the main, he was a worthy prelate
and excellent preacher. Being learned himself, he loved and
preferred learned men. Prodigious his hospitality, being reported
that Sundays and Fridays he fed no fewer than four thousand
men when corn was cheap, and five thousand when it was dear ;t
and because it shall not be said but my belief can be as large
as his bounty, I give credit thereunto. Otherwise it seemeth
suspicious, as a mock-imitation of those self-same numbers of
persons, which Christ, at two several times, J miraculously fed
with loaves and fishes. His charity went home to them which
could not come to it, sending to such who vrere absented by
their impotencies.
After his death, happening anno Domini 1313, he was ac-
counted (though not the Pope's) the poor man's saint (bounti-
ful men will always be canonized in the calendar of beggars) ;
poor people repairing in flocks to the place of his burial, and
superstitiously praying unto him ; and they could best tell whe-
ther they found as much benefit from his' tomb when dead, as
at his table when living.
Thomas Bradwardtne§ was descended of an ancient fa-
mily at Bradwardine in Herefordshire, who removing thence
* 1 John iv. 1.
t Godwin, in his Catalogue of Bishops of Canterbury, p. 147.
t Matthew XV. 38, and xiv. 21.
§ Bale, Mr. Parker in Autiquitates Britannicae, J. Pits, Bishop Godwin, and
.Sir Henry Savile, in his Life prefaced to his book " De causa Dei."
had settled themselves for three generations in this county
where this Thomas was born, in or near the city of Chichester.
He was bred fellow of Merton College in Oxford, where he
became a most exquisite mathematician and deep divine, being
commonly called Doctor Profundus. He was confessor to king
Edward the Third ; and some impute our great conquest in
France, not so much to the prowess of that king, as to the
prayers of this his chaplain. He constantly preached in the
camp, industry to officers, obedience to common soldiers, humi-
lity to all in good, patience in bad success. He exhorted them
to be pious to God, dutiful to their king, pitiful to all captives ;
to be careful in making, faithful in keeping articles with their
enemies. After the death of Stratford, he was made archbishop
of Canterbury ; and at Avignon (where the Pope then resided)
received his consecration. Here he was accounted aypoLKorepog
somewhat clownish, by the Romish court; partly because
he could not mode it with the Italians, but chiefly because,
money being the general turnkey to preferment in that place,
he was merely advanced for his merit.
But that which most recommended his memory to posterity,
is that worthy book he made de Causa Dei, wherein speaking
of Pelagius, he complaineth in his second book, that, " totus
psene mundus, ut timeo et doleo, post hunc abiit, et erroribus
ejus favet,'^ (I fear and lament that almost the whole world
runs after him, and favours his errors.) Bradwardine, there-
fore, undertook to be champion for grace and God's cause,
against such who were not " defensores, sed deceptores, sed in-
flatores, sed preecipitatores liberi arbitrii," as Augustine* call-
eth them ; and as the same father saith of Cicero, " dum liberos
homines esse volunt, faciunt sacrilegos.^'t He died at Lam-
beth, in October, anno Domini 1349.
Thomas Arundell was the fourth archbishop of Canter-
bury who was born in this county : son he was to Robert, bro-
ther to Richard Fitz Alen, both earls of Arundell. Herein he,
standeth alone by himself, that the name Arundell speaks him
both nobleman and clergyman ; the title of his father's honour,
and place of his own birth, meetino; both in the castle of Arun-
It was either his nobility, or ability, or both, which in him
did supplere cetatem, qualifying him to be bishop of Ely at
twenty-two years of age. J He was afterwards archbishop of
York, and at last of Canterbury 1396 ; and three several times
lord] chancellor of England, viz. in the tenth of Richard the
Second, 1386 : in the fifteenth of Richard the Second, 1391 ;
the eleventh of Henry the Fourth, 1410.
Augustine de Gratia, et Libero Arbitrio, cap, 14. ;
t Idem, de Civitate Dei, lib. v, cap. 9.
I Godwin, in the Archbishops of Canterbury.
By king Richard the Second, when his brother the earl of
Arundell was beheaded, this Thomas was banished the land.
Let him thank his Orders for saving his life; the tonsure of his
hair for the keeping of his head; who otherwise had been sent
the same path and pace with his brother.
Returning in the first of king Henry the Fourth, he was re-
stored to his archbishopric. Such who commend his courage
for being the church's champion, when a powerful party in
parliament pushed at the revenues thereof, condemn his cruelty
to the Wickliffites, being the first who persecuted them with
fire and faggot. As for the manner of his death, we will nei-
ther carelessly wink at it, nor curiously stare on it ; but may
with a serious look solemnly behold it. He who had stopped
the mouths of so many servants of God from preaching his
word, was himself famished to death by a swelling in his throat.
But seeing we bear in our bodies the seeds of all sicknesses (as
of all sins in our souls) it is not good to be over-bold and busy-
in our censures on such casualties. He died February 20, 1413,
and lieth buried in his cathedral at Canterbury.
Reader, for the greater credit of this county, I put there
four archbishops together ; otherwise bishop Burwash (follow-
ing hereafter) in time preceded the two latter.
Henry Burwash, so named, saith my author,* (which is
enough for my discharge) from Burwash, a town in this county.
He was one of noble alliance. And when this is said, all is
said to his commendation, being otherwise neither good for
church nor state, sovereign nor subjects ; covetous, ambitious,
rebellious, injurious.
Say not, " what makes him here then amongst the Worthies ?"
For, though neither ethically nor theologically, yet historically
he was remarkable, affording something for our information,
though not imitation.
He was recommended by his kinsman Bartholomew de Badi-
lismer (baron of Leeds in Kent) to king Edward the Second,
who preferred him bishop of Lincoln. It was not long before,
falling into the king^s displeasure, his temporalities were seized
on, and afterwards on his submission restored. Here, instead
of new gratitude, retaining his old grudge, he was most forward
to assist the queen in the deposing of her husband. f He was
twice lord treasurer, once chancellor, J and once sent over am-
bassador to the duke of Bavaria. He died anno Domini
Such as mind to be merry may read the pleasant story of his
apparition, being condemned after death to be viridis virida-
rius (a green forester,) because in his lifetime he had violently
* Weever's Funeral Monuments, p. 213.
t Godwin, in the Bishops of Lincoln.
^ J. Philipot, in his Catalogue of Chancellors.
enclosed other men^s grounds into his park. Surely such fic-
tions keep up the best park of Popery {purgatory), whereby
their fairest game and greatest gain is preserved.*
William Barlow, D.D. — My industry hath not been
wanting in quest of the place of his nativity ; but all in vain.
Seeing, therefore, I cannot fix his character on his cradle, I am
resolved (rather than omit him) to fasten it on his coffin, this
county wherein he had his last preferment.
^ A man he was of much motion and promotion. First, I find
him canon regular of St. Osith's in Essex, and then prior of
Bisham in Berkshire; then preferred by king Henry the
Eighth, bishop of St. Asaph, and consecrated February 22,
1535; translated thence, the April following, to St. David's,
remaining thirteen years in that see. In the third of king Ed-
ward the Sixth, he was removed to the bishopric of Bath and
Wells. Flying the land in the reign of queen Mary, he became
superintendent of the Enghsh congregation at Embden. Coming
back into England, by queen Ehzabeth he was advanced bishop
of Chichester.
It is a riddle, why he chose rather to enter into new first-
fruits, and begin at Chichester, than return to Bath, a better
bishopric, Some suggest, that he was loath to go back to Bath,
having formerly consented to the expilation of that bishopric ;
whilst others make his consent to signify nothing, seeing em-
powered sacrilege is not so mannerly as to ask any. By your
He had a numerous and prosperous female issue, as appear-
eth by the epita2:)h on his wife's monument, in a church in
Hampshire, though one shall get no credit in translating them :
Hie AgnthcB tumulus Barloi, prcesuUs inde,
Exulis hide, ilerum prcBSuUs, 7ixor ernt.
Prole beatafuity plena cinnis ; quinque sunruni,
Prcvsulibus vidit, prcesuUs ipsa, datas.
" Barlow's wife, Agathe, doth here remain ;
Bishop, then exile, bishop then again.
So long she lived, so well his children sped,
She saw Jive bishops, her Jtue daughters wed."
Having sat about ten years in his see, he peaceably ended his
life, December 10, 1569.
William Juxon was born at Chichester in this county,
bred fellow in Saint John's college in Oxford, where he pro-
ceeded bachelor of law; very young, but very able for that
degree ; and afterwards became doctor in the same faculty, and
president of the college.
One in whom nature had not omitted, but grace hath ordered,
* Godwin, in the Bishops of Lincoln-
the tetrarch humour of choler, being admirably master of his
pen and his passion. For his abilities, he was successively pre-
ferred, by king Charles the First, bishop of Hereford and Lon-
don, and for some years lord treasurer of England ; a trouble-
some place in those times, it being expected that he should
make much brick (though not altogether without, yet) with
very little straw allowed unto him. Large then the expenses,
low the revenues of the Exchequer. Yet those coifers which he
found empty, he left filling ; and had left full, had peace been
preserved in the land, and he continued in his place. Such
the mildness of his temper, that petitioners for money (w^hen it
was not to be had) departed well pleased with his denials, they
were so civilly languaged. It may justly seem a wonder, that,
whereas few spake well of bishops at that time, (and lord trea-
surers at all times are liable to the complaints of a discontented
people), though both offices met in this man, yet, with Deme-
trius, " he was well reported of all men, and of the truth
He lived to see much shame and contempt undeservedly
poured on his function ; and all the while possessed his own
soul in patience. He beheld those of his order to lose their votes
in parliament; and their insulting enemies hence concluded
(loss of speech being a sad symptom of approaching death) that
their final extirpation would follow, whose own experience at
this day giveth the lie to their malicious collection. Nor was
it the least part of this prelate's honour, that, amongst the
many worthy bishops of our land, king Charles the First selected
him for his confessor at his martyrdom. He formerly had had
experience (in the case of the earl of Strafford) that this
bishop's conscience was bottomed on piety, not policy; the
reason that from him he received the sacrament, good comfort
and counsel, just before he was murdered. I say just before
that royal martyr was murdered ; a fact so foul, that it alone
may confute the error of the Pelagians ; maintaining, " that all
sin Cometh by imitation," the universe not formerly affording
such a precedent ; as if those regicides had purposely designed
to disprove the observation of Solomon, that " there is no new
thing under the sun/' King Charles the Second, anno Domini
16G0, preferred him archbishop of Canterbury ; which place he
worthily graceth at the writing hereof, February 1, 1660*
AccEPTUs Frewen, D.D. was born at Northiam in this
county, bred fellow of Magdalen college in Oxford, and after-
wards became president thereof; and, after some mediate pre-
ferments, was, by king Charles the First, advanced bishop of
Coventry and Lichfield ; and since, by king Charles the Second,
made archbishop of York.
* 3 John 12.
But the matter whereof porcelam or china dishes are made,
must be ripened many years in the earth before it comes to full
perfection. The living are not the proper objects of the his-
torian's pen, who may be misinterpreted to flatter, even when
he falls short of their due commendation, the reason why I add
no more in the praise of this worthy prelate.
As to the nativities of archbishops, one may say of this
county, ^^ Many shires have done worthily, but Sussex sur-
mounteth them all ;'' having bred five archbishops of Canter-
bury ; and at this instant claiming for her natives the two
metropolitans of our nation.
Thomas Sackvill, son and heir to Sir Richard Sackvill
(chancellor and sub-treasurer of the Exchequer, and privy-coun-
cillor to queen Elizabeth) by Winifred his wife, daughter to Sir
John Bruges, was bred in the university of Oxford, where he
became an excellent poet, leaving both Latin and English
poems of his composing to posterity.* Then studied he law in
the Temple, and took the degree of barrister ;t afterward he
travelled into foreign parts, detained for a time a prisoner in
Rome, whence his liberty was procured for his return into Eng-
land, to possess the vast inheritance left him by his father,
whereof in short time, by his magnificent prodigality, he spent
the greatest part, till he seasonably began to spare, growing
near to the bottom of his estate.
The story goes, that this young gentleman coming to an
alderman of London, who had gained great pennyworths by
his former purchases of him,'was made (being now in the Avane
of his wealth) to wait the coming down of the alderman so long,
that his generous humour being sensible of the incivility of
such attendance, resolved to be no more beholding to wealthy
pride, and presently turned a thrifty improver of the remainder
of his estate. If this be true, I could wish that all aldermen
would state it on the like occasion, on condition their noble
debtors would but make so good use thereof.
But others make him a convert of queen Elizabeth (his cou-
sin-german once removed), who by her frequent admonitions
diverted the torrent of his profusion. Indeed she would not
know him, till he began to know himself, and then heaped
places of honour and trust upon him, creating him, 1. Baron
of Buckhurst in this county (the reason why we have placed
him therein) anno Domini 1566. 2. Sending him ambassador
into France, anno 1571; into the Low Countries, anno 1586.
3. Making him knight of the order of the Garter, anno 1589.
4. Appointing him treasurer of England, 1599.
He was chancellor of the university of Oxford, where he
* Mills, Catalogue of Honour, p. 4 12. f Idem, ibidem.
entertained queen Elizabeth with a most sumptuous feast.*
His elocution Avas good, but inditing better ; and therefore no
wonder if his secretaries could not please him,t being a person
of so quick dispatch, (faculties which yet run in the blood.)
He took a roll of the names of all suitors, with the date of their
first addresses ; and these in order had their hearing, so that a
fresh man could not leap over the head of his senior, except
in urgent affairs of state.
Thus having made amends to his house for his mis-spent time,
both in increase of estate and honour, being created earl of
Dorset by king James, he died on the 19th of April, 1608.
Sir John Jeffry, Knight, was born in this county, as I have
been informed. It confirmeth me herein, because he left a fair
estate in this shire (judges generally building their nest near the
place where they were hatched), which descended to his daugh-
ter. He so profited in the study of our municipal law, that he
was preferred secondary judge of the Common Pleas ; and
thence advanced by queen Elizabeth, in Michaelmas term, the
nineteenth of her reign, to be lord chief baron of the Exche-
quer, which place he discharged for the term of two years, to
his great commendation. He left one only daughter and heir,
married to Sir Edward Mountague (since baron of Boughton),
by whom he had but one daughter, Elizabeth, married to Robert
Bertie, earl of Lindsey, mother to the truly honourable Moun-
tague earl of Lindsey and lord great chamberlain of England.
This worthy judge died in the twenty-first of queen EHza-
The Abbot of Battle.— He is a pregnant proof, that one
may leave no name and yet a good memory behind him. His
Christian or surname cannot be recovered out of our chronicles,^
which hitherto I have seen. But take his worth as folio we th:
King Richard the Second, in the beginning of his reign, was
m nonage ; and his council, some will say, in dotage ; leaving
the land and sea to defend themselves, whilst they indulged
their private factions.
This invited the French to invade this county, where they
did much mischief, plundering (the thing was known in England
l)efore the name) the people thereof, and carrying away captive
the prior of Lewes. And no wonder if our abbot was startled
therewith, seeing it may pass for a proverb in these parts :
" Ware the abbot of Battle,
When the prior of Lewes is taken prisoner."
* Camden's Elizabeth, in p. 1592.
I f/^.F''agmenta Regalia, in his Character written by Sir Robert Naunton
T Holinshed, Stow, Speed, &c.
Wherefore (though no sheriff) he got together (as well as he
might) the posse comitatus ; and, putting it in as good a pos-
ture of defence as the time would permit, marched to Winchel-
sea, and fortified it.
Some condemned him herein, it being incongruous for a cler-
gyman to turn soldier. They objected also, that he ought to
have expected orders from above ; doing recfAim but not recte,
for want of a commission.
Others commended him; to save and preserve being the
most proper performance of a spiritual person, that " in hos-
tes publicos, omnis homo miles : " that, though it be treason
for any to fight a foe in a set field without command from the
Supreme Power, yet one may (if he can) repel a rout of armed
thieves invading a land ; the first being the fittest time for such
a purpose, the occasion itself giving (though no express) an
implicit commission for the same. This abbot rather used the
shield than the sword, being only on the defensive side.
Well, the French followed the abbot, and besieged him in the
town of Winchelsea. In bravado they dared him to send out
one, two, three, four, or more, to try the mastery in fight, to be
encountered with an equal number. But the abbot refused to
retail his men out in such parcels, alleging "that he was a
spiritual person not to challenge but only defend^^'
Then the French let fly their great guns ; and I take it to be
the first and last time they were ever planted by a foreign enemy
on the English continent, and then roared so loud, that they
lost their voice, and have been (blessed be God) silent ever
The enemy, perceiving that the country came in fast upon
them, and suspecting they should be surrounded on all sides,
were fain to make for France as fast as they could, leaving the
town of Winchelsea behind them, in the same form and fashion
wherein they found it.
I behold this abbot as the saver, not only of Sussex but Eng-
land. For as cloys, who have once gotten a haunt to worry
sheep, do not leave off till they meet with their reward ; so, had
not these French felt the smart as well as the siveet of the Eng-
lish plunder, our land (and this county especially) had never
been free from their incursions. All this happened in the
reign of king Richard the second, anno Domini 1378.
Sir William Pelham, Knight, was a native of this county,
whose ancient and wealthy family* hath long flourished at
Laughton therein. His prudence in peace, and valour in war,
caused queen Elizabeth to employ him in Ireland, where he was,
by the privy council, appointed lord chief justice to govern
that land, in the interim betwixt the death of Sir WiUiam
* From whom descended the Earl of Chichester — Ed.
254 WORTHIES of Sussex.
Drur}^, and the coming in of Arthur Gray, lord lieutenant of
Say not tliat he did but stop a gap for a twelvemonth at the
most ; seeing it was such a gap, destruction had entered in
thereat to the final ruin of that kingdom, had not his provi-
dence prevented it. For, in this juncture of time, Desmund
began his rebellion, 1579, inviting Sir William to side with
him, who wisely gave him the hearing, with a smile into the bar-
gain.* And although our knight (for want of force) could not
cure the wound, yet he may be said to have washed and kept
it clean, resigning it in a recovering condition to the lord Gray,
who succeeded him. Afterwards he was sent over into the Low
Countries, 1586, being commander of the English horse therein ;
and my author saith of him, '' Brabantiam persultabat," (he
leaped through Brabantf), importing celerity and success,
yea as much conquest as so sudden an expedition was capable
of. I suspect he survived not long after, meeting no more
mention of his martial activity.
The ancient extraction in this county is sufficiently known. J
The last age saw a leash of brethren of this family, severally
eminent. This mindeth me of the Roman Horatii, though
these expressed themselves in a different kind for the honour
of their country. Pardon me if reckoning them up not accord-
ing to their age.
Sir Anthony Shirley, second son to Sir Thomas, set forth
from Plymouth, May the 21st, 1596, in a ship called the Bevis
of Southampton, attended with six lesser vessels. § His design
for St. Thome was violently diverted by the contagion they
found on the south coast of Africa, where the rain did stink as
it fell down from the heavens, and within six hours did turn
into maggots. This made him turn his course to America,
where he took and kept the city of St. Jago two days and nights,
with two hundred and eighty men (whereof eighty were wounded
in the service), against three thousand Portugals.
Hence he made for the Isle of Fuego, in the midst wherjiof a
mountain, ^tna-like, always burning ; and the wind did drive
such a shower of ashes upon them, that one might have wrote
his name with his finger on the upper deck. However, in this
fiery Island they furnished themselves with good water, which
they much wanted.
Hence he sailed to the island of Margarita, which to him did
not answer its name, not finding here the pearl dresses
which he expected. Nor was his gain considerable in taking
the town of Saint Martha, the isle and chief town of Jamaica,
* Camden's Elizabeth, in anno citato. f Camden's Elizabeth, in anno, 1586.
X Camden's Britannia, in Sussex. § Hacluyfs Voyages, Part III. p. 598.
whence he sailed more than thhly leagues up the river Rio-dolci,
where he met with great extrem^.y.
At last, being diseased in person, distressed for victuals, and
deserted by all his other ships, he made by Newfoundland to
England, where he arrived June 15, 1597. Now although some
behold his voyage, begun with more courage than counsel, car-
ried on with more valour than advice, and coming off with more
honour than profit to himself or the nation (the Spaniard being
rather frighted than harmed, rather braved than frighted
therewith) ; yet impartial judgments, who measure not worth by
success, justly allow ita prime place amongst the probable (though
not prosperous) English adventures.
^ Sir Robert Shirley, youngest son to Sir Thomas, was, by
his brother Anthony, entered into the Persian court. Here he
performed great service against the Turks, and shewed the dif-
ference between Persian and English valour ; the latter having
therein as much courage, and more mercy, giving quarter to
captives who craved it, and performing life to those to whom he
promised it. These his actions drew the envy of the Persian lords,
and love of the ladies, amongst whom one (reputed a kins-wo-
rnan to the great Sophy) after some opposition, was married unto
him. She had more of ehonij than ivory in her complexion ;
yet amiable enough, and very valiant, a quahty considerable in
that sex in those countries. With her he came over into Eng-
land, and lived many years therein. He much affected to ap-
pear in foreign vests ; and, as if his clothes were his limbs, ac-
counted himself never ready till he had something of the Per-
sian habit about him.
At last a contest happening betwixt him and the Persian am-
bassador (to whom some reported Sir Robert gave a box on the
ear), the king sent them both into Persia, there mutually to im-
peach one another, and joined Doctor Gough (a senior fellow of
Trinity College in Cambridge) in commission with Sir Robert.
In this voyage (as I informed) both died on the seas, before the
controverted difference was ever heard in the court of Persia,
about the beginning of the reign of king Charles.
Sir Thomas Shirley.— I name him the last (though the
eldest son of his father) because last appearing in the world,
men's activity not always observing the method of their register.
As the trophies of Miltiades would not suffer Themistocles to
sleep ;* so the achievements of his two younger brethren gave an
alarum unto his spirit. He was ashamed to see them worn like
flowers in the breasts and bosoms of foreign princes, whilst he
himself withered upon the stalk he grew on. This made him
leave his aged father and fair inheritance in this county, and to
* Plutarch, in liis Life.
undertake sea voyages into foreign parts, to the great honour of
his nation, but small enriching of himself; so that he might say
to his son, as ^Eneas to Ascanius :
Discc, jmer, virlnteni ex me veriimque laborern,
Fortunnm ex ainx.
" Virtue and labour learn from me thy father ;
As for success, child, learn from others rather.''
As to the general performances of these three brethren, I know
the affidavit of a poet carrieth but a small credit in the court of
history ; and the comedy made of them is but a friendly foe to
their memory, as suspected more accommodated to please the
present spectators, than to inform posterity. However, as the be-
lief of Miltio (when an inventory of his adopted son's misdemea-
nors was brought unto him) embraced a middle and moderate way,
'^ Nee onmia credere nee nihil," (neither to believe all things
nor nothing of what was told him) : so in the list of their
achievements we may safely pitch on the same proportion, and,
when abatement is made for poetical embellishments, the re-
mainder will speak them worthies in their generations. The
certain dates of their respective deaths I cannot attain.
[REM.] Nicholas Hostresham. — Know, reader, I have
placed him in this comity, only on presumption that Horsham
in this shire (no such place otherwise in England) is contracted
for Hostresham. He was a learned man, a most famous physician,
and esteemed highly of all the nobility of the land, who coveted
his company on any conditions. It seemeth that he was none
of those so pleasing and comformable to the humour of their
patients, as that they press not the true cure of the disease ; and
yet none of those who are so regular in proceeding according to
art for the disease, as that they respect not sufficiently the con-
dition of their patients ; but that he was of a middle temper,
and so in effect was two physicians in one man. Many were the
books he wrote, reckoned up by Bale * and Pits,t amongst
which I take especial notice of one, contra dolor em renum, thus
beginning, " Lapis quandoque generatur in renibus,'' I observe
this the rather, because his practice was wholly at home (it not
appearing that he ever went beyond the sea) ; and this is con-
trary unto the confidence of such who have vehemently affirmed,
that the stone was never heard of in England, until hops, and
beer made therewith (about the year 1516), began to be com-
monly used. He flourished anno Domini 1443.
[S.N.] Laurence Somercote was born, saith Bale, in
* De Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iv. num 8. f In anno 1443.
the south part of the kingdom ; but had, I am sure, his best
English preferment in Sussex, being canon of Chichester."*
After his breeding here under his careful parents and skilful
masters, who taught him logic and rhetoric, he applied himself
to the study of the law, and attained to great learning therein.
Then, leaving the land, he went to Rome, and repaired to (his
brother or kinsman) Robert Somercote, cardinal, who, it seems,
procured him to be sub-deacon under the Pope. He wrote
some books both in Latin and French ; and flourished in the
year of our lord 1240.
John Driton ; so is his surname Englished by Bale
And why not as well John Driby (a village in Lincolnshire)
seeing no Driton in all England ? The truth is this ; in Latin he
wrote himself, de Arida Villa, equivalent with Sicca Villa, or
Sackvill, a surname most renowned in this county : and
because it is added to his character, ex illustri quadam Anglim
familid iprocreatus, it suiteth well with our conjecturing him
this countryman. He was bred, according to the m.ode of
that age, in France ; and there became, at Paris, summus gym-
nasii moderator, which (howsoever rendered in English) sound-
eth a high place conferred on a foreigner. In his time was
much bustle in the university, about an Apocrypha Book
(patched together out of the dreams of Joachim and Cyril,
two monks), which was publicly read and commented on by
many admirers thereof, by the name of " The Eternal Gospel.^'
The Pope who often curseth where God blesseth, here bless-
ed where God cursed ; and notwithstanding the solemn com-
mination against such additions to Scripture, favoured them,
and (what a charitable Christian can scarcely believe) damned
their opposers for heretics. This our Sackvill bestirred him-
self, and, with William de Sancto Amore and other pious men,
opposed this piece of imposture.
Pits, in the character of this our de Arida Villa, treads like a
foundered horse on stones, mentioning only that he met with
much disturbance, — without any particulars thereof. At last
this Eternal Gospel had a temporal end, and (with the serpents
of the Egyptian enchanters which vanished away) this pre-
tended quint-essence Gospel sunk with shame into silence,
whilst the other four Gospels (with the serpent of Moses) do
last and continue. This our writer flourished 1260.
John Winchelsey was bred in Oxford, and became a
great scholar therein. I am not bound to believe Bale in full
latitude, that he made a Centaur- divinity out of poets and philo-
sophers ;t but this I believe, that in his old age he turned a
Franciscan ; and, when gray, became a green Novice of the
* De Scriptovibns Britannicis, Cent. iv. num. 2.
f Idem, Cent. v. niun 11,
258 WORTHIES of Sussex.
Order at Sarisbury. Many condemned him, that he would enter
into such a life when ready to go out of the world ; and others
of his own convent commended him, who, being old, was con-
cerned to find out the most compendious way to Heaven.
The year of his probation was not ended, when he died and
was buried in that convent, anno 1326.
[AMP.] William Pemble was born in this county, where
his parents had no plentiful estate ; but their wants were
supplied (as to this their son's education in learning) by the
bounty of John Barker, of Mayfield in this shire, esquire, as
by the following passage may appear, written by Mr. Capel, his
worthy tutor :*
" You are the man who supported the vine, that bore this
and many other excellent grapes. His studies had shrunk and
withered, even then when they were about to knit, had it not
been for you and your exhibitions, who have raised up an able
scholar, a learned divine, a well-studied artist, a skilful linguist,
and (which is the soul of all) a very godly minister.''
So then, if I have missed master Pemble's native county, yet I
shall be excused by the known proverb, Non ubi nascor, sed ubi
pascor ; Sussex affording him his most effectual maintenance. He
was bred in (or if you will he bred) Magdalen Hall in Oxford ;
that house owing its late lustre to his learned lectures, the
gravest in the university not disdaining their presence thereat.
He was an excellent orator indeed, as who spake non ex ore sed
ex pectore, many excellencies being in him ; but above all, this
was his crown, that he unfeignedly sought God's glory, and
the good of men's souls. He died in the flower of his age, as
he was making his lectures on the prophecy of Zachara (finish-
ing but nine chapters of fourteen) anno Domini . . ., of a burn-
ing fever.
Thomas Chune, Esquire, living at Alfriston in this county,
set forth a small manual, intitled " Collectiones Theologicarum
Conclusionum." Indeed many have much opposed it (as what
book meeteth not with opposition ?) ; though such as dislike
must commend the brevity and clearness of his positions. For
mine own part I am glad to see a lay-gentleman so able and
industrious. His book was set forth 1635.
Thomas May was born in this county, of a worshipful but
decayed family ; bred fellow-commoner in Cambridge, in Sid-
ney College, where he seriously applied himself to his studies.
He afterwards lived in Westminster, and about the court. He
was an elegant poet, and translated Lucan into English. Now
* In the Epistle Dedicatory, before his Lectures on the Sacrament.
though Scaliger be pleased to say hypocritically of Lucan,
" non canity sed latrat ; '' yet others (under the rose) as judi-
cious^ allow him an excellent poet, and losing no lustre by Mr.
May's translation.
Some disgust at court was given to, or taken by him (as some
will have it), because his bays were not gilded richly enough,
and his verses rewarded by king Charles according to his expec-
tation. He afterwards wrote a history of this state, in the
beginning of our civil wars ; and, being myself (for my many
writings) one under the authority of the tongues and pens of
others, it ill becometh me to pass any censure on his perform-
ance therein. Sure I am, if he were a biassed and partial
writer, he lieth buried near a good and true historian indeed
(I mean Mr. Camden) in the west side of the north isle of
Westminster Abbey, dying suddenly in the night, anno Domini
1652, in the 55 th year of his age.
John Selden, son of Thomas Selden, was born at Salving-
ton, within the parish of East Terring, in this county ; and the
ensuing inscriptions, being built three stories high, will acquaint
us with his age and parentage.
The lowest is written on the top stone of his sepulchre, being
five feet deep in the ground.
" Hie iuliumatur corpus JoHANNis Seldeni."
The second is inscribed on a blue marble stone, lying flat on
the floor in the Temple church :
"J. Seldenus, J. C. hie situs est."
The third is graven on the wall, in a monument of white and
black marble :
"Johannes Seldenus
*' Heic juxta situs : natus est decimo sexto Decembris mdlxxxiv. Salvintonise,
qui viculus est Terring Occidentalis in Sussexise maritimis, parentibus honestis,
Joanne Seldeno Thomae filio e quinis secundo, anno mdxli. nato, et Margaret^
fili^ et haerede unica Thomee Bakeri de Rushington, ex Equestri Bakerorum in
Cantio familia ; filius e cunis superstitum unicus, eetatis fere lxx. annorum.
Denatus est ultimo die Novembris, anno Salutis reparatae mdcliv. ; per quam
expectat heic resurrectionem fselicem.''
He was first bred in Hart Hall in Oxford, then in the Inner
Temple in London, where he attained great skill in the law,
and all antiquity.* His learning did not live in a lane, but
traced all the atitude of arts and languages, as appears by the
many and various works he hath written, which people affect
as they stand affected either by their fancy or function. Lay-
gentlemen prefer his " Titles of Honour ;^^ lawyers, his " Mare
Clausum ;" antiquaries, his " Spicilegium ad Edmearum ;''
clergymen hke best his book " de Diis Syris,'^ and worst his
" History of Tithes/'
* Mr. Leigh, " Of Religious and Learned Men," p. lOO.
s 2
Indeed, the body of that history did not more offend them in
point of profit, than the preface thereof in matter of credit;
sucli his insolent reflections therein. Nor will it be imper-
tinent here to insert a passage of consequence, which I find in
a modern author of good intelligence :
" Master Selden was no friend to bishops, as constituted and
est[iblished in the Church of England. For, being called before
the High Commission, and forced to make a public acknowledg-
ment of his error and offence given unto the Church, in publish-
ing a book entitled ' The History of Tithes,' it sunk so deep
into his stomach, that he never after affected the men, or cor-
dially approved the calling, though many ways were tried to
gain him to the church's interest."*
To this his public acknowledgment I can say nothing. This
I know, that a friend of mine, employed on a fair and honest
account to j^eruse the library of archbishop Laud, found therein
a large letter written to hirn, and subscribed with master Sel-
den's own hand, wherein he used many expressions of his
contrition, much condemning himself for setting forth a book
of that nature ; which letter my aforesaid friend gave back again
to master Selden, to whom (I assure you) it was no unaccept-
able present.f
But that which afterwards entituled him to a general popula-
rity, was his pleading with master Noy for a ^' Habeas Corpus '^
of such gentlemen which were imprisoned for the refusal of the
loan. Hence was it that most men beheld master Selden as
their common council, and themselves as his clients, conceiving
that the liberty of all English subjects was concerned in that
suit. He had very many ancient coins of the Roman emperors,
and more modern ones of our English kings ; dying exceeding
wealthy ; insomuch that naked charity both wished and hoped
for a good new coat at his hands, but missed of its expectation.
The archbishop of Armagh (to Vv^hom he was always most civil
and respectful) preached his funeral sermon. The large library
which he left is a jewel indeed ; and this jewel long looked to
be put into a new cabinet, when one of the inns of court (on
which it was bestowed) should be pleased to provide a fair and
firm fabric to receive it; but now is reposited {Bodly within a
Bodly) in the matchless library of Oxford.
Gregory Martine was born at Mayfield in this county;
bred (contemporary with Campian) fellow of Saint John's Col-
lege in Oxford.J He was chosen by Thomas duke of Norfolk
to be tutor to his son Philip earl of Arundel ; and well dis-
charged his trust therein.
* Extraneus Vapulans, made by an Alter-idem to Doctor Hoylin, p. 1G7.
' t Mr. Spencer, keeper of the library at Jesus' College.
X Pits, de Anglifc Scriptoribus, anno 1582.
Going afterwards beyond the seas, and living some time in
Douay and Rome, he fixed at last in the English College at
Rheims, where he was professor of divinity. As he was papal
both in his christian and surname, so was he deeply dyed
with that religion, writing many books in the defence thereof,
and one most remarkable, intituled, " A Detection of the Cor-
ruptions in the English Bible." Athaliah did craftily cry out
first, " Treason, Treason," when she was the greatest traitor
herself;* and this Martine, conscious of the many and foul cor-
ruptions in his own Rhenish translation, politicly complained
of the faults in our English Bible. He died the 28th of Octo-
ber 1582 ; and lieth buried in the parish church of St. Stephen^s
in Rheims.
Thomas Stapleton was born at Henfield in this county,
as Pits, his familiar friend, doth inform us.f Object not that
it is written on his tomb at Saint Peter's at Louvain,
" Thomas Stapletonus, qui Cicestriae in Anglia nobili loco natus ;"
Chichester there not being taken restrictively for the city, but
extensively for the diocese. His bare surname is sufficient
proof of his gentle birth.
Those of his own persuasion please themselves m.uch to
observe, that this Thomas was born in the same year and month
wherein Sir Thomas More was beheaded, as if Divine Provi-
dence had purposely dropped from heaven an acorn in place of
the oak that was felled.
He was bred in New College in Oxford, and then by the
bishop (Christopherson, as I take it) made canon of Chiches-
ter, which he quickly quitted in the first of queen Elizabeth.
Flying beyond the seas, he first fixed at Douay, and there com-;
mendably performed the office of catechist, which he discharo-ed
to his commendation. J
Reader, pardon an excursion caused by just grief and ano-er.
Many, counting themselves Protestants in England, do slight
and neglect that ordinance of God, by which their religion was
set up, and gave credit to it in the first Reformation ; I mean.
Catechising. Did not our Saviour say even to Saint Peter
himself, '^ Feed my lambs, feed my sheep."§ And why lambs
first? 1. Because they were /«mZ>5 before they were sheep. 2,
Because, if they be not fed whilst lambs, they could never be
sheep. 3o Because sheejJ can in some sort feed themselves ;
but lambs (such their tenderness) must either be fed or fa-
mished. Our Stapleton was excellent at this lamb-feeding, from
which office he was afterwards preferred king's, professor of
divinity in Louvain, and was for forty years together " Dominus
ad oppositum,'' the undertaker-general against all Protestants.
Dr. Whitacre, professor in Cambridge, experimentally professed,
* 2 Kings xi, 14. f Page 796.
:j: See his epitaph in Pits. § John xxi. 15, 16.
that Bellarniiiie was the fairer and Stapleton the shrewder
His J) re ferment (in mine eye) was not proportionable to his
merits being no more than canon and master of a college in
Louvain. Many more admired that Stapleton missed, than that
Allen got^ a cardinal's cap, equalling him in strictness of life,
exceeding him in gentility of birth, and painfulness of writing
for the Romish cause. Such consider not that Stapleton's
ability was drowned with Allen's activity ; and one grain of the
statesman is too heavy for a pound of the student ; practical
policy, in all ages, beating pen-pains out of distance in the race
of preferment. Stapleton died, and was buried in St. Peter's in
Louvain, anno 1598.
Reader, let not the want of intelligence in me be mis-inter-
preted want of munificence in the natives of this county, find-
ing but one most eminent, and him since the Reformation.
Richard Sackvill, eldest son of Thomas earl of Dorset,
by Cecily his wife, had his barony (if not his birth) at Buck-
hurst in this county : a gentleman of singular learning in many
sciences and languages ; so that the Greek and Latin were as
familiar unto him as his own native tongue.* Succeeding his
father in that earldom, he enjoyed his dignity not a full year, as
lacking seven weeks thereof. Yet is there no fear that the
shortness of his earlship will make his name forgotten, having
erected a monument \vhich will perpetuate his memory to all
posterity ; viz. a college at East Grinstead in this county, for
pne-and-thirty poor people to sen^e Almighty God therein ;
endowing the same with three hundred and thirty pounds a-year
out of all his land in England. By Margaret sole daughter to
Thomas duke of Norfolk, he left two surviving sons, Richard
and Edward, both persons of admirable parts (successively earls
after liim) ; and, dying 1608, was buried at Withiham in this
John, Henry, and Thomas Palmer, sons unto Edward
Palmer, esquire, of Angmarine in this county ; a town so called,
as I am informed, from aqua marina, or the water of the sea,
being within two miles thereof, and probably, in former ages,
nearer thereunto.
Their mother was daughter to one Clement of Wales, who,
for his effectual assisting of king Henry the Seventh, from his
landing at Milford-haven until the Battle of Bosworth, was
brought by him into England, and rewarded with good lands in
this and the next county.
♦ Mills, in Catalogue of Honour, p. 418.
It happened that their mother, being a full fortnight inclu-
sively in labour, was on Whitsunday delivered of John her eld-
est son, on the Sunday following of Henry her second son, and
the Sunday next after of Thomas her third son. This is that
which is commonly called superf(Btation (usual in other crea-
tures, but rare in women) ; the cause whereof we leave to the
disquisition of physicians.
These three were knighted for their valour by king Henry
the Eighth (who never laid his sword on his shoulders who was
not a man) ; so that they appear as remarkable in their success
as their nativities. The truth hereof needeth no other attesta-
tion than the general and uncontrolled tradition of their no less
worshipful than numerous posterity in Sussex and Kent;
amongst whom I instance in Sir Roger Palmer, aged eighty
years, lately deceased, and cofferer to our late king, averring to
me the faith hereof on his reputation. The exact date of these
knights^ deaths I cannot attain.
Leonard Mascall, of Plumstead in this county, being
much delighted in gardening (man's original vocation), was the
first who brought over into England, from beyond the seas,
carps and pippins ; the one well cooked delicious, the other cor-
dial and restorative. For the proof hereof, we have his own
word and witness ;* and did it, it seems, about the fifth year of
the reign of king Henry the Eighth, anno Domini 1514, The
time of his death is to me unknown.
William Withers, born at Walsham in this county, being
a child of eleven years old, did, anno 1581, lie in a trance ten
days without any sustenance : and at last coming to himself,
uttered to the standers-by many strange speeches, inveighing
against pride, covetousness, and other outrageous sins. But
let the credit thereof be charged on my author's account.f
S. Bishop of Chichester, and John Earl of Huntington;—
WilHam St. John, and William Sidney, (knights of the
shire) ; — Commissioners to take the oaths.
Abbatis de Bello. Rich. Dalynrigge, arm.
Thoo de Echingham, mil. Edw. Sakevyle, arm.
Hugon. Halsham, mil. Will. Ryman, arm.
Rog. Ferrys, mil. Rog. Gunter, arm,
Tho. Leukenore, mil. Rob. Lyle.
Rob. Roos, mil. Johan. Bartelet.
Hen. Husee, mil. Will. Ernele.
* In his book of Fishing, Fowling, and Planting,
t Holinshed, in his Chronicle, p. 1315.
Walt. Urry.
Johan. Lylye.
Joh. Knottesford, arm.
Rich. Profyt.
Johan. Bolne.
Walt. Fust.
Johan. Wilteshire.
Ade Iwode.
Will. Halle de Ore.
Joh. Oxebrugge.
Tho. Oxebrugge.
Rob. Arnold.
Johan. Peres.
Rich. Danmere.
Tho. Stanton.
Tho. Cotes.
Joh. AVyghtrynge.
Will. Hore.
Johan. Sherar.
Johan. Hilly.
Will. Warnecamp.
Will. Merwe.
Joh. Grantford.
Rad. Vest.
Joh. Vest.
Joh. Hammes de Padyngho.
Johan. Parker de Lewes.
Jacob. Honiwode Prior de
Abbatis de Ponte Roberti.
Robert. Abbatis de Begeham.
Prioris de Mechilham.
Prioris de Hasting.
Rich. Waller, arm.
Johan. Ledes, arm.
Johan. Bramshel, arm.
Rich. Cook, arrn.
Rich. Farnfold.
Joh. Burde^^le, arm.
Rad. Rademeld, arm.
Johan. Apsle^s
Rich. Grene.
Tho. Grene.
Will. Blast.
Rober, Tank.
Johan. Bradebrugge.
Will. Delve.
Will. Shreswell.
Johan. Lunsford.
Johan. Penhurst.
Johan. Goringe.
Sim. Cheyne.
Tho. Ashburnham.
Rich. Clothule.
Rob. Hyberden.
Johan. Dragon.
Tho. Surflet.
Henrici Exton.
Joh. Symond.
Will. Scardevyle.
Will. Yevan.
Joh. Rombrigg.
Hen. Wendon.
Rich. Dan el.
Rich. Roper.
Tho. Fusty ngden.
Rad. Shreswell.
This county had the same sheriffs with Surrey till the twelfth
year of queen Elizabeth ; and then, for the four years follow-
ing, had these sheriffs peculiar to itself.
Anno Name and Arms.
9 Ed. Bellingham, arm.
Arg. three hunters^ horns stringed S.
10 Joh. Apseley, arm.
Barry of six Arg. and G. ; a canton Erm.
11 Hen. Goring, arm.
Arg. a chevron 'twixt three annulets G.
Anno Name. Place.
12 Edw. Carrell, arm. . . Harting.
Arg. three bars, and as many martlets in chief S.
Then were the two counties reunited under one sheriff until
the twelfth year of king Charles ; when, being divided, these
following were proper to Sussex alone.
Anno Name and Arms. Place.
12 Edw. Bishop, mil. . . Parham.
Arg. on a bend cotised G. three bezants.
13 Anth. Fowle, arm, . . Riverhal.
G. a lion passant gardant betwixt three roses O.
14 Anth. Forster, arm. . . Tronton.
S. on a chevron Arg. three scallop-shells of the field be-
twixt as many pheons O.
15 Edw. Apsley, arm. . . ut prius.
16 Geo. Churchar, arm.
17 Egid. Garton, arm.
19 Joh. Baker, arm™
20 Edw. Payne, arm.
Arg. on a fess engrailed G. three roses Erm.
22 Tho. Eversfield, arm.
Erm. on a bend S. three mullets O. betwixt as many
martlets S.
For my Vale to this county, I desire to be their remem-
brancer of the counsel which their countryman William earl of
Arundel gave to his son, Henry Fitzallen, last earl of that sur-
name, viz. '• Never to trust their neighbours the French.'^*
Indeed for the present they are at amity with us ; but foreign
friendship is ticklish, temporary, and lasteth no longer than it
is advantaged with mutual interest. May never French land on
this shore, to the loss of the English ! But, if so sad an acci-
dent should happen, send then our Sussexians no worse success
than their ancestors of Rye and Winchelsea had, 1378, in the
reign of Richard the Second, when they embarked for Nor-
mandy :t for, in the night, they entered a town called Peter^s
Port, took all such prisoners who were able to pay ransom, and
safely returned home without loss, and with much rich spoil ;
and amongst the rest they took down out of the steeple the
* Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1580. f Stow's Chronicle in this year.
bells^ and brought them into England ; bells which the French
had taken formerly from these towns, and which did afterwards
ring the more merrily, restored to their proper place, with ad-
dition of much wealth to pay for the cost of their recovery.
Sir Joseph Ayloffe, antiquary ; born at Framfield 1 708.
Edward Clarke, talented scholar, and traveller in Spain, &c. ;
born at Buxted 1730.
William Collins, unfortunate poet, author of Odes, &c.
^'^ whose fame can never die ;'^ born at Chichester 1720 ; died
Rev. J. Dallaway, antiquary and author; born 1763; died
Frewen, or Fruin, accepted archbishop of York ; born at
Northiam; died 1664.
William Hay, M.P. remarkable for his personal deformity, and
author of an essay on that subject ; bom at Lewes 1695.
William Hayley, poet, friend and biographer of Cowper;
born at Chichester 1745; died 1820.
Dr. James Hurdis, learned divine and poet; born at Bishop-
stone 1763.
Hugh James Rose, divine and principal of King^s College,
London, theological writer; born at Uckfield 1795 ; died at
Florence 1839.
Charlotte Smith, poetess and novelist; born at Bignor Park
1749; died 1806.
*^* Independently of the History of Sussex, by the Rev. T. W. Horsfield, we
have that of the Western Division of the County, containing the Rape of Chiches-
ter and of Arundel, by the Rev. J. Dallaway, which was brought out in 2 vols. 4to.
in 1815 ; and in 1830, appeared, in completion of the preceding, the Parochial To-
pography of the Rape of Branlber, by the Rev. E. Cartwright. To these may be
added, the History of Brighthelmstone, by Dr. Relhan (1761); the Antiquities of
Arundel, by C. Caraccioli (1766) ; Lee's History of Lewes and Brightelmstone
(1795) ; Picture of Worthing, by the Rev. Dr. Evans (1805) ; Hay's History of
Chichester (1804) ; Dr. Davis's Description of Bognor (1807) ; Stockdale's His-
tory of Hastings, &c. (1819); Shearsmith's Description of Worthing (1824);
Moss's History of Hastings (1824) ; Horsfield 's History of Lewes (1824) ; besides
various Guides to Hastings, Brighton, Worthing, &c. — Ed.
Warwickshire hath Leicester and Northampton- shires on
the east^ Oxford and Gloucester- shires on the south, Worcester
on the west, and Staffordshire on the north thereof. In form,
at the first view, in a map, it doth pretend to some circular-
ness ; but attaineth no exactness therein, as extending thirty-
three miles from north to south, though from east to west not
distanced above twenty-six.
One said no less truly than merrily, ^^ It is the heart, but not
the core, of England ;'' having nothing coarse or choaky there-
in. The woodland part thereof may want what the Jieldon
affords; so that Warwickshire is defective in .neither. As for
the pleasure thereof, an author is bold to say, that from Edge-
hill one may behold it another Eden,* as Lot did the Plain of
Jordan ;t but he might have put in, " It is not altogether so
well watered.^^
Most large for bone, flesh, and wool, in this county, especi-
ally about Worm Leighton. In this shire the complaint of J.
Rous continueth and increaseth, that sheep turn cannibals, eat-
ing up men, houses, and towns ; their pastures make such depo-
But, on the other side, it is pleaded for these enclosures, that
they make houses the fewer in this county, and the more in the
kingdom. How* come buildings in great towns every day to
increase (so that commonly tenants are in before tenements are
ended) but that the poor are generally maintained by clothing,
the staple- trade of the nation ?
Indeed corn doth visibly employ the poor in the place where
it groweth, by ploughing, sowing, mowing, inning, threshing :
but wool invisibly maintaineth people at many miles' distance,
by carding, spinning, weaving, dressing, dyeing it. However,
an expedient might be so used betwixt tillage and pasturage,
* J. Speed, in his Description of Warwickshire. f Genesis xiii. 10.
that Abel should not kill Cain, the shepherd undo the husband-
man, but both subsist comfortably together.
It is the prince (oak being allowed the king) of English tim-
ber, growing plentifully in the woodland part of this county. I
confess it far short in sovcreigness against serpents of the Italian
ash, if true what Pliny reporteth (making affidavit thereof on his
own experience, "Expertiprodimus")* that a serpent, encircled
with fire and boughs of ash, will, in this dilemma, put himself
rather on the hazard of tire, than adventure on the fence of
ashen boughs. It is also far inferior in toughness to the Span-
ish ash ; and yet a stand of pikes made of English ash, and ma-
nao-ed with Englishmen's arms, will do very well. But, to wave
the warlike, and praise the peaceable use of the ash ; it is excel-
lent for plow-timber, besides many utensils within a family.
Being cut down green, it burneth (a peculiar privilege of this
wood) clear and bright, as if the sap thereof had a fire-feeding
unctiousness therein. The fruit thereof is good in physic, whose
keys are" opening of obstructions arising from the spleen.
Much hereof is digged up at Bedworth, which (in my mea-
suring) of all coal-mines north of Thames, is the most south-
ward, adding much to their price and owners' profit. The
making such mines destroyeth much, but w^hen made preserveth
more timber. I am sorry to hear that those black hidies, both
in quantity and quality, fall short of their former fruitfulness ;
and I wish they may recover their lost credit, being confident
the earth there will bleed profit as plentifully as any, had the
miners but the good hap to hit the right vein thereof.
As for Manafactures in this county, some broad cloths
are made in Coventry, and ten might be made for one, if the
mystery thereof were vigorously pursued.
Coventry, much beholding to the lady Godiva (who took
order that her charity should not prejudice her modesty, when
she purchased the privileges of this place) sheweth two fair
churches close together. How clearly would they have shined,
if set at competent distance ! Whereas now, such their
vicinity, that the Archangel eclipseth the Trinity.
Saint Mary's in Warwick, a beautiful structure, owes its
life to the monuments of the dead therein, most being earls of
* Natural History, lib. xvi. cap. 13.
Warwick. Of these, that in the body of the church is the
oldest, that in tlie chancel is the largest, that in the chapel (of
gilt brass) the richest, that in the chapter-house (of Fulke lord
Brook) the latest. Greatness may seem in some to be buried
in the tomb of the earl of Leicester, and goodness in that of the
earl of Warwick. Women are most delighted with the statue
of the infant baron of Denbigh, and scholars most affected with
the learned epitaph of Sir Thomas Puckering. In a word, so
numerous is the church, with its appendences, as I am informed
by my worthy friend the minister,* that he can accommodate
one clergyman, of all dignities and degrees, to repose them, in
several chapels or vestries by themselves.
Kenelworth, alias Kenilv^^orth. — It had the strength of a
castle, and the beauty of a princess court. Though most fair
the porch, no danger of the castles running out thereat (like
that of Mindus at the gate), as most proportionable to the rest
of the fabric. I confess handsome is an improper epithet of a
giant, yet neatness agreeth with the vastness of this structure.
Some castles have been demolished for security, which I
behold destroyed, se defendendo, without offence. Others demo-
lished in the heat of the wars, vv^hich I look upon as castle-
slaughter. But I cannot excuse the destruction of this castle
from wilful murder, being done in cold blood, since the end of
the wars.
I am not stocked enough with charity to pity the miners
thereof, if the materials of this castle answered not their expec-
tation who destroyed it.
Pass we now from the preterperfect to the present tense, I
mean, from what was once to what 7ioiv is most magnificent, the
castle of Warwick. It over-looketh the town, which is washed
and swept by nature ; so sweet, on a rising hill, is the situation
thereof. The prospect of this castle is pleasant in itself, and
far more to the present owner thereof, the right honourable
Robert lord Brooke, seeing the windows look into lands mostly
of his possession.
We will conclude the buildings of this county, with the beau-
tiful Cross of Coventry ; a refor7ned cross {or standa?d rather)
without any cross thereon, being a master-piece, all for orna-
ment, nothing for superstition ; so that the most curious hath
just cause to commend, the most conscientious to allow, none
to condemn it.
It was begun 1541, the 33d, and finished 1544, the 36th of
king Henry the Eighth, at the sole cost of Sir WiUiam HolHs,
lord mayor of London, great grandfather to the right honour-
able the earl of Clare.
* Mr. Vernour.
At Leamington, within two miles of Warwick, there issue
out (within a stride) of the womb of the earth two twin- springs,
as ditlerent in taste and operation, as Esau and Jacob in dis-
position, the one salt, the other fresh. Thus the meanest
countryman doth plainly see the effects, w^hilst it would pose a
consultation of philosophers to assign the true cause thereof.
To this permanent let me enjoy a transient wonder, which
was some fifty years since. The situation of Coventry is well
known, on a rising hill, having no river near it, save a small
brook, over which generally one may make a bridge with a stride.
Now here happened such an inundation, on Friday April the
seventeenth, 1607 (attested under the seal of the city, in the
mayoralty of Henry Sewel) as was equally admirable :
1. In coming about eight o'clock in the morning, no con-
siderable rain preceding, which might suggest the least sus-
picion thereof.
2. In continuance, for the space of three hours, wherein it
overflowed more than two hundred and fifty dwelUng houses,
to the great damage of the inhabitants.
3. In departure, or vanishing rather; sinking as suddenly as
it did rise.
Thus what the Scripture saith of wind, was then true of the
water, " One cannot tell whence it came nor whither it went,"*
Leaving others to inquire into the second and subordinate, I
will content myself with admiring the Supreme cause, observed
by the Psalmist, ^^ He turneth a wilderness into a standing water,
and dry ground into water-springs.^'t
At Newnham Regis there is a spring, the water whereof
drunk with salt looseneth, with sugar bindeth,^the body. It is
also very sovereign against ulcers, impostume^s, and the stone.
This last I commend to the reader's choice observation : the
same author affirmeth that it turneth sticks into stone, and that
he himself was an eye-witness thereof. J Now, how it should
dissolve the stone in the body of a man, and yet turn wood into
stone, I leave to such who are Naturce a sanctioribus consiliis,
at their next meeting at their council-table to discuss and
" He is the Black Bear of Arden."]
Arden is a forest, anciently occupying all the wood-land part
of this county. By the Black Bear is meant Guy Beauchamp
earl of Warwick, who (besides the allusion to his crest) was
* John iii. 8. I Psalm cvii, 35.
X Speed, in his Description of Warwickshire.
grim of person and surly of resolution ; for, when this bear had
gotten Pierce Gavistone (that monkey and minion of king
Edward the Second) into his chambers, he caused his death at
a hill within two miles of Warwick, notwithstanding all oppo-
sition to the contrary. The proverb is appliable to those who
are not terriculamenta but terrores, no fancy-formed bug-bears,
but such as carry fear and fright to others about them.
** As bold as Beauchamp."]
Some will say the concurrence of these two B. B. did much
help the proverb ; and I think (as in others of the same kind)
they did nothing hinder it. However, this quality could not be
fixed on any name with more truth. If it be demanded, what
Beauchamp is chiefly meant, amongst the many of that surname,
earls of Warwick ? The answer of mutinous people is true in
this case, one and all: 1. William; 2. Guy; S.Thomas; 4.
Thomas; 5. Richard; 6. Henry.
Such a series there was, of successive undauntedness in that
noble family. But, if a better may be allowed amongst the
best and a bolder amongst the boldest, I conceive that Tho-
mas, the first of that name, gave the chief occasion to this pro-
verb, of whom we read it thus reported in our Chronicles :*
" At Hogges in Normandy, in the year of our Lord 1346, be-
ing there in safety arrived with Edward the Third, this Thomas,
leaping over ship-board, was the first man who went on land,
seconded by one esquire and six archers, being mounted on a
silly palfrey, which the sudden accident of the business first offered
to hand ; with this company he did fight against one hundred
armed men ; and, in hostile manner, overthrew every one which
withstood him ; and so, at one shock, with his seven assistants,
he slew sixty Normans, removed all resistance, and gave means
to the whole fleet to land the army in safety.
The heirs male of this name are long since extinct, though
some, deriving themselves from the heirs general, are extant at
this day.
*' The bear wants a tail, and cannot be a lion."]
Nature hath cut off the tail of the bear close at the rump,
which is very strong and long in a lion ; for a great part of the
lion^s strength consists in his tail, wherewith (when angry) he
useth to flap and beat himself, to raise his rage therewith to the
height, so to render himself more fierce and furious. If any ask
why this proverb is placed in Warwickshire? let them take
the ensuing story for their satisfaction :
Robert Dudley earl of Leicester derived his pedigree from
the ancient earls of Warwick, on which title he gave their crest,
the Bear and Ragged Staff; and when he was governor of the
Low Countries, with the high title of his Excellency, disusing
his own coat of the green lion with two tails, he signed all instru-
* Out of which it is observed by Mr. Mills, in his Catalogue of Honour, p. 804,
and Mr. Dugdale, in his Earls of Warwick.
ments \vitli the crest of the Bear and Ragged Staff. He was
then suspected, by many of his jealous adversaries, to hatch an
aml)itious design to make himself absolute commander (as the
lion is king of beasts) over the Lov\' Countries. Whereupon
some (foes to his faction, and friends to the Dutch freedom)
wrote under his crest, set up in public places :
Ursa caret caudd, non quecit esse Leo.
" The Bear lie never can prevail
To Lion it, for lack of tail."
Nor is Ut'sa in the feminine merely placed to make the verse?
but because naturalists observe in bears that the female is al-
ways the strongest.
This proverb is applied to such who, not content with their
condition, aspiie to what is above their worth to deserve, or
power to achieve.
" He is true Coventr)^ blue."]
It seems the best blues, so well fixed as not to fade, are dyed
in Coventry. It is applied to such an one who isjiclus Achates,
a fast and faithful friend to those that employ him. Opposite
hereunto is the Greek proverb,* Tov /.a/coy TpiireraL xpwCjj Ignavi
vertitur color, (a coward will change colour), either for fear or
falsehood, when deserting those who placed confidence in him.
As for those who apply this proverb to persons so habited in
wickedness as past hojie of amendment, under favour I con-
ceive it a secondary and but abusive sense thereof.
Anne Nevill, daughter and coheir to Richard Nevill earl
of Warwick, was most probably born in Warwick Castle, She
was afterward married, with a great portion and inheritance, to
Edward prince of Wales, sole son to king Henry the Sixth ; a
prince^ neither dying of disease, nor slain in battle, nor executed
by justice, but barbarously butchered by Richard duke of Glou-
Was it not then a daring piece of courtship in him, who had
murdered her husband, to make love unto her in way of mar-
riage ? And was not his success strange in obtaining her, having
no beauty to commend his person to her aftection ? Oh the im-
potency of the weaker sex, to resist the battery of a princely
suitor, who afterwards became king by his own ambition ! How-
ever, her life with him proved neither long nor fortunate.
It happened that there was the muttering of a marriage be-
tween Henry earl of Richmond and Elizabeth eldest daughter to
Edward the Fourth, so to unite the houses of Lancaster and
York. To prevent this, king Richard the Third intended to
marry the ladv himself; so methodical he was in breaking the
commandments of the second table. First, '' Honour thy father
* Plutarchus, in pvoblemate Cur polypus rnutat colorem.
and mother, '^ when he procured his mother to be proclaimed
a harlot, by a preacher at Paul's Cross. Secondly, "thoushalt
not kill/^ when he murdered his nephews. Thirdly, ^'^ thou
shalt not commit adultery,^^ being now in pursuit of an inces-
tuous copulation.
Say not that this match would nothing confirm his title, see-
ing formerly he had pronounced all the issue of king Edward
the Fourth as illegitimate ; for, first, that design was rather in-
deavoured than effected ; most men remaining (notwithstanding
this bastardizing attempt) well satisfied in the rightfulness of
their extraction. Secondly, they should or should not be bas-
tards, as it made for his present advantage ; tyrants always driv-
ing that nail which will go, though it go cross to those which
they have driven before. Lastly, if it did not help him, it
would hinder the earl of Richmond, which made that usurper
half wild till he was wedded.
But one thing withstood his desires. This Anne his queen
was still alive, though daily quarrelled at, and complained of
(her son being lately dead) for barren ; and oh, what a loss
would it be to nature itself, should her husband die without an
heir unto his virtues ! Well, this lady understanding that she was
a burthen to her husband, for grief soon became a burthen to
herself, and wasted away on a sudden. Some think she
went her own pace to the grave, while others suspect a grain
was given her, to quicken her in her journey to her long home ;
which happened anno Domini 1484.
Edv^ard Plantagenet, son to George duke of Clarence,
may pass for a prince, because the last male heir of that royal
family. Yea, some of his foes feared, and more of his friends
desired, that he might be king of England. His mother was
Isabel, eldest daughter to Richard Nevill earl of Warwick ;
and he was born in Warwick castle.""'
As his age increased, so the jealousy of the kings of England
on him did increase, being kept close prisoner by king Ed-
ward the Fourth, closer by king Richard the Third, and closest
by king Henry the Seventh. This last, being of a new lineage
and surname, knew full well how this nation hankered after the
name of Plantagenet ; which as it did out-syllable Tudor in the
mouths, so did it outvie it in the affections of the English.
Hence was it that the earl was kept in so strict restraint, which
made him very weak in his intellectuals; and no wonder, being
so sequestered from human converse.
It happened, a marriage was now in debate betwixt prince
Arthur and Catherine daughter to Ferdinand king of Spain ; and
the latter would not consent thereunto, until, to clear all titles,
this Edward Plantagenet were taken out of the way. There-
* Mr. Dugdale, in his Illustrations of Warwickshire, in the Catalogue of the
Earls thereof.
upon he was charged for intending an escape out of the Tower
(was he not a very fool indeed, if not desiring his own hberty ?) ;
which far-fetched deduction was heightened into high treason.
The simple earl was persuaded, by his friend-pretending foes, to
confess the fact, as the only way to find favour ; and so, freely
acknowledging more against himself than others could prove,
yea or himself did intend, soon after found the proverb true,
" Confess, and be beheaded/^
, However, the blood of this innocent (so may he truly be
termed, take the word in what sense you please) did not pass
unpunished ; and the lady Catherine dowager was wont to ac-
knowledge the death of her two sons an ill success of her match,
as heaven^s judgment on her family for the murdering of this
earl, which happened anno Domini 1499.
Saint WoLSTAN. — There is some difference, but what is easily
reconcileable, about the place of his nativity :
^^ Sanctus Wolstanus, natione Anglus, Wifforniensis."'^
" St. Wolstan was born in Warwickshire, of worthy and reli-
gious parents /^t
The accommodation is easy, seeing a Warwickshire man by
his county may be a Worcester man by his diocese, to which
see the western moiety of that county doth belong. Since, I
have learned from my worthy friend f that Long Irtington in
this shire may boast of the birth of Saint Wolstan. He after-
wards became bishop of Worcester ; and, for his piety and ho-
liness, w^as generally reverenced.
Indeed he was, like Jacob, a plain man, with Nathaniel an
Israelite without guile, welt, or gard. He could not mode^it,
or comport, either with French fickleness or Itahan pride ; which
rendered him at once hated by two grandees, king WiUiam the
Conqueror, and Lankfrank the lordly Lombard archbishop of
These resolved on his removal, quarrelling with him that he
could not speak French (a quality which much commended the
clergy in that age to preferment) ; and command him to give up
his episcopal staff and ring into the hands of the king. But
old Wolstan trudged to the tomb of king Edward the Confessor
in Westminster, who had been his patron, and there offered up his
episcopal habiliments. " These,^^ said he, " from you I received,
and to you I resign them.^^
This his plain-dealing so wrought on his adversaries (honesty
at long running is the best policy), that he was not only con-
tinued, but countenanced, in his bishopric; yea, acquired the
reputation of a saint. The greatest fault which I find charged
* J. Pits, de Illustribus Anglise Scriptoribus, setate tmdecima, num. 174.
t Hierome Porter, in the Flowers of the Lives of English Saints, p. 84.
: Mr. Dugdale, in his Illustrations of this County.
on his memory is his activity in making William Rufus king, to
the apparent injury of Robert his elder brother. But it is no
wonder if clergymen betray their weakness, who, being bred in
a convent, quit church business to intermeddle with secular mat-
ters. He died January 19, 1095.
Laurence Sanders, priest, martyred at Coventry, Feb. 8, 1555.
Robert Glover, of Manceter, gentleman, martyred at Co-
ventry, Sept. 20, 1555.
Cornelius Bongey, of Coventry, capper, martyred at Coventry,
Sept. 20, 1555.
John Careles, of Coventry, weaver, martyred in King's Bench^
To these let me add Julius Palmer, a hopeful scholar,
bred in Magdalen College in Oxford; and, though burnt in
Newbury, born at Coventry. Ralph Bains, bishop of this
diocese, was the cause of much persecution therein.
John Glover, — David saith, " He shall deliver thee from
the snare of the hunter.''"!^ Now hunters often change their
hare, losing that which they first followed, and starting another
which they hunt and take. So it happened here ; for this John
was the person by his j)ersecutors designed to death, who (after
many temporal and spiritual troubles) miraculously escaped
those Nimrods ; whilst Robert Glover, his younger brother (of
whom before) without their intention fell into their hands, and
lost' his life. Yet was there no mistake in Divine Providence,
making the swervings and aberrations of men tend, in a straight
line, to the accomplishing of his hidden will and pleasure.
William Maklesfield was born, saith my author f (but
with an abatement of a liic fertnr) in the city of Coventry. He
was made bachelor of divinity at Paris, doctor at Oxford, and
being a Dominican, was made general of their order.
Pope Benedict the Eleventh (who was of the same fraternity),
formerly his familiar acquaintance, made him cardinal, with the
title of St. Sabine. But such his misfortune, that he was dead
and buried at London, before his cardinal's cap was brought to
What said David ? " He shall carry nothing away with him
when he dies ; neither shall his pomp follow him."t Yet this
man's state endeavoured to follow him as far as it could. For
his cardinal's cap being sent to London with great solem-
* Psalm xci. 3. \ Bishop Godwin, in his Catalogue of Cardinals, p. 170.
+ Psalm xlix. 17.
T 2
nity, was with much magnificence set on the monument
where he was buried.* And perchance this cap did him as much
good when he was dead, as it would have done if he had been
Hvino-. Sure I am, that faithful linen did him far more service,
which adventured to go down with him into the grave, for the
winding of his body therein.
Peter Petow, by Master Camden called William Petow,t
(and had I been at his christening I could have decided the
controversy) was descended from ancient family, which for a
long time have flourished at Chesterton in this county 4 Being
by order a Franciscan, he was, by Pope Paulus the Third, created
cardinal (his title unknown) June 13, 1557-
The same Pope also made him Legate a Latere and bishop of
Salisbury, to the apparent wronging of John Capon, bishop
thereof, then alive, and no more obnoxious than others of his
order. But I forget what the canon law saith, '^ None may say
to the Pope, Why dost thou so V' as if w-hat were unjust in
itself were made just by his doing it.
Petow, thus armed with a legatine power, advanced towards
England, with full intent and resolution, either to force his ad-
mittance into the English court, or else to depart as he came.
But queen Mary, though drenched (not drowned) in Popish
principles, would not unprince herself to obey his Holiness ; and,
understanding it a splenetic design against cardinal Pole, whom
she entirely affected (wonder not at such differences betwixt
anti-cardinals, whereas worse between anti- Popes) prohibited his
entrance into the realm ; which Petow took so tenderly, that
the April after he died in France, 1558.
John Stratford, son of Robert and Isabel Stratford, is no-
toriously known to be born at Stratford, an eminent market in
this county. This makes me much admire, and almost suspect
my own eyes, in what I read, both in archbishop Parker and
bishop Godwin, " De cujus gente atque patria nihil accepi-
mus.^^§ "De cujus viri natalibus traditum non reperi quic-
quam.'^ll Being, by Papal provisions, preferred bishop of Win-
chester, without the royal consent, he fell into the disfavour of
king Edward the Second, regaining his good will (by the inter-
cession of archbishop Mepham) ; and being a subject, not to
the prosperity but person of his prince, he forsook him not in
the greatest extremity. This cost him the displeasure of the
queen mother and king Edward the Third, till at last, converted
by his constancy, they turned their frowns into smiles upon
* Bishop Godwin, ut supra. f Camden's Britannia, in Warwickshire.
+ Bishop Godwin, in his Catalogue of Cardinals.
§ In the Life of Stratford. 1| Idem, ibidem.
When archbishop of Canterbury, he persuaded king Edward
the Third to invade France, promising to supply him with com-
petent provisions for the purpose : a promise not so proportion-
able to his archiepiscopal capacity as to him ; as he had been
twice treasurer of England, and skilful in the collecting and ad-
vancing of money; so that he furnished the king with great sums
at his first setting forth for France.
These being spent before the year ended, the king sends over
for a supply. Stratford, instead of coin, returns counsel, advis-
ing him to alter his officers ; otherwise, if so mach was spent at
a breakfast, the whole wealth of the land would not suffice him
for dinner.
Over comes the angry king, from whose fury Stratford was
forced to conceal himself, until, publicly passing his purgation
in parliament, he was restored to the reputation of his inno-
cence, and rectified in the king's esteem. He built, and bounti-
fully endowed, a beautiful college in the town of his nativity ;
and, having sat archbishop fifteen years, died anno 1348, leaving
a perfumed memory behind him, for his bounty to his servants,
charity to the poor, meekness and moderation to all persons.
Ralph Stratford (kinsrhan to the foresaid archbishop)
was born in the town of Stratford on Avon, where he built a
chapel to the honour of Saint Thomas.* He was first canon of
Saint PauPs; and afterwards, May 12, 1339, was consecrated at
Canterbury bishop of London.
During his sitting in that see, there happened so grievous a
pestilence in London, that hardly the tenth person in some
places did escape. Then each church-yard was indeed a pohjan-
clrum, so that the dead might seem to justle one another for
room therein. Yea, the dead did kill the living, so shallowly
were their heaped corpse interred.
Whereupon this bishop charitably bought a piece of ground
nigh Smithfield. It was called No-maii' s-land, not a parte
ante, as formerly without an owner (seeing it had a proprietary
of whom it was legally purchased) ; but de futuro, none having
a particular interest therein, though indeed it was AU-meji's-Iand,
as designed and consecrated for the general sepulture of the de-
ceased. This bishop having continued about fourteen years in
his see, died at Stepney 1355.
KoBERT Stratford (brotherto the archbishop aforesaid) was,
in the reign of king Edward the Third, made bishop of Chi-
chester. He was at the same time chancellor of Oxford
(wherein he was bred), and of all England ; honourable offices,
which sometimes have met in the same person, though never
more deservedly than in the present enjoyerf of them both.
* Godwin, in tlie Bishops of London.
f Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards the famous Earl of Clarendon. — Ed.
In his time there was a tough contest betwixt the South and
Northern-men in that university. They fell from their pens to
their hands, using the contracted fist of martial logic, bloody
blows passing betwixt them. This bishop did wisely and fortu-
nately bestir himself an arbitrator in this controversy,* being ^
proper person for such a performance, born in this county (in
the very navel of England) ; so that his nativity was a natural
expedient betwixt them, and his judgment was impartial in
compromising the difference.
He was accused to the king for favouring the French, with
his brother archbishop ; contented patiently to attend till preg-
nant Time was delivered of Truth her daughter 5 and then this
brace of prelates appeared brethren in integrity. He died at
Allingbourn, April 9, 1362.
John Vesty, alias Harman, doctor of law, was born at
Sutton Colefield in this count}^, bred in Oxford ; a most viva-
cious person, if the date of these remarks be seriously consi-
dered. 1. In the twentieth year of king Henry the Sixth, he
was appointed to celebrate the divine service in the free chapel
of Saint Blaise of Sutton aforesaid. 2. In the twenty-third year
of Henry the Seventh, he was made vicar of Saint Michael's
church In Coventry. 3. Under king Henry the Eighth, he was
made dean of the chapel-royal, tutor to the lady Mary, and
president of Wales. 4. In the eleventh of king Henry the
Eighth, 1519, he was advanced to be bishop of Exeter. Which
bishopric he destroyed, not only shaving the hairs (with long
leases), but cutting away the limbs with sales outright, insomuch
that bishop Hall, his successor in that see, cumplaineth in
print, that the following bishops were barons, but bare- ones
Some have confidently affirmed, in my hearing, that the
word to veize (that is, in the west, to drive away with a wit-
ness) had its original from his profligating of the lands of his
bishopric ; but I yet demur to the truth hereof.
He robbed his own cathedral to pay a parish church, Sutton
in this county, where he was born, whereon he bestowed many
benefactions, and built fifty-one houses. To enrich this his
native town, he brought out of Devonshire many clothiers, with
desire and hope to fix the manufacture of clothing there. All
in vain ; for, as Bishop Godwin observeth,
" Non omnis ftrt omnia tellus."
Which (though true coiijunctwely, that all countries put toge-
ther bring forth all things to be mutually bartered by a recipro-
cation of trade,) is false disjunctively ; no one place affording all
commodities, so that the cloth-workers here had their pains for
their labour, and sold for their loss.
* Brian Twine.
It seems, though he brought out of Devonshire the fiddle and
Jiddlestick, he brought not the resin, therewith to make good
music ; and every country is innated with a pecuhar genius, and
is left-handed to those trades which are against their incUna-
He quitted his bishopric (not worth keeping) in the reign of
king Edward the Sixth ; and no wonder he resumed it not in
the reign of queen Mary, the bone not being worth the taking,
the marrow being knocked out before. He died (being 10.3
years old) in the reign of queen Mary; and was buried in his
native town, with his statue mitred and vested.
John Bird was born in the city of Coventry ;* bred a Car-
melite at Oxford, and became afterwards the thirty-first (the
head game) and last Provincial of his order. He preached some
smart sermons before king Henry the Eighth, against the pri-
macy of the Pope ; for which he was preferred (saith bishop
Godwin) to be successively bishop of Ossery in Ireland, Bangor
in Wales, and Chester in England.
To the two last we concur; but dissent to the former,
because John Bale, contemporary with this John Bird, and also
bishop of Ossery (who therefore must be presumed skilful in
his predecessors in that see) nameth him not bishop of Ossery,
but " Episcopum Pennecensem in Hibernia.^^ The same Bale
saith of him, " Audivi eum ad Papismi vomitum reversum,^^ (I
have heard that in the reign of queen Mary he returned to the
vomit of Popery ) ; which my charity will not believe. Indeed
in the first of queen Mary he was ousted of his bishopric for
being married ; and all that we can recover of his carriage after-
wards is this passage at the examination of Master Thomas
Haukes, martyr; when John Bird (then very old) brought
Bonner a bottle of wine, and a dish of apples, probably a present
unto him for a ne noceat ; and therefore not enough to speak
him a Papist in his persuasion.
Bishop Bonner desired him to take Haukes into his chamber,
and to try if he could convert him : whereupon, after Bonner's
departure out of the room, the quondam bishop accosted Haukes
as followeth :
" I would to God I could do you some good. You are a young
man, and I would not wish you to go too far, but learn of the
elders to bear somewhat.^'t
He enforced him no further ; but, being a thorough old man,
even fell fast asleep. All this, in my computation, amounts but
to a passive compliance, and is not evidence enough to make
him a thorough- paced Papist ; the rather because John Pits
omitteth him in the " Catalogue of English Writers," which no
* Bale,de Scriptoribus Britaniiicis.
t Fox's Acts and Monuments, p. 15S=!, ;uid anno 1555.
doubt he uould not have done, had he any. assurance that he
had been a radicated Romanist. Nothing else have I to observe
of him, but only that he was a little man, and had a pearl in
his eyes ; and, dying 1655, was buried in Chester.
Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, Knight, fourth son of Sir
George Throckmorton of Coughton in this county, was bred
beyond the seas, where he attained to great experience. Under
queen Mary he was in Guildhall arraigned for treason (compli-
ance with Wyat) ; and, by his own wary pleading, and the
jury's upright verdict, hardly escaped. Queen Elizabeth em-
ployed him her lieger a long time, first in France, then in
Scotland, finding him a most able minister of state ; yet got he
no great wealth ; and no wonder, being ever of the opposite party
to Burleigh, lord treasurer ;* chamberlain of the Exchequer, and
chief butler of England, were his highest preferments. I say
chief butler, which office, like an empty covered cup, pretend-
eth to some state, but affordeth no considerable profit. He
died at supper with eating of salads, not without suspicion of
poison, the rather because happening in the house of one no
mean artist in that faculty, Robert earl of Leicester. His death,
as it was sudden, was seasonable for him and his, whose active
(others will call it turbulent) spirit, had brought him into such
trouble as might have cost him, at least, the loss of his personal
estate. t He died, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, February
the 12th, 1570; and lieth buried in the south side of the chan-
cel of St. Katharine Cree church, London. J
Edward Conway, Knight, son to Sir John Conway, knight,
lord and owner of Ragleigh in this county. This Sir John
being a person of great skill in military afiairs, was made by
Robert earl of Leicester (general of the English auxiliaries in
the United Provinces) governor of Ostend» His son Sir
Edward succeeded to his father's martial skill and valour, and
twisted therewith peaceable policy in state affairs ; so that the
gown and the sword met in him in most eminent proportion ;
and thereupon king James made him one of the principal
secretaries of state.
For these his good services he was ])y him created lord Con-
w^ay of Ragleigh in this county ; and afterw^ards, by king Charles,
viscount Killultagh in the county of Antrim ; and lastly, in the
third of king Charles, viscount Conway of Conway in Carnar-
vonshire ; England, Ireland, and Wales mutually embracing
themselves in liis honours. He died January the third, anno
* Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1569. f Idem, anno 1570.
X Stow's Suvrey of London, p. 149.
John Digby^ baron of Sherborne, and earl of Bristol, was
born in this county, a younger son of an ancient family, lono-
flourishing at Coleshull, therein. To pass by his infancy, (all
children being alike in their long coats), his youth gave preo--
nant hopes of that eminency which his mature age did produce.
He did ken the ambassador-craft as well as any in his age ;
employed by king James in several services to foreign princes,
recited in his patent (which I have perused) as the main motives
of the honours conferred upon him. But his manao-ino- the
matchless match with Spain was his master-piece, wherein a
good (I mean a great) number of state-traverses were used on
both sides.
His contest with the duke of Buckingham is fresh in many
men's memories, charges of high treason mutually flying
about. But this lord fearing the duke's power (as the duke
this lord's policy) it at last became a drawn battle between them •
yet so that this earl lost the love of king Charles, living many
years in his dis-favour : but such as are in a cowYt-cloud have
commonly the country's sunsJdne ; and this peer, during his
eclipse, was very popular with most of the nation.
It is seldom seen that a favourite once broken at court sets
up again for himself; the hap rather than happiness of this
lord ; the king graciously reflecting on him, at the beginning of
the Long Parliament, as one best able to give him the safest
counsel in those dangerous times. But how he incensed the
parliament so far as to be excepted pardon, I neither do know
nor dare inquire. Sure I am, after the surrender of Exeter, he
went over into France, where he met with due respect in foreio-n
which he missed in his native country. The worst I wish such
who causelessly suspect him of Popish inclinations is, that I
may hear from them but half so many strong arguments for the
Protestant religion, as I have heard from him, who was, to his
commendation, a cordial champion for the church of England.
He died in France, about the year 1650.
Walter of Coventry was born and bred a Benedictine
therein.* Bale saith he was '• immortali vir dignus memoria "
and much commended by Leland (though not of set purpose
but) spar Sim, as occasion is offered. He excelled in the two
essential qualities of an historian, faith and method, writino- truly
and orderly, only guilty of coarseness of style. This may
better be dispensed with in him, because " Historia est res veri-
tatis, non eloquentiae," because bad Latin was a catchino- disease
in that age. From the beginning of the Britons he wrote a
chronicle (extant in Bene't College library) to his own time.
He flourished anno 1217.
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iii. num. 74.
Vincent of Coventry was born in tlie chief city in this
shire, and bred a Franciscan (though learned Leland mistakes
him a CarmeUte) in the university of Cambridge.*
His order, at their first entrance into England, looked upon
learning as a thing beneath them ; so totally were they taken
up with their devotion. This Vincent was the first who brake
the ice (and then others of his order drank of the same water) ;
first applied himself to academical studies, and became a pub-
lic professor in Cambridge.f He set a copy for the Carmelites
therein to imitate, who not long after began their public lec-
tures in the same place. He left some books to posterity, and
flourished anno Domini 1250.
John of Killingworth; born in that castelled village in
this county ; bred in Oxfordshire, an excellent philosopher,
astronomer, and physician. He studied the stars so long, that
at last he became a stay^ himself in his own sphere, and out-
shined all others of that faculty. He was father and founder to
all the astronomers of that age. I never did sjwing such a
covey of mathematicians all at once, as I met with at this time ;
Cervinus or Hart, Cure, John Stac)^, and Black, all bred in
Merton College ;J which society, in the former century, applied
themselves to school divinity ; in this, to mathematics : and
attained to eminency in both ; so good a genius acted within
the walls of that worthy foundation. He flourished about the
year 1360.
William of Coventry was born and bred a Carmelite in
that city. He in his youth was afflicted with an unhealable
sprain in his hip, and was commonly called Claudus Conversus,
which I adventure to English, " The Lame Converted.^^
Conversiis properly is one who, for lack of learning, or defor-
mity of body, is condemned to the servile work in the monas-
tery, under a despair ever to be made priest ; termed, it seems,
Conver^us, because not of voluntary choice turning to that
course of life, but turned (as passively necessitated) thereunto. §
But hear how J. Pits clincheth in his praise : ^^ Claudicavit
corporis gressu, non virtutis progressu ; vitiatus corpore, non
vitiosus animo,^^ being in his writings full of sentences ; amongst
which. Bale takes especial notice of his '^ Prodesset hierosoly-
mam petere et alia invisere loca sacra, sed multum prscstaret eo
precio pauperes alere domi ;" wherein, though I perceive no more
sententiousness than common sense, yet because it containeth a
bold truth in those blind days, it may be mentioned. He never
set his name to his books ; but it may (according to the friarly
if * Thomas Ecclestone, in Chronicle of Franciscans,
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iv. num. 12.
X Idem, Cent. vi. num. 10. § Pits, de Scriptoribus Angliee, anuo 1360.
fancy) be collected out of the capital letters of his several
works ; who flourished anno 1 360.
John Rouse, son of JefFery Rouse, was born at Warwick,
but descended from the Rouses of Brinkloe in this county. He
was bred in Oxford, where he attained to great eminency of
learning. He afterwards retired himself to Guy's ClifFe, within
a mile of Warwick.
A most delicious place, so that a man in many miles^ riding
cannot meet so much variety, as there one furlong doth afford.
A steep rock, full of caves in the bowels thereof, washed at the
bottom with a crystal river, besides many clear springs on the
side thereof, all overshadowed with a stately grove ; so that an
ordinary fancy may here find to itself Helicon, Parnassus, and
what not? Many hermits (and Guy earl of Warwick himself)
being sequestered from the world, retreated hither. Some will
say it is too gaudy a place for that purpose, as having more of
a paradise than wilderness therein, so that men's thoughts
would rather be scattered than collected with such various ob-
jects. But, seeing hermits deny themselves the company of
men, let them be allowed to converse with the rarities of
nature ; and such are the fittest texts for a solitary devotion to
comment upon.
To this place came our John Rouse ; and, by leave obtained
from king Edward the Fourth, immured himself therein, that
he might apply his studies without distraction. Here he wrote
of "The Antiquities of Warwick," with a Catalogue of the
Earls thereof ; a Chronicle of our English Kings ; and a His-
tory of our Universities. He was as good with the pencil as
with the pen, and could draw persons as well as describe them,
as appears by lively pictures limned with his own hand. He
died, a very aged man, anno Domini 1491.
William Perkins was born at Marston in this county;
bred fellow of Christ's College, and then became preacher of
St. Andrew's in Cambridge.
The Athenians did " nothing else but tell or hear some new
thing."* Why tell before hear ? Because, probably, they
themselves were the first finders, founders, and fathers of
many reports. I should turn such an Athenian to feign and
invent, should I add any thing concerning this worthy person,
whose life I have formerly written at large in my " Holy State."
He died anno Domini 1602.
Thomas Drax, D.D. was born at Stoneleigh in this county,
his father being a younger brother of a worshipful family, which
* Acts xvii. 21.
for many years had lived at Woodhall in Yorkshire ; he was
bred in Christ's College in Cambridge. He was a pious man,
and an excellent preacher, as by some of his printed sermons
doth appear. He translated all the works of master Perkins
(his countryman and collegiate) into Latin, which were printed
at Geneva. Doctor King, bishop of London, removed him
from his native county, and bestowed a benefice on him nigh
Harwich in Essex, where the clianxje of the air was conceived to
hasten his great change, which happened about the year 1616. I
cannot forget how this worthy name of Drax may be resembled
to the river Anas in Spain, which, having run many miles under
ground, surgeth a greater channel than before. They have flou-
rished at Woodhall aforesaid, in the parish of Darfield, ever
since a co-heir of the noble family of Fitzwilliams brought that
good manor (with the alternate gift of the mediety of the lich
parsonage therein) in marriage into this family, as since by an
heir-general it hath been alienated. But, after many various
changes, this name hath recovered and increased its lustre in
Sir James Drax, a direct descendant from the heirs-male, who,
by God's blessing on his industry and ingenuity, hath merited
much of the English nation, in bringing the sugars and other
commodities of the Barbadoes to their present perfection.
William Shakespeare was born at Stratford on Avon in
this county ; in whom three eminent poets may seem in some
sort to be compounded. 1. Martial, in the warlike sound of
his surname (whence some may conjecture him of a military
extraction) Hasti-vibrans, or Shake-speare. 2. Ovid, the most
natural and witty of all poets ; and hence it was that queen
Elizabeth, coming into a grammar-school, made this extem-
porary verse,
" Fersius a crab-stafFe, bawdy Martial, Ovid a fine wag."
3. Plant US, who was an exact comedian, yet never any scholar,
as our Shakspeare (if alive) would confess himself. Add to all
these, that though his genius generally was jocular, and inclin-
ing him to festivity, yet he could (when so disposed) be solemn
and serious, as appears by his tragedies ; so that Heraclitus
himself (I mean if secret and unseen) might afibrd to smile at
his comedies, they were so merry ; and Democritus scarce for-
bear to sigh at his tragedies, they were so mournful.
He was an eminent instance of the truth of that rule, '* Poeta
non fit sed nascitur," (one is not made but born a poet.)
Indeed his learning was very little ; so that, as Cornish dia-
monds are not polished by any lapidary, but are pointed and
smoothed even as they are taken out of the earth, so Nature
itself was all the art which was used upon him.
Many were the wet-combats betwixt him and Ben Jonson ;
which two I behold like a Spanish great galleon and an English
man-of-war : master Jonson (like the former) was built far
higher in learning; solid^ but slow, in his performances.
Shakespeare, with the English man-of-war, lesser in bulk, but
lighter in sailing, could turn with all tides, tack about, and take
advantage of all winds, by the quickness of his wit and inven-
tion. He died anno Domini 1616,* and was buried at Stratford-
upon-Avon, the town of his nativity.
Michael Drayton, born in this county at Atherston, as
appeareth in his poetical address thereunto :
" My native country, '^^
If there be virtue yet remaining in tliy earth,
Or any good of thine thou breath'st into my birth.
Accept it as thine own, whilst now I sing of thee ;
Of all thy later brood th' unworthiest though I be."f
He was a pious poet, his conscience having always the com-
mand of his fancy ; very temperate in his life, slow of speech,
and inoffensive in company. He changed his laurel for a crown
of glory, anno 1631 ; and is buried in Westminster abbey, near
the south door, with this epitaph :
" Do, pious marble, let thy readers know.
What they and what their children owe
To Drayton's name, whose sacred dust
We recommend unto thy trust.
Protect his memory, and preserve his story.
Remain a lasting monument of his glory :
And when thy ruins shall disclaim
To be the treasurer of his name ;
His name that cannot fade, shall be
An everlasting monument to thee."
He was born within a few miles of William Shakespeare, his
countryman and fellow poet ; and buried within fewer paces of
Jeffrey Chaucer and Edmund Spenser.
Sir FuLKE Grevil Knight, son to Sir Fulke Grevilthe elder,
of Becham Court in this county. He was bred first in the uni-
versity of Cambridge. He came to the court, backed with a
full and fair estate ; and queen Elizabeth loved such substantial
courtiers as could plentifully subsist of themselves. He was a
good scholar, loving much to employ (and sometimes to advance)
learned men, to whom worthy bishop Overal chiefly owed his
preferment, and Mr. Camden (by his own confession) tasted
largely of his liberality.}
His studies were most in poetry and history, as his works do
witness. His style, conceived by some to be swelling, is allowed
for lofty and full by others. King James created him baron
Brook of Beauchamp Court, as descended from the sole
daughter and heir of Edward Willoughby, the last lord Brook, in
the reign of king Henry the Seventh.
* This date was left partly blank by Dr. Fuller. — Ed. f Song xiii. p. 213 .
J In his Britannia, in Warwickshii-e.
His sad death, or murder rather, happened on this occasion.
His discontented servant, conceiving his deserts not soon or
well enough rewarded, wounded him mortally ; and then (to
save the law the labour) killed himself, verifying the observation,
'^ that he may when he pleaseth be master of another man^s
life, who contemneth his own.^^
He lieth buried in Warwick church, under a monument of
black and white marble, whereon he is styled ^^ servant to queen
EUzabeth, counsellor to king James, and friend to Sir Philip
Sidney .^^ Dying September 30, 1628, without issue, and un-
married, his barony, by virtue of entail in the patent, descended
on his kinsman Robert Grevil lord Brook^ father to the right
honourable Robert lord Brook.
Nicholas Byfield was born in this county (as his son*
hath informed me) bred (as I remember) in Glueen^s College in
Oxford. After he had entered into the ministry, he was invited
into Ireland, to a place of good profit and eminency ; in passage
whereunto, staying wind-bound at Chester, his inn proved his
home for a long time unto him, preaching a sermon there with
such approbation, that he was chosen minister in the city ; not
without an especial proAddence, seeing the place promised in
Ireland would have failed him, and his going over had been a
labour in vain. The Cestrians can give the best account of
his profitable preaching and pious life, most strict in keeping
the Lord^s-day, on which occasion pens were brandished betwixt
him and Mr. Breerwood.
In his declining age he was presented to the benefice of Isle-
worth in Middlesex, where for fifteen years together he preach-
ed twice every Lord's-day, and expounded Scripture every Wed-
nesday and Friday, till five weeks before his death, notwithstand-
ing there was iJiors in olla (a stone in his bladder), which, being
taken out, weighed, and measured after his death, was found of
these prodigious proportions : 1. In weight, thirty-three ounces
and more : 2. In measure about the edge, fifteen inches and a
half: 3. In measure about the length, thirteen inches and above :
4. In measure about the breadth, almost thirteen inches.f It
was of a solid substance to look upon, like a flint. " Lo,
here is the patience of the saints." All I will add is this, the
Pharisee said proudly, " I thank thee. Lord, I am not as this
Publican.^' Let writer and reader say humbly and thankfully
to God, ^^ We are not as this truly painful preacher ; and let us
labour, that, as our bodies are more healthful, our souls may be
as holy as his,'^ who died and was buried at Isleworth.
[S. N.] Philemon Holland, where born is to me un-
known, was bred in Trinity College in Cambridge a doctor in
* Mr. Adoniram Byfield, who promised to leave larger instructions of his father's
life ; but I received them not F.
t Dr. Gouge's Preface to Posthume Works of Mr. Byfield.
physic, and fixed himself in Coventry. He was the translator
general in his age, so that those books alone of his turning into
English will make a country gentleman a competent library for
historians ; insomuch that one saith,
" Holland -with his translations doth so fill us,
He will not let Suetonius be Tranquillus."
Indeed some decry all translators as interlopers, spoiling the
trade of learning, which should be driven amongst scholars
alone. Such also allege, that the best translations are works ra-
ther of industry than judgment, and (in easy authors) of faith-
fulness rather than industry ; that many be but bunglers, forc-
ing the meaning of the authors they translate, '^'^ picking the
lock when they cannot open it."
But their opinion presents too much of envy, that such gentle-
men who cannot repair to the fountain should be debarred ac-
cess to the stream. Besides, it is unjust to charge all with the
faults of some; and a distinction must be made amongst
translators, betwixt coblers and workmen, and our Holland had
the true knack of translating.
Many of these his books he wrote with one pen, whereon he
himself thus pleasantly versified :
" With one sole pen I writ this book,
Made of a grey goose quill ;
A pen it was when it I took,
And a pen I leave it still.''
This monumental pen he solemnly kept, and shewed to my
reverend tutor Doctor Samuel Ward. It seems he leaned very
lightly on the nib thereof, though weightily enough in another
sense, performing not slightly but sohdly what he undertook.
But what commendeth him most to the praise of posterity is,
his translating Camden^s Britannia, a translation more than a
translation, with many excellent additions, not found in the
Latin, done fifty years since in Master Camden^s fife-time, not
only with his knowledge and consent, but also, no doubt, by his
desire and help. Yet such additions (discoverable in the for-
mer part with asterisks in the margin) with some antiquaries
obtain not equal authenticalness with the rest. This eminent
translator was translated to a better life, anno Domini 1636.*
Francis Holyoake (Latining himself de sacra Querca), and
minister of Southam, born at Whitacre in this county. He set
forth that stable-book which school-boys called " Rider's Dic-
tionary." This Rider did borrow (to say no worse) both his
saddle and bridle from Thomas Thomatius, who, being bred
fellow of King's College in Cambridge, set forth that dictionary
known by his name ; than which, men have not a better and
truer; children no plainer and briefer. But Rider, after
* The date left blank by Dr. Fuller— Ed.
Thomas's deaths set forth his dictionary, the same in effect,
under his own name, the property thereof being but httle dis-
guised with any additions.
Such plagiaryship ill becometh authors or printers ; and the
dove being the crest of the Stationers' arms, should mind them,
not (like rooks) to filch copies one from another. The excutors
of Thomas Thomasius entering an action against Rider, oc-
casioned him, in his own defence, to make those numerous ad-
ditions to his dictionary, that it seems to differ rather in kind
than degree from his first edition.
I am forced to place this child, rather with his guardian than
father ; I mean, to mention this dictionary rather under the
name of Master Holyoake than Rider, both because the resi-
dence of the latter is wholly unknown to me, and because Mr.
Holyoake added many (as his learned son hath since more)
wonders thereunto. This Master Holyoake died October 2,
anno Domini 1661.
James Cranford was born at Coventry in this county
(where his father was a divine and school-master of great note) ;
bred in Oxford, beneficed in Northamptonshire ; and afterwards
removed to London, to Saint Christopher's. A painful preacher
and exact linguist, subtil disputant, orthodox in his judgment,
sound against sectaries, well acquainted with the Fathers, not
unknown to the schoolmen, and familiar with the modern
divines. Much his humility, being James the Less in his own
esteem, and therefore ought to be the greater in ours. He had,
as I may say, a broad* chested soul, favourable to such who dif-
fered from him. His moderation increased with his age, charity
with his moderation ; and he had a kindness for all such who had
any goodness in themselves. He had many choice books, and
(not like to those who may lose themselves in their own libra-
ries, being owners, not masters, of their books therein) had his
books at such command as the captain has his soldiers, so that
he could make them, at pleasure, go or come, and do what he
desired. This lame and loyal Mephibosheth (as I may term
him) sadly sympathising with the suffering of church and state,
died rather infirm than old, anno 1657.
William Bishop was born in this county, saith my author,*
ex nobili fainilia. Inquiring after his surname in this shire,
I find one John Bishop, gentleman, patron of Brails in this
county, who died anno 1601, aged 92, being a Protestant, as ap-
peareth by his epitaph ;t who, according to proportion of time,
might in all probability be his father, the rather because he is
* Pits, de lUustribus Anglice Scriptoribus, in anno 1612.
t Mr. Dugdale, in his Illustrations of Warwickshire.
said " Parentes et ampli patrimonii spem reliquisse/^ (to have
left his parents, and the hope of a fair inheritance.)
Reader, a word by the way of the word Nobilis, which sound-
eth high in English ears, where barons^ youngest children are
the lowest step of nobility ; whilst Nobi/is from the pen of a
foreigner generally importeth no more than an ordinary gentle-
It was not long since my weakness was employed to draw up,
in Latin, a testimonial for a high German, who indeed was of
honourable extraction ; and, according to direction, I was ad-
vised to style him Geney^osissimum ac Nobilissimum. For Gene-
rosus (which runneth so low in England) in Saxony doth carry
it clear as the more honourable epithet. Thus words, like
counters, stand for more or less according to custom. Yea,
Latin words are bowed in their modern senses, according to the
acception of several places.
This bishop, leaving the land, went first to Rheims, then to
Rome, where he was made priest ; and, being sent back into
England, met with variety of success: 1. Being seized on, he
was brought before the secretary Walsingham, and by him
committed to the Marshalsey : 2. After three years, being ba-
nished the realm, he became a doctor of Sorbonne : 3. He re-
turned into England, and for nine years laboured in the Popish
harvest : 4. By their clergy he was employed a messenger to
Rome, about some affairs of importance: 5. His business dis-
patched, he returned the third time into England ; and, after
eight years' industry therein, to advance his own cause, was
caught and cast into prison at London, where he remained about
the year 1612 : 6. Soon after he procured his enlargement; and,
anno 1615, lived at Paris, in Collegio AtrebatensL
Men of his persuasion cry him up for a most glorious confessor
of their Popish faith, who (if any goodness in him) should also
be a thankful confessor of the Protestant charity, permitting
him twice to depart prison (on hope of his amendment) though
so active an instrument against our religion. No such courtesy
of Papists to Protestants ; vestigia nulla restrorsum ; no return
(especially the second time) out of durance ; the first disease
being dangerous, but deadly their relapse into a prison. But
perchance this William Bishop found the more favour, because
our churchmen accounting it too much severity to take away
both his credit and his life, both to conquer and kill him,
seeing this priest, whilst in prison, was often worsted (though
his party bragged of victory) both by tongues and pens, in dis-
putings and writings, of several Protestants, amongst whom
Robert Abbot (afterwards bishop of Salisbury) gave him the
most fatal defeat. The certain date of his death is to me un-
* Our countryman, Pits, did foreigiiize with long living beyond the seas.— F.
Hugh Clopton was born at Stratford, a fair market town
in this county, bred a Mercer in London, and at last lord mayor
thereof anno 1491. Remembering that his native town stood
on Avon (a river in summer, and little sea in winter), trouble-
some for travellers to pass over; he, in lieu of the former in-
convenient conveyance, built a stately and long stone bridge, of
many arches, over the channel and overflowings thereof.
I behold this bridge more useful, though less costly, than what
Caligula made, termed by Suetonius* "novum et inauditum
spectaculi genus,^' reaching from Putzel to Bauly, three miles
and a quarter. This was only a pageant bridge for pomp, set
up to be soon taken down, whereof Lipsius said well, '^^ Laudem
immenso operi vanitas detrahit.^^ But our Clopton^s bridge re-
maineth at this day, even when the college in the same town,
built by archbishop Stratford, is (as to the intended use thereof)
quite vanished away. Indeed bridges are the most lasting bene-
factions, all men being concerned in their continuance, lest, by
destroying them, they destroy themselves, not knowing how soon,
for their own safety, they may have need to make use thereof.
Many other charities he bestowed; and deceased anno 1496.
John Hales, Esq. — He purchased a prime part of the
priory of Coventry. Now, either out of his own inclination, or
as a condition of his composition with king Henry the Eighth,
or a mixture of both, he founded and endowed a fair grammar-
school in Coventry. Herein I have seen more (abate the three
English schools of the first magnitudet) and as well-learned
scholars (be it spoken that the master, usher, and scholars
may, according to their proportions, divide the praise betwixt
them) as in any school in England. Here is also an infant,
which may be an adult library, when it meeteth with more be-
John Lord Harrington, son to James Lord Harrington,
was born at Combe Abbey in this county (accruing unto him
by his mother, heiress of Kelway)^ as by a property of that
family, lately (or still) surviving, I have, on very strict inquiry,
been certainly informed.
He did not count himself privileged i^'om being good, by
being great; and his timely piety rising early, did not soon
after go to bed (as some young saints, beheld under another
notion,) but continued watchful during his life.
He was one of the first who began the pious fashion (spice
followed by few of his quality) of a diary, wherein he regis-
* In Vita Caligulae, cap. xix.
f Eton, Westminster, and the Charter-house. — Ed.
tered, not the injuries of others done unto him (a work of
revenge not devotion)^ but of his failings and infirmities toward
his Master. Thus making even with the God of Heaven, by
repentance in Christ at the end of every day, ^^ he had/^ to use
the expression and counsel of the reverend archbishop of Ar-
magh, ^^ but one day to repent of before his death. ^'
He lived out all his days in the appointment of Divine Pro-
vidence, not half of them according to the course and possibility
of Nature, not half a quarter of them according to the hopes
and desires of the lovers and honourers of virtue in this nation,
esj^ecially of the society in Sidney College in Cambridge, whereto
he was a most bountiful benefactor. He was the last male of
that honourable family, as one justly complains : " Johannes
DoMiNus Harringtonius : Anagramma,'^ Insignis erat
(ah) unus honor domi."
The reader is referred for the rest unto his funeral sermon
preached by master Stock of London, who, though he would
not (to use his own phrase) ^^ gild a potsherd ;" understand
him, ^^ flatter unworthiness ;" yet giveth him his large and due
commendation. He died unmarried, anno 1614, leaving his
two sisters his heirs : Lucy, married to Edward earl of Bed-
ford ; and Anne, who by Sir Robert Chichester had a daughter,
Anne, married to Thomas earl of Elgin, and mother to Robert
lord Bruce,t who is at this day heir apparent to no small part
of the lands, but actually possessed of a larger of the virtues of
his honourable great-uncle.
Thomas Underhill, Esq. was born at Nether-Eatendon
in this county. It is pity to part him from Elizabeth his
wife, seeing the poetical fiction of Philemon and Baucis found
in them an historical performance with improvement :
*• Scd jna Baucis anus pa?-ilique cclate Philemon
Illh sunt aiinisjunctijuvenilibus, ilia
Consenuere casci : pauperlatemqiie fatendb
Effecere leve7n, nee iniqiiA mente ferendam.
** But good old Baucis with Philemon, match'd
In youthful years, now struck with equal age.
Made poorness pleasant in their cottage thatch'd.
And weight of Avant with patience did assuage."
Whereas this our Warwickshire pair, living in a worshipful
equipage, and exemplary for their hospitality, did teach others,
not how poverty might be borne, but wealth well used (by their
example) for the owners' and others' good.
The Ovidian cou23le appear issueless ; whereas twenty chil-
* H. Holland, Heroologia, p. 139.
t Robert Lord Bruce was created Earl of Aylesbury, March 18, 1664; Lord
Chamberlain of the King's Household, July 30," 1685 ; and died on the 20th of
October following. — Ed.
U 2
dren, viz. thirteen sons and seven daughters, were begotten and
born by this Thomas and Elizabeth, living sixty-five years
together in marriage.
Indeed, the poetical pair somewhat outstripped them in the
happiness of their death, their request being granted them :
. Et quoniani Concordes egimus aivtos,
^vjerat hora duos eadem : nee coijjugis unquom
Busta mecn videam : nee sim iuimdandus ab illA.
" Because we liv'd and lov'd so long together,
Let's not behold the funerals of either ;
May one hour end us both ! may I not see
This my wife buried, nor wife bury me ! "
However, these Underbills deceased in one year; she in
July, he in October following, 1603.*
1. John Coventr)^,t son of William Coventry, of Coventry,
Mercer, 1425.
2. John Olney, son of John Olney, of Coventry, Mercer, 1446.
3. Robert Tate, son of Thomas Tate, of Coventry, Mercer, 1488.
4» Hugh Clopton, son of John Clopton, of Stratford-upon-
Avon, Mercer, 1491.
5. John Tate, son of Thomas Tate, of Coventry, , 1496.
6. William Cockain, son of William Cockain, of Baddesley,
Skinner, 1619.
7. John Warner, son of John Warner, of Rowington, Grocer.
SIXTH, A.D. 1433.
William bishop of Lincoln, and Richard earl of Warwick; —
John Cotes, and Nicholas Metley, (knights for the shire) ; —
Commissioners to take the oaths.
Radul. Nevill, mil. Bald. Mountford de Hampton,
Job. Colepeper, mil. arm.
Will. Mounford, mil. Rad. Brasebrugg de Kinnes-
Edw. Oddingsselles, mil. bury, arm.
Tho. Burdet, mil. Will. Lucy de Charlecote, arm.
Rich. Otherston, Abbatis de Tho. Hugford de Emescote,
Camba. arm.
Will. Pole, Abbatis de Alyn- Tho. Erdington de Erdington,
cestre. arm.
Job. Buggeley, Abbatis de Rob. Arden de Bromwich, arm.
Miravalle. Will. Puefrey de Shiford, arm.
Edw. Bronflete de Farnburgh, Rog. Harewell de Morehall,
arm. arm.
* See their monument in the church of Nether-Eatendon.
t I suspect this Catalogue (though taken out of Mr. Stow) imperfect, and that
Sir William HoUis, lord-mayor (and builder of Coventry-cross) was this country-
man,— F.
Rich. Hyband de Ippesley,
Will. Botoner de Wy thy broke.
Joh. Midlemore de Eggebas-
ton, arm.
Thome Porter de Escote, arm.
Tho. Sydenhall de Tonworth,
Tho. Waryng de eadem^ arm.
Rich. Verney, arm. de Wolver-
Tho. Grene de Solyhull, arm.
Joh. Chetw)^n de Alspath,
Joh. Waldiene de eadem, arm.
Nich. Ruggeley de Donton^
Will. Holt de Aston^ arm.
Rich. Merbroke de Codbarow,
Galf. Allefley de Parva Lalle-
Tho. Greswoid de SolyhuU.
Tho. Haynton de Napton.
Will. Parker de Tonworth.
Edm. Starkey de Stretton.
Ranul. Starky de eadem.
Will. Derset de Thurlaston.
Rich. Hall de Stretford.
Joh. Mayell de eadem.
Simon. Forster de Altherston.
Clemen. Draper de eadem.
Johan. Darant de Berston.
Rog. Mullward de Nuneton.
Johan. Omfrey de eadem.
Johan. Waryn de eadem.
Hum. Jacob de Tamworth.
Tho. Neuton de eadem.
Math. Smalwode de Sutton.
Rich. Dalby de Brokhampton.
Rich. Eton de Warwick.
Hum. Corbet.
Johan. Aleyn de Berford.
Tho. Jakes de Woner.
Rog. Clerk de Tatchbrook.
Rich. Briches de Longedon.
Will. Reynold de Attilburgh.
Joh. Michell, Majoris civitatis
Will. Donington, unius Balli-
vorum civitatis predictse.
Rob. Southam, alterius Balli-
vorum civitatis predictee.
Egidii Allesley^ Magistri Gil-
dae Sanctse Trinitatis de
Lauren. Cook de Coventria,
Rich. Sharp de eadem. Mer-
Richardi Boton de eadem,
Joh. Lychefeld de eadem, gra-
Joh. W~alle de eadem, fishmon-
Joh. Leder de Coventria, mer-
Tho. Estop, Magistri Gildge
Sanctse Trinitatis Warwick.
Nich. Rody de eadem.
Joh. Mayell de eadem, sen.
Will. Hopkyns de eadem.
Joh. Broune de eadem, jun.
Johan. Stokes de Henlen in
Ardeon Gildse Villae Magis-
tri preedicte.
Johan. Thorp de Kolle»
This shire was in conjunction, under the same sherifts, with
Leicestershire, until the 8th year of queen Elizabeth. Since
which time Warwickshire hath these appropriate to itself.
Anno Name and Arms.
9 Rob. Midlemore . .
Per chevron Arg. and S.
; in chief two martlets of the-second^
Anno Name. Place.
10 Bas. Feelding, arm. o . Newnham Park.
Arg. on a fess Az. three fusils O.
11 Sim. Ardern, arm.
G. three cross croslets fitche ; a chief O.
12 Fr. Willoughby, arm. . Middletoii.
O. on two bars G. three water-bougets Arg.
13 He. Cumpton^ mil. . . Cumpton.
S. a lion passant O. inter three helmets Arg.
Du. Cumpton. . . . Cumpton.
Arms^ ut prius.
14 Ful. Grevile, mil. . . Beauchamp Court.
S. a border and cross engrailed O. thereon five pellets.
15 Sam« Marow, arm. . . Berkswell.
Az. a fess engrailed betwixt three women's heads couped O.
16 Edw. Arden^ arm.
17 Will. Bough ton^ arm. . Lawford,
S. three crescents O.
18 [AMP.] Hum. Ferrers, arm.
19 Will. Catesby, mil.
Arg. two lions passant S.
20 Tho. Lucy, mil. . . Charlcott.
G. crusulee O. three pikes [or lucies] hauriant Arg.
21 Ed. Boughton, arm. . ut prius.
22 Geo. Digby, arm. . . ColeshuU.
Az. a flower-de-luce Arg.
23 Tho. Leigh, arm. . . Stoneleigh.
G. a cross engrailed Arg. ; on the first quarter a lozenge
of the second.
24 Jo. Harington, mil. . . Comb-Abbey.
S. a fret Arg.
25 Edw. Holt, arm. . . . Aston.
Arg. three flower-de-luces Az.
26 Ful. Grevill, mil. . . ut prius.
27 An. Shuckburgh, arm. . Shugbury.
S. a chevron betwixt three mullets Arg.
28 Th. Daubrigcourt . . Solihul.
Erm. three bars humet G.
29 Hum. Ferrers, arm. . . ut prius.
30 Will. Feelding, arm. . ut prius.
31 Will. Bough ton, arm. . ut p7'ius.
32 Rich. Verney, arm. . . Compton Murdak.
Az. on a cross Arg. three mullets G.
33 Will, Leigh, mil.
34 Rad. Hubaud, arm.
35 Ge. Devereux, arm. . Castle Bramwich.
Arg. a fess G. ; in chief three torteaux.
36 Edw. Grevill, arm. . . ut p^^ius.
37 Tho. Leigh, mil. , . . ut j)rius.
Anno Name. Place.
38 Rob. Burgoyn, arm.
G. a chevron O. between three talbots on chief embattled
Arg. as many martlets S.
39 Cle. Fisher, arm. . . Packington.
Arg. a chevron Vairy between three lions rampant G.
40 Sam. Marowe, arm. . ut prius.
41 Tho. Hoult^ arm. . . tit prius.
42 Tho. Lucy, mil. . . . ut prius.
43 Rob. Burdett .... Bramcot.
Az. two bars O. on each three martlets G.
44 Will. Peyto, arm. . . Chesterton.
Barry of six pieces Arg. and G. per pale indented and
45 Barth. Hales.
G. three arrows O. feathered and headed Arg.
1 Barth. Hales, arm. . . ut prius o
2 Rich. Verney, mil. . . ut prius.
3 Tho. Beaufoe, mil. . . Guise Cliff.
Erm. on a bend Az. three cinquefoils O.
4 Ed. Boughton, arm. . ut prius.
5 Will. Combe, arm.
6 And, Archer, arm. . . Tanworth.
Az. three arrows O..
7 Will. Somervile, mil.
Arg. on a fess between three annulets G. as many leo-
pards^ heads of the first.
8 Bas. Feelding, arm. . . ut prius.
9 Tho. Lucy, mil. . . . ut prius.
10 Cle. Throgmorton . . Hasley.
G. on a chevron Arg. three bars gemelles S.
11 Joh. Reppington, arm.
12 Joh. Ferrers, mil.
13 Will. Combe, arm. . . ut prius.
14 WaL Devereux, mil. . ut prius.
15 Joh. Shuckburgh, arm. ut prius.
16 Fran. Leigh, mil. . • Newnham Regis.
Arms, ut prius, with due diiFerence.
17 Rob. Lee, mil.
18 Th. Temple, mil. et bar. Dasset.
Arg, on two bars S. six martlets O.
19 Will. Noell, arm.
O. fretty G. a canton Erm.
20 Joh. Huebaud, arm.
21 Tho. Puckering, mil. . Warwick.
S, a bend fussilly cotised Arg.
Anno Name. Place.
22 Her. Underbill, mil. . . Eatendon.
Arg. a chevron G. between tbree trefoils Vert.
1 Job. Newdigate, arm. . Erdbury.
G. tbree lions' gambes [or paws] erased Arg.
2 Sim. Archer, mil. . . ut prius.
3 Rob. Fisher, mil. . . ut prius.
4 Geo. Devereux, arm. . ut prius.
5 Rog. Burgoin, arm. . . ut prius.
6 Will. Purefoy, arm. . . ut prius.
S. tbree pair of gauntlets arming [or clipping] Arg.
7 Will. Bougbton, arm. . ut prius.
8 Tho. Lucy, mil. . . . ut prius.
9 Sim. Gierke, mil. . , Sulford.
G. tbree swords in fess, the points erect proper.
10 Rich. Murden, arm. . . Morton.
Erm, on a chief S. a talbot passant Arg,
11 Gre. Verney, mil. . . ut prius,
12 Tho. Leigh, mil. . , . ut prius.
13 Ed. Underbill, mil. . . ut prius.
14 Job. Lisle, arm,
15 Geo. Warner, arm. . . Wolston,
Arg. on a chevron betwixt tbree boars' beads S. couped G.
16 Edw. Ferrars. . . . Badesley.
G. seven mascles conjunct, viz. tbree, and one, O. ; a can-
ton Erm,
19)- Sjmtia Jkbc mihi bella dederunt.
22 Rich. Lucy, arm. . . ut prius.
27. An. Shugburgii, Arm. — Though the records belonging
to this family have been embezzled, so that the links of their
successions cannot be chained in a continued pedigree from
their original ; yet is their surname right ancient in the
place of their name and habitation, giving for their arms the
stones astroites (in heraldry reduced to mullets, which they
most resemble) found within their manor.
2. Richard Verney, Mil. — In bis sberiifalty the powder-
traitors met at Duncburch, at their appointed hunting match ;
when, suspecting their plot discovered, they entered on such
designs as their despair dictated unto them, scattering of scan-
dals, breaking of houses, stealing of horses, &c. But such the
care of this Sir Richard to keep the peace of this county, that
he hunted the hunters out of this into the next shire of Wor-
16. Francis Leigh, Mil. — He was created Baron of Duns-
more, and afterwards earl of Chichester, by king Charles the
First. His eldest daughter and heir was married to Thomas
earl of Southampton, his younger to George Villiers viscount
2. Simon Archer, Mil. — This worthy knight is a lover of
antiquity, and of the lovers thereof. I should be much dis-
heartened at his great age,* which promiseth to us no hope of
his long continuance here, were I not comforted with the con-
sideration of his worthy son, the heir as well of his studious-
ness as estate.
12. Thomas Leigh, Mil. — King Charles the First, at Oxford,
created him, for his fidelity in dangerous times. Baron of Stone-
leigh in this county ; and he is happy in his son Sir Thomas
Leigh, who undoubtedly will dignify the honour which de-
scendeth unto him.
the battle on OCTOBER 3, 1642.
As for the fatal fight at Edgehill (called Keinton field, from
the next market town thereunto), the actings therein are va-
riously related; and I confess myself not to have received any
particular intelligence thereof. I will therefore crave leave to
transcribe what followeth out of a short but worthy work of my
honoured friend, confident of the authentical truth thereof :t
^^ The fight was very terrible for the time, no fewer than five
thousand men slain upon the place ; the prologue to a greater
slaughter, if the dark night had not put an end unto that dis-
" Each part pretended to the victory ; but it went clearly on
the king's side, who, though he lost his general, yet he kept the
field, and possessed himself of the dead bodies ; and not so only,
but he made his way open into London, and in his way forced
Banbury castle, in the very sight, as it were, of the earl of Essex,
who, with his flying army, made all the haste he could towards the
City, (that he might be there before the king), to secure the par-
liament. More certain signs there could not be of an absolute
" In the battle of Taro, between the confederates of Italy and
Charles the Eighth of France, it happened so that the confederates
* He was born in. 1581 ; and created a baronet in 1624, — Ed.
t Dr. Heylin, in the History and Reign of King Charles.
kept the field/possessed themselves of the camp, baggage, and artil-
lery, which the French, in their breaking through, had left behind
them. Hereupon a dispute was raised, to whom the honour
of that day did of right belong ; which all knowing and impar-
tial men 'gave unto the French : for though they lost the field,
their camp, artillery, and baggage, yet they obtained what they
fought for, which was the opening of their way to France, and
which their confederates did intend to deprive them of. Which
resolution in that case may be a ruling case to this ; the king hav-
ing not only kept the field, possessed himself of the dead bodies,
pillaged the carriages of the enemy, but forcibly opened his way
towards London, w^hich the enemy endeavoured to hinder, and
finally entered triumphantly into Oxford, with no fewer than an
hundred and twenty colours taken in the fight."
Thus far my friend. Let me add, that what Sallust observeth
of the conspirators with Catiline, "that where they stood in the
fight whilst living, they covered the same place with their corpse
when dead," was as true of the loyal gentry of Lincolnshire, with
the earl of Linsey their countryman. Know also only that the over-
soon and over-far pursuit of a flying party, with pillaging of the
carriages (by some who prefer the snatching of wealth before the
securing of victory), hath often been the cause why the conquest
hath slipped out of their fingers, who had it in their hands ; and
had not some such miscarriage happened here, the royalists had
totally (in all probability) routed their enemies.
1 cannot but congratulate the happiness of this county, in
having master William Dugdale [nowNorroy], my worthy friend,
a native thereof ; whose illustrations are so great a work, no
young man could be so bold to begin, or old man hope to finish
it, whilst one of middle age fitted the performance : — a well-
chosen county for such a subject, because lying in the centre of
the land, whose lustre diffuseth the light, and darteth beams to
the circumference of the kingdom. It were a wild wish, that
all the shires in England were described to an equal degree of
perfection, as which will be accomplished when each star is as
big and bright as the sun. However, one may desire them
done quoad speciem, though not quoad gradum, in imitation of
Warwickshire. Yet is this hopeless to come to pass, till men^s
pains may meet with proportionable encouragement ; and then
the poet^s prediction will be true :
Sint Mcecenates, noti desint, Flacce, Maro7ies ;
Virgiliumque tihi vel tua Rura dnbunt.
" Let not Maecenases be scant,
And Maroes we shall never want ;
For, Flaccus, then thy Country-field
Shall unto thee a Virgil yield.''
And then would our little [divided] world be better described,
than the great world by all the geographers who have written
Matthew Boulton, engineer, improver of steam engines, &c. ;
born at Birmingham 1728 ; died 1809.
Samuel Carte, divine and antiquary; born at Coventry 1652,
or 1653; died 1740.
Thomas Carte, son of Samuel, divine, eminent historian ; born
at Clifton or Dunsmore 1686.
Edward Cave, printer, j)rojector of the Gentleman^s Magazine;
born at Newton 1691 ; died 1754.
Samuel Clarke, writer and compiler, one of the 2,000 ejected
ministers ; born at Woolstan 1599; died 1682.
Henry Compton, bishop of London, friend of Protestantism,
suspended by James II.; born at Compton Wynyate 1632;
died 1713.
William Croft, eminent musician ; born at Nether-Eatington
1657; died 1727.
Sir William Dugdale, herald, historian, and antiquary ; born
at Shustoke 1605 ; died 1686.
Valentine Green, mezzotinto engraver, topographer, and an-
tiquary; born 1739; died 1813.
Dr. Thomas Holyoake, divine, and author of a Latin diction-
ary ; born at Southam 1616 ; died 1675.
Richard Jago, divine and poet, vicar of Snitterfield ; born at
Beaudesert 1715 ; died 1781.
Richard Smallbroke, learned and zealous bishop of Lichfield
and Coventry; born at Birmingham 1672; died 1749.
William Somervile, author of "The Chace,^^ a poem; born
at Edston 1692; died 1742.
Thomas Southern, dramatic writer ; born at Stratford-upon-
Avon about 1660; died 1746.
John Tipper, author of the " Lady's T>iary," an almanac ; born
at Coventry; died 1713.
Thomas Wagstaffe, bishop among the Nonjurors, author of
" Vindication of Charles I. and his right to the Eikon Basi-
like;" born 1645 ; died 1712.
Humphrey Wanley, antiquary; born at Coventry 1671-2;
died 1726.
Peter Whalley, divine, critic, and historian of Northampton-
shire ; born at Rugby 1722 ; died 1791.
Francis WiLLUGHBY, naturalist, and intimate friend of Ray;
born 1635; died 1672,
♦,* This county can boast of one of the earliest topographical works of the
seventeenth century. It was published in 1656 by Sir Wm. Dugdale, who was
contemporary with Dr. Fuller, In 1730 a new and enlarged edition of this work
was brought out by the Rev. Dr. Thomas, in 2 vols. fol. Since that period, two
epitomized county histories have made their appearance — the one by Wm. Smith,
in 1830, and the other by Tho. Sharp, in 1835. Histories of the towns of War-
wick, and of Coventry, have also been published anonymously, — the one in 1815,
and the latter in 1810 ; and also the History of Manceter, by B. Bartlett (1791) ;
of Stratford-on-Avon, by R. B. Wheler (i806) ; and of Birmingham, by W. Hut-
ton (1809).— Ed.
Westmoreland hath Cumberland on the west and norths
Lancashire on the south, Bishopric and Yorkshire on the east
thereof. From north to south it extendeth thirty miles in
length, but is contented in the breadth with twenty-four.
As for the soil thereof, to prevent exceptions, take its de-
scription from the pen of a credible author :*
" It is not commended either for plenty of corn or cattle, be-
ing neither stored with arable grounds to bring forth the one,
nor pasturage to breed up the other ; the principal profit that
the people of this province raise unto themselves, is by cloth-
Here is cold comfort from nature, but somewhat of warmth
from industry. That the land is barren, is God^s pleasure ; the
people painful, their praise. That thereby they grow wealthy,
shews God^s goodness, and calls for their gratefulness.
However, though this county be sterile by general rule, it is
fruitful by some few exceptions, having some pleasant vales,
though such ware be too fine to have much measure thereof;
insomuch that some back friends to this county will say, that
though Westmoreland hath much of Eden (running clean
through it), yet hath little of delight therein.
I behold the barrenness of this county as the cause why so
few friaries and convents therein ; Master Speed (so curious in
his catalogue in this kind) mentioning but one religious house
therein. Such lazy-folk did hate labour, as a house of correc-
tion ; and knew there was nothing to be had here but what art
with industry wrested from nature.
The reader, perchance, will smile at my curiosity, in observ-
ing, that this small county, having but four market towns, three
of them are, Kirkby- Stephens, Kirkby-Lonsdale, Kirkby-Ken-
dale ; so that so much of Kirk or Church argueth not a little de-
votion of the ancestors in these parts, judiciously expressing
itself, not in building convents for the ease of monks, but
churches for the worship of God.
* J. Speed, in the Description of this County.
Kendal cottons are famous all over England; and Master
Camden termeth that town " Lanificii gloria, et industria prse-*
cellens/^ I hope the towns-men thereof (a word is enough to
the wise) will make their commodities so substantial, that no
southern town shall take an advantage, to gain that trading away
from them. I speak not this out of the least distrust of their
honesty, but the great desire of their happiness, who, being a
Cambridge man, out of sympathy wish well to the clothiers of
Kendal, as the first founder of our Sturb ridge fair.
" Let Uter-Pendragon do what he can,
The River Eden will run as it ran." J
Tradition reporteth, that this Uter-Pendragon had a design to
fortify the castle of Pendragon in this county. In order where-
unto, with much art and industry, he invited and tempted the
river of Eden to forsake his old channel, and all to no purpose.
The proverb is appliable to such who offer a rape to nature, en-
deavouring what is cross and contrary thereunto —
JSJ'aturam expellas furcA licet, usque recurret.
" Beat Nature back, 'tis all in vain,
With tines of fork 'twill come again.''
However, Christians have not only some hope, but comfort-
able assurance, that they may conquer the corruptions of their
nature. If furca (in no unusual sense) be taken for the cross,
by the virtue of Christ's sufferings thereon, a man may so repel
nature, that it shall not recoil to his destruction.
Katharine Parr, daughter of Sir Thomas Parr, was born
at Kendal castle in this county, then the prime seat of that
(though no parliamentary) barony, devolved to her father by
inheritance from the Bruses and Rosses of VVerk, She was
first married unto John Nevile lord Latimer, and afterwards to
king Henry the Eighth.
This king first married half a maid (no less can be allowed
to the lady Katharine, the relict of prince Arthur) ; and then
he married four maids successively. Of the two last he com-
plained, charging the one with impotency, the other with incon-
stancy ; and, being a free man again, resolved to wed a widow
who had given testimony of her fidelity to a former husband.
This lady was a great favourer of the Gospel, and would ear-
nestly argue for it, sometimes speaking more than her Imsband
would willingly hear of. Once politic Gardiner (who sparing all
the weeds spoiled the good flowers and herbs) had almost got
her into his clutches, had not Divine Providence delivered her.
Yet a Jesuit tells us that the king intended, if longer surviving.
to behead her for an heretic ; to whom all that I will return is
this^ " that he was neither confessor nor privy councillor to
king Henry the Eighth."
This queen was afterwards married to Thomas Seymer, baron
of Sudeley and lord admiral ; and died in child-bed of a daughter,
anno Domini 1548 ; her second* husband surviving her. This
makes me the more admire at the great mistake of Thomas
Millst (otherwise most industrious and judicious in genealogies),
making this lady married the third time unto Edward Burgh,
eldest son unto Thomas lord Burgh, without any shew of proba-
Christopher Bambridge, born near Appleby in this
county,^ was bred doctor of law in Queen's College in Oxford,
He was afterwards dean of York, bishop of Durham, and at last
archbishop of York, Being employed an ambassador to Rome,
he was an active instrument to procure our king Henr^^ the
Eighth to take part with the Pope against Lewis king of France,
for which good service he was created Cardinal of Saint Praxis ;
a title some say he long desired ; let me add, and little enjoyed;
for, falling out with his steward Rivaldus de Modena, an Italian,
and fustigating him for his faults, the angry ItaUan poisoned
Herein something may be pleaded for this cardinal out of
the Old (sure I am more must be pleaded against him out of
the New) Testament, if the places be paralleled :
"A servant will not be corrected by words,'' &c.||
" A bishop must be no striker," &c.^
But grant him greatly faulty, it were uncharitable in us to
beat his memory with more stripes, who did then suffer so much
for his own indiscretion. His death happened July 14, 1511 ;
and was buried at Rome (not in the church of Saint Praxis,
which entitled him, but) in the hospital of the English.
Thomas Vipont was descended of those ancient barons who
were hereditary lords of this county. Surely either his merit
was very great, or might very prevalent (advantaged by his near
and potent relations) ; that the canons of Carlisle stuck so
stiffly to their electing their bishop, when king Henry the Third
with so much importunity commended John prior of Newbury
unto them. This Thomas enjoyed his place but one year; the
only reason, as I conceive, that no more is reported of him. He
died anno Domini 1256.
* Godwin's Annal of King Edward the Sixth, in hoc anno.
f In his Catalogue of Honour, p. 229.
X Godwin, in his Archbishops of York.
§ Idem, II Proverbs xxix. 19. Hi Timothy iii. 3.
John de Kirkby, born at one of the two Kirkbys (Lons-
dale or Stephens) in this county, was first canon, and afterwards
bishop of Carhsle, anno 1332. This is that stout prelate, who,
when the Scots invaded England, anno 1345, with an army of
thirty thousand, under the conduct of William Douglas, and
had taken and burnt Carlisle with the country thereabouts ; I
say, this John Kirkby was he who, with the assistance of Tho-
mas Lucy, Robert Ogle (persons of prime power in those parts),
fighting in an advantageous place, utterly routed and ruined
them. Such as behold this act with envious eyes, cavilling
that he was non-resident from his calling when he turned his
mitre into a helmet, crosier- staff into a sword, consider not that
true maxim, ^^ In publicos hostes omnis homo miles ;" and the
most conscientious casuists, who forbid clergymen to be military
plaintiffs, allow them to be defendants. He died anno Domini
Thomas de Appleby, born in that eminent town in this
county where the assizes commonly are kept, was legally chosen
bishop of Carlisle by all that had right in that election. Yet
he was either so timorous, or the Pope so tyrannical, or both,
that he durst not own the choice with his public consent, until
he had first obtained his confirmation from the court of Rome,
He was consecrated anno Domini 1363 ; and, having sat thirty-
three years in that see, deceased December 5, 1395.
Roger de Appleby went over into Ireland, and there be-
came prior of Saint Peter's near Trimme (formerly founded by
Simon de Rupe-forti, bishop of Meath). Hence by the Pope
he was preferred bishop of Ossory in the same kingdom. He
died anno Domini 1404.
William of Strickland, descended of a right worshipful
family in this county, anno 1396, by joint consent of the ca-
nons, chosen bishop of Carlisle, However, by the concurrence
of the Pope and king Richard the Second, one Robert Read was
preferred to the place ; which injury and affront Strickland bare
with much moderation. Now it happened that Read was re-
moved to Chichester, and Thomas Merx his successor translated
to a Grecian bishopric, that Strickland was elected again* (pa-
tience gains the goal with long running), and consecrated bishop
of Carlisle, anno 1400. For the town of Penrith in Cumberland
he cut a passage with great art, industry, and expence, from the
town into the river Petteril, for the conveyance of boatage into
the Irish Sea.f He sate bishop 19 years, and died anno Do-
mini 1419.
Nicholas Close was born at Bibreke in this county, and
* Bishop Godwin, in the Catalogue of the Bishops of Carlisle,
t Camden's Britannia, in Cumberland.
was one of the six original fellows whom king Henry the Sixth
placed in his newly erected college of King's College in Cam-
bridge. Yea, he made him in a manner master of the fabric,
committing the building of that house to his fidelity, who right
honestly discharged his trust therein. He was first bishop of
Carhsle, then of Lichfield, wherein he died within a year after
his consecration, viz. anno Domini 1453.
Hugh Coren, or Curwen, was born in this county, and
made by queen Mary archbishop of Dublin ;* Brown, his imme-
diate predecessor, being deprived, for that he was married.
Here it is worthy of our observation*, that though many of the
Protestant clergy in that land were imprisoned, and otherwise
much molested, yet no one person, of what quality soever, in
all Ireland, did suffer martyrdom; and hereon a remarkable
story doth depend,— a story which hath been solemnly avouched
by the late reverend archbishop of Armagh in the presence of
several persons, and amongst others unto Sir James Ware
knight (that most excellent antiquary) and divers in the univer-
sity of Oxford, who wrote it from his mouth, as he received the
same from ancient persons of unquestionable credit.
About the third of the reign of queen Mary, a pursuivant
was sent with a commission into Ireland, to empower some
eminent persons to proceed, with fire and faggot, against poor
Protestants. It happened, by Divine Providence, this pursui-
vant at Chester lodged in the house of a Protestant inn- keeper,
who, having gotten some inkhng of the matter, secretly stole
his commission out of his cloak-bag, and put the knave of clubs
in the room thereof. Soriie weeks after, he appeared before
the lords of the privy-council at Dubhn (of whom bishop Coren
a principal), and produced a card for his pretended commission.
They caused him to be committed to prison for such an affront,
as done on design to deride them. Here he lay for some months,
till with much ado at last he got his enlargement. Then oyer
he returned for England ; and, quickly getting his commission
renewed, makes with all speed for Ireland again.
But, before his arrival there, he was prevented with the news
of queen Mary^s death ; and so the lives of many, and the liber-
ties of more, poor servants of God were preserved.
To return to our Coren, though a moderate Papist in queen
Mary's days, yet he conformed with the first to the Reformation
of queen Elizabeth, being ever sound in his heart. He was for
some short time chief justice and chancellor of Ireland, till he
quitted all his dignities in exchange for the bishopric of Oxford.
It may seem a wonder that he should leave one of the arch-
bishoprics in Ireland, for one of the worst bishoprics in England.
* Manuscript Additions to Sir James Ware.
But oh, no preferment to quiet ! And this poHtic prelate, very
decrepit, broken with old age and many state-aftairs, desired a
private repose in his native land before his death, which hap-
pened anno Domini 1567.
Barnaby Potter was born in this county, 1578, within the
barony of Kendal, in which town he was brought up, until he
was sent to Queen's College in Oxford, becoming successively
scholar, fellow, and provost thereof,* He was chosen the last,
with the unanimous consent of the fellows, when, being at a
great distance, he never dreamed thereof.
Then, resigning his provost's place, he betook himself to his
pastoral charge in the country. He v\'as chaplain in ordinary
to prince Charles, being accounted at court the penitential
preacher, and by king Charles was preferred bishop of Carlisle,
when others sued for the place, and he little thought thereof.
He was commonly called the puritanical bishop : and they
would say of him, in the time of king James, " that organs
would blow him out of the church ; '^ which I do not believe,
the rather because he was loving of, and skilful in, vocal music,
and could bear his own part therein.
He was a constant preacher, and performer of family duties ;
of a weak constitution, melancholy, lean, and a hard student.
He died in honour, being the last bishop that died a member
of parliament, in the year of our Lord 1642.
Sir Edward Bellingham^ Knight, was born of an ancient
and warlike family, in this county ,t servant of the privy-cham-
bers to king Edward the Sixth, w^ho sent him over, anno 1547,
to be lord deputy of Ireland ; whose learning, wisdom, and
valour made him fit to discharge that place.
Hitherto the English pale had been hide-bound in the growth
thereof, having not gained one foot of ground in more than two
hundred years, since the time of king Edward the Third. This
Sir Edward first extended it, proceeding against the Irishry in
a martial course, by beating and breaking the Moors and Con-
nors, two rebellious septs. J
And, because the poet saith true,
" It proves a man as brave and wise
To keep, as for to get the prize ; "
he built the forts of Leix and Oftaly, to secure his new acquisi-
tion. Surely, had he not been suddenly revoked into England,
he would have perfected the project in the same sort as it was
performed by his successor the earl of Sussex, by settling Eng-
lish plantations therein.
* Mr. S. Clarke, in his Lives of Modern Divines, p. 393.
t Though Sussex (where his surname is of good esteem) may"pretend unto him,
I am confident of his right location.— F.
t Sir John Davis, in Discourse of Ireland, p. CO.
Such his secrecy (the soul of great designs) that his soldiers
never knew whither they went, till they were come whither they
should go. Thus he surprised the earl of Desmond, being rude
and unnurtured ; brought him up to Dublin, where he informed
and reformed him in manners and civihty ; sometimes making
him to kneel on his knees an hour together, before he knew
his duty, till lie became a new man in his behaviour.* This
earl all his life after highly honoured him ; and, at every din-
ner and supper, would pray to God for good Sir Edward Bel-
lingham, who had so much improved him.f
This deputy had no faults on his deputyship but one, that
it was so short ; he being called home before two years were
expired. Surely this hath much retarded the reducing of the
Irishry, the often shifting of their deputies ; (too often change of
the kinds of plaisters, hinders the healing of the sore) ; so that
as they had learned their trade, they must resign their shop to
another ; which made king James continue the lord Chichester
so long in the place, for the more effectual performance
Coming into England, he was accused of many faults ; but
cleared himself as fast as his adversaries charged him, recover-
ing the king^s favour in so high a degree, that he had been sent
over deputy again, save that he excused himself by indisposition
of body, and died not long after.
Richard Kendal. — I place him here with confidence,
because no Kendal in England save what is the chief town of
this county.J He was an excellent grammarian, and the great-
est instructer (shrewd and sharp enough) of youth in his age.
He had a vast collection of all Latin grammars, and thence
extracted a quint- essence, whereof he was so highly conceited,
that he publicly boasted " that Latin only to be elegant which
was made according to his rules, and all other to be base and
barbarous ; "^ which, reader, I conceive (being out of Ms,
though) under thy correction, a proud and pedantic expression.
He flourished in the reign of king Henry the Sixth.
Bernard, son of Edwin Gilpin, esquire, was born at Kent-
meire in this county, anno 1517. At sixteen years old (very
young in that age from those parts) his parents sent him to
Queen^s College in Oxford; whence his merit advanced him
one of the first students in the new foundation of Christ^s
Hitherto the heat of Gilpin was more than his light ; and he
* Ralph Holinshed, Irish Chronicle, p, 109. \ Idem, ibidem.
X See " Villare Angiicanuui."
$ Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis; et Pits, de Scriptoribus Angliee.
x 2
hated vice more than error; which made him so heartily dis-
pute against master Hooper (who afterwards was martyred)
when indeed he did follow his argument with his affections.
How afterwards he became a zealous Protestant^ I refer the
reader to his life^ written at large by 1)ishop Carleton. He
was rector of Houghton in the north, consisting of fourteen
In his own house he boarded and kept full four and twenty
scholars. The greater number of his boarders were poor men^s
sons, upon whom he bestowed meat, drink, and cloth, and edu-
cation in learning. He was wont to entertain his parishioners
and strangers at his table, not only at the Christmas time, as
the custom is ; but, because he had a large and wide parish, a
great multitude of people, he kept a table for them every Sun-
day from Michaelmas to Easter. He had the gentlemen, the
husbandmen, and the poorer sort, set every degree by them-
selves, and as it were ordered in ranks. He was wont to com-
mend the married state in the clergy ; howbeit himself lived
and died a single man. He bestowed, in the building, ordering,
and establishing of his school, and in providing yearly stipends
for a school-master and an usher, the full sum of five hundred
pounds ; out of which school he supplied the Church of Eng-
land with great store of learned men. He was careful to avoid
not only all evil doing, but even the lightest suspicions thereof.
And he was accounted a saint in the judgments of his
very enemies, if he had any such. Being full of faith unfeigned,
and of good works, he was at the last put into his grave, as a
heap of wheat in due time swept into the garner. He died the
4th of March, 1583, and in the 66th year of his age.
[AMP.] Richard Mulcaster was born of an ancient
extract in the north ; but whether in this county or Cumber-
land, I find not decided. From Eaton school he went to Cam-
bridge, where he was admitted into King's College, 1548 ;* but,
before he was graduated, removed to Oxford. Here such his
proficiency in learning, that, by general consent, he was chosen
the first master of Merchant Tailors' school in London, which
prospered well under his care, as, by the flourishing of Saint
John's in Oxford, doth plainly appear.
The Merchant Tailors, finding his scholars so to profit, in-
tended to fix Mr. Mulcaster at his desk to their school, till
death should remove him. This he perceived, and therefore
gave for his motto, " Fidelis servus, perpetuus asinus." But,
after twenty-five years, he procured his freedom, or rather
exchanged his service, being made master of Paul's School.
His method in teaching was this : In a morning he would
exactly and plainly construe and parse the lessons of his scho-
* Hatcher's MS. of the Scholars thereof.
lars ; which done, he slejot his hour (custom made him critical
to proportion it) in his desk in the school ; but woe be to the
scholar that slept the while ! Awaking, he heard them accu-
rately ; and Atropos might be persuaded to pity, as soon as he
to pardon, where he found just fault. The prayers of cockering
mothers prevailed with him as much as the requests of indul-
gent fathers, rather increasing than mitigating his severity on
their offending child.
In a word he was plagosus Oibilius ; though it may be truly
said (and safely for one out of his school) that others have taught
as much learning with fewer lashes. Yet his sharpness was
the better endured, because impartial ; and many excellent
scholars were bred under him, whereof bishop Andrews was
most remarkable.
Then quitting that place, he was presented to the rich par-
sonage of Stanford-rivers in Essex. I have heard from those
who have heard him preach, that his sermons were not excel-
lent, which to me seems no wonder ; partly, because there is a
different discipline in teaching children and men ; partly, be-
cause such who make divinity (not the choice of tlieir youth
but) the refuge of their age, seldom attain to eminency therein.
He died about the middle of the reign of queen Elizabeth.
Christopher Potter, D.D. kinsman to bishop Potter (of
whom before) was born in this county, bred fellow of Queen's
College in Oxford, and at last was chosen provost thereof,
chaplain in ordinary to king Charles, and dean of Worcester.
One of a sweet nature, comely presence, courteous carriage,
devout life, and deep learning ; he wrote an excellent book, en-
tituled ^'^ Charity Mistaken," containing impregnable truth, so
that malice may snarl at but not bite it, without breaking its
own teeth. Yet a railing Jesuit wrote a pretended confuta-
tion thereof, to which the doctor made no return ; partly because
the industrious bee would not meddle with a wasp, or hornet
rather; partly because Mr. Chilling worth, a great master of
defence in school divinity, took up the cudgels against him.
This worthy doctor died the beginning of our civil distem-
Robert Langton — Miles Spencer, Doctors of Law.* — It
is pity to part them, being natives of this county (as I am credibly
informed), doctors in the same faculty, and co-partners in the
same charity, the building of a fair school at Appleby, the preg-
nant mother of so many eminent scholars.
As for Robert Langton, he was bred in, and a benefactor to.
Queen's College in Oxford, owing the glazing of many windows
* Though disputable, I conceive them rightly placed since the Reformation. — F.
therein to his beneficency. Witness his conceit to communicate
his name to posterity, viz. a ton (the rebus, or fancy general,
for all surnames in that termination) extended very long be-
vond an ordinary proportion \Lamj the northern man pro-
noun cetli it] ; whereby he conceiveth his surname completed.
I shall be thankful to him who shall inform me of the dates of
their several deaths.
Anne Clyfford, sole daughter and heir to George earl of
Cumberland, wife first to Richard earl of Dorset, then to Philip
earl of Pembroke and Montgomery (though born and nursed
in Hertfordshire, yet) because having her greatest residence
and estate in the north, is properly referable to this county.
The proverb is, " Homo non est ubi animat, sed amat," (One
is not to be reputed there where he lives, but where he loves ;)
on which account this lady is placed, not where she first took
life, but where she hath left a most lasting monument of her love
to the public.
This is that most beautiful hospital, stately built, and richly
endowed, at her sole cost, at Appleby in this county.
It was conceived a bold and daring part of Thomas Cecil
(son to treasurer Burleigh) to enjoin his masons and carpenters
not to omit a day^s work at the building of Wimbleton house
in Surrey, though the Spanish Armada, anno 1588, all that while
shot off their guns, whereof some might be heard to the place.
But Christianly valiant is the charity of this lady, who in this
age, wherein there is an earthquake of ancient hospitals, and as
for new ones they are hardly to be seen for new lights ; I say,
courageous this worthy lady^s charity, who dare found in this
confounding age, wherein so much was demolished and aliened,
which was given to God and his Church. Long may she live
in wealth and honour, exactly to complete whatsoever her boun-
tiful intentions have designed.
Richard Gilpin, a valiant man in this county, was en-
feoffed, in the reign of king John, about the year 1208, in the
lordship of Kentmere hall, by the baron of Kendall, for his
singular deserts both in peace and war : " This was that Richard
Gilpin, who slew the wild boar, that, raging in the mountains
adjoining (as sometimes that of Erimanthus), much endamaged
the country people ; whence it is, that the Giljjins in their coat
arms give the boar.^^*
I confess, the story of this Westmoreland Hercules soundeth
something Romanza-like. However I believe it, partly be-
cause so reverend a pen hath recorded it, and because the
people in these parts need not feign foes in the fancy (bears,
* Life of Bernard Gilpin, written ''oy bishop Carleton, p. 2.
boars, and wild beasts) who in that age had real enemies, the
neighbouring Scots, to encounter.
1. Cuthbert Buckle, son of Christopher Buckle, of Bourgh,
Vintner, 1593.
I find two or three links but no continued chain of Sheriffs
in this county, until the 10th of king John, who bestowed the
bailiwick and revenues of this county upon Robert lord Vi-
Robert de Vipont, the last of that family, about the reign
of king Edward the first left two daughters: 1. Sibel, married
to Roger lord Clifford : 2. Idonea^ (the first and last I meet
with of that Christian name, though proper enough for women,
who are to be " meet helps"t to their husbands) married to Ro-
ger de Leburn.
Now because " Honor nescit dividi," (Honour cannot be di-
vided betwixt co-heirs), and because in such cases it is in the
power and pleasure of the king to assign it entire to which he
pleased, the king conferred the hereditary sheriffalty of this
county on the Lord Clifford, who had married the eldest sister.
It hath ever since continued in that honourable family. I
find Elizabeth the widow of Thomas lord Clifford (probably in
the minority of her son) sheriff^ess (as I may say) in the sixteenth
of Richard the Second, till the last of king Henry the Fourth.
Yet was it fashionable for these lords to depute and present
the most principal gentry of this shire, their " sub-vicecomites,"
(under-sheriffs,) in their right, to order the affairs of that county.
I find Sir Thomas Parr, Sir Wilham Parr (ancestors to queen
Katharine Parr), as also knights of the families of the Beiting-
ams, Musgraves, &c. discharging that office; so high ran the
credit and reputation thereof.
Henry lord Chfford was, by king Henry the Eighth, anno
1525, created earl of Cumberland; and when Henry the fifth
earl of that family died lately without issue male, the Honour of
this hereditary sheriffalty, with large revenues, reverted unto
Anne the sole daughter of George Clifford third earl of Cum-
berland, the relict of Richard earl of Dorset (and since of Philip
earl of Pembroke and Montgomery); by whom she had two
daughters, the elder married to the earl of Thanet, and the
younger married to James earl of Northampton.
Reader, I must confess myself sorry and ashamed, that I can-
not do more right to the natives of this county, so far distanced
* Camden's Britannia, in Westmoreland. f Genesis ii. 18.
north, that I never had yet the opportunity to behold it. Oh
that I had but received some inteUigence from my worthy friend
Doctor Thomas Barlow, provost of Queen's College in Oxford !
who, for his religion and learning, is an especial ornament of
Westmoreland. But time, tide, and a printer's press, are three
unmannerly things, tliat \v\\l stay for no man ; and therefore I
request that my defective endeavours may be well accepted.
I learn out of Master Camden, that in the river Cann, in this
county, there be two catadupce, or waterfalls ; whereof the
northern, sounding clear and loud, foretokeneth fair weather ;
the southern, on the same terms, presageth rain. Now I wish
that the former of these may be vocal in hay time and harvest,
the latter after great draught, that so both of them may make
welcome music to the inhabitants.
Launcelot Addison, dean of Lichfield, author, and father of
the poet ; born at Crosby Kavensworth, or Mauld's Meaburn,
1632; died 1703.
Anthony Askew^, physician, Greek scholar, and collector; born
at Kendal 1722 ; died 1774.
Dr. Thomas Barlow, time-serving bishop of Lincoln ; born at
Langdale near Orton 1607 ; died 1691.
John Barwick, D.D. divine, royalist, and author ; born at
Witherslack 1612; died 1664.
Peter Baravick, M.D. brother of the above, whose life he
wrote in elegant Latin; born at Witherslack 1619; died
Richard Braithwaite, facetious and eccentric author of
"Drunken Barnaby;*' born at Burneshead; died 1673.
Dr. Richard Burn, author of the "Justice" and the " Ecclesi-
astical Law;" &c, ; born at Kirkby Stephen; died 1789.
Ephraim Chambers, mathematical instrument maker, author
of the Encyclopedia ; born at Milton; died 1740.
Dr. George Fothergill, principal of St. Edmund Hall, Ox-
ford, author of sermons ; born at Lickholme in Ravenstone-
dale 1705; died 1760.
Dr. Thomas Garnett, physician and natural philosopher ; born
at Casterton 1766; died 1802.
Edmund Gibson, bishop of London, scholar and antiquary ;
born at High Knype 1669; died 1748.
Thomas Gibson, uncle of the bishop, and son-in-law to the
protector Richard Cromwell, physician and author ; born at
High Knype.
William Gibson, farmer, and self-taught mathematician of
most wonderful powers; born at Bolton near Appleby 1720;
died 1791.
William Hudson, surgeon, one of the earliest Linnsean botanists
in England, and author ; born at Kendal 1730; died 1793,
Dr, William Lancaster, provost of Queen^s College, Oxford,
and one of the founders of Barton school in 1649; born at
Dr. John Langhorne, divine, poet, and critic, voluminous
author; born at Kirkby Stephen, or Winton, 1735 ; died 1779.
Dr. John Mill, divine and biblical critic; born at Hardendale
in Shap 1645: died 1707.
Charles Morton, learned physician and antiquary; born 17I6.
Joseph Robertson, learned and industrious critic ; born at
High Knype 1726; died 1802.
Dr. Thomas Shaw, learned divine and Eastern traveller ; born
at Kendal 1692 ; died 1751.
John Smith, editor of Bede, divine, versed in Septentrional lite-
rature, and in antiquities; born at Lowther 1659 ; died 1715.
Joseph Smith, provost of Queen's College, Oxford, brother of
John, divine, learned in politics and the law of nations ; born
at Lowther 1670 ; died 1756.
Adam Walker, natural and experimental philosopher, lec-
turer, and author; born at Windermere 1731 ; died 1821.
Richard Watson, bishop of Llandaff, apologist for the Bible
and Christianity, chemist and politician ; born at Heversham
1737; died 1816.
Sir George Wharton, baronet, astronomer, and loyalist ; born
at Kendal; died 1681.
George Whitehead, learned and zealous Quaker ; born at
Newbigg, near Orton, about 1636 ; died 1722-3.
John Wilson, botanist, author- of a "Synopsis of British
Plants,'' originally a stocking-knitter ; born at Kendal ; died
about 1750.
*^» The History of Westmoreland has been generally united with that of Cum-
berland ; and the principal one is that published by Mr. J. Nicholson and Dr.
Burn in 1727, as mentioned under the head of Cumberland, vol. i. p. 364.
Wiltshire hath Gloucestershire on the north, Berkshire and
Hampshire on the east, Dorsetshire on the south, and Somer-
setshire on the west. From jiorth to south it extendeth thirty-
nine miles ; but abateth ten of that number in the breadth
A pleasant county, and of great variety. I have heard a wise
man say, that an ox left to himself would, of all England, choose
to live in the north, a sheep in the south part hereof, and a man
in the middle betwixt both, as partaking of the pleasure of the
plain, and the w^ealth of the deep country.
Nor is it unworthy the observing, that of all inland shires (no
w^ays bordered on salt w^ater) this gathereth the most in the
circumference thereof t (^s may appear by comparing them),
being in compass one hundred and thirty-nine miles. It is
plentiful in all English, especially in the ensuing, commodities.
The often repetition hereof (though I confess against our
rules premised) may justly be excused Well might the French
ambassador return, "France, France, France,*' reiterated to every
petty title of the king of Spain. And our English " wool, wool,'^
&c. may counterpoise the numerous but inconsiderable commo-
dities of other countries. I confess a lock thereof is most con-
temptible ; " Non ilocci te facio," passing for an expression of
the highest neglect ; but a quantity thereof quickly amounteth
to a good valuation.
This mystery is vigorously pursued in this county ; and I am
* Davis, in his " General Views of the Agriculture of Wiltshire,'' says, "the
county is about fifty-four miles in length, by thirty -four in its greatest breadth, and
contains about 1372 square miles, or 878,000 acres." According to the Parliamen-
tary Report on the State of the Poor, published in 1804, the area of the county is
estimated at 1283 square statute miles, or 821,120 acres.— Ed.J
t Compare the tables of Speed.
t Some of tlie editorial notes, appended to this county, are the contributions of John Kritton,
t^sq., author of the " Beauiit'8 of Wiltshire," 3 vols. 8vo., &c. ; who kiiidiy undertook tbe revi-
sion of the proof-shecta.
informed^ that as Medleys are most made in other shires, as
good Whites as any are woven in this county.
This mentioning of ivhites to be vended beyond the seas,
minds me of a memorable contest in the reign of king James,
betwixt the merchants of London, and Sir William Cockain,
once lord mayor of that city, and as prudent a person as any
in that corporation. He ably moved, and vigorously prosecuted
the design, that all the cloth which was made might be dyed
in England ; alleging, that the wealth of a country consisteth in
driving on the natural commodities thereof, through all manu-
factures, to the utmost, as far as it can go, or will be drawn.
And by the dying of all English cloth in England, thousands of
poor people would be employed, and thereby get a comfortable
The merchants returned, that such home dying of our cloth
w^ould prove prejudicial to the sale thereof, foreigners being
more expert than we are in the mystery of fixing colours —
besides, they can afford them far cheaper than we can, much of
dying stuff growing in their countries ; and foreigners bear a
great affection to white or virgin cloth, unwilling to have their
fancies prevented by the dying thereof ; insomuch that they would
like it better (though done worse) if done by themselves — That
Sir Willicim Cockain had got a vast deal of dying stuff' into his
own possession, and did drive on his own interest, under the
pretence of the public good. These their arguments were se-
conded with good store of good gold on both sides, till the
merchants prevailed at last (a shoal of herrings is able to beat
the whale itself) ; and clothing left in the same condition it was
The best for shape and colour (as curiously sized) are made
at Amesbury in this county. They may be called chimneys
portable in pockets, the one end being the hearth, the other the
tunnel thereof. Indeed, at the first bringing over of tobacco,
pipes were made of silver and other metals ; which, though free
from breaking, were found inconvenient, as soon fouled, and
hardly cleansed.
These clay pipes are burnt in a furnace for some fifteen
hours, on the self-same token, that if taken out half an hour be-
fore that time, they are found little altered from the condition
v/herein they were when first put in. It seems all that time
the fire is working itself to the height, and doth its work very
soon when attained to perfection. Gauntlet-pipes, which have
that mark on their heel, are the best j and hereon a story doth
One of that trade observing such pipes most saleable, set the
gauntlet on those of his own making, though inferior in good-
ness to the other. Now the workman who first gave the gaunt-
let sued the other, upon the statute w^hich makes it penal for
any to set anotlier's mark on any merchantable commodities.
The defendant being likely to be cast (as whose comisel could
plead little in his behalf) craved leave to speak a word for him-
self ; which was granted. He denied that he ever set another
man^s mark; "for the thumb of his gauntlet stands one way,
mine another ; and the same hand given dexter or sinister in
heraldry is a sufficient difFerence.^^ Hereby he escaped ; though
surely such who bought his pipes never took notice of that cri-
ticism, or consulted which way the thumb of his gauntlet re-
The Cathedral of Salisbury (dedicated to the blessed
Virgin) is paramount in this kind, wherein the doors and chapels
equal the months, the windows the days, the pillars and pil-
larets of fusile marble * (an ancient art now shrewdly suspected
to be lost), the hours of the year ; so that all Europe affords
not such an almanac of architecture.
Once walking in this church (whereof then I was prebendary)
I met a countryman wondering at the structure thereof. " I
once,*^ said he to me, "^ admired that there could be a church
that should have so many pillars as there be hours in the year ;
and now I admire more, that there should be so many hours in
the year as I see pillars in this church/^
The cross aisle of this church is the most beautiful and light-
some of any I have yet beheld. The spire steeple (not founded
on the ground, but for the main supported by four pillars) is of
great height and greater workmanship. I have been credibly
informed, that some foreign artists, beholding this building,
brake forth into tears, which some imputed to their admiration
(though I see not how wondering can cause weeping) ; others to
their envy, grieving that they had not the like in their own
Nor can the most curious (not to say cavilling) eye desire
any thing which is wanting in this edifice, except possibly an
ascent ; seeing such who address themselves hither for their
devotions can hardly say with David, " I will go up into th©
house of the Lord.^^
Amongst the many monuments therein, that of Edward
earl of Hartford is most magnificent ; that of Helen Suaven-
burgh, a Swede (the relic of William marquis of Northampton,
and afterwards married to Sir Thomas Gorges) is most com-
mended for its artificial plainness.
But the curiosity of critics is best entertained with the tomb
in the north of the nave of the church, where lieth a monument
in stone of a little boy, habited all in episcopal robes, a mitre
upon his head, a crosier in his hand, and the rest accordingly.
At the discovery thereof (formerly covered over with pews)
* It is surprising that the worthy and witty Fuller should be guilty of this silly
assertion. The pillars are of Purbeck marble J. B.
many justly admired, that either a bishop could be so small in
person, or a child so great in clothes ; though since all is un-
riddled ; for it was fashionable in that church* (a thing rather
deserving to be remembered than fit to be done) in the depth
of Popery, that the choristers chose a boy of their society to be
a bishop among them from St. Nicholas's till Innocents' day at
night, who did officiate in all things bishop-like, (the saying of mass
alone excepted), and held the state of a bishop, answerably
habited, amongst his fellows the counterfeit prebends. One of
these, chancing to die in the time of his mock-episcopacy, was
buried with crozier and mitre, as is aforesaid. Thus superstition
can dispense with that which religion cannot, making piety page-
antry, and subjecting what is sacred to lusory representations. f
As for civil buildings in this county, none are such giants as
to exceed the standard of structures in other counties. Long-
leat, the house of Sir James Thynne, was the biggest, and
Wilton is the stateliest and pleasantest for gardens, fountains,
and other accommodations, J
Nor must the industry of the citizens of SaUsbury be for-
gotten, who have derived the river into every street therein ; so
that Salisbury is a heap of islets thrown together. This mind-
eth me of an epitaph made on Mr. Francis Hide, a native of
this city, who died secretary unto the English Ueger in Venice :
*' Born in the English Venice, thou didst die.
Dear friend, in the Italian Salisbury."
The truth is, that the strength of this city consisted in the
weakness thereof, incapable of being garrisoned, which made
it, in our modern wars, to escape better than many other places
of the same proportion.
After so many wild and wide conjectures of the cause, time,
and authors hereof, why, when, and by whom this monument
was erected, a posthume book comes lagging at last, called
" Stone-henge Restored,"§ and yet goeth before all the rest. It
is questionable whether it more modestly propoundeth, or
more substantially proveth, this to be a Roman work, or temple
dedicated to Coelus or Coelum (son to ^ther and Dies), who
was senior to all the gods of the heathens.
That it is a Roman design, he proveth by the order, as also
by the scheme thereof, consisting of four equilateral triangles,
* See Gregory's Opera Posthuma, p. 95, &c.
t An engraving of the figure of the Boy Bishop in Salisbury cathedral is given
in Gough's " Sepulchral Monuments," vol. ii. ; but more correctly in Bntton's
History of Salisbury Cathedral. — Ed.
t Longford Castle, Wardour Castle, Fonthill, Stourhead, Charlton House, Tot-
tenham Park, Corsham House, and Bowood, are all houses built on a scale of great
magnificence E D .
§ Written by Inigo Jones. — F.
inscribed within the circumference of a circle, an architectoni-
cal scheme used by the Romans.* Besides, the portico, or
entrance thereof, is made double, as in the Roman ancient
structures of great magnificence. Not to say that the archi-
traves therein are all set without mortar, according to the
Roman architecture, wherein it was ordinary to have saxa nuUo
fill t a glutino.
No less persuasive are his arguments to prove a temple dedi-
cated to Coelum ; first, from the situation thereof, standing in
a plain, in a free and open air, remote from any village, without
woods about it. Secondly, from its aspect, being sub dio, and
built without a roof. Thirdly, from the circular form thereof,
being the proper figure of the temple of Coelus. Not to men-
tion his other arguments, in which the reader may better satisfy
himself from the original author, than my second-hand relation
This is called in Latin gramen caninum supinum hngisshnum,
and groweth nine miles from Salisbury, at master Tucker's at
Maddington. It is a peculiar kind ; and of the ninety species
of grasses in England, is the most marvellous. It groweth or-
dinarily fifteen feet in length; yea, I read of one four-and-
twenty foot long, which may be true, because, as there are
giants amongst men, so there are giants amongst giants, which
even exceed them in proportion.
The place whereon it groweth is low (lying some winters
under water) having hills round about it, and a spacious sheep-
common adjoining; the soil whereof by every hasty shower is
brought down into this little meadow, which makes it so incre-
dibly fruitful. This grass being built so many stories high,
from knot to^ knot, lieth matted on the ground, whence it is
cut up with sickles, and bound into sheaves. It is both hay
and provender, the joint-like knots whereof will fat swine.
Some conceive that the seed thereof, transplanted, would
prosper plentifully (though not to the same degree of length)
in other places ; from whose judgment other husbandmen dis-
sent, conceiving it so peculiar to this place, that ground and
grass must be removed both together. Or else it must be set
in a paralleled position, for all the particular advantages afore-
said, which England will hardly afford. So that Nature may
seem mutually to have made this plant and this place one for
* Vitnivius, lib. v.
t '' Among the Wonders of the county," says Mr. Britton, " it is really won-
derful^ that the great temple, or assemblage of stones, &c. at Avebury, escaped
ruller's notice. It was of much greater magnitude, of superior importance, and
consequently more entitled to notice than Stonehenge. Dr. Stukeley has devoted
a folio volume to its illustration. It was certainly the most stupendous and exten-
sive work of art in this island, and was probably the largest Druidical temple in
■Ciurope.^^ Stukeley's Accouut of Stonhenge, fol., is more accurate than Inigo
" It is done secundum usum Sarum."']
This proverb, coming out of the church, hath since enlarged
itself into a civil use. It began on this occasion. Many offices
or forms of service were used in several churches in England ;
as the office of York, Hereford, Bangor, &c. ; which caused a
deal of confusion in God's worship, until Osmond bishop of
Sarum, about the year of our Lord 1090, made that ordinal, or
office, which was generally received all over England ; so that
churches thenceforward easily understood one another, all
speaking the same words in their Liturgy.
It is now applied to those persons which do, and actions
wdiich are formally and solemnly done, in so regular a way, by
authentic precedents, and patterns of unquestionable autho-
rity, that no just exception can be taken thereat.
Margaret Plantagenet, daughter to George duke of Cla-
rence and Isabel Nevile eldest daughter and co-heir of Richard
Nevile earl of Warwick, was born August 14, 1473, at Farley
castle in this county.* Reader, I pray thee, let her pass for
a princess, because daughter to a duke, niece to two kings
(Edward the Fourth and Richard the Third), mother to cardinal
Reginald Pole; but chiefly because she was the last liver of all
that royal race, which from their birth wore the names of Plan-
tagenet. By Sir Richard Pole, a knight of Wales, and cousin-
german to king Henry the Seventh, she had divers children,
whereof Henry lord Montague was the eldest; he was accused
of treason, and this lady his mother charged to be privy there-
unto, by king Henry the Eighth, who (as his father Avas something
too slow) was somewhat too quick in discovering treasons, as soon
as (if not before) they were. On the scaffold, as she stood,
she would not gratify the executioner wdth a prostrate posture
of her body.
Some beheld this her action as an argument of an erected
soul, disdaining pulingly to submit to an infamous death, show-
ing her mind free, though her body might be forced, and that
also it was a demonstration of her innocence. But others con-
demned it as a needless and unseasonable animosity in her,
who, though supposed innocent before man for this fact, must
grant herself guilty before God, wdiose justice was the supreme
judge condemning her. Besides, it was indiscreet to contend,
where it was impossible to prevail, there being no guard against
the edge of such an axe, but patience ; and it is ill for a soul to
go reeking with anger out of this world.
Here happened an une.qual contest betwdxt weakness and
* Dugdale, in bis Illustrations of Warwickslihe, p. 335.
strength^ age and youth, nakedness and weapons, nobility and
baseness, a princess and an executioner, who at last dragging
her by the hair (grey with age) maytruly be said to have taken
off her head, seeing she would neither give it him, nor forgive
him the doing thereof. Thus died this lady Margaret, heir to
the name and stout nature of Margaret duchess of Burgundy,
her aunt and god-mother, whose spirits were better proportioned
to her extraction than estate ; for, though by special patent
she was created countess of Salisbury, she was restored but
to a small part of the inheritance she was born unto. She
suffered in the twenty- third year of the reign of king Henry
the Eighth.
Jane Seymour, daughter to Sir John Se^^mour, knight,
(honourably descended from the lords Beauchamps), was
(as byall concurring probabilities is collected) born at Wulf-hall
in this county, and after was married to kins: Henry the
Eighth. ^ ^
It is currently traditioned, that at her first coming to court,
queen Anne Boleyn, espying a jewel pendant about her neck,
snatched thereat (desirous to see, the other unwilling to show
it,) and casually hurt her hand with her own violence ; but it
grieved her heart more, when she perceived it the king's pic-
ture by himself bestowed upon her, who from this day forward
dated her own declining, and the other's ascending, in her hus-
band's affection.
It appeareth plainly by a passage in the act of parliament,
that the king was not only invited to his marriage by his own
affections, but by the humble petition and intercession of most
of the nobles of his realm, moved thereunto, as well by the
conveniency of her years, as in respect that by her excellent
beauty and pureness of flesh and blood (I speak the very words
of the act itself) she was apt (God willing) to conceive issue.
And so it proved accordingly.
This queen died some days after the birth of prince Edward
her son, on whom this epitaph ;
Phoenix Janajacet, nalo Phcenice ; dolendum
Stscula Phccnices nulla hilisse duas.
** Soon as her Phoenix bud was blown,
Root- Phoenix Jane did wither :
Sad, tliat no age a brace had shown
Of Phoenixes together.''
Of all the wives of king Henry, she only had the happiness
to die in his full favour, the 14th of October, 13^7 ; and is
buried in the choir of Windsor chapel ; the king continuing in
real mourning for her, even all the festival of Christmas.
Adelme, son to Kenred, nephew to Ina king of the West
Saxons,* was bred in foreign parts ; and, returning home, was
abbot of Malmsbury thirty years, a person memorable on seve-
ral accounts : 1. He was the first Englishman who ever wrote
in Latin.f 2. He was the first that ever brought poetry into
England. 3. The first bishop of the see of Sherborne.
Bede giveth him a large commendation for his learning ; the
rather, because he wrote a book for the reducing the Britons to
observe Easter according to the church of Rome.
Impudent monks have much abused his memory with shameless
lies, and amongst the rest with a wooden miracle ; that a carpen-
ter having cut a beam for his church too short, he,by his prayers,
stretched it out to the full proportion. J To this I may add
another lie as clear as the sun itself, on whose rays (they
report) he hung his vestment, which miraculously supported it,
to the admiration of the beholders. §
Coming to Rome, to be consecrated bishop of Sherborne, he
reproved Pope Sergius his fatherhood, for being a father indeed
to. a base child, then newly born; and, returning home, he
lived in great esteem until the day of his death, which happened
anno Domini 7^9.
His corpse being brought to Malmesbury, was there enshrined,
and had in great veneration ; who having his longest abode wdiilst
Jiving, and last when dead, in this county, is probably presumed
a native thereof.
Edith, natural daughter of king Edgar, by the lady Wolfhil,
was abbess of Wilton, wherein she demeaned herself with such
devotion, that her memory obtained the reputation of saint-
ship. And yet an author telleth us, that, being more curious in
her attire than beseemed her profession, bishop Ethelwold
sharply reproved her, w^ho answered him roundly, "That God
regardetli the heart more than the garment, and that sijis
might be covered as well under rags as robes.*' ||
One reporteth, that, after the slaughter of her brother
Edward, holy Dunstan had a design to make her queen of Eng-
land^ (the veil of her head, it seems, would not hinder the
crown), so to defeat Ethelred the lawful heir, had she not
declined the proffiir, partly on jj^otis, partly politic, dissua-
sions. She died anno Domini 984 ; and is buried in the church
of Dioness at Wilton, of her own building. She is commonly
called " Saint Edith the younger,'' to distinguish her from Saint
Edith her aunt, of whom before.
It i^lainly appeareth tnat, about the year of our Lord 150.3,
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. i. num. 83.
f Camden's Britannia, in Wiltshire. % Flowers of English .Saii.ts, \>. 491,
k^ Idem, p. 492. || Polyc. lih. vi. cap. 9.
^ John Capgrove, in vita Sanctse Edithfe.
there was a persecution of Protestants (give me leave so
to antedate their name) in this county, under Edmund Audley
bishop of SaUsbury, as by computation of time will appear.
Yet I find but one man, Richard Smart by name (the more
remarkable because but once, and that scentinghj, mentioned by
Mr. Fox*), burnt at Salisbury, for reading a book called
" Wickliff^s Wicket ^^ to one Thomas Stillman, afterwards burnt
in Smithiield. But, under cruel bishop Capon, Wiltshire
afforded these
John SpiCER,t free-mason ; William Coberly, tailor ; John
Maundrell, husbandman; all of Kevel; martyred in Sa-
lisbury, anno 1556, Aj^ril.
John Hunt, J and Richard White, husbandmen, of Marl-
borough; persecuted in Salisbury, anno 1558.
These both being condemned to die, were little less than mi-
raculously preserved, as will appear hereafter. §
Alice Coberly must not be omitted, wife to WiHiam Co-
berly forenamed (charitably presuming on her repentance),
though she failed in her constancy on this occasion. The jai-
lor^s wife of Salisbury, heating a key fire-hot, and laying it in
the grass, spake to this Alice to bring it in to her ; in doing
whereof she piteously burnt her hand, and cried out thereat.
" Oh,^^ said the other, " if thou canst not abide the burning of a
key, how wilt thou endure thy whole body to be burnt at the
stake V Whereat the said Alice revoked her opinion. ||
I can neither excuse the cruelty of the one (though surely do-
ing it not out of a persecuting but carnal preserving intention),
nor the cowardliness of the other; for she might have hoped
that her whole body, encountering the flame with a Christian
resolution, and confidence of divine support in the testimony of
the truth, would have found less pain than her hand felt from
the sudden surprise of the - fire, wherein the imexpectedness
added (if not to the pain) to the fright thereof. This sure I am,
that some condemn her shrinking for a burnt hand, who would
have done so themselves for a scratched finger.
Walter Winterburn was born at Salisbury in this
county, and bred a Dominican friar. ^ He was an excellent
* Acts and Monuments, p. 815. f Idem, page 1894.
X Idem, p. 2054.
§ See-Micliell, in Memorable Persons, in this shire.
II Fox's Acts and Monuments, p. 1894.
^ Bishop Godwin, in his Catalogue of Cardinals, p. IVI.
scholar in all studies suitable to his age, when a youth ; a good
poet and orator, when a man ; an acute philosopher, " Aristote-
licarum doctrinarum heluo/^ saith he who otherwise scarce
giveth him a good word,* when an old man ; a deep controver-
sial divine, and skilful casuist ; a quality which commended him
to be confessor to king Edward the First.f
Now news being brought to Pope Benedict the Eleventh,
that William Maklesfield, Provincial of the Dominicans, and
designed cardinal of Saint Sabin, was dead and buried at Lon-
don before his cap could be brought to him, he appointed this
Walter to be heir to his Honour. The worst is, as meddlers are
never ripe till they are rotten, so few are thought fit to be car-
dinals but such as are extremely in years. Maklesfield had all
his body buried, and our Winterburn had one foot in the grave,
being seventy-nine years of age before he was summoned to
that dignity.
However, over he went with all haste into Italy ; and though
coming thither too late to have a sight of Pope Benedict the
Eleventh, came soon enough to give a suffrage at the choice of
Clement the Fifth. This Wfdter's cardinal's cap was never a
whit the worse for wearing, enjoying it but a year. In his re-
turn home he died, and was buried at Genoa ; but afterwards
his corpse was brought over, and re-interred most solemnly in
London, anno 1305.
[S. N.] Robert Halam was, saith my author, ^^ Regio san-
guine Angliee natus,''J born of the blood royal of England,
though how, or which way, he doth not acquaint us. But we
envy not his high extraction, whilst it seems accompanied with
other eminences. He w^as bred in Oxford, and afterwards be-
came chancellor thereof, 1403. From being archdeacon of Can-
terbury, he was preferred bishop of Salisbury. On the sixth of
June 1411, he was made cardinal, though his particular title is
not expressed. It argueth his abilities, that he was one of them
who was sent to represent the English cergy, both in the
council of Pisa and Constance, in which last service he died
anno Domini 1417:, in Gotleby Castle.
Joannes Sarisburiensis was born at, and so named from.
Old Sarum in this county ; though I have heard of some of the
Salisburies in Denbyshire, who essay to assert him to their fa-
mily ; as who would not recover so eminent a person ?
Leland saith that he seeth in him ^^ omnem scientiaB orbenV^
(all the world, or, if you will the whole circle, of leainino.)
Bale saith, that " he was one of the first who, since Theodorus
* Pits, de Anglioe Scriptoribus, anno 1305.
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iv. num. 85,
:j: Pits, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, anno 1410.
Y 2
archbishop of Canterbury, living five hundred years before him
(oh the ^iya id^fia of barbarism in England!) endeavoured to
restore the learned languages to their original purity, being a
good Latinist, Grecian, Musician, Mathematician, Philosopher,
Divine, and what not ?"*
What learning he could not find at home, he did fetch from
abroad, travelling into France and Italy, companion to T. Bec-
ket in his exile, but no partner in his protervity against his
prince, for which he sharply reproved him. He was highly in
favour with Pope Eugenius the Third and Adrian the Fourth ;
and yet no author in that age hath so pungent passages against
the pride and covetousness of the court of Rome. Take a taste
of them :
^^ Sedent in Ecclesia Romana Scribse et Pharissei^ ponentes
onera importabilia in humeros hominum. Ita debacchantur
ejus Legati, ac si ad Ecclesiam flageilandam egress us sit Satan
a facie Domini.
" Peccata populi comedunt ; eis vestiuntur, et in iis multipli-
citer luxuriantur, dum veri adoratores in Spiritu adorant Pa-
trem. Qui ab eorum dissentit doctrin^, aut hoereticus judica-
tur, aut schismaticus. Manifestet ergo seipsum Christus, et
palam faciat viam, qua nobis est incedendum.^^f
(" Scribes and Pharisees sit in the church of Rome, putting
unbearable burthens on men^s backs. His Lesrates do so swaa:-
ger, as if Satan were gone forth from the face of the Lord to
scourge the Church.
" They eat the sins of the people ; with them they are
clothed, and many ways riot therein, whilst the true worshippers
worship the Father in spirit. Whoso dissent from their doctrine
are condemned for heretics or schismatics. Christ therefore
will manifest himself, and make the way plain, wherein we must
Hov\^ doth our author Luther it (before Luther) against their
errors and vices ! the more secure for the general opinion men
had of his person, all holding our John to be, though no pro-
phet, a pious man. King Henry the Second made him bishop
of Chartres in France, where he died 1182.
[S. N.] Richard Poore, dean of Sarisbury, was first bishop
of Chichester, then of Sarisbury, or Old Sarum rather. He
found his cathedral most inconveniently seated, for want of
water and other necessaries ; and therefore removed it a mile
oiF, to a place called Merryfield (for the pleasant situation
thereof), since Sarisbury ; where he laid the foundation of that
stately structure which he lived not here to finish.
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iii. nviiu. 1.
f Joannes Sarisburiensis, in Polycratico,
Now, as the place whence he came was so dry, that^ as
Malmsbury saith, "miserabili commercio ibi aqua veneat;"
(by sad chaffer they were fain to give money for water) ; so he .
removed to one so low and moist, men sometimes (upon my
own knowledge) would give money to be rid of the water. I
observe this for no other end but to shew that all human
happiness, notwithstanding often exchange of places, will still
be an heteroclite, and either have too much or too little for our
This Poore was afterwards removed to the bishopric of Dur-
ham, and lived there in great esteem ; Matthew Paris charac-
terising him, ^'^eximiee sanctitatis et profundse scientia3 virum.^^
His dissolution, in a most pious and peaceable manner, hap-
pened April 5, anno Domini 1237- His corpse, by his vv^ill, was
brought and buried at Tarrant in Dorsetshire, in a nunnery of
his own founding ; and some of his name [and probably alli-
ance] are still extant in this county.
William Edendon was born at Edendon in this county;
bred in Oxford, and advanced by king Edward the Third to be
bishop of Winchester and lord treasurer of England. During
his managing of that office, he caused new coins (unknown
before) to be made (groats and half-groats) both readier for
change and fitter for charity. Bat the worst was, " imminuto
nonnihil pondere,^^ (the weight was somewhat abated-)* If
any say this was an unepiscopal act, know, he did it not as
bishop but as lord treasurer ; the king, his master, having all
the profit thereby. Yea, succeeding princes, following this pat-
tern, have sub-diminished their coin ever since. Hence is it that
our nobility cannot maintain the port of their ancestors with
the same revenues; because so mamj jjounds are not so many
jjounds ; though the same in noise and number, not the same
in intrinsical valuation.
He was afterwards made lord chancellor, and erected a stately
convent iorBouhomnies at Edendon in this county, the jolace of
his nativity, valued at the Dissolution per annum at five hundred
twenty-one pounds, twelve shillings, five-pence half-penny.
Some condemn him for robbing St. Peter (to whom, with St.
Swithen, Winchester church was dedicated) to pay All Saints
collectively, to whom Edendon convent was consecrated, suf-
fering his episcopal palaces to decay and drop down, whilst he
raised up his new foundation. f This he dearly paid for after
his death, when his executors were sued for dilapidations by his
successor AYilliam Wickham (an excellent architect, and there-
fore well-knowing how to proportion his chai-ges for repara-
tions), who recovered of them one thousand six hundred sixty-
two pounds ten shillings, a vast sum in that age, though pa^d
* Godwin, Catalogue of the Bishops of Winchester.
I Speed, in his Catalogue of Religious Houses, in Wiltshire.
in the lighter groats and half-groats.* Besides this, his execu-
tors were forced to make good the standing stock of the bishop-
ric, which in his time was impaired: viz. oxen, 1556; wea-
thers, 4717 ; ewes, 3521 ; lambs, 3521 ; swine, 127-
This Edendon sat in his bishopric twenty-one years; and,
dying 1366, lieth buried on the south side [of Winchester
cathedral], in the passage to the choir, having a fair monument
of alabaster, but an epitaph of coarse stone ; I mean, so barba-
rous that it is not worth the inserting.
Richard Mayo, alias Mayhowe, was born nigh Hunger-
ford in this county, of good parentage, whose surname and Idn-
dred was extinct in the last generation, when the heirs-general
thereof were married into the famiUes of Montpesson and
Grove. He was first admitted in New College,t and thence
removed to Magdalen's in Oxford, where he became president
thereof for twenty-seven years. It argueth his abilities to any
indifferent apprehension, that so knowing a prince as Henry the
Seventh, amongst such plenty of eminent persons, elected and
sent him into Spain, anno 1501, to bring over the lady Catherine
to be married to prince Arthur ; J which he performed with all
fidelity, though the heavens might rather seem to laugh at, than
smile on, that unfortunate marrying. After his return, he was re-
warded with the bishopric of Hereford, and having sat eleven
years therein, died 1516 ; and lieth buried in his church, on the
south side of the high altar, under a magnificent monument.
John Thorneborougit, B.D. was born (as I am credibly in-
formed) in the city of S.alisbury, bred in Magdalen College in
Oxford. He did evirpoa'^rjaai iv aapKi, and liis godly presence
made him more acceptable to queen Elizabeth, preferring him
dean of York, and bishop of Limerick in Ireland, where he re-
ceived a most remarkable deliverance, in manner as followeth :
Lying in an old castle in Ireland, in a large room, partitioned
but with sheets or curtains, his wife, children, and servants, in
effect a whole family in the dead time of the night, the floor
over head being earth and plaster, as in many places is used,
overcharged with weight, fell wholly down together, and crushing
all to pieces that was above two feet high, as cupboards, tal>les,
forms, stools, rested at last on certain chests, as God would have
it, and hurt no living creature. §
In the first of king James, 1603, he was consecrated bishop
of Bristol ; and held his deanery and Irish bishopric m com-
mendiim with it, and from thence was translated to Worcester.
* Godwin, Catalogue of the Bishops of Wincliester.
t New College Register, in anno 1459.
X Godwin, Catalogue of the Bishops of Hereford.
§ Sir John Harrington, iu his Additions to Bishop Godwin, p. 15S.
I have heard his skill in chemistry much commended ; and he
presented a precious extraction to king James, reputed a great
preserver of health, and prolonger of life. He conceived by
such helps to have added to his vigorous vivacity^ though I
think a merry heart (whereof he had a great measure) was his
best elixir to that purpose. He died, exceeding aged, anno
Domini 1641.
John Buckbridge was born at Draycott nigh Marlborough
in this county;* and bred under Master Mullcaster in Mer-
chant Taylors^ School ; from whence he was sent to Saint John^s
College in Oxford, where, from a fellow, he became doctor of
divinity, and president thereof. He afterwards succeeded doc-
tor Lancelot Andrews, in the vicarage of Saint Giles' Cripple-
gate, in which cure they lived one-and-twenty years a-piece ; and
indeed great was the intimacy betwixt these two learned prelates.
On the 9th of June 1611, he was consecrated bishop of Ro-
chester; and afterwards set forth a learned book, in opposi-
tion of John Fisher, " De potestate Papse in Temporalibus/' of
which my author doth affirm, "Johannem itaque RofFensem
habemus, quem Johanni Roifensi opponamus, Fishero Buckeri-
gium, cujus argumentis (si quid ego video) ne a mille quidem
Fisheris unquam respondebitur/'t
He was afterwards preferred bishop of Ely ; and having
preached the funeral sermon of bishop Andrews (extant in
print at the end of his works) survived him not a full year,
dying anno Domini 1631. He was decently interred, by his
own appointment, in the parish church of Bromley in Kent ;
the manor whereof belonged to the bishopric of Rochester,
Edward Seimor and Thomas Seimor, both sons of Sir
John Seimor, of Wolfull, knight, in this county. I join them
together, because whilst they were united in affection they were
invincible ; but, when divided, easily overthrown by their ene-
Edward Seymor duke of Somerset, lord protector and trea-
surer of England, being the elder brother, succeded to a fair pa-
ternal inheritance. He was a vahant soldier for land- service,
fortunate, and generally beloved by martial men. He was of
an open nature, free from jealousy and dissembling, affable to
all people. He married Anne, daughter of Sir Edward
Stanhop, knight, a lady of a high mind and haughty undaunted
Thomas Seymor, the younger brother, was made baron of
Sudley. By offices and the favours of his nephew, king Edward
the Sixth, he obtained a great estate. He was well experienced
* So am I informed by Mr. Anthony Holmes, his secretary, still clive.— F.
I Godwin, in his Catalogue of the Bishops of Rochester.
in sea affairs^ and made lord admiral of England. He lay at a
close posture^ being of a reserved nature^ and was more cunning
in his carriage. He married queen Katharine Parr^ the widow
of king Henry the Eighth.
Very great the animosities betwixt their wives ; the duchess
refusing to bear the queen's train, and in effect justled with
her for precedence ; so that what betwixt the train of the queen,
and long gown of the duchess, they raised so much dust at the
court, as at last put out the eyes of both their husbands, and
occasioned their executions, as we have largely declared in our
"Ecclesiastical History;'' the Lord Thomas anno 1548-9; the
Lord Edward anno 1551-2.
Thus the two best bulwarks of the safety of king Edward the
Sixth being demolished to the ground, duke Dudley had the
advantages the nearer to approach and assault the king's person,
and to practise his destruction, as is vehemently suspected.
Sir Oliver Saint John, Knight, lord Grandison, &c. was
born of an ancient and honourable family, whose prime seat
was at Lediard Tregoze in this county. He was bred in the
wars from his youth, and at last by king James was appointed
lord deputy of Ireland, and vigorously pursued the principles
of his predecessors for the civilizing thereof. Indeed the lord
Mountjoy reduced that country to obedience, the lord Chiches-
ter to some civility, and this lord Grandison first advanced it to
considerable profit to his master. I confess T. Walsingham
writeth,^^ that Ireland afforded unto Edward the Third thirty
thousand pounds a -year paid into his exchequer ; but it appears
by the Irish Records (which are rather to be believed) that it
was rather a burden, and the constant revenue thereof beneath
the third part of that proportion.f But now, the kingdom be-
ing peaceably settled, the income thereof turned to good account,
so that Ireland (called by my author the land of Ire, for the con-
stant broils therein for four hundred years) was now become
the land of concord. Being recalled into England, he lived
many years in great repute, and dying without issue left his Ho-
nour to his sister's son by Sir Edward Villiers ; but the main of
his estate to his brother's son Sir John Saint John, knight and
Sir James Ley, Knight and Baronet, son of Henry Ley, es-
quire, (one of great ancestry, who on his own cost, with his men,
valiantly served king Henry the Eighth at the siege of Boulogne),
was born at Teffont in this county. Being his father's sixth son
(and so in proba]}ility barred of his inheritance), he endeavoured
to make himself an heir by his education, apjolying his book in
Brasen-nose College, and afterwards studying the laws of the
* In the Life of Ricliavd the Second.
t Sir John Davics, in Discoveries of Ireland, p. 39, &c.
land in Lincoln's-Inn, wherein such his proficiency, king James
made him lord chief justice in Ireland.
Here he practised the charge king James gave him at his go-
ing over (yea, what his own tender conscience gave himself) ;
namely, " not to build his estate on the ruins of a miserable na-
tion f but aiming, by the impartial execution of justice, not to
enrich himself, but civilize the people, he made a good pro-
gress therein. But the king would no longer lose him out of
his own land, and therefore recalled him home about the time
when his father's inheritance, by the death of his five elder
brethren, descended upon him.
It was not long before oflices and honour flowed in fast upon
him, being made —
By king James: 1. Attorney of the Court of Wards: 2.
Chief Justice of the Upper Bench, 18th of his reign, Jan. 29:
3. Lord Treasurer of England, in the 22d of his reign, Decem-
ber 22 : 4, Baron Ley of Ley in Devonshire, the last of the
same month.*
By king Charles : 1. Earl of Marlborough in this county, im-
mediately after the king's coronation : 2. Lord President of
the Council; in which place he died, anno Domini 1629.
He was a person of great gravity, ability, and integrity ; and,
as the Caspian Sea is observed neither to ebb nor flow, so his
mind did not rise or fall, but continued the same constancy in
all conditions.
Sir Francis Cottington, Knight, was born nigh Mere ia
this county, and bred, when a youth, under Sir Stafford.
He lived so long in Spain, till he made the garb and gravity of
that nation become his, and become him. He raised himself by
his natural strength, without any artificial advantage ; having
his parts above his learning, his experience above his parts, his
industry above his experience, and (some will say) his success
above all: so that at the last he became chancellor of the Exche-
quer, baron of lianworth in Middlesex, and (upon the resigna-
tion of doctor Juxon) lord treasurer of England, gaining also
a very great estate. But what he got in few years he lost in
fewer days, since our civil wars, when the parhanient was pleased
(for reasons only known to themseU'es) to make him one of
the examples of their severity, excluding him pardon, but per-
mitting his departure beyond the seas, where he died about the
year 1650.
Sir Nicholas Hyde, Knight, was born at Warder in this
county, where his father, in right of his wife, had a long lease
of that castle from the family of the Arundels. His father, I
* J. Philipot, in his Catalogue of Lord Treasurers, p. 84.
say (descended from an ancient family in Cheshire) a fortunate
gentleman in all his children (and more in his grand-children) ;
some of his under-boughs out-growing the top branch, and
younger children (amongst whom Sir Nicholas) in wealth and
honour exceeding the heir of the family.
He was bred in the Middle Temple^ and was made serjeant-
at-law the first of February 1626 ; and on the eighth day follow-
ing was sworn lord chief justice of the King's Bench, succeed-
ing in that oiSce next save one unto his countryman Sir James
Ley (then alive, and preferred lord treasurer, born within tAVO
miles one of another), and next of all unto Sir Randall Ca-
rew lately displaced. Now, though he entered on his place with
some disadvantage (Sir Randal being generally popular), and
though in those days it was hard for the same person to please
court and country, yet he discharged his office with laudable
integrity; and died 1631.*
First, for this county in general, hear what an ancient author,
who wrote about the time of king Henry the Second, reporteth
of it, whose words are worthy of our translation and exposition :
"^ Provincia Severiana, quae moderno usu ac nomine ab incolis
Wilteswa vocatur, eodem jure sibi vendicat cohortem subsidi-
ariam, adjecta sibi Devonia et Cornubia.''t
(^'The Severian Province, which by modern use and name is by
the inhabitants called Wiltshire, by the same right challengeth
to itself to have the rear, Devonshire and Cornwall beins; ioined
unto it.^0
The Severian Proviiice. — We thank our author for expounding
it Wiltshire ; otherwise we should have sought for it in the
north, near the wall of Severus.
By the same right. —Yiz. by which Kent claimeth to lead the
vanguard, whereof formerly. J
To have the rear.— So translated by Mr. Selden § (from whom
it is a sin to dissent in a criticism of antiquity) ; otherwise some
would cavil it to be the i^eserve. Indeed the rear is the basis
and foundation of an army ; and it is one of the chief of divine
promises, '' The glory of the Lord shall be thy rear-ward.''||
We read how the Romans placed their triarii (which were
veteran soldiers) behind, and the service was very sharp indeed,
cinn res rediit ad triarios. We may say that these three coun-
ties, Wiltshire, Devonshire, and Cornwall, are the triarii of Eng-
land ; yet so that in our author Wiltshire appears as principal,
the others being added for its assistance.
Edward Hvde, earl of Clarendon, was born at Dinton in this county in the
year 1608, and was created lord chancellor of Great Britain by kin? Charles II.
— Ed. ^ ^
t Joliannes Sarisburiensis, de Nugis Curialium, vi. cap, 18,
I See Kent, under the head Soldiers, vol. ii. p, 145 Ed.
$ In his notes on Polvolbion, p, 303. i| Isaiah Iviii. S.
Here I dare interpose nothing, why the two interjected coun-
ties betwixt Wilts and Devon, viz. Dorset and Somerset, are
not mentioned, which giveth me cause to conjecture them in-
cluded in Devoiua, in the large acception thereof. Now
amongst the many worthy soldiers which this county hath pro-
duced, give me leave to take special notice of
Henry D'Anvers. — His ensuing epitaph on his monument
in the Church of Dantsey-in this shire, will better acquaint the
reader with his deserts, than any character which my pen can
give of him :
'^ Here lieth the body of Henry Danvers, second son to Sir
John Danvers, knight, and dame Elizabeth, daughter and coheir
to Nevill lord Latimer. He was born at Dantsey in the county
of AVilts, Jan. anno Domini 1573, being bred up partly in the
Low Country wars under Maurice earl of Nassau, afterward
prince of Orange ; and in many other military actions of those
times, both by sea and by land. He was made a captain in the
wars of France, and there knighted for his good service under
Henry the Fourth, the then French king. He was employed
as lieutenant of the horse, and serjeant-major of the whole army
in Ireland, under Robert earl of Essex, and Charles baron of
Mountjoy, in the reign of queen Elizabeth. By king James the
First he was made baron of Dansey, and peer of this realm, as
also lord-president of Munster, and governor of Guernsey. By
king Charles the First he was created earl of Danby, made of
his privy council, and knight of the most noble order of the
Garter. In his latter time, by reason of imperfect health, con-
siderably declining more active employments, full of honours,
wounds, and days, he died anno Domini \Q4,^.— Laus Deo/'
For many years before, St. George had not been more mag-
nificently mounted (1 mean the solemnity of his feast more
sumptuously observed) than when this earl, with the earl of
Morton, were installed knights of the Garter. One might have
there beheld the abridgment of English and Scottish in their
attendance : the Scottish earl (like Zeuxis' picture) adorned with
all art and costliness ; whilst our English earl (like the plain
sheet of Apelles) by the gravity of his habit got the advantage
of the gallanty of his co-rival with judicious beholders. He
died without issue in the beginning of our civil wars ; and by
his will, made 1639, settled his large estate on his hopeful ne-
phew Henry D'Anvers, snatched away (before fully of age) to
the great grief of all good men.
Oliver of Malmesbury was (saith my author *) "in ipsius
Monasterii territorio natus ; so that there being few paces be-
* Pits, de Illustribus Angliae Scriptoribus, anno 1060,
an ephis cradle and that convent, he quickly came thither, and
Robene a Benedictine therein. He was much addicted to ma-
but aatics, and to judicial astrology. A great comet hap-
maled in his age, which he entertained with these expres-
sions :
" Venisti ? venisti ? multis matribus lugendum malum ! Du-
dum te vidi; sed multo jam terribilius, Angliee minans prorsus
(" Art thou come r art thou come ? thou evil to be lamented
by many mothers ! I saw thee long since ; but now thou art
much more terrible, threatening the English with utter de-
Nor did he much miss his mark herein ; for, soon after, the
coming in of the Norman conqueror deprived many English of
their lives, more o*f their laws and liberties, till, after many
years, by God's goodness, they were restored.
This Oliver, having a mind to try the truth of poetical re-
ports, an facta vel ficta, is said to have tied wings to his hands
and feet, and taking his rise from a tower in Malmsbury, flew
as they say a furlong,"!^ till, something failing him, down he fell,
and brake both his thighs. Pity is it but that, Icarus-like, he
had not fallen into the water ; and then
*' Oliver Ol'varis nomina fecit aquis.''
I find the like recorded in the Ecclesiastical History of Simon
Magus,t flying from the Capitol in Rome high in the air, till at
last (by the prayers of St. Peter) he fell down, and bruised him-
self to death. But that Simon did it by the black, our Oliver
by the ivhite art ; he being suj^ported by ill spirits, this by mere
ingenuity, which made him the more to be pitied.
He wrote some books of astrology ; and died anno Domini
1060,t five years before the Norman invasion ; and so saw not
his own prediction (prevented by death) performed; it be-
ing the fate of such folk, " ut sint oculati foras, et ceecutiant
domi," (that when they are quick-sighted to know what shall be-
lide to others, they are blind to behold what will befall to them-
William, quitting his own name of Summerset, assumed
that of Malmesbury, because there he had (if not born) his
best preferment. Indeed he was a duallist in that convent
(and if a pluralist no ingenious person would have envied him),
being chanter of that church, and library-keeper therein. Let me
add, and library-maker too ; for so may we call his " History of
the Saxon Kings and Bishops" before the Conquest, and after
it until his own time ; a history to be honoured, both for the
* Pits, de Illustribus Anglise Scriptoribus, anno 1060.
t AbiUas Babilou Apost, Hist. lib. i. ; Egesippi'.s, lib. iii. cap. 2 ; Epipli. lib.
torn. 1, luLi-es. 21. ; Anton, chro. part i. tit. 6, cap. 4.
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britaunicis, Cent ii. num. 51,
truth and method thereof. If any fustiness be found iin Ox-
writings^ it comes not from the grape, but from the *^ature.
The smack of superstition in his books is not to be imputee was
his person, but to the age wherein he hved and died, viz. anr. of
Domini 1142, and was buried in Malmsbury. '>
Robert Canutus. — His surname might justly persuade us
to suspect him a Dane, but that Bale * doth assure ihim born at
Cricklade in this county; and further proceedeth thus in the
description of the place :
'^Leland, in the life of the great king Alfred, informs us,
that, during the flourishing of the glory of the Britons, before
the university of Oxford was founded, two scholars were famous
both for eloquence and learning, the one called Greeklade, where
the Greek, the other Latinlade, where the Latin tongue was
professed ; since corruptly called Cricklade and Lechlade at this
Having so good security, I presumed to j^rint the same in.
my '^'^ Church History,^^ and am not as yet ashamed thereof*
But, since my worthy friend Doctor Heylin (whose relations
living thereabouts, gave him the opportunity of more exactness)
thus reporteth it, that Cricklade was the place for the profession
of Greek, Lechlade for physic and Latin, a small village (small
indeed, for I never saw it any map) hard by the place where
Latin was professed.
But to proceed : our Canute went hence to Oxford, and there
became chief of the canons of Saint Fridswith. He gathered
the best flowers out of Pliny^s " Natural History ;" and, com-
posing it into " a Garland " (as he calleth it), dedicated the
book to king Henry the Second. He wrote also his ^^ Comments
on the greater part of the Old and Nev/ Testament;'^ and
flourished anno 11 70.
Richard of the Devises. — A word of the place of his
nativity. The Vies, or Devises, is the best and biggest town
for trading (Salisbury being a city) in this shire; so called
because anciently divided betwixt the king and the bishop of
Salisbury, as Mine-Thine (corruptly called MindenJ, a city in
Westphalia, had its 'name from such a partition. Now because
the Devises carrieth much of strange conceits in the common
sound thereof, and because Stone-henge is generally reputed a
wonder, country people who live far off in our land mis-appre-
hend them (distanced more than twelve miles) to be near
together. Our Richard, born in this town, was bred a Benedic-
tine in Winchester, where his learning, and industry rendered
him to the respect of all in that age. He wrote a history of
the reign of king Richard the First, under whom he flourished, and
* In vita Robert! Canuti, Cent. iii. num. 4. f Idem.
an epl.itome of the British affairs,* dedicating them both to
Roben t prior of Winchester. His history I could never see
but ai t the second hand, as cited by others, tlie rarity thereof
maV^iing it no piece for the shop of a stationer, but a property
^ior a pubhc library. His death was about the year 1200.
Godwin of Salisbury, chanter of that church; and (what-
ever was his skill in music) following the precept of St. Paul,
he " made melody in his heart,^^t having his mind much given
to meditation, which is the chewing of the cud of the food of
the soul, turning it into clean and wholesome nourishment.
He wrote (beside other works) a book of " Meditations," dedi-
cating the same to one Ramulia, or rather Ranilda, " an ancho-
ress, and most incomparable woman," J saith my author; the
more remarkable to me, because this is the first and last mention
I find of her memory. This Godwin flourished about the year
of our Lord 1256.
John of Wilton, senior, was bred an Augustinian friar ;
and, after he had stored himself with home-bred learning, went
over into France, and studied at Paris. Here he became a sub-
tle disputant, insomuch that John Baconthorp (that staple
schoolman) not only highly praisetli him, but also useth his
authority in his arguments. I meet not with any man in that
age better stocked with sermons on all occasions, having writ-
ten his Summer, his Winter, his Lent, his Holiday Sermons. §
He flourished under king Edward the Second, anno 1310,
John of Wilton, junior, was bred a Benedictine monk in
W'^estminster. He was elegant in the Latin tongue " prreter
ejus eetatis sortem."|| He wrote "Metrical Meditations," in
imitation of Saint Bernard ; and one book, highly prized by
many, intituled " Horologium Sapientiae," English it as you
please, " the Clock or Dial of Wisdom." He was a great allegory
monk, and great his dexterity in such figuratiA^e conceits. He
flourished, some fifty years after his namesake, under king Ed-
ward the Third.
Reader, I confess there be eleven Wiltons in England ;^ and
therefore will not absolutely avouch the nativities of these two
Johns in this county. However, because Wilton, which deno-
minateth this shire, is the best and biggest amongst the towns
so called, I presume them placed here with the most probability.
John Chylmark was born at that village, well known in
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iii. num. 28,
t Ephesians, v. 19. ■ % Bale, ubi supra, Cent, iv, num. 20.
§ Idem, Cent. iv. num. 94. || Idem, Cent. vi. num. 17. ,
H See Villare Anglicanum.
Dunvvorth Hundred ; and bred fellow of Merton College in Ox-
ford. He was a diligent searcher into the mysteries of Nature,
an acute philosopher and disputant ; but most remarkable was
his skill in mathematics, being accounted the Archimedes of
that age, having written many tractates in that faculty,* which
carry with them a very good regard at this day. He flourished,
under king Richard the Second, anno 1390.
Thomas of Wilton, D.D. was, from his learning ar.i abi-
lities, made first chancellor, and then dean, of St. Paul's iii
London. In his time (in the reign of king Edward the Fourth)
happened a tough contest betwixt the prelates and the friars ;
the latter pretending to poverty, and taxing the bishops for
their pomp and plenty. Our Wilton politicly opposed the
friars. Now as the only way to withdraw Hannibal from his
invasive war in Italy, was by recalling him to defend his own
country near Carthage ; so Wilton wisely wrought a diversion,
putting the friars, from accusing the bishops, to excuse them-
For, although an old gown, a tattered cowl, a shirt of hair, a
girdle of hemp, a pair of beads, a plain crucifix, and picture of
some saint, passed for all the wealth and wardrobe of a friar ;
yet, by hearing feminine confessions (wherewith Wilton twitteth
them), and abusing the key of absolution, they opened the cof-
fers of all the treasure in the land. He wrote also a smart book
on this subject, '^ An validi Mendicantes sint in statu Perfec-
tionis ?"t (Whether friars in health, and begging, be in the state
of Perfection ?) The anti-friarists maintaining, that such were
rogues by the laws of God and man, and fitter for the house of
correction than state of perfection.
This dean Wilton flourished anno Domini 1460.
William Horeman was (saith my authorj) patr'ia Sarisbu^
riensi, which in the strictest sense may be rendered, " born in the
city ;" in the largest, '^born in the diocese of Salisbury ; " and in
the middle sense (which I most embrace) " born in Wiltshire,"
the county wherein Salisbury is situated. He was bred (saith
Bale) first in Eton, then in King's College in Cambridge ; both
which I do not deny, though probably not of the foundation,
his name not appearing in the exact "Catalogue" thereof.§
Returning to Eton, he was made vice-provost thereof, where
he spent the remainder of his days. He was one of the most
general scholars of his age, as may appear by the diff'usiveness
of his learning, and books written in all faculties : — Grammar
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Biitannicis, Cent. vi. num. 99.
f Idem, Cent. viii. num. 32. J Idem, num. 70.
§ Collected in Manuscript by Mi\ Hatcher.
336 ^V0R^1I1ES of Wiltshire.
of Orthography : Poetry, of the Quantities of Penultime Sylla-
bles : History, a Chronicle, with a comment on some, and index
of most Chronicles : Controversial Divinity, a Comment on
Gabriel Biel : Case, Divinily on the Divorce of king Henry the
Eighth : Husbandry, a Comment on Cato, Varro, Columella,
Palladius, de Re Rustica.
Other book . he left unfinished, for which Bale sends forth a
sorrowful f^'^gli, with a. proh dolor/ Which his passion is proof
enouo'li ror me to place this Horeman on this side of the line
of Reformation. He died April 12, 1535 ; and lieth buried in
the chapel of Eton.
William Lawes, son of Thomas Lawes, a vicar choral of
the church of SaUsbury, was bred in the Close of that city,
being from his childhood inclined to music. Edward earl of
Hertford obtained him from his father, and bred him at his own
cost in that faculty, under his master Giovanni Coperario, an
Italian, and most exquisite musician. Yet may it be said that
the scholar in time did equal, yea exceed, his master.
He afterwards was of the private music to king Charles ; and
was respected and beloved of all such persons who cast any
looks towards virtue and honour. Besides his fancies of the
three, four, five, and six parts to viol and organ, he made above
thirty several sorts of music for voices and instruments ; nei-
ther was there any instrument then in use but he composed to
it so aptly as if he had only studied that.
In these distracted times his loyalty engaged him in the M^ar
for his lord and master ; and though he was by general Gerrard
made a commissary, on design to secure him (such officers being
commonly shot-free by their place, as not exposed to danger),
yet such the activity of his spirit, he disclaimed the covert of
his office, and betrayed thereunto by his own adventurousness,
was casually shot at the siege of Chester, the same time when
the lord Bernard Stuart lost his life.
Nor was the king's soul so engrossed with grief for the death
of so near a kinsman, and noble a lord, but that, hearing of the
death of his dear servant William Lawes, he had a particular
mourning for him when dead, whom he loved when livinrj^ and
commonly called " the Father of Music.^^ I leave the rest of
his worth to be expressed by his own works of composures of
Psalms done jointly by him and his brother. Master Henry
Lawes,* betwixt which two no difference, either in eminency,
affection, or otherwise considerable, save that the one is deceased,
and the other still surviving. Master William Lawes died in
September 1645.
* The friend of Milton, who wrote " Comus"' at his suggestion; he died in
1662.— Ed.
T. Stumps, of the town of Malmsbury* in this county,
was in his age one of the most eminent clothiers in England ;
of whom there passeth a story, told with some variation of cir-
cumstances, but generally to this purpose.
King Henry the Eighth, hunting near Malmsbury in Bredon
Forest, came with all his court train, unexpected, to dine with
this clothier. But great housekeepers are as seldom sur-
prised with guests as vigilant captains with enemies. Stumps
commands his little army of workmen, which he fed daily
in his house, to fast one meal until night (which they might
easily do without endangering their health), and with the same
provision gave the king and his court train (though not so
delicious and various) most wholesome and plentiful entertain-
But more authentic is what I read in the great antiquary,t
speaking of the plucking down of Malmsbury monastery : —
^^ The very Minster itself should have sped no better than the
rest, but been demolished, had not T. Stumps, a wealthy
clothier, by much suit, but with a greater sum of money, re-
deemed and bought it for the townsmen his neighbours, by
whom it was converted to a parish church, and for a great part
is yet standing at this day.^'
I find one William Stumps, gentleman, who, in the one-
and-thirtieth year of king Henry the Eighth, bought of him
the domains of Malmsbury abbey for fifteen hundred pounds
two shillings and a halfpenny.! Now how he was related to
this T. Stumps, whether son or father, is to me unknown. It
will not be a sin for me to wish more branches from such
Stumps, who by their bounty may preserve the monuments of
antiquity from destruction.
.... Sutton, of Salisbury. — Tradition and an old pam-
phlet, (newly vamped with Additions) make him a great clothier,
entertaining king Henry the First, and bequeathing at his death
one hundred pounds to the weavers of Salisbury, with many
other benefactions. I dare not utterly deny such a person, and
his bountiful gifts ; but am assured that he is notoriously mis-
timed, seeing Salisbury had scarce a stone laid therein one hun-
dred years after king Flenry the First; and as for Old Sarum,
that age knew nothing of clothing, as we have proved before.
Thus these mongrel pamphlets (part trnte, part false) do most
mischief. Snakes are less dangerous than lampreys, seeing
* I durst venture no farther, finding no more of his name in Mr. Camden — F.
f Camden's Britannia, in Wiltshire.
X I perused the original in the Remembrancer's (or Sir Thomas Fanshaw's)
Office, C. vii. Par. rot. 147.--F.
none will feed on what is known to be poison. But these
books are most pernicious, where truth and falsehoods are
blended together ; and such a medley-cloth is the tale-story of
this clothier.
Michel, born at in this county, was under-sheriff to
Sir Anthony Hungarford (a worthy knight) anno 1558, in the
last year of queen Mary.
Of this master Michel I find this character, " A right and a
perfect godly man.'^t
Under-sheriffs generally are complained of as over-crafty (to
say no worse of them) ; but it seems hereby the place doth not
spoil the person, but the person the place. When the writ de
comhurendls hcereticis, for the execution of Richard White and
John Hunt (of whom formerlyt), was brought to Mr. Michel,
instead of burning them he burnt the writ;" and before the
same could be renewed, doctor Geffray (the bloody chancellor
of Salisbury who procured it) and queen Mary were both dead,
to the miraculous preservation of God's servants.
Sir James vicar choral (as I conceive) of the
church of Salisbury in the reign of king Edward the Sixth,
was wholly addicted to the study of chemistry. Now as Socra-
tes himself wrote nothing, whilst Plato his scholar praised him
to purpose ; so, whilst the pen of Sir James Avas silent of its
own worth, Thomas Charnock his scholar (whom he made
inheritor of his art) thus chants in his commendation : J
" I could find never man but one,
Which could teach me the secrets of our Stone ;
And that was a priest in the Close of Salisbury,
God rest his soul in Heaven fuU merrily."
This Sir James pretended that he had all his skill, not by
learning but inspiration, which I list not to disprove. He was
alive anno 1555, but died about the beginning of queen
Sir Nicholas Lambert, son of Edward Lambert, of Wilton,
Grocer, 1531.
SIXTH, 1433.
R. Bishop of Salisbury, and Walter Hungarford, knight; — Robert
Andrew, and Robert Long, (knights for the shire) ; — Commis-
sioners to receive the oaths.
Rob. Hungarford, mil. Edm. Hungarford, mil.
* Fox's Acts and Monuments, p, 2655. f Seep. 322.
X In his Enigma Alchimise.
Joh. Stourton, mil.
Will. Becham^ mil.
Joh. Beynton, mil.
Will. Westbery, Justiciarii.
Joh, Seymour.
Will. Darell.
Rich. Milbourn.
Edm. Dantesey.
Joh. Westbery, sen.
David. Cerington.
Randul. Thorp.
Lau. Gowayn.
Rog. Peryton.
Will. Gore^ senior.
Rob. Ernly.
Rob. Blake.
Tho. Drewe.
Will. Daungers.
Rob. PanifFote.
Joh. Westbery, junior.
Will. Rouse.
Tho. Boneham.
Johan. Rous.
Will. Besyle.
Rob. Baynard.
Rog. Trewbody.
Will. Caynelt.
Will. Botreauxe.
Will. Widecombe.
Joh. Atte Berwe.
Joh, Northfoik.
Joh. Sturmy.
Tho. Cryklade.
Rob. Bodenham.
Johan. Bride.
Rob. Beast.
Rob. Colyngborn.
Hen. Chancy.
Joh. Combe.
Joh. West.
Rob. Onewyn.
Tho. lerderd.
Joh. Whitehorn.
Joh. Gergrave.
Nich. Wotton.
Tho. Hall.
Joh. Hall.
Rich. Hall.
Will. Gore, junior.
Rob. Crikkelade,
Joh. Lambard.
Tho. Beweshyn.
Rich. Mayn.
Joh. Mayn.
Joh. Benger.
Rob. Mayhow.
Hen. Bardley.
Rob. Confold.
Joh. Mumfort.
Tho. Hancock.
Joh. Osburn.
Joh. Gillberd.
Joh. Attuene.
Joh, Escote.
Gul. Orum.
Rich. Sotwel.
Reg. Croke.
Ingel. Walrond.
Joh. Waldrine.
Rich. Warrin.
Will. Stanter. -
Rob, Solman.
Tho. Temse.
Will. Temse.
Tho. Ryngwode.
Will. Watkins.
Rob. Backeham.
Walt. Backeham.
Will. Dantesey.
Rich. Caynell.
Rich. Hardone.
Joh. Tudworth.
Joh. Coventre.
Tho. Gore nuper de LynshylL
Rob. Wayte.
Will. Coventre.
Joh. Ingeham.
Joh. Martyn.
Walt. Evererd.
Will. Polelchirch.
Joh. Justice.
Walt. Stodeley.
Will. Wychamton.
Rob. Eyre.
Joh. Voxanger.
Sim. Eyre.
Joh. Ford.
Will. Russell.
z 2
Joh. Scot. Will. Moun.
Tho. Vellard. . Edm. Penston.
Pet. Duke. Rich. Lye.
Joh. Qainton. Joh. Bellingdon.
Tho. Quinton. Joh. Pope.
Joh. Bourne. Joh, Lye.
Rich. Warneford. Joh. Spender.
Joh. Stere. Walt. Clerk.
Tho. Hasard. Joh. Quarly.
Rob. Lyvenden. Will. Bacon.
Will. Lyng. . Joh. Everard.
Joh. Davy. Nich. Spondell.
Rob. Davy. Will. Walrond.
Rob. Floure. Tho. Stake.
Will. Leder. Rich. Cordra.
Joh. Edward. Rich, be Bowys.
Joh. Cutting. Will. Renger.
Tho. Blanchard. Thorn. Bower de Devise.
R. is here Robert Nevil then bishop of Salisbury.
Walter Hungerford was the Lord Hungerford, trea-
surer of England.
Will. Westbery, Justiciarii. — Surely this justice must be
more than an ordinary one of the Peace and Quorum, because
preposed to John Seimour, a signal esquire, late high-sheriff of
the shire. Yet was he none of the two chief justices of West-
minster, as not mentioned in their catalogue. Probably he was
one of the puisne judges in those courts ; but, because no cer-
tainty thereof, we leave him as we found him.*
David Certngton. — The self-same name with Sherington,
for all the literal variation ; and they, I assure you, were men
of great ancestry and estate in this county. Sir Henry She-
rington was the last heir male of this family dwelling at Lacock
in this county, a right goodly knight, and great friend to bishop
Jewell, who died in his house at Lacock. He dissuaded the
bishop from preaching that Lord^s day, by reason of his great
weakness, "affirming it better for a private congregation to want a
sermon one day, than for the church of England to lose such a
light for ever.^t But he could not prevail, the bishop being
resolved to expire in his calling. This Sir Henry left two
daughters, which had issue ; one married into the honourable
family of Talbot ; the other unto Sir Anthony Mildmay ; who
enriched their husbands with great estates.
* In 1426, William Westbery, one of the judges of the court of King's Bench,
had lOOZ. a-year out of the Exchequer, for his more decent state, and two robes.
See Chronica Juridicialia, p. 121. — Ed.
t See the Life of Bishop Jewell, prefixed to his Apology.
1 Will, qui fiiit Vic.
2 Com. Patricius.
3 Idem.
5 Idem.
7 Rich. Clericus.
8 Idem.
9 Mil. de Dantesaia.
10 Rich, de Wilton.
11 Rich, de Wilteser.
12 Rich, de Wilton, for fifteen
27 Mich. Belet, Rob. Malde.
28 Mich. Belet.
Rober. Malde.
Rog. filius Reuf.
29 Rob, Malduit.
30 Idem.
21 Idem.
32 Rob. Malduit.
33 Idem.
1 Hug. Bardulfe.
2 Will. Comes Saresb.
3 Rob. de Tresgoze.
4 Will. Comes Saresb.
5 Will. Comes Saresb. et
Tho. filius Will, for four
9 Steph. de Turnham, et
Alex, de Ros.
10 Idem.
1 Steph. de Turnham, et
Wand, filius Corcelles.
2 Comes Will, de Saresb. et
Hen. de Bermere.
3 Idem.
4 Idem.
5 Comes Will, de Saresb. et
Johan. Bonet, for six
11 Will. Briewere, et
Rob. filius.
12 Idem.
13 Nich. Brie were de Veteri-
ponte,et Will. deChanto.
14 Idem.
15 Idem.
16 Will. Comes Saresb. et
Hen. filius Alchi.
17 Idem.
2 Will. Comes Saresb. et
Rob. de Crevequeor, for
six years.
8 Will. Comes Saresb.
Adam de Alta Ripa.
9 Idem.
10 Idem.
11 Simc de Halei.
12 Eliz. Comit. Saresb. et
Joh. Dacus.
13 Johan. de Monemue, et
Walt, de Bumesey.
14 Joh. de Monemue.
15 Idem.
16 Eliz. Com. Saresb. et
Joh. Dacus, for four years.
20 Eliz. Comit. Sarum, et
Rob. de Hugen.
21 Eliz. Comit. Sarum.
22 Rob. de Hogesham.
23 Idem.
24 Idem.
25 Nich. de Haversham, for
six years.
31 Nich. de Lusceshall.
32 Idem.
33 Idem.
34 Will, de Tynehiden, for
four years.
38 Will, de Tenhide.
Jo. de Tenhide, filius et
39 Idem.
40 Joh. de Veruiid.
41 Idem.
42 Idem.
43 Joh. de Verund, et
Galf. de Scudemor.
44 Idem.
45 Joh. de Verund.
46 Rad. Cussell.
47 Idem.
48 Idem.
49 Rad. de Aungers,
Joh. de Aungers.
50 Rad. de Aungers.
51 Will, de Duy, et
Steph. de Edwarth;, for five
56 Steph. de Edwarth, et
Walt, de Strichesley.
1 Walt, de Strichesle.
2 Idem.
3 Idem.
4 Hildebrandus de London^
for six years.
]0 Joh. de Wotton^ for eight
18 Rich, de Combe.
19 Idem.
20 Tho. de S^o Omero, for five
25 Walt, de Pevely.
26 Idem.
27 Idem.
28 Joh. de Novo Burgo.
29 Idem.
30 Joh. de Hertinger.
31 Idem.
32 Idem.
33 Hen. de Cobham.
34 Joh. de Gerberge.
35 Idem.
1 Andreas de Grimsted.
2 Alex. Cheverell;, et
Joh. de Sto Laudo.
3 Idem.
4 Will, de Hardene.
5 Adam. Walrand.
6 xVdam. Walrand, et
Johan. Kingston.
7 Idem.
8 Johan. de Holt, et
Phus. de la Beach.
9 Phus. de la Beach.
10 Idem.
11 Walt.de Risum.
12 Idem.
13 Idem.
14 Joh. de Tichbourn, et
Adam. Walrand.
15 Idem.
17 Adam. Walrand.
18 Idem.
19 Idem.
1 Adam. Walrand.
2 Phus. la Beach.
3 Joh. Manduit.
4 Idem.
5 Idem.
7 Joh. Mauduit, et
Will. Randolph.
8 Johan. Tichbourn, et
Johan. Manduit.
9 Gilb. de Berewice, et
Reg. de Pauley.
10 Idem.
1 1 Petr. Doygnel, et
Gil. de Berewice.
12 Johan. Manduit,
13 Idem.
14 Idem.
15 Tho. de Sto Mauro^et
Rob. Lokes.
16 Johan. Manduit.
17 Idem.
18 Idem.
19 Johan. Roches.
20 Idem.
21' Joh. de Roches, et
Tho. Semor.
22 Rob. Russel.
35 Hen. Sturmy, for six years,
23 Idem.
41 Walt, de Haywood, for
24 Idem.
five years.
25 (Nullus titulus in hoc
46 Will, de Worston.
rotulo. )
47 Hen. Sturmy.
26 Tho. de la River.
48 Joh. Dauntesey, mil.
27 Idem.
49 Joh. de la Mere, mil.
28 Idem.
50 Hugo Cheyne.
29 Joh.Everard.
51 Idem.
30 Tho. de Hungerford,
five years.
35. Henry Sturmy. — They were lords of Woolf-hall in this
county ; and, from the time of king Henry the Second, were,
by right of inheritance, the bailiffs and guardians of the forest of
Savernake, lying hard by, which is of great note for plenty of
good game, and for a kind of fern there that yieldeth a most
pleasant savour ; in remembrance whereof, their hunter^s
horn, of a mighty bigness, and tipt with silver, is kept by the
Seymours, dukes of Somerset, unto this day, as a monument of
their descent from such noble ancestors.
Anno Name and Arms. Place.
1 Pet. de Cushaunce, mil. et
Will, de Worston.
2 Rad. de Norton.
Vert, a lion rampant O. alibi Arg.
3 Idem.
4 Lau. de Sco. Martino, et
Hugo Cheyne.
5 Nich. WoodhuU.
6 Bern. Brokers, mil.
7 Joh. Lancaster.
8 Idem.
9 Joh. Salesbury.
10 Idem.
11 Hug. Cheyne.
12 Idem-
13 Rich. Mawardin.
14 Joh. Roches.
15 Rob. Dyneley.
16 Joh. Goweyn.
17 Rich. Mawardin.
18 Joh. Moigne,
19 Tho. Bonham.
Anno Name. Place.
20 Rich. Mawardin.
21 Idem.
22 Idem.
1 Joh. Dauntesey. . . . Dantesey.
Az. a dragon and lion rampant combatant Arg.
2 Will. Worston, et
Joh. Gawayne.
3 Will. Cheyne.
4 Walt. Beauchamp.
5 Walt. Beauchamp . . ut prius.
6 Wal. Hungerford^ mil.
S. two bars Arg. ; two plates in chief.
7 Rad. Grene.
8 Walt. Beauchamp . . ut prius,
9 Rob. Corbet.
O. a raven proper.
10 Will. Cheyne, mil.
11 Joh. Berkley, mil.
G. a chevron betwixt ten crosses formic Are.
12 Tho. Bonham.
1 Elias de la Mare.
G. two lions passant gardant Arg.
2 Hen. Thorpe.
3 Tho. Calsten.
4 Rob.Andrewe.
5 Will. Findern.
6 WiU. Sturmy, mil. . . Woolf-hall.
Arg. three demi-lions G.
7 Tho. Ringwood.
8 Wil. Darell.
Az. a lion rampant O. crowned Arg.
9 Idem.
1 Will. Darell .... ut prius.
2 Rob. Shotesbrook, arm.
3 Will. Findern.
4 Walt. Pauncefort.
G. three lions rampant Arg.
5 Joh. Stourton, arm. . Stourton.
S. a bend O. betwixt three fountains proper.
6 Will. Darel, arm. . . ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
7 Joh. Paulett, arm.
S. three swords in point Arg.
8 Joh. Bain ton .... Brumham.
S. a bend lozengy Arg.
9 Davi. Sherrington.
10 Joh. Seymor .... Woolf-halL
G. two angels^ wings pale- ways, inverted O.
11 Walt. Strickland.
12 Joh. Stourton, mil. . . ut prius.
13 Steph. Popham, mil.
Arg. on a chief G. two bucks^ heads caboshed Oo
14 Edw. Hungerford . . ut prius.
15 Will. Beauchamp, mil. ut prius,
16 Joh. Stourton, mil. . . ut prius.
17 Joh. Lisle, mil.
O. a fess betwixt two chevrons S.
18 Jo. Saintlo, mil.
19 Joh. Norris.
Quarterly Az, and G. a fret O. with fess Az.
20 Rich. Restwold.
Arg. three bends S.
21 Will. Beauchamp . . ut prius.
22 Joh. Bainton . , . , ut prius.
23 Joh. Basket.
Az. a chevron Erm. betwixt three leopards' heads O.
24 Rich. Restwold , . . ut prius.
25 Will. Stafford.
O. a chevron G. on a canton Erm.
26 Will. Beauchamp, mil. . ut prius.
27 Joh. Norris .... ut prius. •
28 Phil. Barnard.
29 Joh. Seymor, mil. . . ut prius.
30 Joh. Nanson.
31 Edw. Stradling . . . Dantesey.
Paly of six Arg. and Az.; on a bend G. three cinque-
foils O.
32 Joh. Willoughby.
33 Geo. Darell.
34 Reg. Stourton^ mil. »
35 Hen. Long, arm.
S. a lion rampant betwixt eight crosses crossed Arg.
36 Joh. Seymor, arm. . . ut prius.
37 Hug. Pilkenham.
38 Joh. Feiris, arm.
1 Geor. Darell .... ut prius.
2 Ren. Stourton, mil. . . ut prius.
3 Idem.
Rog. Tocotes, mil.
Geor. Darell, mil.
Tho. de la Mare . .
Chri. Wolsley.
Rich. Darell, mil,
Geo. Darell^ mil,
Lau. Reynford, mil.
Rog. Tocotes^ mil.
Maur. Berkley, mil.
[AMP.] Job. Wiiloughby, mil.
Will. Collingborne.
Hen. Long, arm. . . .
16 Walt. Bonham, arm.
17 Edw. Hargill, arm.
18 Job. Mompesson.
Arg. a lion rampant S. ;
19 Walt. Hungerford . .
20 Caro. Bulkley.
S. a chevron betwixt three bulls' heads caboshed Arg.
21 Will. Collingborn, arm.
22 Job. Mompesson, arm. ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
a martlet on his shoulder O.
ut prius.
1 Hen. Long, arm.
2 Edw. Hargill^ arm. .
3 Job. Musgrave
Az. six annulets O.
Rog. Tocotes, mil.
ut prius.
ut prius.
1 Rog. Tocotes, mil.
2 Job. Wrougbton . . ut infra.
3 Joh. Turbervile.
Erm. a lion rampant G. crowned O.
4 Tho. Uniom.
5 Edw. Darell, mil. . . ut prius.
6 Constan, Darell . . . ut prius.
7 Jo. Lye de Flamston.
8 Joh. York. •
Arg. on a Salter Az. an escalop O.
9 Edw. Darell, mil.
10 Rich. Puddesey, arm.
11 Constan. Darell . .
12 Geo. Chaderton.
13 Edw. Darell, mil. .
14 Geo. Seymor, mil.
15 Joh. Hudleston, mil.
G. frett6e Arg.
16 Tho. Long, arm. . .
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
Anno Name. Place,
17 Joh. York^ arm. . , ut prius.
18 Will. Caleway.
19 Joh. Danvers, mil. . . Dauntesey.
G. a chevron inter three mullets G.
20 Joh. Ernley, arm= . . Witham.
Arg. on a bend S. three eaglets displayed G.
21 Joh. Gawayne, arm.
22 Tho. Long, mil. . . . ut prius.
23 Joh. Seymor, mil. . . ut prius^
24 Joh. Mompesson^ arm. ut prius.
1 Edw. Darell, mil. . . ut prius.
2 Will. Hmigerford, mil. ut prius.
3 Hen. Long, arm. . . ut prius,
4 Chr. Wroughton, mil. . tit prius.
5 Joh. Danvers, mil. . . ut prius.
6 Will. Bonham, arm.
7 Joh. Scroope, mil. . . Castle-com.
Az. a bend O. a mullet for difference.
8 Nich. Wadham, mil.
9 Edw. Hungerford, mil. ut prius.
10 John Seymor, mil. . . ut prius. '
11 Edw. Darell, mil. . . ut prius.
12 Joh. Skilling, arm.
13 Edw. Baynton, mil. . . ut prius.
14 Joh. Ernley, arm. . . ut prius.
15 Tho. York, arm, . . . ut prius.
16 Joh. Seymor, mil. . . ut prius.
17 Hen. Long, mil. . . . ut prius.
18 Joh. Boucher, mil.
Arg. a cross engrailed G. betwixt four water-bougets S.
19 Ant. Hungerford, mil. . ut prius.
20 Joh. Ernley, arm. . . ut prius.
21 Joh. Horsey, arm. . , Dorset.
Az. three horses heads couped O. bridled Arg.
22 Tho„ York, arm. . . . ut prius.
23 Tho. Bonham, arm.
24 Joh. Ernley, arm. . . ut prius.
25 Wal. Hungerford, mil. . ut prius.
26 Rob. Baynard, arm. . Leckham.
S. a fess betwixt two chevrons O.
27 Tho. York, arm. . . . ut prius.
28 Hen. Long, mil. , . . ut prius,
29 Joh. Bruges, mil.
Arg. on a cross S. a leopard's head O.
30 Ant. Hungerford, mil. . ut prius,
31 Jo. Ernely, arm. . . . ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
32 Edw. Mompesson, arm. ut prius.
33 Hen. Long, mil. . . . ut prius.
34 Joh. Marvin, arm. . . Funthill.
Arg. a demi-lion rampant couped S. charged on the
shoulder with a flower-de-luce.
35 Joh, Erneley, arm. , . ut prius,
36 Anth. Hungerford . . ut prius,
37 Caro. Bulkley, arm. . . ut j)rius.
38 Rich. Scroope, arm. . ut prius,
1 Silv. Danvers, arm. . . ut prius.
2 Amb. Daunt sey, arm. . Lavington.
G. a lion rampant Arg. chasing a wyvern Vert ; alias Az. a
dragon proper and a lion Arg. combatant.
3 Joh. Bonham, arm.
4 Joh. Mervyn, arm. . , ut prius,
5 Jac. Stumpe, mil.
6 Will. Sherington, mil. . ut prius,
Edw, Baynard, arm. . ut prius,
M. 1 Joh. Erneley, arm. . ut prius,
1, 2 Hen. Hungerford, arm. nt prius,
2, 3 Joh. St. John, arm. . Lediard.
Arg. on a chief G. two mullets pierced O.
3, 4 Ant. Hungerford, mil. ut prius.
4, 5 Wa. Hungerford, mil. ut prius,
5, 6 Hen. Brunker, arm. . Melsam.
Arg. six ogresses, 2, 2, 2;*on a chief embattled S. a
lozenge of the first, thereon a cross pat6e of the second.
1 Joh. Zouch, mil.
G. ten bezants, 4, 3, 2, and 1 ; on a canton O. a lozenge
Vert thereon, a flower-de-luce Arg.
2 Jac. Stumpe, mil.
3 Joh. Mervine, mil. . . ut prius,
4 Geo. Penruddock, arm. Cumpton.
G. a limb of a tree raguled and trunked in bend Arg.
5 Joh. Erneley, arm. . . ut prius,
6 Tho. Button, arm. . . Alcon.
Erm. a fess G.
7 Joh. Eyre, arm. , , , ut infra,
8 Nich. Snell, arm. . . ut infra.
9 Hen. Sherington, arm.
[Reader, arriving sonaewhat too late at some of these Arms,
I am fain to refer thee to what followeth.]
10 Joh. Ludlowe, arm. . • ut infra.
11 Tho. Thynne, mil. . . Longleate.
Barry of ten pieces O. and S.
12 Will. Button, arm. . . ut prius,
13 Edr. Baynton, arm. . . ut prius,
14 Joh. St. John, arm. . . ut prius,
15 Wol. Hungerford, mil. . ut prius,
16 Joh. Dan vers, mil. . . ut prius,
17 Rob. Long, arm. . . ut prius,
18 Tho. Wroughton^ mil. . ut infra.
19 Joh. Hungerford, mil. . ut prius,
20 Hen. Knivet, mil.
Arg. a bend within a border engrailed S.
Nich. St. John, arm. . ut prius,
Mich. Erneley, arm.
Will. Brounker, arm.
WaL Hungerford, arm.
25 Jasper. Moore, arm.
26 Joh. Snell, arm. . .
27 Joh. Dan vers, mil. .
28 Edm. Ludlow, arm.
29 Rich. Mody, arm.
30 Wal. Hungerford, mil.
31 Hen. Willoughby, arm,
32 Joh. Warnford, arm.
Parti per fess embattled Arg. and S. six crosses patee
~ ut infra,
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut infra,
ut infra,
ut priuSo
ut infra,
ut infra,
ut prius,
ut prius.
33 Will, Eyre, arm.
34 Joh. Hungerford, mil.
35 Joh. Thynne, arm. .
36 Edw. Hungerford, arm.
37 Hen. Saddler . . . ,
O. a lion rampant parti per fess Az. and G.
38 Joh. Dauntsey, arm. . ut prius.
39 Jac. Marvyn, mil. . . ut prius,
40 Edw. Penruddock, arm. ut prius,
41 Walt. Vaughan.
(See the Notes on this year.)
42 Tho. Snell, arm.
Quarterly G. and Az. a cross fleury O.
43 Hen. Baynton, mil. .
44 Walt. Long, mil.
45 Jasper. Moore, mil.
et 1 Jacob.
Erm. on a chevron
two swords Arg.
1 Jasper. Moore, mil.
ut prius,
ut prius.
between three Moors' heads proper.
ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
2 Alex. Tutt, mil.
Quarterly Arg. and G. a crescent in the first quarter of
the second.
.3 Joh. Hungerford^ arm. ut prius.
4 Gabriel. Pile^ arm.
S. a cross between four nails G.
5 Tho. Thynn, mil.
6 Rich. Goddard^ arm. . Stondon Hu.
G. a chevron Vairy betwixt three crescents Erm.
7 Joh. Ayliffe, arm.
8 Eg. Wroughton, mil. . Brodhenten.
Arg. a chevron G. betwixt three boars' heads couped S.
tusked O.
9 Will. Button^ mil. . . ut prius.
10 Fran, Popham^ mil. . . Litlecot.
Arg. on a chief G. two buck heads O.
11 Will. Pawlet, mil. . . ut prius.
12 Hen. Marvyn^ arm. . , Pertwood.
Arg, a demi-lion rampant, couped S. charged on the
shoulders with a flower-de-luce O.
13 Tho. More, arm. . . . ut prius.
G. a lion passant Erm. wounded in the shoulder.
14 Rich. Grubham, mil.
15 Joh. Horten, mil.
16 Hen. Moody, mil. . . Garesdon.
G. a fess engrailed between three harpies Arg. crined O.
17 Hen. Poole, mil.
Az. semee de flowers-de-luce O. a lion rampant Arg.
18 Caro. Pleadall, miL . . Colshill.
Arg. a bend G. guttee d'eau betwixt two Cornish choughs
proper, a chief countercomponee O. and S.
19 Will. Pawlet, arm. . . ut pjrius.
20 Joh. Lambe, mil. . . ut prius.
21 Giff'ord Long, arm- . « ut prius.
22 Edw. Read, arm.
G. a saltire betwixt four garbs O.
1 Fran. Seymour, mil. . ut prius.
2 Egid. Estcourt, mil. . . Newton.
Erm. on a chief indented G. three stars.
3 Walt. Long, arm. . . ut prius.
4 Joh. Ducket, arm.
S. a saltire Arg. ; a mullet for diff^erence.
5 Rob. Baynard, mil. . . ut prius.
6 Joh. Topp, arm. . . . Stocton.
Arg. a canton G. a gauntlet of mail clenched proper.
7 Edward Hungerford,
mil. Balnei .... ut prius.
higratum hello dehemus inane.
Anno Name. Place.
8 Joh. St. John^ mil. . . id prius.
9 Hen. Ludlow^ mil. . . Hildenrel.
Arg. a chevron betwixt three bears^ heads erased S.
10 Fran. Goddard^ arm. . ut prius >
11 Geor. Ayliffe, mil. . . ut prius,
12 Nevil. Poole^ mil. . . ut prius.
13 Edw. Baynton, mil. . . ut prius.
14 Joh. Grubby arm. . . Pottern.
15 Joh. Duke, arm. . . . Lakes.
Per fess Arg. and Az. three chaplets counterchanged.
16 Egid. Eyre, arm.
Arg. on a chevron S. three quatrefoils O.
17 Rob. Chivers, arm.
Arg. a chevron engrailed G.
1 "^
23 Ant. Ashly Cooper, bar.
G. a bend engrailed betwixt six lions rampant.
23. John Basket, Esq. — High Sheriff of this county in the
twenty- third of king Henry the Sixth. He is memorable on this
account, that a solemn dispensation granted unto him from the
court of Rome, acquainteth us with the form of those instru-
ments in that age, not unworthy our perusal.
^' Nicholas, miseratione divina, &c. Sanctee Crucis in Jeru-
salem Presbyter Cardinalis, dilectis in Christo nobilibus Jo-
hanni Basket, Scutifero, et Aliciee ejus uxori, Sarisburiensis
Diocesis, salutem in Domino. Solet annuere Sedes Apostolica
piis votis, et honestis petentium precibus, maxime ubi salus
requiritur animarum favorem benevolem impartiri. Cum igiur
ex parte vestra nobis fuerit humiliter supplicatum, ut in ani-
marum vestrarum solatium, eligendi Confessorem idoneum
vobis licentiam concedere dignaremur: Nos vestris supplica-
tionibus favorabiliter annuentes, authoritate Domini Papae,
cujus * Primariae curam gerimus, et de ejus speciali mandato,
super hoc vivee vocis oraculo nobis facto, devotioni vestrae con-
cedimus, quatenus liceat vobis idoneum et discretum presby-
terum in Confessorem eligere, qui suj^er peccatis quae sibi confi-
tebimini (nisi talia sint propter quo3 sit dicta Sedes consulenda)
authoritate praedicta vobis provideat de absolutionis debitas
beneficio, et pcenitentia salutari quamdiu vixeritis, quotiens
* Thus it is written in the original, which we have Englished, and request the
learned reader's better instruction. — F.
fuerit opportunum. Vota vero peregrination is et abstinentiae
si quce emisistis, qua commod^ servare non potestis^ ultra ma-
rina (beatorum Petri et Pauli, atque Jacobi, Apostolorum, votis
duntaxat exceptis) commutet vobis idem Confessor in alia opera'
" Dat. Florentise, sub sigillo officii Primariee^ 3 Non. Aprilis^
Pontificatus Domini Eugenii Papae IV. anno Decimo."
(" Nicholas, by divine mercy, &c. Priest Cardinal of St.
Cross in Jerusalem, to the beloved in Christ the worshipful
John Basket, Esq. and Alice his wife, of the Diocese of Salis-
bury, greeting in the Lord. The See Apostolic useth to grant
the pious desires and honest requests of petitioners, chiefly
where the health of souls requireth courteous favour to be be-
stowed upon them. Seeing therefore on your behalf you have
supplicated humbly unto us, that for the comfort of your souls
we would vouchsafe to grant you licence to choose for yourselves
a Confessor : We favourably yielding to your request, by the au-
thority of our Lord the Pope, the charge of whose Primary we
bear, and from his special command in this case made unto us
by the oracle of his mouth, do grant to your devotion, so far
forth as it may be lawful for you, to choose a fit and discreet
priest for your Confessor, who as touching the sins which ye shall
confess unto him (except they be such for which the said See
is to be consulted with) may by authority aforesaid provide
for you concerning the benefit of due absolution, and wholesome
penance, so long as ye live, so often as there shall be oc-
casion. But if ye have made any foreign vows of pilgrimage
and fasting, which ye cannot conveniently keep (vows to blessed
Peter, Paul, and James, Apostles, only excepted) the same Con-
fessor may commute them for you in other works of piety.
" Given at Florence, under the seal of the office of the Pri-
mary, 3 Non. of April, the 1 3th year of the Popedom of
Pope Eugenius the Fourth.^^)
The tenth of Pope Eugenius falleth on the twentieth of king
Henry the Sixth, anno Domini 1440. Why it should be
higher and harder to dispense with vows made to Saint James
than to Saint John, (his brother, and Christ^s beloved disciple)
some courtier of Rome must render the reason.
The posterity of this Master Basket, in the next generation,
removed into Dorsetshire, where they continue at this day in a
worshipful condition at Divenish.
11. Thomas Thin, Mil. — The great and sudden wealth of this
knight, being envied by a great earl and privy councillor nei-
bouring on his estate, caused his summons before the counsel-
table, to answer how in so short a time he had gotten so large
possessions. Some suggested as if he had met with treasure-
trove, or used some indirect means to enrich himself. The
knight calmly gave in the unquestionable particulars of the bot-
tom he began on, the accraement by his marriage, and with
what was advanced by his industry and frugality, so bringing
• all up within the view (though not the touch) of his present
estate. " For the rest, my lords," said he, '^ you have a good
mistress our gracious queen ; and I had a good master the duke
of Somerset." Which being freely spoken, and fairly taken,
he was dismissed without further trouble. Nor were his means
too big for his birth, if descended (as Camden saith) from the
ancient family of the Bottevils.
41. Walter Vaughan, Arm. — His arms (too large to be in.,
serted in that short place) were, " Sable, a chevron betwixt three
children's heads couped at the shoulders Argent, the peruques
Or, enwrapped about their necks, with as many snakes pro-
per ;'* whereof this (they say) the occasion, because one of the
ancestors of this family was born with a snake about his neck.*
Such a necklace as nature, I believe, never saw. But grant it.
How came the peruques about the infants' heads ? So that
fancy, surely, was the sole mother and midwife of this device.
The lands of this Walter Vaughan (afterwards knighted) de-
scended to his son Sir George, a worthy gentleman, and after
his issueless decease to a brother of his, who was born blind, bred
in .Oxford, brought up in orders, and prebendary of Sarum.
1. Francis Seymour, Mil. — This wise and religious knight
(grandchild to Edward earl of Hartford, and brother to William
duke of Somerset) was by king Charles the First created
Baron of Trowbridge in this county ; since, for his loyalty, made
privy councillor to king Charles the Second, and chancellor of
the duchy of Lancaster.
This was fought in the confines of this county and Somerset,
the 13th of July 1643. It was disputed by parcels and piece-
meals, as the place and narrow passages would give leave ; and
it seemed not so much one entire battle, as a heap of skirmishes
huddled together. It may be said in some sort of both sides,
" Victus uterque fuit, victor uterque fuit.''
For the Parliament forces five times (by the confession of the
Royalists) beat them back with much disorder. Sir Bevil Green-
field being slain in the head of his pikes ; Major Lowre in the
* Guillim's Display of Heraldry, p. 174.
354 WORTHIES of Wiltshire.
head of his party of horse. Yet the kmg's forces allege de-
monstration of conquest, that prince Maurice and Sir Ralph
Hopton remained at the heads of their troops all night, and next
morning found themselves possessed of the field and of the
dead, as also of three hundred arms, and nine barrels of powder, '
the enemy had left behind them.
Five days after, prince Maurice with the earl of Carnarvon
returning, and the lord Wilmot coming from Oxford, with a
gallant supply of select horse, charged the Parliament forces
under the conduct of Sir WiUiam Waller. With him were the
horse of Sir Arthur Haslerigg, so well armed that (if of proof as
well within as without) each soldier seemed an impregnable for-
tification. But these were so smartly charged by the prince,
that they fairly forsook the field, leaving their foot (which in
English battles bear the heat of the day) to shift for themselves.
In the mean time Sir Ralph" Hopton, hurt lately (with the blow-
ing up of powder), lay sick and sore in the town of the Devizes.
His men wanted match, whom Sir Ralph directed '^ to beat and
to boil their bed-cords,^^ (necessity is the best mother of inge-
nuity), which so ordered did them good service ; when, marching
forth into the field, they effectually contributed to the total
routing and ruining of the Parliament foot which remained.
This county, consisting so much of sheep, must honour the
memory of king Edgar, who first freed the land from all wolves
therein. For the future, I wish their flock secured, 1. From
two-legged wolves^ very destructive unto them : 2. From Spanish
ewes, whereof one being brought over into England, anno ....
brought with it the first general contagion of sheep : 3. From
hunger-rot, the effect of an over-dry summer.
I desire also, that seeing these seem to be of the same breed
with Laban^s * and Jethro's sheep,t which had their solemn
times and places of drinking (which in other shires I have not
observed), that they may never have any want of wholesome
Joseph Addison, statesman, essayist, and poet, " the great, the
wise, and good;'^ born at Milston 1672; died 1719.
Christopher Anstey, author of a humorous poem, enti-
* Genesis xxix. 8. f Exodus iii. 1.
tied "The New Bath Guide;'' born at Harden Huish,
1724; died 1805.
John Aubrey, topographer and antiquary ; born at Easton
Piers about 1626; died 1 700.
Dr. Thomas Bennet, divine, linguist, and controversialist,
born at Salisbury 1673; died 1728.
Sir Richard Blackmore, physician and voluminous poet; born
at Corsham; died 1729,
Mary Chandler, ingenious poetess ; born at Malmsbury
1687; died in 1745.
Samuel Chandler, brother of Mary, dissenting divine and
controversialist; born at Malmsbury 1693; died 1766.
Thomas Chubb, deistical controversialist ; born at East Harn-
ham near Salisbury 1679 ; died 1747.
John CoLLiNSON, divine and historian of the county of Somer-
set; born at Bromham ; died 1796.
Mary Delany, inventor of the " paper mosaic'' for imitating
flowers by means of tinted papers ; born at Coulston 1 700 ;
died 1788.
Humphrev Ditton, mathematician and theologian ; born at Sa-
lisbury "1675 ; died 1715.
Charles Dry den, son to the poet, author of some Latin poems
and translations ; born at Charlton : died 1704.
Stephen Duck, originally an agricultural labourer, poet, and
divine; born at Charlton near Marlborough; died 1756.
Bryan Edwards, merchant, and historian of the West Indies;
born at Westbury 1743 ; died 1800.
John Eedes, divine and author; born at Salisbury 1609;
murdered in his house 1667-
James Eyre, lord chief justice of Common Pleas; born 1734.
Sir Michael Foster, justice of the King's Bench, and author;
born at Marlborough 1689; died 1763.
Sir Stephen Fox, statesman and loyalist, the first projector of
Chelsea College; born at Farley 1627 ; died 1716.
William Goffe, author of "Londinium Triumphans ;" born at
Earl Stoke; died 1682.
Thomas Gore, antiquary, heraldic and political writer ; born at
Alderton in 1631, and died there 1684.
James Harris, author of " Hermes, or a philosophical inquiry
concerning Universal Grammar;" born at Salisbury 1709;
died 1780.
James Harris, earl of Malmsbury, son of the preceding, di-
plomatist; born at Salisbury 1746; died 1820.
Dr. William Harris, dissenting divine, biographer, and histo-
rian ; born at Salisbury 1720; died 1770*
Walter Harte, divine, historian, and poet ; born at Marlbo-
rough about 1697; died 1774.
Richard Hayter, theological writer ; born at Salisbury 1611 ;
died 1684.
2 a 2
Sir R. C. IIoARE, baronet^ antiquary, and historian of Wilt-
shire; born at Stourhead 1758; died 1838.
Thomas Hobbes, political and moral philosopher, writer on
theology and metaphysics ; born at Westport in Malmsbury
1588; died 1679,
John Hughes, moralist, and dramatic poet; born at Marlbo-
rough 1677; died 1720.
Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon, lord chancellor of England,
historian, born at Dinton 1608; died 1674.
George KexVte, poet and miscellaneous writer ; born at Trow-
bridge about 1730; died 1797.
George Lavington, bishop of Exeter, of great piety and learn-
ing; born at Mildenhall 1683 ; died 1762.
Edmund Ludlow, colonel, independent republican, author of
'' Memoirs of his own Times f born at Maiden Bradley 1620 ;
died 1693.
Narcissus Marsh, archbishop of Armagh in Ireland, benefactor,
author, and scholar ; born at Hannington 1638 ; died 1713.
Rev. Dr. J. Marshman, oriental scholar ; born at Westbury
Leigh 1769; died at Serampore 1838.
Dr. Nevil Maskelyne, astronomer; born at Purton 1732;
died 1811.
Thomas Merriott, divine and author ; born at Steeple Lang-
ford ; died 1662.
George MoxTAGU, naturalist and author; born at Lackham ;
died 1815.
John NoRRis, platonist, mystical divine, and poet; born at
Collingbourne Kingston 1657; died l7ll.
William Pitt, the patriotic earl of Chatham ; born at Stratford
House, Old Sarum, 17O8 ; died 1778.
Francis Potter, divine, and excellent mechanic; born at Mere
1594; died 1678.
Henry Sacheverell, notorious political preacher; born at Marl-
borough 1672; died 1724.
Dr. John Scott, divine, author of " Christian Life,'' &c. ; born
^ at Chippenham 1638; died 1694.
Samuel Squire, bishop of St. David's, Greek scholar; born at
Warminster 1714; died 1766.
Nathaniel Stephens, learned divine; born at Stanton Bar-
nard; died 1677.
Thomas Tanner, bishop of St. Asaph, learned antiquary, au-
thor of the " Notitia Monastica ;" born at Market Lavington
about 1673; died 1735.
John ToBiN, dramatic author; born at Sahsbury 1770 ; died 1804.
Dr. Edward Wells, theologian and scholar ; born at Corsham
1663; died 1727.
Thomas Willis, physician and author; born at Great Bedwin,
about 1621; died 1675.
Pliihp Withers, divine and miscellaneous writer; born at
Westbury; died 1790.
Sir Christopher Wren^ architect of St. PauFs Cathedral Lon-
don^ Greenwich Hospital, &c. born at East Knoyle 1632 ;
died 1723.
*^* The History of Wiltshire, a county so fertile in antiquities of every period,
was early attempted by Mr. Aubrey, a native thereof, who died in 1700 ; but the
accomplishment of this important object was reserved for that distinguished patron
of topographical literature, Sir Richard Colt Hoare, of Stourhead. In 1812, he
produced, in imperial folio, his splendid edition of the Ancient Histoiy of South
Wiltshire ; and subsequently undertook the History of Modern Wilts, which was
brought out in separate Hundreds. He commenced with the Hundred of Mere iu
1822; which was soon followed by the Hundred of Heytesbury (1824) ; of Branch
and Dole (1825); of Everley, Ambresbury, and Underditch (l826) ; of Dunworth
(1829); oV Westbury and Warminster (1830), of Downton and Damerham ; of
Chalke, &c. The principal topographical Works of a local nature are. Dr. Stuke-
ley's Accounts of Abury and Stonehenge (with various pviblications on the same
subject by different authors) ; the Rev. E. Ledwich's Antiquitates Sarisburienses
(1777) ; The Beauties of Wiltshire (1801-25), Account of Corsham House (l806),
History of Salisbury Cathedral (1814), and Illustrations of Fonthill Abbey (l828),
by that indefatigable topographer and antiquary, Mr. J. Britton ; J. M. Moffat's
History of Malmsbury (l805) ; Descriptions of Fonthill Abbey, by J. Storer
(1812); by J. B.Nichols, and by J. Rutter (1828); the Rev. W. L. Bowles's
Histories of Bremhill (i828), and of Lacock Abbey ; Waylen's History of Devizes
(1839), &c.— Ed.
Worcestershire hath Staffordshire on the north, War-
wickshire on the east, Gloucestershire on the south, Hereford
and Shrop-shires on the west. It is of a triangular but not
equilateral form, in proportion stretching from north to south^
twenty-two miles ; south to north-west, tw^enty-eight miles ;
thence to her north-east point, twenty-eight miles; be this
understood of the continued part of this shire, which otherwise
hath snips and shreds cut off from the whole cloth, and sur-
rounded wdth the circumjacent countries, even some in Oxford-
shire distanced, by Gloucestershire interposed.
What may be the cause hereof, it were presumption for me
to guess, after the conjectures of so many learned men. Some
conceive that such who had the command of this county (pro-
bably before the Conquest), and had parcels of their own land
scattered in the vicinage, desired to unite them to this county,
so to make their owm authority the more entire.* Or else as a
worthy writer will have it (rendering a reason why part of
Devonshire straggleth into Cornwall) it was done that " there
might rest some cause of intercourse betwixt this and the
neighbouring counties ;'^ adding moreover, ^^ that a late great
man ensued and expressed the like consideration, in the divi-
sion of his lands betwixt two of his sons.^^t All I will say is
this, that God, in the partage of Palestine (reader, if you forget
I must remember my own profession) betwixt the twelve
tribes, on the same account (as the learned conceive) made
some tribes to have in-lots within another; "and Manasseh
had, in Issachar and in Asher, Bethshean and her towns, and
Ibleam and her towns, &c."}
This county hath a child's portion (and that, I assure you, a
large one) in all English, and especially in these
In Latin Lampetrce, a lambendo petras, (from licking the
rocks,) are plentiful in this and the neighbouring counties in the
• Camden's Britannia, in Worcestershire.
t Carew, in his Survey of Cornwall, fol. 98. J Josh xvii. 11.
river of Severn. A deformed fish, which for the many holes
therein, one would conceive nature intended it rather for an
instrument of music than for man's food. The hest manner of
dressing whereof, saith my author,* is " to kill it in malmsey,
close the mouth thereof with a nutmeg, the holes with so many
cloves ; and when it is rolled up round, putting in thereto
filbert-nut-kernels stamped, crumbs of bread, oil, spices, &c."
Others (but those mis o -lampreys) do add, that, after all this cost,
even cast them away, seeing money is better lost than health ;
and the meat will rather be delicious than wholesome, the eat-
ing whereof cost king Henry the First his life.f But, by their
favour, that king did not die of lampreys, but of excess in eat-
ing them ; and I am confident the Jews might surfeit of manna
itself, if eating thereof above due proportion.
This is a drink, or a counterfeit wine, made of pears, whereof
plenty- in this county ; though such which are least delicious for
taste, are most proper for this purpose. Such the providence
of nature, to design all things for man^s service. Peter Martyr,
when professor in Oxford, and sick of a fever, would drink no
other liquor,J though it be generally believed both cold and
windy, except corrected with spice, or some other addition.
I have twice§ formerly insisted hereon ; and do confess this
repetition to be flatly against my own rules, laid down for the
regulating of this work, save that the necessity of this com-
modity will excuse it from any offence. I beheld England as a
long well -furnished table, and account three principal salt-cellars
set at a distance thereon. Worcestershire, I fancy the trencher
salt, both because it is not so much in quantity (though very
considerable), and because it is whiter, finer, and heavier, than
any other. Cheshire, I conceive, deserveth to be reputed the
grand salt-cellar, placed somewhat beneath the middle ; whilst
the third is the salt of Newcastle, set far north, at the lower
end of the table, for the use of those who otherwise cannot con-
veniently reach to the former. The usefulness of this not- duly-
valued blessing may be concluded from the Latin word salarium, •
so usual in ancient and modern authors, which importeth the
entertainment or wages of soldiers, anciently paid chiefly (if not
only) in victuals, and taketh its name, by a sijnedoche, from sal,
or salt, as of all things most absolutely needful ; without which
condiment nothing can be wholesome nutriment.
I read in a modern author, describing his own county of
• Camden's Britannia, in Worcestershire. f Stow's Chronicle, p. 142.
X Dr. Humphred, in the large Latin life of Bishop Jewel, p. 31.
§ In Cheshire and Northumberland.
Cheshire, and measuring all things to the advantage thereof, that
" There is no shire in England, or in any other country
beyond the seas, where they liave more than one salt-well
therein; neither at Droitwich in AVorcestershire is there more
than one ; whereas in Cheshire there be four, all within ten
miles together."*
Here let me enter this caveat in preservation of the right
of Worcestershire, that many salt-fountains are found therein,
but stopped up again for the preservation of woods ;t so that
the making of salt at one place alone proceeds not from any
natural, but a politic restriction. Nor must I forget, how our
German ancestors (as Tacitus reports) conceited such places
where salt was found to be nearest to the heavens, and to ingra-
tiate men^s prayers to the Gods ; I will not say, founding their
superstition on the misapprehension of the Jewish worship,
^^ Every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.^^J
I am sorry I have never seen the cathedral of Worcester, so
that I cannot knowingly give it a due commendation ; and more
sorry to hear that our late civil wars have made so sad an im-
pression thereon.
Tlie market-towns are generally handsomely built ; and no
shire in England can shew a brace of them so neat and near
together as Bewdley and Kidderminster in this county, being
scarcely two miles asunder.
Saint Richard, born at Wich [alias Droitwich], from which
he took his name, was bred in Oxford, afterwards at Paris, and
lastly at Bononia in Italy, where for seven years together he
heard and read the canon law. Having thus first plentifully
laid in, he then began to lay out, in his lectures in that uni-
versity ; and, returning home, became chancellor of Oxford,
then of Canterliury, till at last chosen bishop of Chichester. He
was a great Becketist, viz. a stout opposer of regal power over
spiritual persons ; on which and other accounts, he wrote a
book to Pope Innocent the Fourth, against king Henry the
Third. These his qualities, with the reputation of his holy life,
so commended his memory to the notice of Pope Urban the
Fourth, tliat seven years after his death, viz. anno 1260, he
canonized him for a saint. It seems men then arrived sooner
at the maturity of [Popish] saintship than now-a-days, more
distance being now required ])etwixt their death and canoniza-
tion. As for their report, that the ivickes or salt-pits in this
county were miraculously procured by his prayers, their unsa-
* William Smith, in the Vale Royal, p. 18.
t Camden's Britannia, in Worcestershire. J Lcvit. ii. 13.
voury lie hath not a grain of probability to season it ; it appear-
ing by ancient authors,* that salt tvater flowed there time out
of mind, before any sweet milk was given by mother or nurse
to tliis saint Richard.
This county aflfordiag no Martyrs (such the moderation of
bishop Patest) let us proceed to
John Comin, or Cumin. — It must cost us somepains (but the
merit of the man will quit cost) to clear him to be of English
extraction. For the proof whereof, we produce the testimony
of Giraldus Cambrensis, his contemj^orary and acquaintance,
who saith, he was " vir Anglicus natione.^^ J Hereby the im-
pudent falsehood of John Demster the Scottish historian doth
plainly appear, thus expressing himself:
" Johannes Cuminus, ex nobilissimo comitum Buchanise
stemmate ortus, Banfige natus, falsissime inter Anglos reponi-
tur; cum ipse viderim queedam ipsius nuper Parisiis scripta,
quibus suorum jDopularium causam pontifici Lucio commenda-
vit, in bibliotheca Pauli Petavii, Senatoris Parisiensis.^^
{'' John Cumin, descended from the most noble stock of the
earls of Buchan, born at Banfe, is most falsely set down
amongst the English ; seeing I myself lately saw some of his
writings at Paris, in the library of Paulus Petavius, senator of
Paris, in which he recommended the cause of his countrymen
to Pope Lucius.")
In plain English, this Scottish Demster is a perfect rook, de-
pluming England, Ireland, and Wales, of famous writers,
merely to feather his own country therewith ; so that should
he, according to the Jewish law, be forced to make fourfold
restitution for his felony, he w^ould be left poor enough indeed.
Besides, Alexander Comin was created first earl of Buchan
by king Alexander the Second, who l^egan to reign anno Domini
1214 ;§ whereas Comin (by the testimony of Demster himself)
died 1212; and therefore could not properly descend of their
stock, who were not then in being.
I cannot certainly avouch him a Worcestershire man ; but
know that he was bred a monk at Evesham therein, || whence he
was chosen (the king procuring it) ^' a clero Dublinensi con-
sone satis et concorditer," archbishop of Dubhn. He endowed
Trinity church in Dublin with two-and-twenty prebends ; and
was made by Pope Lucius cardinal of St. Vellit in Italy.
* Camden, in Worcestershire, plainly proves it out of Gervase in Tilbury F.
f Dr. Richard Pates was Bishop of Worcester in 1555; but was deprived in
1559. — Ed.
X Lib. ii. Expugn. Hibern. cap. 23.
§ Camden's Britannia, in Scotia, p. 48.
li Giraldus Cambrensis, lib. ii. Expugn llibern. cap. 23.
Hugh of Evesham, so called from the place of his nativity
in this county, applied himself to the study of physic with so
good success that he is called the phcenix'^- in that faculty. Great
also was his skill in the mathematics, and especially in astrology.
Some questions arising at Rome about physic (which conse-
quently were of church government). Pope Martin the Fourth
sent for our Hugh, to consult with him : who gave such satis-
faction to his demands, that, in requital, he created him cardi-
nal of St. Laurence, 1280. But so great the envy of his
adversaries at his preferment, that, seven years after, he was
put to death by poison ;t and let none say, he might have fore-
seen his fate in the stars, seeing hell, and not the heavens,
brooded that design. Neither say, '^ Physician, cure thyself,'^
seeing English antidotes are too weak for Italian poisons. But
Cicaonius, to paUiate the business, saith he died of the plague.;
and thus I believe him, of the plague of hatred in the hearts of
such who contrived his death ; which happened anno Domini
WuLSTAN of Braundsford w^as born at Braundsford in
this county, and afterwards became prior (equivalent to dean
in other foundations) of Worcester. He deserved well of his
convent, building a most beautiful hall therein. Hence was he
preferred bishop of Worcester, 1338, the first and last prelate
who was born in that county ; and died in that see. He was
verus pontifex, in the grammatical notation thereof, building a
fair bridge at Braundsford (within three miles of Worcester)
over the river Teme, on the same token that it is misprinted
Tweed in bishop Godwin, J which made me in vain look for
Braundsford in Northumberland. He died August 28, 1349.
John Lowe was born in this county ; bred an Augustinian
friar at Wich therein ; afterwards he went to the universities,
and then settled himself in London. Hence he was preferred
by king Henry the Sixth to St. Asaph, and thence was re-
moved (desiring his own quietness) from one of the best bishop-
rics in Wales, to Rochester, the meanest in England. § He
was a great book-monger ; and on that score. Bale (no friend
to friars) giveth him a large testimonial, that bishop Godwin ||
borroweth from him (the first and last in that kind) the whole
character of his commendation, and this amongst the rest,
" Opuscula quaedam scripsit purgatis auribus digna."
He deserved well of posterity, in preserving many excellent
manuscripts, and bestowing them on the magnificent library
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iv. num. 50.
t Idem, ibidem.
X His Catalogue of the "Bishops of Worcester, set forth 1616.
§ Godwin, in the Bishops of Rochester. || Ut prius.
which he furnished at Saint Augustine's in London. But, alas !
that hbrary, at the dissolution, vanished away,* with the fine
spire- steeple of the same church (oh, the wide swallow of sacri-
lege !) ; one person, who shall be nameless, embezzling both
books and buildings to his private profit. He died anno Do-
mini 1467 ; and Heth buried in his own cathedral (over against
bishop Merton) under a marble monument.
Edmond Bonner, alias Savage. — He had to
his father John Savage, a priest, richly beneficed and landed in
Cheshire, son to Sir John Savage, knight of the Garter, and
privy councillor to king Henry the Seventh. His mother (con-
cubine to this priest (a dainty dame in her youth, and a jolly
woman in her age), was sent out of Cheshire, to cover her
shame, and lay down her burthen at Elmeley in this county,
where this bouncing babe Bonner was born.f The history of
his life may be methodized according to the five princes under
whom he lived.
He was born under king Henry the Seventh, and bred a
bachelor in the laws in Broad-gates-hall in Oxford.
Under king Henry the Eighth, he was made doctor of laws,
archdeacon of Leicester, master of the faculties under arch-
bishop Cranmer, and employed in several embassies beyond
seas. All this time Bonner was not Bontier, being as yet meek,
merciful, and a great Cromivellite, as appeared by some tart printed
repartees betwixt him and bishop Gardiner. Indeed he had
sesqui corpus, a body and half (but I hope that corpulency
without cruelty is no sin) ; and towards his old age he was
overgrown with fat, as Master Fox (who is charged to have
persecuted persecutors with ugly pictures), doth represent him.
Not long after, he was consecrated bishop of London.
Under king Edwarth the sixth, being deputed to preach pub-
licly concerning the reformation, his faint and frigid expressions
thereof manifested his mind rather to betray than defend it,
which cost him a deprivation and imprisonment. Then it was
when one jeeringly saluted him, " Good morrow. Bishop quon-
dam r To whom Bonner as tartly returned, " Good morrow,
Knave semper !
Being restored under queen Mary to his bishopric, he caused
the death of twice as many Martyrs >s all the bishops in Eng-
land besides, justly occasioning the verses made upon him :
Si fas ccedendo coclestia scandere cuiquam,
Bonnero cceli maxima porta jmtet.
Nemo ad Bonneriiim.
Omnes Episcopum esse te dicunt malum.
Ego tainen, Bonnere, te dico bomim.
* Stow's Survey of London, in Broad-street Ward,
t Manuscript Collections of the industrious antiquary Mr. Dodsworth, exiant in
the library of the Lord Fairfax F.
" If one by shedding blood for bliss may hope,
Heaven's widest gate for Bonner doth stand ope.
Nobody speaking to Bonner.
All call thee cruel, and the spunge of blood ;
But, Bonner, I say, thou art mild and good."
Under queen Elizabeth he was deprived and secured in his
castle ; I mean, the Marshalsea in South wark ; for, as that pri-
son kept him from doing hurt to others, it kept others from do-
ing hurt to him ; being so universally odious he had been stoned
in the streets if at liberty. One great good he did, though not
intentionally, accidentally, to the Protestant bishops of Eng-
land : for, lying in the Marshalsea, and refusing to take the oath
of supremacy tendered to him by Horn, then bishop of Win-
chester, he pleaded for himself, that Horn was no lawful bishop,
which occasioned the ensuing parliament to confirm him and
the rest of his order to all purposes and intents.
After ten ^^ears^ soft durance in all plenty (his face would be
deposed for his whole body that he was not famished), enjoying
a great temporal estate left him by his father, he died 1569;
and was buried, saith Bishop Godwin, in Barking church-yard,
amongst the thieves and murderers,* being surely a ^nistake in
the printer ; Allhallows Barking being on the other side of the
Thames, nothing relating to the Marshalsea. And I have been
credibly informed, that he was buried in the church-yard of St.
George^s in Southwark. But, so long as Bonner is dead, let
him choose his own grave where he will be buried. But enough
if not too much, of this Herostratus, who burnt so many living
temples of the Holy Ghost, and who, had he not been remem-
bered by other writers, had found no place in my history.
John Watson was born at Bengeworth in this county,
where some of his name and relations remain at this day ; bred
(I believe) in Oxford, and afterwards became prebendary, then
dean of Winchester.t Hence he was advanced bishop of that
see ; and the ensuing passage (which I expect" will meet with
many infidels, though to me credibly attested) will acquaint us
with the occasion thereof, and suspecting the bishopric of Win-
chester when vacant would be offered unto him.
Dean Watson, aged sixty years, and desirous to lead a private
life ; in the sickness of Bishop Horn, privately promised the
earl of Leicester (in that age the Dominus fac multum, if not to-
tum, in the disposal of church dignities) two hundred pounds,
that he might not be made bishop of Winchester, but remain in
his present condition.
The bishopric falling void, and the queen expressing her in-
tention to confer it on Watson, the foresaid earl requested the
* Bishop Godwin's Catalogue of the Bishops of London.
t So was I informed by Mr. Verniers, the minister of St. Mary's in Warwick,
whose father was nephew and steward to this Bishop. — F,
contrary ; acquainting the queen with the passage betwixt them,
" how otherwise it would be two hundred pounds out of his way/^
"Nay then/^ said the queen, " Watson shall have it, he being
more Avorthy thereof who will give two hundred to decline, than
he who will give two thousand pounds to attain it."
I confess, such who have read so much of the corruption of
the earl of Leicester, and heard so little of the integrity of Wat-
son, will hardly credit this story ; which I am ready to believe,
and the rather, because of this his epitaph, written on his mar-
ble monument in the church of Saint Mary Overies :
" D. Johannes Watson, Ecclesite Winton, Prebcndarius, Decanus, ac deinde
Episcopus, prudentissimus pater, vir optimns, prcecipue erga inopes mise-
ricors, obiit in Domino Januarii 23, anno cetatis 63, Episcopates quarto,
Nothing else have I to observe, save that there were three
Watsons, bishops in the reign of queen Elizabeth : Thomas of
Lincoln, our John of Winchester, and Anthony of Chichester,
though I believe little allied together.
Sir Thomas Coventry, Knight, was born at Croone in this
county, eldest son to Sir Thomas Coventry, knight, one of the
justices of the Common Pleas. He was bred in the Inner
Temple a student in the laws; and in the year 1618 was trea-
surer of the said Temple, and attorney-general to king James.
He was afterwards made lord keeper of the great seal of Eng-
land, the first day of November, in the first year of king
He was by the same king created, in the fourth of his reign,
Aj^ril 10, Baron Coventry of Aylesborough in this county.
An ingenious gentleman in his history* giveth him this cha-
racter, in relation to his keepership, " that he enjoyed that
dignity fifteen years, if it was not more proper to say, that dig-
nity enjoyed him : this latter age affording none better qualified
for the place.^' Adding, " that he knew enough, and acted con-
formable to his knowledge ; so that captious malice stands mute
to blemish his fame.^^ To which we will only add some few
operative words taken out of his patent when he was created
baron :
" Nos igitur in persona preedilecti et perquam fi.delis consili-
arii nostri Thomee Coventry, Militis, custodis magni sigilli nos-
tri AnglicG, gratissima et dignissim.a servitia, quee idem consilia-
rius noster tarn prsccharissimo Patri nostro Jacobo Regi beatse
memorise per multos annos, quam nobis ab ipsis Regni nostri
primis auspiciis fidelissime et prudentissime prtestitit et impen-
dit, indiesque impendere non desistit ; necnon circumspec-
tionem, prudentiam, strenuitatem, dexteritatem, integritatem,
industriam, erga nos et nostram coronam, animo benigno et re-
* H. L. Esq. p. 171,
gali intim^ recolentes constantiam et fidelitatem ipsius Thomas
Coventry, Militis, &c. In cujus rei, &c. T. R. apud Westm.
decimo die Aprilis, anno regni Regis Caroli/'*
He died about the beginning of January 1639, before our
civil distempers began, so that it is hard to say whether his ho-
nourable life or seasonable death was the greater favour which
God bestowed upon him.
I must not forget, that it hath been observed, that never
lord keeper made fewer orders which afterwards were reversed,
than this Lord Coventry, which some ascribe to his discretion,
grounding most of his orders on the consent and compromise of
the parties themselves interested therein, whose hands, so tied
up by their own act^, were the more willing to be quiet for the
Sir Thomas Littleton, Knight. — Reader, the nimiety of my
cautiousness (loath to prejudice the seeming right of any) made
me to bestow part of his character on Staffordshire, who since
am convinced that he wholly and solely belongeth to this shire,
as born at Frankley therein ; and I request the reader to rectify
some mistakes I formerly wrote * by that which followeth. He
was a man remarkable in many respects.
First, for his extraction. He was son to Thomas Wescot,
Esquire, and Elizabeth Littleton his wife, who, being a double
inheritrix, by her father to the Litletons, mother to the Qua-
tremains, indented with her husband that her heritable issue
should assume her surname. Say not her husband might say,
" Accepi dotem, cognomen perdidi f' seeing it was done before
liis marriage by his free consent. Besides, we find even in
Scripture itself, Joab being constantly named the son of his
mother Zeruiah."):
Secondly, for his happiness : that two great kings had a great
sympathy to him, who had an antipathy each to other ; Henry
the Sixth, whose serjeant he was^ and rod judge of the northern
circuit ; and Edward the Fourth, who made him a judge, and in
his reign he rode the Northamptonshire circuit.
Thirdly, for his exquisite skiit in the laws ; witness his book
of "Tenures/^ which, though writ about two hundred years
since, yet at this day retaineth an authentical reputation.
Insomuch that when in the reign of king James, it came in
question upon a demurrer in law, " Whether the release to one
trespasser should be available or no to his companion ?" Sir
Henry Hubbard, and judges Warburton, Winch, and Nicolls,
his companions, gave judgment according to the opinion of
our Littleton ; and openly said, that "They would not have his
CASE disputed or questioned.^^
* In Staffordshire. f 2 Sam. ii. 13.
Lastly, for his happy posterity ; having left three families
signally fixed and flourishing, in this and the neighbouring coun-
ties of Stafford and Salop. And one saith very truly, that these
quarter the arms of many matches after the best manner of
quartering them (other are scarce half-half-quartering them*); viz.
they possess at this day good land on the same account.
Indeed the lord Coke observeth, that our lawyers seldom die
either without wills or heirs. For the first, I believe it ; for our
common lawyers will not have their estates come under the ar-
bitrary disposal of a civilian judge of the Prerogative, and there-
fore wisely prevent it. For the second, the observation as quali-
fied with seldom may pass ; otherwise our grandfathers can re-
member Sir James Dyer, lord chief justice, and Periam, lord
chief baron, both dying without issue. His book of " Tenures ''
hath since been commented on by Sir Edward Coke's most
judicious pen.
" Die mihi, num textus vel commentatio prestat ?
Dicam ego, tam textus, quam commentatio prestat. "
He died in the 21sf year of king Edward the Fourth; and
Heth buried in the cathedral of Worcester, having formerly con-
stituted doctor A] cock (his faithful friead, and then bishop of
Worcester) supervisor of his will, who saw it performed to all
critical particulars.
Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, was born at the
manor house of Salwape in this county, January the 28th, 183L.t
King Richard the Second, and Richard Scroope then bislitfp^f
Coventry (afterwards archbishop of York) were his godfathers.
A person so redoubted for martial achievements, that the
poetical fictions of Hercules' labours found in him a real per-
1. Being hardly twenty-two years old, in the fifth of king
Henry the Fourth, at the queen's coronation, he justed, and
challenged all comers.
2. He bid battle to Owen Glen dour the Welch rebel ; put
him to flight, and took his banner with his own hands.
3. Pie fought a pitched field against the two Percies at
Shrewsbury, and overcame them.
4. In his passage to the Holy Land (whither he went on pil-
grimage) he was challenged at Verona, by an Italian, Sir Pan-
dulph Malacet, to fight with him at three weapons ; viz. with
axes, arming sw^ords, and sharp daggers ; whom he had slain
at the second weapon, had not some seasonably interceded.
5. Fighting at justs in France with Sir Collard Fines, at
every stroke he bare him backward to his horse ; and when the
* Lord Coke, in his Preface to Littleton's Tenures. f Idem, ibidem.
X Mr. William Dugdale, in his Survey of Warwickshire, in the Earls of War-
wick.— F.
French suspected that he was tied to his saddle, to confute their
jealousies, our earl hghted, and presently remounted.
G. He was eminently active in the king^s victorious battles in
France, and might truly say, " Quorum pars magna fui."
7. He was one of those whom king Henry the Fifth sent to
the council of Constance, whose whole retinue amounted unto
eight hundred horse.
8. Here he killed a Dutch duke who challenged him, Sigis-
mond the emperor and his empress beholding it.
9. The empress, affected with his valour, took the badge from
one of the earl's men (being a plain bear of silver), and wore it
on her shoulder. But the next day our earl presented her with
a bear (which was his crest) made of pearls and precious stones.
10. Being sent by king Henry the Fifth, with a thousand
men in arms, to fetch queen Catherine, sole daughter to the
king of France, he fought with the earls of Vendosm and
Linosin, killed one of them with his own hand, routed the
forces of five thousand men, and brought the lady whom he saw
safelv married to the king.
11. He was, by the said king's wall, appointed governor to
his son in his minoiity, and made lieutenant of all France.
12. During his life our success in France was progressive, and
retrograde after his death.
It must not be forgotten, how Sigismond the emperor, com-
ing into England, told king Henry the Fifth, that no Christian
king had such another knight, for wisdom, nature, and man-
hood. He obtained leave of the king (because in his dominions)
that he might by imperial authority fix a title of honour upon
him ; and caused him to be named the Father of Courtesy, as
indeed true courage and com'tesy are individual companions.
The last time he went over into Normandy, he was tossed
with a hideous tempest ; so that, despairing of life, he caused
himself to be bound (for who could bind him against his will ?)
with his lady and infant son, to the main mast, on this design,
that, having his armour and coat of arms upon him, he might
thereby be known, that such who should light on his corpse, if
either noble or charitable, might afford him a Christian burial.
Yet he, escaping the tempest, and landing safely in France,
died in his bed, (no usual repose for so restless and active a
spirit) at Rouen, of a lingering disease, April 30, 1439 j and lieth
buried in a most stately tomb, in a chapel of the collegiate
church of Warwick, wliere his epitaph graven in brass is
pointed with bears, serving for commas, colons, periods, and all
distinctions thereof. His deeds of charity f (according to the
devotion of those days) were little inferior to the achievem.ents of
his valour.
* Mr. William Dugdale, in bis Survey of Warwick, in the Earls of Warwick,
where the preceding particulars are proved out of authentic records.— F.
Sir Edward Kelley [alias Talbot] was born at Worcester
(as I have it from the scheme of his nativity, graved from the
original calculation of doctor Dee) anno Domini 1555, August
the first, at four o^clock in the afternoon, the Pole being there
elevated, gr. 52. 10. Thus, reader, I hope that my exactness
herein will make some reparation for my uncertainties and
looser intelligence in the births of other persons.
He was well studied in the mysteries of nature, being inti-
mate with doctor Dee, who was beneath him in chemistry, but
above him in mathematics. These two are said to have found
a very large quantity of elixir in the ruins of Glastonbury abbey.
Indeed I have read, how William Bird, the prior of the Bath,
left and lost the elixir in the walls of his priory ; and it may
seem strange, that what was lost at Bath was found at Glaston-
bury, in the same county indeed, but sixteen miles asunder.
But, so long as Kelley had this treasure, none need trouble
themselves how or where he came by it.
Afterwards (being here in some trouble) he went over beyond
the seas, with Albertus Alasco, a Polonian baron, who gave for
his arms the hull of a ship, having only a mainmast and a top,
without any tackling, and gave for his motto " Deus dabit vela,^'
(God will send sails.)* But, it seems, this lord had formerly
carried too high a sail, of whom a good author reporteth, that,
'' Mre alieno oppressus, clam recessit ;^'t and now, it seems,
sought to repair his fortunes, by associating himself with these
two arch- chemists of England.
How long they continued together is to me unknown. Sir
Edward (though I know not how he came by his knighthood),,
with the doctor, fixed at Trebona in Bohemia, where he is said
to have transmuted a brass warming-pan (without touching or
melting, only warming it by the fire, and putting the elixir thereon)
into pure silver, a piece whereof was sent to queen Elizabeth.}:
He had great converse with Rodolphus, the second emperor.
I have seen a voluminous manuscript in Sir Thomas Cot-
ton's library, of the particulars of their mysterious pro-
ceedings ; where, amongst many strange passages, I find this
ensuing monstrosity. They kept constant intelligence with
a messenger, or spirit, giving them advice how to proceed in
their mystical discoveries ; and enjoining them, that, by way of
preparatory qualification for the same, they should enjoy their
wives in common. Though boggling hereat at first, they
resolved to submit thereunto, because the law-giver might dis-
pense with his laws, in matters of so high a nature. Hereby
may the reader guess the rest of their proceedings.
This probably might be the cause why doctor Dee left Kelley,
* Guillira's Display of Heraldry, p. 216.
f Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1583. X Theatriun Chemicum, p. 481.
and returned into Eiigland. Kelley, continuing still in Ger-
many, ranted it in his expences (say the brethren of his own
art) above the sobriety befitting so mysterious a philosopher.
He gave away^ in gold-wire rings, at the marriage of one of his
maid-servants, to the value of four thousand pounds. As for
the high conceit he had of his own skill in chemistry, it appear-
eth sufficiently in the beginning of his own works, though I
confess myself not to understand the Gibberish of his language :
" All you that fain philosophers would be
And night and day in Gebers kitchen broil,
"Wasting the chips of ancient Hermes' tree ;
Weening to turn them to a precious oil ;
The more you work, the more you lose and spoil :
To you I say, how learn'd so e'er you be,
Go burn your books, and come and learn of me. '
Come we now to his sad catastrophe. Indeed the curious
had observed, that, in the scheme of his nativity, not only the
dragon^s-tail was ready to promote abusive aspersions against
him (to which living and dead he hath been subject) ; but also
something malignant appears posited in Aquarius, which hath
influence on the legs, which accordingly came to pass. For,
being twice imprisoned (for what misdemeanor I know not) by
Rodulphus the emperor, he endeavoured his escape out of a
high window, and tying his sheets together to let him down, fell
(being a weighty man), and brake his leg, whereof he died 1595.
I believe him neither so bad as some,* nor so good as others,
do character him. All know, how separation is of great use
amongst men of his profession ; and indeed, if his pride and
prodigality were severed from him, he would remain a person,
on other accounts, for his industry and experience in practical
philosophy, worthy recommendation to posterity.
Florence of Worcester was probably born near, cer-
tamly bred in that city, one eminent in learning as any of his
age, and no less industrious. Many books are extant of his
making, and one most useful, beginning at the Creation, and
continued till his death. This he calleth '^ Chronicum Chroni-
corum,^^ which some esteem an arrogant title, and an inso-
lent defiance of all authors before and after him, as if (as
the rose is flos florum, so) his were the superlative
chronicle of all that are extant. But others meet with much
modesty in the title " Chronicum Chronicorum," as none
of his own making, but only gathered both for matter and
language out of others, he being rather the collector than
the original composer thereof. He died anno Domini 1119.
John Wallis, or Welsh, is confessed natione Anglusyf
* Weever's Funeral Monuments, p. 4.
'^ t I*^s> <le lUustribus Anglise Scriptoribus, p. 342.
which I observe, to secure his nativity against Welsh claims
thereuntOj only grounded on his surname. Yet I confess he
might be mediately of Welch extraction, but born in this county
(where the family of the W^alshes are extant at this day in a
worshipful equipage), where he became a Franciscan in Worces-
ter. Leaving Oxford, he lived in Paris, where he was com-
monly called, " Arbor Vitee,^' (the Tree of Life) "^non absque
insigni Servatoris blasphemi^,^^ (with no small blasphemy to our
Saviour) saith our author.* But, to qualify the matter, we
take the expression in the same sense wherein Solomon calls
" a wholesome tongue a tree of life.^^t
Yet might he be better termed '^^ the tree of knowledge of
good and evil," whose books (amounting to no fewer than
twenty volumes) are not so practical for their use, as curi-
ous in their speculations. In the ancient libraries of Baliol
and Oriel College, most of his manuscripts are reported
extant at this day. He died, and was buried at Paris, anno Do-
mini 1216,
Elias de Evesham was born in this county, of good paren-
tage, from whom (as it seemeth by J. Bale) he had expectancy of
a fair estate. This did not hinder him from being a Benedictine
in the abbey of Evesham, where he became a great scholar, and
wrote an excellent chronicle. Bale knoweth not where to
place him with any certainty. J 'But Pits, not more knowing,
but more daring, assigneth him to have flourished in the year
[AMP.] William Packington. — I confess two villages
(the less and greater) of this name in Warwickshire; and yet
place this Packington here, with no discredit to myself, and
greater grace to him. For, first, I behold him as no clergyman
(commonly called from their native places) ; but have reasons
to believe him rather a layman, and find an ancient family of
his name (not to say alliance) still flourishing in this county.
He was secretary and treasurer to Edward the Black Prince;
and his long living in France had made the language of his
nurse more natural to him than the tongue of his mother.
Hence it was that he wrote in French the story of " Five Eng-
Hsh kings" [king John, Henry the Third, Edwards First, Second,
and Third], and a book of "The Achievements of the Black
Prince." He flourished anno Domini 1380.
SINCE THE reformation.
Sir Edwin Sandys, son to Edwin Sandys, D. D. was (in
all probability) born in this county, whilst his father was bishop
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iv. p. 317- t Prov. xv. 4.
t Bale, ibid. Cent. iv. num. 33.
§ Pits, de Scriptoribus Anglise, p. 351, anno 1270.
2 B 2
of Worcester. He was bred in Cambridge^ and attained to be
a most accomplished person.
I have known some pitiful in affection, but poor in condition,
willing but unable to relieve one in greater want t]«an them-
selves, who have only gotten an empty purse, and given it to
others to put their charity therein for the purpose aforesaid.
Such my case. I can only present the reader with a place in
this my book for the character of this worthy knight, but can-
not contribute any coin of memories or remarkables to the
furnishing thereof. Only let me add, he was irepi^e^iog, right-
anded to any great employment ; and was as constant in all
Parliaments as the Speaker himself, being beheld by all as an
excellent patriot (faithful to his country, without being false to
his king) in all transactions. He was the treasurer to the
undertaker's for the Western plantations, which he effectually
advanced, the Bermudas (the firmest though not the fairest
footing the English have in the West Indies) owing their hap-
piness to his care, and Sandys' tribe is no contemptible propor-
tion therein. He had a commanding pen, witness his work of
"The Religion of the Western AVorld^^ (many in one book), so
much matter is stowed therein. I have been informed, that he
bequeathed by his will a considerable sum to the building of a
college in Cambridge; but, debts not coming in according to
expectation, his good intention failed in the performance
thereof. He died, much lamented of all good men, about the
year 1631.
Richard Smith, D. D. was born in this county ;* bred in
the university of Oxford, where he became king^s professor, and
was fit for that place in all things, if (as one of his own per-
suasion avoweth) " non obstitisset laterum debilitas, et vocis
exilitas,^^ (the weakness of his sides and lowness of his voice had
not hindered him.)
King Edward the Sixth afterwards sent for Peter Martyr
over to be his professor in this university, betwixt whom and
Dr. Smith so great the contest, that, waving all engagements,
it is best to state it to the eye of the reader, as it is represented
by authors of both sides.
" Petrum Martyrem apostatum monachum, et hseresis Zuving-
licanae sectatorem, a Rege Edwardo Sexto, Oxonii in cathe-
dram theologicam intrusum, in publicis disputationibus heeresis
convicit, et cathedram suam victor repetiit, sed rege obstante
non impetravit.^^t — (Ii^ public disputations he convicted Peter
Martyr the apostate monk, and a follower of the Zwinglian heresy,
thrust in by king Edward the Sixth into the divinity chair in
Oxford, and being conqueror did require his own chair to be
* Pits, de Anglige Scriptoribus, in anno 1563. t Idem, ibidem.
restored to him ; which he obtained not, because the king did
withstand him.)
'' Sed animosus iste Achilles, die ad disputandum constituto,
cum non compareret, sed ad Divum Andream in Scotiam pro-
fugeret, ratus eum qui in hoc articulo bene lateret, bene
vivere/'* — (But this vaUant Achilles, when he did not appear on
the day appointed for him to dispute, fled to Saint Andrew's in
Scotland, conceiving that in a case of this kind he lived best
who lay hid the closest.) — From St. Andrew's he afterwards
conveyed himself into the Low Countries.
But this Smith returned afterwards in the reign of queen
Mary, when Peter Martyr was glad to get leave to fly from that
university. Thus we see (as to speak unbiassed without reflec-
tion on the cause) that, in such controversies, it mattereth little
who are the disputants on either side, whilst the prevalent power
is the moderator.
Doctor Smith, flying again over into the Low Countries, was
made dean of Saint Peter^s in Douay, and the first professor in
the university founded therein. He died anno Domini 1563.
John Marshall was born at Dalisford in this county, as
New College register doth attest; which is to be credited
before J. Pits, making him to be born in Dorsetshire. He was
bred at New College in Oxford, where he proceeded bachelor
of laws, and for his gravity and learning was chosen second
master of Winchester school. But, in the first of queen Eliza-
beth, he left the land with Thomas Hide, chief schoolmaster
thereof ; so that now their scholars had a sat otium, and in both
their absence might play with security, till a successor received
their sceptre. He became afterwards canon of Lisle in Flan-
ders, though a long time disturbed in his quiet possession
thereof. He wrote a book, much prized by men of his persua-
sions, against John Calfild, an English Protestant. At his
death, he bequeathed a ring with a rich stone to adorn a piece
of the cross in his cathedral (which by doctor Gifford was
solemnly applied thereunto) ; and died anno Domini 1597.
Robert Bristow was born in this county ;t bred first in
Oxford, in Exeter College, whence he conveyed himself over
beyond the seas, living first at Louvain, then in the English col-
lege at Douay. He was the first of that foundation that was
made priest, being the right hand of cardinal Allen, who, depart-
ing to Rheims, left Bristow prefect of Douay college. After-
wards he was sent for to Rheims, where he wrote his book, say the
Papists,! ^' contra futilem Fulkum," (against foolish Fulk§) —
railing is easier than reasoning with such mouths, — who indeed
* L. Humphredus, in vita Juelli, p. 44.
t Pits, de Scriptoribus Anglige, p. 779. t Idem, ibidem.
§ That worthy confuter of the Rhemish Testament.
was a grave and godly divine. Being very sickly, he was
advised for his health to return into his native country, where,
having the good hap to miss that which cureth all diseases, he died
in his bed near London 1582.
Henry Holland, born in this county,* was bred fellow of
Saint John^s College in Oxford. Leaving the land, he fled
over to Douay, where he took the degree of bachelor in divinity,
and order of priesthood. Hence he removed to Rheims, where,
saith my author,t "Traductioni Bibliorum Sacrorum astitit,^^
(he assisted — I might say truly to the traducing, but let it be —
the translating of the Bible.) Returning to Douay, he read
divinity in a monastery hard by, wherein he was living 1611.
AValter of Evesham was born thereabouts, and bred
therein a Benedictine monk. His harmonious mind expressed
itself in its love of music, wherein he attained to great eminency,
and wrote a learned book in that faculty.
But here bilious BaleJ lets fly without fear (though not with-
out some wit) ; inveighing against all music in churches, pre-
tending to produce a pair-royal of fathers for his own opinion ;
viz. Saint Jerome, calling such chanting " Theatrales modulos ;^^
Gregory terming it " consuetudinem reprehensibilem -,'' and
Athanasius flatly forbidding it the church, for the vanity thereof.
But, by Balers leave, such speak not against the decent orna-
ments of wives, who reprove the garish attire of harlots ;§ the
abuse, not use of music, being taxed by the Fathers aforesaid.
Our Walter flourished under king Henry the Third, anno
Reader, it may be disputed in me, whether I am more
ashamed of or grieved for my mean intelligence of benefactions
in this county, before and since the Reformation. But I com-
fort myself, that the Dugdales in this county, I mean the wor-
thy future illustrators thereof, 1| will supply my defect. Only I
will add
Richard Dugard, B. D. was born at Grafton Fhford in
this county ; bred, under Master Henry Bright, in the king's
school at Worcester. I name him the rather, because never did
Master Calvin mention his Master Corderius with more honour,
than Master Dugard gratefully remembered Master Bright, He
was chosen fellow of Sidney College, where in my time (for I
had the honour of his intimate acquaintance) he had a moiety
* Pits, de Scriptoribus Anglia-, p. 804.
I Idem, ibidem. :j: Cent, xviii. num. 100. § Prov. vii. lo.
II This was performed by the late Rev. Dr. Nash ; who died in 1811— Ed.
of the most considerable pupils, whom he bred in learning and
piety, in the golden mean betwixt superstition and faction. He
held a gentle strict hand over them, so that none presumed on
his lenity to offend, or were discouraged by his severity to
amend. He w^as an excellent Grecian, and general scholar ; old
when young, such his gravity in behaviour ; and young when
old, such the quickness of his endowments. He bestowed on
the college a hundred and twenty pounds for some perpetual
use for the master and fellows : and ten pounds for books for
the library. At last he was surprised with a presentation of the
rectory of Fulleby in Lincolnshire, where, by his constant
preaching and pious living, he procured his own security ; a rare
happiness in those troublesome times. He died January 28,
anno Domini 1653 ; and lies buried under a marble stone in his
John Feckenham was born of poor parents in Feckenham
forest in this shire.* He was the last clergyman I find (and
therefore memorable) who locally was surnamed ; and was bred
a Benedictine in Evesham, and at the dissolution thereof
received an annual pension of a hundred florins, which (in my
accounting) make up some twenty pounds. This maintained
him when afterwards he went and studied in Oxford, attaining
to eminent learning therein.
In the reign of king Edward the Sixth, he was imprisoned in
the Tower, until Sir Philip Hobby (to use Feckenham^s own
words) ^^ quasi mutuatum accepit,^' (borrowed him of the Tower.)
Being at liberty, he had frequent disputations in the earnest
yet modest defence of his religion.
By queen Mary he was made abbot of Westminster, being
the last mitred abbot (and therefore more memorable) who sat
in parliament. He was very gracious with the queen, and
effectually laid out all his interest with her (sometime even to
offend, but never to injure her,) to procure pardon of the
faults, or mitigation of the punishments, for poor Protestants.
By queen Elizabeth he was highly honoured, and proffered
(as is currently traditioned.) the see of Canterbury, which he
refused, and was kept in easy restraint ; for, although he found
not the same favour with Joseph, to whom the gaoler
committed the care of all his family, making him superintendant
of all other prisoners, yet had he always respective usage, and
oft-times liberty on his parole. By his bounty to the poor, he
gained the good will (saith Master Camden) of all persons ;
whilst I behold his bounty to others as the queen's bounty to
him, enabling (because not disenabling) him for the same, and
permitting him peaceably to possess his estate. He died, a very
aged man, in Wisbeach castle, as I collect, anno 1585 ; and the
* Reyner de Antiquitate Bcuedictinoruni in Anglia, Tract. 1. Sect. 3. p. 233.
character which Pitseus giveth him may suffice for his epitaph :
" Erat in eo insignis pietas in Deum, mira charitas in proximos^
singularis observantia in majores, mitis affabilitas in inferiores,
dulcis hunianitas in omnes, multiplex doctrina, redundans fa-
cundia, incredibilis religionis catholicse zelus/'*
Henry Bright was born in the city of Worcester. No
good man will grudge him under this title^ who shall seriously
peruse this his epitaph, composed by doctor Joseph Hall, then
dean in the cathedral in Worcester :
*' Mane, Hospes, et lege.
Magister Henricds Bright,
celeberrimus Gymnasiarcha,
qui Scholae Regiae istic fundatae
per totos quadraginta annos summa cum laude priefuit :
Quo non alter magis sedulus fuit scitusve aut dexter
in Latinis, Grsecis, Hebraicis Literis feliciter edocendis :
Teste utraque Academic, quam instruxit aifatim numerosa pube literaria ;
Sed et totidem annis eoque amplius Theologiam professus,
et hujus Ecclesise per septennium Canonicus major,
ssepissime hie et alibi sacrum Dei Prsecoiiem magno cum zelo et fructu egit ;
Yir pius, doctus, integer, frugi, de Republica deque Ecclesi^ optime meritus,
a laboribus perdiu pernoctuque ab anno 1562 ad 1626,
strenue usque extant latis, 4to Martii suaviter requievit in Domino."
For my own part, I behold this Master Bright placed by
Divine Providence in this city, in the Marches, that he might
equally communicate the lustre of grammar learning to youth
both of England and Wales.
1. Richard Lee, son of Simon Lee, of Worcester, Grocer, 1460.
2. Richard a Lee, son of John a Lee, of Worcester, 1468.
3. Alexander Avenon, son of Robert Avenon, of King^s Norton,
Ironmonger, 1569,
This is one of the twelve pretermitted counties, the names of
whose gentry were not returned into the Tower, by the Commis-
sioners, in the reign of king Henry the Sixth.
Anno HEN. II. Anno
1 29 Rad. de Glanvill.
2 Will, de Bello Campo, for 30 Mich. Belet.
fourteen years. 31 Rob. Marmion, for three
16 Will, de Bello Campo, et years.
Hugo de Puckier.
17 Ranul. de Launch, for four ^^^^^' ^
1 Rob. Marmion.
21 Rob. de Lucy. 2 Will, de Bello Campo.
22 Mich. Belet, for seven 3 Will, de Bello Campo, et
years. Rich, de Piplinton.
♦ Pits, de Scrip toribus Angliie, p. 786.
4 Idem.
5 Will, de Bello Campo.
6 Idem.
7 Hen. de Longo Campo, for
three years.
10 Rad. de Grafton.
1 Rad. de Grafton.
2 Idem.
3 Will, de Cantelu. et
Adam de Worcester, for
three years.
6 Rob. de Cantelu.
7 Idem.
8 Will, de Cantelu. et
Adam CFicus.
9 Will, de Cantelu. et
Walt, le Puchier, for three
12 Will, de Cantelupo, et
Adam. Ruffus.
13 WilL de Cantelupo, et
Adam Delwich.
14 Idem.
15 Will, de Cantelupo, et
Phus. Kutton, for three
2 Walt, de Bello Campo, et
Hen. Lunett, for three
5 Walt, de Bello Campo, for
three years.
8 Walt, de Bello Campo, et
Hug. le Pohier.
9 Walt, de Bello Campo, et
Tho. Wigorne, for three
12 Walt, de Bello Campo, for
three years.
15 Walt, de Bello Campo, et
Hug. le Pohier.
16 Walt, de Bello Campo, et
W^ill. de Malvern, for three
19 Walt, de Bello Campo, et
Hug. le Pohier.
20 Idem (sive Will.)
21 Will, de Bello Campo, et
Will, de BlandhaU.
22 Idem.
23 Will, de Bello Campo, et
Laur. de Wandlesworth,
for three years.
26 Will, de Bello Campo, et
Simon de London.
27 Will, de Bello Campo, for
twenty-four years.
51 Will, de Bello Campo, et
Joh. de Hull.
52 Idem.
53 Will, de Bello Campo, for
three years.
1 Will, de Bello Campo,
Comes Warwic. for twenty-
six years.
27 Guido de Bello Campo, for
nine years.
1 Guido de Bello Campo,
Comes Warw. et
Rob de Berkenhall.
2 Guido de Bello Campo,
Comes Warw. et
Walt, de Perthrope, for
four years.
6 Guido de Bello Campo, et
Rob. de Warwick.
7 Idem.
8 Guido de Bello Campo.
9 Johan. de Heringwold.
10 Walt, de Bello Campo.
11 Idem.
12 Will. Stracy.
13 Idem.
14 Idem.
15 Will, de Bello Campo.
17 Nich. Russell.
18 Idem.
19 Walt, de Kokesey.
1 Walt, de Kokesey.
2 Idem.
3 Rich, de Handeslowe^ for
three years.
6 Tho. de Bello Campo^,
Comes Warw., for forty-
six years.
1 Tho. de Bello Campo^
Comes Warwic. for four
5 Tho. de Bello Campo^ for
thirteen years.
18 Tho. de Bello Campo.
19 Idem.
20 Joh. Washburne.
21 Hen. Haggerley.
22 Rob. Russell.
1 Tho. de Bello Campo.
2 Tho. de Bello Campo, et
Will. Beaucham.
3 Tho. Hodington.
4 Rich, de Bello Campo,
_ Comes Warw. for nine
1 Rich, de Bello Campo, for
nine years.
1 Rich, de Bello Campo, for
sixteen years.
16 Norm. Washburne, Sub-
[In the l7th year of king Henry the
Sixth, this worthy Richard Beau-
champ deceased. And here the re-
cords are at a loss, (such as ever
since. came to my hand) presenting
no sheriff for twenty-one years, till
the end of the reign of king Henry
the Sixth. And yet I am confident
that Henry Beauchamp, son and heir
to Richard aforesaid, earl of War-
wick and Albemarle (for Duke of
Albermarle I meet with none, be-
fore that illustrious person who now
deservedly possesseth that honour),*
enjoyed^the shrievalty of this county.]
1 Walt. Scull. Subvic. for
nineteen years.
[Here we have an under-sheriff, but no
high-sheriff could my industry reco-
ver, though my confidence is ground-
ed on good cause, that Richard Ne-
vill (the make-king) duke of War-
wick, was honorary sheriff, though
too great to officiate in his person.]
20 Jacob. Radclifte, mil. for
three years.
1 Jacob. RadclifFe, miles.
2 Will. Houghton, miles.
3 Hum. Stafford, et
Rich, Nanfan.
1 Rich. Nanfan.
2 Idem.
3 Joh. Savage, mil. for five
8 Joh. Savage, arm. for five
13 Joh. Savage, mil. for twelve
HEN. Vltl.
1 Joh, Savage, mil. for seven
8 Will. Compton, mil. for
nineteen years.
3. Johannes Savage, Mil. — I behold him (and am sure
General Monk.— Ed.
my eyes are not deceived) as the same with that person who
was made knight of the Garter, and privy-councillor to the king.
Yet will I not be positive, whether it was he or his son who,
removing into Cheshire, and marrying the heir-general of the
ancient family of Bostocks, attained thereby a great inheritance,
and was ancestor to the present earl of Rivers.
8. Will. Compton, Mil. — He was highly and deservedly a
favourite to this king ; so that, in the court, no lay-man, abating
only Charles Brandon (in whom affection and affinity met), was
equal unto him. He might have been, for wealth or honour,
what he pleased; but contented himself with what he was. His
son Peter married into the right honourable family of Shrews-
bury, and his grandson Sir Henry Compton was one of the three
H.C.^s [Henry Cary, Henry Compton, and Henry Cheney],
who were made barons by queen Elizabeth, ancestor to James
earl of Northampton, For the happiness of whom, and his,
when I cannot orally pray, I will make signs of my affection to
Anno Name and Arms. Place.
27 Walt. Walsh, arm.
Az. a fess betwixt six martlets S.
28 Idem ut prius,
29 Job. Russel, jun. . . Strensham.
Arg. a chevron betwixt three cross croslets fitchee S.
30 Rob. Acton, arm. . . Sutton.
G. a fess within a border engrailed Erm.
31 Gilbt. Talbott, mil. . . Grafton.
G, a lion rampant and a border engrailed O.
32 Job. Pakington, arm.
Per chevron S. and Arg, ; in chief three mullets O. in
base as many garbs G.
33 Joh. Russell, mil. . . ut prius,
34 Go. Throgmorton, mil. . Throgmorton.
G. on a chevron Arg. three ^bars gemelle S.
35 Tho. Hunkes, arm. . . Radbroke.
Arg. three mullets S. within a border plate e.
36 Joh. Talbott, mil. . . ut prius.
37 Rob. Acton, mil. . . . ut prius,
38 Joh. Russel, mil. , . ut prius,
1 Will. Sheldon, mil. . . Beely.
S. a fess Arg. betwixt three swans proper.
2 Rich. Ligon, mil.
Arg. two lions passant G.
Anno Name. Place.
3 Will. Gower, arm.
Az. a chevron between three wolves' heads erased O.
4 Will. Ligon, arm. . . ut prius.
5 Tho Russell, mil. . . ut prius.
6 Joh. Talbott, mil. . . ut prius,
1 Hen. Dingley, arm. . . Charlton.
Arg. a fess S. a mullet betwixt two ogresses in chief.
2 Joh. Talbott, arm. . . ut prius.
3 Tho. Baskervile, mil.
Arg. a chevron G. betwixt three hurts proper.
4 Will. Sheldon, arm. . ut prius.
5 Joh. Littleton, arm. . . Frankley.
Arg. a chevron between three escalop shells S.
6 Joh. Knottesford, arm.
Arg. four fusils in fess S.
1 Tho. Russell, arm. . . ut prius.
2 Will Ligon, arm. . . ut prius.
3 Tho. Packington, mil. . ut prius.
4 Galfr, Markham, arm. . ut prius.
Az. ; in chief O. a lion issuant G. and border Arg.
5 Tho. Baskervile, mil. . ut prius.
6 Will. JefFeryes, et . . Holm. Caf.
S. a lion rampant betwixt three scaling-ladders O.
Will. Hunkes, arm. . . ut prius.
7 Anth. Daston, arm.
8 Joh. Littleton, mil. . . ut prius.
9 Will. Sheldon, arm. . ut prius.
10 Hen. Dingley, arm. . . ut prius.
11 Tho. Russell, mil. . . ut prius, ^ .
12 Fran. Walsh, arm. . . ut prius.
13 Joh. Rowse, arm. . . Rouslench.
S. two bars engrailed Arg.
14 Joh. Littleton, mil. . . ut prius.
15 Rich. Ligon, arm. . . ut prius.
16 Edw. Colles, arm.
17 Edw. Harewell, arm. . BifFord.
Arg. on a fess nebule S. three liares' heads couped of the
18 Rad. Sheldon, arm. . . ut prius.
19 Joh. Russell, arm. . . ut prius.
20 Hen. Berkley, arm.
G. a chevron betwixt ten crosses Arg.
21 Walt. Blunt, arm, . , Kidderminster.
Barry nebule of six O. and S.
22 Fran. Walsh, arm. . . ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
23 Tho. FoUiat, arm. . . Parton.
Arg. a lion rampant queue fourche Purpure, armed G.
crowned O,
24 Joh. Walshburne^ arm. vt infra.
25 Rich. Ligon, arm. . . ut prius.
26 Gilb. Littleton^ arm. . ut prius,
27 Tho. Lucy, mil. . . . Warwick.
G. crusuly O. three lucies or pikes hauriant Arg.
28 Will. Child, arm. . . Northwick.
G. a chevron Erm. betwixt three eagles close O.
29 Egid. Read, arm.
30 Geor. Winter .... Huddington.
S. a fess Erm.
31 Will. Savage, arm,
Arg. six lions rampant S.
32 Edw. Colles, arm. . . ut prius.
33 Hen. Bromeley, mil.
Quarterly per fess indented G. and O.
34 Will. Ligon, arm. . . ut prius.
35 Tho. Biggs, arm. . . . Lenchwick.
Arg. on a fess betwixt three ravens proper, as many
annulets of the field.
36 Joh. Pakington, mil. . ut prius.
37 Tho. Folhat, arm. . . ut prius.
38 Edw. Harewell, arm. . ut prius.
39 Fran. Dingley, arm. . . ut prius.
40 Will. Walsh, arm. . . ut prius.
41 Will. Child, arm. . . ut prius.
42 Joh. Washborn, arm.
Arg. on a fess betwixt six martlets G. three quatrefoils of
the first.
43 Will, Savage, arm. . . ut prius.
44 Geor. Blunt, arm. . . ut prius.
45 Th. Russel, mil ; et 1 Ja. ut prius.
1 Tho. Russel, mil. . . ut prius.
2 Rich. Walsh, arm. . . ut prius.
3 Will. Barnaby, arm. . Acton.
Arg. a lion passant gardant between three escalops S.
4 Walt. Snage, arm.
5 Joh. Pakington, mil. . ut prius.
6 Arno. Ligon, mil. . . ut prius.
7 Rich. Greves, mil.
8 Joh. Rowse, mil. . . ut prius.
9 Edr. Pitt, mil. . . . Churwiard.
Az. three bars, and as many stars in chief O.
10 Joh. Savage, arm. . . ut prius.
Rob. Berkeley, arm,
Sher. Talbott, arm.
Fran. Moore, arm.
Will. Jefferies, arm.
ut prius.
ut prius.
Vs'^. Berkeley, arm
. ut prius.
. ut prius.
Sam. Sandys, mil.
O. afess indented betwixt three crosses croslets fitchee G,
Walt. Blunt, arm. . . ut prius,
AVill. Kite, arm.
19 Edr. Seabright, arm. . Besford,
Arg. three cinquefoils S.
20 Joh. Woodward, mil.
21 Joh. Culpepi^er, arm. . Kent.
a bend eno^railed G.
22 Egid. Sayage, mil.
ut 2)rms,
CAR. Rex.
Walt. Devereux, mil.
Arg. a fess G. ; in chief three torteaux.
Edw. Cookes, arm.
Rich. Skynner, arm.
Hen. Bromley, arm.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
lit prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
Will. Jeffreys, arm.
Arth, Smithes, mil.
7 Jacob. Pitt, mil. .
8 Tho. Good, arm.
9 Joh. Keyt, arm.
10 Joh. Sayage, arm.
1 1 Will. Russel, bar.
12 Joh. Rows, mil. .
13 Edw. Din o ley, arm.
14 Tho. Greayes, arm.
15 Joh. Winford, arm.
19. John Russel, Arm.— The same gentleman, no doubt,
who was afterwards knighted, and betwixt whom and Sir Henry
Berkeley was so deadly a quarrel, as that great bloodshed was
likely to haye ensued, at the sessions in Worcester, by reason of
their many friends and followers engaged therein. But doctor
VVhitgift, then bishop of Worcester, and vice-president of Wales
(in the absence of Sir Henry Sidney, then in Ireland) wisely
prevented it, by providing a strong watch at the gates, and
about the city : and requiring them to bring both narties, with
their attendants, well guarded, to his palace. Here he caused
them all (to the number of four or five hundred)* to deliver
their weapons into his own servants^ custody ; and after two
hours pains taken^ sometimes in persuading, and otherwhiles in
threatening them, he made them so good friends, that they both
attended him hand in hand to the Town-hall, where, in amity
and love, they performed the service of their country.
36. John Packington, Mil. — It is now good manners for
me to hold my peace, and listen to a privy councillor,t thus de-
scribing his character : " He was a gentleman of no mean
family, of form and feature no ways disabled, a very fine cour-
tier, and for the time which he stayed there (which was not
lasting), very high in the queen's grace. But he came in, and
went out ; and, through disassiduity, drew the curtain between
himself and the light of her favour; and then death over-
whelmed the remnant, and utterly deprived him of recovery.
And they say of him, that had he brought less to the court than
he did, he might have carried away more than he brought ; for
he had a time of it, but was no good husband of opportunity.^^
2. Richard Walsh, Arm. — I find him called in our chro-
nicles (perchance by a prolepsis) Sir Richard Walsh. Yea, I
find him styled so by him who best might,J because he made
him so, knighting him for his good service.
In his sheriffalty, the powder-traitors, ferreted out of War-
wickshire by Sir Richard Verney, were as fiercely followed by
Sir Richard Walsh, out of the bounds of this county, till they
took covert in the house of Stephen Littleton, at Hallbach in
Stafl:brdshire.§ This discreet sheriff, not standing on the punc-
tilio of exceeding his commission, in a case wherein the peace
of the kingdom was so highly concerned, prosecuted his advan-
tage, and beset the house round about, till both the Wrights
were killed in the place, Catesby and Percy slain with one
bullet, Rookwood and Winter wounded, all the rest appre-
Many smart skirmishes have happened in this county, and near
this city. We only insist on that fatal fight, September the
third, 1651.
Know then (as introductory thereunto) that his majesty, on
the first of August foregoing, began his march from Edin-
burgh into England, not meeting with any considerable oppo-
* Sir George Paul, in the Life of Archbishop Whitgift, p. 23.
I Sir Robert Naunton, in Fragmenta Regalia.
j King James, in Discourse of Powder Treason, p. 244.
§ Stow's Chronicle, p. 880, and Speed's, p. 920,
sition (those at Warrington being soon put to flight by his pre-
sence), until he came to Worcester. His army consisted of
twelve thousand effectual fighting men (whereof two thousand
English, the rest of the Scottish nation) ; but neither excel-
lently armed, nor plentifully stored with ammunition, whilst
the Parhament forces under Cromwell more than doubled that
number, wanting nothing [but a good cause] that an army could
wish or desire.
The royaUsts' chief est strength consisted in two passes they
possessed over the river of Severn, which proved not advan-
tageous according to expectation ; for the enemy found the river
fordable elsewhere ; and the bridge and pass at Upton, though
valiantly defended by major-general Massey (who received a
shot in his hand) was forced by Lambert pouring in unequal
numbers on the king^s forces. Besides, Cromwell finished a
bridge of boards and planks over the main river, with more ce-
lerity, and less resistance, than could have been expected in a
matter of such importance.
Then began the battle ; wherein his majesty, to remember
his subjects^ good, forgot his own safety, and gave an incom-
parable example of valour to the rest, by charging in his own
person. This was followed by fcAV to the same degree of danger ;
but imitated in the greatest measure by the Highlanders, fight-
ing with the butt-ends of their muskets when their ammunition
was spent. But new supplies constantly charging them, and
the main body of the Scotch horse not coming up in due time
from the city to his majesty^s relief, his army was forced to re-
treat in at Sudbury-gate in much disorder.
If there were (which "some more than whisper) false and foul
play in some persons of principal trust ; as they have had a great
space seasonably, God grant them his grace sincerely to re-
pent, for their treacherous retarding the happiness, prolonging
and increasing the miseries, of a gracious king and three great
nations ! Sure it is, here were slain the flower of the Scottish
loyal gentry, with the most illustrious William (formerly earl
of Laneric) duke of Hamilton. As for common soldiers, some
few who had escaped had a longer life, to have a sadder death,
wandering in the country till other men^s charity and their own
strength failed them.
Since, how God hath conducted his majesty miraculously,
through labyrinths of many difficulties, to the peaceable pos-
session of his throne, is notoriously known to the wonder of
the world.
Here my Muse heartily craveth leave to make an humble
address to his majesty; depositing at his feet the ensuing
Panegyric : —
At Worc'ster great God's goodness to our nation,
It was a conquest your bare preservation.
Wlien midst your fiercest foes on every side
For your escape God did a Lane provide ;
They saw you gone, but whither could not tell,
Star-staring, though they asked both heaven and hell.
Of foreign states you since have studied store,
And read whole libraries of princes o'er.
To you all forts, towns, towers, and ships are known
(But none like those which now become your own).
And though your eyes were with all objects filled,
Only the good into your heart distilled.
Garbling men's manners, you did well divide :
To take the Spaniards' wisdom, not their pride ;
With French activity you stored your mind,
Leaving to them their fickleness behind ;
And soon did learn, your temperance was such,
A sober industry even from the Dutch.
But tell us, gracious sovereign, from whence
Took you the pattern of your patience ?
Learnt in affliction's school, under the rod,
Which was both used and sanctified by God.
From Him alone that lesson did proceed,
Best tutor with best pupil best agreed.
We, your dull subjects, must confess our crime,
Who learnt so little in as long a time
And the same school. Thus dunces' poring looks
Mend not themselves, but only mar their books.
How vast the difference 'twixt wise and fool !
The master makes the scholar, not the school .
With rich conditions Rome did you invite.
To purchase you their royal proselyte,
(An empty soul's soon tempted with full coffers),
W^hilst you with sacred scorn refused their proffers.
And for the Faith did earnestly contend
Abroad, which now you do at home defend.
Amidst all storms, calm to yourself the while,
Saddest afflictions you did teach to smile.
Some faces best become a mourning dress ;
And such your patience, which did grace distress :
Whose soul, despising want of worldly pelf,
At lowest ebb went not beneath itself.
VOL. III. 2 c
God's justice now no longer could dispense
With the abusing of His providence.
To hear success his approbation styl'd,
And see the bastard brought against the child.
[Scripture] by such, who in their own excuse
Their actings 'gainst his writings did produce.
The pillar which God's people did attend,
To them in night a constant light did lend,
Though dark unto th' Egyptians behind;
Such was brave Monck in his reserved mind,
A riddle to his foes he did appear.
But to you and himself, sense plain and clear.
By means unlikely God achieves his end,
And crooked ways straight to his honour tend ;
The great and ancient gates of London town,
(No gates, no city) now are voted down,
And down were cast, O happy day ! for all
Do date our hopeful rising from their fall.
Men's loyal thoughts conceived their time was good.
But God's was best ; without one drop of blood,
By a dry conquest, without foreign hand,
{Self-hurt, and now) self-healed is our land.
This silent turn did make no noise, O strange !
Few saw the changing, all behold the change.
So Solomon most wisely did conceive.
His temple should be still- bom, though alive.
That stately structure started fi'om the ground
Unto the roof, not guilty of the sound
Of iron-tool, all noise therein debarr'd ;
This virgin-temple thus was seen, not heard.
Th' impatient land did for your presence long,
England in swarms did into Holland throng.
To bring your highness home, by th' Parliament,
Lords, Commons, citizens, divines were sent :
Such honour subjects never had before,
Such honour subjects never shall have more.
Th' officious wind to serve you did not fail,
But scour' d from the west to east to fill your sail ;
And, fearing that his breath might be too rough,
Prov'd over civil, and was scarce enough ;
Almost you were becalm'd amidst the main.
Prognostic of your perfect peaceful reign.
Your narrow seas, for foreigners do wrong
To claim them (surely doth the ditch belong
Not to the common Continent, but Isle
Inclosed) did on you their owner smile,
Not the least loss, only the Naseby maris
To see herself now drowned in the Charles.
You land at Dover ; shoals of people come,
And Kent alone now seems all Christendom.
The Cornish rebels (eight score summers since)
At black-heath fought against their lawful prince ;
Which doleful place, with hateful treason stain'd,
Its credit now by loyalty regain'd.
Great London the last station you did make ;
You took not it, but London you did take.^
And now no wonder men did silence break,
When Conduits did both French and Spanish speak.
Now at White-hall the guard, which you attends.
Keeps out your foes, God keep you from your friends !
The bells aloud did ring, for joy they felt ;
Hereafter sacrilege shall not them melt.
And round about the streets the bonfires blaz'd.
With which New-lights fanatics were amaz'd.
The brandishd swords this boon begg'd before death,
Once to be shewed, then buried in the sheath.
The Spaniard, looking with a serious eye,
Was forc'd to trespass on his gravity.
Close to conceal his wondering he desir'd,
But all in vain, who openly admir'd.
The French, who thought the English mad in mind,
Now fear too soon they may them sober find.
The Germans seeing this your sudden power.
Freely confess'd another emperor.
The joyful Dane to heav'ns cast up his eyes,
Presuming suffering kings will sympathise.
The Hollanders (first in a sad suspense)
Hop'd that your mercy was their innocence.
Long live our gracious Charles, second to none
In honour, who e'er sate upon the throne.
Be you above your ancestors renown'd,
Whose goodness wisely doth your greatness bound ;
And, knowing that you may be what you would,
Are pleased to be only what you should.
Europe's great arbitrator, in your choice
Is plac'd of Christendom the casting voice.
Hold you the scales in your judicious hand.
And when the equal beam shall doubtful stand,
As you are pleased to dispose one grain,
So falls or riseth either France or Spain.
As Sheba's queen defective Fame accus'd,
Whose niggardly relations had abus'd
Th' abundant worth of Solomon, and told
Not half of what she after did behold :
The same your case, Fame hath not done you right ;
Our ears are far out-acted by our sigh .
2 c 2
388 WORTHIES of worcestrrsiurf.
Yourself s the ship return'd from foreign trading,
Enjjland's your port, experience the lading.
God is the pilot ; and now, richly fraught.
Unto the port the ship is safely brought.
"What's dear to you, is to your subjects cheap ;
You sow'd with pain what we with pleasure reap.
The good-made laws by you are now made good.
The prince and people's right both understood :
Both being bank'd in their respective station,
No fear hereafter of an inundation.
Oppression, the king's evil, long endur'd,
By others caus'd, by you alone is cur'd.
And here my Muse craves her own Nunc dimittis, never to
make verses more ; and because she cannot write on a better^
will not write on another occasion, but heartily pray in prose
for the happiness of her lord and master. And now, having
taken our Vale of verses, let us therewith take also our Farewell
of Worcestershire,
I read in a good author* how the State of Lunenburg
in Germany (whose chief revenues arise from the sale of salt)
prohibited poor people the benefit thereof. Whereupon Divine
Providence (offended that a monopoly was made of his mercy)
stopped the flowing of those salt-springs for a time, till the poor
were restored to their partage therein. I am not particularly
instructed, what share the poor have in the salt of this shire,
not knowing how their interest is stated therein : but I presume
the concernments of the poor are well cared for, and all things
equally ordered betwixt them and rich people, grounding my
confidence on the long and large continuance of the salt-pits
amongst them. All I will add is this; I shall pray that they
may endeavour for spiritual-soul-savouriness, ^^ that their speech
may be always with grace season ed.^^-^f-
As for the loyal city of Worcester (which deserves a particu-
lar Farewell by itself), I heartily desire that God would be
pleased to restore unto it the years which the locust, caterpillar,
and palmer-worm, have devoured. And how quickly can he do it
(as by infinite other ways, so) by blessing the clothing, the staj)le
commodity in this county ! not formerly omitted by me, but
pretermitted till this occasion. Sure it is, that the finest
(though this may seem a word of challenge) cloth of England is
made at Worcester ; and such, I believe, was that which Eras-
mus,J that great critic (who knew fine cloth as well as pure
* Fines Morison, in his Travels, p. 3. f Col. iv. 6.
X In his Colloquy, intituled, " Uxor Mf//\{//ya«of.
Latin) calleth pannns Britanyiicus ; Lempster wool (in the neigh-
bouring county of Hereford) being here made into (pardon the
prolepsis till it be dyed) the purest scarlet.
John Baskerville^ celebrated printer at Birmingham,
improver of type-founding ; born at Wolverley 1 706 ; died
Major John Bernardi, Jacobite, brave adventurer, imprisoned
by the decree of six parliaments, under four sovereigns, for
forty years ; born at Evesham 1657 ; died 1736.
Thomas Blount, miscellaneous writer, author on Manorial
Tenures; born at Bordesley 1618; died 1670.
William Bowles, divine and poet; born at Hagley; died
Samuel Butler, author of the satirical poem of " Hudibras ;''
born at Strensham 1612; died 1680.
William Derham, philosopher, divine, and author ; born at
Stoulton 1657; died 1735.
George Hooper, bishop of Bath and Wells, orientalist, and
learned author; born at Grimley 1640; died 1727-
William Hopkins, divine, linguist, and antiquary ; born at
Evesham 1647; died 170O.
William Huskisson, statesman; born at Birts Morton 1770;
(accidentally killed at the opening of the Liverpool and Man-
chester railway 1830.)
George Lord Lyttelton, statesman, historian, and poet,
and patron of learned men; l)orn at Hagley 1709; died
Dr. Treadway Russel Nash, divine, antiquary, and historian of
the county, and annotator on Hudibras ; born at Clerkenleap
in Kempsey 1725 ; died 1811.
William Price, orientalist; born at Worcester; died 1830.
Henry Savage, divine and topographer ; born at Eldersfield ;
died 1672.
Edmund Smith, surnamed " Rag Smith,'^ from the carelessness
of his dress ; scholar, critic, and poet, friend of Steele and
Addison; born 1668; died 1709.
William Smith, divine, author, and translator ; born at Wor-
cester 1711 ; died 1787-
John SoMERS, lord chancellor, statesman and author; born at
Worcester 1650 or 1652 ; died 17I6.
John Wall, physician, who discovered the medicinal pro-
perties of the Malvern springs, &c. ; born at Powick 17O8 ; died
William Walsh, M. P. critic and poet; born at Abberley
1663; died 171O.
*»* Topography is deeply indebted to the labours of the Rev. Dr. Treadway
Nash for his valuable Collections for the History of Worcestershire, which wei-e
published in 2 vols, folio in 1781. The original collectors were Thomas Habing-
don and his son Wiiliam; and the MSS of both, augmented by those of Dr. Tho-
mas and Bp. Lyttletoii, having been bequeathed to the Society of Antiquaries, Dr.
Nash was indulged, in 1774, with the unreserved use of them for the purpose of
Of the City and Cathedral of Worcester, there have been various publications,
by different authors ; viz. by Mr. Thos. Abingdon (1717) ; by the Rev. Dr. Tho-
mas (1737); and by "Valentine Green (1796); and in 1829 a small 12 mo vol.
was published anonymously. In 1794, appeared the Rev. W. Tindal's History
of Evesham, and Mr. J. Payton's History of Dudley Castle and Priory ; to which
may be added the Rev, J. Barrett's Description of Malvern. — Ed.
Yorkshire hath the bishopric of Durham and Westmor-
land on the north ; Lancashire and a snip of Cheshire on the
west ; Derby, Nottingham, and Lincohishire (divided by the
Humber)on the south ; and the German ocean on the east thereof.
It extendeth (without any angular advantages) unto a square of
fourscore and ten miles, adequate in all dimensions unto the
dukedom of Wirtemburg in Germany. Yea, on due considera-
tion I am confident that all the Seven United Provinces cannot
present such a square of solid continent, without any sea inter-
One may call and justify this to be the best shire of England,
and that not by the help of the general catachresis of good for
great (a good blow, good piece, &c.) but in the proper accepta-
tion thereof. If in TuUy's Orations (all being excellent) that is
adjudged ''^optima quae longissima," (the best which is the
longest), then, by the same proportion, this shire (partaking in
goodness alike with others) must be allowed the best ; seeing
Devonshire itself, the next in largeness, wisely sensible of the
visible inequality betwixt them, quits all claims of co-rivality (as
a case desperate), and acknowledgeth this as paramount in
Indeed, though other counties have more of the warm sun,
this hath as much as any of God's [temporal] blessings. So
that let a surveyor set his centre at Pontefract or thereabouts,
and take thence the circumference of twenty miles, he there will
meet with a tract of ground not exceeded for any, nor equalled
for the goodness and plenty of some commodities. I would
term it the garden of England, save because it is so far from the
Mansion-house, I mean, the city of London; insomuch that such
sullen dispositions, who do not desire to go thither only because
of the great distance, the same if settled there would nor desire
to come thence, such the delight and pleasure therein.
Most true it is, that when king Henry the Eighth, anno 1548,
made his progress to York, doctor Tonstall, bishojD of Dur-
ham, then attending on him, shewed the king a valley
(being then some few miles north of Doncaster), which the
bishop * avowed to be the richest that ever he found in all his
travels through Europe ; for, within ten miles of Hasselwood,
the seat of the Vavasors, there were — 165 manor-houses of
lords, knights, and gentlemen of the best quality; 275 several
woods, whereof some of them contain five-hundred acres ; 32
parks, and two chases of deer; 120 rivers and brooks, whereof
five be navigable, well stored with salmon and other fish ; ^6
water-mills, for the grinding of corn on the aforesaid rivers ;
25 coal-mines, which yield abundance of fuel for the whole
county; 3 forges for the making of iron, and stone enough
for the same.
And within the same limits as much sport and pleasure for
hunting, hawking, fishing, and fowling, as in any place of Eng-
land besides.
A word of the name, colour, virtues, and usefulness thereof.
In Latin it is called ^agates (as different in nature, as alike in
name to the precious stone called gagites, only found in an
eaglets nest), whence our English word geat is deduced. But
be it remembered, that the agate, vastly distinct from geat, is
also named gagates.
It is found in this county, towards the sea- side, in the clefts
of the rocks, whose gaping chaps are filled up therewith. t It is
naturally of a reddish and rusty colour, till it becomes black and
bright by polishing. Indeed the lustre consists of the blackness
thereof (Negroes have their beauties as well as fair folk) ; and vul-
gar eyes confound the inlayings made of black marble (polished
to the height), with touch, geat, and ebo7iy ; though the three
former be stones, the last a kind of wood.
The virtues of geat are hitherto concealed. It is the lightest
of all solid (not porous) stones, and may pass for the emblem of
our memories, attracting trifles thereto, and letting slip mat-
ters of more moment. Rings are made thereof (fine foils to
fair fingers) ; and bracelets with beads, here used for ornament,
beyond sea for devotion ; also small utensils, as salt-cellars, and
the like. But hear how a poet % describes it :
JVascilur in Lj/cld lapis, (I prope geniiyia Gagaies ;
Sed genus exlniiumfcccunda Britannia mittit.
Lucidus et niger est, levis et Icsvicissimus idem :
Vicinas paleas irahit altritu calefactus,
Ardet aqud lotus, restingnitur unctus oliyo.
*' Geat, a stone, and kind of gem,
In Lycia grows ; but best of them
Most fruitful Britain sends ; 'tis bright
And black, and smooth, and very light.
* Out of a Manuscript of William Vavasor of Hasselwood, esquire.
t Camden's Britannia, in this county.
X Marbodeeus, in suo de Gemmis libello.
" If rubb'd to heat, it easily draws
Unto itself both chaff and straws.
Water makes it fiercely flame,
Oil doth quickly quench the same."
The two last qualities some conceive to agree better to our
sea-coal than geat; whence it is, that some stiffly maintain^ that
those are the British g agates meant by foreign authors ; and in-
deed, if preciousness of stones be measured, not from their
price and rarity but usefulness, they may be accounted pre-
cious. But hereof formerly, in the Bishopric of Durham.
This was first found out nigh Gisborough in this county, some
sixty years since, by that worthy and learned knight Sir Thomas
Chaloner (tutor to prince Henry) on this occasion. He observed
the leaves of trees thereabouts more deeply green than elsewhere;
the oaks broad-spreading, but not deep-rooted; with much
strength, but little sap ; the earth clayish, variously coloured, here
white, there yellowish, there blue, and the ways therein in a clear
night glistering hke glass ; symptoms which first suggested unto
him the "presumption of minerals, and of alum most properly.
Yet some years interceded betwixt the discovery and per-
fecting thereof ; some of the gentry of the vicinage burying their
estates here under earth, before the alum could be brought to
its true consistency. Yea, all things could not fadge with them,
until they had brought (not to say stolen) over three prime
workmen in hogsheads from Rochelle in France ; whereof one,
Lambert Russell by name, and a Walloon by birth, not long
since deceased. But, when the work was ended, it was adjudged
a mine-royal, and came at last to be rented by Sir Paul Pindar,
who paid yearly to the king 12,500/.; to the earl of Mulgrave
1,640/. ; to Sir William Penniman 600/. ; besides large salaries to
numerous clerks, and daily wages to rubbish-men, rockmen,
pit-men, and house-men or fire-men ; so that at one time (when
the mines were in their majesty) I am credibly informed, he
had in pay no fewer than eight hundred by sea and land.
Yet did not the knight complain of his bargain, who having
the sole sale of the commodity to himself, kept up the reputa-
tion thereof, and the price of alum at six-and-twenty pounds the
ton. This he did the easier, because no better, and scarce
other (save what from Rome and Rochelle) alum in all Eu-
But the late long-lasting parliament voted it a monopoly ;
and restored the benefit thereof to the former proprietaries,
who now pursue the work at five several places: 1. Sands-
end, "and 2. Ash-holme, belonging to the ear of Mulgrave:
3. Slapy-wath, Sir WiUiam (formerly Penniman's) Darcey's :
4. Dunsley, Mr. Thomas Fairfax's : 5. Whitby, Su* Hugh
Such now the emulation betwixt these owners to undersell
one another, that the commodity is fallen to thirteen pound
the ton.
Great the use hereof in physic and surgery, as a grand
astringent. Besides, much thereof is daily employed by clo-
thiers, glovers, dyers, &c. ; so that some will maintain, that
another thing in England, as white and far sweeter than alum,
may of the two be better spared, with less loss to the common-
I am credibly informed that, within a few miles of Pontefract,
no less than twenty thousand pounds worth of this coarse com-
modity is yearly made, and vended in the vicinage. It is a
great fertilizer of ground, if judiciously disposed of. Indeed
the laying of lime on light and sandy ground (like the giving
hot cordials to persons in high fevers, enough to drive them
into a frenzy) will soon burn out the heart thereof; which
bestowed on cold and chill ground brings it to a fruitful consis-
tency, and, prudently ordered, it will for a long time retain the
These are men's wings, wherewith they make such, speed. A
generous creature a horse is, sensible in some sort of honour,
made most handsome by (that which deforms man most) pride.
The kings of Israel were not forbidden (as some may mistake)
the having, but the multiplying of them ;* chiefly because they
were a foreign, yea, an Eg^^ptian commodity, and God would
cut off from his children all occasion of commerce with that
country, which was the staple -place of idolatry.
Our English horses have a mediocrity of all necessary good
properties in them; as neither so slight as the Barb, nor so
slovenly as the Fiemish,nor so fiery as the Hungarian, nor so airy
as the Spanish gennets (especially if, as reported, they be con-
ceived of the wind), nor so earthly as those in the Low Countries,
and generally all the German horse. For stature and strength,
they are of a middle size, and are both seemly and serviceable
in a good proportion. And, whilst the seller praiseth them too
much, the buyer too little, the indifferent stander-by will give
them this due commendation.
It is confessed that our English horse never performed any emi-
nent and signal service beyond the seas, in comparison of the
achievements of their infantry. Partly, because our horses, sent
over many together in ships^beat and heat themselves, and are not
for sudden use in the field after their transportation; so that some
time of rest must be allowed them for their recovery: partly be-
cause the genius of the English hath always more inclined them to
the foot service, as pure and proper manhood indeed without any
* Deut. xvii. 16.
mixture ; whilst in a victory on horse-back, the credit thereof
ought in equity to be divided betwixt the man arid his horse.
Yorkshire doth breed the best race of EngUsh horses, whose
keeping commonly in steep and stony ground bringeth
them to firmness of footing and hardness of hoof; whereas
a stud of horses bred in foggy fenny ground and soft rotten
morasses (delicacy mars both man and beast) have often a fen
in their feet, being soft, and soon subject to be foundered.
Well may Philip be so common a name amongst the gentry of
this county, who are generally so delighted in horsemanship.
I have done with this subject, when I have mentioned the
monition of David, " An horse is but a vain thing to serve a
man ; ^^* though it is no vain thing to slay a man, by many
casualties; such need we have, whether waking or sleeping,
whether walking or riding, to put ourselves by prayer into
divine protection.
As for clothing, so vigorously followed in this county, we
refer it to our Farewell in this our description; and here
insist on
These are the teeth of old men, and useful to those of all
ages ; for, though some think themselves scarce gentlemen
with knives, as good as they conceive themselves scarce men
without them, so necessary they are on all occasions. The
most of these for common use of country people are made in
this county ; whereof the bluntest, with a sharp stomach, will
serve to cut meat if before them. Sheffield, a remarkable mar-
ket, is the staple town for this commodity, and so hath been
these three hundred years ; witness Chaucer, speaking of the
accoutrements of the miller,
" A Sheffield whitel bare he in his hose."f
One may justly wonder how a knife may be sold for one penny,
three trades anciently distinct concurring thereunto, bladers,
haft-makers, and sheath-makers, all since united into the corpo-
ration of Cutlers. Nor must we forget, that though plain knife-
making was very ancient in this county, yet Thomas Matthews on
Fleet-bridge,t London, was the first Englishman who (quinto Eli-
zabethse) made fine knives,§ and procured a prohibition, that no
more ships-lading of hafts should be brought from beyond the seas.
A pin passeth for that which is next to nothing, or (if you
will) is the terminus a quo from which something doth begin,
* Psal. xxxiii. 17. f Folio 15.
X The river Fleet was then navigable to Holborn bridge Ed.
§ Stow's Chronicle, p. 1038.
and proceed from a pin to a pound, &c. However it is consi-
derable both as hurtful and useful ; hurtful, if advantageously-
placed it may prove as mortal as apoignard, the life of the greatest
man lying at the mercy of the meanest thing ; useful, not only to
fasten our ornaments, but fill up the chinks betwixt our clothes,
lest wind and weather should shoot through them.
Many and very good of these are made in this county ; a
commodity not to be slighted, since the very dust that falls
from them is found profitable. We commonly say that it is
not beneath a proper person to stoop to take up a pin, until he
be worth ten thousand pounds, according to the thrifty rule in
Latin, Qui negligit minima nunquam ditescet. Such who admire
that so many millions of pins, made, sold, used, and lost in
England, should vanish away invisible, may rather wonder how
so many that wear them (being no more than pins in tlie hands
of their Maker) do decay, die, and slip down in the dust,
in silence and obscurity. I will add, that the world is well
altered with England as to this commodity, now exporting so
much of them into foreign parts ; whereas formerly " strangers
have sold pins in this land to the value of threescore thousand
pounds a year.*
About a mile and a half from Knaresborough westward, in a
moorish boggy ground, ariseth a spring of a vitrioline taste and
odour. It was discovered by one Master Slingsby about the
year 1620, and is conceived to run parallel w^ith the Spa waters
in Germaiiy.
Not far off is a sulphur well, which hath also the qualities of
saltness and bitterness : the stench whereof though offensive
(patients may hold their nose, and take wholesome physic) is
recompensed by the virtues thereof; insomuch (as my authorf
saith) "it heateth and quickeneth the stomach, bowels, liver,
spleen, blood, veins, nerves, and indeed the whole body ; in-
somuch that it consumes crudities, rectifieth all cold distempers
in all parts of the body, causeth a good digestion, cureth the
dropsy, spleen, scurvy, green sickness, gout." And here it is
high time to hold still ; for, if this last be true, let that disease,
which formerly was called dedecus medicince, be hereafter termed
decus fontis Knaresburgensis.
In the same parish, over against the castle (the river Nid
running betwixt), ariseth a spring, which runneth a little way
in an entire stream, till dammed at the brow of the descent with
ragged rocks, it is divided into several trickling branches, where-
of some drop, some stream down, partly over, partly through a
jetting rock, this is called the Petrifying Well (how gramma-
* Stow's Chronicle, p. 1038.
f John French, doctor of physic, in his Yorkshire Spa, p. 1 1 3.
tically I will not engage), because it convertetli spongy substances
into stone, or crusteth them over round about.*
We must not forget Saint Mungus^s Well, which some have
slighted as an ineffectual superstitious relic of Popery, whilst
others maintain it hath regained its reputation, and is of sove-
reign virtue* Some will have the name thereof mistaken for
Saint Magnus, which in my opinion was rather so called from
Saint Mungo [Kentigermis in Latin), a Scottish saint, and
much honoured in these northern parts. I believe no place in
England can shew four springs, so near in situation, so distant
in operation.
Such as desire to know more of the nature and use of these
springs ; of the time, manner, and quantity, wherein the waters
are to be taken ; and how the patient is to be dieted for his
greater advantage ; may inform themselves by perusing tw^o
small treatises, one set forth anno 1626, by Edmund Dean,
doctor of physic, living in York, called " Spadsacrena Anglica ;"
the other, written some six years since by John French, doctor
of physic, and is very satisfactory on that subject.
The Church of Beverley is much commended for a fine fa-
bric ; and I shall have a more proper occasion to speak here-
after of the collegiate church in Ripon.
But, amongst ancient civil structures, we must not forget
It is seated in the confluence of Derwent and Ouse. In what
plight it is now I know not ; but hear how Leland commendeth
it in his Itinerary through this county. It is built of square
stone, which some say was brought out of France ; it hath four
fair towers, one at each corner, and a gatehouse (wherein are
chambers five stories high), which maketh the fifth. In Leland's
time it looked as new built, though then one hundred years old,
as being erected by the lord Percy earl of Winchester in the
reign of king Richard the Second. Without the walls (but
within the moat) gardens done opere topiario. In a word, he
termeth it one of the properest buildings north of Trent.
But that which most affected him was a study, in an eight
square tower, called Paradise, furnished with curious and con-
venient desks, loaden wdth variety of choice books; but, as
Noah's flood is generally believed of learned men to have dis-
composed the Paradise in Eden, so I shrewdly suspect that the
deluge of time hath much impaired, if not wholly defaced, so
beautiful a building, then belonging to the earl of Northumber-
Amongst many fine and fair houses now extant in this county,
* See what I have formerly written of Wonders in Northamptonshire F,
we hear the highest commendation of Maulton, late the house
of the lord Euers.
*' From Hell, Hull, and Halifax, deliver us."]
This is part of the beggar's and vagrant's litany. Of these
three frightful things unto them, it is to be feared that they least
fear the first, conceiting it the furthest from them. Hull is ter-
rible unto them, as a town of good government,* where vagrants
meet with punitive charity, and 'tis to be feared are oftener cor-
rected than amended. Halifax is formidable unto them for the
law thereof, whereby thieves taken iTravrocbcopo), in the very act
of stealing cloth, are instantly beheaded with an engine,
without any further legal proceedings.
" A Scarborough warning,"]
That is, none at all, but a sudden surprise, when a mischief
is felt before it be suspected. This proverb is but of 104 years
standing, taking its original from Thomas Stafford, who, in the
reign of queen Mary, anno 1557? with a small company, seized
on Scarborough castle (utterly destitute of provision for resis-
tance) before the towns-men had the least notice of his ap-
proach.t However, within six days, by the industry of the earl
of Westmoreland, he was taken, brought to London, and be-
headed ; so that since the proverb accepteth a secondary (but no
genuine) sense ; and a " Scarborough warning " may be a caveat
to any, how he undertaketh a treacherous design. But, if any
conceive this proverb of more ancient original, fetching it from
the custom of Scarborough castle in former times, with which
it was not a word and a blow, but a blow before and without a
word ; as using to shoot ships v/hich passed by and struck not
sail, and so warning and harming them both together ; I can
retain mine own, without opposing their opinion.
" As true steel as Ripon rowels."]
It is said of trusty persons, men of metal, faithful in their em-
ployments. Spurs are a principal part of knightly hatchments ;
yea, a poet observes,!
" The lands that over Ouse to Berwick forth do bear,
Have for their blazon had the snaffle, spur, and spear."
Indeed, the best spurs of England are made at Ripon, a fa-
mous town in this county, whose rowels may be enforced to
strike through a shilling, and will break sooner than bow. How-
ever, the horses in this county are generally so good, they pre-
vent the spurs, or answer unto them, a good sign of thrifty me-
tal for continuance.
*' A Yorkshire way-bit."]
That is an overplus not accounted in the reckoning, which
* Others conceive it only to relate to the dangerous havi-n thereof. — F,
f Godwin, in his Annals of Queen Mary.
J Drayton, in his Polyolbion, Song II. p. 71.
sometimes proveth as much as all the rest. Ask a countryman
here on the highway, how far it is to such a town, and they com-
monly return, '^ So many miles and a way-bit ;" which way-bit
is enough to make the weary traveller surfeit of the length
thereof. If such over-measure be allowed to all yards, bushels,
&c. in this shire, the poor therein have no cause to complain of
their pennyworths, in buying any commodities.
But hitherto we have run along with common report and
false-spelling (the way not to win the race), and now return to
the starting-place again. It is not way-hit, though generally
so pronounced, but ivee-bit, a pure Yorkshireism, which is a
small bit in the northern language.
" Merry Wakefield."]
What peculiar cause of mirth this town has above others I
do not know, and dare not too curiously inquire, lest I turn
their^mirth among themselves into anger against me. Sure it is,
it is seated in a fruitful soil and cheap country ; and where good
cheer and company are the premises, mirth in common conse-
quence will be the conclusion ; which, if it doth not trespass in
time, cause, and measure, Heraclitus, the sad philosopher, may
perchance condemn 5 but Saint Hilary, the good father, will
surely allow.
Henry, youngest son to William duke of Normandy, but
eldest to king William the Conqueror (by whom he was begot-
ten after he was crowned king), on which politic criticism he
claimed and gained the crown from duke Robert his eldest bro-
ther, was, anno Domini IO70, born at Selby in this county. If
any ask what made his mxOther travel so far north from Lon-
don? know, it was to enjoy her husband^s company 5 who, to
prevent insurrections, and settle peace, resided many months
in these parts ; besides his peculiar affection to Selby, where
after he founded a mitred abbey.
This Henry was bred (say some) in Paris ; say others in Cam-
bridge,* and I may safely say in both ; wherein he so profited,
that he attained the surname of Beauclerk. His learning may
be presumed a great advantage to his long and prosperous reign
for thirty-five years and upwards, wherein he remitted the
Norman rigour, and restored to his subjects a great part of the
English laws and liberties.
Indeed his princely virtues, being profitable to all, did with
their lustre so dazzle the eyes of his subjects, that they did not
see his personal vices, as chiefly prejudicial to himself. For he
was very wanton, as appeareth by his numerous natural issue,
no fewer than fourteen,t all by him publicly owned ; the males
highly advanced, the females richly married, which is justly
* Tho. Rudburn, Leland, Fabian, Bale, and Pits, p. 203.
f Speed's Chronicle, p. 453.
reported to his praise, it being lust to beget, but love to besto^v
them. His sobriety otherwise was admirable, whose tempe-
rance was of proof against any meat objected to his appetite ;
lampreys alone excepted, on a surfeit whereof he died, anno
Domini 1135. He had only two children, William dying
before, and Maud surviving him, both born in Normandy, and
therefore omitted in our catalogue.
Thomas, fifth son of king Edward the First, and the first that
he had by Margaret his second wife, was born at (and surnamed
from) Brotherton, a small village in this county, June 1, anno
Domini 1300, He was created earl of Norfolk and earl-mar-
shal of England. He left no male issue ; but from his females,
the Mowbrays dukes of Norfolk, and from them the earls of
Arundel and lords Berkeley, are descended.
Richard Plantagenet, duke of York, commonly is
called Richard of Conisborough, from the castle in this shire of
his nativity.* The reader will not grudge him a place amongst
our princes, if considering him fixed in his generation betwixt
an antiperistasis of royal extraction ; being son to a son of a
king, Edmund of Langley duke of York, fifth son to king
Edward III. ; father to the father of a king, Richard duke of
York, father to king Edward IV.
Besides, he had married Anne daughter and sole heir to
Edward Mortimer, the true inheritrix of the crown. But, tam-
pering too soon and too openly, to derive the crown in his
wife's right to himself, by' practising the death of the present
king, he w^as taken, and beheaded for treason, in the reign of
king Henry the Fifth.
Edw^ard, sole son to king Richard the Third and Anne his
queen, was born in the castle of Middleham, near Richmond, in
this county ;t and was by his father created prince of Wales : —
a prince, who himself was a child of as much hopes as his father
a man of hatred. But he consumed away of a sudden, dying
within a month of his mother; king Richard little lamenting
the loss of either, and presently projecting to repair himself by
a new marriage.
The untimely death of this prince (in respect to the term to
which, by natural possibility, he might have attained) in his
innocent age, is generally beheld as a punishment on him for
the faults of his father. The tongue forswears ; the ears are
cutoff; the hand steals, the feet are stocked, and that justly,
because both consisting of the same body. And because proles
et pars parent is y it is agreeable with divine justice, to inflict on
children temporal judgments for defaults of their parents.
* Near to Rotherham. f Speed's Chronicle, p. 738.
Yet this judgment was a mercy to this prince^ that he might
not behold the miserable end of his father. Let me add^ and
a mercy also to all England; for, had he survived to a man^s
estate, he might possibly have proved a wall of partition, to
hinder the happy union of the two houses of York and Lan-
Hilda was daughter unto prince Hererick, nephew to Edwin
king of Northumberland ; and may justly be counted our
English Huldah, not so much for sameness of sex, and name-
sounding similitude, as more concerning conformities. Huldah
lived in a college ;* Hilda in a convent at Strenshalt in this
county. Huldah was the oracle of those times, as Hilda of her
age, being a kind of a moder air esse in a Saxon synod f (or con-
ference rather) called to compromise the controversy about the
celebration of Easter. I behold her as the most learned
English female before the Conquest, and may call her the She-
Gamaliel, at whose feet many learned men had their education.
She ended her holy life with a happy death, about the year of
our Lord 680.
Benedict Biscop was born, saith Pits, amongst the East
Saxons ; saith Hierome Porter % in Yorkshire, whom I rather
believe ; first, because, writing his life ex professo, he was
more concerned to be curious therein ; secondly, because this
Benedict had much familiarity with, and favour from, Oswy
king of Northumberland, in whose dominions he fixed himself,
building two monasteries, the one at the influx of the river
Were, the other at the river Tyne, into the sea, and stocking
them in his life-time with 600 Benedictine monks.
He made five voyages to Rome, and always returned full
fraught with relics, pictures, and ceremonies.
In the former is driven on as great a trade of cheating, as in
any earthly commodity ; insomuch that I admire to meet with
this passage in a Jesuit, and admire more that he met not with
the Inquisition for writing it. " Addam, nonnumquam in tem-
plis, reliquias dubias, profana corpora pro sanctorum (qui cum
Christo in coelo regnant) exuviis sacris fuisse proposita."
He left religion in England, braver, but not better, than he
found it. Indeed, what TuUy said of the Roman lady, " That
she danced better than became a modest woman," was true of
God^s service as by him adorned, the gaudiness prejudicing the
gra\dty thereof. He made all things according (not to the
pattern in the mount with Moses, but) the precedent of Rome ;
and his convent, being but the Romish transcript, became the
* 2 Chronicles xxxiv. 22. t Sir Henry Spelman's Councils.
X In his Flowers of the Lives of the Saints, p. 47.
English original, to which all monasteries in the land were sud-
denlj^ conformed.
In a word, I reverence his memory, not so much for his first
bringing over painted glass into England, as for his bringing up
pious Bede in his monastery. Being struck beneath the girdle
with the dead palsy, his soul retired into the upper rooms of
his clay cottage, much employed in meditation, until the day of
his death, which happened anno 703.
Saint John of Beverley may be challenged by this county, on
a threefold title; because therein he had his— 1. Birth; at
Harpham in this county, in the east Riding : 2. Life ; being three
and thirty years, and upwards, archbishop of York : 3. Death;
at Beverley in this county, in a college of his own foundation.
1 remember his picture in a window in the library at Salis-
bury, with an inscription under it (whose character may chal-
lenge to itself three hundred years^ antiquity), affirming him the
first Master of Arts in Oxford ; and Alfredus Beverlacensis
reporteth as much. Arts indeed were, and Oxford was (though
hardly an university) in that age ; but, seeing the solemnity of
graduating was then unknown, a judicious Oxonian "^ rejecteth
it as a fiction. More true it is, that he was bred at Strenshalt
under Hilda aforesaid, which soundeth something to her ho-
nour and nothing to his disgrace, seeing eloquent Apollos
himself learned the primer of his Christianity partly from
Priscilla.f He was afterwards educated under Theodorus the
Grecian, and archbishop of Canterbury. Yet was he not so
famous for his teacher as for his scholar, venerable Bede, who
wrote this John^s life, J which he hath so spiced with miracles,
that it is of the hottest for a discreet man to digest into his
Being very aged, he resigned his archbishopric, that he
might the more effectually apply his private devotions in his
college at Beverle}^, for which he procured the freed-stool from
king Athelstan. Yet such sanctuaries (though carrying some-
thing of holiness in their name) had a profane abuse for their
very use, making malefactors with their promise of impunity,
and then protecting them from justice. Saint John died May
7, 722 ; and was buried in the porch of his collegiate church.
A synod held at London 1416 assigned the day of his death
an anniverary solemnity to his memory.
Thomas Plant a genet. — Before I proceed, I must confess
myself formerly at a great loss to understand a passage in an
honourable author, speaking of the counterfeit relics detected
and destroyed at the Reformation : " The bell of Saint Guthlac,
* Bishop Godwin, in the Archbishops of York. f Acts xviii. 26.
t TTl-toria Ecclesise, lib. v. cap. 2, 3, &c.
and the felt of Saint Thomas of Lancaster, both remedies for
the head-ache/^*
But I could recover no Saint Thomas (saving him of Canter-
bury) in any Enghsh martyrology, till since on inquiry I find
him to be this Thomas Plantagenet.
He was earl of Derby, Lancaster, Leicester, and (in the right
of Alice his wife) of Linculn^ A popular person, and great
enemy to the two Spencers, minions to king Edward the Se-
cond, who being hated as devils for their pride, no wonder if
this Thomas was honoured as a saint and martyr by the com-
mon sort.f Indeed he must be a good chemist who can extract
martyr out of malefactor ; and our chronicles generally behold
him put to death for treason against king Edward the Second.
But let him pass for a saint in this shire, though never solemnly
canonized, it being true of such local saints what Servius Hono-
ratus observeth of topical gods : " Ad alias regiones nunquam
transibant,'^ (they travelled not so far as to be honoured in
other countries). His beheading, alias his martyrdom, happened
at Pontefract, anno Domini 1322.
Richard Role, alias Hampole, had his first name from his
father,J the other from the place (three miles from Doncaster)
where living he was honoured, and dead was buried and sainted.
He was a eremite, led a strict life, and wrote many books of
piety, which I prefer before his prophetical predictions, as but
a degree above almanac prognostications. He threatened the
sins of the nation with future famine, plague, inundations, war,
and general calamities, from which no land is long free, but sub-
ject to them in some proportion. Besides, his predictions, if
hitting, were heeded; if missing, not mar Iced.
However, because it becomes me not ay to jdcix^'^i', let him pass
for a saint. I will add, that our Savour^s dilemma to the Jews §
may partly be pressed on the Papists his contemporaries.
If Hampole^s doctrine was of men, why was he generally reputed
a saint ; if from God, why did they not obey him, seeing he
spake much against the viciousness and covetousness of the
clergy of that age ? He died anno Domini 1349.
John of Birlington, or Bridlington, was born hard by that
town ; bred two years in Oxford, where he profited in piety and
learning above his age and equals. Returning home, for a short
time he was teacher to a gentleman^s sons, until the twentieth
year of his age he entered himself a canon regular in the con-
vent of Bridlington, where he grew eminent for his exemplary
It was his happiness that such offices always fell to his share,
* Lord Herbert, in the Life of king Henry the Eighth, p. 431.
+ " In Sanctorum nuraerum retulit vulgus." Camden's Britannia, in Yorkshire.
+ Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. v. num. 80. § Matthew t.x. 25.
2 D 2
as did not retard but quicken his devotion, as chanter, almoner,
&c. At last he was chosen prior, but refused the place, al-
leging his own unworthiness, professing he had rather be bea-
ten in pieces with blows than accept thereof ; so that another
was put into the place. This new elect dying soon after, our
John was chosen again in the vacancy, and then took it, fearing
there might be as much peevishness in rejecting as pride in af-
fecting it, and hoping that providence, which fairly called him
to, would freely fit him for, the discharge of that office.
He used to treat strangers at his table with good cheer, and
seemingly kept pace with them in eating morsel for morsel, whilst
he had a secret contrivance wherein he conveyed his exceedings
above his monastical pittance. Being demanded of one why he
did not enter into more strict and austere order ? '^ Surely,"
said he, " a man may lead a sincere and acceptable life in any
order ; and it were arrogancy in me to pretend to a severer disci-
pline, when I cannot observe as I ought this easier course of life."
My author saith, that Martha and. Mary were both compounded
in him, being as pious, so provident to husband the revenues of
their house to their best advantage.*
Going to view their lands in Richmondshire, he gave a visit
to a woman lately turned an Anchorist, and renowned for her ho-
liness. She told him, that now her vision was out, who the
niorht before dreamed that an eao^le flew about her house with a
label in his bill, wherein was written, ^^ Jesus is my love.^^
^' And you," saith she, " are the person who so honour him in
your heart, that no earthly thing can distract you." To whom
our John returned, " I came hither to hear from you some saving
and savoury discourse; but, seeing you begin with such idle
talk, farewell ;" and so waved any further converse.
However, I must not dissemble, that the prophecies fathered
on this our John are as fabulous and frivolous as her dreams;
witness that deadly passage in an excellent author,t " In Jo-
hannis de Bridlington vatis monastici vaticinales rhythmos
omnino ridiculos incidimus." Yet, no doubt, he was a holy
man ; and could one light on his life unleavened, before heaved
up with the ferment of monkish fiction, it would afford many
remarkables. He died, in the sixtieth year of his age, 1379 :
and was reputed (though I believe not solemnly canonized) a
saint amongst his own countrymen.
William Sleigiitholme. — It is pity to part him from his
last named dear friend ; such the sympathy of amity and sanctity
betwixt them. Once this William demanded of his friend John,
what might be the reason that the devil in their days aff"righted
few, if any, with his terrible appearance, who in former ages
was very frequent with formidale apparitions ? reflecting, in this
* Harpfield's Ecclesiastical History, p. 577, out of whom his Life is extracted.
I Cav.iden's Britannia, in- Yorkshire.
his question, perchance on Saint Paul's " Messenger of Satan
sent to buffet him/'* but chiefly on those usual [reported]
personal combats of the devil with Saint Dunstan, Guthlake, &c.
To whom his friend returned, ^- We are grown so remiss in good-
ness, that the devil needs not to put himself to such pains,
seeing less and lighter temptations will do the deed." It is re-
corded of this Wilham, that he was one of singular piety, and
after his death wrought many miracles at his tomb in the mo-
nastery of Bridhngton, where he was buried about the year
1380.t I will add no more, but that I have a learned friend,
Wilham Sleightholme, doctor of physic, living at Buntingford
in Hertfordshire, but born in this county, whom I beheve
remotely related to this Saint.
Expect not here that I should add to this catalogue that
maiden, who, to secure her virginity from his unchaste embraces
that assaulted it, was by him barbarously murdered, whereby
she got the reputation of a saint ; and the place, the scene of
his cruelty (formerly called Horton) the name of Hali-fax, or
Holy-hair. For the credulous people conceited that the veins,
which, in form of little threads, spread themselves between the
bark and body of that yew-tree (whereon the head of this maid
was hung up) were the very hairs indeed of this virgin head to
whom they flock in pilgrimage.J
Oh how sharp-sighted, and yet how blind, is superstition !
Yet these countryfolks' fancies had the advantage of Daphne's
being turned into a laurel tree.§
Infrondem crines, in ramos brachia crescunt.
*' Into a bougli her hair did spread,
And from her arms two branches bred,"
But here she is wholly omitted, not so much because her
name and time are unknown, but because the judicious behold
the whole contrivance devoid of historical truth.
The county (and generally the province of York) escaped very
well from Popish persecution, which, under God's goodness,
may be justly imputed to the tempers of their four succeeding
archbishops :
1. TJiomas Wolsey ; whom all behold as a person more proud
than cruel ; not so busying himself to maintain Popery, as to
gain the Popedom. — 2. Edward Lee ; more furious than the
former, persecuting many to imprisonment, none to death, save
two, of whom hereafter. II — 3. Robert Hollgate ; who Avas, as
they say, a Parcel Protestant, imprisoned and deprived for being
married. — 4. Nicholas Heath ; a meek and moderate man, car-
rying a court of conscience in his bosom, long before queen
Mary made him chancellor of England.
* 2 Corinthians xii. 7. f HarfjAeld's Ecclesiastical History, p. 577-
X Camden's Britannia, in Yorkshire § Ovid, Metamorph. lib. i. 550.
Ij See Martyrs in the City of York.
Hereupon it came to pass^ that the diocese of York was dry
Vv'ith Gideon^s fleece ; whilst others^ ly"^a ^^^^' ^^^^ i^^ "^^"^^^
wet in their own tears and blood.
Where no fish^ there no fry ; and seeing here no martyrs^
which are confessors full blown^ no wonder if here no confessors
which are martyrs in the bud.
John Fisher was born in the town of Beverley in this county.
His father^ Robert Fisher, was by condition a merchant, and
lived in good reputation. He was afterwards bred in Michael
house in Cambridge, whereof he was the first chancellor pro
termino vitce, and bishop of Rochester. How this Fisher was
caught afterwards in the net of Elizabeth Barton (commonly
called the holy maid of Kent), thereby made accessary to her
dissembling; how stiff he was against king Henry's divorce, and
title of supreme head of the church ; how the Pope sent him a
cardinal's cap, and the king cut off his head, hath been so
largely related in my ^'^Ecclesiastical History;" and being, I
hope, pardoned by the reader for my former tediousness, I will
not now contract a nevv^ guilt by offending in prolixity on the
same person ; the rather because his manuscript life, written
eighty years since by Richard Hall of Christ's College in Cam-
bridge, is lately set forth in print under the name of Thomas
Baily, D. D, ; in which book, as I do not repine at any passages
(though hyperbolical) to the praise of this prelate, so I cannot
but be both angry and grieved at the many false and scandalous
reflections therein on the worthy instruments of our Reformation.
This learned bishop was beheaded in the year 1535, the three-
score and seventeenth year of his age.
Let me add, he was tried by an ordinary jury, and not by his
peers ; whereof several reasons are rendered. Some thought he
forgot to demand his privilege herein (disturbed with grief and
fear), as Edward duke of Somerset forgot to crave the benefit of
the clergy, or that he neglected it, as surfeiting of long life, and
desirous of his dissolution. Others, because he preferred death
in a direct line, before a circumferential passage thereunto, as
certain though not so compendious, being assured that the
lords durst not displease the king in acquitting him. But most
impute it to his suspicion that, if desiring to be tried by his
peers, it would have been denied him, as not due to a bishop.
And yet that worthy lawyer judge Stamford, in his ^' Pleas of
the Crown,"* leaveth it doul^tful, and seemeth inclined to the
affirmative. Besides, Sir Robert Brook, in his " Novel Cases,"t
affirmeth in express terms, that a bishop is peer of the realm,
and ought to be tried by his peers. The best is, our charity
* Libro tertio, fol. 153. j 30 M. 10, p. 465.
may be confident that our bishops will so inoffensively behave
themselves, and God we hope so secure their innocence, that
there will not hereafter be need to decide this question.
EusTATHius de Fauconbridge was born in this county,
where his surname appeareth among the ancient sheriffs thereof.
He was chosen bishop of London, in the sixth of king Henry
the Third, anno 1222; carrying it clearly from a company of
able competitors, occasioning this distich :
Onines his digni, tu dignior omnibus ; omnes
Hie plene sapiunt, plenius ipse sapis*
'* All here are worthy, thou the worthiest ;
All fully wise, thou wiser than the rest."
Others played on his name Enstatius/^ one that stood well,
both in respect of his spiritual estate (yet " let him that stand-
eth take heed lest he fall") and temporal condition, well fixed
in the favour of prince and people, being chief justice, then
chancellor of the Exchequer, and afterwards treasurer of
England, and twice ambassador to the king of France. He
deserved right well of his own cathedral ; and, dying October
31, 1228, was buried under a marble tomb, on the south side of
the Presbytery.
William "de Melton was born in this county (w^herein
are four villages so namedj), and preferred therein provost of Be-
verley, and canon, then archbishop of York. He went to Avig-
non, there to procure his consecration. I say to Avignon,
whither then the court was removed from Rome ; and continued
about three score and ten years, on the same token that those
remaining at Rome (almost starved for want of employment)
called this " the seventy years^ captivity of Babylon.'^
Consecrated after two years' tedious attendance, he returned
into England, and fell to finish the fair fabric of his cathedral,
which John Roman had begun, expending seven hundred marks
therein. § His life was free from scandal, signal for his chastity,
charity, fasting, and praying. He strained up his tenants, so
as to make good music therewith, but not break the string ; and
surely church-lands were intended (though not equally, yet mutu-
ally) for the comfortable support both of landlord and tenants.
Being unwilling that the infamy of infidel should be fixed
upon him (according to the apostle's doctrine) for not " pro-
viding for his family," he bought three manors in this county, ||
from the archbishop of Rouen, with the Pope's confirmation, and
settled them on his brother's son, whose descendant, William
Melton, was high sheriff of this county, in the fiftieth of king
Edward the Third.^F
* Godwin, in the Bishops of London. f Idem, ibidem.
:j: See Villare Anglicanum. § Godwin, in the Archbishops of York.
II Godwin, ut prins. ^ See our Catalogue of Sheriffs in this County.
There is a place in York, as well as in London, called the
Old Bailey ; herein more remarkable than that in London, that
archbisliop Melton compassed it about with a great walL* He
bestowed also much cost in adorning the feretrum (English it
the bier or coffin) of Saint William, a person purposely omitted by
my pen, because no assurance of his English extraction. Arch-
bishop Melton died (after he had sat two-and-twenty years in
his see) anno Domini 1340 ; entombed in the body of his
church, nigh the font, whereby I collect him buried below in
the bottom of the church ; that instrument of Christian initia-
tion anciently advancing but a little above the entrance into the
Hexry Wakefield is here placed with assurance, there
being three towns of that name in (and none out of) this
county. Indeed his is an episcopal name, which might mind
him of his office, the diocese of Worcester (to which he was
preferred anno 1375, by king Edward the Third) being his
field, and he by his place to wake or ivatch over it : nor hear I
of any complaints to the contrary, but that he was very vigilant
in his place. He was also for one year lord treasurer of Eng-
land. Dying March 11, 1394, he lieth covered in his own
church, ingenti marmore ;t and let none grudge him the great-
ness of his gravestone, if two foot larger than ordinary, who
made the body of this his church two arches longer westward
than he found it, besides a fair porch added thereunto.
Richard Scroope, son to the lord Scroope of Bolton in
this county, brother to William earl of Wiltshire, was bred a
doctor of divinity in Cambridge, attaining to be a man of great
learning and unblamable life. Nor was it so much his high
extraction as his own abilities, causing him to be preferred
bishop first of Coventry and Lichfield, then archbishop of York.
Being nettled with the news of his earl brother's beheading,
he conjoined with the earl of Northumberland, the earl Mar-
shall, lord Bardolph, and others, against king Henry the Fourth,
as an usurper and invader of the liberties of church and state.
The earl of Westmoreland, in outward deportment, complied
with him, and seemed to approve a writing wherein his main
intentions were comprised, so to trepan him into his destruction :
toling him on, till it was too late for him either to advance or
retreat, the king with his army being at Pontefract.
Bishop Godwin saith, it doth not appear that he desired to
be tried by his peers ; and I believe it will appear that
nothing was then calmly or judiciously transacted, but all being
done in a hurry of heat, and by martial authority. The execu-
tioner had five strokes at his neck, before he could sunder it
* Gotlwiu, Hi prim. f Godwin, in his Bishops of M^orcester.
from his body ; imputable not to his cruelty but ignorance ;
it not being to be expected that one nigh York should be
so dexterous in that trade as those at London. His beheading
happened anno 1405.
Stephen Patrington was born in the village so called^ in
the East Riding of this county. He was bred a Carmelite, and
doctor of divinity in Oxford, and the three-and-twentieth Pro-
vincial of his order throughout England for fifteen years.* It
is incredible (saith Leland) what multitudes of people crowded
to his sermons, till his fame preferred him chaplain and con-
fessor to king Henry the Fifth. He was deputed of the king
commissioner at Oxford, to inquire after and make process
against the poor Wickliffites ; and as he was busied in that
employment, he was advanced to the bishopric of Saint David's.
Hence he was sent over to the council of Constance, and
therein (saith Walsingham) gave great testimony of his ability.
Returning into England, he was made bishop of Chichester;
but, dying before his translation was finished, 1417? was buried
in White-friars in Fleet-street.
William Percy was son to Henry Percy (second earl of
Northumberland of that name) and Eleanor Nevill his wife.
Indeed the son of a public woman conversing with many men
cannot have his father certainly assigned; and therefore is
commonly called filius populi. As a base child in the point
of his father is subject to a shameful, so is the nativity of this
prelate as to the place thereof attended with an honourable,
uncertainty, whose noble father had so many houses in the
northern parts, that his son may be termed a native of North
England ; but placed in this county because TopliiFe is the
principal and most ancient seat of this family. He was bred a
doctor of divinity in Cambridge, whereof he was chancellor, and
had a younger brother, George Percy, a clerk also, though at-
taining no higher preferment than a prebend in Beverley. Our
WiUiam was made bishop of Carlisle, 1452. Master Mills
erroneously maketh him afterwards bishop of Wells ;t and it is
enough to detect the mistake, without disgracing the mistaker.
He died in his see of Carlisle 1462,
Cuthbert Tonstal was born at Hatchforth in Richmond-
shire in this county, of a most worshipful family (whose chief
seat at Tonstall Thurland not far oif) ; and bred in the univer-
sity of Cambridge, to which he was in books a great benefactor.
He was afterwards bishop of London, and at last of Durham.
A great Grecian, orator, mathematician, civilian, divine, and
(to wrap up all in a word) a fast friend to Erasmus.
* Pits, de Scriptoribus Anglise, num. 766. f Catalogue of Honour, p. 721.
In the reign of king Henry the Eighth he pubHcly confuted
the Papal supremacy in a learned sermon^ with various and
solid arguments, preached on Palm Sunday, before his majesty,
anno Domini 1539. And yet (man is but man) he returned to
his error in the reign of king Edward the Sixth, continuing
therein in the first of queen Elizabeth, for which he was
dejDrived of his bishopric. He shcM^ed mercy when in power,
and found it in his adversity, having nothing but the name of
^^ a prisoner,^^ in which condition he died, and was buried at
Lambeth 1559.*
Ralph Baines was born in this county,t bred fellow of
Saint John's College in Cambridge. An excellent linguist in
Latin, Greek, and Hebrew ; I say Hebrew^ then in its nonage,
whereof Baines was a good guardian, first in learning, then in
teaching, the rules thereof. Hence he went over into France,
and became Hebrew professor at Paris. He wrote a comment
on the Proverbs in three volumes, and dedicated it to king Fran-
cis the First of France, that grand patron of good men and
great scholars.
Pits telleth us {ferunt, it is reported,) " that the ministers of
Geneva have much depraved many of his writings in several
places,'^ J which I do not believe ; such passages (doubtlessly ac-
cording to the author's own writing) being reducible to two
heads. First, his fair mentioning of some learned linguists
though Protestants, with whom he kept an epistolary corres-
pondency. Secondly, some expressions in preferring the origi-
nal of Scripture to the diminution of the vulgar translation.
Returning into England, he was, by queen Mary, 1555, made
bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. Hitherto no ill could bespoken
of his intellectuals; and hereafter no good of his morals, in point
of his cruelty, he caused such persecution in his diocese. His
greatest commendation is, that though as bad a bishop as Chris-
topherson, he was better than Bonner. In the first of queen
Elizabeth he was deprived of his bishopric; and, dying not long
after of the stone, was buried in St. Dunstan's, 1560.
Thomas Bentham was born in this county ; bred fellow of
Magdalen College in Oxford. § Under king Henry the Eighth
he was a complier with, no promoter of, Popery. In the first of
queen Mary, repenting of his former, he resolved not to accu-
mulate sin, refusing not only to say mass, but also to correct a
♦ He was made bishop of London 1522 ; of Durham 1530, He was deprived in
the reign of king Edward VI. ; restored by Mary ; and again deprived by Elizabeth ;
from which time he resided at Lambeth Palace, with the family of archbishop Parker,
till his death, November 18, 1559, actat. 85 Ed.
t Bale, Pits, Bishop Godwin, \ De Angliac Scriptoribus, anno 1559.
§ Bale, de Scriptoribus sui temporis, p, 113.
scholar in the college (though urged thereto by Sir Robert Reed,
the prime visitor*) for his absence from Popish prayers, con-
ceiving it injurious to punish in another that omission for a fault
which was also according to his own conscience. He also then
assisted Henry Bull (one of the same foundation) to wrest out,
and throw down out of the hands of the choristers, the censer,
when about to offer their superstitious incense.
No wonder then if he was fain to fly into foreign parts, and
glad to get over into Germany, where he lived at Basil, preacher
to the EngHsh exiles, to whom he expounded the entire book of
the " Acts of the Apostles." Now seeing the Apostles' suffering
was above all their doimg, it was a proper portion of Scripture
for him hence to press patience to his banished countrymen.
Towards the end of queen Mary, he was secretly sent for over,
to be superintendant of the London conventicle (the only true
church in time of persecution) ; where, with all his care and
caution, he hardly escaped. In the second of queen Elizabeth
he was consecrated bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, succeed-
ing Ralph Baines therein (one of the same county with him, but
a different judgment), and died on the 21st of February 1578.
Edmund Guest was born at Afferton in this county ;t bred
fellow of King's College in Cambridge, where lie proceeded
doctor of divinity. He was afterwards almoner of queen Eli-
zabeth ; and he must be both a wise and a good man whom she
would trust with her purse. She preferred him bishop, first of
Rochester, then of Salisbury. John Bale (saith my author J)
reckoneth up many books made by him of considerable value.
He died February 28, 1578, the same year and month with his
countryman Thomas Bentham aforesaid.
Miles Coverdale was born in this county ;§ bred in the
university of Cambridge, and afterwards became an Augustin
friar ; till, his eyes being opened, he quitted that superstitious
profession. Going into Germany, he laboured greatly in trans-
lating the Bible, and in writing many books, reckoned up by
John Bale. He was made doctor of divinity in the university
of Tubing : and returning into England, being incorporated in
Cambridge, was soon after made bishop of Exeter by king Ed-
ward the Sixth, 1551.
But, alas 1 he was not comfortably warm in his place, before
his place by persecution grew too hot for him ; and, in the first
of queen Mary, he was cast into prison, a certain forerunner of
his martyrdom, had not Frederic king of Denmark seasonably
interposed. This good king, with great importunity, hardly ob-
* Doctor Humphred, in the Life of Bishop Jewell, pp. 72, 73.
t Ml-. Hatcher, in his Manuscript Catalogue of the Fellows of King's College.
\ Bishop Godwin, in the Bishops of Sarum.
§ Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. ix. num. 61.
tained this small courtesy, viz. that Coverdale should be enlarged,
though on this condition, to be banished out of his country ; in
obedience whereunto he went over into Germany. In the first
of queen Elizabeth he returned to England, but not to Exeter ;
never resuming that, or accepting any other bishopric. Several
men assigned several causes hereof; but Coverdale only knew
the true reason himself.
Some will say, that for the books he made, he had better been
placed under the title of Learned Writers ; or, for the exile and
imprisonment he suffered, ranked under Confessors, than under
the title of Prelates, manifesting an averseness of his own judg-
ment thereunto, by not returning to his bishopric. But be it
known that Coverdale in his judgment approved thereof ; being
one of those bishops who solemnly consecrated Matthew Parker
archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth. Now, '^ quod efficit tale,
magis est tale,^^ I understand it thus ; " He that makes another
archbishop is abundantly satisfied in his judgment and consci-
ence of the lawfulness thereof.^^ Otherwise such dissembling
had been inconsistent with the sincerity of so grave and godly
a person. He died anno Domini 15 88, and lies buried in Saint
Bartholomew's behind the Exchange, under a fair stone in the
Adam Loftus was born in this county,* and bred in Trinity
College in Cambridge, where he commenced doctor of divinity
the same year with John Whitgift, afterwards archbishop of
Canterbury, He was chaplain to Robert earl of Sussex, deputy
of Ireland ; and was first made archbishop of Armagh, anno
1562; and afterwards archbishop of Dublin, anno 1567.
Wonder not that he should desire his own degradation, to be
removed from Armagh (then primate of Ireland) to Dublin, a
subordinate archbishopric, seeing herein he consulted his safety
(and perchance his profit) more than his honour, Armagh being
then infested with rebels, whilst Dublin was a secure city.
After the death of Sir William Gerrard, he was made chancel-
lor of Ireland ; which place he discharged with singular ability
and integrity, until the day of his death.
And that which in my judgment commendeth him most to
the notice of posterity, and most engageth posterity in thank-
fulness to his memory, is, that he was a profitable agent in,
yea, a principal procurer of, the foundation of the university and
college of Dublin (where Dermitius son of Mercard king of
Leinster had formerly found a convent for canons regular) and
the first honorary master thereof, being then archbishop (if not
chancellor of Ireland)'to give the more credit and countenance to
that foundation. He died April 5, anno 1605 ; and was buried
in the church of Saint Patrick, having been archbishop from
* Sir James V/ure, de Prsesulibus Lagenie, p. 38.
his consecration eight months above two-and-forty years.
Reader, I must confess I admired hereat, until I read that Mil-
ler Magragh (who died anno Domini 1622) was archbishop of
Cashell in Ireland ten months above one-and-fifty years.*
George Mountaine was born in this county, at ;
and bred in Queen's College in Cambridge, where he became
fellow and proctor of the university. He was chaplain to the
earl of Essex, whom he attended on his voyage to Cales, being
indeed one of such personal valour, that out of his gown he
would turn his back to no man ; he was afterwards made dean
of Westminster, then successively bishop of Lincoln and Lon-
don. Whilst residing in the latter, he would often pleasantly
say, that of him the proverb would be verified, " Lincoln was,
and London is, and York shall be ;"t which came to pass ac-
cordingly, when he was removed to the archbishopric of York,
wherein he died ; through which Sees never any prelate so me-
thodically passed but himself alone. He was a good benefactor
to the college wherein he was bred, whereon he bestowed a fair
piece of plate, called pocuhim charitatis, with this inscription,
'^ Incipio,^^ (I begin to thee) : and founded two scholarships
Sir William Gascoigne was born at Gauthorp in Har-
wood parish^ (in the midway betwixt Leeds and Knares borough) ,
and afterwards was student of the law in the Inner Temple in
London ; wherein he so profited, that, being knighted, the sixth
of king Henry the Fourth, he was made chief justice of the
King^s Bench, November 15, and therein demeaned himself
with much integrity, but most eminent for the following pas-
sage :
It happened that a servant of prince Henry, afterwards the
fifth English king of that Christian name, was arraigned before
this judge for felony, whom the prince then present endea-
voured to take away, coming up in such fury, that the
beholders believed he would have stricken the judge. But he
sitting without moving, according to the majesty he represented,
committed the prince prisoner to the King^s Bench, there to
remain until the pleasure of the king his father were farther
known ; who, when he heard thereof by some pick-thank cour-
tier, who probably expected a contrary return, gave God thanks
for his infinite goodness, who at the same instant had given
* Sir James Ware, de Archiepiscopis Cassel. p. 31.
f The Proverb to which Dr. Fuller alludes runs thus ;
" Lincoln was, London is, but York will be
The greatest city of all the three.'' — Ed.
% So am I informed by Mr. Richard Gascoigne, one descended from him, an ac-
complished antiquary in record heraldry. — F.
him a judge who could minister, and a son who covild obey
I meet in John Stow with this marginal note :t " William
Gascoigne was chief justice of the King's Bench, from the sixth
of Henry the Fourth, till the third of Henry the Fifth." And
another historian maketh king Henry the Fifth, in the first of
his reign, thus expressing himself in relation to that lord chief
justice : " For which act of justice I shall ever hold him worthy
of the place, and my favour; and wish all my judges to have
the like undaunted courage, to punish offenders of what rank
soever.''! Hence our comedian (fancy will quickly blow up a
drop in history into a bubble in poetry) hath founded a long
scene on the same subject.§
Give me leave, for my love to truth, to rectify these mistakes
out of authentic records. First, Gascoigne was made judge, not
in the sixth but first of king Henry the Fourth, on the first of
November. II Secondly, he died December l7th, in the fourteenth
of king Henry the Fourth ; so that, in a manner, his sitting on
the bench ran parallel to the king's sitting on the throne.
This date of his death is fairly written in his stately monu-
ment in Harwood church.
GuiDO de Fairfax. — A word of his surname and family.
Fax and Vex are the same, signifying hai7\ Hence Matthew^ of
Westminster^ calleth a comet (which is stella crinita) a vexed
star ; and this family had their name from beautiful bushy hair.
I confess I find in Florilegus, writing of the holy war, " Primum
bellum Christianorum fuit apud pontem Pharfax fluminis,"-**
(the first battle of the Christians was at the bridge of the river
Pharfax) ; but cannot concur with them who hence derive the
name of this family. But wherever it began it hath continued
at Walton in this county more than four hundred and fifty
years, for nineteen generations,tt Charles a viscount now living
(1661) being the twentieth. But to return to Sir Guido Fair-
fax, knight ; he was bred in the study of the common law, made
Serjeant thereof, and ever highly favoured the house of York in
those civil distempers. Hence it was that he assumed a white
rose, bearing it in his coat of arms on the shoulder of his black
lion ; no difference, as some may suppose, but an evidence of
his affection to that family. Yet was he, by king Henry the
Seventh, advanced lord chief justice of the King's Bench, sup-
* Thomas Elliot, in his Chronicle, out of whom our modern historians have tran-
scribed it F.
t Stow's Annals, p. 342. % J- Trussell, in the continuation of Daniel, p. 92.
§ W. Shakspeare, in his second part of the Life of King Henry the Fourth.
II Original, de ipso anno, bundello ii. rot. 52.
II Flores Historiarum, anno Gratise 891. ** Ibidem, anno Gratias 1099.
tt Faithfully collected out of evidences, by that industrious antiquary Robert
plying the interval betwixt Sir William Hussey and Sir John
Fineaux.^ The certain date of his death is to me unknown.
Roger Cholmley, Knight. — He is placed in this county
with moderate assurance : for his father (as I am instructed by
those of his family) lived in this county, though branched from
Cheshire, and much conversant in London, being lieutenant of
the Tower under king Henry the Seventh. By his will he be-
queathed a legacy to Roger his natural son, then student of the
laws, the self-same with our Roger, as proportion of time doth
He applied his studies so effectually, that, in the 37th of king
Henry the Eighth, in Michaelmas Term, he was made chief
baron of the Exchequer ;t and, in the sixth of Edward the
Sixth, chief justice of the King's Bench.
In the first of queen Mary, July 27, he, with Sir Edward
Montague, lord chief justice of the Common Pleas, was
committed to the Tower, for drawing up the testament of king
Edward the Sixth, wherein his sisters were disinherited.!
Yet Sir Roger^s activity amounted no higher than to a compli-
ance and a subscription of the same. He afterwards was
enlarged, but lost his judge^s place, living some years in
a private condition.
When William Flower was burnt in Westminster, Sir Hugh
being present, though called by Master Fox but plain Master
Cholmley, ^^ willed him to recant his heresy ;^^§ which I impute
rather to his carnal pity than great affection to Popery.
He built a free school of brick at Highgate, about the
year 1564 ; the pension of the master being uncertain, and the
school in the disposition of six governors ;|| and I believe
he survived not long after, and have some ground for my
suspicion that he died without issue.
Sir Christopher Wray, Knight, was born in the spacious
parish of Bedal ; the main motive which made his daughter
Frances countess of Warwick scatter her benefactions the
thicker in that place. But I have been informed that his
ancestor, by some accident, came out of Cornwall, where his
name is right ancient. He was bred in the study of our
municipal law ; and such his proficiency therein^ that in the
sixteenth of queen Elizabeth, in Michaelmas Term, he was
made lord chief justice of the King^s Bench.
He was not like that judge who " feared neither God nor
man," but only one widow, Test her importunity should weary
him ; but he heartily feared God in his reUgious conversation.
Each man he respected in his due distance off of the bench,
* Spelman's Glossary, verbo Justitiarius- t Idem, ibidem.
X Stow's Chronicle, p. 613. § Acts and Monuments, p. 1577.
II Norden's Speculum Britannise, p. 22.
and no man on it to bias his judgment. He was, pro tew/pore^
lord privy seal, and sat chief in the court, when secretary
Davison was sentenced in the Star Chamber. Sir Christopher,
collecting the censures of all the commissioners, concurred
to fine him, but with this comfortable conclusion, '^ that as
it was in the queen's power to have him punished, so her high-
ness might be prevailed with for mitigating, or remitting,
of the fine.^^ And this our judge may be presumed no ill in-
strument in the procuring thereof.
He bountifully reflected on Magdalen College in Cambridge,
which infant foundation had otherwise been starved at nurse for
want of maintenance. We know who saith, " the righteous man
leaveth an inheritance to his children's children ;''* and the
well thriving of his third generation may be an evidence of his
well gotten goods. This worthy judge died May the eighth, in
the thirty-fourth of queen Elizabeth.
Pardon, reader, my postponing this topic of Statesmen, being
necessitated to stay a while for further information.
Sir John Puckering, Knight, was born at Flamborough
Head in this county, as I have learned out of the notes of that
industrious and judicious antiquary Mr. Dodsworth.t He was
second son to his father, a gentlemen who left him neither plen-
tiful nor penurious estate. His breeding was more beneficial to
him than his portion ; gaining thereby such skill in the com-
mon law, that he became queen's serjeant. Speaker in the House
of Commons, and at last lord chancellor of England. How he
stood in his judgment in the point of Church Discipline, plainly
appeareth by his following speech, delivered in the House of
Lords, 1588; the original whereof was courteously communi-
cated unto me :
"And especially you are commanded by her Majesty to take
heed, that no eare be given, nor time afforded, to the wearisome
solicitations of those that commonly be called Puritans, where-
withal the late Parliaments have been exceedingly importuned ;
which sort of men, whilest that (in the giddiness of their spirits)
they labour and strive to advance a new eldership, they do nothing
else but disturb the good repose of the church and common-
wealth : which is as well grounded for the body of religion itself,
and as well guided for the discipline, as any realm that pro-
fesseth the truth. And the same thing is already made good to
the world by many the writings of godly and learned men, nei-
ther answered nor answerable by any of these new-fangled re-
finers. And, as the present case standeth, it may be doubted
whether they or the Jesuites do offer more danger, or be more
* Proverbs xiii 22.
t Extant in York-hovise, in tiie library of the Lord Fairfax. — F.
speedily to be repressed. For, albeit the Jesuits do empoison
the hearts of her Majesty's subjects, under a pretext of con-
science, to withdraw them from their obedience due to her
Majesty: yet do they the same but closely, and only in
privy corners. But these men do both teach and publish
in their printed books, and teach in all their conventicles,
sundry opinions, not only dangerous to the well-settled es-
tate and policy of the realm, by putting a pique between the
clergy and laity ; but also much derogatory to her sacred Ma-
jesty and her crown, as well by the diminution of her ancient
and lawful revenues, and by denying her highness' prerogative
and supremacy, as by offering peril to her Majesty's safety in
her own kingdom. In all which things (however in other points
they pretend to be at war with the Popish Jesuits) yet by this
separation of themselves from the unity of their fellow- subjects,
and by abasing the sacred authority and majesty of their prince,
they do both join and concur with the Jesuits, in opening the
door, and prej^aring the way, to the Spanish invasion that is threa-
tened against the realm. And thus having, according to the
weakness of my best understanding, delivered her Majesty's
royal pleasure and wise direction, I rest there, with humble suit
for her Majesty's most gracious pardon in supply of my defects ;
and recommend you to the Author of all good counsel."
He died anno Domini 1596, charactered by Mr. Camden*
" ViR Integer." His estate is since descended (according to
the solemn settlement thereof), the male issue failing, on Sir
Henry Newton, who, according to the condition, hath assumed
the surname of Puckering ; and I can never be sufficiently thank-
ful to him and his relations.
Sir George Calvert, Knight, was born at Kiplin, near
Richmond, in this county ; had his education first in Trinity
College in Oxford ; then beyond the seas. His abilities com-
mended him first to be secretary to Robert Cecil, earl of Saris-
bury, lord treasurer of England. Afterwards he was made clerk
of the council, and at last principal secretary of state to king
James, succeeding Sir Thomas Lake in that office anno 1619.
Conceiving the duke of Buckingham highly instrumental in
his preferment, he presented him with a jewel of great value;
which the duke returned him again, not owning any activity in
his advancement, whom king James, ex mero motu, reflecting
on his ability, designed for the place.
This place he discharged above five years ; until he willingly
resigned the same, 1624, on this occasion. He freely confessed
himself to the king, that he was then become a Roman Catholic,
so that he must either be wanting to his trust, or violate his.
* In his Elizabeth, anno 1596.
A^OL. III. 2 E
conscience, in discharging his office. This his ingenuity so
highly affected king James, that he continued him privy coun-
cillor all his reign (as appeareth in the council book), and soon
after created him lord Baltimore of Baltimore in Ireland.
Daring his being secretary, he had a patent to him and his
heirs to be absolutus domlnus \et proprietarius, with the royalties
of a count 'palatine, of the province of Avalon in Newfound-
land ; a place so named by him in imitation of old Avalon in
Somersetshire, wherein Glassenbury stands ; the first fruits of
Christianity in Britain, as the other was in that part of America.
Here he built a fair house in Ferry Land, and spent five-and-
twenty thousand pounds in advancing the plantation thereof.
Indeed his public spirit consulted not his private profit, but the
enlargement of Christianity and the king^s dominions. After
the death of king James, he went twice in person to Newfound-
land. Here, when Monsieur de FArade, with three men-of-
war, sent from the king of France, had reduced our English fish-
ermen to great extremity, this lord, with two ships manned at
his own charge, chased away the Frenchman, relieved the Eng-
lish, and took sixty of the French prisoners.
He removed afterwards to Virginia, to view those parts;
and afterwards came into England, and obtained from king
Charles (who had as great an esteem of and affection for him
as king James) a patent to him and his heirs for Maryland on
the north of Virginia, with the same title and royalties con-
ferred on him as in Avalon aforesaid ; now a hopeful planta-
tion, peopled with eight thousand English souls, which in pro-
cess of time may prove more advantageous to our nation.
Being returned into England, he died in London, April 15,
1632, in the 53rd year of his age, lying buried in the chancel
of St. Dunstan's in the West, leaving his son, the right honour-
able Cecil Calvert, now lord Baltimore, heir to his honour, es-
tate, and noble disposition.
Thomas Wentworth, earl of Strafford, deputy though son
to William Wentworth of Wentworth-Woodhouse in this county,
esq. (at his son's birth), afterward baronet; yet, because born
in Chancery Lane, and christened April 22, anno 1593, in Saint
Dunstan's in the West,* hath his character in London.
Armigel Waad, born of an ancient family in Yorkshire, as
I am informed from his epitaj^h on his monument at Hamp-
stead in Middlesex ; wherein he is termed " Hen. 8. et Edw. 6.
regum secretiori concilio ab Epistolis," which I took the bold-
ness to interpret (not secretary but) clerk of the council.
Take the rest as it foUoweth in his funeral inscription :
• See the'Register of that St. Dunstan F.
*• Qui in maximarum artium disciplinis prudentiaque civili instructissimus, pluri-
marum linguarum callentissimus, legationibus honoratissirais perfunctus, et
inter Britannos Indicarum Americarum explorator primus."
Indeed he was the first Enghshman that discovered America ;
and his several voyages are largely described in Mr. Hackluit's
This English Columbus had by two wives twenty children,
whereof Sir William Waad was the eldest, a very able gentle-
man, and clerk of the council to queen Elizabeth. This Armi-
gel died June 20, 1568 ; and was buried as is aforesaid.
Martin Frobisher, Knight, was born nigh Doncaster in
this county.* I note this the rather, because learned Mr. Car-
penter, in his Geography, recounts him amongst the famous men
of Devonshire (but why should Devonshire, which hath a flock
of Worthies of her own, take a lamb from another county ?) be-
cause much conversing therein.
He was from his youth bred up in navigation ; and was the
first Englishman that discovered the north way to China and
Cathai, whence he brought great store of black soft stone, sup-
posing it silver or gold ore ; but which, upon trial with great
expense, proved useless ; yet will no wise man laugh at his mis-
take, because in such experiments they shall never hit the mark
who are not content to miss it.
He was very valiant, but v/ithal harsh and violent (faults
which may be dispensed with in one of his profession) ; and our
chronicles loudly resound his signal service in eighty-eight, for
which he was knighted. His last service was, the defending of
Brest haven in Britain, with ten ships, against a far greater
power of Spaniards. Here he was shot into the side, the wound
not being mortal in itself; but swords and guns have not made
more mortal wounds than probes in the hands of careless and
skill-less chirurgeons, as here it came to pass. The chirurgeon
took out only the bullet, and left the bumbast about it behind,
wherewith the sore festered, and the worthy knight died at Ply-
mouth, anno 1594.
George Clifford, Lord Clifford, Vescye, &c. Earl of
Cumberland, was son to Henry second earl of that family, by
his second lady, a person wholly com'posed of true honour and
valour, whereof he gave the world a clear and large demon-
It was resolved by the judicious in that age, the way to hum-
ble the Spanish greatness was, not by pinching and pricking
him in the Low Countries, which only emptied his veins of
such blood as was quickly refilled ; but the way to make it a
* Stow's Chronicle, p. 809.
2 e 2
cripple for ever, was by cutting ofif the Spanish sinews of war,
his money from the West Indies.
In order whereunto, this earl set forth a small fleet at his
own cost, and adventured his own person therein, being the
best-born Englishman that ever hazarded himself in that
His fleet may be said to be bound for no other harbour but
the port of honour, though touching at the port of profit in pas-
sage thereunto ; I say touching, whose design was not to
enrich himself but impoverish the enemy. He was as merciful
as valiant (the best metal bows best) ; and left impressions of
both in all places where he came.
Queen Elizabeth, anno 1592, honoured him with the dignity
of the Garter. When Idng James came first out of Scotland
to York, he attended him with such an equipage of followers,
for number and habit, that he seemed rather a king than
earl of Cumberland. Here happened a contest between the
earl and the lord president of the north, about carrying the
sword before the king in York ;* which office, upon due search
and inquir)", was adjudged to the earl as belonging unto him ;
and whilst Cliftbrd^s Tower is standing in York, that family will
never be therein forgotten.
His anagram was as really as literally true :
" Georgius ClifFordius Cumberlandius."
Doridis regno clurus cum vi fulgebis.
He died 1605, leaving one daughter and heir, the lady Anne,
married to the earl of Dorset ; of whom, see before in the Bene-
factors to the Public in Westmoreland.
Sir George Ripley (whether knight or priest not so soon
decided) was undoubtedly born at Ripley in this county, though
some have wrongfully entitled Surrey to his nativity. That York-
shire was the place of his birth, will be evidenced by his rela-
tion of Kindred, reckoned up to himself ;t viz. 1. Yevarsel ;
2. Ripley; 3. Madlay; 4. Willoughby ; 5. Burham; 6. Water-
ton ; 7« Fleming ; 8. Talboys : — families found in Yorkshire
and Lincolnshire ; but, if sought for in Surrey, to be met with
at Nonsuch. Secondly, it-appeareth by his preferment, being
canon of Bridlington in this county ; and to clear all, in putrid
Eboracensi, saith my author.J
But Philemon Holland hath not only erroneously misplaced,
but (which is worse) opprobiously miscalled him, in his descrip-
tion of Surrey : " In the next village of Ripley was born G. de
Ripley, a ringleader of our alchemists, and a mystical impostor :"
words not appearing in the Latin Britannia; and therefore
* Sto-w's Chronicle, 1 Jac.
t In his Medulla, towards the end thereof, to G. Nevil archbishop of Yorl:.— F.
J Bale, de Scriptoinbus Britannicis, Cent. viii. num. 19.
Holland herein no translator of Camden, but traducer of
Leaving this land, he went over into Italy, and there studied
twenty years together in pursuance of the philosopher's stone ;
and found it in the year 1470, as some collect from those his
words then written in his books, " Juveni quem diligit anima
mea," (spoken by the spouse,*) so bold is he with Scripture
in that kind.
An English gentleman of good credit reported, that in his
travels abroad he saw a record in the isle of Malta, which
declares that Sir George Ripley gave yearly to those knights of
Rhodes one hundred thousand pounds towards maintaining the
war (then on foot) against the Turks. f This vast donation
makes some suspect this Sir George for a knight (who by this
might have been Eques auratus), though indeed never more than
Sir Priest, and canon of Bridlington.
Returning into his native country, and desiring to repose his
old age (no philosopher's stone to quiet retirement), he was
dispensed with by the Pope to leave his canon's place (as to
full of employment), and became a Carmelite-anchorite at Bos-
ton in Lincolnshire ; where he wrote no fewer than 25 books,
though his '^^ Compound of Alchemy " carrieth away the credit
of all the rest. It presenteth the reader with the twelve gates,
leading to the making of the philosopher's stone, which are
thus reckoned up in order :
1. Calcination: 2. Solution: 3. Separation: 4. Conjunction;
5. Putrefaction : 6. Congelation : 7* Cibation : 8. Sublimation :
9. Fermentation: 10. Exaltation: 11. Multiplication: 12. Pro-
Oh for a key, saith the common reader, to open these gates,
and expound the meaning of these words, which are familiar to
the knowing in this mystery ! But such who are disaffected
thereunto (what art hath not enemies ?) demand whether these
gates be to let in, or let out the philosopher's stone ; seeing
projection, the last of all, proves but a project, producing
nothing in effect.
We must not forget how the said Sir George beseecheth all men,
wheresoever they shall meet with any of his experiments written
by him, or that go under his name (from the year 1450 to the
year 1470), either to burn them, or afford them no credit, being
written according to his esteem not proof ; and which, upon
trial, he afterwards found false and vain.
For mine own part, I believe his philosophy truer than his
chemical divinity; for so may I call his work, wherein he
endeavours to equal in merit for mankind, the compassion of
the Virgin Mary with the pussion of Christ. He died about
the year of our Lord 1492 ; and some of his works are since
* Canticles iii. 4.
f Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, p. 45S.
exactly set forth, by my worthy and accomplished friend Elias
Ashmole, esquire, in his " Theatrum Chymicum Britannicum/'
Thomas Johnson was born in this county, not far from
Hull;* bred an apothecary in London, where he attained to be
the best herbalist of his age in England, making additions to
the edition of Gerard. A man of such modesty, that knowing
so much he would own the knowledge of nothing. The uni-
versity of Oxford bestowed on him the honorary degree of doc-
tor in physic ; and his loyalty engaged him on the king's side
in our late civil war. When in Basing-house, a dangerous piece
of service being to be done, this doctor (who publicly pretended
not to valour) undertook and performed it. Yet afterwards he
lost his life in the siege of the same house, and was (to my
knowledge) generally lamented of those who were of an oppo-
site judgment. But let us bestow this epitaph upon him :
Hie, Johnsone,jaces ; sed, si mors cederet herbis,
Artefugnta tu&, cederet ilia has.
" Here Johnson lies : could physic fence Death's dart,
Sure Death had been declined by his art."
His- death happened anno Domini 1644.
Alphred of Beverley, born therein (a to-s^ni termed nrbs
or city, by Balet), or thereabouts, and bred in the university of
Cambridge. Hence he returned to his native place, where he
was made treasurer of the convent : thence (as some will have
it) commonly called Alphedus Thesaurarius : others, conceiving
this his topical relation too narrow to give him so general a
name, will have him so styled from being so careful a storer up
(God send more to succeed him in that office!) of memorable
antiquities. Indeed with the good householder "he brought
out of his treasury things new and old '," writing a chronicle
from Brutus to the time of his own death, which happened
anno 1136.
Gulielmus Rehievailensis, or William of Rievaulx,
was so named from the place of his nativity in this county,
being otherwise a monk of Rushford. His learning was great
according to that age, and his genius inclined him most to history ;
whereof he wrote a fair volume of the things done in his own
age, himself being an eye-witness of a great part thereof. J For,
though generally monks were confined to their cloisters, more
liberty was allowed to such persons whose pens were publicly
employed. And when monks could not go out to the news,
news came home to them : such was their intelligence from
* So his near kinsman, an apothecary living on Snow-hill, informed me.— F.
t De Scriptoribus Britannicis, Sect. ii. p. 187.
X Bale, ibidem, Cent. ii. num. 91.
clergymen, who then alone were employed in state offices. It
was no wonder that the writings of this William did, but had
been a miracle if they did not, savour of the superstition of the
times. He dedicated his book to Ealread abbot of Rievaulx,
and died anno Domini 1146.
Ealread, abbot of Rievaulx, lately named, was one eminent
in his generation for piety and learning. He was most intimate
with David king of Scotland ; and had the rare fehcity to adven-
ture on desperate differences betwixt great persons ;* and yet,
above human hope, to complete their agreement. He had
^' Saint Augustine's Confessions'' both bij heart, and in his
heart ; yet generally he is accounted the English Saint Bernard,
and wrote very many books, whereof one " De Virginitate
Mariae," and another, "De Abusionibus Claustri," shewing
twelve abuses generally committed in that kind of life. Yet, as
Saint Paul " honoured widows that were widows indeed,"t he
had a high esteem for monks who were monks indeed; so
addicted to a solitary life, that he refused all honours and seve-
ral bishoprics proffered unto him. He died in the 57th year of
his age, 1166; and after his death attained with many the
reputation of a saint.
Walter Daniel was deacon to Ealread aforesaid, and it
is pity to part them. Leland saith, that he followed his abbot
" sancta invidia f (give me leave to English it, " with holy
emulation") ; and they who run in that race of virtue, neither
supplant such who are before them, nor justle those that are
even with them, nor hinder those who come behind them. He
trod in his master's footsteps ; yet so, that my author saith,
"Non modo sequavit, sed superavit;" writing a book on the
same subject, "De Virginitate M arise." He flourished anno
1170, under king Henry the Second ; and was buried in his
own abbey.
Robert the Scribe (but no Pharisee, such his humility —
not hyprocrite, such his sincerity) was the fourth prefect of
Canon Regulars at Bridlington in this county. He had his sur-
name from his dexterity in writing, not a little beneficial in that
age ; Erasmus ingeniously confessing,! that his father Gerard
got a handsome livelihood thereby. But our Robert, in fair
and fast writing, did reach a note above others ; it being true of
him what was said,
Nondum lingua suum dextra jjeregii opvs.
" The tongue her task hath not yet done.
When that the hand her race hath run."
And he may be said to have had the long hand of short hand
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. ii. num. 99. f ^ Tim. v. 3.
X In his Life, written by himself.
(such the swiftness of his pen), though I confess brachygraphy
was not then, nor many years after, invented. But he, though
a quick scribe, is but a dull one, who is good only at facsimile,
to transcribe out of an original; whereas our Robert left many
books of his own making to posterity. He flourished anno
Domini 1180, and lieth buried before the doors of the cloister
of his convent.
Peter of Rippon was canon of that college, built anciently
therein by Saint Wilfred, purposely omitted by us in our cata-
logue of Saints, to expiate our former tediousness concerning-
him in our " Church History .^^ JeofFrey archbishop of York
not only delighted in but doted on our Peter. He wrote a
book of the life and miracles of Saint Wilfred. How many
suspected persons did prick their credits, who could not thread
his needle ! This was a narrow place in his church, and kind
of purgatory (save that no fire therein), through which chaste
persons might easily pass, whilst the incontinent did stick
therein, — beheld generally as a piece of monkish legerdemain.
I am sorry to hear that this collegiate church (one of the
most ancient and famous churches in the north of England)
hath the means and allowance appointed for the repair thereof
detained; and more sorry that, on the eighth of December,
1660, a violent wind blew down the great steeple thereof, which,
with its fall, beat down the chancel (the only place wdiere the
people could assemble for divine w^orship), and much shattered
and weakened the rest of the fabric ; and I hope that his majes-
ty's letters patent wall meet with such bountiful contributions
as will make convenient reparation.
Our Peter flourished anno 1190, under king Richard the
William of Neavborough was born at Bridlington in this
county;* but named of Newborough, not far off, in which
monastery he became a canon regular. He was also called
Petit, or Little, from his low^ stature ; in him the observation
was verified, that little men (in wdiom their heat is most con-
tracted) are soon angry, flying so fiercely on the memory of
Jeffrey of Monmouth, taxing his ^' British Chronicle ^^ as a con-
tinued fiction, translated by him indeed, but whence ?— from
his own brain, to his own pen, by his own invention. Yea, he
denieth that there was ever a king Arthur, and in effect oyer-
throw^eth all the Welsh history. But learned Leland conceives
this William Little greatly guilty in his ill language, which to
any author was uncivil, to a bishop unreverent, to a dead bishop
uncharitable. Some resolve all this passion on a point of mere
revenge, heartily offended because David prince of Wales
* Bale, de Scriptotibus Brltannicis, Cent. iii. num. 53.
denied him to succeed Geffrey of Monmouth in the see of
St. Asajih,* and therefore fell he so foul on the whole Welsh
nation. Sure I am^ tliat this angry William, so censorious
of Geffrey Monmouth^s falsehoods, hath most foul slips of
his own pen ; as when he affirmeth, " that in the place of
the slaughter of the Enghsh, nigh Battle in Sussex, if per-
adventure it be w^et with any small showier, presently the
ground sweateth forth very blood ; "f though indeed it be no
more than what is daily seen in Rutland after any sudden
rain, where the ground floweth with a reddish moisture. He
flourished anno 1200, under king John.
Roger Hoveden was born in this county, of the illustri-
ous family of the Hovedens, saith my author; J bred first in
the study of the civil, then of the canon law; and at last^
being servant to king Henry the Second, he became a most
accomplished courtier. He is the chiefest (if not sole) lay-his-
torian of his age ; who, being neither priest nor monk, wrote a
" Chronicle of England,^^ beginning w^here Bede ended, and
continuing the same until the fourth of king John. When king
Edward the First laid claim to the crown of Scotland, he caused
the " Chronicles " of this Roger to be diligently searched, and
carefully kept many authentical passages therein tending to his
present advantage. This Roger flourished in the year of our
Lord 1204.
John of Halifax, commonly called De Sacro Bosco, w^as
born in that town, so famous for clothing ; bred first in Oxford,
then in Paris, being the prime mathematician of his age.§ All
students of astronomy enter into that art through the door of
his book " De Sphsera.^^ He hved much beloved, died more
lamented, and was buried with a solemn funeral, on the public
cost of the university of Paris, anno 1256.
RoBERTus Perscrutator, or Robert the Searcher,
was born in this county ;|| bred a Dominican, a great mathema-
tician and philosopher. He got the surname of Searcher, be-
cause he was in the constant quest and pursuit of the mysteries
of Nature ; a thing very commendable, if the matters we seek
for, and means we seek with, be warrantable.
Yea Solomon himself, on the same account, might be entitled
Searcher, who, by his own confession, " applied his heart to
know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of
things .""^
* Godwin, in the Bishops of St. Asaph.
t Cited and confuted by Camden, in Sussex — F.
X Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iii. num. 55.
§ Bale, out of Leland, Cent. vi. num. 93.
II Pits, de Anglise Scriptoribus, p. 419. \ Eccle?. vii. 25.
But curiosity is a kernel of the forbidden fruit, which still
sticketh in the throat of a natural man, sometimes to the danger
of his choking. It is heavily laid to the charge of our Robert,
that he did light his candle from the deviPs torch, to seek after
such secrets as he did desire; witness his work of "Ceremo-
nial Magic,^^ which a conscientious Christian would send the
same way with the Ephesian Conjuring Books, and make them
fuel for the fire. However, in that age, he obtained the repu-
tation of a great scholar, flourishing under king Edward the
Second, 1326.
Thomas Castleford, born in this county,* was bred a Be-
nedictine in Pontefract, whereof he wrote a history, from Ask, a
Saxon, first owner thereof, to the Lacies, from whom that large
lordship descended to the earls of Lancaster. I could wish
some able pen in Pontefract would continue this chronicle to our
time, and give us the particulars of the late memorable siege,
that, though the castle be demolished, the fame thereof may re-
main. Leland freely confesseth that he learnt more than he
looked for by reading Castleford's " History,^^ promising to give a
larger account thereof in a book he intended to write of " Civil
History," and which I suspect he never set forth, prevented by
death. Our Castleford flourished about the year of our Lord
John Gower was born, saith Leland,t at Stitenham (in the
North Riding in Bulmore Wapentake) of a knightly family.
He was bred in London a student of the laws, till, prizing his
pleasure above his profit, he quitted pleading to follow poetry.
He was the first refiner of our English tongue, eff'ecting much
but endeavouring more therein. Thus he who sees the whelp
of a bear but half licked, will commend it for a comely creature,
in comparison of what it was when first brought forth. Indeed
Gower left our English tongue very bad, but found it very, very
Bale makes him ^^ Equitem auratum et poetam laureatum,"
proving both, from his ornaments on his monumental statue in
Saint Mary Overy's, Southwark. Yet he appeareth there nei-
ther the laureated nor hederated poet (except the leaves of the bays
and ivy be withered to nothing since the erection of the tomb),
but only rosated, having a chaplet of four roses about his head.
Another author unknighteth him,t allowing him only a plain
esquire ; though in my apprehension the collar of SSS. about
his neck speaks him to be more. Besides (with submission to
better judgments) that collar hath rather a civil than military
relation, proper to persons in places of judicature ; which makes
• Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iv. num. 100.
t Ibid. Cent. vii. num. 23.
+ Stow, in his •' Survey of London," in Bridge Ward without.
me guess this Gower some judge in his old age, well consisting
with his original education.
He was before Chaucer, as born and flourishing before him,
(yea by some accounted his master) ; yet was he after Chaucer,
as surviving him two years, living to be stark blind, and so more
properly termed our English Homer. Many the books he wrote,
whereof three most remarkable, viz. " Speculum Meditantis,'^
in French : " Confessio Amantis," in English : '^ Vox Claman-
tis," in Latin. His death happened 1402.
John Marre, (by Bale called Marrey, and by Trithemius
Marro) was born at Marr,* a village in this county, three
miles west from Doncaster, where he was brought up in learn-
ing. Hence he went to Oxford, where (saith Leland) the uni-
versity bestowed much honour upon him for his excellent learn-
He was by order a Carmelite ; and in one respect it was well
for his memory that he was so, which maketh John Balef (who
• generally falleth foul on all friars) to have some civiUty for him,
as being once himself of the same order, allowing him subtily
learned in all secular philosophy. But what do I instance in
home-bred testimonies ? Know, reader, that, in the character
of our own country writers, I prize an inch of foreign above an
ell of English commendation ; and outlandish writers, Trithemius,
Sixtus Senensis, Petrus Lucius, &c. give great encomiums of his
ability ; though I confess it is chiefly on this account, because
he wrote against the opinions of John Wickliffe. He died on
the eighteenth of March, 1407 ; and was buried in the convent
of Carmelites in Doncaster.
Thomas Gascoigne, eldest son to Richard (the younger
brother unto Sir WilUam Gascoigne, lord chief justice), was born
at Huntfleet in this county ; bred in Baliol College in Oxford,
where he proceeded doctor in divinity, and was commissioner
of that university anno Domini 1434.^ He was well acquainted
with the maids of honour, I mean humane arts and sciences,
which conducted him first to the presence, then to the favour of
divinity, the queen. He was a great Hieronymist, perfectly ac-
quainted with all the writings of that learned father, and in ex-
pression of his gratitude for the good he had gotten by reading
his works, he collected out of many authors, and wrote the life
of Saint Hierom. He made also a book called " Dictionarium
Theologicum," very useful to, and therefore much esteemed by,
the divines§ in that age. He was seven-and-fifty years old,
anno 1460; and how long he survived afterwards is unknown.
* Pits, de Angliae Scriptoribus, in anno 1407.
f De Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. vii. num. 32.
j Brian Twine, Antiq. Oxon. in hoc anno.
§ Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. viii. num. 12.
John Harding was born (saith my author*) in the northern
parts, and I have some cause to believe him this countryman.
He was an esquire of ancient parentage, and bred from his
youth in miUtary employment: first under Robert Umfrevil,
governor of Roxborough Castle, and did good service against
the Scots. Then he followed the standard of king Edward the
Fourth, adhering faithfully unto him in his deepest distress.
But the master-piece of his service was his adventuring into
Scotland, not without the manifest hazard of his life ; where
he so cunningly demeaned himself, that he found there, and
fetched thence out of their records, many original letters, which
he presented to king Edward the Fourth. Out of these he col-
lected a history of the several solemn submissions publicly
made, and sacred oaths of fealty, openly taken from the time of
king Athelstan, by the kings of Scotland, to the kings of Eng-
land, for the crown of Scotland ; although the Scotch historians
stickle with might and main, that such homage was performed
only for the county of Cumberland, and some parcels of land
their kings had in England south of Tweed. He wrote also
'^ a Chronicle of our English kings, from Brutus to king Ed-
ward the Fourth,^^ and that in English verse; and, in my
judgment, he had drank as hearty a draught of Helicon as
any in his age. He was living 1461, then very aged ; and I
believe died soon after.
Henry Parker was bred from his infancy in the Carmelite
convent of Doncaster; afterwards doctor of divinity in Cam-
bridge.t Thence he returned to Doncaster ; and well it had
been with him if he had staid there still, and not gone up to
London to preach at PauFs-cross, where the subject of his ser-
mon was, to prove, " That Christ's poverty was the pattern of
human perfection ; and that men professing eminent sanctity
should conform to his precedent, going on foot, feeding on
barley bread, wearing seamless woven coats, having no houses
of their own,^' &c. He drove this nail so far, that he touched
the quick, and the wealthy clergy winced thereat. His sermon
offended much as preached, more as published, granting the
copy thereof to any that would transcribe it. For this the
bishop of London put him in prison, which Parker patiently
endured (in hope, perchance, of a rescue from his order), till,
being informed that the Pope effectually appeared on the part
of the Prelates, to procure his liberty he was content at Paul's-
cross to recant ; J not, as some have took the word, to say over
the same again (in which sense the cuckoo, of all birds, is pro-
perly called the recanter), but he unsaid, with at least seeming
sorrow, what he had said before. However, from this time we
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent viii. num. 30.
t Pits, de Scriptoribus Anglise, anno 14 70.
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. viii. num. 29.
WRITERS. - 429
may date the decay of the Carmelites^ credit in England ; who,
discountenanced by the Pope, never afterwards recruited them-
selves to their former number and honour, but moulted their
feathers till king Henry the Eighth cut off their very wings,
and body too, at the Dissolution. This Parker flourished under
king Edward the Fourth, anno 1470.
Sir Francis Bigot, Knight, was born and w^ell landed in
this county.* Bale giveth him this testimony, that he was
Evangelicce veritatis amator. Otherwise I must confess myself
posed with his intricate disposition ; for he wrote a book against
the clergy, " Of Impropriations." Had it been against the
clergy of Appy^opriations, I could have guessed it to have prov-
ed tithes due to the pastors of their respective parishes ; where-
as now, having not seen (nor seen any that have seen) his
book, I cannot conjecture his judgment.
As his book, so the manner of his death seems a riddle unto
me, being (though a Protestant) slain amongst the northern
rebels, 1537. But here Bale helpeth us not a little, affirming
him found amongst them against his will. And indeed those
rebels, to countenance their treason, violently detained some
loyal persons in their camp ; and the blind sword, having aciem
not oculum, killed friend and foe, in fury, without distinction.
Wilfrid Holme w^as born in this county of gentle parent-
age; " Veritati Dei tunc revelatee auscultans ;"t and Pits tax-
eth him, that his pen was too compliant to pleasure king Henry
the Eighth. The truth is this ; he lived in these parts in that
juncture of time when the tw^o northern rebellions happened,
the one in Lincoln, the other in Yorkshire: and when the
popish party gave it out that the reformation would ruin church
and state, level all dignities and degrees; Wilfrid, to confute
the priests' truthless reports and the people's causeless jea-
lousies, stated the controversy truly, clearly, and wittily, in the
manner of a dialogue. He survived not many months after the
setting forth of this book, anno 1536.
Thomas Roberson was born in this county ;J and, being doc-
tor of divinity in Oxford, was one of the best grammarians for
Greek and Latin in that age. He had an 'admirable faculty in
teaching youth ; for every boy can teach a man, whereas he must
be a man who can teach a boy. It is easy to inform them who are
able to understand ; but it must be a master-piece of industry
and discretion to descend to the capacity of children. He
wrote notes upon the grammar of Lilly ; and, besides others,
one book, ^^De Nominibus Heteroclitis ;"§ and another, " De
* Bale, in his book called " Scriptores nostri temporis."
t Idem, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. ix. num. 22,
% Pits, de Anglise Scriptoribus, in anno 1544. § Idem, ibidem.
Verbis Defectivis ;" so that by his pains the hardest parts of
grammar are made the easiest, and the most anomalous reduced
to the greatest regularity by his endeavours. What Robert
Robinson (under whose name Quae Genus in the grammar is
printed) was to this Thomas Roberson, I have no leisure to
inquire, and leave it to those to v/hom it is more proper, sus-
pecting they may be the same person ; and that Pitseus, our
author, living mostly beyond the seas, might be mistaken in the
name: however, he flourished anno Domini 1544,
William Hugh was born in this county ; and bred in Cor-
pus Christi College in Oxford, where he attained to great emi-
nency in learning.* In his time the consciences of many ten-
der parents were troubled about the final estate of infants dying
unbaptised, as posting from the womb to the winding-sheet in
such speed, that the Sacrament could not be fastened upon
them. To pacify persons herein concerned, this William wrote
and dedicated a book to queen Katharine Parr, entituled, " The
troubled Man^s Medicine.^^ He died, of the breaking of a vein,
anno Domini 1549.
Roger As c ham was born at Kirkby-weik in this county ;
and bred in Saint John^s College in Cambridge, under doctor
Medcalfe, that good governor, who, whetstone -like, though
dull in himself, by his encouragement set an edge on most ex-
cellent wits in that foundation. Indeed Ascham came to Cam-
bridge just at the dawning of learning, and staid therein till the
bright- day thereof, his own endeavours contributing much light
thereunto. He was orator and Greek professor in the univer-
sity (places of some sympathy, which have often met in the
same person) ; and in the beginning of the reign of queen Mary,
within three days, wrote letters to forty-seven several princes,t
whereof the meanest was a cardinal. He travelled into Ger-
many, and there contracted familiarity with John Sturmius and
other learned men ; and, after his return, was a kind of teacher
to the lady Elizabeth, to whom (after she was queen) he became
her secretary for her Latin letters.
In a word, he was an honest man and a good shooter ; arch-
ery (whereof he wrote a book called '^To^ofiXog'') being his
only exercise in his youth, which in his old age he exchanged
for a worse pastime, neither so healthful for his body nor pro-
fitable for his purse, I mean cock-fighting, and thereby (being
neither greedy to get nor careful to keep money) he much im-
paired his estate. t
He had a facile and fluent Latin-style (not like those who,
counting obscurity to be elegancy, weed out all the hard words
they meet in authors) : witness his " Epistles,^^ which some say
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. ix. num. 72.
t Edward Grant, in the Life of Ascham. J Camden'.s Elizabeth, anno 1568.
are the only Latin ones extant of any Englishman, and if so,
the more the pity. What loads have we of letters from foreign
pens, as if no author were complete without those necessary
appurtenances ! whilst surely our Englishmen write (though not
so many) as good as any other nation. In a word, his
'' ToE,6(f)LXoQ" is accounted a good book for young men, his
" Schoolmaster'^ for old men, his " Epistles '' for all men, set out
after his death, which happened anno Domini 1568, December
30, in the 53d year of his age ; and he was buried in Saint Se-
pulchre's in London.
Sir Henry Savil, Knight, was born at Bradley, in the
parish of Halifax, in this county, of ancient and worshipful ex-
traction. He was bred in Oxford, and at last became warden
of Merton College, and also provost of Eton. Thus this
skilful gardener had at the same time a nursery of young plants,
and an orchard of grown trees, both flourishing under his care-
ful inspection.
This worthy knight carefully collected the best copies of
Saint Chrysostome, and employed learned men to transcribe
and make annotations on them ; which done, he fairly set it
forth, on his own cost, in a most beautiful edition ; a burden
which he underwent without stooping under it, though the
weight thereof would have broken the back of an ordinary per-
son. But the Papists at Paris had their emissaries in England,
who surreptitiously procured this knight's learned labours, and
sent them over weekly by the post into France, schedatim^
sheet by sheet, as here they passed the press. Then Fronto
Duceus (a French cardinal as I take it), caused them to be
printed there with implicit faith and blind obedience, letter for
letter, as he received them out of England, only joining there-
unto a Latin translation and some other considerable additions.
Thus two editions of Saint Chrysostome did together run a race
in the world, which should get the speed of the other in public
sale and acceptance. Sir Henry's edition started first by the
advantage of some months. But the Parisian edition came up
close to it, and advantaged with the Latin translation (though
dearer of price) outstript it in quickness of sale ; but of late the
Savilian Chrysostome hath much mended its pace, so that very
few are left of the whole impression.
Sir Henry left one only daughter, richly married to Sir Wil-
liam Sidley of Kent, baronet. He died at Eton, where he
lieth buried under a monument with this inscription :
** Hie jacent ossa et cineres Hem'ici Savill, sub spe cert^ resurrectionis. Natus
apud Bradley juxta Halifax, in comitatu Ebor. anno Domini 1549, ultimo die
mensis Novembris, obiit in Collegio Etonensi, anno Domini 1621 , xix die mensis
It must not be forgotten, that he was a most excellent ma-
thematician ; witness his learned lectures on Euclid. Yet once
happening casually into the company of Master Briggs of
Cambridge, upon a learned encounter betwixt them, Master
Briggs demonstrated a truth, besides (if not against) the judg-
ment of Sir Henry, wherewith that worthy knight was so highly
affected, that he chose him one of his mathematic professors
in Oxford, wherein he founded two, allowing a liberal salary
unto them.
Thomas Taylor was born at Richmond in this county,
where his father (a bountiful entertainer of people in distress)
was recorder of the town. He was afterwards bred in Christ's
college in Cambridge, and chosen a fellow thereof.
This Timothy, grave when green, entered very young, but
not raw, into the ministry, at twenty-one years of age ; and
continued in the same at Reading and London for the space of
thirty-fiv^e years. His sermons were generally well studied ;
and he was wont to say, " That oft-times he satisfied himself the
least when he best pleased his people, not taking such pains in
his preaching." His flock was firmly founded and well bot-
tomed on catechistical divinity; it being observed that his
auditors stuck close to their principles in this age, wherein so
many have reeled into damnable errors. He was a great giver
of alms, but without a trumpet, and most strict in his conver-
" Zeal for the house of God " may be said in some sort to
have ^^ consumed him ;" dying in the fifty-sixth year of his age,
anno Domini 1632, comfortably avowing at his death, that we
serve such a Master " who covereth many imperfections," and
giveth ^^ much wages for a little work."
Nathaniel Shute was born at Gigleswick in this county ;
Christopher Shute his father being the painful vicar thereof.*
He was bred in Christ's College in Cambridge ; a most excel-
lent scholar, and solid preacher: though nothing of his is
extant in print, save a sermon called " Corona Charitatis,"
preached at the funeral of Master Fishbourn. But the good-
ness of the land of Canaan may as well be guessed from one
great bunch of grapes, as if the spies had brought whole vine-
yards along with them. Indeed he was a profound and profi-
table preacher for many years together at St, Mildred Poultry .
in London.
One in the University, being demanded his judgment of an
excellent sermon in Saint Mary's, returned, that ^^it was an
uncomfortable sermon, leaving no hope of imitation for such as
should succeed him. In this sense alone I must allow Master
Nathaniel Shute an uncomfortable preacher (though otherwise
a true Barnabas and son of consolation), possessing such as shall
follow him in time with a despair to equal him in eminency.
He died anno Domini 1638, when our English sky was
* So I am informed by Mr. Christopher Shute, minister of Saint Vedastus in
London, heir to his father's virtues.— F.
clouded all over, and set to rain, but before any drops of water
fell down amongst us. Doctor Holdesworth most excellently
preached his funeral sermon, taking for his text, " We have
this our treasure in earthly vessels."
JosiAH Shute, brother to Nathaniel aforesaid, was bred
in Trinity College in Cambridge, and became afterwards minister
of Saint Mary Woolnoth in London ; and w^as (Reader, I do
say, and will maintain it) the most precious jewel that was ever
shewn or seen in Lombard street. All ministers are God^s
husbandmen ; but some of them can only plough in soft
ground, whose shares and cultures will turn edge in a hard
point of divinity. No ground came amiss to Master Shute,
whether his text did lead him to controversial or positive divi-
nity ; having a strain, without straining for it, of native elo-
quence, he spake that which others studied for. He was for
many years, and that most justly, highly esteemed of his parish ;
till, in the beginning of our late civil wars, some began to
neglect him, distasting wholesome meat w^ell dressed by him
merely because their mouths were out of taste, by that general
distemper, which in his time was but an ague, afterwards
turned to a fever, and since is turned into a frenzy in our
I insist hereon the rather, for the comfort of such godly
ministers, who now suffer in the same nature, wherein Master
Shute did before. Indeed no servant of God can simply and
directly comfort himself in the sufferings of others (as which
hath something of envy therein) ; yet may he do it consequen-
tially in this respect, because thereby he apprehends his own
condition herein consistent with God^s love and his own salva-
tion, seeing other precious saints taste with him of the same
affliction, as many godly ministers do novv-a-days, whose sickles
are now hung up as useless and neglected, though before these
civil wars they reaped the most in God's harvest. Master
Shute died anno Domini 1640; and was buried with great
solemnity in his own church. Master Udall preaching his fune-
ral sermon. Since his death his excellent sermons are set forth
on some part of Genesis ; and pity it is there is no more extant
of his worthy endeavours.
It must not be forgotten, how, retiring a little before his
death into the country, some of his parishioners came to visit
him, whom he cheerfully entertained with this expression, " I
have taught you, my dear flock, for above thirty years, how to
live, and now I will shew you in a very short time how to die."
He was as good as his word herein ; for within an hour he, in
the presence of some of them, was peaceably dissolved.
Be it also known, that besides these two brothers, Nathaniel
and Josiah, fixed in the city of London, there were three more,
bred and brought up in the ministry ; viz. Robert, preacher at
Lynn ; Thomas^ minister for a good time in Chester; and Timo-
thy^ lately (if not still alive, 1661) a preacher in Exeter.
All great (though not equal) lights are set up in fair candle-
sticks ; I mean, places of eminency, and conveniently distanced
one from another, for the better dispersing of their light ; and
good housewives tell me, old candles are the best for spending.
Happy their father, who had his quiver full with five such sons.
He need not be ashamed " to see his enemies in the gate.^^ It
is hard to say, whether he was more haj^py in his sons, or they
in so good a father ; and a wary man will crave time to decide
the doubt, until the like instance doth return in England.
George Sandys, youngest son of Edwin Sandys, arch-
bishop of York, was born at Bishop's Thorp in this county.
He proved a most accomplished gentleman, and an observant
traveller, who went as far as the sepulchre at Jerusalem ; and
hath spared other men's pains in going thither, by bringing the
Holy Land home to them ; so lively is his description thereof,
with his passage thither, and return thence.
He most elegantly translated " Ovid's Metamorphoses " into
English verse ; so that, as the soul of Aristotle was said to have
transmigrated into Thomas Aquinas (because rendering his
sense so naturally), Ovid's genius may seem to have passed into
Master Sandys. He was a servant, but no slave, to his subject;
w^ell knowing that a translator is a person in free custody ; cus-
tody being bound* to give the true sense of the author he trans-
lated ; free, left at liberty to clothe it in his own expression^
Nor can that in any degree be applied to Master Sandys,
which one rather bitterly than falsely chargeth on an author,
whose name I leave to the reader's conjecture :
" We know thou dost well
As a translator,
But where things require
A genius and a fire,
Not kindled before by others pains,
As often thou hast wanted brains."
Indeed some men are better nurses than mothers of a poem ;
good only to feed and foster the fancies of others; whereas
Master Sandys was altogether as dexterous at inventing as
translating ; and his own poems as spriteful, vigorous, and
masculine. He lived to be a very aged man, whom I saw in
the Savoy, anno 1641, having a youthful soul in a decayed
body ; and I believe he died soon after.*
John Saltmarsh was extracted from a right ancient (but
decayed) family in this county ; and I am informed that Sir
Thomas Metham, his kinsman, bountifully contributed to his
* He died at Bexley in Kent in 1643 — Ed.
education. He was bred in Magdalen College in Cambridge.
Returning into this his native country, was very great with Sir
John Hotham the elder. He was one of a fine and active fancy, no
contemptible poet, and a good preacher, as by some of his pro-
fitable printed sermons doth appear. Be it charitably imputed
to the information of his judgment and conscience, that of a
zealous observer he became a violent oppressor of bishops and
He wrote a book against my sermon of '^ Reformation,^' tax-
ing me for many points of Popery therein. I defended myself
in a book called ^' Truth maintained,'^ and challenged him to
an answer, who appeared in the field no more, rendering this
reason thereof, that ^^ he would not shoot his arrows against a
dead mark ; "* being informed that I was dead at Exeter.
I have no cause to be angry with fame (but rather to thank
her) for so good a lie. May I make this true use of that false
report, "to die daily," See how providence hath crossed it.
The dead [reported] man is still living,t the then living man
dead ; and seeing I survive to go over his grave, I will tread
the more gently on the mould hereof, using that civility on him
which I received from him.
He died in or about Windsor (as he was riding to and fro in
the Parliament army) of a burning fever, venting on his death-
bed strange expressions, apprehended (by some of his party) as
extatical, yea prophetical raptures ; whilst others accounted
them (no wonder if outrages in the city, when the enemy hath
possessed the castle commanding it) to the acuteness' of his
disease, which had seized his intellectuals. His death hap-
pened about the year 1650.
Jeremiah Whitacre was born at Wakefield in this
county ; bred master of arts in Sidney College, and after
became schoolmaster of Okeham, then minister of Stretton in
Rutland. He was chosen to be one of the members of the late
assembly, wherein he behaved himself with great moderation ; at
last he was preacher of St. Mary Magdalen's, Bermondsey, well
discharging his duty, being a solid divine, and a man made up
of piety to God, pity to poor men, and patience in himself.
He had much use of the last, being visited with many and most
acute diseases. I see God's love or hatred cannot be conjec-
tured, much less concluded, from outward accidents, this merci-
ful man meeting with merciless afflictions.
I have sometimes wondered with myself, why Satan, the
magazine of malice (who needeth no man to teach him mis-
chief), having Job in his power, did not put him on the rack
of the stone, gout, cholic, or strangury, as, in the height, most
* In the beginning of his book against Mr. Gattaker.
t May 20, 1661, at the writing hereof.— F.
2 F 2
exquisite torments ; but only be-ulcered him on his skin and
outside of his body.
And (under correction to better judgments) I conceive this
might be some cause thereof. Being to spare his life, the devil
durst not inflict on him these mortal maladies, for fear to
exceed his commission, who, possibly, for all his cunning,
might mistake in the exact proportioning of the pain to Job's
ability to bear it, and therefore was forced to confine his malice
to external pain, doleful but not deadly in its own nature.
Sure I am, this good Jeremiah was tormented with gout,
stone, and one ulcer in his bladder, another in his kidneys : all
which he endured with admirable and exemplary patience,
though God of his goodness grant that (if it may stand with his
will) no cause be given that so sad a copy be transcribed.
Thus God, for reasons best known unto himself, sent many and
the most cruel bailiffs to arrest him, to pay his debt to nature,
though he always was ready to tender the same at their single
summons. His liberality knew no bottom but an empty purse,
so bountiful he was to all in want. He was buried on the
6th of June, anno 1654, in his own parish of South wark, much
lamented ; master Simon Ash preaching his funeral sermon,
to which the reader is referred for his further satisfaction. I
understand some sermons are extant of his preaching.
Let me but add this distich, and I have done :
" Whiles ambo, Whitehead, Whil^ift, Whitakerm uterque
Vulnera Romano quanta dedere Papae?"
John Young was born in this county. His life appeareth
to me patched up of unsuiting pieces, as delivered by several
authors. A judicious antiquaiy,* seldom mistaken, will have
him a monk of Ramsey, therein confounding him with his
namesake many years more ancient. An otherf will have him
bred doctor of divinity in Trinity College in Cambridge, though
that foundation (suppose him admitted the first day thereof)
affordeth not seniority enough to write doctor before the reign
of queen Mary, except we understand him bred in some of the
hostels afterwards united thereunto. So that I rather concur
herein with the forenamed antiquary, that he was fellow of
Saint John's College in that university.
It is agreed that, at the first, he was at the least 2i parcel Pro-
testant, translating into English the book of archbishop Cran-
mer, of the Sacrament. But afterwards he came off with a
witness, being a zealous Papist, and great antagonist of Martin
Bucer, and indeed as able a disputant as. any of his party.
He was vice-chancellor of Cambridge anno 1554, master of
* Parker, Her. Skelet. Cap. ii. lib. M. &c.
t J. Pits, de Anglise Scriptoribus, p. 770.
Pembroke Hall, king^s professor of divinity, and rector of Land-
beach nigh Cambridge ; but lost all his preferment in the first
of queen Elizabeth. Surely more than ordinary obstinacy ap-
peared in him, because not only deprived, but imprisoned ; and,
in my judgment, more probably surprised before he went, than
after his return from foreign parts. He died under restraint,
in England, 1579.
John Mush was born in this county ;* bred first in the
Enghsh college at Douay, and then ran his course of philoso-
phy in their college at Rome. Afterwards, being madepriest,
he was sent over into England, to gain people to his own per-
suasion, which he did without and within the prison for twenty
years together, but at last he got his liberty.
In his time the Romish ship in England did spring a danger-
ous leak, almost to the sinking thereof, in the schism betwixt
the priests and the Jesuits. Mush appeared very active and
happy in the stopping thereof; and was by the English popish
clergy sent to Rome to compose the controversy, behaving him-
self very wisely in that service. Returning into his own coun-
try, he was for fourteen years together assistant to the English
arch-priest, demeaning himself comrnendably therein. He
wrote many books, and one whose title made me the more to
mind it, '' Vitam et Martyrium D. Margaretse Clithoroee.^^
Now whether this D. be for Dom'ma or Diva, for Lady or
Saint, or both, I know not. 1 take her for some gentlewoman
in the north, which, for some practices in the maintenance
of her own religion, was obnoxious to, and felt the severity of,
our laws. This Mush was living in these parts, anno 1612.
Thomas Scot v/as born at Rotherham, no obscure market in
this county. Waving his paternal name, he took that of Ro-
therham, from the place of his nativity. This I observe the
rather, because he was (according to my exactest inquiry) the last
clergyman of note with such an assumed surname ; which cus-
tom began now to grow out of fashion, and clergymen (like
other men) to be called by the nam^e of their fathers.
He was first fellow of King's College ; afterwards master of
Pembroke Hall in Cambridge, and chancellor of that University.
Here he built on his proper cost (saving something helped by
the scholars) the fair gate of the school, with fair walks on each
side, and a library on the east thereof. Many have mistaken
this for the performance of king Richard the Third, merely be-
cause his crest, the boar, is set up therein. Whereas the truth
is, that Rotherham having felt the sharp tusks of that boar
(when imprisoned by the aforesaid king, for resigning the great
* Pits, ut prius, p. 810.
seal of England to queen Elizabeth, the relict of king Edward the
Fourth) advanced his Arms thereon, merely to ingratiate himself.
He went through many church-preferments, being successively
provost of Beverley, bishop of Rochester, Lincoln, and lastly
archbishop of York. Nor less was his share in civil honour ;
first, keeper of the privy seal ; and last, lord chancellor of Eng-
land. Many were his benefactions to the public, of which none
more remarkable than his founding five fellowships in Lincoln
College in Oxford. He deceased, in the 76th year of his age, at
Cawood, of the plague, anno Domini 1500.
John Alcocke was born at Beverley in this county, where
he built a chapel, and founded a chantry for his parents. He
was bred a doctor of divinity in Cambridge, and at last became
bishop of Ely. His prudence appeared, in that he was pre-
ferred lord chancellor of England by king Henry the Seventh,
a prince of an excellent palate to taste men's abilities, and a
dunce was no dish for his diet. His piety is praised by the pen
of J. Bale, which (though generally bitter) drops nothing but
honey on Alcock^s memory, commending him for a most mor-
tified man ; " given to learning and piety from his childhood,
growing from grace to grace, so that in his age none in Eng-
land was higher for hoUness,'^ he turned the old nunnery of St.
Radigund into a new college, called Jesus, in Cambridge.
Surely, had Malcolm king of Scots, first founder of that nun-
nery, survived to see this alteration, it would have rejoiced his
heart, to behold lewdness and laziness turned out, for industry and
piety to be put in their place. This Alcocke died October 1,
1500. And had saintship gone as much by merit as favour, he
deserved one as well as his namesake Saint John, his prede-
cessor in that see.
The extent of this large province, and the distance of my
habitation from it, have disabled me to express my desires suit-
able to the merit thereof in this topic of modern benefactors ; which
I must leave to the topographers thereof hereafter to supply my
defaults with their diligence. But let me forget myself when I do
not remember the worthy and charitable Master Harrison,
inhabitant of the populous town of Leeds, so famous for the cloth
made therein. Methinks I hear that great town accosting him
in the language of the children of the prophets to Elisha, " Be-
hold now, the place where we dwell with thee is too strait for us.^'*
The church could scarce hold half the inhabitants, till this wor-
thy gentleman provided them another. So that now the men of
Leeds may say with Isaac, " Rehoboth, God hath made room
for us.^'t He accepted of no assistance, in the building of that
* 2 Kings vi 1. f Gen. xxvi. 22,
fair fabric^ but what he fully paid for, so that he may be owned
the sole founder thereof. But all his charity could not secure
him from sequestration in our troublesome times. All I will
add is this, as he hath " built a house for God/' may God
(in Scripture phrase *) "build a house for him P' I mean, make
him fruitful and fortunate in his posterity.
Paulinus de Leeds, born in this county, where there be
three towns of that name in one wapentake. It is uncertain in
which of these he was born, and the matter is of no great con-
cernment. One so free from simony, and far from buying a
bishopric, that, when a bishopric bought him, he refused to ac-
cept it : for, when king Henry the Second chose him bishop of
Carlisle, and promised to increase the revenue of that church
with three hundred marks yearly rent, besides the grant of two
church livings and two manors near to Carlisle, on the condition
that this Paulinus would accept the place, all this would not
work him to embrace so wealthy an offer.f The reasons of his
refusal are rendered by no author ; but must be presumed very
weighty, to overpoise such rich proffer^; on which account let
none envy his name a room in this my catalogue. He flou-
rished about the year of our Lord 1186.
William de la Pole, born at Ravensrode in this county,
was, for wealth and skill in merchandize, inferior to none in Eng-
land. He made his abode at Kingston-upon-HuU, and was the
first mayor of that town.J When king Edward the Third was
at Antwerp, and much necessitated for money (no shame for a
prince always in war to be sometimes in want) this William
lent him many thousand pounds of gold ; in recompence whereof
the king made him his valect (equivalent to what afterward was
called gentleman of the bedchamber) and lord chief baron of his
Exchequer, § with many other honours ; amongst which this was
one, that he should be reputed a banneret, not that he was really
made one, seeing the flourishing of a banner over his head, in
the field, before or after a fight, was a ceremony essential there-
unto : but he had the same precedency conferred upon him. I
find not the exact date of his death, but conjecture it to be about
the year 1350.
1. William Eastfield, son of WiUiam Eastfield, of Tickell,
Mercer, 1429.
2. John Ward, son of Richard Ward, of Howdon, Grocer,
* Exod. i. 21. f Godwin, in his Catalogue of Bishops, out of R. Hovenden
X Camden's Britannia, in Yorkshire.
§ Sed quaere, because he appears not in Sir Henry Spelman's Catalogue. — F.
3. William White, son of William White, of Tickhill, Draper,
4. John Rudstone, son of Robert Rudstone, of Hatton, Dra-
per, 1528.
5. Ralph Dodmer, son of Henry Dodmer, of Pickering-leigh,
Mercer, 1529.
6. William Roch, son of John Roch, of Wixley, Draper, 1540.
7. Richard Dobbes, son of Robert Dobbes, of Baitby, Skinner,
8. William Hewet, son of Edmund Hewet, of Wales, Cloth-
worker, 1559.
9. John Hart, son of Ralph Hart, of Sproston-Court, Grocer,
10. Richard Saltonstall, son of Gilbert Saltonstall, of Halifax,
Skinner, 1597.
1 1 . William Cravon, son of William Cravon, of Appletreewick,
Merchant Tailor, 1610.
John archbishop of York, and Richard earl of Salisbury ;— Ed-
mund Darel, knight, and Robert Hopton, knight, (knights
for the shire) ; — Commissioners.
Tho. Say veil, chev.
Rob. Umbtred, chev.
Hen. Bonnflete, chev,
Radul. Graystock, chev.
Edm. Hastings, chev.
Radul. Bulmer, chev.
Will. Plumton, chev.
Joh. Sempest, chev.
Joh. Melton, chev.
Edm. Talbot, chev.
Joh. Saltvain, chev.
Will. Gascoigne, chev.
Ant. de Sancto Gluintino, arm.
Joh. Constable de Halsham,
Will, Inhidby de Riplay.
Hen. Vavasor de Hesiwood,
Tho. Metham de Grymston,
Joh. Perchay de Ritton, arm.
Radul. Pudsay de Craven, arm.
Tho. Saltmarsh de Saltmarsh.
Tho. Nuthill dc Kiston, arm.
Tho. Constable de Cotfosse,
Tho. Darcy de Newsted, arm.
Nich. Ash ton de Heton, arm.
Alex. Lonnde de Southcave,
Will. Ardern de Belthorp, arm.
Rich. Redmain de Harvvod,
Will. Moncheux de Barnstone,
Joh. Routh de Routh, arm.
Tho. Gray de Barton, arm.
Radul. Stanfeld, arm.
Rog. Tempest de Broughton,
Tho. Clarell de Steton, senioris,
Will. Birton de Snapethorp,
Joh. Manston de Manston,
Tho. Trollop de Carethorp,
Will. Hastings de Roiicheby, Jac. Metcalfe de Worsleydale,
arm. arm.
Job. Conyers de Cleveland, Rob. Hynkersell de Parocbia
arm. de Roderbam, gent.
Rob. Lambton de Nuntborp, Job» Hutton de Tbrysk,
arm. veom.
Job. B.nrster de Wakef Id, Will, de Stokdale de Ricb-
arm. mondsbire, yeom.
Rob. Pylkinton de Ayrenden, Rob. Satyrk de Ricbmond-
arm. sbire, yeom.
Job. Midleton de Lonesdale, Bayn. Tennand de Craven,
arm. yeom.
Tbo.RadeclifFede Bradley, arm. Tbo. Goll. de Grystbewayt,
Tbo. Redneyne de Lonesdale, yeom.
arm. Rog* Tenand. de Longstrath,
Will. Tborton, de Lonesdale, yeom.
arm. Tbo. Swelting de Newhall in
Tbo.ManncelldeBurford, arm. Parocbia de Spoford, yeom.
Here is a very slender return of gentry, bardly wortb insert-
ing, and bearing no proportion to tbe extent and populousness
of tbe province.* The reader may remember, bow tbe main
design driven on in tbis inquiry was (whatever was pretended
to detect such as favoured tbe title of the bouse of York. Now
the gentry of tbis county were generally addicted to that party,
which made them so remiss in tbis matter, slightly slubbering
it over, doing something for shew, and nothing to purpose.
And this being the last catalogue which occurreth in tbis kind,
we will here take
The worst I wish our English gentry is, that, by God's bless-
ing on their thrift, they may seasonably out-grow the sad im-
pressions which our civil wars have left in their estates, in
some to the shaking of their contentment. I could wish also
that, for tbe future, they would be more careful in tbe educa-
tion of their children, to bring them up in learning and religion ;
for I suspect that the observation of foreigners bath some smart
truth therein, "that Englishmen, by making their children gentle-
men before they are men, cause that they are so seldom wise-
Indeed learning (whatever is fondly fancied to tbe contrary)
is no more a burden to the bearer thereof, than it is cumber-
some for one to carry bis head on bis own shoulders. And
seeing gentry alone is no patrimony, which (as the plain proverb
saith) "sent to market will not buy a bushel of wheat," it is
good even for those of tbe best birth to acquire some liberal
* See the Worthies General of England, cap. 14.
quality, which, in case of casualty, may serve them for a safe
second, and besteed them toward the attaining of a livelihood.
I could name the Scotch nobleman, who, having lost his land
and honour, through the default of his father, in the reign of
king James, maintained himself completely by the practice of
physic and chemistry, much, in my mind, to his commendation.
And it is reported to the praise of the Scotch nobility, that an-
ciently they all were very dexterous at surgery ; and particularly
it is recorded of James the Fourth king of Scotland, " quod vul-
nera scientissim^ tractavit,'^* (that he was most skilful in hand-
ling of wounds.) It is good also for those of great descent to
acquaint themselves with labour, not knowing what evil may be
on the earth ; and the Romans (all know) did choose their wise
men, not by their white but hard hands, whence the name of
Callidi took its denomination.
But, above all, religion is the greatest ornament, without
which all emblems of ancestry are but putamina nobilitatis, the
husks and empty shell of nobility. Yea, when a fair coat of
arms belong to one of foul manners, it is so far from being a
credit unto him, that such arms give the lie to the bearer
thereof, as tacitly upbraiding him for being unworthy of his own
Anno HEN. II. Anno
1 Bartraneus de BuUemer, 3 Will, de Stutevill, et
for nine years. Will. Breto.
10 Recorda manca to the end 4 Idem.
of this king^s reign. 5 Galfr. filius Will, de Percy,
et Rad. de Normanvite.
RICHARD. I. g j^ob^ (jg L^^gi Constabular.
1 Randul. de Glanvil. Cestr. et Rob. Walusis,
2 Osbert. de Longo Campo, for six years.
et Joh. Marest.. 12 Gilb, filius Remfr, et
3 Osbert. de Longo Campo. Hen. de Rademan (sive
4 Hugo Burdulf, et Hugo de Radanor), for four vears.
Bobi. 16 Rob. de Percy, et
5 Idem. Hen. de Middleton.
6 Idem. 17 Petr. filius Herberti, et
7 Galfr. Episc. Ebor. et Rich, de Hussebene.
Roger de Batwent, for
seven years.
JOHAN. REX. 2 Galfr. de Heonel, et
Galfr. filius Petri, et Simon, de Hales
Ja. de Petem. 3 Idem.
Idem. 4 Galf. de NeviU.
* Buchanan, Rerum Scotiarum, &c. lib. xiii. fol. 131.
5 Idem.
6 Galfr. de Nevill, et
Simon de Hall.
7 Idem.
8 Simon, de Hall.
9 Eustacius de Ludham.
10 Idem.
11 Rob. de Rokefeld.
12 Idem.
13 Idem.
14 Will, de Stuteviil, et
Phil, de Assell.
15 Idem.
16 Idem.
17 Petr. de Rixall.
18 Brianus de Insula.
19 Joh. filius Galfridi.
20 Idem.
21 Brianus filius Alani, et
Rog. de Stapleton.
22 Idem.
23 Brand, filius Alani, et
Nich. de Molis, et
Will, de Middleton.
24 Nich. de Molis.
25 Idem.
26 Idem.
27 Hen. de Bada, for four
31 Hen. Batthen.
32 Idem.
33 Will. Daker.
34 Rob. de Creping.
35 Idem.
36 Will. Daker„
37 Rob. de Creping.
38 Will, de Horsenden.
39 Will, de Latymer.
40 Will, de Latymer, for four
44 Will, de Latymer, et
Joh. de Oketon.
45 Idem.
46 Pet. de Percy.
47 Idem.
48 Idem.
49 Will. Baszall.
50 Idem.
51 Idem.
52 Will, de Latymer.
53 Idem.
54 Idem.
55 Rog. Estanneus, et
Hen. de Kirby.
56 Idem.
1 Rog. Estraneus.
2 Idem.
3 Alex, de Kirton, for four
7 Ranul. de Dacre.
8 Idem, et
Johan. de la Degirmes.
9 Joh. de Lichgremes, for
five years.
14 Gervasius de Clifton, for
six years.
20 Johan. de Meate .
21 Johan. Byrun, for seven
Rob. Ou2:le.
de Kimne, for four
Will, de Honks.
Joh. d(
3 Crepping.
de Gaas, et
de Eure.
Salvein, et
Joh. Malebis, et
Nich. de Meyrill.
Simon. Ward.
Nich. <
Grey, et
. Ward.
12 Idem.
Tbo.de Rokeby, for 7 years.
13 Nullus titulus comit, in
Gerar. Salvaine.
hoc rotulo.
Will, de Plumpton.
Pet. de Nuttelle.
15 Simon. Ward.
Milo de Stapleton.
Pet. Nuttelle.
17 Ro^er. de Somervile.
Milo Stapleton, for five
18 Idem.
34 Tbo. de Muss^rave.
Marmad. Constable.
1 Roger, de Somervile.
2 Johan. Darcy.
Tbo. de Musgrave.
3 Hen. Fawcomberge.
4 Idem.
5 Rad. de Bulmer.
Marmad. Constable.
7 Pet. de Salso Maresco.
Joban. Cbamon, et
8 Pet. de Middleton.
Will. Acton.
9 Idem.
10 Petr. de Salso Maresco.
11 Rad. de Hastingly, et
Job. Bigod.
Tho. de Rokeby.
Rob. de Roos.
1 2 Rad. de Hastinges.
Will. Acton.
13 Idem.
Job. Bvgod.
14 Idem.
Will Percebay.
15 Job. de Elands.
Will, de Melton.
16 Job. Fawcombergb.
Rad. de Hastinges.
9. Simon Ward. — Tbe male line of bis ancient family ex-
pired in Sir Cbristopber Ward, standard-bearer to king Henry
tbe Eigbtb, at Boulogne. He lived* at Grindal (tbougb Mul-
wisb be lived at), leaving tbree daugbters, married into tbe
respected families of Strickland, Musgravg and Osborn.
17. Thomas de Rokeby. — Notbingcan be written too much
in tbe praise of tbis wortby knigbt, wbo was twice, 1351 and
1355, lord justice of Ireland. He came over tbitber, wben tbe
damnable custom (so is it called in tbe old statutes of Ireland!)
of Coigne and Livory was publicly practised. Tbis was a cus-
tom begun in tbe time of king Edward tbe Second, by Maurice
Fitz-Tbomas, earl of Desmond, wbereby tbe commander-in-
cbief (and otbers pretending bis power) extorted from people
borse-meat, man^s-meat, and money at pleasure, witbout any
ticket, or otber satisfaction. A tbing so destructive to tbat
* Sic. Orig Ed.
Statut. 12 Hen. IV, cap. vi.
country, that it is thus described in an ancient discourse of the
Decay of Ireland (the author^s zeal against it transporting him
into the marches of profaneness), that " it was invented in hell,
where, if it had been used and practised, it had long since de-
stroyed the kingdom of Belzebub,^'* as tending to the making
of division.
Sir Thomas endeavoured, to the utmost of his power, to ex-
tirpate this practice ; and effected it in some measure, famous
for this saying, which he left in Ireland behind him, " That he
would eat in wooden dishes, but would pay for his meat in gold
and silver.t"
Anno Name. Place.
1 Jo. Constable de Huilsham.
Quarterly G. and Vairy, a bend O.
2 Rob. de Nevill de Horby.
G. a saltire Arg.
3 Joh. Savill.
Arg. on a bend S. three owls of the first.
4 Rad. Hastings, mil.
Arg. a maunch S.
5 Will, de Erghom.
6 Joh. Savill .... ut prius. '
7 Gerard Ufleet.
8 Rob. Constable . . . ut prius.
9 Idem ut prius.
10 Rob. de Hilton.
Arg. two bars Az. ; over all a flower-de-luce O.
11 Jo. Savill . . . . . ut prius.
12 Joh. Goddard.
13 Jas. Pickerings.
Erm. a lion rampant Az. crowned O.
14 Will. Melton.
Az. a cross patonce, voided Arg.
15 Rad. de Eure.
Quarterly O. arid G. on a bend S. three escalops Arg.
16 Joh. Upeden, mil.
Ermine ; on a chief Az. three lions O.
17 Ja. de Pickering, mil. . ut prius,
18 Rob. Constable, mil. . ui prius.
19 Rad. de Eure .... ut prius.
20 Rob. de Nevill . . . ut prius.
21 Jac. Pickering . . . ut prius.
22 Joh. Upeden .... ut prius,
* The words are cited by Sir John Davies, in his Discovery of Ireland, p. 30 F*
f Annales Hiberniae, at the end of Camden's Britannia, anno 1356.
Anno Name. Place.
1 Joh. Constable, mil. . lit prius,
2 The. Bromflet, mil.
S. abend^issuant six flowers-de-luce,viz. three on each side,0.
Will. Dronsfield, mil.
.3 Joh. Savill .... ut prius.
4 Rich. Redman.
G. three cuissons Erm. buttoned and repelled O.
5 Idem ut prius,
6 Will. Dronsfield, mil.
7 Joh. Ebton, mil.
8 Tho. Rokeby, mil.
Arg. a chevron betwixt three rooks S. beaked and legged Az.
9 Will, de Harrington, mil.
Arg. a fret S.
10 Edw. Hastinges, mil. . ut prius,
11 Edw. Sandeforde, mil.
Per chevron S. and Erm. ; two boars'-heads in chief
couped O.
12 Tho. Rokeby, mil. . . ut prius.
1 Wil. Harrington, mil. . ut prius,
2 Tho. Bromflet, mil. . . ut prius,
S Rich. Redman, mil. . . ut prius,
4 Edw. Hastinges, mil. . ut prius,
5 Rob. Hilton, mil. . . ut prius.
6 Joh. Bigod, mil.
7 Tho. Bromflet, mil, . . ut prius.
8 Halv. Maulever, mil. , Allerton.
S. three hounds cursant in pale Arg.
9 Wil. Harrington, mil. . ut prius.
1 Wil. Harrington, mil. . ut prius,
2 Rob. Hilton, mil. . . ut prius,
3 Joh. Langton, mil.
4 Rich. Hastinges, mil. . ut prius.
5 Will. Ryther, mil.
Az. three crescents O.
6 Rob. Hilton, mil. . . ut prius,
7 Wil. Harrington, mil. . ut prius,
8 Joh. Clorevaux, mil.
9 Will. Rither, mil. . . ut prius,
10 Rich. Pickering, mil. . ut prius.
11 Hen. Bromfleet, mil. . ut prius.
12 Rich. Hastinges, mil. . ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
13 Will. Ryther, mil. .
14 Will. Tyriwhit, mil.
G. three pewets O.
Joh. Constable, mil.
Rob. Constable, mil.
Will. Ryther, mil. .
Joh. Tempest, mil.
Arg. a bend betwixt six martlets S.
Rob. Waterton, mil.
Barry of six Erm. and G. three crescents S.
Will. Gascoign, mil. . Gauthorp.
Arg. on a pale S. a luce's head erected O.
Tho. Metham, mil.
Quarterly Az. and Arg. on the first a flower-de-luce O.
Edw. Talbott, mil. . . Balshall.
Arg. three lions rampant Purpure O.
Will. Eure, mil. . . . ut prizes.
24 Ja. Strangways, mil. . Ormsby.
S. two lions passant Arg. ; paly G.
Rob. Oughtrede, mil.
O. on a cross flurt G. four martlets of the field.
Win. Plumpton, mil. . Plumpton.
Az. on five fusils in fess O. as many scallops G.
Jo. Conyers, mil.
Az. a maunch O. •
28 Jac. Pickering, mil. . . ut prius.
29 Rob. Oughtrede, mil. . ut prius.
30 Rad. Bygod, mil. . c ut prius.
31 Jac. Strangways, mil. . ut pr'ius.
32 Joh. Milton, jun. mil. . ut prius.
33 Joh. Savill, mil. . . . ut prius.
34 Tho. Harrington, mil. ." ut prius.
35 Joh. Hotham, mil.
O. on a bend S. three mullets Arg.
36 Rad. Bygod, mil. . . ut prius.
37 Joh. Tempest, mil. . . ut prius.
38 Tho. Metham, mil.
ut prius.
1 Joh. Savill, mil. . . . ut prius.
2 Rob. Constable, mil. . ut prius.
3 Idem ut prius.
4 Joh. Constable, mil. . ut prius.
5 Edw. Hastings, mil. . ut prius.
6 Ri. Fitzwilliams, mil.
Lozengy Arg. and G.
7 Jac. Harrington, mil. . ut prius.
8 Joh. Conyers, mil. . . ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
9 Jac. Strangways, mil. . ut prius,
10 Hen. Vaulvasor^ mil.
O. a fess dancettee S.
11 Edw. Hastinges, mil. . ut prius.
12 Rad. Ashton^ mil.
13 Idem ut prius.
14 Walt. Griffith, mil.
15 Joh. Conyers, mil. . . ut prius.
16 Ja. Harrington, mil. . ut prius.
17 Edw. Hastinges, mil. . ut prius.
18 Will. Ryther, mil. , . ut prius.
19 Rob. Constable, mil. . ut prius.
20 Hug. Hastinges, mil. . ut prius.
21 Marm. Constable, mil. . ut prius.
22 Rad. Bygod, mil. . . ut prius ^
1 Will. Eure, mil. . . . ut prius.
2 Edw. Hastinges, miL . ut prius.
3 Tho. Markindale.
1 Joh. Savyll, mil.
2 Rob. Ryther, mil. .
3 Joh. Nevill, mil.
4 Marm. Constable, mil.
5 Hen. Wentworth, mil.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
S. a chevron betwixt three leopards^ heads O.
6 Tho. Wortley, mil.
Arg. a bend with three bezants betwixt six martlets G.
7 Hen. Wentworth, mil. . ut prius.
8 Ja. Strangway.s, mil. . ut prius.
9 Marm. Constal)le, mil. . ut prius.
10 Joh. Nevill, mil. . . . ut prius.
11 Will. Gascoign, mil. . ut prius.
12 Joh. Melton, mil. . . ut prius.
13 Will. Conyers, mil. . . ut prius.
14 Joh. Hotham, mil. . . ut prius.
15 Idem ut prius.
16 Walt. Griffith, mil. . . ut prius.
17 Tho. Worthley . . . ut prius.
18 Will. Conyers, -mil. . . ut prius.
19 Rad. Ryther, mil. . . ut prius.
20 Jo. Cutts, mil. (sive Carr).
(Let the name first be agreed on.)
21 Rad. Em-e, mil. . . . ut prius.
22 Jo. Norton, mil. . . . ut prius.
23 Idem ut prius.
Anno Name. Place.
24 Jo. Straiigwaies, mil. . lit prius.
1 Mar. Constable, mil. . ut prius.
2 Rad. Evers, mil. . ' , ut prius.
3 Jo. Constable, mil. . . uf prius.
4 Jo. Everingham, mil. . Wadsley.
G. a lion rampant Vairy ; a label with three points O.
5 Will. Percy, mil.
(See our notes.)
6 Joh. Norton, mil.
7 Jo. Carre, mil.
G. on a chevron Arg.
ut prius.
three mullets.
ut prius.
8 Rich. Tempest, mil.
9 Will Bulmer, mil.
G. a lion rampant O
Jo. Nevill, mil. . .
Pet. Vavasor, mil.
Th. Strangvvaies, mil.
Will. Maleverer, mil.
Hen. Clifford, mil.
Cheeky O. and Az. a fess G.
Jo. Nevill, mil. . . . ut prius.
Jo. Constable de Hol-
dernes, mil. . .
Jac. Metcalfe, arm.
Arg. three calves S.
Will. Middleton, mil.
Jo. Nevill, mil. . .
Jo. Constable, mil. .
Rad. Ellerker, sen. mil.
billetted S,
, ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut 2^rius.
Aro;. a fess betwixt three water-bougets G.
2it prius.
Jo. Strangwaies, mil.
Nich. Fairfax, mil.
Arg. three bars gemelles G. ; over all a lion rampant S.
24 Mar. Constable, mil. . ut prius.
25 Jo. Constable, mil. . . ut prius.
Will. Fairfax, mil. . . ut prius.
Geo. Darcy, mil.
Az. three cinquefoils betwixt nine crosses croslet Arg,
Br. Hastings, mil.
Hen. Savill, mil.
Jo. Strangwaies, mil.
Will. Fairfax, mil. ,
Rob. Nevill, mil.
Hen. Savill, mil.
34 The. Tempest, mil.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
2 G
Anno Name. Place.
35 Joh. Dawney, mil. . . Cowicke.
Aro-. on a bend cotised S. three annulets of the first.
36 Nich. Fah'fax^ mil. . . ut prius.
37 Chri. Danby, mil.
Arg. three chevrons bracy S. ; on a chief of the second
three mullets of the first.
38 Jo. Tempest^ mil. . . ut prius.
1 Rich. Cholmeley, mil. . Whitby.
G. two helmets in chief Arg. ; in base a garb O.
2 Will. Vavasor^ mil. . . ut prius,
3 Will. Calverley, mil. » Calverley.
4 Leon. Beck\\dth, mil. . Aketon. ;
5 Tho. Gresham^ mil. '
6 Th. Maleverer, mil. . . ut prius.
M. 1 Tho. Waterton^ mil. . ut prius,
\, 2 Ingr. Clifford, mil. . ut prius.
2.3 Chri. Metcalf, mil. . ut prius.
3. 4 Rich. Cholmley, mil. . ut prius.
4.5 Rob. Constable, mil. . ut prius.
5 J 6 Rad. Ellerker, mil. . ut prius.
1 Joh. Vaughan, arm. . . Sutton.
Az. on a mullet Arg. a crescent S.
2 Joh. Nevill, mil. . . . ut prius.
3 Nich. Fairfax, mil. . . ut prius.
4 Geo. Bowes, mil. . . Stretham.
Erm. three bows bent G.
5 Will. Vavasor, mil. . . ut prius.
6 Will. Ingleby, mil. . . Ripley.
S. an etoile Arg.
7 Tho. Gargrave, mil. . Nosthall.
Lozengee Arg. and S. ; on a bend of the first three cres-
cents of the second.
8 Joh. Constable, mil. . ut prius.
9 Hen. Savyll, arm. . . ut prius.
10 Rich. Norton, arm. . . ut prius.
11 Tho. Gargrave, mil. . ut prius.
12 Chri. HilHard, arm.
Az. on a chevron betwixt three mullets O.
13 Tho. Fairfax, arm. . . nt prius.
14 Joh. Dawney, arm. . . ut prius.
15 Mar. Constable, mil. . ut prius.
16 Will. Bellasisj mil. . . Newborough.
Arg. a chevron G. betwixt three flowers-de-luce Az.
17 Tho. Danby, mil. . . ut prius,
18 Tho. Boynton^ arm. . Barmston.
O. a fess betwixt three crescents G.
19 Will. Fairfax^ arm. . . ut prius.
20 CI. Wonds worthy arm, . Kirklington.
21 Rich. Goodrich^ arm. . Rib ton.
Arg. on a fess G. betwixt two lions passant guardant S.
a flower-de-luce of the first between two crescents O.
Rad. Bm'cher, arm.
Rob. Stapleton, mil.
Arg. a lion rampant S,
Tho. Wentworth^ mil. .
Got. Gargrave, mil.
Joh. Hotham, mil. . .
Bri, Stapleton, arm.
Hen. Constable^ mil.
Rob. Aske.
G. three barralets Az.
Rich. Maleverer . . .
31 Jo. Dawney, mil. . .
32 Phil. Constable, arm. .
Rich. Goodrick, arm.
WiU. Mallery
ut prius,
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius,
ut prius.
O. a lion rampant queue forche G, collared Arg.
Rad. Eure, arm. primogen.
Domini Eure.
Fran. Vaughan, arm.
Chri. Hilliard, arm. . .
Fran. Boynton, arm.
Tho. Lassels, arm.
S. a cross flurt O.
Marm. Grimston, arm.
Arg. on a fess S. three
Rob. Swift, arm. . . .
O. a chevron Vairy
Fran. Clifford, arm.
Will. Wentworth, arm. .
Tho. Strickland, arm.
Hen. Bellasis, mil. . .
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
ut prius.
mullets of six points O.
betwixt three roebucks
ut prius,
ut prius,
ut prius.
1 Hen. Bellasis, mil. . . ut prius,
2 Rich. Gargrave, mil. . tit prius.
3 Will. Banburgh, mil. . Howson.
Arg. a pheon ; on a chief S. a lion passant of the first.
2 G 2
Anno Name. Place.
4 Hen. GrifFeth, mil. . . ut prius,
5 Tim. Hutton, mil. . . Mask.
6 Hug. Bethell, mil. . . Alne.
Arg. a chevron between three boars' heads coupee S.
7 Fran. Hildsley, mil.
8 Tho. Dawney^ mil. . . ut prkis.
9 Hen. Slingsby, mil.
(See our notes.)
10 Chri. Hilliard^ mil. . . ut prius.
11 Geo. Savillj mil. et bar. ut prius.
12 Jo. Armitage^ arm. . . Kerkles.
Az. a lion's head erased between three croslets O.
13 Edw. Stanhop, mil.
Quarterly Erm. and G.
14 Mich. Warton, mil. , . Beverly.
O. on a chevron Az. a martlet betwixt two pheons of the
15 Rob. Swift^ mil, . . . ut prius,
16 Will. Alford, mil. . . Bilton.
G. six pears and a chief O.
17 Arth. Ingram, mil.
Erm. on a fess G, three escalops O.
18 Tho. Odwer, mil. et bar.
19 Rich. Tempest, mil. . . ut prius.
20 Guid. Palmes, mil. . . Lindley.
G. three flower-de-luces Arg. ; a chief Vairy.
21 Hen. Jenkins, mil.
22 Rich. Cholmeley^ mil. . ut prius^
1 Tho. Wentworth, m. et b. ut p)rius.
2 Tho. NorclifF, mil. . . Manythorp.
Az. five mascles in cross O. ; a chief Erm.
3 Thomas Fairfax, mil. . ut prius.
4 Math. Boynton, mil. et b. ut j)Tius,
5 Art. Ingram, jun. mil. . ut prius.
6 Joh. Gibson, mil.
7 Tho. Laton, mil, . . . Laton.
Arg. a chevron betwixt three cross croslets fitchee S.
8 Arch. Robinson, mil. . Newby.
9 Mar. Wyvell, mil. et bar. Constable Burton.
G. three chevrons braced Vairy, a chief O.
10 Joh. Hotham, mil. et bar. ut prius.
11 Will. Pennyman, bar. . Mask.
G. a chevron Erm. betwixt three spear-heads Arg.
12 Joh. Ramsden, mil. . . By ram. -»
Arg. on a chevron betwixt three flower-de-luces S. a;
many rams'-heads couped of the first.
8. Thomas Rokeby, Mil. — I may call him Sir Thomas
junior, in distinction from an elder, (probably his ancestor) of
his name, of whom in the l7th of king Edward the Third. This
Sir Thomas, in this year of his sheriffalty, acquitted himself
loyally and valiantly against Henry Percy earl of Northumberland
and the lord Bardolfe, who, returning out of Scotland with con-
siderable forces, began a war against the king ; both which. Sir
Thomas, at Bareham-moor in this county, overcame, and took
prisoners. A service the more remarkable, because performed
by the sole assistance of this shire ; and, quenching the fire in
the first spark, he presented the king with a cheap, sudden, and
seasonable victory.
henry v.
8. Halvatheus Maulever, Mil.— Or Mal-lemrer, in
Latin Malus leporarius, or the bad hare-hunter. A gentle-
man of this county, being to slip a brace of grey-hounds to run
for a great wager, (Tradition is the author), so held them in the
swinge, that they were more likely to strangle themselves than
kill the hare ; whereupon this surname was fixed on his family.
I doubt not but many of this extraction are since as dexterous
in the criticisms of hunting as any Nimrod whatsoever.
henry VI.
11. Henry Bromfleet, Miles. — In the next year he was
sent with other ambassadors, both of the clergy and laity, to the
council of Basil ; and, after his return, was by the king created
lord Vescy, in the right of his mother Anastasia, daughter and
heir to WilUam Atton Lord Vescy. Master Camden * ob-
serveth this passage inserted in his patent, unusual in that age,
'^Volumus et vos, et Hseredes vestros masculos, de corpore
vestro legitime exeuntes, Barones de Vescy existere."
Now though hereby the barony of Vescy was entailed only
on his heirs male, yet was the king's favour more extensive
than his patent in this particular. For this Henry leaving no
male issue, but Margaret his sole daughter and heir, married to
John lord Clifford (father to Henry first earl of Cumberland of
that surname), she, notwithstanding the premises, derived
the barony of Vescy into that family, which at this day they
22. Edmond Talbot, Mil.— This family of Talbots is (though
unrelated to the house of Shrewsbury) of right ancient extrac-
tion, seated in this county ever since the time of king Henry
the Second. As for this Edmond Talbot our present sheriff
* Britannia, in Yorkshire.
(who died in the first of king Edward the Fourth), he was fa-
ther to Sir Thomas Talbot, one very zealous for the house of
York, and a servant to king Richard the Third, who bestowed
an annuity of forty pounds by the year, on him and his heirs
for his good service, as by the following patent will appear :
^^ Richardus, Dei gratia Rex Angliee et Franciee, et Dominus
liiberniae, omnibus ad quospreseaites literee pervenerint, salutem :
Sciatis quod, de gratia nostra speciali, ac pro bono et gratuito
servitio quod dilectus serviens noster Thomas Talbot, miles, in
captura magni adversarii nostri Henrici nuper (de facto sed non
de jure) regis Anglise, nobis ac bonee memorise regi Edwardo
Quarto (fratri nostro) defuncto impendit, et in futurum fideliter
impendet; dedimus et concedimus eidem Thomee, et heredibus
suis masculis, quandam annuitatem sive annualem reditum qua-
draginta librarum ; habendum et percipiendum annuatim, eidem
Thomas et heredibus suis, de exitibus, proficuis, et reventionibus
comitatus Palatini nostri Lancastrise, in com. Lane, per manus
Receptoris ibidem pro tempore existentis, ad Festum Sancti
Michaelis Archangeli; aliquo statuto, actu, sive ordinatione in
contrarium edito sive proviso in aliquo non obstante.
" In cujus rei testimonium, has literas fieri fecimus patentes.
" Dat. apud Ebor. 2^° Aug. anno Regni 2^^"
A branch of these Talbots are removed into Lacashire ; and
from those in Yorkshire colonel Thomas Talbot is descended.
10. Hen. Vavasor, Mil. — It is observed of this family, that
they never married an heir, or buried their wives. The place of
their habitation is called Hassell-wood, from wood, which there
is not wanting, though stone be far more plentiful, there being
a quarry within that manor, out of which the stones were taken
which built the cathedral and St. Mary^s abbey in York, the
monasteries of Howden, Selby, and Beverley, with Thorton col-
lege in Lincolnshire, and many others. So pleasant also the
prospect of the said Hassell-wood, that the cathedrals of York
and Lincoln, being more than sixty miles asunder, may thence
be discovered.
2. Radulphus Eure, alias Evers, Mil. — He was after-
wards, by the above named king, created a baron and lord war-
den of the Marshes towards Scotland. He gave frequent de-
monstration (as our chronicles do testify) both of his fidelity and
valour, in receiving many smart incursions from, and returning
as many deep impressions on the Scots. There is a lord Evers
at this day, doubtless a remoter descendant from him, but in
what distance and degree it is to me unknown.
5. William Percy, Mil. — I recommend tlie following pas-
sage to the reader's choicest observation, which I find in Cam-
den's Britannia, in Yorkshire :
^^ More beneath, hard by the river [Rhidals] side standeth
Riton, an ancient possession of the ancient family of the Percy-
hays, commonly called Percys."
I will not be over confident, but have just cause to believe
this our sheriff was of that family. And if so, he gave for his
arms, "Partie per fess Arg. and G. a lion rampant;" having Will.
Percy-hay (sheriff in the last of Edward the Third) for his an-
23. Nicholas Fairfax, Mil. — They took their name of
Fairfax, a pulchro capillitio, from the fair hair, either bright in
colour, or comely for the plenty thereof. Their motto, in al-
lusion to their name, is Fare, fac, " Say, do," such the sympathy
(it seems) betwixt their tongues and heart. This Sir Nicholas
Fairfax mindeth me of his namesake and kinsman Sir Nicholas
Fairfax of Bullingbrooke, knight of Rhodes, in the reign of Ed-
ward the Fourth.
Jacomo Bosio, in his Italian history of St. John of Jeru-
salem,* saith, that Sir Nicholas Fairfax was sent out of Rhodes,
when it was in great distress, to Candia, for relief of men and
provisions, which he did so well perform, as the town held out
for some time longer ; and he gives him this character, in his
own language, "Cavilero Nicolo Fairfax Inglico homo multo
spiritoso e prudento."
3. Christopher Metcalfe, Mil. — He attended on the
judges at York, attended on with three hundred horsemen, all
of his own name and kindred, well mounted and suitably attired.
The Roman Fabii, the most populous tribe in that city, could
hardly have made so fair an appearance, insomuch that Master
Camden gives the Metcalfes this character : " Quse numero-
sissima totius Anglise familia his temporibus censetur,"t
(which at this time, viz. anno 1607^ is counted the most nume-
rous family of England.)
Here I forbear the mentioning of another, which perchance
might vie numbers with them, lest casually I minister matter of
But this Sir Christopher is also memorable for stocking the
river Yower in this county, hard by his house, with crevishes
(which he brought out of the south) where they thrive both in
plenty and bigness. J For although
Omnia non omnis terra, nee unda feret .-
" All lands do not bring,
Nor all waters, every thing :
yet most places are like trees which bear no fruit, not because
. * Fol. 578. t Camden's Britannia, in Yorkshire.
if Idem, ibidem.
they are barren^, but are not grafted, so that dumb Nature seem-
eth in some sort to make signs to Art for her assistance. If
some gentleman in our parts will, by way of ingenuous retaha-
tion, make j^roof to plant a colony of such northern fishes as we
want in our southern rivers, no doubt he would meet with suit-
able success.
4. George Bower, Mil.— He had a great estate in this
county, and greater in the bishopric of Durham. A man of me-
tal, indeed ; and it had been never a whit the worse, if the quick-
ness thereof had been a little more allayed in him. This was
he who some seven years after, viz. anno 1569, was besieged by
the northern rebels in Bernard^s Castle, and straitened for
provision, yielded the same " on condition they might depart
with their armour."*
After the suppression of the rebels, their execution was com-
mitted to his care, wherein he was severe unto cruelty ; for many
well-meaning people were engaged in (and others drawn into) that
rising, who may truly be termed loyal traitors, with those " two
hundred "t men, who " went after Absalom in their simplicity,
and knew not anything," solicited for the queen's " service."
These Sir George hung up by scores (by the office of his marshal-
ship) ; and had hung more, if Master Bernard Gilpin had not
begged their lives by his importunate intercession.
23. Robert Stapletox, Mil. — He was descended from Sir
Miles Stapleton, one of the first founders of the Garter, and
sheriff in the 29th of Edward the Third. He met the judges
with seven score men in suitable liveries ; and was (saith my
author) " in those days, for a man, well spoken, properly seen in
languages, a comely and goodly personage, had scant an equal
(except Sir Philip Sidney), no superior in England. ''J He
married one of the coheirs of Sir Henry Sherington, by whom
he had a numerous posterity.
42. Francis Clifford, Arm. — He afterwards succeeded,
his brother George in his honours and earldom of Cumberland ;
a worthy gentleman, made up of all honourable accomplish-
ments. He was father to Henry the fifth and last earl of that
family, whose sole daughter and heir was married to the right
honourable, and well worthy of his honour, the then lord Dun-
garvon, since earl of Cork.
45. Henry Bellasis, Mil,~He was afterwards by king
Charles created Baron Fauconbridge of Yarum ; as since, his
grandchild, by his eldest son, is made Viscount Fauconbridge.
Camden's Eliz. anno 1569. t 2 Sam. xv. 11.
t Sir John Harrington, in the Archbishops of York.
John Bellasis, esquire, his second son, who, in the garrison of
Newark and elsewhere, hath given ample testimony of his va-
lour, and all noble qualities accomplishing a person of honour,
is since advanced to the dignity of a Baron.
9. Henry Slingsby, Mil. — The arms of this ancient and
numerous family (too large to be inserted in our list) are as fol-
loweth : ^' Quarterly, the first and fourth Gules, a chevron be-
tween two leopards' heads, and a hutchet or bugle Argent ; the
second and third Argent, a griffon surgeant Sable, supprest by
a fess Gules."
11. George Savill, Mil. et Bar. — This is the last men-
tion of this numerous, wealthy, and ancient family, which I find
in this catalogue. And here, reader, to confess myself unto
thee, my expectation^ is defeated, hoping to find that vigorous
knight Sir John Savill in this catalogue of Sheriffs. But it
seems that his constant court attendance (being privy councillor
to king Charles) privileged him from that employment, until by
the same king he was created Baron Savill of Pontefract, as his
son since was made Earl of Sussex. I hear so high commenda-
tion of his house at Howley, that it disdaineth to yield prece-
dency to any in this shire.
12. John Ramsden, Mil. — The reader will pardon my un-
timely and abrupt breaking off this catalogue, for a reason for-
merly rendered. Only let me add, that the renowned knight
Sir Marmaduke Langdale was sheriff 1641. He, without the
least self-attribution, may say, as to the king's side of Northern
actions, " Pars ego magna fui." But, as for his raising the
siege of Pontefract (felt before seen by the enemy), it will sound
Romanza-like to posterity, with whom it will find " plus famae
quam fidei.'' No wonder, therefore, if king Charles the Second
created him a Baron, the temple of Honour being of due open to
him who had passed through the temple of Virtue.
Many engagements (as much above skirmishes as beneath
battles) happened in this shire. But that at Marston-Moor,
July 2, 1644, was our English Pharsalian fight, or rather the
fatal battle of Cannae to the loyal cavaliers.
Indeed, it is difficult and dangerous to present the pa ticulars
thereof. For one may easier do right to the memories of the
dead, than save the credits of some living. However, things
past may better be found fault with than amended ; and when
God will have an army defeated, mistakes tending thereto will
be multiplied in despite of the greatest care and diligence.
Know then that prince Rupert, having fortunately raised the
siege at York, drew out his men into the Moor, with full inten-
tion to fight the enemy. Discreet persons, beholding the
countenance of the present affairs with an impartial eye, found
out many dissuasives for the prince to hazard a battle. 1. He
had done his work by relieving York ; let him digest the honour
thereof, and grasp at no more. 2. His wearied souldiers wanted
refreshing. 3. Considerable recruits were daily expected out
of the north, under colonel Clavering.
Add to all these, that such were the present animosities in the
Parliament army, and so great their mutual dissatisfactions when
they drew off from York, that (as a prime person since freely
confessed), if let alone they would have fallen foul amongst
themselves, had not the prince, preparing to fight them,
cemented their differences, to agree against a general enemy.
But a blot is no blot, if not hit ; and an advantage, no advan-
tage, if unknown : though this was true, the prince was not
informed of the differences aforesaid.
However, he did not so much run out of his own ambition o{
honour, as answer the spur of the king^s command, from whom
he had lately received a letter (still safe in his custody) speedily
to fight the enemy if he had any advantage, that so he might
spare and send back some supplies to his majesty's perplexed
occasions at Oxford.
Besides, the prince had received certain intelligence, that the
enemy had, the day before, sent away seven thousand men, now
so far distanced, that they were past possibility of returning that
day. The former part hereof was true, the latter false, confuted
by the great shout given this day in the Parliament's army, at
the return of such forces unto them.
But now it was too late to draw off the Parliament forces,
necessitating them to fight. A summer's evening is a winter's
day, and about four o'clock the battle began.
Some causelessly complain of the marquis of Newcastle, that
he drew not his men soon enough (according to his orders) out
of York, to the prince's seasonable succour. Such consider
not til at soldiers newly relieved from a nine weeks' siege will a
little indulge themselves. Nor is it in the power of a general
to make them at such times to march at a minute's warning,
but that such a minute will be more than an hour in the length
The lord general Goring so valiantly charged the left wing of
the enemy, that they fairly forsook the field. General Leslie,
with his Scottish, ran away more than a Yorkshire mile and a
wee bit. Fame, with her trumpet, sounded their flight as far as
Oxford, the royalists rejoicing with bonfires for the victory.
But, within few days, their bays, by a mournful metamorphosis,
were turned into willow; and they sunk the lower in true
sorrow, for being mounted so high in causeless gladness.
For Cromwell^ with his cuirassiers, did the work of that day.
Some suspected colonel Hurry (lately converted to the king^s
party) for foul play herein ; for he divided the king's Old Horse
(so valiant and victorious in former fights) into small bodies,
alleging this was the best way to break the Scottish lancers.
But those horse^ always used to charge together in whole regi-
ments or greater bodies, were much discomposed with this new
mode, so that they could not find themselves in themselves.
Besides, a right valiant lord, severed (and in some sort secured)
with a ditch from the enemy, did not attend till the foe forced
their way unto him, but gave his men the trouble to pass over
that ditch ; the occasion of much disorder.
The van of the king's foot being led up by the truly honour-
able colonel John Russell, impressed with unequal numbers,
and" distanced from seasonable succour, became a prey to their
enemy. The marquis of Newcastle's Whitecoats (who were
said to bring their winding sheet about them into the field),
after thrice firing, fell to it with the but ends of their muskets,
and were invincible ; till mowed down by Cromwell's cuirassiers,
with Job's servants, they were all almost slain, few escaping to
bring the tidings of their overthrow.
Great was the execution on that day, Cromwell commanding
his men to give no quarter. Various the numbering of the
slain on both sides ; yet I meet with none mounting them
above sia^ or sinking them beneath three thousand.
I remember no person of honour slain on the king^s side,
save the hopeful lord Cary, eldest son to the earl of Mon-
mouth. But on the Parliament's side, the lord Didup (a lately
created baron) was slain, on the same token, that when king
Charles said " that he hardly remembered that he had such a
lord in Ssotland ;" one returned, '' that the lord had wholly for-
gotten that he had such a king in England." Soon after, more
than sixty royalists of prime quality removed themselves beyond
the seas ; so that henceforward the king's aflfairs in the north
were in a languishing condition.
As I am glad to hear the plenty of a coarser kind of cloth is
made in this county, at Halifax, Leeds, and elsewhere, whereby
the meaner sort are much employed, and the middle sort en-
riched ; so I am sorry for the general complaints made thereof :
insomuch that it is become a general by- word, " to shrink as
northern cloths," (a giant to the eye, and dwarf in the use
thereof,) to signify such who fail their friends in deepest dis-
tress, depending on their assistance. Sad that the sheep, the
emblem of innocence, should unwillingly cover so much craft
imder the wool thereof ; and sadder, that Fullers, commended
in Scripture for making cloth ivhite,^ should justly be condemn-
* Mark ix. 3.
ed for making their own consciences black, by such fraudulent
practices. I hope this fault, for the future, will be amended in
this county and elsewhere : for sure it is, that the transport-
ing of wool and fullers-earth (both against law) beyond the seas,
are not more prejudicial to our English clothing abroad, than
the deceit in making cloth at home, debasing the foreign esti-
mation of our cloth, to the unvaluable damage of our nation.
York is an ancient city, built on both sides of the river
Ouse, conjoined with a bridge, wherein there is one arch, the
highest and largest in England. Here the Roman emperors
had their residence (Severus and Valerius Constantius their
death), preferring this place before London, as more approach-
ing the centre of this island : and he who will hold the ox-hide
from rising up on either side, must fix his foot in the middle
What it lacketh of London in bigness and beauty of build-
ings, it hath in cheapness and plenty of provisions. The
ordinary in York will make a feast in London ; and such per-
sons who in their eating consult both their purse and palate,
would choose this city as the staple place of good cheer.
It challengeth none peculiar to itself; and the foreign trade
is like their river (compared with the Thames) low and little.
Yet send they coarse cloth to Hamburgh; and have iron,
flax, and other Dutch commodities in return.
But the trade which indeed is but driven on at York, run-
neth of itself at Hull ; which, of a fisher^s town, is become
a city^s fellow within three hundred years, being the key of
the north. I presume this key (though not new made) is well
mended^ and the wards of the lock much altered, since it
shut out our sovereign from entering therein.
The cathedral in this city answereth the character which a
foreign author* giveth it, " Templum opere et magnitudine toto
orbe memorandum ;" the work of John Romaine, William
Melton, and John Thoresbury, successive archbishoj:)s thereof;
the family of the Percys contributing timber ; of the Valvasors,
i>tone thereunto.
* The writer of the life of vEneas Sylvius, or Pope Pius Secundus.
Appending to this cathedral is the chapter-house; such a
master-piece of art, that this golden verse (understand it writ-
ten in golden letters) is engraved therein :
Ut rosnjlosjtorum, sic est domus isla domorum.
** Of flowers that grow the flower's the rose ;
All houses so this house out-goes.''
Now as it follows not that the usurping tulip is better than the
rose, because preferred by some foreign fancies before it ; so is
it as inconsequent that modish Italian churches are better than
this reverend magnificent structure, because some humorous
travellers are so pleased to esteem them.
One may justly wonder, how this church, whose edifice woods
(designed by the devotion of former ages, for the repair thereof)
were lately sold, should consist in so good a condition. But, as
we read that " God made all those to pity his children, who
carried them captive f'^ so I am informed, that some who had
this cathedral in their command favourably reflected hereon,
and not only permitted but procured the repair thereof; and
no doubt he doth sleep the more comfortably, and will die the
more quietly for the same.
" Lincoln was, London is, and York shall be."]
Though this be rather a prophecy than a proverb ; yet,
because something proverbial therein, it must not be omitted.
It might as well be placed in Lincolnshire or Middlesex ; yet
(if there be any truth therein) because men generally worship
the rising sun, blame me not if here I only take notice thereof.
That Lincohi ivas,f namely a fairer, greater, richer city, than
now it is, doth plainly appear by the ruins thereof, being with-
out controversy the greatest city in the kingdom of Mercia.
That London is, we knov/ ; that York shall be, God knows.
If no more be meant but that York hereafter shall be in a bet-
ter condition than now it is, some may believe, and more do desire
it. Indeed this place was in a fair way of preferment (because
of the convenient situation thereof) when England and Scotland
were first united into Great Britan. But as for those who hope
it shall be the English metropolis, they must wait until the
river of Thames run under the great arch of Ouse-bridge.
However, York shall be, that is, shall be York still, as it was
Flaccus Albinus, more commonly called Alcuinus, was
born, say some, nigh London ; say others, in York ;I the latter
being more probable, because befriended with his northern
education under venerable Bede, and his advancement in York.
* Psalm cvi. 46.
I See the Life of Archbishop Mountain, in the Benefactors of this county,
X Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, num. 17. Cent. ii.
Here he so plied the well furnished library therein (much
praised* by him), that he distilled it into himself; so great and
general his knowledge. Bale ranketh him the third English-
man for learning, placing Bede and Adelme before him ; and
our Alcuinus' humility is contented with the place, though
he be called up higher by the judgments of others.
Hence he travelled beyond the seas ; and what Aristotle was
to Alexander he was to Charles the first emperor. Yea,
Charles owed unto him the best part of his title, " The Great,^*
being made great in arts and learning by his instructions.f
This Alcuinus was the founder of the university in Paris ; so
that, whatsoever the French brag to the contrary, and slight
our nation, their learning was lumen de Imnine nostro, and a
taper lighted at our torch. When I seriously peruse the ortho-
graphy of his name, I call to mind an anagram which the Papists
made of reverend Calvin, bragging like boys for finding of a
bee's when it proves but a hornet's nest ; I mean, triumphing
in the sweetness of their conceit, though there be nothing but
a malicious sting therein : " Calvinus,'' (Lucianus.)
And now they think they have nicked the good man to pur-
pose, because Lucianus was notoriously known for an atheist,
and grand scoffer at the Christian religion. A silly and spite-
ful fancy, seeing there were many Lucians worthy persons in
the primitive times, amongst whom the chief, one presbyter
of Antioch, and martyr under Dioclesian,J so famous to poste-
rity for his translation of the Bible. Besides, the same
literal allusion is found in the name of " Alcuinus,"
Thus these nominal curiosities, whether they hit or miss the
mark, equally import nothing to judicious beholders.
He was made first abbot of Saint Augustine's in Canterbury,
and afterward of St. Martin's in the city of Tours in France ;
and, dying anno 780, he was buried in a small convent appen-
dant to his monastry.
He is here entered under the topic of Saints, because, though
never solemnly canonized, he well deserved the honour. His
subjects said to David, "Thou art worth ten thousand of us;^'§
and though I will not ascend to so high a proportion, many of
the modern saints in the church of Rome must modestly con-
fess, that, on a due and true estimate, our Alcuinus was worth
many scores of them at least ; so great his learning, and holy his
* In Epistol^ su^ ad Carolam Magnum.
t Mr. Drake tells us (Eborac. p. 370.) Charlemagne " took the name of Great,
not from his conquests, but for being made great, in all arts and learning, by his
tutor's instructions ;" and for this he cites Fuller's Worthies. But this author's
words, in York, do not amount to this, for he assigns not that as the cause ; but
only observes, " Charles owed unto him the best part of his title, " The Great,"
being made Great in arts and learning by his instructions.'' — Dr. Pegge, Anonymiana ,
X Eusebius, lib. viii. cap. 13. § 2 Samuel, xviii. 3.
[S.N.] Sewald had his nativity probably in these parts.
But he was bred in Oxford, and was a scholar to St, Edmund,
who was wont to say to him, " Sewald, Sewald, thou wilt have
many afflictions, and die a martyr. Nor did he miss much of
his mark therein, though he met with peace and plenty at first,
when archbishop of York. The occasion of his trouble was,
when the Pope, plenitudine potentatis, intruded one Jordan an
Itahan to be dean of York, whose surprised installing Sewald
stoutly opposed.* Yea at this time there were in England no
fewer than three hundred benefices possessed by Italians, where
the people might say to them, as the eunuch to Philip, " How
can we understand without an interpreter ?" Yea, which was
far worse, they did not only not teach in the church, but mis-
teach by their lascivious and debauched behaviour. As for our
Sewald, Matthew Paris saith plainly, that he would not " bow
his knee to Baal -,'' so that, for this his contempt, he was excom-
municated and cursed by bell, book, and candle; though it was not
the bell of Aaron's garment, nor book of Scripture, nor the candle
of an impartial judgment. This brake his heart; and his me-
mory lieth in an intricate posture (peculiar almost to himself),
betwixt martyr and no martyr, a saint and no saint. Sure it is,
Sewald, though dying excommunicated in the Romish, is reputed
saint in vulgar estimation ; and some will maintain ^^ that the
Pope's solemn canonization is no more requisite to the making of a
saint, than the opening of a man's windows is necessary to the
lustre of the sun." Sewald died anno Domini 1258.
Bale, who assumeth liberty to himself to surname Old Wri-
ters at his pleasure, is pleased to addition this worthy man,
'' Sewaldus Magnanimus."t
Valentine Freese and his wife were both of them born in
this city; and both gave their lives therein at one stake, J for the
testimony of Jesus Christ, anno Domini 1531 ; probably by
order from Edward Lee, the cruel archbishop. I cannot readily
call to mind a man and his wife thus married together in mar-
tyrdom ; and begin to grow confident that this couple was the
first and last in this kind.
Edward Freese, brother to the aforesaid Valentine, was
born in York, and there an apprentice to a painter. § He was after-
wards a novice monk ; and, leaving his convent, came to Col-
chester in Essex. Here his heretical inclination (as then ac-
counted) discovered itself in some sentences of Scripture, which
he painted in the borders of cloths, for which he was brought
* Godwin in the Archbishops of York.
I De Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. iv. num. 23.
% Fox's Acts and Monuments, p. 1027. § Idem, ibidem, p. 1026.
before John Stoaksley bishop of London, from whom he found
such cruel usage as is above belief. Master Fox saith,* that he
was fed with manchet made of sawdust, or at least a great part
thereof; and kept so long in prison, manacled by the wrests,
till the flesh had overgrown his irons ; and he, not able to comb
his own head, became so distracted, that, being brought before the
bishop, he could say nothing, but " My lord is a good man/^
A sad sight to his friends, and a sinful one to his foes, who first
made him mad, and then made mirth at his madness.
I confess distraction is not mentioned in that list of losses
reckoned up by our Saviour, " He that left his house, or breth-
ren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or
lands, for my sake,^^ &c.t But seeing his wits is nearer and
dearer to any man than his wealth, and seeing what is so lost
maybe said to be left; no doubt this poor man's distraction was
by God graciously accepted, on his enemies severely punished,
and to him mercifully rewarded. We must not forget how the
wife of this Edward Freese, being big with child, and pressing
in to see her husband, the porter at Fulham gave her such a
kick on the belly, that the child was destroyed with that stroke
immediately, and she died afterwards of the same.
John Roman, so called because his father was born in Rome,
though living a long time in this city, being treasurer of the
cathedral therein ;J and I conjecture this John his son born in
York, because so indulgent thereunto ; for generally pure pute
Italians, preferred in England, transmitted the gain they got, by
bills of exchange or otherwise, into their own country; and
those outlandish mules, though lying down in English pasture, left
no heirs behind them : whereas this Roman had such aff*ection
for York, that, being advanced archbisho]3, he began to build
the body of the church, and finished the north part of the cross-
isle therein. Polydore Vergil praised him (no wonder that an
Italian commended a Roman) for a man of great learning and
He fell into the disfavour of king Edward the First, for excom-
municating Anthony Beck bishop of Durham ; and it cost him
four thousand marks to regain his prince's good-will. He died
anno Domini 1295 ; and let none grudge his burial in the best
place of the church, who was so bountiful a builder thereof.
Robert Walbey, born in this city,§ was therein bred an Au-
gustinian friar ; he afterwards went over into France, where he so
applied his studies, that at last he w^as chosen divinity professor
in the city of Toulouse. He was chaplain to the Black
* Fox's Acts and Monuments, p. 1026. | Mark x. 29.
1^ Godwin, in the Catalogue of the Archbishops of York.
§ Godwin, in his Catalogue of Bishops.
Prince, and, after his death, to his father king Edward the
Third. Now as his master enjoyed three crowns, so under him
in his three kingdoms this his chaplain did partake successively
of three mitres, being first a bishop in Gascoigne, then archbishop
of Dublin in Ireland, and afterwards bishop of Chichester in
England ; not grudging to be degraded in dignity, to be pre-
ferred in profit. At last he was consecrated archbishop of
York ; and was the first and last native which that city saw the
least of infants, and, in his time, when man, the greatest therein.
Yet he enjoyed his place but a short time, dying May 29, anno
Domini 1397-
Thomas Morton was born anno 1564, in the city of York,
whose father Richard Morton (allied to cardinal Morton arch-
bishop of Canterbury) was a mercer, (I have been informed the
first of that caUing, in that city sure) of such repute, that no
mercers for many years by-past were of any eminency, but
either immediately or mediately w^ere apprentices unto him.
He was bred in York School, where he was school-fellow with
Guy Faux, which I note, partly to shew that loyalty and treason
may be educated under the same roof; partly to give a
check to the received opinion, that Faux was a Fleming, no na-
tive Englishman.
He was bred in Saint John's College in Cambridge, and cho-
sen fellow thereof, to a fellowship to which he had no more pro-
priety than his own merit, before eight competitors for the
place, equally capable with himself, and better befriended.
Commencing doctor in divinity, he made his position (which,
though unusual, was arbitrary and in his own power) on his
second question, which much defeated the expectation of doc-
tor Playfere, replying upon him with some passion, " Commosti
mihi stomachum.'' To whom Morton returned, '^' Gratulor tibi,
Reverende Professor, de bono tuo stomacho, coenabis apud me
hac nocte.''
He was successively preferred dean of Gloucester, Winches-
ter ; bishop of Chester, Coventry and Lichfield, and Durham.
The foundation which he laid of foreign correspondency w^ith
eminent persons of different persuasions, when he attended as
chaplain to the lord Evers (sent by king James ambassador to
the king of Denmark and many princes of Germany) he built
upon unto the day of his death.
In the late Long Parliament, the displeasure of the House of
Commons fell heavy upon him ; partly for subscribing the
bishop's protestation for their votes in parliament ; partly for
refusing to resign the seal of his bishopric, and baptizing a
daughter of John earl of Rutland with the sign of the cross ;
two faults which, compounded together, in the judgment of
honest and wise men, amounted to a high innocence.
Yet the parliament allowed him eight hundred pounds a year
vol. III. 2 H
(a proportion above any of his brethren) for his maintenance.
Butj alas ! the trumpet of their charity gave an uncertain somid,
not assigning by whom or whence this sum should be paid.
Indeed the severe votes of the parliament ever took full effect,
according to his observation who did anagram it, ^^ voted/^
(ouTED.) But their merciful votes found not so free perform-
ance. However, this good bishop got a thousand pounds out -
of Goldsmiths^ Hall, which afforded him his support in his
old age.
The nib of his pen was impartially divided into two equal
moieties ; the one writing against faction, in defence of three
innocent ceremonies ; the other against superstition, witness
" The Grand Impostor,^^ and other worthy works.
He solemnly proffered unto me (pardon me, reader, if I desire
politically to twist my own with his memory, that they may
both survive together) in these sad times to maintain me to live
with him ; which courteous offer, as I could not conveniently
accept, I did thankfully refuse. Many of the nobility deservedly
honoured him, though none more than John earl of Rutland,
to whose kinsman, Roger earl of Rutland, he formerly had been
chaplain. But let not two worthy baronets be forgotten : Sir
George Savill, who so civilly paid him his purchased annuity
of two hundred pounds, with all proffered advantages ; and Sir
Henry Yelverton, at whose house he died, aged 95, at Easton
Mauduit in Northamptonshire, 1659. For the rest, the reader
is remitted to his life, written largely and learnedly by doctor
John Barwick, dean of of Durham.
Sir Robert Car was born in this city, on this occasion.
Thomas Car, his father, laird of Furnihurst, a man of great
lands and power in the south of Scotland, was very active for
Mary queen of Scots ; and, on that account forced to fly his
land, came to York. Now although he had been a great
inroader of England, yet, for some secret reason of state, here
he was permitted safe shelter ; during which time Robert his
son was born. This was the reason why the said Robert refused
to be naturalized by act of our parliament, as needless for him,
born in the English dominions.
I have read how his first making at court was by breaking of
his leg at a tilting in London, whereby he came first to the
cognizance of king James. Thus a fair starting with advantage
in the notice of a prince, is more than half the way in the race
to his favour. King James reflected on him whose father was
a kind of confessor for the cause of the queen his mother. Be-
sides, the young gentleman had a handsome person, and a con-
veniency of desert. Honours were crowded upon him ; made
Baron, Viscount, Earl of Somerset, Knight of the Garter, War-
den of the Cinque Ports, &c.
'' •writers. 467
He was a well-natured man, not mischievous with his might,
doing himself more hurt than any man else. For, abate one
foul fact, with the appendance and consequences thereof, noto-
riously known ; and he will appear deserving no foul character
to posterity : but for the same he was banished the court, lived
and died very privately, about the year of our Lord 1638.
John Walbye was born in this city, of honest parentage.
He was bred an Augustinian (Provincial of his order), and
doctor of divinity in Oxford. A placentious person, gaining
the good- will of all with whom he conversed, being also ingeni-
ous, industrious, learned, eloquent, pious, and prudent. Pits
writeth, that (after Alexander Nevell) he was chosen, but never
confirmed, archbishop of York* (an honour reserved for Robert
his younger brother, of whom before) ; but bishop Godwinf
maketh no mention hereof, which rendereth it suspicious. The
said Pits maketh him actual archbishop of Dublin ; whilst Bale
(who being an Irish bishop, had the advantage of exacter intel-
ligence) hath no such thing; whence we may conclude it a
mistake, the rather because this John is allowed by all to have
died in this place of his nativity, 1393. Also I will add this,
that though sharp at first against the Wickliffites, he soon
abated his own edge ; and, though present at a council kept at
Stanford by the king against them, was not well pleased with
all things transacted therein.
John Erghom was born in this city,! an Augustinian by
his profession. Leaving York he went to Oxford; where pass-
ing through the Arts, he fixed at last in divinity, proving an
admirable preacher. My author§ tells me, that sometimes he
would utter nova et inaudita ; whereat one may well wonder,
seeing Solomon hath said, " There is no new thing under the
sun." II The truth is, he renewed the custom of expounding
Scripture in a typical way, which crowded his church with
auditors, seeing such soft preaching breaks no bones, much
pleased their fancy, and little crossed or curbed their corrup-
tions. Indeed some (but not all) Scripture is capable of such
comments ; and because metals are found in mountains, it is
madness to mine for them in every rich meadow. But, in ex-
pounding of Scripture, when men^s inventions outrun the
spirit^s intentions, their swiftness is not to be praised, but
sauciness to be punished. This Erghom wrote many books,
and dedicated them to the earl of Hereford (the same with Ed-
* De Scriptoribus Britannicis, anno 1393.
t In the Prelates born in this city.
X Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, num. 1, Cent. viii.
§ Idem, ibidem. |! Eccl. i. 9.
2 h 2
ward duke of Buckingham*) ; and flourished under king Henry
the Seventh, anno 1490.
lliCHARD Stock was born in this city ; bred scholar of the
house in Saint John's College in Cambridge, and designed
fellow of Sidney, though not accepting thereof. He was after-
wards minister of All-hallows Bread- street in London, by the
space of thirty- two years, till the day of his death ; where (if in
health) he omitted not to preach twice every Lord's-day, with
the approbation of all that were judicious and religious.
No minister in England had his pulpit supplied by fewer
strangers. Doctor Davenant, afterwards bishop of Sarum
(whose father was his parishioner), was his constant auditor,
while lying in London. His preaching was most profitable ;
converting many, and confirming more in religion ; so that, ap-
pearing with comfort at the day of Judgment, he might say,
behold, " I and the children that God hath given me.^'t He
was zealous in his life, a great reformer of profanations on the
Sabbath, prevailing with some companies to put off their wonted
festivals from Mondays to Tuesdays, that the Lord's-day might
not be abused by the preparation for such- entertainments.
Though he preached oft in neighbouring churches, he never
neglected his own, being wont to protest, " That it was more
comfortable to him to win one of his own parish than twenty
Preaching at Saint PauPs Cross when young, it was ill taken
at his rnouth, that he reproved the inequality of rates in the city
(burdening the poor to ease the rich); and he was called a
green-head for his pains. But, being put up in his latter days
to preach on the lord mayor's election, and falling on the same
subject, he told them, "That a grey-head spake now what a
green-head had said before."— He died April 20, anno Domini
1626, with a great lamentation of all, but especially of his pa-
John Lepton, of York, Esquire, servant to king James, un-
dertook for a wager to ride six days together betwixt York and
London, being seven-score and ten miles, stylo vetere as I may
say ; and performed it accordingly, to the greater praise of his
strength in acting, than his discretion in undertaking it. He
first set forth from Aldersgate, May 20, being Monday, anno
Domini 1606, and accomplished his journey every day before it
was dark. J A thing rather memorable than commendable ;
many maintaining, that able and active bodies are not to vent
themselves in such vain, though gainful, ostentation ; and that
• See Camden's Britannia, in Herefordshire. f Gen. xxxiii. 5.
t Mr. Sanderson's History of King James, hoc anno.
it is no better than tempting Divine Providence, to lavish their
strength, and venture their lives, except solemnly summoned
thereunto by just necessity.
Expect not, reader, that under this title I should present
thee with a list of the lord mayors of this city born therein.
Only, to make this part conformable to the rest of my book,^
know, that I find one native of this city lord mayor of London ;
1. Martin Bowes, son of Thomas Bowes, of York, Goldsmith,
To take our leave of this loyal city : I desire that some lu-
crative trade may be set up therein, to repair her former losses
with advantage. Meantime I rejoice, that the archiepiscopal
see is restored thereunto ; not despairing but that, in due time
(if the supreme authority adjudge it fit) the court of the presi-
dency of the north may be re-erected therein, presuming the
country will be eased and city enriched thereby, as the load-
stone which will attract much company, and by consequence
commodity thereunto.
Let me add, I am informed that Sir Thomas Widdrington, a
person accomplished in all arts (as well as in his own profession
of the laws), hath made great progress in his exact description
of this city.* Nor do I more congratulate the happiness of
York coming under so able a pen, than condole my own infeli-
city, whose unsuccessful attendance hitherto could not compass
speech with this worthy knight. Sure I am, when this his work
is set forth, then indeed York shall be— what ? a city most com-
pletely illustrated in all the antiquities and remarkables thereof.
* A copy of Sir Thomas Widdrington's MS. account of the antiquities of the city
of York was in the hands of Thomas Fairfax of Menston, Esq. Sir Thomas mar-
ried a sister of General Fairfax, from whose uncle Charles the Menston family was
descended, and probably gave or left it to his brother-in-law. He began in Charles
the First's time, and after the restoration offered to print this work, and dedicate it
to the city, who seem to have refused it on account of the indifference he shewed to
their interest when he represented them in Cromwell's Parliament. Upon this he
is said to have expressly forbid his descendants to publish it See British Topo-
graphy, voi. ii. p. 418 — Ed.
Eugene Aram, self-taught scholar ; born at Ramsgill in Nether-
dale ; executed in 1759 for murder, under peculiar circum-
John Balguy, learned divine and author; born at Sheffield
1686; died 1748.
Edmund Henry Barker^ classical scholar and editor of the
Greek Thesaurus; born at Hollym vicarage 1788; died
Richard Baron^ dissenting minister and zealous political wri-
ter; born at Leeds ; died 1768.
Benjamin Bartlett, celebrated antiquary and medallist; born
at Bradford 1714.
Richard Bentley, divine, celebrated classic, and polemic;
born at Oulton 1661 ; died 1742.
John Berkenhout, physician and miscellaneous writer; born
at Leeds 1730 ; died 1791.
Joseph Bingham, divine and antiquary, author of the " Ori-
gines Ecclesticse ;" born at Wakefield 1668 ; died 1723.
William Bingley, divine, author of "Animal Biography ;^^
born at Doncaster 1774 ; died 1823.
Joseph BoYSE, able dissenting divine ; born at Leeds 1660 ;
died 1728.
Thomas Bradbury, facetious dissenting divine and author ;
born at Wakefield 1677 ; died 1759.
John Charles Brooke, Somerset Herald, antiquary; born at
Field Head, near Dodsworth, 1748.
John Burton, physician and learned ecclesiastical antiquary ;
born at Ripon 1697 ; died 1771-
James Calvert, learned non-conformist divine and author ;
born at York ; died 1698.
Thomas Calvert, uncle to James, nonconformist divine and
author; born at York 1606 ; died 1679.
Newcome Cappe, Socinian divine, and author of " Discourses
on Providence,^^ &c. ; born at Leeds 1732; died 1800.
William Cavendish, first duke of Newcastle, royalist officer,
writer on the management of horses, &c. ; born at Hans-
worth 1592 ; died 1676.
Samuel Clapham, divine and author; born at Leeds 1755.
David Clarkson, controversialist and nonconformist divine ;
born at Bradford 1622; died 1686.
William Congreve, dramatic writer ; born at Bardsey Grange
1670; died 1728-9.
Dr. William Craven, divine and professor of Arabic at Cam-
bridge; born at Gowthwaite Hall 1731 ; died 1814.
Hugh Paulin de Cressey, popish writer, convert from Protes-
tantism; born at Wakefield 1605 ; died 1674.
John Dawson, learned surgeon and mathematician; born at
Garsdale 1733.
Laurence Eusden, divine and poet laureat; born at SpofForth,
or Spotsworth ; died 1730.
Thomas Lord Fairfax, parliamentarian general, author ; born
at Denton 1611 ; died 1671.
Sir W. Fawcett, military officer and writer ; born at Shipden-
hall 1728; died 1804.
Francis Fawkes, divine^ poet, and miscellaneous writer; born
near Leeds 1731 ; died 1777»
Richard Fiddes, divine, author of a life of cardinal Wolsey,
&c. ; born at Hunmanby 1671; died 1725.
John Flaxman, R.A. sculptor; born at York 1755; died
John FoTHERGiLL, quakcr, physician, and author; born at
Carr End, Askrigg 1712 ; died 1780.
Anthony Fothergill, learned physician and author ; born at
Sedbergh 1732-3.
Marmaduke Fothergill, pious and learned but eccentric
divine; born at York 1652 ; died l7l3.
John Green, bishop of Lincoln, the only preiate who in 1772
voted in the house of Lords for the bill in favour of 'Dissen-
ters; born at Beverley or Hull 1706; died 1779.
John Harrison, inventor of a time-piece to ascertain the lon-
gitude at sea, &c., for which he received the parliamentary
premium of £10,000; born at Foulby near Pontefract 1693 ;
died 1776.
David Hartley, physician and metaphysician, author of ^^ Ob-
servations on Man,^^ &c. ; born at Armley 1705 ; died 1757*
John Haygarth, physician and author ; born at Garsdale
Sir Thomas Herbert, traveller in Africa and Asia; born at
York 1606; died 1682.
Godfrey Higgins, author of the ^^Celtic Druids,^^ &c. ; born at
York 1771 ; died 1833.
Dr. Joseph Hill, 'divine and editor of Schrevelius^ Lexicon,
born at Bramley 1625 ; died 1707.
George Holmes, learned antiquary; born at Skipton 1662;
died 1748-9.
Nathaniel Hulme, physician and author; born 1732; died
Francis Huntley, melodramatic actor, talented but dissipated^
educated as a surgeon; born at Barnsley 1787; died
Robert Ingram, divine, and writer on the plagues and prophe-
cies, &c. ; born at Beverley 1726-7; died 1804.
William Kent or Cant, celebrated painter, architect, and
landscape gardener; born at Bridlington 1685; died 1748.
John Killingbeck, learned vicar of Leeds; born at Head-
ingley 1649'; died 1715-16.
John Lacy, dramatic writer, author of "The Dumb Lady,^^
&c. ; born at Doncaster ; died 1681.
William Lodge, distinguished engraver; born at Leeds 1649;
where he died 1689.
James Margetsox, archbishop of Armagh ; born at Drighling-
ton ; died 1678.
Andrew Marvel, assistant to Milton as Latin secretary,
member of parliament, patriot, poet, and wit; born at
Winestead or Hull 1620 or 1621 ; died 1678.
William Mason, lyric poet and divine; born at Hull 1725;
died 1797.
John Metcalf, called ''^ Blind Jack of Knaresborough,'^ a
self-taught surveyor of roads; born at Knaresborouoh
Dr. Conyers Middleton, learned divine and polemist; born
at York 1683; died 1790.
Isaac MiLNER, dean of Carlisle (originally a weaver), natural
philosopher; born near Leeds 1751 ; died 1820.
Joseph MiLNER, brother of Isaac, divine and ecclesiastical
historian; born at Leeds 1744 ; died 1797-
Sir Philip Monckton, general, royalist and high sheriff of the
county in 1669 ; born at Heck.
Ehzabeth Montagu, lively and ingenious writer; born at
York 1720 ; died 1800.
Robert Nares, archdeacon of Stafford, author of '^ A Glos-
sary,'' &c.; born at York 1753 ; died 1829.
Thomas Nettleton, physician and miscellaneous writer ;
born at Dewsbury 1683 ; died 1742.
George Pearson, physician, author and experimental chemist ;
born at Rotherham 1751 ; died 1828.
WiUiam Pettyt, lawyer, keeper of the records in the Tower ;
born at Storithes 1636; died 1707.
Matthew Poole, nonconformist divine, learned annotator on
the Scriptures; born at York 1624 ; died in Holland 1679.
Beilby Porteus, bishop of London, poet and author; born at
York 1731 ; died 1808.
John Potter, archbishop of Canterbury, author of " Archaslo-
gia GrfEca," &c. ; born at Wakefield 1674 ; died 1747-
Joseph Priestley, dissenting divine, experimental philoso-
pher; born at Fieldhead near Birstall 1733 ; died 1804.
John Radcliffe, popular physician, bequeathed £4000 for
founding the Radcliffe library at Oxford ; born at Wakefield
1650; died 1714.
Thomas Robinson, divine and author; born at Wakefield
1749; died 1813.
John Roebuck, physician, natural philosopher, and founder of
the Carron and other works in Scotland ; born at Sheffield
17I8; died 1794„
Dr. Nicholas Saunderson, professor of mathematics at Cam-
bridge, bhnd ; born at Thurlstone 1682 ; died 1739.
James Scott, D.D. eloquent preacher, author under the signa-
ture of Anti-Sejanus ; born at Leeds 1733 ; died 1814.
Abraham Sharp, mathematician, mechanist, and astronomer ;
born at Little Horton 1651 ; died 1741.
John Sharp, archbishop of York, author of sermons, opponent
of Dean Swift ; born at Bradford 1644 ; died 1714.
John Smeaton, engineer, builder of Eddystone lighthouse,
and author; born at Austhorpe 1724 ; where he died in 1792.
Sir Robert Stapleton, soldier, poet, dramatist, translator of
Juvenal, &c. ; born at Carleton ; died 1669.
Benjamin Thompson, translator of the play of "the Stranger,^^
&c. from the German; born at Hull 1774; died 1816.
Captain Edward Thompson, R.N. dramatist, author of some
highly popular sea-songs; born at Hull 1738; died 1786.
Ralph Thoresby, learned and industrious antiquary ; born at
Leeds 1658; died 1725.
John TiLLOTSON, archbishop of Canterbury, author of Ser-
mons; born at Sowerby 1630; died 1694.
Ezreel Tonge, D.D. first discoverer of the popish plot in the
time of Charles II.; died 1680.
John ToPHAM, antiquary ; born at Malton ; died 1803.
George Wallis, physician and satirist; born at York 1740;
died 1802.
William Wilberforce, M.P. distinguished for his exertions
to abolish slavery, writer on Vital Christianity, &c. ; born at
Hull 1759; died 1833.
Henry Wilkinson, D,D. principal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford,
nonconformist, and author; born at Adwick 1616; died
Benjamin Wilson, eminent painter, distinguished for his etch-
ings in imitation of Rembrandt ; born at Leeds ; flourished
Sir Clifton Wintringham, physician and author ; born at
York 1710 ; died 1794.
Dr. Thomas Zouch, learned divine and poet; born at Sandal
Magna 1737; died 1806.
*,* Of all the collectors of Yorkshire antiquities, Roger Dodsworth certainly
stands pre-eminent. He was born at Newton Grange in 1585 ; and collected the
antiquities of his native county in 162 folio volumes ; which, in 1673, were deposit-
ed, along with his manuscripts, in the Bodleian library at Oxford. Collections have
also been formed by Hopkinson, Talbot, Thornton, Gascoigne, and others. No
regular history has, however, been yet produced, owing, probably, to the vast
extent of the county, and the difficulties attending its accomplishment. A great
number of local histories, notwithstanding, have made their appearance at different
times; at the head of which may justly be ranked Dr. T. D. Whitaker's History of
Whalley and Clitheroe, the History of the Deanery of Craven, Thoresby's Topogra-
phy of Leeds, and Illustrations of the Vale of Caldcr. The Rev. J. Hunter has
also largely contributed towards the history of the county, by his Hallamshire, which
was published in 1819, and the History of the Deanery of Doncaster (1828-31).
There have also appeared the Ecclesiastical History of Yorkshire, by Dr. Burton
in 1758 ; a Gazetteer of the County by E. Hargrave ; and a Topographical Dictionary
by T. Langdale. Of the histories of the City of York, the earliest was from the
pen of Dr. F. Drake in 1736, who laid the foundation for various others.
The following is a summary of the principal Works of a local nature, which have
made their appearance at different times : —
The History and Antiquities of Halifax, by T, Wright (1738), and by the Rev.
J. Watson (1775) ; History of Ripon (l80l) ; Histories of Pontefract, by R. J. Tet-
low (1769), by B. Boothroyd (1807), and by G. Fox (1827) ; History of Doncaster,
by Ed. Miller (1804) ; History of Bawtry and Thome, by W. Peck (1813) ; of Selby,
by J. Mountain (1 800) ; of Knaresborough, by E. Hargrave (1809) ; Histories of
Kingston-upon-Hull, by G. Hadley (i788), by the Rev. J. Tickell (1798), by. C.
Frost (1827), and by Greenwood (1835); History of Richmond (1814); of Cleveland,
by the Rev. J. Graves (l808) ; of Whitby, by L. Charlton (1779) ; of Northallerton,
by Miss Crosfield (1791); and of Scarborough, by Thos. Hinderwell (1798 and
1832) ; the Scarborough Tour in 1803, by W. Hutton (1804) ; History of Bever-
ley, by the Rev. Geo. Oliver (1829) ; Historical Sketches of Scalby, Burniston, &c.,
by John Cole (1829) ; Castellum Huttonicum, by G. Todd (1834); Account of
Kirkstall Abbey (1827) ; History of Filey, by J. Cole (1828); Description of the
Priory Church of Bridlington, by the Rev. M. Prickett (l831) ; Observations on the
antient state of Holderness, &c., by T. Thompson (1824) ; History of Swine in Hol-
derness, by T. Thompson (1824) ; and the history of Leeds and York, and of the
Clothing District of Yorkshire, by W. Parson and W. White (l83l) — Ed.
In his hand are the deep places of the earth : tlie strength of the liills is his also.
The sea is his, and he made it." — Psalms xcv. 4, 5.
The herbs of the mountains are gathered. The lambs are for thy clothing, and
the goats are the price of thy field." — Provkkbs xxvii. 25,"26.
It bare a debate in my serious consideration^ whether a total
omission or defective description of this Principality were to be
preferred, finding myself as unable to do it exactly, as unwilling
to pretermit it. For, first, I never was in Wales, and all know
how necessary AvTo\pla is to accurateness herein. Secondly, I
understand not their language, and cannot go to the cost, nor
dare take the state, of having an interpreter. King James was
wont pleasantly to say, " that he cared not though he was poor
himself, so long as his subjects were rich,^' as confident he could
command their wealth, on good conditions and a just occasion.
But, indeed, it matters not how meanly skilled a writer is, so
long as he hath knowing and communicative friends, — my hap-
piness in England, who here am quite destitute of such assist-
ance. However, on the other side, a total omission seemed very
unhandsome, to make a cipher of this large Principality. Be-
sides, England cannot be well described without Wales, such
the intimacy of relation betwixt them ; three of our English
kings* being born, and many of our prime achievements being
acted, in Wales. Wherefore, I resolved to endeavour my ut-
most in the description thereof, though sadly sensible in myself,
that my desires were as high as a mountain, but my perform-
ances would fall as low (would they were half so fruitful) as the
And here I humbly desire, that the many faults by me com-
* Edward II. ; Henry V. ; Henry VII.
mitted may be, like a ball, cast down and deaded on a soft floor,
even to be buried in my own weakness, to my own shame ;
without the least rippling or rebounding, to the disgrace of the
Welsh country or nation. And my hope and desire is, that
these my weak pains will provoke others of more ability, to
substitute a more exact description in the room thereof.
I had rather the reader should take the name of that worthy
knight from Master Camden* than from me, who, designing to
build according to the Italian mode of architecture, plucked
down a good and convenient English house, preposterously de-
stroying the one, and never finished the other. I hope the
reader will not be so uncharitable (I will not say indiscreet) ;
but will allow our pains a subsistence, till they will willingly
vanish at the substitution of another.
In doubtful nativities of worthy persons betwixt England and
Wales, I have not called for a sword, to divide the controverted
child betwixt the two mothers ; but have wholly resigned it to
Wales ; partly, out of desire of quietness (not engage in a con-
test) ; partly, because I conceived England might better spare
than Wales want them.
To conclude ; some will wonder, how perfect [coming from
perficere, to do thoroughly] and 'perfunctoril [derived from
perfungi, thoroughly to discharge] should have so opposite
senses. My motto, in the description of this Principality, is
betwixt them both :
** Nee perfecte, nee perfunctorie."
For, as I will not pretend to the credit of the former, so may I
defend myself from the shame of the latter, having done the
utmost which the strength of my weakness could perform.
* In his Britannia, in Shropshire.
This Principality hath the Severn sea on the south; Irish
ocean on the west and north ; England on the east^ anciently
divided from it by the river Severn^ since by a ditch drawn with
much art and industry from the mouth of Dee to the mouth of
Wye, From east to west [Wye to Saint David^s] is an hundred,
from north to south [Carlion to Holyhead] is a hundred and
twenty miles.
The ditch, or trench, lately mentioned, is called Clauhd-Offa,
because made by king OfiFa, who cruelly enacted, that what
Welchman soever was found on the east-side of this ditch
should forfeit his right hand ; — a law long since cancelled ; and
for many ages past, the Welch have come peaceably over that
place; and good reason, bringing with them both their right
hands and right hearts ; no less loyally than valiantly to defend
England against all enemies, being themselves under the same
sovereign united thereunto.
It consisteth of three parts, the partition being made by Ro-
derick the Great, about the year 877^ dividing it betwixt his
three sons : 1. North Wales, whose princes chiefly resided at
Aberfrow : 2. Fowls, whose princes resided at Mathravall : 3.
South Wales, whose princes resided at Dynefar.
This division, in fine, proved the confusion of Wales ; whose
princes were always at war, not only against the English, their
common foe ; but mutually with themselves, to enlarge or de-
fend their dominions.
Of these three. North Wales was the chief; as doth plainly
appear: first, because Roderick left it Mervin his eldest son.
Secondly, because the princes thereof were by way of eminency
styled the '^ Princes of Wales,^^ and sometimes '^ Kings of
Aberfrow." Thirdly, because, as the king of Aberfrow paid to
the king of London yearly three-score and three pounds by way
of tribute,* so the same sum was paid to him by the princes of
Powis and South Wales.
However, South Wales was of the three the larger, richer,
fruitfuller ; therefore called by the Welch Deheubarth ; that is,
* T. Mills, in his Catalogue of Honour, p. 292.
^^the Right side;" because nearer the sun. But that country,
being constantly infested with the invasions of the English and
Flemings, had North Wales preferred before it, as more entire,
and better secured from such annoyances. Hence it was, that
whilst the Welsh tongue in the south is so much mingled and
corrupted, in North Wales it still retaineth the purity thereof.
It is not so champaign and level, and by consequence not so
fruitful as England ; mostly rising up into hills and mountains
of a lean and hungry nature ; yet so that the ill quality of the
ground is recompensed by the good quantity thereof.
A right w^orshipful knight in Wales, who had a fair estate
therein, his rents resulting from much barren ground, heard an
English gentleman (perchance out of intended opposition) to
brag, that he had in England so much ground worth forty shil-
lings an acre. " You," said he, "have ten yards of velvet, and
I have ten score of frieze; I will not exchange with you.^^
This is generally true of all Wales, that much ground doth
make up the rent ; and yet in proportion they may lose nothing
thereby, compared to estates in other countries.
However, there are in Wales most j^leasant meadows along
the sides of rivers ; and as the sweetest flesh is said to be nearest
the bones, so most delicious valleys are interposed betwixt these
But now how much these very mountains advantage the na-
tives thereof, in their health, strength, swiftness, wit, and other
natural perfections ; give me leave to stand by silent, whilst a
great master of language and reason entertaineth the reader
with this most excellent and pertinent discourse :
" This conceit of Monsieur Bodin I admit without any great
contradiction, w^ere he not over-peremptory in over-much cen-
suring all mountainous people of blockishness and barbarism,
against the opinion of Averroes, a great writer ; who, finding
these people nearer heaven, suspected in them a more heavenly
nature. Neither want there many reasons, drawn from nature
and experiment, to prove mountainous people more pregnant
in wit, and gifts of understanding, than others inhabiting in low
and plain countries. For however wit and valour are many
times divided, as we have shewn in the northern and southern
people, yet were they never so much at variance, but they
would sometimes meet. First, therefore, what can speak more
for the witty temper of the mountain people, than their clear
and subtle air, being far more purged and rarefied than that in
lower countries. For, holding the vital spirits to be the chief-
est instruments in the soul's operation, no man can deny but
that they sympathize with the air, especially their chiefest fo-
ment. Every man may, by experience, find his intellectual
operations more vigorous in a clear day, and on the contrary
most dull and heavy when the air is any way affected with foggy
vapours. What we find in ourselves in the same place at di-
vers seasons, may we much more expect of places diversely
affected in constitution. A second reason for the proof of our
assertion, may be drawn from the thin and spare diet, in respect
of those others. For people living of plains have commonly
all commodities in such plenty, that they are subject to surfeit-
ing and luxury, the greatest enemy and underminer of all intel-
lectual operations. For a fat belly commonly begets a gross
head and a lean brain ; but Avant and scarcity, the mother of
frugality, invites the mountain-dwellers to a more sparing and
wholesome diet. Neither grows this conveniency only out of
the scarcity of viands ; but also out of the diet. Birds, fowls,
beasts, which are bred upon higher places^ are esteemed of a
more cleanly and wholesome feeding, than others living in fens
and foggy places. And how far the quality of our diet prevails
in the alteration of our organs and dispositions, every naturalist
will easily resolve us. A third reason may be drawn from the
cold air of these mountainous regions, which, by an antiperis-
tasis, keeps in and strengthens the internal heat, the chief in-
strument in natural and vital operations. For who perceives
not his vital and by consequence his intellectual parts, in cold
frosty weather, to be more strong and vigorous than in hot and
sultry seasons, wherein the spirits be defaced and weakened ?
This disparity, in the same region, at divers times, in regard of
the disposition of the air, may easily declare the disparity of di-
vers regions,' being in this sort diversely affected. A fourth rea-
son may be taken from the custom and hardness whereunto such
people inure themselves from their infancy ; which (as Huartus
proves) begets a better temper of the brain in regard of the wit
and understanding ; which we happen to find clean otherwise
with them w^ho have accustomed themselves to deliciousness.
These reasons perhaps would seem only probable, and of no
great moment, were they not strengthened with foreign and do-
mestic observations.^^*
Thus much I thought fit to transcribe out of our author, un-
paralleled in his kind ; confident that our ensuing work will be
a comment on his text, or rather will, by the induction of seve-
ral instances, natives of Wales, be the proof of the truth of
this his most judicious assertion.
Tully (a better orator than historian, yet better historian than
metallist) affirmeth that Britain afi'ordeth " ne micam auri vel
argenti,^' (not a grain of gold or silver) ; understand him what
in his age was discovered. Otherwise Wales, and especially
* Carpenter's Geography, Book II. Chap. xv. p. 258.
Cardiganshire, yields Royal Mines,* where the silver holds
standard, and pays with profit for the separation from lead, and
the refining thereof, as by the ensuing particulars will appear.
1. Six mountains there are in Cardiganshire (pardon, British
reader, if I spell them rather after our English pronunciation,
than the Welch orthography) ; viz. Comsomelock, Tallabant,
Gadarren, Bromefloid, Geginnon, and Cummerum.
2. The Romans first began to mine here (as appears by their
coins found therein), working in trenches, not above twenty or
four-and-twenty fathom deep, and found plenty of lead.
3. The Danes and Saxons wrought by sheafts-, so they call
what is long and narrow; whether mounting into the air (as
spires of steeples) or sinking into the earth, as their pits here,
a hundred fathom deep,
4. They found great 'plenty of lead ; but at last deserted their
works, either because the vein of metal failed, or they drowned
with the eruption of water.
5. Customer Smith, about the latter end of the reign of
queen Elizabeth, discovered silver in Comsomelock; and sent
it up to the Tower of London, with great expence, to be coined.
6. After his death, the design was prosecuted, and more per-
fected by Sir Hugh Middleton, knight ; coining the silver to
his great charge, as his predecessor, at the Tower.
7. After the death of Sir Hugh, Sir Francis Godolphin of
Cornwall, knight, and Thomas Bushell, esquire, undertook the
8. King Charles, for their greater encouragement, and sparing
their expence, granted them power of coinage at Aberrusky in
this county.
9. Thomas Bushellf (Sir Francis dying soon after, and Com-
somelock being deserted) adventured on the other five moun-
10. Not disheartened that the first year and half aiForded no
effectual discovery, at last these mines yielded one hundred
pounds a week (besides lead amounting to half as much) coined
at Aberrusky aforesaid.
11. The pence, groats, shillings, half-crowns, &c. of this sil-
ver, had the ostrich feathers (the arms of Wales) for distinction
stamped on them.
* In a Work, published in 1642, by Thomas Bushell, entitled " A just and true
Remonstrance of his Majesty's Mines Royal in the Principality of Wales," we have
a good account. The author was farmer of his Majesty's minerals, and worked five
mountains in Cardiganshire, and minted silver enough to clothe the king's garrison
at Oxford. The success of the Parliament forces in Wales put an end to his re-
searches. After the Restoration, he went to work in Mendip-hills, but died two
years after.'' — Ed.
t It is related of Bushell, that when cleansing a spring in his estate at Enston, he
discovered a rock capable of much artificial improvement, which he accordingly
bestowed on it ; and when Charles I. and his queen visited this neighbourhood,
1636, he presented it to her Majesty, with all the pageantry of those times. —
Athenae Oxouienses, Vol. II Ed.
Then came our civil wars, and discomposed all the work ;
when mattocks must be turned into spears, and shovels into
shields ; or else probably before this time the project had arrived
at a greater perfection.
Here, by the way, it is richly worth the observing, how the
modern manner of mining exceedeth what was formerly used ;
for, thirty years since, they began at the top of a mountain,
digging directly downwards with their shafts, which was sub-
ject to a double mischief, of damps and drowning. Besides,
vast was the expense before they could come to the bowels of
the mountain, wherein the oar (if any) was most probably ex-
Since, they have gone a more compendious way by adits,
making their entrance some five feet and a half high (and per-
chance as broad) into the mountain, at the lowest level thereof,
so that all the water they meet with conveyeth itself away, as
in a channel, by the declivity of the place. And thus they
penetrate the most expeditious way athwart the middle thereof,
which bringeth them to the speediest discovery of the metal
But the rarest invention is, the supplying of the miners with
fresh air, which is performed by two men^s blowing wind by a
pair of bellows on the outside of the adit, into a pipe of lead,
daily lengthened as the mine is made longer, whereby the can-
dle in the mine is daily kept burning, and the diggers recruited
constantly with a sufficiency of breath. This invention was
the master-piece of Sir Francis Bacon, lord Verulam ; and not
only acknowledged by Thomas Bushell, his grateful servant, but
also effectually prosecuted by him ; a person innated with a pub-
lic spirit, if he might meet with proportionable encourage-
And here, methinks, it were fitting (pardon, reader, a short
digression) that rewards should be given to such undertakers who
are the discoverers of profitable projects; and not only to such who
exactly hit the mark, but even to those who ingeniously miss it,
because their aberrations may be directions to others. And
though many tympanies and false conceptions would happen,
yet, amongst many miscarriages, some pregnant wits would
happily be delivered of rare inventions ; especially if the State
would be pleased to be their midwife, favourably to encourage
This is found in many places in Wales ; but in Carnarvon-
shire the best in many respects. First, because so near the sea,
so that they may cast the ore into the ship. Metals elsewhere
are digged, as out of the bowels of the earth, so out of the bow-
els of the land ; I mean, so far from any conveyance by water,
that the expence of the portage swallows much of the profits
i I 2
484 WORTHIES of wales.
thereof ; which charge is here avoided. Secondly, for the plenty.
Lastly, for the purity thereof; insomuch that there was great
probability for a long time that it would have proved a mine
royal. Which hope was frustrated at last, to the great gain of
the owners thereof. For a leaden mine is a silver mine to such
subjects as possess it ; whilst a silver mine is but a leaden one
unto them from whom the property is taken, as then accruing
to the crown or state, by virtue of its prerogative.
In Latin capri, a carpendo, from cropping (therefore for-
bidden to be kept in some places, because destructive to young
woods), are, when young, most nimble and frisking (whence
our English phrase to caper) ; but afterwards put on so great
gravity, that an he-goat is recounted by wise Agur amongst
" the four creatures which are comely in going/^* Yea, if that
ornamental excrement which groweth beneath the chin be the
standard of wisdom, they carry it from Aristotle himself. They
are strong above their proportion, and an he-goat will beat a
ram of equal bigness. Hence it is that, in Daniel, the Persian
monarchy is compared to a ram,t and the Macedonian, which
subdued the Persian, resembled to a goat. They can clamber
the highest hills, without help of a ladder; delighting in steep
and craggy places, seeming rather to hang than stand, as they
are feeding.J
Their flesh, disguised with good cookery, may deceive a ju-
dicious palate, as it did Isaac^s, for venison. § Of their skins
excellent gloves are made, which may be called our English
vordovant, soft, supple, and stretching, whence the expression
of chever el- consciences, which will stretch any way for advan-
tage. Coarse coverings are made of their shag ; God himself
not despising the present of goats hair,|| which made the out-
ward' case of the tabernacle.^ Their milk is accounted cordia
against consumptions ; yea, their very stench is used for a per-
fume in Arabia the Happy, where they might surfeit of the
sweetness of spices, if not hereby allayed. In a word, goats are
best for food, where sheep cannot be had.
Plenty of these are bred in Wales, especially in Montgomery-
shire, which mindeth me of a pleasant passage, during the re-
straint of the lady Elizabeth. When she was so strictly watched
by Sir Henry Benefield that none were admitted access unto
her, a goat was espied by a merry fellow (one of the warders)
walking along with her. Whereupon, taking the goat on his
shoulders, he in all haste hurried him to Sir Henry. " I pray,
Sir,'^ said he, " examine this fellow, whom I found walking with
* Proverbs XXX. 31. f Daniel viii. 4, 7.
X " Dumosa pendere procul de rupe capellae." (Virgil, Eel, i. 77.)
§ Genesis xxvii. 25. || Exodus xxv. 4. ^ Ibid. xxvi. 7.
her grace ; but what talk they had I know not, not under-
standing his language. He seems to ^ne a stranger, and I be-
lieve a Welchman by his frieze coat."*
To return to our subject ; I am not so knowing in goats, as
either to confirm or confute what Pliny reports, that " x\dhuc
lactantes generant;" (they beget young ones, whilst they them-
selves as yet suck their dams.)t He addeth, that they are great
enemies to the olive trees (which they embarren with licking
it), and therefore are never sacrificed to Minerva. Sure I am, a
true deity accepted them for his service ; as many kids, well
nigh, as lambs being offered in the Old Testament.
The British generally bearing themselves high on the account
of their gentle extraction, have spirits which can better com-
port with designs of sudden danger than long difliculty ; and
are better pleased in the employing of their valour than their
labour. Indeed some souls are over-lovers of liberty, so that
they mistake all industry to be degrees of slavery. T doubt not
but posterity may see the Welch commodities improved by art
far more than the present age doth behold ; the English as yet
as far excelling the Welch, as the Dutch exceed the Enghsh, in
manufactures. But let us instance in such as this country doth
This is a coarse kind of cloth, than which none warmer to be
worn in winter, and the finest sort thereof very fashionable and
genteel. Prince Henry had a frieze suit, by which he was
known many weeks together ; and when a bold courtier checked
him for appearing so often in one suit, " Would,^' said he, " that
the cloth of my country (being prince of Wales) would last
always !" Indeed it will daily grow more into use, especially
since the gentry of the land, being generally much impoverished,
abate much of their gallantry, and lately resigned rich clothes
to be worn by those (not whose persons may best become them,
but) whose purses can best pay for the price thereof.
This is milk, by art so consolidated that it will keep uncor-
rupted for some years. It was anciently (and is still) the staple
food for armies in their marching ; witness when David was
sent with ten cheeses to recruit the provisions of his brethren; J
and when Barzillai with cheeses (amongst other food) victualled
the army of king David. § Such as are made in this country are
very tender and palatable; and once one merrily (without offence,
I hope) thus derived the pedigree thereof:
* Fox, Acts and Monuments, p. 2095. f Nat. Hist. lib. viii. cap. 50,
J 1 Samuel xvii. 18. § 2 Samuel xvii. 29.
** Adams nawn Cusson was her by her birth ;
Ap curds, ap milk, ap cow, ap grass, ap earth."
Foxes are said to be the best tasters of the fineness of flesh'
flies of the sweetest grapes^ and mice of the tenderest cheese ;
and the last (when they could compass choice in that kind) have
given their verdict for the goodness of the Welch. What should
be the reason that so many people should have an antipathy
against cheese (more than any one manner of meat) I leave to
the skilful in the mysteries of nature to decide.
Some will have this word of Greek extraction, from fxedv
alyXrjey, contracted alyXiju. But the British will not so let go
their non-countryman Matthew Glin, but will have it purwn
poium Cambricum, wholly of Welch original. Whencesoever the
word is made, the liquor is compounded of water, honey, and
other ingredients, being most wholesome for man's body. Pollio
Romulus, who was an hundred years old, being asked of
Augustus Csesar by what means especially he had so long pre-
served his vigour both of mind and body ; made answer, " Intus
mulso, foris oleo,'' (by taking metheglen inward, and oil out-
It diflfereth from mede^ ut vinum a lordy-f as wine from that
weak stuff which is the last running from the grapes pressed be-
fore. It is a most generous liquor, as it is made in this country ;
in so much that had Mercator,J who so highly praised the mede
of Egra, for the best in the world ; I say, had he tasted of this
Welch hydromel, he would have confined his commendation to
Germany alone, and allowed ours the precedency. Queen Eliza-
beth, who by the Tudors was of Welch descent, much loved this
her native liquor, recruiting an annual stock thereof for her own
use ; and here take, if you please.
The receipt thereof, — " First, gather a bushel of sweet-briar
leaves, and a bushel of thyme, half a bushel of rosemary, and a
peck of bay-leaves. Seethe all these (being well washed) in a
furnace of fair water ; and let them boil the space of half an
hour, or better, and then pour out all the water and herbs into a
vat, and let it stand till it be but milk-warm ; then strain the
water from the herbs, and take to every six gallons of water one
gallon of the finest honey, and put into the boorn,^ and labour
it together half an hour ; then let it stand two days, stirring it
well twice or thrice each day. Then take the liquor, and boil it
anew ; and when it doth seethe, skim it as long as there re-
maineth any dross. When it is clear, put it into the vat as be-
fore, and there let it be cooled. You must then have in readiness
• Plin. Nat. Hist. lib. xxii. cap. 24.
t Zf'"''*' ^^ Lingua Latin&. :j: Atlas, in Bohemia.
§ That IS the wort of boiled liquor F.
a kind of new ale or beer, which, as soon as you have emptied^
suddenly whelm it upside down, and set it up again, and presently
put in the metheglen, and let it stand three days a-working.
And then tun it up in barrels, tying at every tap-hole (by a
pack-thred) a little bag of beaten cloves and mace, to the value
of an ounce. It must stand half a year before it be drunk.
The Holy Spirit complaineth, that " great men build desolate
places for themselves ;^^* therein taxing their avarice, ambition,
or both.
Avarice, ^^ they join house to house [by match, purchase, or
oppression], that they may be alone in the land ;"t that their
covetousness may have elbow-room, to lie down at full length,
and wallow itself round about. These love not, because they
need not neighbours, whose numerous families can subsist of
Or else their ambition is therein reproved, singling out deso-
late places for themselves, because scorning to take that fruit-
fulness which nature doth tender, and desiring as it were to be
petty creators, enforcing artificial fertility on a place where they
found none before.
I well knew that wealthy man, who, being a great improver
of ground, was wont to say, " that he would never come into
that place which might not be made better;'^ on the same
token, that one tartly returned, ^^ that then he would never go
to heaven, for that place was at the best.^^ But the truth is,
fertilizing of barren ground may be termed a charitable curiosity
employing many poor people therein.
It is confessed that Wales afFordeth plenty of barren places ;
(yielding the benefit of the best air) ; but the Italian humour
of building hath not affected, not to say infected, the British
nation — I say the Italian humour, who have a merry proverb,
^^ Let him that would be happy for a day, go to the barber ;
for a week, marry a wife ; for a month, buy him a new horse ;
for a year, build him a new house ; for all his life time, be
an honest-man." But it seems that the Welch are not
tempted to enjoy such short happiness for a year's continu-
For their buildings, generally, they are like those of the old
Britons, neither big nor beautiful, but such as their ancestors in
this Isle formerly lived in : for when Caractacus, that valiant
British general (who for nine years resisted here the Romans'
puissance),! after his captivity and imprisonment, was enlarged,
and carried about to see the magnificence of Rome ; " Why do
you," said he, " so greedily desire our poor cottages, whereas
you have such stately and magnificeht palaces of your own ?"§
The simplicity of their common building for private persons
* Job iii. 14. f Isaiah V. 8. % Tacitus.
§ Zonaras, and out of him Camden in his Remains, p. 245,
may be conjectured by the palaces of their princes ; for Hoell
Dha prince of Wales, about the year 800, built a house, for his
own residence, of white hurdles, or watling ; therefore called Ty-
Gwin, that is, the White-house, or White-hall if you please.
However there are brave buildings in Wales, though not
Welch buildings, many stately castles, which the English erect-
ed therein. And though such of them as survive at this day
may now be beheld as beauties, they were first intended as bri-
dles to their country. Otherwise their private houses are very
mean indeed. Probably they have read what Master Camden
writes, '^ that the building of great houses was the bane of good
house-keeping in England ;^' and therefore they are contented
with the worse habitations, as loath to lose their beloved hospi-
tality; the rather, because it hath been observed, that such
Welch buildings as conform to the English mode have their
chimneys, though more convenient, less charitable, seeing as
fewer eyes are offended, fewer bellies are fed, with the smoking
But, though the lone houses in Wales be worse than those in
England; their market towns generally are built better than
ours ; the gentry, it seems, having many of their habitations
These are twofold : 1 . Such as the English pass on the
Welch : 2. Such as the Welch make on the English. The
latter come not under my cognizance, as being in the British
tongue, to me altogether unknown. Besides, my friend Master
James Howel, in a treatise on that subject, hath so feasted his
reader, that he hath starved such as shall come after him, for
want of new provisions.
As for the former sort of proverbs, we insist on one or two
of them.
" His Welsh blood is up."]
A double reason may be rendered, why the Welch are subject
to anger.
1. Moral. — Give losers leave to speak, and that passionately
too. They have lost their land, and we Englishmen have driven
their ancestors out of a fruitful country, and pent them up in
barren mountains.
2. Natural. — Choler having a predominancy in their consti-
tution, which soundeth nothing to their disgrace. Impiger ira-
cundus is the beginning of the character of Achilles himself.*
Yea, valour would want an edge, if anger were not a whetstone
unto it. And as it is an increaser of courage, it is an attendant
on wit : ^^ Ingeniosi sunt cholerici." The best is, the anger of
the Welch doth soon arise, and soon abate ; as if it were an em-
blem of their country, up and down, chequered with elevations
and depressions.
* Horace, de Arte Poetica.
•' As long as a Welsh pedigree."]
Men (who are made heralds in other countries) are born he-
ralds in Wales ; so naturally are all there inclined to know and
keep their descents, which they derive from great antiquity : so
that any Welch gentleman (if this be not a tautology) can pre-
sently climb up, by the stairs of his pedigree, into princely ex-
traction. I confess, some Englishmen make a mock of their
long pedigree (whose own, perchance, are short enough if well
examined.) I cannot but commend their care in preserving the
memory of their ancestors, conformable herein to the custom of
the Hebrews. The worst I wish their long pedigree, is broad
possessions, that so there may be the better symmetry betwixt
their extractions and estates.
" Give your horse a Welsh-bait.'']
It seems it is the custom of the Welch travellers, when they
have climbed up a hill (whereof plenty in these parts), to rein
their horses backward, and stand still a while, taking 2i prospect
(or respect rather) of the country they have passed. This they
call a bait; and, though a peck of oats would do the palfrey
more good, such a stop doth (though not feed) refresh. Others
call this a Scottish bait ; and I believe the horses of both moun-
tainous countries eat the same provender, out of the same
manger, on the same occasion.
Proceed we now to our Description, and must make use, in
the first place, of a general catalogue ; of such who were un-
doubtedly Welsh, yet we cannot with any certainty refer them
to their respective counties ; and no wonder: 1. Because they
carry not in their surnames any directions to their nativities, as
the ancient English generally (and especially the clergy) did,
till lately, when, conquered by the English, some conformed
themselves to the English custom : 2. Because Wales was an-
ciently divided but into three great provinces, North-Wales,
Powis, and South- Wales ; and was not modelled into shires, ac-
cording to the modern division, till the reign of king Henry the
Of such, therefore, who succeed herein, though no county
of Wales (perchance) can say " this man is mine,^^ Wales may
avouch " All these are ours.^^ Yet I do not despair but that,
in due time, this my common may (God willing) be inclosed
(and fair inclosures, I assure you, is an enriching to a country) ;
I mean, that, having gained better intelligence from some
Welch antiquaries (whereof that Principality afFordeth many)
these persons may be un-generalled, and impaled in their par-
ticular counties.
I confess there were many in this Principality ; but I crave
leave to be excused from giving a list of their nativities. They
are so ancient I know not where to begin ; and so many, I
know not where to end. Besides, having in the fundamentals
of this book confined princes to the children of sovereigns, it
is safest for me, not to sally forth, but to entrench myself
wdthin the aforesaid restrictions.
Only I cannot but insert the following note, found in
so authentic an author, for the rarity thereof in my appre-
hension :*
" As for the Britains, or Welch, whatsoever jura majestatis
their princes had, I cannot understand that they ever had any
coin of their own ; for no learned of that nation have at any
time seen any found in Wales or elsewhere.^^
Strange that, having so much silver digged out, they
should have none coined in, their country ; so that trading was
driven on, either by the bartery or change of wares and com-
modities, or else by money imported out of England and other
Walter Brute was born in Wales ; and if any doubt
thereof, let them peruse the ensuing protestation, drawn up
with his own hand :
^^I Walter Brute, sinner, layman, husbandman, and a Chris-
tian (ha\ang mine offspring of the Britains both by father^s and
mother^s side), have been accused to the bishop of Hereford,
that I did err in many matters concerning the Catholic Chris-
tian Faith : by whom I am required, that I should write an
answer in Latin to all those matters ; whose desire I will satisfy
to my power, &c.^'t
Observe herein a double instance of his humility ; that, being
a Welchman (with which Gentleman is reciprocal) and a scholar
graduated in Oxford, contented himself with the plain addition
of Husbandman. J
He was often examined by the aforesaid bishop, by whom he
was much molested and imprisoned, the particulars whereof are
in master Fox most largely related. At last he escaped, not
creeping out of the window by any cowardly compliance, but
going forth at the door fairly set open for him by Divine Provi-
dence ; for he only made such a general subscription, which no
Christian man need to decline, in form following :
" I Walter Brute submit myself principally to the Evangely
of Jesus Christ, and to the determination of Holy Kirk, and to
the General Councils of Holy Kirk ; and to the sentence and
determination of the four doctors of Holy Writ, that is. Austin,
Ambrose, Jerome, and Gregory. And I meekly submit me to
your correction, as a subject ought to his bishop."§
* Camden's Remains, p. 181. | Fox, Acts and Monuments, p. 477.
X Fox, ibidem, p. 475. § Idem, p. 501.
It seems the popish prelates were not as yet perfect m their
art of persecution (Brute being one of the first who was vexed
for Wickhffism) ; so that as yet they were loose and favourable
in their language of subscription. But soon after they grew so
punctual in their expressions, and so particular in penning
abjurations and recantations, that the persons to whom they
were tendered must either strangle their consciences with
acceptance, or lose their lives for refusal thereof.
[AMP.] Nicholas Hereford. — I have presumptions to
persuade myself (though possibly not to prevail with the reader)
to believe him of British extraction. He was bred doctor of
divinity in Oxford, and a secular priest, betwixt whose profes-
sion and friary there was an ancient antipathy. But our
Hereford went higher, to defy most popish principles, and
maintain, 1. That in the Eucharist, after the consecration of
the elements, bread and wine still remained; 2. That,
bishops and all clergymen ought to be subject to their respect-
ive princes; 3. That monks and friars ought to maintain
themselves by their own labour; 4. That all ought to regie
their lives, not by the Pope's decrees, but Word of God.
From these his four cardinal positions many heretical opi-
nions were by his adversaries deduced (or rather detracted) ; and
no wonder they did rack his words, who did desire to torture
his person.
From Oxford he was brought to London ; and there., with
Philip Repington, was made to recant his opinions publicly at
Saint PauPs Cross, 1382.* See their several success :
Repinton, like a violent renegado, proved a persecutor of
his party ; for which he was rewarded, first with the bishopric
of Lincoln, then with a cardinal's cap.
Hereford did too much to displease his conscience, and yet
not enough to please his enemies ; for the jealousy of archbishop
Arundel persecuted and continued him always a prisoner.
The same with the latter was the success of John Purvey, his
partner in opinions, whom T. Walden termeth The Lollards^
Library. But they locked up this library, that none might
have access unto it, keeping him and Hereford in constant
durance. I will say nothing in excuse of their recantation ; nor
will I revile them for the same : knowing there is more requi-
site to make one valiant under a temptation, than only to call
him coward who is foiled therewith. Yet I must observe, that
such as consult carnal councils to avoid afflictions (getting out
by the window of their own plotting, not the door of Divine
Providence) seldom enjoy their own deliverance. In such
cases our Saviour's words are always (without the parties' repent-
ance) spiritually and often literally true : " He that findeth his
* See the story at large in Mr. Fox's Acts and Monuments.
life shall lose it.'^* And although we read not that this Here-
ford was put to death, he lost the life of his life, his liberty and
lustre, dwindling away in obscurity as to the time and place of
his death.
Reginald Peacock was born in Wales ; bred in King's
(commonly, saith Bale, called Oriel) College in Oxford,t where,
for his learning and eloquence, he proceeded doctor in divinity ;
bishop first of Saint Asaph, then of Chichester. For twenty
years together he favoured the opinions of WicklifFe, and wrote
many books in defence thereof, until, in a synod held at Lam-
beth by Thomas Bourchier archbishop of Canterbury 1457,
he was made to recant at Saint PauPs Cross (his books being
burnt before his eyes), confuted with seven solid arguments,
thus reckoned up, authoritate, vi, arte, fraude, metu, terrore, et
Charitable men behold this his recantation as his suffering,
and the act of his enemies ; some account it rather a slip than
a fall ; others a fall, whence afterwards he did arise. It seems
his recanting was little satisfactory to his adversaries, being
never restored to his bishopric, but confined to a poor pension
in a mean monastery, where he died obscurely ; though others
say he was privily made away in prison. § He is omitted by
Pitseus in his catalogue of writers ; a presumption that he
apprehended him finally dissenting from the popish persuasion.
I find none bred in this Principality, and the wonder is not
great: for, before the time of Austin the monk's coming over
into England, Wales acknowedged no Pope, but depended
merely on their own archbishop of Carlion. Yea, afterwards it
was some hundreds of years before they yielded the pope free
and full obedience ; besides, the inabitants of Wales, being de-
pressed in their condition, had small accommodations for their
travels to Rome, and those at Rome had less list to choose per-
sons of so great distance into the Papacy.
Sertor of Wales was so called from his native country.
By some he is named Fontanerius Valassus ; but why ? saith
bishop Godwin, '^rationem non capio :''|| and I will not hope to
understand what he could not. He was bred a Franciscan, and
was chosen (very young for that place) their general, the nine-
teenth in succession, anno Domini 1339. Afterwards he was
made bishop of Massile, then archbishop of Ravenna; next
patriarch of Grado, and by pope Innocent the Sixth was made
* Matth. xvi. 25. f Relict^ Cambria solo natali. Bale, Cent. viii. num. 19.
X Bale, ut prius. § Fox, Acts and Monuments, p. 710.
II In Catalogue of Cardinals, p. 171.
cardinal, anno Domini 1361. But, being extremely aged, he
was so unhappy, that, before the cardinaFs cap could come to
him, he was gone out of this world. Many books he wrote of
his Lectures, Quodlibets ; but chiefly he is eminent for his Com-
ment on St. Austin " De Civitate Dei." He died at Padua in
Italy, and was therein buried in the church of St. Anthony.*
Marbod Evanx (I had almost read him Evans, a noted
name in Wales,) was born in this country, and bred in the study
of all liberal sciences. In his time the Danes woefully harassed
the land, which caused him to ship himself over into Little
Britain in France; the inhabitants whereof may be termed
cousin-Germans to the Welch, as sons to their younger breth-
ren, much symbolizing with them in manners and language.
Here Marbod, though abroad, was at home (worth is the world^s
countryman) ; and his deserts preferred him to be Episcopus
RedonensiSy bishop of Renes, " Preelatus non elatus," such his
humility in his advancement.
We may conclude him a general scholar by the variety of his
works, writing of gems and precious stones, and compounding
profit and pleasure together in his book called " Carmina Sen-
tentiosa," much commended (Italian praise of British poetry is
a black swan) by Lilius Giraldus, an Italian, in his Lives of
Poets, t We will conclude all with the character given unto him
by Giraldus Cambrensis, '' Marbodus bonarum literarum ma-
gister eruditus colores rhetoricos, et tam verborum quam sen-
tentiarum exornaliones, versibus egregiis declaravit.^J He
flourished 1050.
Walter de Constantiis. — Who would not conclude him,
from his surname, born at Constance on the Bo den Zee in
Switzerland? But we have a constat for his British nativity. §
He was preferred first archdeacon of Oxford, then bishop of
Lincoln, then archbishop of Rohan, by king Richard the First.
A man of much merit, besides his fidelity to his sovereign,
whom he attended to Palestine, through many perils by sea and
by land ; insomuch that there want not those who will have
him named De Constantiis, from the expressive plural relating
to his constancy to his master in all conditions.
No doubt he had waited on him in his return through Austria,
and shared with him the miseries of his captivity, if not for-
mally remanded into England, to retrench the tyranny of
William Longchamp bishop of Ely, which he eff'ectually per-
formed. He had afterwards a double honour, first to inter king
* Pits, de Anglise Scriptoribus, p. 437.
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. ii. num. 50.
X Speculum Syl. lib, 4, cap. 16.
§ Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent, iii, num. 41.
Richard at Font-Everard, then to invest king John with the
PrincipaHty of Normandy, as being the prime prelate therein.
His death may be collected about the year 1206.
Caducanus, a Welchman by birth, was a very skilful divine,
and bishop of Bangor. Leaving his bishopric, he became a
Cistercian monk in Monasterio Durensi, sive Dor ensi {which, for
the present I am unwilling to English). Here I find two
learned antiquaries, the one the lender, the other the debtor,
(I had almost said the one owner, the other stealer), much di-
\'idedin their judgments about this his retrograde motion, from
a bishop to a monk ; the one commending, the other condemn-
ing him herein :
'^ Rarum hoc equidem exemplum est, ut quis optimas fortunas
macra commutet tenuitate ;^'* (This indeedVas a rare example,
that one should willingly exchange the best fortunes for a lean
^' Qui episcopatu appetit (ait Paulus) perfectum opus desiderat.
Non sic de monachatu otioso, quum sit plantatio, quam non
consolidavit Pater coelestis f'-\- (Whoso desireth a bishopric
desireth a good thing, saitli St. Paul.J It cannot be said so of
monkery, which is a plant which the heavenly Father hath not
It is past my power to compromise a difference betwixt two so
great j^ersons in so great a difference, at so great a distance ;
only, to hold the balance even betwixt them, give me leave to
whisper a word to two.
First for Leland. Whereas he calleth the bishopric of
Bangor optimas for tunas, it was never very rich, and at the present
very troublesome (by reason of the civil wars) ; so that Cadu-
canus turning monk, in most men^s apprehension, did but leave
what was little for what was less.
As for John Bale, he himself under king Edward the Sixth
was bishop of Ossory in Ireland ; and, flying thence in the
days of queen Mary, did not return in the reign of queen Eliza-
beth to his see, but contented himself rather with a canon^s
place in the church of Canterbury ;§ so that, by his own prac-
tice, a bishop^s place may oh some considerations be left, and a
private (though not superstitious) life lawfully embraced.
The best is, even Bale himself doth confess of this Caducanus,
that, after he turned monk, " Studiorum ejus interea non elan-
guit successus,'^ he was no less happy than industrious in his en-
deavours, writing a book of Sermons, and another called '^ Spe-
culum Christian orum.'^ He died, under the reign of king
Henry the Third, anno Domini 1225.
* J. Lelaud, cited by Bale^
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britaunicis, Cent. iii. num. 85. t 1 Tim. iii. 1.
^ See his Life> in Suffolk.
Hugh Johnes, born in Wales; was bred bachelor of the
laws in the University of Oxford, and made bishop of LlandafF
(which See, it seems, for the poorness thereof, lay bishopless for
three years after the death of bishop Kitchen), May 5, 1566.
Memorable, no doubt, on other accounts, as well as for this,
that though this bishopric be in Wales, he was the first Welch-
man who for the last three hundred years (viz. since John of
Monmouth, elected 1296) was the bishop thereof.* He was
buried at Matherne, November 15, 1574.
Doctor John Philips was a native of Wales ;t had his
education in Oxford ; and was afterwards preferred to be Epis-
copus Sodorensis, or loishop of Man. Out of his zeal for pro-
pagating the Gospel he attained the Manks tongue, and usually
preached therein.
Know, by the way, reader, that the king of Spain himself
(notwithstanding the vastness of his dominions) had not in
Europe more distinct languages spoken under his command,
than had lately the king of Great Britain, seven tongues being
used in his territories ; viz. 1 . ^/^^/^5/^, in England : 2. French,
in Jersey and Guernsey : 3. Cornish, in Cornwall : 4. Welch,
in Wales: 5. Scotch, in Scotland: 6. Irish, in Ireland: 7*
Manks, in the Isle of Man.
This doctor Philips undertook the translating of the Bible '
into the Manks tongue, taking some of the islanders to his
assistance, and namely Sir Hugh Cavoll, minister of the Gos-
pel, and lately (if not still) vicar of Kirk-Michael. He per-
fected the same work in the space of twenty-nine years ; but,
prevented by his death, it was never put to press. J I know
not whether the doing hereof soundeth more to the honour of
the dead, or the not printing thereof since his death to the
shame of the living, seeing surely money might be procured for
so general and beneficial a design ; which makes some the less
to pity the great pains of the ministers of the Isle of Man, who,
by double labour, read the Scriptures to the people out of the
English in the Manks tongue. § This singularly learned, hos-
pitable, painful, and pious prelate, died anno Domini 1633.
* Bishop Godwin, in his Catalogue of Bishops of Llandaff.
f Mr. James Chaloner, in his Description of the Isle of Man, p. 7 — F. Of
the Isle of Man, there are several Historical Descriptions and Tours, by Sacheve-
rell, Waldron, Rolt, Seacome, Townley, Robertson, Felthara, &c. &c. — Ed.
X Mr. James Chaloner, i«his Description of the Isle of Man, p. 4.— F.
§ The venerable bishop Wilson (who died in 1755, in his 93rd year) had begun
a translation of the Scriptures into the Manks language ; and, in the most disinter-
ested manner, and at his own expense, proceeded so far as to print the Gospel of
St. Matthew ; and had prepared for the press a manuscript version of the other
Evangelists and the Acts of the Apostles, w^hich afterwards underwent a very care-
ful revision. " This generous design, which death denied bishop Wilson the power
to finish (says the Rev. Weeden Butler, in the Memoirs of bishop Hildesley), was
Robert Recorde was born in this country^ ex claris paren-
tibus ,* bred in Oxford, where he proceeded doctor of physic.
His soul did not live in the lane of a single science, but tra-
versed the latitude of learning ; witness his works :
In Aritlimetic ; not so absolute in all numbers, before his
time, but that by him it was set forth more complete.
Astrology ; the practical part whereof hath so great an influ-
ence upon physic.
-Geometry ; whereof he wrote a book, called " The Path of
Geometry," and that easier and nearer than any before.
Physic ; " Of the Judgments of Urines ;" and though it be
commonly said, Urina Meretrix, yet his judicious rules have
reduced that harlot to honesty, and in a great measure fixed the
uncertainty thereof.
Metals ; his sight may seem to have accompanied the sun-
beams into the bowels of the earth, piercing into those pene-
trales in his discoveries of, and discourses on, gold and silver
(wherewith I believe him well stored), brass, tin, lead, and
what not.
What shall I speak of his skill in anatomy, cosmography,
music, w^hereof he read public lectures in Oxford ?
As for his religion (say not this is of no concernment in a
physician), I conjecture him to be a Protestant : first, because
he wrote of " Auricular Confession,*^ and '^ De Negotio Eucha-
ristiffi," each whereof is a noli me tangere for a Romish lay-man
to meddle with, according to popish principles : secondly, be-
cause so largely commended by Bale. But I dare conclude
nothing herein, having not hitherto seen his treatises in divinity.
He flourished under king Edward the Sixth, about the year
Thomas Phaier was born in Wales ;t and bred (I believe)
first in Oxford, then in London ; a general scholar, and well
versed in the common law, w^herein he wrote a book, " De
Natur^ Brevium," (of the Nature of Writs.) Strange that he
would come after justice Fitz- Herbert, who formerly had
written on the same subject. But probably Phaier^s book
(having never seen any who have seen it) treateth of writs in
the Court of Marches (whereto Wales was then subjected, and)
where the legal proceedings may be somewhat different from
ours in England.
But the study of the law did not fadge well with him, which
caused him to change his copy, and proceed doctor in physic.
thus left to the care and resolution of his worthy successor bishop Hildesley ;
who, at length, had the great honour and happiness to see it completed." — Ed.
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. viii. num. 3.
■j- Pits, setat. decima sexta, anno 1550.
Now (though he made none) he, out of French, did translate
many useful books. 1. "Of the Pestilence, and the Cure
thereof." 2. " Of the Grief of Children." 3. ^' Of the Nature of
Simples." 4. "The Regiment of Naturall Life." He had also his
diversion, some excursion into poetry, and translated Virgil's
^neid, "magna gravitate" (saith my author*); which our
modern wits will render, loith great dulness, and avouch, that he,
instead of a Latin Virgil, hath presented us with an English
Ennius — such the rudeness of his verse. But who knoweth not
that English poetry is improved fifty in the hundred in this last
century of years ? He died, and was buried in London, about
the year of our Lord 1550.
Albane Hill was Britannus by birth.f I confess, Bri-
tannus doth not clearly carry his nativity for Wales, except it
were additional Cambro-Britannus. But, according to our
peaceable promise premised, J let him pass for this countryman,
the rather, because so many hills (and mountains too) therein.
He was bred a doctor of physic, professing and practising most
beyond the seas, more famous in foreign parts than in his na-
tive country. I find two eminent outlandishmen, viz. Josias
Simler, an Helvetian of Zurich ; and Bassianus Landus, an
Italian of Placentia, charactering him to be, " Medicus nobilis-
simus ac optimus, et in omni disciplinarum genere optime
versatus ;" and that he wrote much upon Galen, and the ana-
tomical part of physic ; so that we may say with the poet,§
Ut liltus, Hyla, Hyla, omne sonaret.
" The shore resounded still,
Nothing hut Hill and Hill. "
I find no time affixed wherein he flourished ; but, according
to the received rule, Noscitur e socio, he may, from his contem-
poraries, be collected in full lustre, anno 1550. And it is re-
markable that Wales had three eminent physicians, writers all
in the same age.
Be it premised, that as I should be loth by my laziness to
conceal, so with all my industry I conceive it impossible to
complete, their characters. For, as the Venetian courtezan,
after she had put off her lofty attire, and high chippines, almost
pares away herself into nothing ; such the slender account given
us of these writers, that, after some set forms and commenda-
tions of course common to all persons be first defalked, the re-
mainder will be next to nothing. But it is no fault of me the
cistern if I be empty, whilst my fountain is dry, seeing I spill
* Pits, setat. decima sexta, anno 1550.
f Bale, de Scriptorihus Britannicis, Cent. ix. num. 38.
X In our Preface to the Reader, p. 548. § Virgil, Ecloga sexta.
nothing by the leakage of my neglect, but faithfully deliver all
the intelligence I find, as foUoweth :
Petrok was a Welch-Irish-Cornish man. He had his birth
in Wales,* but breeding in Ireland, according to the mode of
that age, wherein all British sailed over into Ireland (as the
English in after-ages did into France), there to have their edu-
cation in all learned sciences. Who would have thought^to
have found Helicon among the bogs, as indeed it was at
that time ? Petrok, after twenty years reading good authors
there, came over into Cornwall, and fixed himself nigh the Severn
sea, in a small oratory called Petrok-stow (the station or abiding-
place of Petrok), now corruptly Pad-Stowe, where many emi-
nent scholars were brought up under him. He wrote a book
" Of Solitary Life," whereto he was much addicted.
I confess Petrok is somewhat degraded, as entered under the
topic of writers, who is reputed a saint ; and I remember a hand-
some church in Exeter dedicated to his memory, who flourished
anno 560.
Gild AS the Fourth ; for there were three before him ; viz.
Gildas Albanius, Gildas surnamed Sapiens (of whom beforet),
Gildas Cambrius, and this our Gildas ; who laggeth last in the
team of his namesakes. But the second of these is worth all
the rest (were there four hundred of them) ; whom I behold as a
sun indeed, shining with the lustre of his own desert, whilst two
of the others are but so many meteors about him, some suspecting
them no realities in nature, but merely created by men^s sight-
deception, and the reflection of the memory of the true Gildas.
This our fourth Gildas is made a Welch- Scotch-Irishman ;
Wales sharing in him two parts of the three ; viz. his birth and
death, the largest part of his life belonging to Ireland, where he
studied. Many the books imputed to him, of the wonders and
first inhabitants of Britain, of king Authur and his unknown
sepulchre4 So that now we can teach Gildas what he knew
not, namely, that king Arthur was certainly buried at Glassen-
bury.§ He wTote also of " Perceval and Lancelot," whom I
behold as two knights combatants, and presume the former
most victorious, from the notation of his name per se valens,
prevailing by himself.
Our author is charged to be full of fables ; which I can easily
believe ; for in ancient history if we will have any of truth we
must have something of falsehood, and (abating only Holy Writ)
it is as impossible to find antiquity without fables, as an old face
without wrinkles. He flourished anno Domini 860,
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. i. num. 60.
t In the Writers of Somersetshire.
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. ii. num. 21.
§ Camden's Britannia, in Somersetshire.
Blegabride Langauride. — Philip Comineus observeth,
that to have a short name is a great advantage to a favourite,
because a king may readily remember and quickly call him.
If so the writer aforesaid is ill qualified for a favourite. But
let him then pronounce his own name^ for others will not trou-
ble themselves therewith. He attained to be a great scholar,
doctor of both laws, and archdeacon of the church of LlandafF.
He, to the honour of his country, and use of posterity, translated
the laws of Howell, the most modest king of Wales ; and flou-
rished 914.*
Salephilax the Bard» — This mungrel name seemeth to
have in it an eye or cast of Greek and Latin ; but we are assured
of his Welch extraction. In inquiring after his works, my suc-
cess hath been the same with the painful thresher of mill-dewed
wheat, gaining little more than straw and chaff. All the grain
I can get is this, that he set forth a Genealogy of the Britains,
and flourished about the year 920.t
GwALTERUS Calenius (may v/e not English him Walter of
Calen ?) was a Cambrian by his nativity. J though preferred
to be archdeacon of Oxford. He is highly prized, for his great
learning, by Leland and others. This was he who took the
pains to go over into Britanny in France, and thence retrieved
an ancient manuscript of the British princes, from Brutus
to Cadwalader. Nor was his labour more in recovering, than
his courtesy in communicating, this rarity to Jeffrey of Mon-
mouth, to translate the same into Latin. Nor was this Walter
himself idle, continuing the same chronicle for four hundred
years together, until his own time. He flourished anno Domini
1120, under king Henry the First.
GuALO Brytannus, born in Wales, was from his infancy
a servant to the Muses, and lover of poetry. That he might
enjoy himself the better herein, he retired into a private place,
from the noise of all people ;§ and became an anchorite, for his
fancy, not devotion, according to the poet :
Carmina secessum scribsntis et otia qucerunt.
" Verses justly do request
Their writer's privacy and rest."
Here his pen fell foul on the monks, whose covetousness in that
age was so great, that of that subject, ,
Difficile est Saliram non scribere.
" 'Twas hard for any then to write,
And not a Satire to indict."
He wrote also invectives against their wantonness and impos-
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. ii. num. 23.
f Idem, Cent. ii. num. 29. % Idem, num. 65. § Idem, Cent, iii. num.5.
2 K 2
tures ; and yet it seems did it with that cautiousness^ that he
incurred no danger. Indeed he is commended by John of
Salisbury and others, quod esset prudens et doctus. He flou-
rished anno Domini 1170, under king Henry the Second.
William Breton was born (saith Bale and Pits, the latter
alleging one Willot for his author) in Wales ; bred a Fran-
ciscan at Grimsby in Lincolnshire. I will not quarrel his Cam-
brian extraction ; but may safely remind the reader, that there
was an ancient family of the Bretons at Ketton in Rutland next
Lincolnshire, where this William had his education.
But let this Breton be Brito (believing the allusion in sound
not the worst evidence for his Welch original) ; sure it is, he
was a great scholar, and deep divine ; the writer of many books
both in verse and prose ; and of all, his master-piece was an
Exposition of all the hard words of the Bible, which thus begins :
Dijficiles studio partes, quas Biblia* gestat,
Pandere ; sed nequeo, latebras nisi qui manifestat y
Auxiliante qui cui vult singula prcestat,
Dante juva7nen eo, nihil insu2)erahile restat, ^c.
-" Hard places which the Bible doth contain,
. I study to expound ; but all in vain,
Without God's help, who darkness doth explain.
And with his help nothing doth hard remain," &c.
Such the reputation of his book, that, in the controversy
betwixt Standish bishop of Saint Asaph and Erasmus [contest
unequal] the former appeals to Breton^s book, about the inter-
pretation of a place in Scripture. t This William died at
Grimsby, anno Domini 1356.
Utred Bolton was born, saith Leland, ex transabrina
gente. Now though parts of Salop, Worcester, and Glouces-
tershire, with all Herefordshire, be beyond Severn, yet in such
doubtful nativities England giveth up the cast, rather than to
make a contest to measure it. Troublesome times made him
leave his country, and travel to Durham, where he became a
Benedictine. He had a rare natural happiness, that the
promptness and pleasantness of his parts commended all things
that he did or said. J This so far ingratiated him with the
abbot of his convent, that he obtained leave to go to Oxford,
to file his nature the brighter by learning.
Hither he came in the heat of the difl'erence betwixt Wick-
liflfe and his adversaries. Bolton sided with both, and with
neither ; consenting in some things with Wickliffe, dissenting
in others, as his conscience directed him.
William Jordan, a Dominican, (and northern man) was so
madded hereat, that he fell foul on Bolton, both with his
writing and preaching. Bolton, angry hereat, expressed himself
•■ A nominative case singular, according to the barbarism of that age. — F.
t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. v. num. 89. % Idem, num. 53.
more openly for Wickliffe, especially in that his smart book,
"Pro Veris Monachis," (for true monks, or monks indeed), parel-
lel with Saint Paul's widows indeed, which were to be ho-
noured,* showing what sanctity and industry was required of
them. Hereat the anger of Jordan did overflow, endeavouring
(and almost eff'ecting) to get Bolton excommunicated for a
heretic. This learned man flourished under king Richard the
Second 1330.
John Gwent was born in Wales ;t bred a Franciscan in
Oxford, till he became Provincial of his order throughout all
Britain. He wrote a learned comment on '^ Lambard's Com-
mon Places,^' and is charactered a person "qui in penitiore
recognitee prudentiee cognitione se vel admirabilem ostenderet."
Here endeth Leland's writing of him, and beginneth Bale's
railing on him, pretending himself to be the truest touchstone
of spirits, and trying men thereby. Yet doth he not charge
our Gwent with any thing peculiar to him alone, but common
to the rest of his order, telling us (what we knew before) " that
all mendicants were acted with an ill genius, being sophisters,
cavillers, &c. ;'^ this hee being no more guilty than the whole
him therein. He died at Hereford, in the verge of his native
country, 1348.
John Ede was (saith Bale) genere Wallus, by extraction a
Welchman, immediately adding patria Herefordensi, by his
country a Herefordshire man. J We now, for quietness sake,
resign him wholly to the former. Yet was he a person
worth contending for. Leland saith much in little of him,
when praising him to be "vir illustris fama, eruditione, et
religione." He wrote several comments on Aristotle, Peter
Lambard, and the Revelation. He was chief of the Francis-
cans' convent in Hereford, where he was buried, in the reign
of king Henry the Fourth, 1406.
David Boys. — Let not Kent pretend unto him, wherein
his surname is so ancient and numerous, our author assuring
us of his British extraction. § He studied in Oxford (saith
Leland), no less to his own honour than the profit of others
reaping much benefit by his books. Having his breeding at
Oxford, he had a bounty for Cambridge ; and, compassing
the writings of John Barningham his fellow-Carmelite, he got
them fairly transcribed in four volumes, and bestowed them
on the library in Cambridge, where Bale beheld them in his
time. He was very familiar (understand it in a good way) with
Eleanor Cobham, duchess of Gloucester, whence we collect him
at least a parcel-Wickliffite. Of the many books he wrote,
* 1 Tim. V. 3. t Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. v. num. 81,
X Idem, Cent, vii. num. 28. § Idem, Cent. viii. num. 12.
fain would I see that intituled " Of Double Immortality/' whe-
ther intending thereby the immortality of soul and body, or
of the memory here and soul hereafter. I would likewise satisfy
myself in his book about "The Madness of the Hagarens,"
whether the Mahometans be not meant thereby, pretending
themselves descended from Sarah, when indeed they are the
issue of the bond-woman. He was prefect of the Carmelites in
Gloucester, where he died 1450. Let me add, that his sur-
name is Latined Boethius ; and so Wales hath her David Boe-
thius, whom in some respects she may vie with Hector Boe-
thius of Scotland.
Sir John Rhese, alias ap Ryse, Knight, was born in* Wales ;
noble by his lineage, but more by his learning. He was well
versed in the British antiquities, and would not leave a hoof
of his country's honour behind, which could be brought up
to go along with him. Now so it was that Polydore Vergil,
that proud Italian, bare a pique to the British, from their
ancient independency from the Pope. Besides, he could not
so easily compass the Welch records into his clutches, that so
he might send them the same way with many English manu-
scripts, which he had burnt to ashes. This made him slight
the credit of Welch authors, whom our Sir John was a
zealot to assert, being also a champion to vindicate the story
of king Arthur. Besides, he wrote '^ A Treatise of the Eucha-
rist ;" and, by the good words Bale bestoweth upon him,* we
believe him a favourer of the Reformation, flourishing under
king Edward the Sixth, 1550.
John Griffin was born in Wales ;t bred first a Cistercian
friar in Hales Abbey in Gloucestershire. After the dissolution
of his convent, he became a painful and profitable preacher.
He suited the pulpit with sermons for all seasons, having his
Condones jEstivales et Brumales, which he preached in Eng-
lish, and wrote in Latin ; flourishing under king Edward the
Sixth, anno Domini 1550.
Hugh Broughton was born in Wales, but very nigh unto
Shropshire. He used to speak much of his gentility, and of
his arms, which were the owls, presaging, as he said, his addic-
tion to the study of Greek, because those were the birds of
Minerva, and the emblem of Athens. I dare not deny his gen-
tle extraction ; but it was probable that his 2:)arents were fallen
to great decay, as by the ensuing story will appear.
When Mr. Barnard Gilpin, that apostolic man, was going his
annual journey to Oxford, from his living at Houghton in the
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. ix. num. 57.
t Pits, de Anglise Scriptoribus, aetat. 16, anno 1550.
north, he spied by the way-side a youth, one while walking,
another while running ; of whom Mr. Gilpin demanded whence
he came. He answered, out of Wales, and that he was a-going
to Oxford with intent to be a scholar.*
Mr; Gilpin, perceiving him pregnant in the Latin, and having
some smattering in the Greek tongue, carried him home to
Houghton, where being much improved in the languages, he
sent him to Christ^s College in Cambridge. It was not long
before his worth preferred him fellow of the house.
This was that Broughton so famous for his skill in the He-
brew ; a great ornament of that university, and who had been a
greater, had the heat of his brain and peremptoriness of his
judgment been tempered with more moderation ; being ready to
quarrel with any who did not presently and perfectly embrace
his opinions. He wrote many books, whereof one, called " The
Consent of Times," carrieth the general commendation.
As his industry was very commendable, so his ingratitude
must be condemned, if it be true what I read ; that when mas-
ter Gilpin, his Maecenas (by whose care, and on whose cost he
was bred, till he was able to breed himself), grew old, he pro-
cured him to be troubled and molested by doctor Barnes, bishop
of Durham, in expectation of his parsonage, as some shrewdly
At last he was fixed in the city of London, where he taught
many citizens and their apprentices the Hebrew tongue. He
was much flocked after for his preaching, though his sermons
were generally on subjects rather for curiosity than edification.
I conjecture his death to be about the year of our Lord 1600.
Hugh Holland was born in Wales, and bred first a scho-
lar in Westminster, then fellow in Trinity College in Cambridge.
No bad English but a most excellent Latin poet. Indeed he
was addicted to the new-old religion : new, in comparison of
truth itself; yet old, because confessed of long continuance.
He travelled beyond the seas, and in Italy (conceiving himself
without ear-reach of the English) let fly freely against the credit
of queen Elizabeth. Hence he went to Jerusalem, though there
he was not made, or he would not own himself, Knight of the
Sepulchre. In his return he touched at Constantinople, where
Sir Thomas Glover, ambassador for king James, called him to
an account for his scandalum regincR at Rome, and the former
over-freedom of his tongue cost him the confinement for a time
in prison. Enlarged at last, returning into England with his
good parts bettered by learning, and great learning increased
with experience in travel ; he expected presently to be chosen
clerk of the council at least ; but, preferment not answering
his expectation, he grumbled out the rest of his life in visible
* Bishop Carleton, in the Life of Mr. Gilpin. f Idem, ibidem.
discontentment. He made verses in description of the chief
cities in Em-ope^ wrote the Chronicle of queen Elizabeth^s
reign (beheve him older and wiser, not railing as formerly,) and
a book of the Life of Master Camden, all lying hid in private
hands, none publicly printed. This I observe the rather, to
prevent plagiaries, that others may not imj) their credit
with stolen feathers, and wrongfully with ease pretend to his
painful endeavours. He had a competent estate in good Candle-
rents in London ; and died about the beginning of the reign of
king Charles.
To take my Vale of the Worthies of Wales General ; I refer
the reader for the rest to a catalogue of their names, set forth at
the end of the Welch Dictionary : which catalogue I was once
resolved to print as an Appendix to this work ; till dissuaded on
this consideration— it being printed in Welch, in the re-print-
ing whereof our best English correctors would be but bad Welch
corrupters, and make a mongrel language more than departed
from Babel, or ever since was any where used.
And now we proceed to the particular Shires of Wales.
•♦• Of this interesting Principality no regular History, of a topographical
character, has yet made its appearance; although, so early as 1108, archbishop
Baldwin wrote his Itinerary of Wales, which subsequently appeared under the
name of Giraldus de Barry; and, in 1806, this work was published by Sir R. C.
Hoare, in 2 vols. 4to. illustrated with views, annotations, &c. Sir Richard
also produced an edition of Giraldus Cambrensis, which deserves especial com-
mendation. Dr. Powell, a native of Denbighshire, who flourished during the
latter part of the sixteenth century, also published " Caradoc's History of Wales,"
and " Annotationes in Itinerarium Cambriae scriptas per Giraldum." Speed,
Bale, Pits, Camden, and Lhud, have each contributed to illustrate the history
and topography of the Principality at large. Innumerable Works of a local and
graphical nature have also appeared ; which, in addition to the many valuable manu-
scripts known to be in existence, may contribute materially to the aid of the
future topographer of Wales. On this subject, the late Mr. Gough, in his
"Anecdotes of British Topography," makes some useful observations. " Many
valuable manuscripts," says he, " are said to be still remaining in Wales. A
good collection was made by Mr. Maurice, of Kenvy breach, Denbyshire, whom
bishop Nicolson calls a notable antiquary, which since came into the hands of Sir
William Williams, and is now in the hands of Sir Watkin Williams Wynne. Be-
sides the valuable library of Mr. Davies, of Llannerk, in the same county, there are
several other considerable ones. The collections of their most eminent antiquary,
Edward Lhuyd, were left in the hands of Sir Thomas Sebright, of Beachwood,
Hertfordshire. They consist of above forty volumes in folio, ten in quarto, and
above a hundred smaller, and all relate to Irish or Welch antiquities, and chiefly in
those languages. Carte made extracts from them about or before 1736 ; but these
were chiefly historical. Sir John Sebright gave Mr. Pennant twenty-three of
Lhuyd's MSS. Latin and English. Many of his letters to Lister, and other learned
contemporaries, were given by Dr. Fothergill to the university of Oxford, and are
now in the Ashmolean Museum. Lhuyd undertook more for illustrating this part
of the kingdom than any one man besides ever did, or than any one man can be
equal to. Yet, under certain restrictions, we might wish to see somebody revive
the useful design, before time, and a thousand circumstances fatal to private collec-
tions, complete the desolation already too far advanced. The progress of antiqua-
rian discoveries, on which I must congratulate this age, has but lately been turned
into this channel. Mr. Evans, who has opened the poetic treasuries of his country,
must bear the torch before us into the gloom that overspreads the other provinces
of early science there, Mr. Pennant will atone for our ignorance of the Principa-
•lity by an ample description of it in three volumes 4to ; for which purpose he
advertised in the Chester paper, 1771, for communications from the Welch clergy ;
a mode of inquiry which, like queries for a county history, seems to promise more
than it really produces. His first volume, intituled, * A Tour in Wales, 1770,*
has already appeared, 1778, containing the counties of Flint, Denbigh, and the
Marches ; and it must give every friend to the subject pleasure to observe how well
he has been assisted in his inquiries. Charles Penruddock Wyndham, Esq. who
has already published two editions of a very informing tour through Monmouthshire
and South Wales, and advertised for instructions on a second journey, 1777, pro-
poses publishing his Observations, with considerable additions, and a variety of
plates from elegant drawings, by himself and H. S. Grimm." In addition to the
remarks of Mr. Gough, may be noticed Cradock's Account of Wales, a small l2mo
volume ; Mutton's remarks on North Wales, 8vo ; Malkin's Scenery, &c. of South
Wales, published in 1804, in 4to ; Brereton's Tour through South Wales, &c.
Of the Counties of Wales there have been various historians. Of the Isle of An-
GLESEA a very diffuse account was brought out in 1702, by Mr. H. Rowlands, under
the title of " Monaantiqua restaurata ; or Antiquities, natural and historical, of the
Isleof Anglesey ;" and Dr. S. R. Meyrick also published the History of Cardigan-
shire on an enlarged scale. In 1809, the History of Carmarthenshire made its
appearance, from the pen of Mr. Nugent ; and an Historical Tour through Pem-
brokeshire has likewise been published by Mr. R. Fenton. For various particulars,
however, relative to the different Counties of the Principality of Wales, the reader
may consult with advantage the Local Tracts contained in Gough's British Topo-
graphy, vol. ii. ; and also his valuable Additions to Camden's Britannia — Ed.
Let us, in the first place, congratulate the restitution of this
Island to its ancient Latin appellation, seeing it was in a fair way
to forget its own name of Mona,* which some filched from
this, and fixed on the Isle of Man; pretending, 1. The allusion
in sound betwixt Man and Mona : 2. The description thereof
in Ceesar, placing it in the middle betwixt Ireland and Britain,
which position better agreeth to Man than Anglesea : 3. The
authorities of many [later] historians, amongst whom Polydore
Vergil and Hector Boethus.
But Dr. Humphrey Lluyd, in his learned letter to Ortilius,
most clearly demonstrateth this to be the true Mona ; and the
reason of reasons doth evince the truth thereof, taken from Ta-
citus, reporting the Roman Foot (under Paulinus) to have swam
over from the continent of Britain to the Isle of Mona. Now
such swimming over (Avith the oars only of arms and legs) (ten
leagues at least) to Man is utterly impossible, which from Bri-
tain to Anglesea (being hardly an Italian mile) may (though
with much difficulty and danger) be performed.
Anglesea, that is, the English Island (so called since con-
quered by our countrymen) is surrounded on all sides with the
Irish Sea, save on the south ; where a small fret (known by the
peculiar name of Menai) sundereth it from the Welch conti-
nent, having twenty miles in the length, and seventeen in
the breadth thereof. May the inhabitants be like the land they
live in ; which appears worse than it is, seemingly barren
and really fruitful,t affording plenty of good wheat; and to
grind it,
These, in the Greek Gospel, are termed ^-uXol 6vlko\ \% that is,
asses^ mill-stones ; either because asses (as Saint Hilary will
have it) used to draw them about (before men taught the wind
and water to do that work for them), or because the lower mill-
stone was called ovoq, an ass,§ from the sluggishness thereof, as
always lying still. Observe an opposition betwixt artificial and
* " In hoc medio cursu [inter Iberniam et Britanniam] est insula quae appellatur
Mona.'' (Caesar de Bello Gallico, lib. v.)
t See Speed's Description thereof. % Matthew xviii. 6 ; Luke xvii. 2.
§ See Erasmus, in his Chiliades, in Prov. Antonius Asinus.
WONDERS. » 507
natural mills; I mean^ our mouths. In the former, the lower
mill- stone lieth always immoveable ; whilst in our mouths the
upper jaw always standeth still, and the nether applieth itself in
constant^ motion thereunto. Excellent mill-stones, are made in
this island. When in motion, in default of grist to grind, they
will fire one another ; so necessary is foreign employment for
active spirits, to divert them from home-bred combustions.
Before we begin on this plentiful topic, be it premised that I
conceive the author of that distich was too straight-laced in his
belief, thus expressing himself:
Mira cannm, non visa mihi scd cognita multis,
Sed nisi visa mihi non habilura Jidem.
" Wonders here by me are told,
To many men well known ;
But, till my eyes shall them behold,
Their truth I'll never own."
For mine own part, I conceive, he that will not believe is un-
worthy to be believed ; and that it is an injury to deny credit to
credible persons, attesting as followeth.
There are divers trees daily dug out of moist and marish
places, which are firm and fit for timber.* They are as black
within as ebony, and are used by the carvers of that country to
inlay cupboards and other wooden utensils. These trees are
branched into a double difficulty ; first, how they came hither ;
secondly, how preserved here so long from putrefaction.
Some make the pedigree of these trees very ancient, fetching
them from Noah^s flood, then overturned with the force thereof.
Others conceive them cut down by the Romans when conquer-
ing this Island, and shaving away their w^oods, the covert of re-
Others apprehend them felled (or rather falling) of them-
selves, their weight meeting with the waterish and failing
foundation ; and it is more easy for one to confute the conjec-
ture of others, than to substitute a more rational in the
room thereof.
But grant this first knot in these trees smoothed— how
they came hither; a worse knob remains to be plained,
how they are preserved sound so many ages, seeing moisture is
the mother of corruption, and such the ground wherein they are
found : except any will say, there is clammy bituminous sub-
stance about them (Hke those in Lacashire),t which fenceth
them from being corrupted. I could add to the wonder, how
hazel nuts are found under ground, with sound kernels in them ;
save it is fitter that the former difficulties be first conjured
down, before any new ones be raised up.
* Humphrey Lluyd, in his learned letters to Ortelius.
f Camden's Britannia, in that county.
** Mon Mam Cymbry."*]
That is, "Anglesea is the mother of Wales/^ Not be-
cause bigger than Wales (as mothers always are whilst
their children are infants), being scarce one twentieth part
thereof ; nor because (as parents always) ancienter than Wales,
which, being an island, may be presumed junior to the conti-
nent, as probably made by the interruption of the sea ; but be-
cause, when other counties fail, she plentifully feedeth them
with provision, and is said to afford corn enough to sustain all
Wales. Nor is she less happy in cattle than corn ; so that this
mother of Wales is in some sort a nurse to England. I have
seen yearly great droves of fair beasts, brought thence and sold
in Essex itself; so that he who considers how much meat An-
glesea spends, will wonder that it spares any; how much
it spares, that it spends any.
" Crogging, Grogging."]
This historical by-word (for proverb properly it is none) we
will consider : first, in the original : secondly, in the use :
thirdly, in the abuse thereof.
Original. — In the reign of king Henry the Second, in his
many expeditions against Wales, one proved very unsuccessful,
wherein divers of his camp were sent to essay a passage over
OfFa's Ditch at Croggen castle. These, being prevented by the
British, were most of them slain ; and their graves hard by are
to be discovered at this day.
Use.—Th.^ English afterwards, when having the Welch at ad-
vantage, used to say to them, " Crogging, Crogging,^^ as a pro-
vocative to revenge, and dissuasive to give them quarter ; as if
the Romans, on the like occasion, should cry to the Carthagi-
nians, " Cannae, Cannae. ^^
Abuse. — Continuance of time, which assumeth to itself a
liberty to pervert words from their primitive sense, in ignorant
mouths hath made it a disgraceful attribute, when the English
are pleased to revile the Welch ; though, to speak plainly, I
conceive not how that word can import a foul disgracing of
them, first occasioned by their valiant defeating of us. This by-
word (though Croggen castle is in Denbighshire) being gene-
rally used all over Wales, is therefore placed in this, because the
first county thereof.
GuiDO DE MoNA was so surnamed from his birth-place in
Anglesea. Some suspect that Jilius insulce may be as bad as
filius populi, no place being particularized for his birth ; whilst
others conceive this sounding to his greater dignity to be deno-
* Camden's Britannia, in Anglesea.
minated from a'^whole island ; the village of his nativity being
probably obscure^ long and hard to be pronounced. He was
afterwards bishop of St. David's and lord treasurer of England,
under king Henry the Fourth, who highly honoured him ; for,
when the Parliament moved that no Welchman should be a
state officer in England, the king excepted the bishops, as con-
fident of their faithful service. Indeed T. Walsingham makes
this Guido the author of much trouble, but is the less to be
believed therein, because of the known antipathy betwixt friars
and secular prelates ; the former being as faulty in their lazy
speculation, as the other often offending in their practical over-
activity. This bishop died anno 1407-
Arthur Bulkley, bishop of Bangor, was born either in
Cheshire, or more probably in this county. But it matters not
much had he never been born, who, being bred doctor of the
laws, had either never read, or wholly forgotten, or wilfully
would not remember, the chapter ^^ De Sacrilegio f for he
spoiled the bishopric, and sold the five bells : being so over-
officious, that he would go down to the sea to see them shipped,
which, in my mind, amounted to a second selling of them.
We have an English proverb of him who maketh a detri-
mental bargain to himself, " That he may put all the gains
gotten thereby into his eye, and see nothing the worse.^^ But
bishop Bulkley- saw much more the worse by what he had got-
ten, being himself suddenly deprived of his sight, who had
deprived the tower of Bangor of the tongue thereof.* Thus
having ended his credit before his days, and his days before his
life, and having sate in that see fourteen years, he died 1555.
WiLLiAM Glyn, D.D. was born at in this county;
bred in Queen^s College in Cambridge, whereof he was master,
until, in the second of queen Mary, he was preferred bishop of
Bangor. An excellent scholar, and I have been assured by
judicious persons, who have seriously perused the solemn dis-
putations (printed in Master Fox) betwixt the Papists and Pro-
testants, that of the former none pressed his arguments with
more strength and less passion than Doctor Glyn : though
constant to his own, he was not cruel to opposite judgments,
as appeareth by the appearing of no persecution in his diocese ;
and his mild nature must be allowed at least causa socia, or the
fellow cause thereof. He died in the first of queen Elizabeth ;
and I have been informed that GeofFry Glyn, his brother,
doctor of laws, built and endowed a free school at Bangor.
RouLAND Merrick, doctor of laws, was born at Bodingan
* Godwin, in the Bishops of Bangor.
in this county ; bred in Oxford, where he became principal of
New Inn Hall, and afterwards a dignitary in the church of St.
David^s. Here he, with others, in the reign of king Edward
the Sixth, violently prosecuted Robert Farrar, his diocesan,
with intention (as they made their boast i to pull him from his
bishopric, and bring him into a premunire ;^** and prevailed so
far, that he was imprisoned.
This bishop Farrar was afterwards martyred in the reign of
queen Mary. I find not the least appearance that his former
adversaries violented any thing against him under that queen.
But it is suspicious that advantage against him (I say not with
their will) was grafted on the stock of his former accusation.
However, it is my judgment that they ought to have been ; and
I can be so charitable to believe that Dr. Merrick was penitent
for his causeless vexing so good a person.^^t Otherwise rnany
more besides myself will proclaim him unworthy to be (who
had been a persecutor of) a bishop. He was consecrated bishop
of Bangor, December 21, in the second of queen Elizabeth,
1559 ; and sate six years in his see. I have nothing to add,
save that he was father to Sir Gilly Merrick, knight, who lost
his life for engaging with the earl of Essex, 1600.
Lancelot Bulkley was born in this county, of a then right
worshipful (since honourable) family, who have a fair habitation
(besides others) near Beaumaris. J He was bred in Brazen-
nose college in Oxford ; and afterwards became first archdeacon,
then archbishop in Dublin. He was consecrated, the third of
October, 1619, by Christopher archbishop of Armagh. Soon
after he was made by king James one of his privy council in
Ireland, where he lived in good reputation till the day of his
death, which happened some ten years since.
Madoc, son to Owen Gwineth ap Gruffyth ap Conan, and
brother to David ap Owen Gwineth, prince of North Wales,
was born probably at Aberfraw in this county (now a mean
town), then the principal palace of their royal residence. § He
made a sea voyage westward; and, by all probability, those
names of Cape de Breton in Noruinberg, and Penguin in part
of the Northern America, for a white rock and a white-headed
bird, according to the British, were rehcs of this discovery. If
so, then let the Genevese and Spaniards demean themselves
as younger brethren, and get their portions in pensions in those
parts paid as well as they may, owning us Britons (so may the
Welch and English as an united nation style themselves) for
* Fox's Acts and Monuments, an. 1555, p. 1144,
t See more in the Martyrs of Carmarthenshire,
j Sir James Ware, de Prtesulibus Lagenise.
§ Camden's Britannia, in Anglesea.
the heirs, to whom the solid inheritance of America doth belong,
for the first discovery thereof. The truth is, a good navy, with
a strong land army therein, will make these probabilities of
Madoc evident demonstrations ; and without these, in cases of
this kind, the strongest arguments are of no validity. This sea
voyage was undertaken by Madoc about the year 11 70.
Expect not my description should conform this Principality
to England, in presenting the respective sheriffs with their
arms. For as to heraldry, I confess myself luscum in Anglia,
ccecum in Wallia. Besides, I question whether our rules in
blazonry, calculated for the east, will serve on the west of
Severn ? and suspect that my venial mistakes may meet with
mortal anger.
I am also sensible of the prodigious antiquity of Welch pedi-
grees ; so that what Zalmana said of the Israelites slain by him
at Tabor, ^^ Each of them resembleth the children of a king ;^^*
all the gentry here derive themselves from a prince at least.
I quit, therefore, the catalogue of sheriffs to abler pens, and
proceed to
I understand there is in this island a kind of aluminous
earth, out of which some (fifty years since) began to make aluna
and copperas ; until they (to use my author^s phrase) like
unflesht soldiers, gave over their enterprise, without further
hope, because at first they saw it not answer their over-hasty
expectations.f If this project was first founded on rational
probability (which I have cause to believe), I desire the season-
able resumption thereof by undertakers of as. able brins and
purses, but more patience than the former, as a hopeful fore-
runner of better success.
* Judges viii. 12. f Speed, in the Description of Anglesea.
Brecknockshire hath Radnorshire on the norths Cardigan
and Carmarthen-shires on the west, Glamorganshire on the
south, Hereford and Monmohth-shires on the east ; the length
thereof being adjudged twenty-eight, the breadth thereof twenty
My author saith, that this county is not greatly to be praised,
or disliked of;* with which his character the natives thereof
have no cause to be well pleased, or much offended. The plain
truth is, the fruitfulness of the valleys therein maketh plentiful
amends for the barrenness of the mountains ; and it is high time
to give a check to the vulgar error, which falsely reporteth this
county the worst in Wales. Let it suffice for me to say, this
is not it ; and which is it let others determine.
Nor doth it sound a little to the credit of this county, that
Brecknock, the chief town thereof, doth at this present afford
the title of an Earl to James duke of Ormond, the first that
ever received that dignity. Above four hundred years since, a
daughter of Gilbert and Maud Becket (and sister to Thomas
Becket) was by king Henry the Second bestowed in marriage
on one Butler, an English gentleman. Him king Henry sent
over into Ireland ; and (endeavouring to expiate Becket's blood)
rewarded him with large lands, so that his posterity were cre-
ated Earls of Ormond. Now, therefore, we have cause to con-
gratulate the return of this noble family into their native country
of England; and wdsh unto them the increase of all prosperity
Plenty of these (lutrce in Latin) in Brecknock-meer ; a
creature that can dig and dive, resident in the two elements of
earth and water. The badger, where he bites, maketh his
teeth to meet ; and the otter leaves little distance betwixt them.
He is as destructive to fish as the wolf to sheep. See we here,
more is required to make fine flesh than to have fine feeding ;
the flesh of the otter (from his innate rankness) being nought,
though his diet be dainty. I have seen a reclaimed otter, who
in a quarter of an hour w^ould present his master with a brace
of carps.
* Speed, in his Description of this County.
Otter- wool is much used in the making of beavers. As phy-
sicians have their succedanea, or seconds^ which well supply the
place of such simples which the patient cannot procure ; so the
otter is often instead of the beaver^ since the beaver trade is
much wasted in the West Indies, their remnant retiring high
into the country, and being harder to be taken. Yea, otter-
wool is likely daily to grow dearer, if prime persons of the
weaker sex (which is probable) resume the wearing of hats.
Brecknockshire, equalling her neighbours in all general com-
modities, exceedeth them in
He that relateth wonders walketh on the edge of a house ;
if he be not careful of his footing, down falls his credit. This
shall make me exact in using my author^s words,* informed by
credible persons who had experimented it ; " that their cloaks,
hats, and staves, cast down from the top of a hill (called Moiinch-
denny, or Cadier Arthur), and the north-east rock thereof,
would never fall, but were with the air and wind still returned
back, and blown up again ; nor would any thing descend, save a
stone, or some metalline substance.^^
No wonder that these should descend, because (besides the
magnetical quality of the earth) their forcing of their way down
is to be imputed to their united and intended gravity. Now
though a large cloak is much heavier than a little stone ; yet
the weight thereof is diffused in several parts, and, fluttering
above, all of them are supported by the clouds, which are seen
to rack much lower than the top of the hill. But now", if in
the like trial the like repercussion be not found from the tops
of other mountains in Wales, of equal or greater height, we con-
fess ourselves at an absolute loss, and leave it to others to beat
about to find a satisfactory answer.
Let me add, that waters in Scripture are divided into waters
above, and waters under the firmament ;f by the former, men
generally understand (since the interpretation thereof relating
to cmlum aquewn is exploded by the judicious) the water engen-
dered in the clouds. If so, time was, '^ when the waters beneath
were higher than the waters above ;" namely, in NoaVs flood,
'^ when the waters prevailed fifteen cubits above the tops of the
When the Meer Llynsavathan (lying within two miles of
Brecknock) hath her frozen ice first broken, it maketh a mon-
strous noise, to the astonishment of the hearers, not unlike to
thunder. But, till we can give a good cause of the old thunder
* Speed, in his Description of this County,
t Gen. i. 7. % Ibid. vii. 20.
[and "the j^ower of his thunder who can understand?"*] we
will not venture on the disquisition of this new one.
Reader, pardon me a word of Earthquakes in general. Se-
neca beholds them most terrible, because most unavoidable of
all earthly dangers.f In other frights, [tempest, lightning,
thunder, &c.] we shelter ourselves in the bowels of the earth,
which here, from our safest refuge, become our greatest danger.
I have learned from an able pen,J that the frequency and fear-
fulness of earthquakes gave the first occasion to that passage in
the Litany, " from sudden death, good Lord, deliver us.^^
Now to Wales. Tlie inhabitants of this county have a con-
stant tradition, that where now the Meer Llynsavathan spread-
eth its waters, stood a fair city, till swallowed up by an earth-
quake ; which is not improbable. First, because all the high-
ways of this county do lead thither; and it is not likely that
the loadstone of a bare lake should attract so much confluence.
Secondly, Ptolemy placeth in this tract the city Xoventrium,
which all the care of Master Camden could not recover by any
ruins or report thereof, § and therefore likely to be drowned in
this pool ; the rather because Levenny is the name of the river
running through it.
Saints Keyne — Canoch — Cadock. — The first of these was
a woman (here put highest by the courtesy of England) : the
two latter, men; all three saints, and children to Braghan, king,
builder, and namer of Brecknock. This king had four-and-
twenty daughters, a jolly number ; and all of them saints, || a
greater happiness ; though of them all the name only of Saint
Keyne surviveth to posterity.^ Whether the said king was so
fruitful in sons, and they as happy in saintship, I do not know ;
only meeting with these two. Saint Canoch and Saint Cadock
(whereof the latter is reported a martyr) all flourishing about
the year of our Lord 492, and had in high veneration amongst
the people of South Wales.
I know not whether it be worth the reporting, that there is
in Cornwall, near the parish of St. Neot's, a well arched over
with the robes of four kinds of trees, withy, oak, elm, and ash,
dedicated to Saint Keyne aforesaid. The reported virtue of
the water is this, ^^ that whether husband or wife come first to
drink thereof, they get the mastery thereby.*^**
* Job. xxvi. 14. f Natural Questions, cap. i.
^ Dr. Hackwill, in his Apology, lib. ii. sect. 4.
§ As he confesseth in the Description of this Shire.
II See Camden's Britannia, in Brecknockshire.
H Rob. Buckley, MS. in vitis SS. Mulierum Anglise, in vita Sanctse Keynse, fol. 90.
** Carew's Survey of Cornwall, p. 130.
St. Clintanke was king of Brecknock; a small kingdom
for an obscure king, though eminent with some for his sanctity.
Now it hajopened, that a noble virgin gave it out, " that she
would never marry any man except the said king, who was so
zealous a Christian .^^* Such as commend her good choice, dis-
like her public profession thereof, which with more maiden-like
modesty might have been concealed. But, see the sad success
thereof : a j^agan soldier, purposely to defeat her desire, killed
this king as he was one day a hunting : who, though he lost his,
life, got the reputation of a saint ;t and so we leave him — the
rather, because we find no date fixed unto him; so that the
reader may believe him to have lived even when he thinks
best himself.
Giles de Bruse, born at Brecknock, was son to William de
Bruse, baron of Brecknock, and a prime peer of his generation.
This Giles became afterwards bishop of Hereford, and in the
civil wars sided with the nobihty against king John ; on which
account he v/as banished ; but at length returned, and recovered
the king^s favour. His paternal inheritance (by death, it seems,
of his elder brother) was devolved unto him| (being together
bishop and baron by descent), and from him, after his death,
transmitted to his brother Reginald, who married the daughter
of Leoline prince of Wales. If all this will not recover this
prelate into our catalogue of Worthies, then know that his effi-
gies on his tomb in Hereford church holdeth a steeple in his
hand, whence it is concluded that he built the belfry of that
cathedral, as well he might, having so vast an estate. His
death happened anno 1215.
since the reformation.
Thomas Howel was born at Nangamarch in this countyj§
within few miles of Brecknock; bred fellow of Jesus College in
Oxford, and became afterwards a meek man, and most excel-
lent preacher. His sermons, like the waters of Siloah, did run
softly, gliding on with a smooth stream ; so that his matter,
by a lawful and and laudable felony, did steal secretly into the
hearts of his hearers. King Charles made him the last bishop
of Bristol, being consecrated at Oxford. He died anno Domini
1646, leaving many orphan children behind him.
I have been told, that the honourable city of Bristol hath
taken care for their comfortable education ; and am loath to
pry too much into the truth thereof, lest so good a report
should be confuted.
* Jo. Capgrave, in Cabal. S.S. Brit.
f English Martyrology, on the 19th August.
J Godwin, in the Bishops of Hereford, p. 536.
§ So was I told by his brother, Mr. James Howel — F.
2 L 2
Henry Stafford, duke of Buckingham. — Though Hum-
phrey his father had a fair castle at, and large lands about Staf-
ford (whereof he was earl), yet his nativity is most probably
placed in this county, where he had Brecknock castle, and a
principality about it. This was he who with both his hands
set up Richard the Third on the throne ; endeavouring after-
wards, with his hands and teeth too, to take him down, but
in vain.
He was an excellent spokesman, though I cannot believe
that his long oration (to persuade the Londoners to side with
the usurper) was ever uttered by him in terminis as it lieth in
Sir Thomas Morels history. Thus the Roman generals pro-
vided themselves of valour ; and Livy (as he represented them)
stocked them with eloquence. Yet we may be well assured
that this our duke either did or would have said the same;
and he is the orator who effects that he aimeth at ; this duke
being unhappily happy therein.
Soon after, not remorse for what he had done, but revenge
for what king Richard would not do (denying his desire), put
him on the project of unravelling what he had woven before. But
his fingers were entangled in the threads of his former web ; the
king compassing him into his clutches, betrayed by Humphry
Banister his servant. The sheriff seized this duke in Shrop-
shire, where he was digging a ditch in a disguise.* How well
he managed the mattock and spade, I know not. This I know,
that, in a higher sense, " He had made a pit [to disinherit his
sovereign] and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he
had madej'^t being beheaded at Salisbury, without any legal
trial, anno 1484.
Nesta. — Hunger maketh men eat what otherwise they
would let alone, not to say cast away : the cause I confess (want-
ing matter to furnish out our description) inviting me to med-
dle with this memorable (not commendable) person.
1. She was daughter to Gruffin, prince of Wales: 2. Wife
to Bernard de Neumarch, a noble Norman, and lord by con-
quest of this county : 3, Mother to Mahel, an hopeful gentle-
man, and Sybil his sister : 4. Harlot to a young man, whose
name I neither do, nor desire to know.
It happened, Mahel having got this stallion into his power,
used him very hardly, yet not worse than he deserved. Nesta,
madded hereat, came into open court, and on her oath, before
king Henry the Second, publicly protested (no manna like
revenge to malicious minds, not caring to wound their foes,
* Speed's Chronicle, in the reign of king Richard the Third,
t Psalms vii. 15.
though through themselves) "that Mahel was none of Neu-
march^s son, but begotten on her in adultery/^
This, if true, spake her dishonesty ; if false, her perjury ; true
or false, her peerless impudence. Hereby she disinherited
her son, and settled a vast territory on Sibyl her sole daughter,
married afterwards to Milo earl of Hereford.
When Mr. Speed, in pursuance of his description of Eng-
land, passed this county, no fewer than eight, who had been
bailiffs of Brecknock, gave him courteous entertainment. This
doth confirm the character I have so often heard of the Welch
hospitality. Thus giving them their due praise on just occasion,
I hope, that the British reader will the better digest it, if he
find some passages altogether as true as this, though nothing so
pleasing to him, in our following Farewells,
Cardiganshire is washed on the west with the Irish Sea^
and parted from the neighbouring shires by rivers; and the
reader will be careful that the similitude of their sounds betray
him not to a mistake herein : 1. Dovi, severing it on the north
from Merionethshire : 2. Tovijf on the east from Brecknock-
shire : 3. Tyvy, on the south from Carmarthen and Pembroke-
My author saith^ " the form thereof is horn-like'^ * (wider
towards the north) , and I may say it hath a cornucopia therein
of all things for man^s sustenance, especially if industry be
This county, though remotest from England, was soonest
reduced to the English dominion, whilst the countries interposed
maintained their liberty. The reason whereof was this : the
English, being far more potent in shipping than the Welch,
found it more facile to sail over the mountains of water (so the
surges of the sea are termed by the poett) than march over the
mountains of earth ; and, by their fleet, invaded and conquered
this county in the reign of llufus ; and Henry the First be-
stowed the same entirely upon Gilbert de Clare.
Plenty of these formerly did breed in the river Tyvy, which
(saith Giraldus Cambrensis) was the only place afforded them
in all Britain. A cunning creature, yet reported by som^e men
more crafty than he is ; who relate that, being hunted, and in
danger to be taken, he biteth off his stones, as useful in physic
(for which only his life was then sought), and so escapeth.
Hence some will have hiai called Castor, a castranclo seipsvm :
and others add, that, having formerly bitten off his stones, he
standeth upright, and sheweth the hunters that he hath none,
that so they may surcease their pursuit of an unprofitable
Hence it was, that, amongst the Egyptians, the beaver pass-
eth for an hieroglyphic of him who hurteth himself; though
by Alciate, the great emblematist, he is turned to another pur-
pose, to teach men rather to part with their purses than their
hves, and by their v/ealth to redeem themselves out of dancer.
* Speed, in the Description of this County
T '• Quanti moiites volvuntur aouarum." (
olvuntur aquarum," — (Ovitiius. )
The plain truth is, all those reports of the beaver are no bet-
ter than vulgar errors, and are disproved both by sense and
experience ; for his stones are so placed in his body, as those
of the boar, that it is impossible for himself with his teeth to
touch them. And some maintain they cleave so fast to his
back, they cannot be taken away without loss of his life.
However, grant the story true, the gelding of himself would
not serve his turn, or excuse the beaA^er from hunters now-a-
days, except he could also flea off his skin, the wool whereof is
so commonly used for the making of hats. All that I will add
is this, that what plenty soever there was of beavers in this
county in the days of Giraldus, the breed of them now is quite
destroyed, and neither fore foot of a beaver (which is like a
dog's) nor hind foot (which is like a goose) to be seen therein.
Being well at leisure in this little county, we will observe
(what indeed is general to all Wales) something proverbial, and
conducing to our necessary information.
"Talaeth, Talaeth."]
In effect the same in English with "Fine, fine ;'' when mothers
and nurses are disposed to please their little ones in dressing
them. Take the original thereof: when Roderick the Great
divided Wales betwixt his three sons, into three dominions.
North Wales, South Wales, and Powis ; he ordered, that each
of them should wear upon his bonnet, or helmet, a coronet of
gold, being a broad lace or head-band indented upwards, set
and wrought with precious stones called in the British talaeth,
and they from thence ytrl tivysoc talaethioc^ that is, " the three
crowned princes."* But now either the number of princes is well
multiplied in Wales ; or, which is truer, the honour of Talaeth
is much diminished ; that being so called wherewith a child's
head is bound uppermost upon some other linen clothes. Thus
the English have that which they call the crown of a cap.
*' Bu Arthur ond tra fu."]
That is, " Arthur was not, but whilst he was." It is sad to
say, " Nos fuimus Trojes." The greatest eminency when not
extant is extinct. " The friar never loved what was good."
*' Ne thorres Arthur Nawd gwraig."]
That is, "King Arthur did never violate the refuge of a woman."
Arthur is notoriously known for the mirror of manhood. By
the woman's refuge, many understand her tongue, and no vali-
ant man will revenge her words with his blows : ^' Nullum
memorabile nomen, — foeminii in poena."
" Calen Sais wi-ah Gymro.'']
That is, " The heart of an Englishman " (whom they call Sax-
ons) "towards a Welchman." It is either applied to such who
* Dr. Powell, in his History of Wales, p. 36.
are possessed with prejudice^ or only carry an outward compli-
ance without cordial affection. We must remember this pro-
verb origined whilst England and Wales w^ere at deadly feud,
there being better love betwixt them since the union of the
'* Ni Cheitw Cymbro oni Gollo."]
That is^ " The Welchman keeps nothing until he hath lost it/^
The historical truth thereof is plain in the British Chronicles,
that when the British recovered the lost castles from the Eng-
lish, they doubled their diligence and valour, keeping them
more tenaciously than before.
" A fo pen, bid bont."]
That is, ^^ He that will be a head, let him be a bridge.^^ It
is founded on a fictitious tradition thus commonly told : Beni-
gridran, a Briton, is said to have carried an army over into
Ireland ; his men came to a river over which neither was bridge
nor ferry ; hereupon he was fain to carry all his men over the
river on bis own back. To lesson men not to affect the empty
title of a general, except they can supply their soldiers with all
necessaries : be their wardrobe in want of clothes ; kitchen in
want of meat, &c. Thus honour hath ever a great burden at-
tending it.
We will conclude these general proverbs of Wales with a
custom which was ancient in this nation. They had a kind of
play, wherein the stronger who prevailed, put the weaker into
a sack ;* and hence we have borrowed our English by- word to
express such betwixt whom there is apparent odds of strength,
" He is able to put him up in a bag."
It is observable, what a creditable author reporteth,t that
there was in this county a city (once an episcopal see) called
Llan-Badern-Vaure, that is, Llan-Baderne the Great, which
city is now dwindled to nothing.
Reader, by the way, I observe that cities surnamed the Great
come to Little at last, as if God were offended with so ambitious
an epithet: ''Sidon the Great,"t "Nineveh the Great,''§
"Babylon the Great,|l it is fallen," &c. But the cause of the
ruin of this city was for their cruel killing of their bishop, which
provoked divine justice against them.
I hope the Welsh, warned herewith, will for the future
demean themselves with due respect to such persons ; and am
confirmed in my confidence from their commendable proverb,
ISla difanco y Beriglawr ; " Vilify not thy parish priest f and
then much more ought the bishop to be respected.
Dr. Davis, in his Proverbs, litera Ch.
t Roger Hoveden, and out of him Mr. Camden in this Coimty.
X Josh. .xi. 8. $ Jonah iii. 2. || Revel, xviii. 2.
Carmarthenshire hath Pembrokeshire on the west, the Severn
sea on the south, Cardiganshire on the north, Brecknock and
Glamorgan-shires on the east. The mountains therein are nei-
ther so many nor high as in the neighbouring counties, affording
plenty of grass, grain, wood, fish, and what not? Besides,
nature here giveth the inhabitants both meat and stomach ; the
sharpness of the air breeding an appetite in them.
There is a place in this county called Golden-grove, which
I confess is no Ophir, or land of Havilah, yielding no gold in
specie, but plentifully affording those rich commodities, which
quickly may be converted thereunto ; and the pleasure is no
less than the profit thereof. It is the possession of the right
honourable Richard Vaughan, baron of Emelor in England, and
earl of Carberry in Ireland. He well deserveth to be owner of
Golden-grove, who so often hath used a golden hand, in plentiful
relieving many eminent divines during the late sequestration.
This county affording no peculiar Commodities, let us pro-
ceed to
Giraldus Cambrensis reporteth a fountain to be in this county
(let he himself find it out, and justify it) which, conformable
to the sea, ebbeth and floweth twice in four-and~twenty hours.
But seeing this in a maritime shire, possibly there may be a
more than ordinary communication betwixt it and the ocean,
and then the wonder is not so great.
More credibly it is related, that there are in this shire strange
subterranean vaults, conceived the castles of routed people in
the civil wars. And no wonder, seeing David first set ujd in a
defensive posture for himself in the cave of Adullum ; so that,
having no place where he could safely set the sole of his foot
above ground, all his present help was under the earth, and
future hope was above the heavens.
Robert Farrar, an Englishman by birth, but where born
unknown, was a prime martyr of this county. A man not un-
learned, but somewhat indiscreet, or rather uncomplying, which
procured him much trouble ; so that he may be said, with Saint
522 WORTHIES of Carmarthenshire.
Laurence, to be broiled on both sides, being persecuted both
by Protestants and Papists.
He was preferred to be bishop of Saint David^s by the duke
of Somerset, then Lord Protector, who was put to death not
long after. Some conceive that the patron^s fall was the chap-
lain's greatest guilt, and encouraged his enemies against him.
Of these, two were afterwards bishops in the reign of queen
Elizabeth, viz. Thomas Young, archbishop of York, and Row-
land Merrick bishop of Bangor.
Sir Rice ap Thomas was never more than a knight, yet
little less than a prince in this his native county, if the author
of " Proelia Anglorum '^ may not be believed,
" Ricius Thomas flos Cambro-Britannum."
King Henry the Seventh will himself witness his worth. To
him, lately landed at Milford Haven with contemptible forces,
this Sir Rice repaired with a considerable accession of choice
soldiers, marching with them to Bosworth field, where he right
valiantly behaved himself. That thrifty king, according to his
cheap course of renmneration (rewarding gownmen in orders,
by him most employed, with church livings, and swordmen
with honour) afterwards made Sir Rice knight of the order; and
well might he give him a garter, by whose effectual help he had
recovered a crown.
Elmelin in this county was one of his principal seats, whose
name and nature he altered, building and calling it Newcastle;*
and I believe it one of the latest castles in Wales, seeing since
that time it hath been fashionable to demolish, not to erect, for-
tified houses.
As he appeared early, so he continued long in military action ;
for I find him, in the fourth year of king Henry the Eighth, con-
ductor to five hundred light horse, at the pompous and expen-
sive siege of Therouenne, where I meet his last mention in our
English Chronicles.
Walter de Devereux, son of Devereux and
Cicely his wife (sole sister to Thomas Bourchier last earl of
Essex) was born in the town of Camarthen,t and by queen
Elizabeth in his maternal right created Earl of Essex. One
martially minded, and naturally hating idleness, the rust of the
Though time hath silenced the factions, and only sounded the
facts of queen Elizabeth's court, no place had more heart-burn-
ings therein ; and it was a great part of God's goodness and her
prudence that no more hurt was done thereby. Many maligned
* Camden's Britannia, in this County.
t Mills, in his Catalogue of Honour, in the Earls of Essex.
our earl — tantaene animis aularibus ii'ce /—desirous to thrust him
on dangerous designs. Nor need we consult the oracle of Apollo
to discover his chief adversary, seeing he was a prime favourite,
who loved the earl's nearest relation better than he loved the
earl himself, whom he put on the project of Ireland.
Yet was not our Walter surprised into that service, seeing
injuria nonjit volenti ; and being sensible that his room was more
welcome to some than his company at court, he willingly em-
braced the employment. Articles (the first and last, I believe,
in that kind) are drawn up betwixt the queen and him, who was
to maintain such a proportion of soldiers * on his own cost, and
to have part of the territory of Clandboy in Ulster for the
conquering thereof. So much for the bear's-skin. Now all the
craft will be to catch, kill, and flay the bear himself.
Well, to maintain an army (though a very little one) is a so-
vereign's and no subject's work, too heavy for the support of any
private man's estate, which cost this earl first the mortgaging,
then the selling outright his fair inheritance in Essex. Over
he goeth into Ireland with a noble company of kindred and
friends, supernumerary volunteers above the proportion of sol-
diers agreed upon.
Sir William Fitz- Williams, lord deputy of Ireland, hearing of
his coming, and suspecting (court jealousy riseth very early, or
goeth not to bed at all) to be eclipsed by this great earl, solicits
the queen to maintain him in the full power of his place, without
any dimunition ; alleging this much to conduce to the honour of
her majesty, whom he represented. Hereupon it was ordered,
that the earl should take his commission from this lord de-
puty, which with much importunity and long attendance, he
hardly obtained, and that with no higher title than " Governor of
After many impressions (not-over successfully) made in Ulster,
he was by the deputy remanded in the south of Ireland, where
he spent much time (take much into little in my author's words
as to his general performance) nullius bono, sedmacjno suo clamnoj^
His friends in the English court grew few and cold, his foes
many and active ; affronts were plentifully poured upon him,
on purpose either to drown him in grief, or burn him in his
own anger. From Munster he was sent back into Ulster, where
he was forbidden to follow his blow, and use a victory he had
gotten : yea, on a sudden stript out of his commission,! and
reduced to be governor of three hundred men : yet his stout
stomach (as true tempered steel) bowed witliout Ijreaking ; in
all these afflictions embracing all changes with the same tenor of
constancy. Pay-days in Ireland came very thick, moneys out
of England very slow ; and his noble associates began to with-
draw, common men to mutiny ; so that the earl himself was at
last recalled home.
" 200 horse and 400 foot. | Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1573.
% Idem, anno 1575.
Not long after, he was sent over the second time into Ireland
with a loftier title than (the length of the feather makes not
the heap the higher) of earl marshal of Ireland/ where he fell
into a strange looseness (not without suspicion of poison) ; and
he died anno 1576. His soul he piously resigned to God;
his lands (much impaired) descended to his son Robert, but ten
years of age. His body was brought over, and buried in Car-
marthen, the place of his nativity ; and his widow lady (to say
no more) was soon re-married to Robert earl of Leicester. Let
me add, that he died in the 36th year of his age, fatal to his
family, his father and grandfather dying in the same ;* which
year Robert earl of Essex his son never attained to ; and whe-
ther it had not been as honourable for his grand-child Robert
earl of Essex t to have died in the same year of his age, or to
have lived longer, let others decide.
Ambrose Merlin was born at Carmarthen, a city so deno-
minated from his nativity therein. This I write in conformity
to common tradition (and he who will not errare cum vulgo
must pugnare cum vulgo) ; my own judgment remonstrating
against the same, finding the city called Mariadunum in Ptolemy,
before Merlin's cradle was ever made, if Merlin's cradle was
ever made.
His extraction is very incredible, reported to have an incubus
to his father, pretending to a pedigree older than Adam, even
from the serpent himself. But a learned pen demonstrateth the
impossibility of such conjunctions. { And let us not load
Satan with groundless sins, whom I believe the father of lies,§
but [in a literal sense] no father of bastards.
Many are the pretended prophecies of Merlin, whereof the
British have a very high esteem, and I dare say nothing against
them ; only I humbly tender to this nation's consideration a
modest proverb of their own country, '^ Namyn Dduw nid oes
Dewin," (that, besides God, there is no Diviner.) Yet I deny
not but that the devil can give a shrewd conjecture; but often
the deceiver is deceived. Sure I am. Merlin's prophecies have
done much mischief, seeing such who pretended skill therein,
that they could unfold his meaning (though, for my part, I be-
lieve they must have the devil's key who open the devil's lock)
put Owen Glendower on his rebellion against king Henry the
Fourth, 1 1 persuading him the time wh^ein he would recover the
Welch Principality, which caused the making of those cruel
laws, with Draco's, written in blood against the Welch, which no
tender Englishman can read without regret.
* Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1576.
t The famous Parliamentarian general, who died Sept. 13, 1646 — Ed.
X Dr. Brown, in his Vulgar Errors, book 7. ch. 16. § John viii. 44.
II Dr. Powell, in his History of Wales, p. 386.
There want not those who maintain Merlin to be a great
chemist ; and those, we know, have a language peculiar to them-
selves; so that his seeming prophecies are not to be expounded
historically, but naturally, disguising the mysteries of that faculty
from vulgar intelligence.
The best prophecy I meet with in Merlin, which hit the
mark indeed, is what I find cited out of him by Giraldus Cam-
brensis :* " Sextus mcenia Hiberniae subvertent, et regiones in
regnum redigentur/^ (the Sixth shall overturn the walls of Ire-
land, and reduce their countries into a kingdom.)
This was accomplished under king James the Sixth, when
their fastnesses (Irish walls) were dismantled, and courts of
civil justice set up in all the land. But enough of Merlin, who
is reported to have diedf anno »
How this county (with the rest of Wales) hath preserved its
woods in our unhappy civil wars is to me unknown ; yet if they
have been much wasted (which I suspect) I wish that the pit-
coal, which in some measure it affordeth, may daily be increased
for the supply of their fuel.
* In his History of Ireland.
t The tradition is, that Merlin did not die, but was laid asleep by magic ; to
which fable Spenser alludes. He is supposed to have lived about the end of the
fifth century Eu.
This county hath the Irish sea on the west, Anglesea
(divided by Menaifret) on the north, Denbyshire on the
east, and Merionethshire on the south. This I have
observed peculiar to this county, that all the market are sea
towns (being five in number, as noted in the maps) which
no other county in England or Wales doth afford.
The natives hereof count it no small credit unto them, that
they made the longest resistance against, and last submitted
unto, the English : and, indeed, for natural strength, it exceed-
eth any part of this Principality ; so that the English were never
more distressed than in the invasion thereof.
I am much affected with the ingenuity of an Enghsh
nobleman, who, following the camp of king Henry the Third, in
these parts, wrote home to his friends, about the end of Septem-
ber 1245, the naked truth indeed, as followeth : ^^ We lie in our
tents watching, fasting, praying, and freezing : we watch for fear
of the Welchmen, who are wont to invade us in the night ; we
fast for want of meat, for the half-penny loaf is worth five
pence ; we pray to God to send us home again speedily ; we
freeze for want of winter garments, having nothing but thin
linen betwixt us and the wind.^^
Yet is this county in itself sufficiently plentiful (though the
Welch had the wit to keep food from the English) ; and Snow-
don hills therein are commended by my author,* for fertility of
wood, cattle, fish, and food.
Smile not, reader, to hear of fish in so high mountains which
have plenty of pools interposed.
Giraldus Cambrensis telleth us how there is a lake in Snow-
don hills, in this county, which hath a floating island therein.
But it seemeth that it either always swimmeth away from such
who endeavour to discover it, or else that this vagrant, wearied
with long wandering, hath at last fixed itself to the continent.
He telleth us also of monoculous fishes, though not fully ac-
quainting us how their one eye is disposed ; whether, Polyphe-
mus-like, in the midst of their head, or only on one side. The
truth is, these one-eyed fishes are too nimble for any men with
two eyes to behold them.
* Matthew Paris, anno notato, p. 924.
ViiwvERBS — PRINCES. 527
" Craig Eriry, or Snow-don, will yield sufficient pasture for all the cattle of
Walesput together."*]
Some will say this cannot be literally true, except the cattle
of Wales be few beneath, and Snowclon hills fruitful above, all
belief. The best is, the time is not expressed how long these
hills will suffice for their pasture. But let us not be so morose,
but understand the meaning of this expression, importing, by
help of an hyperbole, the extraordinary fruitfulness of this
" Diauge ar Gluyd, aboddi ar Gonway."]
That is, " to ^scape Clude, and be drowned in Conway :" paral-
lel to the Latin,
" Incidit in Scyllam qui vult vitare Charibdin.''
However that pilot is to be pitied, who, to shun Scylla, doth
run on Charibdis, because these rocks were near, and a narrow
passage betwixt them ; whereas the two rivers of Clude and
Conway are twenty miles asunder, affording men scope enough
to escape them ; but little or much in such cases are the same
with indiscreet persons.
Edward, the fourth (but first surviving) son of king Edward
the First and queen Eleanor, was born at Carnarvon in this
county, April 25, 1284. No prince ever ascended the English
throne with greater, or used it with less, advantage to himself.
First, (though his father had in a manner surprised the Welch
to accept him. for their prince (pleading his royal extraction,
birth in Wales, inability to speak a word of English, and inno-
cence that none could tax him with actual sin) ; yet I find them
not for his father^s fallacy to think the worse of his son — sic
iuvat esse cleceptos — and generally they accepted him, as prefer-
ring that a prince should be put with wit rather than with vio-
lence upon them.
In England he succeeded to a wise and victorious father,
who happily had hit the expedient to be both beloved and
feared by his subjects, leaving the land in so good a
posture for government, that touch the wheel, and it would
turn in the right track of itself. But this Edward first estrang-
ed himself from his subjects, and, in efl^ect, subjected himself
to a stranger. Pierce Gaveston, his French minion, and after
his execution to the two Spencers, who, though native English-
men, were equally odious to the English for their insolence.
Hence it was that he first lost the love of his subjects,
then of his queen (the vacuity of whose bed was quickly filled
up), then his crown, then his life. Never any English king's
* Camden's Britannia, in Carnarvonshire.
case was so pitiful, and his person less pitied, all counting it
good reason that he should give entertainment to that woe
which his wilfulness had invited home to himself. His violent
death happened at Berkeley Castle, September 22, 1327-
There is an island called Berdsey, justly reduceable to this
county (lying within a mile of the south-west promontory
thereof) wherein the corpse of no fewer than twenty thousand
saints are said to be interred.*
" Estote vos omnes sancti.^^ Proud Benhadad boasted that
^^ the dust of Samaria did not suffice for handfuls for all the peo-
ple that followed him.^^t But where would so many thousand
bodies find graves in so petty an islet ? But I retrench myself,
confessing it more facile to find graves in Berdsey for so many
saints, than saints for so many graves.
John Williams was born at Aber-Conwy in this county ;
bred fellow of St. John^s college in Cambridge, proctor of the
university, dean of Westminster, bishop of Lincoln, lord keeper
of the great seal of England, and lastly archbishop of York. In
my " Church History " I have offended his friends, because I
wrote so little in his praise ; and distasted his foes, because I
said so much in his defence. But I had rather live under
the indignation of others, for relating what may offend, than
die under the accusation of my own conscience for reporting
what is untrue. He died on the 25th day of March, 1649.
Richard Vaughan, born at NufFrin (or else at Etern) in
this county, was bred fellow in Saint John^s College in Cam-
bridge, and was afterwards successively bishop of Bangor,
Chester, and lastly of London ; a very corpulent man, but spi-
ritually minded ; an excellent preacher and pious liver, on whom
I find this epigram, J which I will endeavour to English :
PrcBSul es (u Britonum decus hnmortnle tuorumj
Tu Londine7isi privius in urbe Unto,
Hi niihi Doctores semper jilacuere, docenda
Quifaciunt, plus quam quifacienda docent.
Pastor es Anglorum doctissimus, optirnus ergo,
Namfacienda doces ipse, docenda facis.
" Prelate of London (O immortal grace
Of thine own Britons) first who had that place.
He's good, who what men ought to do doth teach ;
He's better who doth do what men should preach.
You best of all, preaching what men should do,
And what men ought to preach that doing too."
* Camden's Britannia, in Insulis Britannicis. f l Kings xx. 10.
X Cited m H. Holland, but made (as I have been told) by J. Owen.
Here, to justify the observation, Prcesul must be taken for a
plain bishop, and Pi^imus accounted but from the conversion of
the Saxons to Christianity : for otherwise we find no fewer than
sixteen archbishops of London before that time, and all of the
British nation.* He was a most pleasant man in discourse,
especially at his table, maintaining that truth, " At meals be
glad, for sin be sad,^^ as indeed he was a mortified man. Let
me add, nothing could tempt him to betray the rights of the
church to sacrilegious hands, not sparing sharply to reprove some
of his own order on that account. He died March 30, 1607,
much lamented.
Henry Rowlands, born in this county, bred in the univer-
sity of Oxford, was consecrated bishop of Bangor, November
12, 1598. We have formerly told how bishop Bulkeley plun-
dered the tower of Saint Asaph of five fair bells ; now the
bounty of this bishop bought four new ones for the same (the
second edition, in cases of this kind, is seldom as large as the
first), whereof the biggest cost a hundred pounds.t He also
gave to Jesus College in Oxford means for the maintenance of
two fellows. He died anno Domini 1615.
The map of this county (as also of Denby and Flintshire) in
Mr. Speed is not divided (as other shires in England and
Wales) with pricks into their several hundreds, which would
have much conduced to the completing thereof, whereof he
rendereth this reason, That he could not procure the same
(though promised him) out of the sheriff^s books ; fearing lest
the riches of their shire should be further sought into by re-
vealing such particulars. He addeth moreover, " This I have
observed in all my survey, that where least is to be had the
greatest fears are possessed/^ I would advise these counties
hereafter to deny no small civility to a painful author, holding
a pen in his hand, for fear a drop of his ink fall upon them ;
for, though juice of lemon will fetch such spots out of linen,
when once printed in a book they are not so easily got out, but
remain to posterity.
* Reckoned up by Bishop Godwin, in his Catalogue,
f Godwin, in the Bishops of Bangor.
VOL. III. .1 M
Denbighshire hath Flintshire, Cheshire, and Shropshire
on the east, Montgomery and Merioneth-shires on the south,
Carnarvonshire (divided by the river Conway) on the west, be-
ing from east to west thirty-one, from north to south twenty
The east i:)art of this county (towards the river Dee) is fruit-
ful ; but in the west the industrious husbandman may be said
to fetch his bread out of the fire, paring off their upper turfs
with a spade, piling them up in heaps, burning them to ashes,
and then throwing them on their barren ground, which is much
fertilized thereby.
This English word (which I find in the English Camden*)
is Welch to me. Let us therefore repair to his Latin original,
where he informeth us, that this county produceth plenty of
Arinca. Here the difficulty is a little changed, not wholly
cleared. In our dictionaries arinca is Englished: 1, Rice;
but this (though a frequent name of many in this country) is a
grain too choice to grow^ in Wales, or any part of England : 2.
Ai7ielcorn ; and now having run round, we have not stirred a
step, as to more information of what we desired a kind of.
At last, with long beating about, we find it to be Rye ; in La-
tin more generally called Serale, Pliny^s pen f casts three
dashes on this grain, being (it seems) no friend to it, or it to
him : 1 . " Est tantum ad arcendam famem utile,^^ (good only
to drive away famine, as not pleasant at all.) 2. "Est, licet
farre mixtum, ventri ingratissimum,^^ (as griping the guts.) 3.
'^ Nascitur quocunque solo,^^ (any base ground being good enough
to bear it.)
However (whatever his foreign rye was) that which groweth
incredibly plentiful in this county is very wholesome ; and ge-
nerally, in England, rye maketh moistest bread in the dryest
summer, for which cause some prefer it before wheat itself.
The church of Wrexham is commended for a fair and spacious
• In his Britannia, in the description of this county.
t Nat. Hist. lib. xxviii. cap. 16.
building; and it is questionable, whether it claimeth more
praise for the artificial tower thereof, or for the
These were formerly most famous* (the more because placed
in a parochial, no cathedral church) for beauty, bigness, and
tunableness; though far short of those in worth which Michael
emperor of Constantinople caused to be made of pure gold,t
and beneath those in bigness which George the Salamitan ab-
bot made to be set up in the church of his convent, whose big-
gest pipe was eight and twenty feet long, and four spans in
compass. J
The first organ, which was ever seen in the west of Europe,
was what was sent anno 7^7 from Constantine, the Grecian em-
peror, to Pepin king of France ;§ and their general use in churches
began about the year 828. I read that the form of this instru-
ment was much improved by one Bernard a Venetian (who was
absolutely the best musician in the world ||) with addition of
many pipes thereunto.
What is become of Wrexham organs I know not; and could
heartily wish they had been removed into some gentleman^s
house ; seeing such as accuse them for superstitious in churches
must allow them lawful in private places. Otherwise such Mo-
roso's deserve not to be owners of an articulate voice sounding
through the organ of a throat.
But to return to the buildings in this county.
Holt castle must not be forgotten. How well it is now faced,
and repaired without, I know not ; I know when it was better
lined within than any subject's castle (I believe) in Europe at
that time, viz. when in the possession of William lord Stanley ;
when the ready money and plate therein (besides jewels and
rich household stuif) amounted unto forty thousand marks, got
by the plunder of Bosworth field.^ But as the river Dee, run-
ning by this castle, is soon after swallowed up in the Irish
ocean ; so it was not long before this vast treasure, upon the
owner's attainder, was confiscated into the coffers of king Henry
the Seventh,
Leoline being bom in the Marches, he had a double name,
to notify him to posterity. One, after the Welch mode, a patre
Leoline ap Llewelin ap Yuyr ;** the other according to the cus-
tom of the English clergy, a patina, Leoline de Bromfield, a most
fruitful tract of ground in this county .ft Under king Edward the
*♦ Camden's Britannia, in Denbighshire. t Zonaras, torn. iii.
X Bruschius, de Monast. Germ. fol. 107.
§ Marian Scot, in Chron. sub anno 757. II Sabellicus Exemplar, 10. lib. 8.
% Lord Bacon's Henry the Seventh, p, 133.
** Bishop Godwin, in the Bishops of Saint Asaph. •
tf Camden's Britannia, in Denbighshire.
2 M 2
First, anno 1293, he was consecrated bishop of Saint Asaph;
and deserved right well of that see, by his manifold benefactions,
appropriating some churches to his chapter.
As for a portion of tithes in the parish of Corwen, appropriated
to the fabric of the church, he reduced it to its former estate ;*
the first and last instance (for precedent I dare not call it) which
I have met with, of a church legally appropriated, which re-
verted to its presentative propriety. Had king Henry the
Eighth, at the dissolution of the abbeys, followed this example,
the church had been richer by many pounds ; the exchequer not
poorer by a penny. I find also, that he asked leave of king
Edward the First to make a will,-]- which may seem very strange,
whether it was a court compliment, or " ex gratia cautela,^^ or
because Welch bishops in that age might not testamentize with-
out royal assent. By his will he bequeathed much of plate, rich
vests and books, to the canons of that church and his chaplains,
dying anno Domini 1313.
Godfrey Goodman was born of wealthy parentage in this
county ; bred under his uncle (of whom hereafter) in Westmin-
ster school ;J then in Trinity College, in Cambridge, where he
commenced doctor of divinity ; successively preferred prebendary
of Windsor, dean of Rochester, and bishop of Gloucester. He
might have been joined to the prelates before (though he lived
long since) the Reformation, because he agreed with them in
judgment, dying a professed Romanist, as appeareth by his will.
Yet the adversaries of our hierarchy have no cause to triumph
thereat, who slanderously charge Popish compliance on all his
order, being able to produce, of two hundred bishops since
queen Elizabeth, but this only instance, and him a person of
no great eminency ; not only disavowed by his fellow prelates,
but imprisoned in the late Convocation for his erroneous
Indeed, in his discourse, he would be constantly complaining
of our first reformers ; and I heard him once say, in some pas-
sion, " that bishop Ridley was a very odd man ;'^ to whom one
presently returned, " He was an odd man indeed, my lord ; for
all the Popish party in England could not match him with his
equal in learning and religion.^^ To give Goodman his due, he
was a harmless man, hurtful to none but himself, pitiful to the
poor, hospitable to his neighbours, against the ruining of any of
an opposite judgment, and gave the most he left to pious uses.
He was no contemptible historian ; but I confess an undermatch
to doctor Hackwell. But I remember the ring bequeathed to
me in his will, with the posy thereof. Requiem defunctis ; and
therefore I will no longer be troublesome to his memory, who
Bishop Godwin, ut prius. f Idem, ibid,
t Gabriel Goodman.
was made bishop 1624, and some seven years since deceased in
Westminster, almost 80 years of age.
William Salesbury was born in this county, where his
family flom'isheth at this day. This gentleman, out of a love to
his native language, amor patrm ratione valentior omni, com-
posed a short English and Welch dictionary, first privately pre-
sented to and approved by king Henry the Eighth (being a
Tuthar by his father's side of Welch extraction), and then
publicly printed, anno Domini 1547^
Some captious spirits will quarrel the usefulness thereof,
seeing the Welch did not ivant, and the English did not ivish,
a book of that nature. But let them know that it is useful for
both nations; to the English for attaining, to the Welch for
retaining, that language.
Attaining, — For, being an original tongue, an antiquary is
lame without it (which I find by my own defect) to understand
the (few of many) remaining monuments of that nation.
Retaining, — That tongue, as well as others, by disuse being
subject not only to corruption but oblivion, by the confession
of the natives of that country. Indeed all dictionaries of lan-
guages are very useful : words bringing matter to the tongue,
and, as Plato well observed, oj'ojua e^t opyavov dihiuKaXiKop, (a
name or word is an instrument of instruction*), and ushereth
knowledge into our understanding.
However, seeing nothing can be begun and finished at once,
Salesbury's book (as the first of this kind) did rather essay than
effect the work, and since hath been completed by others. He
died about the year 1560.
Sir Thomas, son of Richard Exmew, was born at Rythin
in this county. Being bred in London a goldsmith, he thrived
therein so well, that, anno 1517, he was lord mayor thereof.
Besides other benefactions in his own country, and to Saint
Mary Magdalen in Milk-street, London (where he Hes buried),
he made the water conduit by London-w^all at Moorgate.t "Api^oy
juey voiop (so Pindar begins his poems), water is a creature of
absolute and common concernment, without which we should
be burnt wdth the thirst, and buried w^ith the filth, of our own
Gabriel Goodman, son of Edw^ard Goodman, Esq. was
born at Rythin in this county ; afterwards doctor of divinity in
Saint John^s College in Cambridge, and dean of Westminster,
where he was fixed for full forty years ; though, by his own
* In Cratylo. t Stow's Survey of London, p. 578.
parts and liis friends^ powei% he might have been what he
would have been in the church of England. Abigail said of
her Imsband^ " Nabal is his name^ and folly is with him.^^ But
it may be said of this worthy dean, Goodman was his name,
and goodness was in his nature, as by the ensuing testimonies
will appear.
1. The Bible was translated into Welch on his cost, as by a
note in the preface thereof doth appear.
2. He founded a school-house, with a competent salary, in
tlie town of his nativity ; as also erected and endowed an alms-
house therein for twelve poor people.
3. He repaired the house for the minister (there called the
Warden) of Rythin, furnishing it with plate and other utensils,
which were to descend to his successors.
4. He purchased a fair house with land thereunto at Chis-
wick in Middlesex, where with his own hands he set a fair row
of elms, now grown up to great beauty and height, for a
retiring place for the masters and scholars at Westminster in
the heat of summer, or any time of infection. If these lands at
this day be not so profitably employed, as they were by the
donor piously intended, it is safer to bemoan the sad effect, than
accuse the causers thereof.
There needs no other testimony of his honesty and ability,
than that our English Nestor, the lord treasurer Cecil, made
him one of the executors of his will, to dispose of great sums to
charitable uses ; which trust he most faithfully discharged. He
died in the year 1601 ; and is buried in the collegiate church of
Westminster, whereof he so well deserved, as of all England,
Mr. Camden performing his perambulation about it on his
Sir Hugh Middleton, son of Richard Middleton, was born
at Denbigh in this county, and bred in London. This is that
worthy knight, who hath deserved well of London, and, in it, of
all England. If those be recounted amongst David^s Worthies,
who, breaking through " the army of the Philistines,^^* fetched
water from the well of Bethlehem, to satisfy the longing of
David (founded more on fancy than necessity), how meritorious
a work did this worthy man perform, who, to quench the thirst
of thousands in the populous city of London, fetched water on
his own cost, more than twenty-four miles,t encountering all
the way with an army of oppositions, grappling with hills, strug-
gling with rocks, fighting with forests, till, in defiance of diifi-
culties, he had brought his project to perfection. But oh, what
an injury was it unto him, that a potent j)erson and idle spectator
* 2 Samuel xxiii. 16,
t By an accurate mensuration, the course of the New River is thirty-eight miles,
three quarters, and sixteen poles in length ; and the cost to the original proprietors
was half a million sterling Ed.
should strike in (reader, I could heartily wish it were a false-
hood what I report), and by his greatness possess a moiety of
the profit,* which the unwearied endeavours of the foresaid
knight had purchased to himself !
I heartily wish this county may find many like Robert earl
of Leicester (by his bounty much advancing the building of a
new church in Denbigh), who may wilHngly contribute their
charity for the repairing of all decayed churches therein. Yea,
may it be hapj^y in faithful and able ministers, that by their
pains they may be built up in the faith of the Lord.
* " The property of the New River (says Mr. Nelson, in his * History of Isling-
ton,') is divided into seventy-two shares, which division took place soon after the
commencement of the undertaking : thirty-six of these were originally vested in
Sir Hugh Middleton, the first projector, who having impoverished himself and his
family by a concern which has proved so beneficial to the public as to render his
name ever honoured and respected, was obliged to part with his property in the
undertaking, which was divided among various persons. These shares are called
the Adventurers' shares. The moiety of the undertaking, which was vested in the
Crovvn, was by king Charles the First, on account of the then unpromising aspect
of the Company's affairs, re-granted to Sir Hugh Middleton, bart., his heirs and
assigns, on condition that they should for ever pay to the king's receiver-general, or
into the receipt of the Exchequer, for his Majesty's use, the yearly rent of 500/.,
which is still paid, and almost entirely out of the king's shares : but, the Crown
never having had any hand in the management of the concern, the holders of these
shares are still excluded from the direction. Though king James became a proprie-
tor of one half of the concern, Middleton, to prevent the direction of its affairs
from falling into the hands of courtiers, precluded him from having any share in,
the management, and only allowed him a person to be present at the several meet-
ings, to prevent any injustice to his royal principal. By this preclusion of the
holders of the king's shares from the government of the Company, exclusive of their
being encumbered with the aforesaid annuity, they are of covirse not quite so valu-
able as those of the Adventurers." Notwithstanding the difficulties which the first
projectors had to encounter, and the losses thereby sustained, the undertaking has
of late years proved extremely profitable to the shareholders. — Ed.
Flintshire taketh its name from Flint, formerly an emi-
nent place therein. But why Flint was so named will deser-
vedly bear an inquiry, the rather because I am informed there
is scarce a flint-stone to be found in the whole shire.
An eminent antiquary well known in these parts (reader, I
must carry my author * at my back, when I write that which
otherwise will not be believed) hath informed me, it was first
called Flit-town, because the people flitted or removed their
habitations from a small village hard by, to and under a castle
built there by king Edward the First. Afterwards it was called
Flint-town, or Flint, to make it more solid in the pronunciation.
Now although sometimes liquids are melted out of a word to
supple it to turn the better on the tongue's end ; it will hardly
be precidented that ever the sturdy letter N was on that or
any account interjected into the middle of an original word.
But it is infidelity not to believe what is thus traditioned
unto us.
It hath the sea on the north, Shropshire on the south, Che-
shire on the east, and Denbighshire on the west thereof; the
smallest county in Wales, whereof the natives render this reason,
" that it was not handsomely in the power of king Edward the
First (who made it a shire) to enlarge the limits thereof ; for the
English shires, Shropshire and Cheshire, he would not discom-
pose ; and on the Welch side he could not well extend it with-
out prejudice to the Lord Marchers, who had potestatem vitce et
necis in the adjacent territories ; the king being unwilling to re-
sume, and they more unwilling to resign, their respective terri-
If any ask why so small a parcel of ground was made a shire,
let them know that every foot therein in content was ten in
concernment, because it was the passage into North Wales. In-
deed it may seem strange that Flint, the shire-town, is no mar-
ket town, no nor Saint Asaph (a city, qua sedes episcopi) till made
so very late. But this is the reason, partly the vicinity of Ches-
ter, the market general of these parts ; partly that every village
hath a market in itself, as affording all necessary commodities.
Nor must we forget that this county was parcel of the Pala-
* Mr. John Jones.
tinate of Chester^ paying two thousand marks (called a mize)
at the change of every earl of Chester, until the year of our
Lord, 1568 ; for then, upon the occasion of one Thomas Rad-
ford committed to prison by the chamberlain of Chester, Flint-
shire, saith my author,* disjoined itself (revolted, I dare say)
from that County Palatine, and united itself to the Principalities
of Wales, as conceiving the same the more advantageous.
•• Mwy nag un bwa yro Ynghaer.]
That is, more than one yugh-bow in Chester. Modern use
applieth this proverb to such who seize on other folks^ goods,
(not with the intent to steal, but) mistaken with similitude
thereof to their own goods. But give me leave to conjecture the
original hereof, seeing Cheshire men have been so famous for
Elizabeth, the seventh daughter of king Edward the First
and queen Elenor, w^as born at Ruthland castle in this county ;
a place which some unwarily confound with Rythin town in
Denbighshire. This castle was anciently of such receipt,
that the king and his court were lodged therein ; yea, a
parliament, or something equivalent^ was kept here, or here-
abouts : seeing we have the Statutes of Ruthland (on the same
token the year erroneously printed in the Statutes of Ruthland)
made in the year of king Edward the first. This lady
Elizabeth, at fourteen years of age, was married to John the
first of that name, earl of Holland, Zealand, &c. ; and, after his
death, remarried to Humphrey Bohune earl of Hereford and
Essex, high constable of England, by whom he had a numerous
issue. She died anno Domini 1316; and was buried in the
abbey church of Saffron Walden in Essex.f
CoNGELLus, or CoMGALLus. — I pcrceivc a storm a-coming,
and must provide a shelter against it. The omitting this writer
will make Wales angry, and the inserting him will make Ireland
offended with me, whom a good antiquary J makes the first
abbot of Bangor in this county, and a better § (though living
later) first abbot of Bangor nigh Nockfergus in Ireland. What
is to be done herein ? When the controversy was started whe-
ther the Isle of Man belonged to England or Ireland, it was
adjudged to the latter, because no venomous creature will live
therein. But this controverted nativity is not capable of that
, * W. Smith, in his Vale Royal of England, p. 15.
t Speed's Chronicle, p. 564.
j Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis. Cent. iii. num. 53.
§ Archbishop Usher, de Brit. Eccles. Primor.
discrimination. Indeed^ if the difference was betwixt Wales and
England my native country, concerning Congellus, we would,
according to our jDremised principles, freely resign him : not
daring to be so bold with an outlandish interest, let him stand
here so long till better evidence be brought to remove him ; for,
if those be beheld as the worst of felons, who steal straggUng
children in London streets from their parents, and spirit them
over unto foreign plantations ; high also is their robbery, who
deprive countries of their true natives, (as to their memories
after their deaths), and dispose them elsewhere at their pleasures.
As for Congellus, it is agreed on all hands, that he was one of a
pious life, who wrote learned epistles ; and, being aged eighty-
five years, died anno Domini 600.
St. Beno was instructor to St. Wenefride, committed by her fa-
ther to his careful education. Now it happened, when the head of
the said Wenefride was cutoflf by Cradocus, son to Alane king of
North Wales, (for not yielding to his unlawful lust), this Beno mi-
raculously set it on again,* she living fifteen years after. But
if the tip of his tongue who first told, and the top of his fingers
who first wrote, this damnable lie, had been cut off, and had they
both been sent to attend their cure at the shrine of St. Beno,
certainly they would have been more wary afterwards, how they
reported or recorded such improbable untruths.
Asaph was born in these parts, of I'ight honourable paren-
tage, and bred at Llan-Elvy in this county, under Kentigernus
(or Mongo) the Scotch bishop in that place. Here the said
Kentigernus had a convent consisting of 663 monks, whereof
300 hundred being unlearned (in the nature of lay-brethren)
were employed abroad in husbandry, as many busied about
work at home, the rest attended divine service in the convent, so
divided, that some were always officiating therein.f Amongst these
Asaph was eminently conspicuous for piety and learning, inso-
much that Kentigernus (being called into his own country) re-
signed both his convent and cathedral unto him. Here this
bishop demeaned himself with such sanctity, that Llan-Elvy lost its
name, and after his death was called from him St. Asaph. He
was an assiduous preacher, having this speech in his mouth,
^^ Such who are against the preaching of God^s word envy
man's salvation." Bishop Godwin confesseth himself ignorant
of the certain time of his death; though anotherj (not more
knowing but more confident) assigneth the first of May (but with
this abatement) about 569 ; I say not out possibly, a random
date may hap to hit the mark.
Acta S. Wenefridte apud Sur. torn. vi. 3, Novemb. et Breviar. sec. usum
Sarum in lect. S. Wenefridae ; and R. B. in her Manuscript Life in the English
College in St. Omer's.
t Camden's Britannia, in Flintshire. J Flowers of the English Saints.
Here I would be thankful to them who should expound unto
me that passage in J. Bale, concluding the life of this Saint with
these words :
Primus hie erctt qui d. Roviano Pa7itijice unclioneni accepit.
" He was the first who received unction from the Pope of Rome.''
This neither Pits owneth (ready enough to steal out of Bale,
especially to improve what might sound to papal advantage) nor
any other Romanist writing his life, whom I have seen, so that it
seems to me a note needlessly scattered. After the death of
Saint Asaph, his see stood void above 500 years, until JefFery of
Monmouth was placed therein.
Richard Parry, D.D. was born at Ruthin in this county;
bred in Christ Church in Oxford : whence he was preferred dean
of Bangor, and at last bishop of St. Asaph ; consecrated Decem-
ber 30, 1604. Bishop Godwin passeth on him this compliment
(take it in the best derivation of the word from completio mentis)
that '^'^he desireth, being so near unto him in time and his
studies, to be his equal in other episcopal qualities.^^ I crave
the reader's leave to forbear any further character of him. Pic-
tures present buildings, presumed at great distance, very small,
whilst such things which are supposed near the eye are made in
a greater proportion. Clean contrary, I may safely write largely
on men's lives at far distance, whilst (as I may say) I must
make landscapes of those near hand, and touch little on them,
who lived in later time. Bishop Parry died anno Domini 1622.
Owen Glendow^er-Wye was born in his ancient patrimony
of Glendower Wye in this county ; then bred in London a stu-
dent in the common law, till he became a courtier, and servant
to king Richard the Second; after whose death, this Owen
being then on the wrong side of preferment, retired to this his
native county, where there arose a difference betwixt him and
his neighbour the lord Grey of Ruthin about a piece of com-
mon, which Owen by force recovered, and killed the lord Grey.
There wanted not many to spur his posting ambition, by tell-
ing him, that he was the true heir to all North Wales, and now
or never the time to regain it ; that the injuries he had already
offered the English were above pardon, and no way left to secure
himself, but by committing greater. There needeth no torch to
light tinder, where a spark will do the deed; and hereupon
Owen brake out into open rebellion.
The worst was, being angry with the king, his revenge fell
upon God, burning down the' fair cathedrals of Bangor and
Saint Asaph. His destructive nature delighted in doing mis-
* Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Cent. i. num. 68.
chief to others, though no good to himself. King Henry the
Fourth found it more facile by far to depose king Richard than
subdue this Owen, who had taken Roger Mortimer earl of
March (and next heir to the crown) prisoner.
Elvodugus, surnamed Probus (and no doubt it was true of
him, what was said of Probus the emperor, he was vir sui no?ni-
nis)w?is a Cambrian by birth, and this countryman by habitation ;
for he lived most of his days at Bangor Monachorum,* in that
age the Cambridge and Oxford of all Britain. He wrote many
books (and particularly a chronicle of his nation), which the
envy of time hath denied to posterity. He had many eminent
men for his scholars, amongst whom was learned Nennius, com-
monly called Nennius Elvodugi, assuming his master's name for
his surname, on which account some mistake him for his father.
This Elvoduge flourished anno 590.
Meredith Hanmer, D.D. was born in this county, where
a respective family of his name and alliance flourish at Hanmeer
at this day ; was treasurer of Trinity church in Dublin. He
translated the Ecclesiastical Histories of Eusebius, Socrates,
Euagrius, &c. into English ; wrote an Ephemeris of the Irish
Saints, and a chronicle of that country .f He died at Dublin of
the plague, anno 1604.
Richard Clough was born at Denbigh in this county,
whence he went to be a chorister in the city of Chester. Some
were so affected with his singing therein, that they were loath
he should lose himself in empty air (church music beginning
then to be discountenanced) ; and persuaded, yea procured, his
removal to London, where he became an apprentice to, and
afterwards partner with, Sir Thomas Gresham. He lived some
years at Antwerp ; and afterwards travelled as far as Jerusalem,
where he was made a knight of the sepulchre, though not own-
ing it after his return under queen Elizabeth (who disdained her
subjects should accept of such foreign honour). He afterwards,
by God's blessing, grew very rich ; and there want not those
who will avouch that some thousands of pounds were disbursed
by him for the building of the Burse, or Royal Exchange. Such
maintain that it was agreed betwixt him and Sir Thomas
Gresham, that the survivor should be chief heir to both ; on
which account they say that the knight carried away the main
of the estate. How much the new church in Denbigh was
beholden to his bounty, I am not as yet certainly informed.
* Bale and Pits, de Scriptoribus Britannicis.
t J. Wareus, de Scriptoribus Hiberniae, p. 137.
This is true, that he gave the impropriation of Kilken in Flint-
shire, worth a hundred pounds per annum, to the free school
in Denbigh ; and if the same at this day be aliened, I question
whether repentance without restitution will secure such who are
the causers thereof. He died anno Domini 15 . .
Thomas ap William, ap Thomas, ap Richard, ap Howel, ap
Evan Vaughan, &c. Esquire, was born of ancient and worshipful
parentage at Moston in this county. This gentleman being
called at the panel of a jury by the aforesaid names, and many
more, was advised by the judge, in the reign of king Henry the
Eighth, for brevity sake, to contract his name, who thereupon de-
nominated himself Moston, from the place of his nativity and an-
cient inheritance.^^* This leading case was precedential to the
practice of other gentry in Wales, who (leaving their pedigrees at
home) carry one surname only abroad with them, whereby much
time (especially in winter, when the days are short) is gained for
other employment.
I understand that superstitious pilgrimages do still continue
of fond people in this county to the well of St. Wenefride ; and
will only presume to mind them of a savoury proverb of their
own nation, " Goreu Pererindod Cyrchu offeren Sull,^^ that is,
(it is the best pilgrimage to frequent the divine duties of the
sabbath.) A pilgrimage it may well be called in Wales, where
some parishes are so large, people go ten miles to church, and
whose pains are employed more acceptable to God, than in
longer peregrinations to less purpose.
* Camden's Remains, p. 145.
Glamorganshire hath the Severn sea on the souths Car-
marthen on the west^ Brecknock on the north, Monmouthshire
(severed by the river Remney falling from the mountains,
which in the British tongue signifieth to drive) on the east
thereof. The north of this county is so full of mountains, that
almost nothing is to be had ; the south is so fruitful a valley,
nothing at all is wanting therein. Indeed it is the garden of
Wales ; and I am informed, that at Saint Donates in this shire
(an ancient house of the right worshipful family of the Stradlings)
groweth as good fruit, and as soon ripe, as in any part of Eng-
Mr. Camden will have it so called (though others affirm one
Morgan a prince thereof gave his name thereunto) from mor,
the British word for the sea, as agreeing to its situation.
Giraldus Cambrensis reports that in the Island Barrey
(termed so from Baruch, an holy man that was there buried,)
three miles from the mouth of TaiF, there appeareth a chink in
a rock, or cliif, to which if you lay your ear, you may easily
discover a noise, not altogether unlike to smiths at work, one
while blowing of the bellows, another while striking of the ham-
mer, the grinding of iron tools, the hissing of steel gads, yea
the puffing noise of fire in a furnace, I must confess myself at
a loss for the reason thereof ; for it cannot proceed from the
close stealing in of the sea water, as some have supposed ; see-
ing the same noise continueth even at a low ebb, when the sea
is departed.
There is also at Newton, on the bank of Ogmore westward,
a well, the water whereof is so low at the flowing of the sea in
summer, you can scarce get up a dish full of the same ; whereas
at the ebb thereof you may easily recover a pail or bucket full.
Mr. Camden, doubting of the truth, made his own eyes wit-
nesses herein, finding it true according to the common relation,
adding withal that it is the same though not so discernible by
reason of the accession of much rain-water in winter.*
Sir Edward Carne is here placed with confidence, because
* In his Britannia, in this county.
assured to be a Welchman ;* and I find his family flourishing
at Wenny in this county.t He was bred (I believe in Oxford)
doctor of the civil law ; and was knighted by Charles the Fifth,
emperor. I
The first public service he eminently appeared in was, when
king Henry the Eighth, having intelligence of the Pope's inten-
tion shortly to cite him to appear at Rome either in person
or proxy, despatched him thither for his excusator, to remon-
strate that his grace was not bound by law so to appear. §
This he effectually performed 5 pleading, that the emperor
was so powerful at Rome, that he could not expect justice :
declaring that, unless they desisted, he must appeal thence to
the able men in some indifferent universities ; and if this were
refused, he protested a nullity in all that they did ; a behavi-
our which spake him of no less valour than ability.
Queen Mary highly prized him, and no whit the less for his
cordial appearing for king Henry in the matter of her mother's
divorce; imputing it to the discharge of his credit and calling,
in him who otherwise was a thorough-paced Romanist, and
whom she employed her ambassador to the Pope.
After her death, he still resided at Rome ; and, by command
from queen Elizabeth, repaired to Pope Paul the Fourth, to
give him an account that his mistress was called to the crown
of England ; to whom the Pope returned, " that England was
a fee of the church of Rome ; and that she could not succeed,
as illegitimate." II A strange reply to a civil message, and fit-
ting his mouth, with whom it was a usual saying, " that he
would have no prince in his companion, but all subject under
his foot." II
Besides, he commanded Sir Edward Came to lay down the
office of an ambassador; and, under the pain of the greater
excommunication,** and confiscation of all his goods, not to go
out of the city, but to take on him the regiment of the English
hospital therein. So that I see not how queen Ehzabeth can be
taxed by the Papists for a Schismatic, and wilful breach from
the church of Rome, being thrust away thence by the Pope
himself, so barbarously treating her ambassador (whilst as yet
she had made no alteration in religion) against the law of
nations ; though, I confess, some conceive that the crafty old
knight was (such his addiction to Popery) well contented with
his restraint, wherein he died, 1561.
I heartily congratulate the return of the name (and with it
* Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1559. t Gwillim's Display.
X Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1561.
§ Lord Herbert, in the Life of King Henry the VIIL
II History of the Council of Trent, lib. v. 1558, t Ibid, paulo ante eod.
** Camden's Elizabeth, anno 1559.
of the see) to LlandafF in this county. Sure I am, our civil
wars hath deprived it of the better moiety of its appellation
Land, leaving bare qff thereunto. I am not ignorant that
Llandaff, in British, is the church by Taff, though that church
I fear will not stand long that hath lost its ground. Happy
therefore is it, that now Llandaff may be truly termed Llandaff^
having through God's goodness (and long may it possess them)
regained its ancient lands and revenues.
Merionethshire (in Latin Mervinia) hath the sea on the
west side ; on the south (for certain miles together) Cardigan-
shire^ severed by the river Douy ; and on the north bounded
upon Carnarvon and Denbigh-shire.
It is extremely mountainous; yea (if true what Giraldus
Cambrensis reporteth thereof) so high the hills therein, that
men may discourse one with the other on the tops thereof, and
yet hardly meet (beneath in the valley) in a day^s time. Yet are
not the mountains altogether useless, feeding great numbers of
sheep thereon. Mr. Camden takes especial notice of the
beauty and comeliness of the inhabitants of this shire.
Nor must it be forgot that there is a place at this day called
Le Herbert, — upon this account : when the unhappy difference
raged betwixt the houses of York and Lancaster, David ap Jen-
kin ap Enion, a stout and resolute gentleman (who took part
with the house of Lancaster) valiantly defended the castle
Arleck against king Edward the Fourth, until Sir William Her-
bert (afterwards earl of Pembroke) with great difficulty made
his passage unto it, and so furiously stormed it, that immedi-
ately it was surrendered.
There is a lake in this county, called in British Lhin-tegid,
in English Pimble-mear, which may be termed our Leman-lake,
having the same, work of wonder therein, though set forth by
nature in a less letter : for as Rhodanus, running through the
French lake, preserveth his stream by itself (discernible by the
discoloration thereof) with the fishes peculiar thereunto ; the
same is here observed betvvixt the river Dee, and the water of
.the lake ;* so that here is (what some cavil at in the grammar) a
conjunction disjunctive. Let philosophers dispute what invisi-
ble partition encloseth the one severally from the other. I
have heard some, by way of similitude, apply it to such who,
being casually cast into bad company, lie at such a cautious
posture of defence, that they keep their own innocency entire,
not maculated with the mixture of their bad manners, as rather
being in than of their society.
We must not forget another strange quality of Pimble-mear ;
viz. it swelleth not with all the waters, and those very many,
* Camden's Britannia, in Merionethshire.
which fall therein by the bordering mountains, whereas a blast
of wind will quickly make it mount above the bounds and banks
thereof;* like some strange dispositions, not so much incensed
with blows, as provoked by words (accounted but wind) into
I know not whether it be worth the relating, what is known
for a truth of a market-town called Dogelthy in this shire, that,
1. The walls thereof are three 1, The mountains which sur-
miles high. round it.
2. Men come into it over the 2. On a fair bridge,
water, but
3. Goout of it under the water. 3. Falling from a rock, and
conveyed in a wooden trough
(under which travellers must
make shift to pass) to drive
an overshot mill.
4. The steeple thereof doth 4. The bells (if plural) hang in
grow therein. an yew tree.
5. There are more alehouses 5. Tenements are divided into
than houses. two or more tippling houses
and chimneyless barns used
to that purpose.
This last I had mediately from the mouth of a judge, in his
charge condemning the same.
[AMP.] Saint Thelian was of British extraction, and
placed here until with certainty he can be removed to another
county. He was bred under Dubritius bishop of LlandafF, by
whose holy care he attained to a competent learning and exemp-
lary sanctity. Great his acquaintance and intimacy with Saint
David, bishop of Menevia.
In his days the Picts harassed his country. He was much
envied for his holiness by one of their chief commanders, who
sent two lewd strumpets, supposing by their tempting tricks to
entrap this holy man.f These women counterfeiting madness
(whereby they might assume the more liberty to themselves of
filthy discourse) returned distracted indeed,J not having under-
standing enough to relate the cause of their sad misfortune ;
which wrought so much upon^ the first designer of their prac-
tices, that he received the faith, and was baptized, and ever after
had a great veneration and esteem for this our Saint.
He accompanied Saint David to Jerusalem ; and, returning
into his own country, by his fervent prayers freed the same
from the plague, wherewith it was then much infested. His
death happened February the ninth, about the year of our Lord
* Camden's Britannia, in Merionethshire.
t In the Flowers of English Saints, p. 150. X Idem, ibidem.
This county (the inhabitants whereof generally betake them-
selves to the feeding of sheep) was much beholding to Ludwall
their prince, who (king Edgar imposing on him as a yearly tri-
bute the presenting him with three hundred wolves) did in a
manner free this county from wolves. It is my desire, that,
seeing that ill-natured creature is at this day totally removed
out of it, the people wholly lay aside all strife and animosities,
and give no longer occasion to the proverb, " Homo homini
2 N 2
Montgomeryshire is bounded on the south side with Car-
digan and Radnor- shire, on the east with Shropshire, on the
north b)^ Denbighshire, and on the w^est thereof with Merio-
nethshire. Nature cannot be accused for being a step-mother
unto this county ; for, although she hath mounted many a high
hill (which may probably be presumed not over fruitful), yet
hath she also sunk many a delightful valley therein (humility is
the common attendant of greatness, accompanied with true
worth), which plentifully yield all necessaries for man^s comfort-
able subsistence. The chief town therein bestoweth its name
upon the whole county. It never dignified any with the title of
Earl thereof, until the reign of king James, who created Philip
Herbert, second son to Henry earl of Pembroke, Baron Herbert
of Shurland, and Earl of Montgomery.
How good and swift are bred in this county, I may well spare
my commendation, and remit the reader to the character I find
given of them in a good author :*
From the Gomerian fields,
Than which in all our Wales there is no country yields
An excellenter horse, so full of natural fire.
As one of Phoebus' steeds had been that stallion's sire
Which first their race begun, or of th' Asturian kind,
Which some have held to be begotten by the wind."
Now, after proportionable abatement for his poetical hyper-
bole, the remainder is enough to inform us of the good strain
this shire doth afford.
** YTairChiwiorydd.'']
In English ^^ The three sisters,^' being a common by-word to
express the three rivers of Wye, Severn, Rhiddiall, arising all
three in this county, out of the south-west side of Plinlim-
mon hill, within few paces one of another, but falling into the
sea more miles asunder ; Severn into the Severn sea. Wye into
the Severn, Rhiddiall into the Irish sea.
The tradition is, that these three sisters were to run a race,
* Drayton, in his Polyolbion, p. 95.
which should be first married to the ocean. Severn and Wye,
having a great journey to go, choose their way through soft
meadows, and kept on a traveller's pace ; whilst Rhiddiall (jDre-
suming on her short journey, staid before she went out, and
then, to recover her lost time, runs furiously in a distracted
manner, with her mad stream, over all opposition.
The proverb is applicable to children of the same parents,
issuing out of the same womb, but of different dispositions, and
embracing several courses of lives in this world, so that their
cradles were not so near, but their coffins are as far asunder.
" Pywys Paradwys Cymry."]
That is, " Powis is the paradise of Wales.^' This proverb
referreth to Teliessen the author thereof, at what time Powis
had far larger bounds than at this day, as containing all the
land interjacent betwixt Wye and Severn ; of the pleasantness
whereof we have spoken before.*
" Gwan dy Bawl yn Hafren fydd hifel cynt.'']
That is, " Fixt thy pale (with intent to fence out his water) in
Severn, Severn will be as before.^^ Appliable to such who
undertake projects above their power to perform, or grapple in
vain against Nature, w^iich soon returns to its former condition.
George Herbert was born at Montgomery castle, younger
brother to Edward lord Herbert (of whom immediately) ; bred
fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge, and orator of the uni-
versity, where he made a speech no less learned than the occa-
sion was welcome, of the return of prince Charles out of Spain.
He was none of the nobles of Tekoa, who, at the building of
Jerusalem, ^^ put not their necks to the work of the Lord ;''f
but, waving worldly preferment, chose serving at God's altar
before state-employment. So pious his life, that, as he was a
copy of primitive, he might be a pattern of sanctity to posterity.
To testify his independency on all others, he never mentioned
the name of Jesus Christ, but with this addition, " My Master.'^
Next God the Word, he loved the Word of God ; being heard
often to protest, " That he would not part with one leaf thereof
for the whole world.''
Remarkable his conformity to Church discipline, whereby he
drew the greater part of his parishioners to accompany him
daily in the public celebration of Divine service. Yet had he
(because not desiring) no higher preferment than the benefice
of Bemerton nigh Sahsbury (where he built a fair house for his
successor); and the prebend of Leighton (founded in the cathe-
dral of Lincoln) where he built a fair church, with the assistance
of some few friends' free offerings. When a friend on his death-
bed went about to comfort him with the remembrance thereof,
* In the Proverbs in Herefordshire . — Ed.
f Nehemiah iii. 5.
as an especial good work^ he returned, " It is a good work, if
sprinkled with the blood of Christ." But his " Church '' (that
inimitable piece of poetry) may out-last this in structure. His
death happened anno Domini 163...
Edward Herbert, son of Richard Herbert, Esquire, and
Susan Newport his wife, was born at Montgomery castle in
this county; knighted by king James, who sent him over
ambassador into France.* Afterwards king Charles the First
created him Baron of Castle Island in Ireland, and some years
after Baron of Cherbury in this county. He was a most excel-
lent artist and rare linguist, studied both in books and men,
and himself the author of two works most remarkable, viz. *' A
Treatise of Truth," written in French, so highly prized beyond
the seas, that (as I am told) it is extant at this day with great
honour in the Pope's Vatican.
He married the daughter and sole heir of Sir William Herbert
of St. Julian's in Monmouthshire, with whoni he had a large
inheritance both in England and Ireland. He died in August,
anno Domini 1648 ; and was buried in St. Giles's in the Fields,
London, having designed a fair monument, of his own invention,
to be set up fur him in the church of Montgomery, according to
the model following :
'* Upon the ground a hath-pace of fourteen foot square, on the
midst of which is placed a Dorrick columne, with its rights of
pedestal, basis, and capital, fifteen foot in height ; on the capi-
tal of the columne is mounted an urn with an heart flamboul
supported by two angels. The foot of this columne is attended
with four angeles placed on pedestals at each corner of the said
hath-pace, two having torches reversed, extinguishing the motto
of Mortality; the other two holding up palmes, the emblems of
This monument hath not hitherto been (by what obstruction I
list not to inquire) and I fear will not be finished ; which hath
invited me the rather to this description, that it might be erect-
ed in paper when it was intended in marble. J
Hawis Gadarn. — She was a lady of remark, sole daughter
and heir to Owen ap Grufiyth, prince of that part of Powis
called Powis Wenwinwin, which taketh up this whole county.
She was justly (as will appear) surnamed Gadarn, that is, the
Hardy. I confess Hardy sounds better when applied to men
So was I informed by Sir Henry Herbert, his younger brother, late master of
the Revels. — F.
t Courteously communicated unto me by Mr. Stone, the stone-cutter, at his house
in Long-Acre F.
t A. Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, MTitten by himself, was published by
Mr. Walpole, from the Strawberry Hill press, in 1778 Ed.
(as Philip the Hardy, a prince in France), meek and mild being
a more proper epithet for a woman > Yet some competent
hardiness, to comport with troubles, mis-becometh not the
weaker sex ; and indeed, if she had not been Hawis the Hardy,
she had been Hawis the Beggarly. She had four uncles,
her father's brethren, Lhewelyn, John, Griffith Vachan, and
David, which uncles became her cousins, detaining all her inhe-
ritance from her. ^' Give,'' said they, " a girl a little gold, and
marry her. God and nature made land for men to manage.^'
Hereupon Hawis comes to court, complains to king Edward
the Second. The mention of her minds me of the daughter of
Zelophehad, who pleaded so pathetically for her patrimony
before Moses and Joshua. The king, commiserating her case,
consigned his servant John Charleton, born at Apple in Shrop-
shire, a vigorous knight, to marry her, creating him in her right
Baron of Powis.
Thus was he possessed of his lady, but get her land as he
can ; it was bootless to implead her uncles in a civil court ;
action was the only action he could havje against them ; and he
so bestirred himself, with the assistance of the king's forces,
that in short time he possessed himself of three of her uncles
prisoners, and forced the fourth to a composition. Yea, he not
only recovered every foot of his wife's land, but also got all the
lands of her uncles, in default of their issue male, to be settled
upon her. I wish that all ladies, injured by their potent rela-
tions, may have such husbands to marry them, and match their
adversaries. These things happened about the year of our Lord
Know, reader, there were four John Charletons successively
lords of Powis ; which I observe rather, because their omonymy
may not occasion confusion.
JuLiNES Herring was born at Flambere-Mayre in this
county, 1582. His father returned hence to Coventry, to v/hich
he was highly related ; Coventry, whose ancestors (for the space
of almost two hundred years) had been in their course chief
officers of that city. Perceiving a pregnancy in their son, his
parents bred liim in Sidney College in Cambridge ; he became
afterwards a profitable and. painful preacher at Calk in Derby-
shire, in the town of Shrewsbury, and at Rendbury in Cheshire,
being one of a pious life, but in his judgment disaffected to the
English church discipline.
I could no less than place him amongst the memorable per-
sons ; otherwise coming under no topic of mine (as writing no
books to my knowledge), finding his life v/ritten at large by Mr,
Samuel Clark.
I say Mr. Clark, whose books of our modern divines I have
perused, as travellers by the Levitical law were permitted to
pass through other men's vineyards. For they might eat their
fill, on condition they put no grapes up in their vessels.* I
have been satisfied with reading his works, and informed myself
in places and dates of some men^s births and deaths. But never
did nor will (whatever hath been said of me, or done by others)
incorporate any considerable quantity of his works in my own ;
detesting such felony, God having given me (be it spoken with
thanks to him, and humility to man) plenty of my own, without
being plagiary to any author whatsoever.
To return to Julines Herring, whose Christian name is very
usual in the country amongst people of quality, in memory of
Julius Palmer (in the Marian days martyred, and) a native of
that city. He, being prohibited his preaching here for his non-
conformity, was called over to Amsterdam, where he continued
preacher to the English congregation some years, well respected
in his place; and died in the year of our Lord 1644.
And now, being to take our leave of this county, the worst I
wish the inhabitants thereof, is, that their horses (excellent in
their kind, whereof before) may (to use the countryman^s ex-
pression) stand well, being secured from all infections and pes-
tilential diseases ; the rather, because when God is pleased
to strike this creature (not unfitly termed man^s wings, whereby
he so swiftly flieth from one place to another for dispatch of
his occasions) it is a sad presge, that he is angry with the riders,
and will (without their seasonable repentance) punish their sins
with some exemplary judgment.
* Deut. xxiii. 24.
Pembrokeshire is surrounded on all sides with the sea;
save on the north-east, where it boundeth on Cardigan ; and
east, where itbutteth on Camarthenshire : — a county abounding
with all things necessary for man^s livelihood ; and the east part
thereof is the pleasantest place in all Wales ; which I durst not
have said, for fear of offence, had not Giraldus their own coun-
tryman affirmed it.*
Nor is it less happy in sea than in land, affording plenty
of fish, especially about Tenby; therefore commonly called
Tenl)y-y-Piscoid ; which I rather observe for the vicinity of
the British piscoid with the Latin piscosus, iov JisJifid ; though
never any pretended an affinity between the two languages.
A part of this county is peopled by Flemings, placed there
by king Henry the First, who was no less politic than charitable
therein ; for such Flemings, being driven out of their own coun-
try by an irruption of the ocean, were fixed here to defend the
land given them against the Welch ; and their country is called
Little England beyond Wales. This mindeth me of a passage be-
twixt a Welch and English-man, the former boasting Wales in
all respects beyond England ; to whom the other returned, '^ He
had heard of an England beyond Wales, but never of a Wales
beyond England.^^
Very good are bred in this county, of that kind they call
peregrines, which very name speaks them to be no indigen(B, but
foreigners, at first lighting here by some casualty. King Henry
the SecondpassinghenceintoIreland,cast off a Norway gos-hawk
at one of these ; but the gos-hawk, taken at the source by the
falcon, soon fell down at the king's foot ; which performance
in this ramage made him yearly afterward send hither for
eyesses,'\ These hawks' aeries (not so called from building in the
air, but from the French word aire an egg) are many in the
rocks in this shire.
For a sacred structure the cathedral of St. David is most
• *' In agro totius Walliae amoenissimo." — Giraldus Cambrensis.
f Giraldus Cambrensis.
eminent^ began by bishop Peter in the reign of king John, and
finished by his successors ; though having never seen it, I can
say little thereof. But, in one respect, the roof thereof is
higher than any in England, and as high as any in Europe,
if the ancient absolute and independant jurisdiction thereof be
considered, thus stated by an authentic author :* " Episcopi
WaUicB a Menevensi Antistite sunt consecrati, et ipse simihter
ab aliis tanquam suifraganeis est consecratus, nulla penitus
ahae Ecclesiae facta professione vel subjectione/^ The gene-
rality of which words must be construed to have reference
as well to Rome as to Canterbury; Saint David^s acknowledg-
ing subjection to neither, till the reign of king Henry the First,
Henry Tuthar, son to Edmund earl of Richmond and
Margaret his lady, was born at Pembroke in this county,t anno
Domini 1462, in the reign of king Henry the Sixth. He was bred
a child at court ; when a young man he lived an exile in France,
where he so learned to live of a little, that he contracted a habit
of frugality, Avhich he did not depose till the day of his death.
Having vanquished king Richard' the Third in the battle of Bos-
w^orth, and married Elizabeth eldest daughter to king Edward
the Fourth, he reigned king of England by the name of Henry
the Seventh.
He is generally esteemed the wisest of our English kings ;
and yet many conceive, that the lord Bacon, writing his life,
made him much wiser than he was, picking more prudence out
of his actions, than the king himself was privy to therein ; and,
not content to allow him politic, endeavoured to make him
policy itself.
.Yet many think his judgment failed him, when refusing the
fair proffer of Columbus for the discovery of America, who
might therein have made a secret adventure, without any preju-
dice to the reputation of his wisdom. But such his wariness
he would not tamper with costly contingencies, though never
so probable to be gainful ; nor would he hazard a hook of silver
to catch a Jish of gold. He was the first king who secretly
sought to abate the formidable greatness (the parent of many
former rebeUions) in the EngUsh peerage, lessening their
dependencies, countenancing the commons, and encouraging
the yeomanry with provisions against depopulations. However^
hereby he did not free his successors from fear, but only
exchanged their care, making the commons (who because more
numerous, less manageable) more absolute, and able in time to
contest with sovereignty.
He survived his queen, by whom he had the true title to the
crown, about five years. Some will say, that all that time he was
king only by the courtesy of England, which I am sure he was
* Giraldus, Itinerarium Cambrise, lib. cap. 1.
t Ssir Francis Bacon, in the conclusion of his Character, in his Life.
loath to acknowledge. Others say he held the crown by con-
quest, which his subjects were as unwilling to confess. But,
let none dispute how he held, seeing he held it ; having Pope,
Parliament, power, purse, success, and some shadow of succes-
sion, on his side.
His greatest fault was, grinding his subjects with grievous
exactions. He was most magnificent in those structures he hath
left to posterity ; amongst which, his devotion to God is most
seen in two chapels, the one at Cambridge, the other at West-
minster. His charity to the poor in the hospital of The Savoy ;
his magnificence to himself in his own monument of gilded cop-
per ; and his vanity to the world, in building a ship called The
Great Harry, of equal cost, saith some, with his chapel, which
afterwards sunk into the sea, and vanished away in a moment."^
He much employed bishops in his service, finding them ho-
nest and able. And here I request the judicious and learned
reader to help me at a dead lift, being posed with this passage
written in his life by the lord Verulam :
" He did use to raise bishops by steps, that he might not
lose the profits of the first-fruits, which by that course of gra-
dation was multiplied.^^
Now, I humbly conceive, that the first fruits (in the common
acception of the word) were in that age paid to the Pope : and
would fain be informed, what by-first-fruits these were, the
emolument whereof accrued to the crown. — This politic king,
at his palace of Richmond, April 22, 1509, ended his life ; and
was buried in the magnificent chapel aforesaid; on the same
token that he ordered, by his last will and testament, that none
save such of the blood royal (who should descend from his loins)
should be buried in that place ; straightly forbidding any other,
of what degree or quality soever, to be interred therein.f But only
thewillof the King of Heaven doth stand inviolable, whilst those
of the most potent earthly princes are subject to be infringed.
Ju-STiNiAN was a noble Briton by birth, who with his own
inheritance built a monastery in the island of Ramsey in this
count}^, where many monks lived happily under his discipline,
until three of thena, by the devil's instigation, slew this Justi-
nian, in hatred of his sanctity, about the year of Christ 486. J
His body was brought with great veneration to Menevia, and
there interred by Saint David, and since much famed with
[supposed] miracles.
GiRALDus Cambrensis, whosc surname, say some,§ was
* In the beginning of the reign of queen Maiy — Stow, p. 16.
f Weever's Funeral Monuments, p. 20.
X J. Capgrave, in Catal. SS. Brit.
§ Godwin, in the Bishops of St, David's.
Fitz-Girald ; say others,* was Barry ; and I believe the latter,
because he saith so himself in his book " De Vita Sua ;"t and
was born at Tenby in this county.
His father, William de Barry, an Englishman : — his mother,
Angareth, the daughter of Nesta, daughter of Rhese, prince of
South Wales.
He was nephew to David the second bishop of St. David^s,
by whom he was made archdeacon of Brecknock. He was
wont to complain, that the English did not love him because
his mother was a Welch-woman ; and the Welch did hate him
because his father was an Englishman ; though, by his excel-
lent writings, he deserved of England well, of Wales better, and
of Ireland best of all ; making a topographical description of all
three ; but acting in the last as a secretary under king John, with
great industry and expence.J Yea, he was a great traveller,- as
far as Jerusalem itself, and wrote De Mirabilibus Terrae SanctcB,
so that he might be styled Giraldus Anglicus, Hibernicus,
Hierosolymitanus, though it was his mind and modesty only to
be Cambrensis.
One may justly wonder that, having all dimensions requisite
to preferment, his birth, broad acquaintance, deep learning, long
life (living above seventy years), he never attained to any con-
siderable dignity. Hear how, betwixt grief and anger, he
expresseth himself concerning his ill success at court : " Irrepa-
rabili damno duo fere lustra consumens, nihil ab illis§ preter
inanes vexationes et vacua veris promissa suscepi.^^
Indeed for a long time no preferment was proffered him
above a beggarly bishopric in Ireland ; and at last the see of
St. David's was the highest place he attained. Whilst some
impute this to his planet ; the malignant influence whereof hath
blasted men of the most merit :-~his pride , some men count-
ing it their due for preferment to court them, and that it is
enough for them to receive, too much to reach after it: — his
profitableness to be employed in meaner places ; some having
gotten an useful servant, love to wear him out in working, and
(as gardeners keep their hedges close cut, that they may spread
the broader) maintain them mean, that they may be the more
Giraldus himself tells us the true reason that he was ever
beheld oculo novercali, because being a Welchman by the surer
side ; and then such the antipathy of the English, they thought
no good could come out of Wales. Sad, that so worthy a man
should j9cew«5 dare patriae et matris suce.
Being at last, as we have said, made bishop of Saint David^s,
he went to Rome, and there stickled for an exemption of that
* J. Wareus, de Scriptoribus Hibernise, p. 112.
f Lib. i. cap. 2, extant in Sir Robert Cotton's library,
j In the life-time of King Henry his father.
§ King Henry II. and his Sons.
his see from Canterbury, and to make it an absolute metropoli-
tan, whereby he highly offended Hubert archbishop of Canter-
bury. But Giraldus, after long debates, being rather over-borne
with bribes than overcome in cause, returned re infectd, died,
and was buried in his own cathedral, about the year 1215.
I know not what better to wish this county, than that the
marl, a great fertilizer of barren ground, which it affordeth, be
daily increased ; especially since corn is in all probability likely to
grow scarcer and scarcer ; that their land, through God's bless-
ing, being put in heart therewith, may plentifully answer the
desires of the husbandman, and hereafter repair the penury of
this, with the abundance for many succeeding years.
Radnorshire (in British, Sire Maiseveth,) in form three-
square, is bounded on the north-west with Herefordshire, and
on the south side (separated by the river Wye) with Brecknock-
shire, and on the north part thereof with Montgomeryshire.
Nature may seem to have chequered this county ; the east and
south parts being fruitful, whilst the north and west thereof
(lying rough and uneven v/ith mountains) can hardly be bet-
tered by the greatest pains and industry of the husbandman.
Yet is it indifferently well stored with woods, and conveniently
watered with running rivers, and in some places with standing
Mr. Camden telleth us,* that there is a place therein termed
Melieneth (from the mountains thereof being of a yellowish
colour) which stretcheth from Offa's Dyke unto the river Wye,
which cutteth over-thwart the west corner of this shire, where
meeting with some stones which impede its motion, on a sudden,
for want of ground to glide on, hath a violent downfall, which
place is termed Raihader Gowy, that is, the fall or flood-gates of
Wye.f Hereupon he supposeth it not improbable that the Eng-
lishmen forged that word for the name of this shire, terming it
[Henry of Monmouth, whose name was here inserted by Dr. Fuller, owing to
its inadvertent omission in the proper place, (which error was repeated in Mr.
Nichols's 4to edition), will now be found under the county of Monmouthshire,
vol. ii. p. 433 — Ed.
Elias de Radnor. — Guilielmus de Radnor. — I join
them together for three reasons : first, because natives of the
same town (understand it Old Radnor — the new town of that
name being built probably since their decease) : secondly, be-
cause bishops of the same see, LlandafF : thirdly, because emi-
nent ; being eminent for nothing, the names and dates of their
deaths (the one May 6, 1240, the other June 30, 1256) being
* In his Britannia, in this shire. f Ibidem.
all that learned antiquary and their successor bishop Godwin*
could recover of their memories, which dishearteneth me from
farther inquiry after them. For let them never look for a
crop, who sow that ground which so skilful a husbandman
thought fit to lie fallow.
It much affected me (and I believe all others whose hearts
are of flesh and blood) what I read in an author concerning the
rigorous laws imposed on the observation of the Welch. t For
when Owen Glyn dower- Wye (inveigled by some well skilled in
MerHn's prophecies, that the time was come, wherein the Bri-
tons through his assistance should recover their ancient freedom
and liberty) raised a rebelUon, making war upon the earl of
March (the heir apparent both to the crown of England and
Principality of Wales), king Henry the Fourth, enraged at his
proceedings, enacted these ensuing. laws :
First, that no Welchman should purchase lands ; or be chosen
citizen or burgess of any city, borough, or market-town ; nor be
received into any office of mayor, bailiff, chamberlain, &c. ; or to
be of the council of any town ; or to bear armour within any
city. Besides that, if any Welchman should impeach or sue an
Englishman, it was ordained, he should not be convicted, un-
less by the judgment of English justices, verdict of English
burgesses, or by the inquest of the Enghsh borough where the
suits lay : yea, that all English burgesses who married Welch
women should be disfranchised of their liberties. No congre-
gation or council was permitted to the Welchmen, but by
licence of the chief officers of the same seignory, and in the pre-
sence of the same officers. J That no victuals should be
brought into Wales, unless by the especial hcence of the king
and his council. That no Welchman should have any castle,
fortress, or house of defence of his own, or any other man's to
keep. That no Welchman should be made justice, chamber-
lain, chancellor, &c. of a castle, receivor, escheator, &c., nor other
officer or keeper of records, &c., nor of the council of any Eng-
lish lord. That no EngUshman that in time to come should
marry a Welch-woman be put in any office in Wales, or in the
Marches of the same.
Now as I am heartily sorry that ever the Welch were bound
to the observance of so rigorous laws, so am I truly glad that at
this day they are (to the happiness both of England and Wales)
freed from the same. Yea, I shall constantly pray, that God
would be pleased to grant us, of the loins of our sovereign, one
* In his Catalogue of the Bishops of LlandaflF.
t Dr. Powel, in his History of Wales, p. 287. t Idem, ibidem.
who may be born prince of the one, and (after the— though late
— decease of his majesty) king of the other.
a\ ^?I.*^^^^^*^0"^topographical Works, relative fo the Principality of Wales
and Its different Counties, the reader is referred to p. 504.— Ed.
Admirals, on the names, &c. of, vol. i.
p. 26
Air of Brecknockshire, peculiarity of,
iii. 513
Alabaster, Staff, iii. 124
Ale, Derb. i. 365
Alms-houses, on the founders of, i. 46
Alum, Lane. ii. 189
Yorkshire, iii. 393
Alumnus, a corollary on, i. 109
Ambergris, Cornwall, i. 300
Amelcorne, Denb. iii. 530
'* AMP.'' or " Ampliendum," meaning
of, i. 83
Armoury, London, ii. 337
Arms, disquisition on, i. 65
borne by the sheriffs, 67
Arundel Castle, Sussex, iii. 243
Ash trees, Warw. iii. 26S
Audley-End, Essex, i. 495
Authorities whence the information is
derived, i, 89
Ayres of Lannards, Notts, ii. 568
Bark, Berks, i. 1 1 1
Barley, Bedf. i. 164
Barrey Island, Glamorganshire, wonders
of, iii. 542
Basing House, Hants, ii. 4
Baskets, Camb. i. 224
Bath, mineral waters of, iii. 90
Bath Cathedral, Somerset, iii. SB
Battles, remarks on, i. 71. See Con-
tents, under the respective Counties.
Beans, Leic. ii. 221
Beavers, Cardig. iii. 518
Bediford Bridge, Devon, i. 397
Beech, Bucks, i. 192
Beestone Castle, Cheshire, i. 264
Benefactors to the public, disquisition
on, i. 43. See Contents, under the
respective Counties.
Beverley Church, Yorkshire, iii. 397
Black-lead, Cumb. i. 337
Blanks, on the occurrence of, i. 82
Bone-well Fountain, Heref. ii. 69
Bone-lace, Devon, i. 396
Books, on the number of, i. 42
Boots, Northam. ii. 498
Bottesford Church, Leic. ii. 224
Boundaries, &c. of Counties. See Con-
tents, under the respective Counties.
Box, Surrey, iii. 200
Bray, village of, Berks, i. 113
Brereton Pool, Cheshire, i. 265
Bridge, London, ii. 336
Bridges, on the builders of, i. 45
Bristol, Worthies of, iii. 113 — 121
Brook, Rutl. iii. 38
Buildings, disquisition on, i. 6. See
Contents, under the respective
in Wales, iii. 487
Burgley House, Rutl. iii. 37
Burleigh House, Northam. ii. 499
Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk, iii. 160
Butter, Suffolk, iii. 158
Buxton Well, Derb. i. 368
Cambridge University, i. 224
Canterbury, Worthies of, ii. 180 — 185
Caps, Monm. ii. 431
Cardinals, on the names, &c. of, i. 16.
See Contents, under the respec-
tive Counties.
Carleton, Leic. ii. 225
Carlisle Cathedral, i. 338
Carps, Sussex, iii. 240
Castle-Ashby House, Nortliam. ii. 499
Castles in Wales, iii. 488
Cathedral. Northam. ii. 499
Cave, subterranean, Surrey, iii. 203
Charities recommended to men of estate,
i. 48
Charles II. panegyric on, iii. 385
Chatsworth, Derb. i. 365
Cheese, Cheshire, i. 263
Somerset, iii. 86
Suffolk, iii. 158
in Wales, iii. 485
Cheriiistry, on the writers on, i. 36
Cherries, Kent, ii. 112
Chester, Worthies of, i. 290 — 297
Chichester Cathedral, Sussex, iii. 242
Chinirgery, on the writers on, i. 36
Christ Church, Canterbury, ii. 181
Churches, on builders of, i. 43
in Norfolk, ii, 444
in Coventry and Warwick, iii. 268
Cider, Glouc. i. 548
Civilians. See Contents, under the
respective Counties.
Clergy, on the surnames of the, i. 75
on the children of, i. 78
Clothing, Berks, i. ill
Exeter, i. 442
Glouc. i. 547
Kent, ii. 114
Suffolk, iii. 159
Wilts, iii. 314
Coal, Leic. i>. 224
Salop, iii. 52
Warw. iii. 268
Cobham HaU, Kent, ii. 115
Confessors, on the names, &c. of, i. 14.
See Contents, under the respective
Copper, Cumb. i. 338
Coph Hall, Essex, i. 495
Counties, on the number of in Eng-
land, i. 72
why the Worthies are arranged ac-
cording to, i. 73
Coventry, churches at, iii. 268
cross of, iii. 269
Dates, on the use of, i. 81
Deer, Oxf. iii. 1
Devil's Ditch, Camb. i. 225
Dialects of Cornwall, i. 299
Diamonds of Bristol, iii. 113
of Cornwall, i. 300
Divinity, on the writers on, i. 37
Dotterils, Line. ii. 263
Dudley Castle, Staff, iii. 127
Earthquake, in Breck.-iil. 514
Edgehill, Battle of, Warw. iii. 297
Eels, Camb. i. 222
Ely, Isle of, Camb. i. 221
Minster, Camb. i. 225
Engine, The, London, ii. 334
Eiiston, Oxf. iii. 5
Epsom Waters, Surrey, iii. 203
Exchange, The, Lontlon, ii. 336
Exeter, Worthies of, i. 442 — 448
Falcons, Pembr. iii. 553
Fallow Deer, Oxf. iii. l
Feathers, Line, ii. 263
Fishing, Lane. ii. 191
Fishtoft, Line. ii. 266
Flax, Kent, ii. 114
Flemings, Pembr. iii. 553
Floating Island, Canarv. iii. 526
Friezes, Welch, manufactured in Salop,
iii. 53 ; in Wales" 485
Fullers-earth, Bedf. i. 165
Surrey, iii. 199
Fulling-mills, Monm. ii. 431
Fustians, Lane. ii. 190
Gardening, Surrey, iii. 200
Garlic, Cornwall, i. 301
Geat, Yorkshire, iii. 392
Gedding, Little, Hunts, ii. 97
Gentry, method [used in the Catalogue
of, i. 58 ; a double division of, 92.
See Contents, under the respective
Glass, Sussex, iii. 242
Gloucester Cathedral, i. 549
Glycyrize, Notts, ii. 568
Goats, in Wales, iii. 484
Golden Grove, Carmar. iii. 521
Greyhounds, Line. ii. 264
Grimthorp Hall, Line. ii. 266
Gubbings, The, Devon, i. 398
Gunpowder, Essex, i. 494
Guns, Sussex, iii. 24
GyldenVale, Heref. ii. 67
Haile- Weston Springs, Hunts, ii. 98
Hampton Court, Micld. ii. 312
Hanging Stone, Devon, i. 398
Hares, Camb. i. 222
Hatfield House, Herts, ii. 38
Helmet, Golden, found in Line, ii. 267
Hemp, Dorset, i. 452
Henry the Seventh's Chapel, Westmin-
ster, ii. 411
Hermit, Nameless, in Middlesex, ii. 325
Herrings, Devon, i. 395
Norf. ii. 445
Higre, The, GIouc. i. 550
Hinchinbrook House, Hunts, ii. 97
Hinton St. George House, Somer. iii. 90
History, on the writers on, i. 38
Hogs, Hants, ii. 3
Holdenby House, Northam. ii. 499
Holland, Line. ii. 261
Holt Castle, Denb.iii. 531
Honey, Hants, ii. 2
Hops, Essex, i. 493
Horses, Yorkshire, iii. 394
Montgom. iii. 548
Hounds, Line, ii. 264
Hurlers, The, Cornwall, i. 304
Hurtbei'ries, Devon, i. 396
Ireland, on the Lord Deputies of, i. 27
Iron, Salop, iii. 52
Sussex, iii. 239
Judges, on the names, &c. of, i. 28. See
Contents, in the respective Coun-
Kendal Cottons, Westm. iii. 302
Kenil worth Castle, Warw. iii. 268
Kimbolton Castle, Hunts, ii. 97
Knives, Yorkshire, iii. 395
Knot Grass, W^ilts, iii. 318.
Lake, wonderful, in Merioneth, iii. 545
Lampreys, Wore. iii. 358
Lansdowne Fight, Wilts, iii. 353
Lapis Caliminaris, Somerset, iii. 86
Larks, Bedf. i. 1 65
Law, on the writers on, 1. 34
Lead, Somerset, iii. 85
Derb. i. 365
Wales, iii. 483
Leamington Springs, Warw. iii. 271
Leather, tanning of, Midd. ii. 312
Lichfield Cathedral, iii. 125
Close, iii. 126
Lime, Yorkshire, iii. 394
Lincoln Cathedral, ii. 266
Liskeard, Cornwall, battle of, i. 331
London, Worthies of, ii, 333— 411
Long Melford, Sufl'olk, iii^ 160
Lord Chancellors, on the names &c. of,
i. 22
Lord Deputies of Ireland, on the names,
&c, of, i. 27
Lord Mayors of London, remarks on,
i. 56, For lists of, see Contents,
under the respective Counties.
Lord Treasurers, on tlie names, &c. of,
i. 24
Madder, Kent, ii. 114
Maim Tor, Derb. i. 368
Main Amber, Cornwall, i. 305
Malt, Bedf. i. 165
Derb. i. 365
Manchester Collegiate Church, ii. 190
Manufactures, on the, i 3. See Con-
tents , under the respective Counties.
Marcley Hill, Heref. ii. 70
Martyrs, on the names, &c. of, i. 12,
See Contents, under the respective
Mastiff's, Line. ii. 265
Somerset, iii. 87
IMear Llynsavathan, Breckn. iii. 513
Medicinal Herbs, on the, i. 8
Waters, on the, i, 4. See Con-
tents, under the respective Counties.
Melieneth, Radn, iii, 558
Memorable Persons, distinguishing cha-
racteristics of, i. 55. See Contents,
under the respective Counties.
Metheglin, drink of, in Wales, iii. 486
Mill-stones, Anglesea, iii. 506
Mines of Wales, iii. 482
Mint, The, London, ii. 337
Montague House, Somerset, iii. 88
Moss-troopers, Cumb. i. 339
Mounch-denny Kill, Breckn. iii. 512
Mount-Edgecomb, Cornwall, i. 303
Musicians, disquisition on, i. 39. See
Mustard, Glouc. i. 548
Nails, Staff, iii. 125
Names, on the alterations in the spelling
of, i. 70
Natural Commodities, on the, i. 3. See
Contents, under the respective Coun-
Navy Royal, Kent,'ii. 116
Needles, London, ii. 334
New Forest, Hants, ii. 1, 2
New-hall, Essex, i. 495
Newbury, Berks, battles of, i. 161
None- such Palace, Richmond, Surrey,
iii. 202
Oak, Glouc. i. 547
Wonderful, Hants, ii. 4
Oaks, Berks, i. 11 0
Glouc. i. 547
Oats, Lane. ii. 189
OfFa's Dyke, Wales, iii, 479
Okeham, Rutl. iii. 38
Omissions, apology for, i. 107
Organs, Denb. iii. 531
Osterley House, Midd. ii. 313
Otters, Breckn. iii. 512
Oxen, Lane. ii. 189
Oxford Library, iii. 4
University, iii. 3
Oysters, Essex, i. 493
Panegyric, Poetical, on Charles IL iii.
Paper, Camb. i. 123
Pearls, Cumb. i. 337
Perivale, Midd. ii. 311
Perry, Wore. iii. 359
Petrifying Spring, Northam. ii. 500
Well, Yorkshire, iii. 396
Petworth House, Sussex, iii. 243
Pheasants, Bucks, i. 193
Philology, on the Writers on, i. 37
Physic, on the Writers on, i. 35
Physicians. See Contents under the
respective Counties.
Pigeons, Northam. ii. 497
Pikes, Line. ii. 261
Pilchards, Cornwall, i. 301
Pimble-mear, Merion. iii. 545
Pins, Yorkshire, iii. 395
Pipe-clay, Dorset, i. 452
Pipes, Wilts, iii. 315
Pippins, Line. ii. 264
Pitchford Spi'ing, Salop, iii. 53
Popes, on the names, &c. of, i. 15
Precedency, plan of, i. 86
Prelates, on the names, &c. of, i. 20.
See Contents, under the respective
Princes, on the names, &c. of, i. 9. See
Contents, under the respective
Proverbs, Local, remarks on, i. 7. See
Contents, under the respective
Puets, Essex, i. 494
Qualifications, apology for, i. 82
Rabbits, Norf. ii. 444
Raihader Gowy, Radn. iii. 558
Ratcliffe Church, Bristol, iii. 115
Red Deer, Hants, ii. 2
" Reformation," mode of distin-
guishing Names "before" and
''since" the, i. 21,52, 54
•' REM." or " Remove," meaning of,
i. 84
Richmond Palace, Sui-rey, iii. 202
River, subterranean, Surrey iii. 203
Rochester Cathedral, Kent, ii. 115
Rose Castle, Cumb. i. 338
Roundway Fight, Wilts, iii. 354
Rowton-heath, Cheshire, battle of, i.
Saffron, Camb. i. 122
Essex, i. 492
Sain-foin, Kent, ii. 113
Saints, on the names of, &c. i. 1 1. See
Contents, under the respective
St. David's Cathedral, Pembr. iii. 553
St. Mungus's Well, Yorkshire, iii. 397
St. Paul's, London, ii. 335
St, Vincent's Well, Bristol, iii. 115
St. Werburg's Church, Chester, i. 290
Salisbury Cathedral, Wilts, iii. 316
Salmon, Heref. ii. 69
Salt, Cheshire, i. 263
Wore. iii. 359
Salt-petre, Northam. ii. 497
Schools and Colleges, on the founders
of, i. 44
Seamen, on the names, &c. of, i. 30.
See Contents, under the respective
Secretaries of State, on the names, &c.
of, i. 25
Serges, Somerset, iii. 88
Sheep, Bucks, i. ] 93
Warw. iii. 267
Sheriffs, on the office of, i. 60 ; on the
lists of, 62 ; on the arms of, 65. For
lists of, see Contents, under the
respective Counties.
ShireSjOnthe number of, inEngland,i. 72
Silver, Devon, i. 394
in Wales, iii. 481
Slate, Blue, Cornwall, i. 301
" S. N.'' meaning of, i. 84
Soap, Bristol, iii. 114
Soldiers, on the names, &c. of, i. 30.
See Contents, under the respective
Sommerly Hall, Suffolk, iii. 160
Springs, Medicinal, Yorkshire, iii. 396
Statesmen, on the names, &c. of, i.
22-27. See Contents, under the
respective Counties.
Steel, Glouc. i. 547
Stockings, Northamp. ii. 498
Stonehenge, Wilts, iii. 317
Stratton, Cornwall, battle of, i. 331
Strawberries, Devon, i. 396
Style and Matter, disquisition on the,
i. 99
Sulphur Well, Yorkshire, iii. 396
Surnames, on the alterations of, i. 70, 76
Talc, Sussex, iii. 239
Tamarisk, Midd. ii. 312
Tanning of Leather, Midd. ii. 312
Tapestry, Surrey, iii. 201
Tattershall, Line. ii. 266
Tenches, Dorset, i. 451
Theobalds, Herts, ii. 38
Thread, Kent, ii. 115
Tin, Cornwall, i. 302
— — Devon, i. 395
Trees, subterraneous, Anglesea, iii. 507
Trouts, Berks, i. Ill
Kent, ii. 113
Tobacco, Glouc. i. 546
Tobacco-pipes, Wilts, iii. 315
Tower, The, London, ii. 336
Tunbridge Water, Kent, ii. 120
Tutbury Castle, Staff, iii. 126
Unicorn's Horn, in the Tower of Lon-
don, ii. 338
Vitriolic Spring, Yorkshire, iii. 396
W, Y.
Wales, account of, iii. 477 et seq.
Wardrobe of the Tower of London , ii-
Warwick, St. Mary's Church in, iii. 268
Water, of Brecknockshire, peculiarity
of, iii. 513
Wax, Hants, ii. 3
Weald, The, Kent, ii. ill
Weld, Kent, ii. 113
Well, wonderful, at Newton, Glamorg.
iii. 542
Wellingborough Well, Northam. ii. 500
Wells Cathedral, Somerset, iii. 89
Welch Friezes, manufactured in Salop,
iii. 53 ; in Wales 485
WestiBinster, Worthies of, ii. 411-428
Abbey, Midd. ii. 411
Hall, Midd. ii. 412
Wheat, Midd.ii. 310
WTieat-ears, Sussex, iii. 240
Wild Fowl, Line. ii. 261
Willows, Camb. i. 122
Winchester Cathedral, Hants, ii. 4
Windsor Castle, Berks, i. 112
Wine, Glouc. i. 548
Withorpe House, Northam. ii. 499
Woad, Somerset, iii. 86
Wockey Hole, Somerset, iii. 90
Woodstock, Oxford, iii. 5
Women of Lancashire, ii. 191
Wonders, on the, i. 5. See Contents,
under the respective Counties.
Wood, Oxford, iii. 2
Wool, Heref. ii. 68
Wilts, iii. 314
Worcester Cathedral, iii. 360
Fight, iii. 383.
Works, Topographical. See Conclusion
of each County.
Worsteds, Norf. ii. 445
Worthies, why arranged according to
Counties, i. 73
how ranked, i. 85, 99
Wrexham Church, Denb. iii. 531
Writers, on the names and arrange-
ment of, i. 37 ; on the Common
Law, 28; on the Canon and Civil
Law, 34 ; on Physic, 3-5 ; on Che-
mistry, 36 ; on Chirurgery, ib. ; on
Philology and Divinity, 37 ; on His-
tory, 38 ; on Music, 39 ; Romish
Exile, 42. See Contents, under
the respective Counties.
York Cathedral, iii. 460
*»• Those marked thus • have flourished since the time of Fuller, and have betn superadded
by the Editor.
Aaron, St., Monm. ii. 433
* Abbot, Charles, first lord Colchester,
Berks, i. 162
George, bishop, Surrey, iii. 210
Robert, bishop, Surrey, iii. 209
Achley, Sir Roger, Salop, iii. 66
Acton, John, Midd. ii. 324
Ralph, Midd. ii. 324
Adams, Sir Thomas, Salop, iii. 67
William, Kent, ii. 145
William, Salop, iii. 67
* William, Salop, iii. 82
*Addington, Dr. Stephen, Northam.
* Sir William, Northam. ii. 538
* Addison, Launcelot, dean, Westm. iii. ■
* Joseph, Wilts, iii. 354
Adelme, St., Wilts, iii. 320
Aderson, Sir Edmund, Line. ii. 287
Agelnoth, St., Kent, ii. 130
*Aikin, Dr. John, Leic ii. 258
*Ains\vorth, Robert, Lane. ii. 220
Ainulphus, St., Bedf. i. 168
*Akenside, Dr. Mark, Northum. ii. 565
Alablaster, William, SufFolk, iii. 185
Alan, WiDiam, cardinal, Lane. ii. 194
Alban, St., Herts, ii. 41
Albinus, Flaccus, Yorkshire, iii, 461
Albricius of London, ii. 373
Alcocke, John, Yorkshire, iii. 438
Aldersey, William, Chester, i. 295
Aldicheleia, Henry de, Staff, iii. 144
Aldrich, Robert, Bucks, i. 198
Alfred, King, Berks, i. 135
Alkmund, St., Derb. i. 368
*Allam, Andrew, Oxf. iii. 35
*Allen, Thomas, Norf. ii. 492
* Thomas, Stafford, iii. 137
*Allestree, Richard, Salop, iii. 82
Alley, William, Bucks, i. 199
Allin, Edward, London, ii. 385
Rose, Essex, i. 502
*Abney, Sir Thomas, Derb. i. 391
Alphonse, son of Edward I. , Berks,i.l 22
Alrike, St., Cumb. i. 341
*Alsop, Vincent, Northam. ii. 538
Altham, James, Essex, i. 543
Alton, William, Hants, ii. 1 7
Amersham, John, Bucks, i. 205
*Ames, Joseph, Norf. ii. 492
* Amherst, Jeffrey lord, Kent, ii. 185
*Amhurst, Nicholas, Kent, ii. 185
*Amory, Dr. Thomas, Somerset, iii. 121
Amphibalus, St., Monm. ii. 433
Anderson, . . . ., Northum. ii. 553
* George, Bucks, i. 219
Anderton, . . . ., Lane. ii. 211
* Andrews, James Petti t, Berks, i. 162
• Lancelot, bishop, London, ii. 358
— — Thomas, Northam. ii. 536
Angervile, Richard, bishop, Suffolk,
iii. 166
Anglicus, Laurentius, London, iii. 374
Richardus, London, ii. 371
Anne, dau. of Charles I. Westminster
ii. 419
*Anson, George lord, Staff, iii. 156
*Anstey, Christopher, Wilts, iii. 354
*Anstis, John, Cornwall, i. 335
Applebie, Sir Edmond, Leic. ii. 242
Appleby, Roger de, bishop, Westm.
iii. 304.
Thomas de, bishop, Westm. iii.
*Aram, Eugene, Yorkshire, iii. 469
Archer, Sir Simon, Warw. iii. 297
*Argyle, Archibald duke of Surrey, iii.
* John, Surrey, iii. 236
*Arkwright, Sir Richard, Lane. ii. 221
Arthur, king, Cornwall, i. 311
son of Henry VIL Hants, ii. 6
Arundel, J. bishop, Cornwall, i. 310
John, Cornwall, i. 312
Sir John, Cornwall, i. 328
Arundell, Thomas, bishop, Sussex, iii.
Asaph, St., Flintshire, iii. 538
Ascham, Roger, Yorkshire, jii. 430
Ascough, William, bishop. Line. ii. 274
*Ashbridge, John, Derb. i. 391 bis.
Ashburne, Tho. Derb. i. 376
Ashburnham, Sir John, Surrey, iii. 233
*Ashmole, Eliaf, Staff, iii. 138, 156
*Ashton, Dr. Charles, Derb. i. 391
Sir Thomas de. Lane. ii. 215
*Ashworth, Caleb, Northam. ii. 538
* Askew, Anthony, North um. ii. 565
* Dr. Anthony, Westm. iii. 312
Askewe, Anne, Line. ii. 271
Askine, Thomas, Berks, i. 126
*Assheton, Dr. William, Lane. ii. 221
*AstIe, Thomas, Staff, iii. 156
*Astley, Philip, Staff, iii. 156
Aston, John de, Staff, iii. 145
*Atkyns, Sir Robert, Glouc. i. 581
*Atterbury, Francis, bishop, Bucks, i.
* Lewis, Bucks, i. 21&
Atwell, , Cornwall, i. 313
*Aubrey, John, W ilts, iii. 355
Audley, Edmund, bishop, Staff, iii. 137
• James lord, Devon, i. 413
Sir Thomas, Essex, i. 507
Aylmer, John, bishop, Norf. ii. 447
*Ayloffe, Sir Joseph, Sussex, iii. 266
*Ayre, Giles, Bucks, i. 219
Ayrmin, William, bishop, Line. ii. 272
*Ayscough, Samuel, Notts, ii. 583
Bacon, Sir Francis, Westm. ii. 422
* John, Surrey, iii. 236
* Josiah, Surrey, iii. 236
Sir Nicholas, Suffolk, iii. 173, 195
* Dr, Phannel, Berks, i. 162
Robert, Oxf. iii. 19
Baconthorp, John, Norf. ii. 458
Bailby, John, London, ii. 355
*Badcock, Samuel, Devon, i. 448
Badew, Richard, Essex, i. 520
*Bage, Robert, Derb. i. 391
Bagnols, family of the. Staff, iii. 134
*Bagshaw', William, Derb. i. 391
Baines, Ralph, bishop, Yorkshire, iii.
Baitman, William, Norf. ii. 490
*Baker, Sir Richard, Kent, ii. 185
Sir Richard, Oxf. iii. 22
* Thomas, Durham, i. 490
* Thomas, Somerset, iii. 121
Baldock, Ralph, bishop, Herts, ii. 43
Bale, John, bishop, Suffolk, iii. 169
*Balguy, John, Yorkshire, iii. 490
Balle, John, Oxf. iii. 23
Balsham, Hugo de, Camb. i. 241
Bambridge, Christopher, cardinal,
Westm. iii. 303
Bamfield, Am-as, Devon, i. 441
Bancroft, John, bishop, Oxf. iii. 14
— Richard, bishop. Lane. ii. 199
Bankinus, of London, ii. 375
Banks, Sir John, Cumb. i. 344
Barington, Thomas, Essex, i. 523
*Barker, Edmund Henry, Yorkshire, iii.
* Matthew, Northam. ii. 538
* Robert, Derb. i. 391 bis.
* Thomas, Rutland, iii. 51
Barkham, John, Devon, i. 447
Barkinsr, Adam of, Essex, i. 516
Richard de, bishop, Essex, i.
*Barksdale, Clement, Glouc. i. 581
*Barlow, Dr. Thomas, Westm. iii. 312
William, bishop, Sussex, iii. 299
*Barnard, Sir John, Berks, i. 162
Barnes, Juliana, London, ii. 376
Richard, bishop, Lane. ii. 197
* Dr. Thomas, Lane. ii. 221
Barnet, John, bishop, Herts, ii. 44
Barnston, Dr. John, Cheshire, i. 281
Barnyngham, John, Suffolk, iii. 84
*Baron, Richard, Yorkshire, iii. 470
Barret, John, Norf. ii. 462
Thomas, Essex, i. 528
Valentine, Kent, ii. 176
Barry, Gulielmus, Kent, ii. 175
*Bartlett, Benjamin, Yorkshire, iii. 470
*Barwick, Dr. John, Westm. iii. 312
* Peter, Westm. iii. 312
Bash, Sir Edward, Herts, ii. 58
Basingstoke, John of, Hants, ii. 16
Baskervil, Richardus de, Heref. ii. 86
Baskerville, Sir James, Heref. ii. 94
* John, Wore. iii. 389
Basket, John, Berks, i. 154
John, Wilts, iii. 135
Thomas, Dorset, i. 457
*Bassano, Francis, Derb. i. 391
Basset John, Cornwall, i. 329
Richardus, Bedf. i. 178
Bastal, William, London, ii. 367
*Bateman, Sir Hugh, Derb. i. 391
*Bathurst, Right Hon. C.B. Glouc, i.
* Dr. Ralph, Northam. ii. 538
Battle, abbot of, Sussex, iii. 252
*Baty, Richard, Cumb. i. 362
Baud, Walter de, Essex, i. 532
*Baxter, Richard, Salop, iii. 82
* William, Salop, iii. 82
Baynam, James, Glouc. i. 553
Bayning, Sir Paul, Essex, i. 543
Beach, Phil, de la, Berks, i. 147
Beauchamp, Anne, Oxf. iii. 10
Richard, bishop, Berks, i. 128
Beaufort, Margaret, Bedf. i. I67
Beavois, , Hants, ii. 14
Becket, Thomas a, London, ii. 353
Beckington, Thomas, bishop, Somerset,
iii. 95
*Beddoes, Thomas, Salop, iii. 82
Bede, Venerable, Durham, i. 478
*Bedingfield, Sir Robert, Suffolk, iii. 196
*Beechey, Sir William, Oxf. iii. 35
Beigny, John de, Devon, i. 426
Belgrave, Richard, Leic. ii. 235
Belknap, Sir Robert, Leic. ii. 233
Bellasis, Henry, Yorkshire, iii. 456
Bellingham, Sir Edward, Westm. iii.
*Bell, John, Cumb. i. 362
Thomas, Glouc. i. 566
*Beloe, William, Norf. ii. 492
*Benbow, John, Salop, iii, 83
Bendysh, Thomas, Essex, i. 528
Benet, Robert, Berks, i. 127
*Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy, Somerse
iii. 121
*Benn, William, Cumb. i. 362
*Bennet, Dr. Thomas, Wilts, iii. 355
* William, Derb. i. 391
Benion, Thomas, Somerset, iii. 116
Beno, St., Flintshire, iii. 538
*Bentham, Edward, Camb. i. 260
* James, Camb. i. 261
* Jeremy, Westmin. ii. 428
Thomas, bishop, Yorkshire, iji.
*Bentley, Dr. Richard, Yorkshire, iii.
Bere, Sir Richard de la, Heref. ii. 94
Berkeley, Gilbert, bishop, Norf. ii. 447
*BerkeDhout, Dr. John, Yorkshire, iii.
*Bernard, Edward, Northam. ii. 539
*Bernardi, Major John, Wore. iii. 389
*Berriman, "William, Oxf. iii. 35
Bertelin, St., Staff. iii> 128
Berty, Peregrine, Line. ii. 282
*Beveridge, William, bishop, Leic. ii.
Beverley, Alphred of, Yorkshire, iii.
John of, St., Yorkshire, iii. 402
*Bewick, John, Northum. ii. 565
Bickley, Thomas, Bucks, i. 299
*Biddulph, Thomas, Tregenna, Corn-
wall, i. 335
*Bidlake, John, Devon, i. 448
Bigot, Sir Francis, Yorkshire, iii. 429
Billing, Sir Thomas de, Northam. ii.
*Billingsley, John, Derb. i. 391
Bilson, Thomas, bishop, Hants, ii. 1 1
*Bingham, George, Dorset, i. 475
* Joseph, Yorkshire, iii. 470
Sir Richard, Dorset, i. 457
*Bingley, William, Yorkshire, iii. 470
Bird, John, Warw. iii. 278
*Birkenhead, Sir John, Cheshire, i. 297
Birlington, John of, St., Yorkshire, iii.
*Biscoe, John, Bucks, i. 219
Biscop, Benedict, Yorkshire, iii. 401
Bishop, William, Warw. iii. 288
Biss, Philip, Somerset, iii. 107
*Blackmore, Sir Richard, Wilts, iii. 355
*Blackwall, Anthony, Derb. i. 391
*Blakeway, John Brickdall, Salop, iii.
*Blair, William, Suffolk, iii. 196
[ Blanche, dau. of Edw. I. Berks, i. 122
Blaunpayn, Michael,'' Cornwall, i. 315
*Blay, John, Notts, ii". 583
*Blencowe, Sir John, Northam. ii. 539
* William, Northam. ii. 539
*Bloomfield, Robert, Suffolk, iii. 196
*Blore, Mrs. Dorothy, Derb. i. 391
* Thomas, Derb. i. 391
*Blount, Thomas, Heref. ii. 96
* — — Thomas, Wore. iii. 389
*Blow, John, Notts, ii. 583
Bloxham, John, Line, ii, 288
Blundell, Peter, Devon, i. 424
*Boaden, James, Cumb. i. 362
*Bohun, Edmund, Suffolk, iii. 196
Bois, Dr. John, Kent, ii. 155
Boise, John, Suffolk, iii. 187
Boleyn, Sir William, Kent, ii. 178
*BoHngbroke, Henry St. John, Visct.
Surrey, iii. 236
Bollen, Anna, London, ii. 351
Godfrey, Norf. ii. 463
Bolton, Robert, Lane. ii. 207
Utred, Wales, iii. 500
*Bond, William, Suffolk, iii. 196
Bone, Edward, Cornwall, i. 319
Bongey, Cornelius, Warw. iii. 275
Boniface, Wenfride, St. Devon, i. 400
Bonner, Edmund, bishop, Wore. iii.
*Booth, Abraham, Derb. i. 391
* Barton, Lane. ii. 221
John, bishop, Cheshire, i. 268
Laurence, bishop, Cheshire, i. 267
William, bishop. Cheshire, i. 267
*Boothby, Miss Hill, Derb. i. 391
* Sir Brook, Derb. i. 391
Borde, Andrew, London, ii. 372
*Borlase, William, Cornwall, i. 335
*Boscawen, Edward, Cornwall, i. 335
Bosham, Herbert de, cardinal, Sussex,
iii. 244
Boso, Cardinal, Herts, ii. 42
Botlesham, William of, bishop, Camb.
i. 229
*Bott, Thomas, Derb. i. 391
* William, Derb. i. 391
*Botterley, John, Suffolk, iii. 196
Bottiller, Philip, Essex, i. 541
^Boucher, Jonathan, Cumb. i. 362
Boulton, Matthew, Warw. iii. 299
Bourchier, John, Herts, ii. 53
Henry earl of Essex, i. 526
Thomas bishop of Worcester,
Essex, i. 503
*Bourne, Samuel, Derb. i. 391
*Bowen, James, Salop, iii. 83
* John, Salop, iii. 83
Bowes, George, Yorkshire, iii. 456
*Bowles, William, Wore. iii. 389
Bowyer, Sir William, Staff, iii. 155
*Boydell, John, Staff, iii. 156 ■
*Boyle, Charles earl of Orrery, West-
min. ii. 428
Boys, David, Wales, iii. 501
* William, Kent, ii. 185_
*Boyse, Joseph, Yorkshire, iii. 470
*Bradbury, Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 470
Bradfield, John de, bishop, Berks, i.
Bradford, John, Lane. ii. 193
*Bradley, James, Glouc. i. 581
Bradshaw, Sir Henry, Chesh. i. 272
Henry, Chester, i. 293
Bradwardine, Thomas archbishop of
Canterbury, Heref. ii. 75
Thomas, bishop, Sussex, iii. 246
*Brady, Dr. Robert, Norf. ii. 492
*Brathwaite, Rich. Westmin. iii. 312
Brakenbury,SirRichardus,Kent, ii. 1/8
Bramstone, Sir John, Essex, i. 511
*Brand, John, Northum, ii. 565
*Branwhite, Peregrine, Suffolk, iii. 196
Brassy, Robert, Cheshire, i. 279
Braundsford, Wulstan of, bishop,
Wore. iii. 362
Bray, John, Cornwall, i. 319
Braybrook, Henry de, Bedf. i. 179
Robert de, Bedf. i. 179
Braybrooke, Robert, bishop, Northam.
ii. 505
Breantee, Fulco de, Berks, i. 146
Brent, Fulkede, Midd. ii. 321
*Brereton, Thomas, Cheshire, i. 297
Breton, John, bishop, Heref. ii. 73
William, Wales, iii. 500
Brewer, Willielmus, Devon, i. 431
William, bishop, Devon, i. 404
Brewerton, Sir John, Cheshire, i. 280
Brierwood, Edward, Chester, i. 294
Briewere, Willielmus, Berks, i. 145
Bright, Henry, Wore. iii. 376
Brightman, William, Notts, ii. 575
* William, Notts, ii. 583
Bristol, Ralph of, bishop, Som. iii. 116
Bristow, Robert, Wore. iii. 373
Brito, William de, Kent, ii. 167
*Broklesby, Dr. Richard, Somerset,
iii. 121
Broke, Sir Robert, Suffolk, iii. 177
*Brokesby, F,, Leic. ii. 258
Bromfieet, Henry, Yorkshire, iii. 453
Bromley, John, Staff, iii. 133
Sir Thomas, Salop, iii. 60
Sir Thomas, Staff, iii. 133
Bronscombe, Walter, bishop, Devon,
Brooke, Sir David, Somerset, iii. 97
* John Charles, Yorkshire, iii. 470
*Broome, William, Cheshire, i. 297
Broughton, Hugh, Wales, iii. 502
Richard, Hunts, ii. 106
*Brown, Dr. John, Northum. ii. 565
* Dr. Joseph, Cumb. i. 362
Matthew, Surrey,- iii. 234
Stephen, Northum. ii. 551
Walter, London, ii. 392
Browne, Christopher, Rutl. iii. 50
* Dr. Edward, Norf. ii. 492
Isaac Hawkins, Westmin,.42S
* Isaac Hawkins, Staff, iii. 56
* Simon, Somerset, iii. 121
William, Rutl. iii. 39
* Sir William, Norf. ii.492
Brudenell, Edmund, Northam. ii. 535
Bruse, Giles de, bishop, Breckn. iii. 515
Brute, Walter, Wales, iii. 490
Bruyn, Maurice, Essex, i. 526
*Bryant, Jacob, Devon, i. 449
*Bx-ydal, John, Somerset, iii. 121
*Brydges, Sir Egerton, Kent, ii. 186
Brytannus, Gualo, Wales, iii. 499
Buckbridge, John, Wilts, iii. 327
*Buckeridge, Theophilus, Staff, iii. 156
♦Buckingham, Owen, Bucks, i. 219
Bulkley, Arthur, bishop, Anglesea, iii.
Lancelot, archbishop, Aglesea, iii.
*Bull,George, bishop, Somerset, iii. 122
*Buller, Sir Francis, Cornwall, i. 335
* William, bishop, Cornw. i. 335
Bullock, Henry, Berks, i. 133
*Bulmer, William, Northum. ii. 565
Bulstrod, Edward, Bucks, i. 217
Bulstrode, Edward, Bucks, i. 203
*Bunyan, John, Bedf. iii. 191
*Burdet, Sir Thomas, Leic. ii. 253
*Burdon, William, Northum. ii. 566
Burgaynie, William, Cheshire, i. 297
Burge, Lord Thomas, Line. ii. 278
* Sir Thomas, Line. ii. 308
Burgess, bishop, Hants, ii. 35
Burgo, Hubert de, Kent, ii. 167
*Burgoin, William, Devon, i. 425
*Burkitt, William, Northam. ii. 539
* William, Suffolk, iii. 196
Burn, Dr. Rich., Westm. iii. 312
*Burnal, Robert, bishop, Salop, iii. 57
*Burney, Dr. Charles, Salop, iii. 83
Sir Charles, Norf. ii. 492
*Burozo, Hubert de, Kent, ii. 167
*Burton, Dr. Nicholas, Derb. i. 391
* John, Devon, i. 449
*- Dr. John, Yorkshire, iii. 470,
■ Robert, Leic. ii. 239
Robert, Staff, iii. 138
William, Leic. ii. 238
William, Staff, iii. 138
*Burwash, Henry bishop, Sussex, iii. 248
Bury, Boston of. Line. ii. 288
John of, Suffolk, iii. 184
*Busby, Richard, Line. ii. 309
*Butler, Alban, Northam. ii. 539
Charles, Hants, ii. 20
* Joseph, bishop, Berks, i. 162
Sir Ralph, Glouc. i. 557
* Samuel, Wore. iii. 389
William, Suffolk, iii. 180
*Butt, George, Staff, iii. 156
*Buxton, Jedediah, Derb. i. 392
*Byam, Dr. Henry, Somerset, iii. 122
Byfield, Nicholas, Warw. iii. 286
*Byng, Adm. John, Bedf. iii. 191
* George, first Vicount Torrington,
Kent, ii. 186
*Byrom, John, Lane. ii. 221
Cadock, St., Breck.iii. 514
Caducanus, bishop, Wales, iii. 494
Caesar, Sir Julius, Midd. ii. 326
Caius, John, Norf. ii. 490
Calenius, Gwalterus, Wales, iii. 499
Calvely, Sir Hugh, Cheshire,!. 274'
Calvert, Sir George, Yorkshire, iii. 417
*Calvert, James, Yorkshire, iii. 470
* Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 470
Campian, Edmund, London, ii. 3S2
♦Canning, Right Hon. Geo., Westmin.
ii. 428
Canoch, St., Breckn. iii. 514
Canon, John, Cumb. i.345
Canterbury, Osbern of, Kent, ii. 183
Cantilupe, Thos. St. Heref. ii. 71
Walter, cardinal, Monm. ii. 435
Canutus, Robert, Wilts, iii. 333
Capel, Arthur, Herts, ii. 55
Richard, Glouc. i. 563
*Capell, Edward, Suffolk, iii. 196
Richard, Glouc. i. 563
Sir William, Suffolk, iii. 190
* Capon, Vrilliam, Norf. ii. 492
*Cappe, Newcome, Yorkshire, iii. 470
Car, Sir Robert, Yorkshire, iii. 466
Garden, Sir Thomas, Surrey, iii. 235
Careles, John, Warw. iii. 2^5
*Carew, Ban- fylde Moore, Devon, i. 449
Sir Nicholas, Surrey, iii. 234
. Sir Peter, Devon, i. 440
Richard, Corn. i. 317
*Carey, Dr. William, Northam. ii. 539
Carleton, George, bishop, Northum. ii.
Sir Dudley, Oxford, iii. 15
Carlisle, Walter, bishop of, Cumb. i.
*Carlyle, Joseph Dacre, Cumb. i. 362
Carne, Sir Edward, Glamoig. iii, 542
Carpenter, John, bishop, Glouc. i. 555
* lord George, Heref. ii. 96
Nathaniel, Devon, i. 424
*Carrington, N. T. Devon, i. 449
*Carson, Will am, Derb. i. 392
*Carte, Samuel, Warw. iii. 299
* Thomas, Warw. iii. 299
*Carter, Elizabeth, Kent, ii. 186
*Cartwright, major John, Notts, ii. 583
Thomas, Herts, ii. 54
Gary, Henry viscount Falkland, Herts,
ii. 46
James, bishop, Devon, i, 406
Sir Henry, Herts, ii. 47
Sir John, Devon, i. 410
Valentine, bishop, Northum. ii.
*Caslon, William, Salop, iii. 83
*Castell, Edmund, Camb. i. 261
Castleford, Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 426
Catelin, Sir Robert, Leic. ii. 233
Catesbye, Sir William, Northam. ii. 510
Cathrope, Sir Philip, Norfolk, ii. 482
*Cave, Edward, Warw. iii. 291
* — — William, Leic. ii, 258
Cavendish, John, Suffolk, iii. 189
Sir John, Suffolk, iii. 177
Thomas, Suffolk, iii, 179
* William, first duke of Newcastle,
Yorkshire, iii 470
Cecil, Jane, Line. ii. 293
William, Line. ii. 279
Cecill, David, Northam. ii, 534
Sir Thomas, Northam. ii. 536
Cecily, daughter of Edward IV. West-
min, ii. 415
*Centlivre, Susannah, Line. ii. 309
Chaderton, Lawrence, Lane ii. 208
William, bishop, Cheshire, i. 269
*Chafin, William, Dorset, i. 475
Chaleton, Thomas, Midd. ii. 329
*Chamberlayne, Edward, Glouc. i. 5S1
* Chambers, Ephraim, Westm. iii. 312
* Sir Robert, Northum- ii, 566
Chamnee, Maurice, London, ii. 382
Chamond, Richard, Cornwall, i. 329
Champneis, Sir John, Somerset, iii. 108
^Chandler, Mary, Wilts, iii. 355
* Samuel, Wills, iii. 355
*Chapman, John, Dorset, i. 475
* John, Hants, ii. 35
Peter, Berks, i. 136
*Chapone, Esther, Northam. ii. 539
Chappell, William, bishop, Notts, ii.
Charles II., Herts, ii. 129 ; Westmin.
ii. 415
*Charleton, Dr. Walter, Somerset, iii.
*Charlton, Lionel, Northvim. ii. 566
Charnock, Thomas, Kent, ii. 153
Cha^e, Thomas, Bedf. i. 168
Chatham, William Pitt, earl of, Wilts,
iii. 356
*Chatterton, Thomas, Glouc. i. 581
Chaucer, Jeffrey, Oxf. iii. 20
Thomas, Berks, i. 152
*Chauncey, Sir Henry, Herts, ii. 65
*Chauncy, Isaac, Herts, ii. 65
Sir William, Northam. ii. 537
Chedworth, John, bishop, Glouc. i. 555
Cheeke, Sir John, Camb. i. 234
Cheney, Sir Francis, Bucks, i. 218
Thomas, Kent, ii. 179
Willielmus, Kent, ii. 178
Cherington, David, Wilts, iii. 340
*Cheselden, William, Leic. ii. 258
Chesill, John de, 1-ishop, Essex, i. 504
Chester, Roger of, i. 293
*Chesterton, Dr. Thomas, Norf. ii. 492
Chttham. Humphrey, Lane. ii. 214
*Chetwood, Knightley, Bucks, i. 219
Chichely, Henry, Northum. ii. 518
Chichester, Sir Arthur, Devon, i. 409
Richard, Devon, i. 422
Robert, bishop, Devon, i. 403
Chichley, Henry, cardinal, Northam.
ii. 504
Child, , Devon, i.426
Chillingworth, William, Oxf. iii. 23
Chirbury, David of, Salop, iii. 64
*Chishull, Edmund, Bedf. iii. 191
Cholmley, Sir Roger, Yorkshire, iii.
Cholmly, Sir Hugh, Cheshire, i. 288
*Cholmondeley, Hugh, dean of Chester,
Cheshire, i. 297
Christmas, John. Essex, i. 542
Christopherson, John, bishop, Lane,
ii. 196
*Chubb, Thomas, Wilts, iii. 355
Chune, Thomas, Sussex, iii. 258
*Churchill, John, duke of Marlborough ,
Devon, i. 449
* Sir Winston, Dorset, i. 4 75
Churchyard, Thomas, Salop, iii. 65
Chylmark, John, Wilts, iii. 334
*Clapham, Samuel, Yorkshire, iii. 470
Clare, Elizabeth, Suffolk, iii. 187
Richard de, Monm. ii. 435
Clark, Richard, Dorset, i. 458
* Samuel, Norfolk, ii. 492
*Clarke, Edward, Sussex, iii. 266
* Dr. Edw. Daniel, Westmin.ii.428
George, Lane. ii. 214
Sir John, Northam. ii. 534
* Matthew, Salop, iii. 83
* Samuel, Warw. iii. 299
* Dr. Samuel, Northam. ii. 539
William, Oxf. iii. 84
* ■ William, Salop, iii. 83
*Clarkson, David, Yorkshire, iii. 470
Claudianus, Osbernus, Glouc. i. 559
Cleark, Francis, Bedf. i. 173
*Cleaver, Euseby, archbishop of Dublin,
Bucks, i. 219
* William, bishop of St. Asaph,
Bucks, i. 219
* Gierke, Gilbert, Rutland, iii. 51
Cleveland, John, Leic. ii. 240
*Clifford, Arthur, Staff, iii. 156
Francis, Yorkshire, iii. 456
George, earl of Cumberland,
Yorkshire, iii. 419
Richard, bishop of London, Heref.
ii. 75
Richard, Kent, ii. 133
Clifton, Sir Jarvasius, Camb. i. 260
Clintanke, St. Breckn. iii. 515
*Clive, lord Robert, Salop, iii. 83
Clopton, Hugh, Warw. iii. 290
Close, Nicholas, bishop, Westm. iii. 304
Clough, Richard, Flintshire, iii. 540
*Clutterbuck, Robert, Herts, ii. 65
Clytford, Anne, Westm. iii. 310
Clyvedon, Katharine, Glouc. i. 565
*Coates, Charles, Berks, i. 162
Cobberley, Thomas Berkeley de, Glouc.
i. 572
*Cobbett, William, Surrey, iii. 236
Coberly, Alice, Wilts, iii. 322
William, Wilts, iii. 332
Cobham, Eleanor, Surrey, iii. 206
Cock, ...., Devon, i. 418
Henry, Herts, ii. 63
*Cockain, Sir Aston, Derb. i. 392
*Cogan, Dr. Thomas, Northam. ii. 539
Cogshall, Ralph of, Essex, i. 516
Coke, Sir Edward, Bucks, i. 217
■ Sir Edward, Norf. ii. 451
* Sir William, Derb. i. 392
Cokeyn, Sii- John, Berks, i. I69
2 p 2
Cole, Thomas, Berks, i. 136
* William, Camb. i. 261
^Coleridge, S. T., Devon, 1.449
*Coles, Elisha, Northam. ii. 539
Collet, William, Camb. i. 242
* Collier, John, Lane. ii. 221
CoUington. John, Somerset, iii. 106
*Collingvvood, Cuthbert, Northum. ii.
* Dr. Thomas, Northum. ii. 566
Collins, Samuel, Bucks, i. 209
* William, Sussex, iii. 266
*Collinson, John, Wilts, iii. 355
*Colls, John Henry, Norfolk, ii. 492
*Colman, George, Westmin. iii. 428
*Colston, Edward, Glouc, i. 581
Colton, John, Norf. ii. 459
*Combe, Charles, Westmin. ii. 428
* Taylor, Westmin. ii. 428
Comin, John, cardinal. Wore. iii. 361
*Compton, Henry, bishop, Warw. iii. 299
Sir William, Wore. iii. 379
Congelius, St., Flintshire, iii. 537
*Congreve. William, Yorkshire, iii. 470
* Sir William, Staff, iii. 136
Conisby, Thomas, Herts, ii. 64
Sir Thomas, Heref. ii. 95
Constantine, St., Essex, i. 500
Conway, Sir Edward, Warw. iii. 280
*Conybeare, John, bishop of Bristol,
Devon, i. 449
* Rev. J. J., Westmin. ii. 428
*Cook, Anthony, Northum. ii. 566
Sir Anthony, Essex, i. 509
Sir Thomas, Suffolk, iii. 190
Cooke, George, bishop, Derb. i. 371
Sir John, Derb. i. 371
* Thomas, Essex, i. 545
*Cooper, Anthony Ashley, earl of Shafts-
bury, Dorset, i. 475
* John Gilbert, Notts, ii. 583
Coppinger, William, Suffolk, iii. 188
*Corbet, John, Glouc. i. 581
' Richard, bishop, Surrey, iii. 211
Cordal, Sir William, Suffolk, iii. 188
Coren, Hugh, bishop, Westm. iii. 305
Coriat, Thomas, Somerset, iii. 108
Cornwall, Brian, Staff, iii. 154
Godfrey of, Cornwall, i. 316
John of, Cornwall, i. 314
Sir John, Salop, iii. 80
Richard, Heref. ii. 94
Cosen, John, bishop, Durham, i. 483
*Cosin, John, bishop, Norf. ii. 492
Dr. Richard, Durham, i. 484
*Costard, George, Salop, iii. 83
* Cotes, Jonathan, Derb. i. 392
* Roger, Leic. ii. 258
*Cotterell, Sir Charles, Line. ii. 309
Cottington, Sir Francis, \Vilts, iii. 329
*Cotton, Charles, Staff, iii. 156,
Henry, bishop, Hants, ii. 11
Sir Robert, Hants, ii. 104
Sir Rowland, Salop, iii. 82
Thomas, Camb. i. 267
Cotton, William, bishop, London, ii. 358
*Coughran,Geo. Northum. ii. 566
Coupeland, John, Northum. ii. 556
Courcy, John, baron, Somerset, iii. 99
Courtney, Peter, bishop, Devon, i, 407
Richard, bishop, Devon, i. 405
William, Devon, i. 402
Coventry, Sir Thomas, Wore. iii. 365
Vincent of, Warw iii. 282
Walter of, Warw. iii. 281"
William of, Warw. iii. 282
Coverdale, Miles, bishop, Yorkshire,
iii. 411
*Coward, William, Hants, ii. 35
Cowel, John, Devon, i. 420
*Cowley, Hannah, Devon, i. 449
* Thomas, Line. ii. 309
*Cowper, William, Cheshire, i. 297
* William, Herts, ii. 65
Cox, Richard, Bucks, i. 199
*Coxe, ...., archdeacon, Westmin. ii.
*Crabbe, George, Suffolk, iii. 197
*Cradock, Joseph, Leic. ii. 258
*Craggs, James, Durham, i. 490
Crakenthorp, Dr. Richard, Cumb. i.
Crane, John, Camb. i. 242
Cranfield, Lyonel, London, ii. 366
Cranford, James, Warw. iii. 288
Cranley, Thomas, bishop, Surrey, iii.
Cranmer, Thomas, Notts, ii. 570
*Cranwell, Luke, Leic. ii. 258
♦Craven, Dr. William, Yorkshire, iii. 470
*Creech, Thomas, Dorset, i. 475
*Cressey, Hugh Paulin de, Yorkshire, iii,
Crew, Randal, Cheshire, i. 282
Sir Randal, Cheshire, i. 273
*Croft, William, Warw. iii. 299
Crofts, Thomas, Suffolk, iii. 195
Croke, John, Bucks, i. 216
Cromwel, Thomas, iii. 211
*Cromwell, Henry, Hunts, ii. 110
Sir Henry, Camb. i. 260
Sir Oliver, Hunts, ii. 107
Richard, Hunts, ii. 110
Thomas, Camb. i. 257
Crook, Sir George, Bucks, i. 202
*Crosby, Brass, Durham, i. 490
*Crosse, Robert, Somerset, iii. 122
Crouland, Roger of, Line, ii 286
*Crowder, John, Bucks, i. 219
* Crowe, William, Hants, ii. 35
Crowley, Robert, Northam. ii. 616
Crowmer, Willielmus, Kent, ii. 177
*Croxhall, Dr. Samuel, Surrey, iii. 236
Cud worth, Ralph, Lane. ii. 208
* Ralph, Somerset, iii. 122
Cuffe, Henry, Somerset, iii. 103
Culie, Bartholomew, Leio. ii. 235
*Cullum, Rev. Sir John, Suffolk, iii. 197
*Cumberland, Richard, Camb. i. 261
Curd, John, Northam. ii. 504
Curson, Roger, Derb. i. 369
Thomas, London, ii. 384
*Curteis, Thomas, Kent, ii. 186
*Curtis, William, Hants, ii. 35
Cutclif, John, Devon, i. 422
Cuts, Sir John, Camb. i. 258
Dacres, Thomas, Herts, ii. 64
*Dakeyne, Daniel, Derb. i. 392
Dale, Mary, Somerset, iii. 120
*Dallaway, Rev. J. Sussex, iii. 266
Dallington, Sir Robert, Northam. ii. 512
*Dalton, Dr. John, Cumb. i, 362
Michael, Camb. i. 24o
* Richard, Cumb. i. 363
Damerel, John, Devon, i. 440
*Dancer, Daniel, Westmin. ii. 428
Daniel, Samuel, Somerset, iii. 104
Walter, Yorkshire, iii. 423
D'Anvers, Henry, Wilts, iii. 331
Darcy, Robert, Essex, i. 527
Darell, Sir John, Berks, i. 160
Darlington, John of, Durham, i. 486
*Darwin, Dr. Erasmus, Notts, ii. 583
*Davenant, Charles, Oxf. iii. 35
John, bishop, London, ii. 359
* . Sir William, Oxf. iii. 35
Davenport,SirHumfrey,Cheshire, i. 274
David, the Archdeacon, Bedf. i. 178
Davies, John, Hei'ef. ii. 79
* Sneyd, Salop, iii. 83
*Davis, Henry Edward, Berks, i. 162
*Davy, Sir Humphrey, Cornwall, i. 335
*Dawes, Richard, Leic. ii, 258
* Sir William, archbishop, Essex,
i. 545
*Dawson, John, Yorkshire, iii. 470
Day, George, bishop, Salop, iii. 59
William, Salop, iii. 60
Dee, John, Lane. ii. 205
*Delany, Mary, Wilts, iii. 355
*Delaval, Sir Ralph, Northum. ii. 566
Delves, Sir John, Staff, iii. 154
Denley, John, Midd. ii. 320
*Denman, Dr. Joseph, Derb. i. 392
* Dr. Thomas, Derb. i. 392
*Denne, John, Kent, ii. 186
Dennis, Sir Robert, Devon, i. 441
Denny, Edward, Herts, ii. 64
*Denton, Thomas, Cumb. i. 363
*Derham, William, Wore. iii. 389
Devereux, Robert, Heref. ii. 76
— — Walter de, Carmarth. iii. 522
Walter, Heref. ii. 94
Devises, Richard of, Wilts, iii. 383
Devonius, Baldvinus, archbishop, De-
von, i. 444
Dewes, Simonds, Suffolk, iii. 195
*Dibdin, Charles, Hants, ii. 35
' Digby, John lord, Warw. iii. 281
* Sir Kenelm, Bucks, i. 219
Diggons, Joseph, Hants, ii. 23
Diggs, Leonard, Kent, ii. 152
Dike, Daniel, Herts, ii. 54
Jeremiah, Herts, ii. 55
*Dilke, Ttioraas, Staff, iii. 156
Dillingham, Francis, Bedf. i. 170
Dimock, Sir Robert, Line. ii. 307
*Ditton, Humphrey, Wilts, iii. 355
Dixie, Sir Wolstan, Hunts, ii. 106
Dixon, Nicholas, Herts, ii. 56
Dod, John, Cheshire, i. 278
*Dodd, Dr. William, Line. ii. 309
*Doddington, George Bubb (lord Mel-
combe) Dorset, i. 475
Sir William, Hants, ii. 22
*Doddridge, Dr. Philip, Northam. ii. 539
Doderidg, Sir John, Devon, i. 412
Dodford, Robert, Northam. ii. 515
*Dodsley, Robert, Notts, ii. 583
*Dodwell, William, Berks, i. 162
Doreward, John, Essex, i. 527
Dorman, Thomas, Bucks, i.209
Dormer, Robert, Bucks, i. 216
Sir William, Bedf. iii. 188
Doubleday, Edmond, Westmin. ii. 427
*Douce, Francis, Hants, ii. 35
Douland, John, Westmin. ii. 426
Donne, John, London, ii. 381
Dounham, George, bishop, Chester,
i. 291
*Dovaston, John, Salop, iii. 83
Dove, Thomas, bishop, London, ii. 359
Dovpnham, John, Chester, i. 296
Doyle, Sir Robert, Oxford, iii. 34
*D'Oyley, William, Norf. ii.492
*Drake, Dr. James, Camb. i. 261
Sir Francis, Devon, i. 418
*Draper, Sir William, Glouc. i. 581
Drax, Dr. Thomas, Warw. iii. 283
Drayton, Michael, Warw. iii. 285
*Drevv, Samuel, Cornwall, i. 335
*Drinkwater, John, Derb. i. 392
Driton, John, Sussex, iii. 257
Drury, Drugo, Norf. ii. 486
Sir William, Suffolk, iii. 174
*Dryden, Charles, Wilts, iii. 355
* John, Northam. ii. 539
*Ducarel, Andrew Coltee, Kent, ii. 186
Duck, Arthur, Devon, i. 420
* Arthur, Suffolk, iii. 197
* Stephen, Wilts, iii. 355
*Duckworth, Admiral Sir John Thomas,
Surrey, iii- 236
Dudley,"Edmund, Staff, iii. 132
John, duke of Northumberland,
Staff, iii. 1 34
Sir John, Staff, iii. 154
Sir Robert, Surrey, iii. 212
William, bishop. Staff, iii. 131
Dugard, Richard, Wore. iii. 374 ,
*Dugdale, Sir William, Warw. iii. 209
*Duncombe, Charles, Bucks, i. 219
* William, Herts, ii. 65
*Dunning, John, Devon, i. 449
Dunstable, John of, Bedf. i. 169
Dunstan, St., Somerset, iii. 92
♦Duport, James, dean, Cambridge, i. 26 1
Duport, Dr. John, Leic. ii. 238
Duppa, Brian, bishop, Kent, ii. 139
Dyer, Sir James, Somerset, iii. 98
*Eachard, John, Suffolk, iii. 197
Eaglesfield, Robert, Camb. i. 348
Ealread, Yorkshire, iii. 423
Easday, John, Kent, ii. 184
Easton, Adam de, cardinal, Heref. ii. 72
Ebba, St., Northum. ii. 545
*Echard, Laurence, Suffolk, iii. 197
Eclestone, Thomas, Cheshire, i. 276
Edburg, St., dau. of king Edwald,
Bucks, i. 194
St., dau. of king Edward the
Elder, Hants, ii. 6
Ede, John, Wales, iii*. 501
Eden, Thomas, Essex, i. 522
William, first lord Auckland,
Durharn, i. 490
Edendon, William, bishop, Wilts, iii.
Edgcombe, Sir Peter, Cornw. i. 329
Richard, Devon, i. 440
*Edgeworth, Richard, Somerset, iii. 122
Edilburge, St., Essex, i. 500
Edith, St., Wilts, iii. 321
Edmond, Sir Clement, Salop, iii. 61
Edmund, St., Berks, i. 124
St., Suffolk, iii. 162
son of Edward I. Oxf. iii. 9
son of Hen. VII. Kent, ii. 126
Edward the Confessor, Oxf. iii. H
I. Westmin. ii. 413
III. king, Berks, i. 122
St., son of king Edgar, Dorset, i.
son of Henry III. Bedf. i. 179
son of Edward I. Carnarv. in. 527
son of Edward III. Oxf. iii. 9
son of Edward IV. Westra. ii. 414
son of Henry VI. Westmin. ii.
son of Richard III. Yorkshire,
iii. 400
son of Henry VIII. Midd. u. 315
*Edwards, Bryan, Wilts, iii. 355
* Dr. George, Durham, i. 491
Edwardston, Thomas, bishop, Suffolk,
iii. 167
Edwold, St., Oxf. iii. 11
Eedes, John, Wilts, iii. 355
Egerton, Sir Thomas, Cheshire, i. 270
Egremont, William, Cumb. i. 345
Eleanor, dau. of Edward I. Berks, i. 1 21
Eleanor, dau. of Edward I., Hants, ii. 6
Elfled, St., Hunts, ii. 99
Elias de Radnor, bishop, iii. 558
Eliot, Hugh, Somerset, iii. 116
Sir ThomaS; Camb. i. 257
Elizabeth, queen, Kent, ii, 128
dau. of Edward I. Flintshire, 111.
Elizabeth, dau. of Edward IV. West-
min. ii. 414
dau. of Charles I. Westm. ii. 418
dau.,of earl of Clare, Suffolk, iii. 1 87
*Ellis, Clement, Cumb. i. 363
* Philip, Bucks, i. 219
* Welbore, bishop of Meath, Bucks,
i. 219
*Ellys, Anthony, bishop, Norf. ii. 492
Elphage, St., Kent, ii. 129
Elryngton, Johannes, Midd. ii. 35 0
*Elstob, Elizabeth, Northum. ii. 566
* William, Northum. ii. 566
Eltham, Bridget of, Kent, ii. 126
John of, Kent, ii. 126
Elvodugus Probu?,Flinthire, iii. 5 40
Ely, Humphrey, Heref. ii. 80
Nicholas of, bishop, Camb.i. 229
Thomas of, 'Suffolk, iii. 182
*Emerson, William, Durham, i. 490
*Emlyn, Thomas, Line. ii. 309
Empson, Sir Richard, Noitham. ii. 510
*Eniield, Dr. William, Suffolk, iii. 197
Englebert, William, Dorset, i. 461
Erdeswicke, Sampson, Staff, iii. 137
Erghorn, Jobn, Yorkshire, iii. 467
Essebie. Alexander of, Somerset, iii. 102
Essex, Henry de, Bedf. i. 178
William, Berks, i. 155
Estwick, Nicholas, Northam. ii. 518
Ethelbart, St., Heref. ii. 71
Ethelburgh, St., Essex, i. 500
Eure, Radulphus, Yorkshire, iii. 454
*Eusden, Laurence, Y^orkshire, iii. 470
Eustathius de, Fauconbridge, bishop,
Y'orkshire, iii. 407
*Evans, Rev. Dr. John, Monm. ii. 443
* John, Salop, iii. 83
William, Monm. ii. 439
Evanx, Marbod, bishop, Wales, iii. 493
Eversden, John, Camb. i. 236
Everton, J^ilvester de, bishop, Bedf. i.
Evesham, Elias de. Wore. iii. 371
Hugh of, Cardinal, Wore. iii. 362
Walter of. Wore. iii. 374
Exeter, William of, bishop, Devon, i.445
*Exmew, Sir Thomas, Denb. iii. 533
Eyre, George, Derb. i. 392
Sir Simon, Suffolk, iii. 187
i Fabel, Peter, Midd. ii. 327
Fabian, Robert, London, ii. 376
Fairfax. Guido de, Y'orkshire, iii. 414
Nicholas, Yorkshire, iii. 455
* Thomas Lord, Y^orkshire, iii. 470
*Falconberge, Henry, Suffolk, iii. 197
*Falconer, Thomas, Somerset, iii. 122
*Falkner, Thomas, Lane. ii. 221
*Farmer, Dr. Richard, Leic. ii. 258
*Farneworth, Ellis, Derb. i. 302
Farrar, Robert, Carmarth. iii. 521
Fastolfe, Sir John, Norf. ii.455
Fauconbridge, Eustatius de, bis^hop,
Yorkshire, iii. 407
Faunt, Anthony, Leic. ii. 407
*Fawcett, Sir W. Y'orkshire, iii. 471
*Fawkes, Francis, Y'orkshire, iii. 471
Featley, Dr. Daniel, Oxford, iii. 24
Feekenhem, John, Wore. iii. 375
*Fell, John, bishop, Berks, i. 162
* John, Cumb. i. 363
Fen, John, Somerset, iii. 106
*Fenn, Lady, Norf. ii. 492
* Sir John, Norf. ii. 492
Fenton, Edward. Notts, ii. 572
* Elijah, Staff, iii. 156
■ Sir Jeffrey, Notts, ii. 574
Dr. Roger Lane. ii. 206
Fernhara, Nich. de, bishop, Sur. iii. 206
Fetiplace, Besilius, Berks, i. 159
Feversham, Haimo of, Kent, ii. 150
*Fiddes, Richard, Yorkshire, iii. 471
*Field, Rev. Mr. De la, Oxf. iii. 35
*Fielding, Henry, Somerset, iii. 122
*Fiennes, Nathaniel, Oxf. iii. 35
Sir Richard, Oxf. iii. 34
Fillmer, Henry, Berks, i. 125
*Filmer, Sir Robert, Kent, ii. 186
*Finch, Daniel, earl of Nottingham,
Westmin. ii. 428
* Heneage, earl of Nottingham,
Bucks,!. 219
Sir Henry, Kent, ii. 144
Sir Moile, Kent, ii. 180
Fines, Edward, Line. ii. 277
Fineux, Sir John, Kent, ii. 143
Fish, Simon, Kent, ii. 132
Fishaker, Richard, Devon, i. 422
Fishbourn, Richard, Hunts, ii. 106
Fisher, John, Leic. ii. 254
John, cardinal, Y''orkshire, iii. 406
Fitzalin, Bertram, Line. ii. 290
Fitz-Herbert, Sir Anth. Derb. i. 372
Anthony, Gloue. i. 557
^Fitzherbert, Sir William, Derb. i. 392
• Fitz- James, Sir John, Somerset, iii. 96
Richard, bishop, Somerset, iii. 95
Fitz- Mary, Simon, London, ii. 392
Fitzroy, Henry, Essex, i. 499
Fitz- Walter, Matilda, Essex, i. 523
Robert, Essex, i. 512
Fitz-Williams, Sir William, Northam.
ii. 508
William, arm. Essex, i. 542
William, miles, Northam. ii. 533
*Flamsteed, John, Derb. i. 392
*Flaxman, John, Yorkshire, iii. 471
*Fleming, Caleb, Notts, ii. 583
Fleta , London, ii. 366
Fletcher, Giles, Kent, ii. 146
Giles, London, ii. 381
John, Northam. ii. 513
Richard, bishop, Kent, ii. 138
Floid, Robert, Kent, ii. 147
Flower, William, Camb. i. 228
*Floyer, Sir John, Staff, iii. 156
Foliot, Gilbert, bishop, Devon, i. 403
Foliot, Robert, bishop, Devon, i. 404
Folvil, William de, Leic. ii. 336
*Foote, Samuel, Cornwall, i. 335
*Forby, Rol;ert, Norf. ii. 493
Ford, John de, Devon, i, 421
Forster, Elizabeth, Cumb.i. 341
Fortescue, Sir Adrian, Devon, i. 411
Sir Henry, Devon, i. 411
Sir John, Devon, i. 411
Foster, Humphrey, Berks, i. 164
Humphry, Berks, i. 156
* John, Berks, i. 162
* Sir Michael, Wilts, iii. 355
Fotherby, Dr. Martin, bishop, Line. ii.
*Fothergill, Dr. Anthony, Yorks. iii. 471
* Dr. George, Westm. iii. 312
* Dr. John, Yorkshire, iii. 471
* Marmaduke, Yorkshire, iii. 471
*Fountaine, Sir Andrew, Norf. ii. 493
Fowler, John, Somerset, iii. 119
*Fox, Right Hon. Charles James,
Westmin. ii. 428
Edward, bishop, Glouc. i. 556
* George, Leic, ii. 259
* Henry lord Holland, Westmiu.
ii. 428
John, Line. ii. 291
Richard, bishop, Line. ii. 274
* Sir Stephen, Wilts, iii. 355
*Francis, Sir Philip, Surrey, iii. 237
*Fransham, John, Norf. ii. 493
*Free, John, Oxf. iii. 35
Freeman, John, Northam. ii. 537
Freese, Edward, Yorkshire, iii. 463
Valentine, Yorkshire, iii. 463
*Freind, Dr. John, Northam. ii. 539
* Robert, Northam. ii, 539
Fresbourne, Ralph, Northum. ii, 549
*Frewen, archbishop of Canterbury,
Sussex, iii, 266
' Acceptus, bishop, Sussex, iii. 250
Frides\A-ide, St., Oxf. iii. 10
Frobisher, Sir Martin, Yorks. iii. 419
Frowick, Sir Thomas, Midd. ii. 323
Frowyk, Thomas, Midd. ii. 329
Fulborn, Stephen de, bishop, Camb. i.
Fulke, Dr. William, London, ii. 378
Fuller, Nicholas, Hants, ii. 19
^Gainsborough, Thomas, Suff. iii. 197
William of, bishop, Lino. ii. 272
^Gardiner, Dr. John, Somerset, iii. 122
Stephen, l)ishop, Suffolk, iii. 168
^Gardner, adm. lord Alan, Staff, iii. 156
*Garnett, Dr. Thomas, Westm. iii. 312
*Garrick, David, Heref. ii. 96
*Garth, Sir Samuel, Durham, i. 490
Gascoigne, Thomas, Yorks. iii. 427
William, Bedf. i. 186.
Sir William, Yorkshire, iii. 413
*Gastrell,Fi-ancis, bishop,Northam.ii.539
Gataker, Thomas, Salop, iii. 55
Gates, Sir John, Essex, i. 543
Gatesdcn, John de, Herts, ii. 49
Gaunt, Simon of, bishop, London, ii.
*Gay, John, Devon, i. 449
*Gell, John, Derb. i. 392
* Gentleman, Robert, Salop, iii. 83
George, Richard, Essex, i. 502
German, Christopher, St., London,
ii. 367
*Gibbon, Edward, Surrey, iii. 237
John, Somerset, iii. 105
*Gibbs, Sir Vicary, Devon, i. 449
*Gibson, Edmund, bishop, Westm. iii.
Dr. Thomas, Northum. ii. 549
* Thomas, Westm. iii. 312
* William, Westm. iii. 313
*Gifford, Lord Robert, Devon, i. 449
* William, Devon, i. 449
William, Staff, iii. 138
Gilbert, Guillemine, Hants, ii. 7
Sir Humphrey, Devon, i. 417
de Sempringham, Line. ii. 271
of Westminster, ii. 424
William, Essex, i. 515
Gilby, Anthony. Line. ii. 291
Gildas the Fourth, Wales, iii. 498
the Wise, Somerset, iii. 101
Giles, John, Herts, ii. 49
*Gill, Dr. John, Northam. ii. 539
*Gillingwater, Edm., Suffolk, iii. 197
Gilpin, Bernard, Westm. iii. 307
Richard, Westm. iii. 310
* William, Cumb. i. 363
Giraldus Cambrensis, Pembr. iii. 555
*Girdlestone, Dr. Thomas, Norf. ii. 493
*Glanvil, Joseph, Devon, i. 449
Glanvill, Bartholomew, Norf. ii. 476
Glendower- Wye, Owen, Flintshire, iii.
Gloucester, Richard duke of, Cumb.
i. 361
Robert of, Glouc, i. 560
Glover, John, Warw. iii. 275
Robert, Kent, ii. 154
Glyn,William, bishop, Anglesea, iii. 509
*Glynn, Robert, Cornwall, i. 335
Goad, Roger, Bucks, i. 208
Dr. Thomas, Camb. i. 240
Godard, John, Essex, i. 517
Godolphin, Sir Francis, Cornwall, i.
*Godwin, Charles, Monm. ii. 443
Francis, bishop, Northam. ii. 506
* Mary, Wollstonecraft, Essex, i.
Thomas, bishop, Berks, i. 128
* Thomas, bishop, Berks, i. 162
* William, Camb. i. 261
Goffe, William, Wilts, iii. 355
Goldingham, William, Essex, i. 526
Goldsborough, Godfrey, bishop, Camb.
Goldwell, James, bishop, Kent. ii. 137
Thos., bishop, Kent, ii. 137
*Good, Thomas, Salop, iii. 83
■Goodman, Gabriel, Denb. iii. 533
Godfrey, bishop, iii. 532
Goodrich, Thomas, bishop, Line. ii. 275
*Goodwin, Timothy, archbishop, Norf.
ii. 493
*Gore, Thomas, Wilis, iii. 355
Gorham, Nicholas, Herts, ii. 51
Goring, George, Surrey, iii. 235
Goslin, John, Norfolk, ii. 489
*Gostling, William, Kent, ii. 186
Gouge, William, Midd. ii. 325
*Gough, Richard, Westmin. ii. 428
Gournay, Matthew, Som. iii. 150
Gourney, Edmond, Norf. ii. 463
Gowches, Katharine,Hants, ii. 7
Gower, John, Yorkshire, iii. 426
Gowfre, Johannes, Berks, i. 153
*Granby, John Marquis of, Notts, ii. 583
Grandesson, John, bishop, Heref.ii. 74
*Granger, James, Berks, i. 162
*Granville, George, Viscount Lans-
downe, Devon, i. 449
*Gratton, John, Derb. i.392
*Graves, Richard, Glouc. i. 581
* Thomas, Cornwall, i.335
Gravesend, Richard of, bishop, Kent,ii.
Gray, Lord Anthony, Durham, i. 488
Arthur, Bucks, i. 204
* M^illiam, bishop, Derb. i. 370
*Greatorex, Thomas, Derb. i. 392
Green, Henry, Northam. ii. 532
* John, bishop, Yorkshire, iii. 471
* Valentine, Warw. iii. 299
Greene, Anne, Oxf. iii. 26
*Greenhill, William, Oxf. iii. 35
Greenvil, Sir Richard, Devon, i. 413
Thomas, Cornwall, i. 328
Gregory, Arthur, Dorset, i. 461
John, Bucks, i. 208
*Gregson, Matthew, Lane. ii. 221
Grenvil, William de, bishop, Cornw. i.
*Grenville, George, Bucks, i. 219
*Grenville-Temple, earl Temple, Bucks,
Gresham, Sir Thomas, Norf. ii. 465
Grevil, Sir Fulke, Warw. iii. 285
*Grey, Sir. Charles, Northum. ii. 566
Henry, Bedf. i. 172
Lady Jane, Leic. ii. 226
Lady Katherine, Leic. ii. 227
Lady Mary, Leic. ii. 227
* Richard, Durham, i. 490
* Dr. Richard, Northum. ii. 566
Griffin, John, Wales, iii. 502
*Griffiths, Dr. Ralph, Sedop, iii, 83
*Grimaldi, Joseph, Westmin. ii. 428
i Grindall, Edmund, archbishop, Cumb.
i. 342
Grocine, William, Somerset, iii. 118
Grosseteste, Robert, Suffolk, iii. 163
Guest, Edmund, bishop, Yorkshire, iii.
Guido de Mona, Anglesea, iii. 508
Gulielmus de Radnor, bishop, iii. 558
*Gunton, Simon, Northam. ii. 539
*Guy, Thomas, Staff, iii. 156
*Guyse, John William, Herts, ii. 65
Gwent, John, Wales, iii. 501
Gwillim, John, Heref. ii. 78
Gwin, John, Berks, i. 126
Hackluit, Richard, Heref. ii. 78
Haddam, Edmund of, Herts, ii. 40
Haddon, Walter, Bucks, i. 206
Halam, Robert, cardinal, Wilts, iii. 323
Hale, Richard, Herts, ii. 58
* Sir Matthew, Glouc. i. 582
Thomas, Somerset, iii. 116
Hales, Sir James, Kent, ii. 132
John, Warw. iii. 290
* Stephen, Kent, ii. 186
Thomas of, Glouc. i. 561
Halifax, John of, Yorlishire, iii. 425
* Samuel, bishop of St. Asaph,
Derb. i. 392
*HaU, Dr. Anthony, Cumb. i. 363
Edward, London, ii. 378
Joseph, bishop, Leic. ii. 230
Robert, Leic. ii. 259
*Halley, Edmund, Westmin. ii. 429
Halsall, Edward, Lane. ii. 212
Hammond, Dr. Henry, Sm-rey, iii. 215
Hampton, Robert, Cumb. i. 353
*Hamilton, lady Emma, Hants, ii. 35
Sir William, Glouc. i. 566
Hankford, Sir William, Devon, i. 410
Hanmer, Dr. Meredith, Flintshire, iii.
*Hansard, Luke, Norf. ii. 493
Hanvile, John, Oxf. iii. 19
*Hanway, Jonas, Hants, ii. 36
Harby, Jeffrey de, Leic. ii. 236
Robert de, Leic. ii. 237
Harcla, Andreas de, Cumb. i. 353
Harding, John, Yorkshire, iii. 428
*Hardinge, N., Su^rrey, iii. 237
Hardwick, Elizabeth, Derb. i. 376
Harecourt, Robert, Berks, i. 154
Haresnet, Samuel, bishop, Essex, i. 507
*Hargrave, James, Lane. ii. 221
*Harley, Hon. Edward, Heref. ii. 96
John, Bucks, i. 198
*Harmer, Thomas, Norf. ii. 493
Harper, Sir William, Bedf. i. 172
*Harrington,Dr.Henry,Somerset, iii. 122
John, Rutland, iii. 40
Sir John, Somerset, iii. 103
John lord, Wai-w. iii. 290
*Harriott, John, Essex, i. 545
^Harris, James, first earl of Malmesbury,
Wilts, iii. 355
* James, Wilts, iii. 355
* John Kent, ii. 186
*Harris, Dr. William, Wilts, iii. 355
*Harrison, John, Yorkshire, iii. 471
* Ralph, Derb. i. 392
*Harte, Walter, Wilts, iii. 355
*Hartley, Dr. David, Yorkshire, iii. 471
Hartop, Job, Line. ii. 284
*Harvey, Thomas, Cumb. i. 363
Harvey, William, Kent, ii. 148
*Harwood, Edward, Lane. ii. 221
Sir Edward, Line. ii. 284
Haselwood, Thomas, Kent, ii. 151
*Hasted, Edward, Kent, ii. 186
Hastings, Sir Edward, Leic. ii. 254
• Francis, Leic. ii. 257
* Warren, Oxf. iii. 36
William, Leic. ii. 253
Hatton,Sir Christopher,Northam.ii.507
Hugh de, Cheshire, i. 288
*Havard, William, Heref. ii. 96
*Hawes, William, Westmin. ii. 429
*Hawker, Robert, Devon, i. 449
Hawkes, Thomas, Essex, i. 502
*Hawkesworth, John, Kent, ii. 186
Hawkewood, Sir John, Essex, i. 512
*Hay, William, Sussex, iii. 266
Hayes, Rawe, Cornwall, i. 313
*Haygarth, Dr. John, Yorkshire, iii. 471
*Hayley, William, Sussex, iii. 266
*Hayter, Richard, Wilts, iii. 355
*Hayward, Dr. Francis, Lane. ii. 221
*Headly, Henry, Norf. ii. 493
*Hearne, Thomas, Berks, i. 162
Heath, Nicolas, bishop, London, ii. 357
*Heathcote, Ralph, Leic. ii. 259
*Heber, Richard, Westmin. ii. 429
Heiwood, John, London, ii. 382
Helen, St., Essex, i. 499
*Helliot, Henry, Somerset, iii. 122
*Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea, Lane,
ii. 221
Hengham, Ralph de, Norf. ii. 449
*Henley, John, Leic. ii. 259
Henrietta, daughter of Charles I. Exe-
ter, i. 444
Henry IIL, Hants, ii. 5
Henry VL, Berks, i. 123
Henry VIIL, Kent, ii. 127
son of Edw. L Berks, i. 122
son of John of Gaunt, Line. ii. 269
son of Hen. VIII. Surrey, iii. 204
son of William duke of Nor-
mandy, Yorkshire, iii. 399
Herbert, Edward, Montgom. iii. 550
George, Montgom. iii. 549
* Sir Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 471
William, earl of Pembroke, Mon-
mouth, ii. 437
Herdewicke, John, Leic. ii. 243
Herebert, St., Cumb. i. 341 -
Hereford, Nicholas, Wales, iii. 490
Roger of, Heref. ii. 77
Herle, Charles, Cornwall, i. 318
Sir W'illiam, Devon, i. 410
*Herne, Thomas, Suffolk, iii. 197
♦Herring, Thomas, Norfolk, ii. 493
*Hervey, Rev. James, Northam. ii. 539
Heton, Martin, bishop. Lane. n. 199
Heveningham, Thomas, Essex, i. 528
Hewet, John, Northam. n. 538
*Hewson, William, Northum. u. 566
*Heylin, Peter, Oxf. iii. 36
*Heywood, Nathaniel, Lane. u. 221
Hicham, Sir Robert, Suffolk, in. 189
Hide, John of, Hants, ii. 17
*Higgins, Godfrey, Yorkshire, iii. 471
*Higgons, Sir Thomas, Salop, iii. 83
Higham, John, Suffolk, lii. 194
*Highmore, Nathaniel, Hants, ii. 36
Hilarius, bishop of Chichester, Surrey,
iii. 224
Hilda, St., Yorkshire, lii. 401
Hildersham, Arthur, Camb. i. 239
Hildetha, St., Essex, i. 500
Hill, Albane, Wales, in. 497
* Sir John, Northam, li. 539
* Dr. Joseph, Y^orkshire, iii. 471
* Sir Richard, Salop, iii. 83
* Rt. Hon.* Richard, Salop, iii. 83
* Robert, Herts, ii. 65
Sir Rowland, "Salop, iii. 66
* Rev. Rowland, Salop, iii. 83
Hingham, Sir Oliver, Norf. ii. 454
*Hoadly, Benjamin, bishop, Kent, u. 186
*Hoare, Prince, Somerset, iii. 122
* Sir R. C, Wilts, iii. 356
Hobart, James, Norfolk, ii. 464
*Hobbes, Thomas, Wilts, iii. 356
*Hodges, Nathaniel, Westmin. n. 429
*Hody, Humphrey, Somerset, iii. 122
Hoe, Thomas, Herts, ii. 64
Holbrook, John, Surrey, in. 214
Holcot, Robert, Northam. ii. 514
Holebeck, Laurence, Line. u. 289
Holeworth, Richard, bishop, Northum.
ii. 546
Holland, Gilbert of. Line. n. 286
Henry, Wore. iii. 374
Hugh, Wales, iii. 503
Dr. Philemon, Warw. in. 286
. Dr. Thomas, Salop, iii. 65
Hollis, Sir William, Notts, n. 581
Holme, Wilfred, Yorkshire, in. 429
*Holmes, Geo. Yorkshire, iii. 471
* Randle, Chesh. i. 297
Holt, Sir John, Oxf. iii. 36
* Sir Thomas, Berks, i. 163
Holyoake, Francis, Warw. iii. 287
* Dr. Thomas, Warw. u\. 299
Hoo, Thomas, Bedf. i. 185
*Hood, adm. viscount, Somerset, in. 122
Robert, Notts, ii. 575
*Hooke, James, Norfolk, ii. 493
* Dr. Robert, Hants, ii. 36
Hooker, Richard, Devon, i 423
♦Hooper, George, bishop, Worc.iu. 389
John, Somerset, iii. 92
♦Hopkins, Charles, Devon, i. 449
* William, Monm. ii. 443
* William, Wore. iii. 389
♦Horbery, Matthew, Line. ii. 309
llore]naii, Williain, W'iiiS; iii. 335
Horminger, John, Suffolk, iii. 181
Horn, Robert, bishop, Durham, i. 482
Sir William, Camb. i. 241
Hornby, John, Line. ii. 288
*Horne, George, bishop, Kent, ii. is6
Horsey, George, Herts, ii. 63
Hostresham, Nicholas, Sussex, iii. 256
Hovedon, Roger, Yorkshire, iii. 425
Howard, Charles, Surrey, iii. 211
Henry, Norf. ii. 467
Sir John, Berks, i. 153
* John, Westmin. ii. 429
Katharine, London, ii. 352
Thomas, Essex, i. 510
William, Surrey, iii. 211
*Howe, John, Leic. ii. 259
* Josiah, Bucks, i. 219
Richard, earl, Notts, ii. 583
Howel, Thomas, bishop, Breckn. iii. 5 1 5
*Howell, Dr., Notts, ii. 5S4
Howland, Richard, bishop, Essex, i. 506
Hownslow, Robert, Midd. ii. 325
Howson, John, bishop, London, ii. 359
*Huddart, captain, Joseph, Cumb. i. 363
Huddleston, John, Camb. i. 258
*Hudson, John, Cumb. i. 363
* William, Westm. iii. 313
Hugarius the Levite, Corn. i. 314
Hugh, St., of Lincoln, ii. 271
William, Yorkshire, iii. 430
*Hughes, John, Wilts, iii. 35 6
*Hullock, Sir John, Durham, i. 491
*Hulme, Dr. Nathaniel, Yorkshire,iii.471
Huloet, Rich., Camb. i. 237
Humphred, Laurence, Bucks, i. 207
Hungerford, Walter lord, Wilts, iii. 340
*Hunter, Dr. Christopher, Durham, i. 490
*Huntingdon, Selina countess of, Noi'-
tham. ii. 539
Gregory of, Hants, ii. 101
Henry of, Hunts, ii. 102
* William, Kent, ii. 181
*Huntley, Francis, Yorkshire, iii. 471
*Hunton, Philip. Hants, ii. 36
Hunts, John, Wilts, iii. 322
*Hurd, Richard, bishop, Staff, iii. 156
*Hurdis, Dr. James, Sussex, iii. 266
*Hurly, James, Somerset, iii. 122
*Hurn, William, Norf. ii. 493
Husee, Sir William, Line. ii. 280
*Huskisson, William, Wore. iii. 389
Husse, John, Line, ii, 308
*Hutchins, John, Dorset, i. 475
*Hutchinson,Francis, bishop,Derb. i.392
Roger, Herts, ii. 53
* William, Durham, i. 490
*Hutton, Dr. Charles, Northum. ii. 566
Matthew, bishop. Lane. ii. 198
Sir Richard, Cumb. i. 344
* William, Derb. i. 392
Hyde, Edward, Wilts, iii. 330
* Edward earl of Clarendon, Wilts,
iii. 356
Sir Nicholas, Wilts, iii. 329
Hyde, Thomas, Berks i. 135
Hygden, Randal, Chester, i. 293
Hythe, Haimo of, bishop, Kent, ii. 135
*Ibbot, Dr. Benjamin, Norf. ii. 493
Ham, Thomas, London, ii. 409
*Ince, Thomas, Derb, i. 392
Incent, John, Herts, ii. 57
*Inchbald, Elizabeth, Suffolk, iii. 197
Inglefield, Sir Francis, Berks, i. 156
*Ingram, Robert, Yorkshire, iii. 471
Iscanus, Bartholomeus, bishop, Devon,
i. 444
Josephus, Devon, i. 445
*Ives, John, Norf. ii. 493
Ivory, Robert, London, ii. 376
* Jackson, Cyril, dean. Line. ii. 309
Thomas, Durham, i. 487
*Jacob. Edward, Kent, ii. 186
* Giles, Hants, ii. 36
*Jago, R., Staff, iii. 156
* Richard, Warw. iii. 299
James, son of Charles I., Westmin, ii.
* Dr. Robert, Staff, iii. 156
Thomas, Hants, ii. 20
William, bishop, Cheshire, i. 269
*Jebb, Sir Richard, Essex, i. 545
* Dr. Samuel, Notts, ii. 584
Jeffrey, . . . ., Rutland, iii, 40
^Jeffreys, George, Northam. ii. 539
Jeffry, Sir John, Sussex, iii. 252
Jegon, John, bishop, Essex, i. 506
*Jenkison, Charles, first earl of Liver-
pool, Oxf. iii. 36
*Jenner, Dr. Edward, Glouc. i. 582
*Jennings, Dr. David, Leic. ii. 259
* James, Somerset, iii. 122
* Sarah, Line. ii. 310
Jermin, Sir Robert, Suffolk, iii. 195
*Jerningham, Edward, Norf. ii. 493
*Jervis, admiral, earl of St. Vincent,
Staff, iii. 156
* Elizabeth, Leic. ii. 259
Jewel, John, bishop, Devon, i. 407
Joan, daughter of Edward IL London,
ii. 350
John, son of king Edward T. Berks, i, 84
Sir Oliver, Wilts, iii. 328
Johnes, Hugh, bishop, Wales, iii. 495
William, Monm. ii. 439
*Johtison, Michael, Derb. i. 392
Robert, Line. ii. 294
* Samuel, Cheshire, i. 297
* Samuel, Staff, iii. 156
* Dr. Samuel, Staff, iii. 156
Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 422
*Jones, Edmund, Monm. ii. 443
* John, Gale, Westmin. ii. 429
* Thomas, bishop. Lane. ii. 200
Jones, Sir Thomas, Salop, iii. 83
* William, Northam. ii. 539
Jonson, Benjamin, Westmin. ii. 424
Josceline, Sir Ralph, Herts, ii. 57
Joy, George, Bedf. i. 170
Joyce, Thomas, cardinal, Oxf. iii. 12
Jud, Sir Andrew, Kent, ii. 156
Julius, St., Monm. ii. 434
Justinian, St., Pembr. iii^ 555
Juxon, William, bishop, Sussex, iii. 249
Kirksted, Hugo, Line. ii. 287
Kite, John, bishop, London, ii. 356
Kneisworth, Sir Thomas, Camb, i. 241
Knight, William, bishop, London, ii.
Knighton, Heniy de, Leic. ii. 236
Knowles, Sir Robert, Cheshire, i. 274
Knovvlls, Sir Francis, Oxf. iii. 16
*Kyrle, John, Glouc. i. 582
Katharine, daughter of Edward III.
London, ii. 350
daughter of Henry VIL Lon-
don, ii. 351
daughter of Chai'les I. Westmin.
ii. 419
*Kean, Edmund, Westmin. ii. 429
*Keate, George, Wilts, iii. 356
*Keats, admiral. Sir R, G., Hants, ii. 36
Keble, Henry, London, ii. 409
Joseph, Suffolk, iii. 197
*Keene, Sir Benjamin, Norf. ii. 493
* Edmund, Norf. ii. 493
Kelley, Sir Edward, Wore. iii. 369
Kellison, Matthew, Northam. ii. 518
Kemp, John, Kent, ii. 133
Thomas, bishop, Kent, ii. 136
Kendal, Richard, Westmin. iii. 307
Kendrick, John, Berks, i. 136
Kenelme, St., Glouc. i. 553
*Kennet, Basil, Kent, ii. 186
*Kennicott, Benjamin, Devon, i. 449
*Kenrick, William, Herts, ii. 65
Kent, John of, Kent, ii. 149
* Thomas, Wickham, Derb. i. 392
* William, Yorkshire, iii. 471
Keyne, St., Breckn. iii. 514
Kiby, St., Cornwall, i. 307
*Kidder,Richard, bishop, Suffolk, iii. 197
Kidson, .,.., Lane. ii. 216
*Kilburne, Richard, Kent, ii. 186
*Killingbeck, John, Yorkshire, iii. 471
Killingworth, John of, Warw. iii. 282
Kiltor, , Cornwall, i. 319
*Kimber, Isaac, Berks, i. I63
Kinaston, Roger, Salop, iii. 81
*King, Daniel, Cheshire, i. 297
* Edward, Norf. ii. 493
* Gregory, Staff, iii. 157
Henry, Bucks, i. 201
John, Bucks, i. 299
* John Glen, Norf. ii. 493
* Peter, Devon, i. 449
* Dr. William, Westmin. ii. 429
Kingston, Sir Anthony, Glouc. i. 581
Sir William, Glouc. i. 580
Kinyngham, John, Suffolk, iii. 182
*Kippis, Andrew, Notts, ii. 584
*Kirby, John, Suffolk, iii. 197
* John Joshua, Suffolk, iii. 197
Kirkby, John de, bishop, Westmin. iii.
*Lacy, John, Yorkshire, iii. 471
Lakes, Arthur, bishop, Hants, ii. 11
Sir Thomas, Hants, ii. 14
*Lamb, Charles, Line. ii. 310
*Lambe, Robert, Durham, i. 490
William, Kent, ii. 157
*Lambert, Daniel, Leic. ii. 259
^Lancaster, Nathaniel, Cheshire, i. 297
* Dr. William, Westmin. iii. 313
*Lander, Richard, Cornwall, i. 335
Langauridge, Blegabride, Wales, iii.
4 99
Langbain, Dr. Gerard, Cumb, i. 347
Langelande, Robert, Salop, iii. 64
*Langhorne, Dr. John, Westmin. iii.
Langley, Edmund of, Herts, ii. 40
Henry, Essex, i. 527
Langton, Dr. Robert, Westmin. iii, 309
Simon, Kent, ii. 184
Stephen, archbishop, Kent, ii. 182
■ Thomas, Leic. ii. 237
Walter de, bishop, Leic. ii, 229
Lanham, Richard, Suffolk, iii. 182
*Lardner, Nathaniel, Kent, ii. 186
Latham, Nicholas, Northam. ii. 520
Latimer, Hugh, Leic. ii. 227
*Latter, Mary, Oxf. iii. 36
Laud, William, archbishop, Berks, i.
Laurence, John, Essex, i. 502
* Richard, Somerset, iii. 122
* Stringer, Heref. ii. 96
*Lavington, George, bishop, Wilts, iii.
*Law, Edmund, bishop, Lane. ii. 221
* Edward, Cumb. i. 363
* William, Northam. ii. 540
Lawes, William, Wilts, iii. 336
Laxton, William, Northam. ii. 519
Layburn, Roger, bi^hop, Cumb. i. 342
*Layton, William, Suffolk, iii. 197
*Leake, Sir Andrew, Suffolk, iii. 197
* Dr. John, Cumb. i. 363
Leaver, Thomas, Lane. ii. 204
Leeds, Paulinus de, Yorkshire, iii. 439
Legat, Hugh, Herts, ii. 52
Legg, Thomas, Norf. ii. 491
Legrave, Gilbert, bishop, Leic. ii. 228
Leicester, Robert de, Leic. ii. 235
William de, Leic. ii. 234
Leigh, Edward, Staff, iii. 138
Sir Francis, Warw. iii. 297
Leigh, Sir Thomas, Warw. iii. 297
*Lei§liton, Francis, Salop, iii. 83
Leventhorp, Thomas Johannes, Essex,
i. 528
*Lelancl, John, Lane. ii. 221
Lenipster, William, Heref. ii. 78
*Leiig, John, bishop, Norf. ii. 493
*Leiithal, William, Oxf. iii. 36
Leoline, bishop, Deub. iii. 531
Lepton, John, Yorkshire, iii. 468
*L'Estrange, Sir Roger, Norf. ii. 493
*Lethieullier, Smart, Essex, i. 545
*Leving, Sir Creswell, Northara. ii. 540
*Lewis, John, Glouc. i. 582
Lewkenor, John, Surrey, iii. 234
Ley, Sir James, Wilts, iii. 328
Lichfield, William de, Staff, iii. 136
Lidlington, William, Line. ii. 287
*Lightfoot, Dr. John, Staff, iii. 157
John, Staff, iii. 138
Lillie, William, Hants, ii. 17
*Lilly, William, Leic. ii. 259
William, Norf. ii. 461
Linacer, Dr. Thomas, Derb. i. 374
*Lindsey, Theophilus, Cheshire, i. 297
Linsell, Augustine, bishop, Essex, i.
*Lister, Martin, Bucks, i. 219
^Littleton, Adam, Salop, iii. 83
Sir Thomas, Stafford, iii. 131
Sir Thomas, Wore. iii. 366
*Lloyd, Edward, Salop, iii. 83
* William, bishop, Berks, i. 163
*Llywellyn, Thomas, Monm. ii. 443
*Locke, John, Somerset, iii. 122
*Lodge, William, Yorkshire, iii. 47l
*Lofft, Capel, Suffolk, iii. 197
Loftus, Adam, archbishop, Yorkshire,
iii. 412
London, Albricius of, ii. 373
Bankinus of, Midd. ii. 375
Nothelmus of, Midd. ii. 373
Long, Edward, Cornwall, i. 335
* Roger, Norf. ii. 493
Longchamp, William, Esses, i. 531
*Longmore, Edward, Heref. ii. 96
Longvile, Henry, Bucks, i. 217
Losing, Herbert, bishop, Oxf. iii. 13
Herbert, bishop, Suffolk, iii. 166
* Edward, Westmin. ii. 429
Lovelace, Sir Richard, Berks, i. 160
*Lovibond, Edward, Surrey, iii. 237
Lowe, John, bishop, Wore. iii. 362
*Lower, Sir William, Cornwall, i. 335
*Lowth, Robert, bishop of London,
Hants, ii. 36
Lubbenham, William de, Leic. ii. 236
Lucas, Egidius, Essex, i. 520
John, Essex, i.544
Lucy, Maud, Cumb. i. 348
*Ludlo\v, col. Edmund, Wilts, iii. 356
*Luke. Dr. Stephen, Cornwall, i. 335
Lupset, Thomas, London, ii. 377
*Lutwyche, Sir Edward, Salop, iii. 83
Lydgate, John, Suffolk, iii. i S3
*Lydyate, Thomas, Oxf. iii. 2 1
Lye, Edward, Devon, i. 449
Lyford, William, Berks, i, 134
Lynch, Simon, Essex, i. 523
Simon, Kent, ii. 158
Lynd, Thomas de la, Dorset, i. 461
Lynn, Alan of, Norf. ii. 459
Nicholas of, Norf. ii. 4 56
Lynwood, William, bishop, Line. ii. 273
Lyons, Israel, Camb. i. 261
*Lyre, Nicholas, London, ii. 374
*Lysons, Rev. D., Glouc. i. 582
* Samuel, Glouc. i. 582
*Lyster, Thomas, Salop, iii. 83
*Lyttelton, George lord, Wore. iii. 389
*Macauly, Catharine, Kent, ii. 186
Madoc, Anglesea, iii. 510
Magnus, Thomas, Notts, ii 576
*Mainwaring, Arthur, Salop, iii. 84
Makilesfield, William, Cheshire, i. 267
Maklesfield, William, Warw. iii. 275
Maldon, Thomas, Essex, i. 517
Malmesbury, John Harris earl of,
Wilts, iii. 355
Oliver of, Wilts, iii. 331
William of, Wilts, iii. 332
Malpas, Philippus, London, ii. 4tl9
*Malthus, Rev. T. R., Surrey, iii. 237
Manchester, Hugh of. Lane ii. 202
*Mander, James, Derb. i. 392
Mandeville, John, Herts, ii. 51
^Manning, Owen, Northam. ii. 540
Mansfield, William, Notts, ii. 573
Manwood, Sir Roger, Kent, ii. 144
*Mapletoft, Dr. John, Hunts, ii. 110
Marbeck, John, Berks, i. 126
Margaret, daughter of Edward I. Berks,
i. 121
*Margetson, James, archbishop, York-
shire, iii. 472
Marisco, Adamus de, Somerset, iii. 102
Markham, Sir John, Notts, ii. 571
*Markland, Jeremiah, Lane. ii. 221
Marre, John, Yorkshire, iii 427
Marsh, George, Chester, i. 291
George, Lane. ii. 193
* Narcissus, archbishop, Wilts, iii.
Marshall, John, Wore. iii. 373
Stephen, Hunts, ii. 105
*Marshman, Dr. J., Wilts, iii. 356
Martin, Sir Henry, London, ii.370
Richard, Devon, i. 446
* Thomas, Norf. ii. 494
William, bishop, Devon, i. 446
Martine, Gregory, Sussex, iii. 260
Martival, Roger de, bishop, Leic. ii.
Marton, Alan de, Berks, i. 145
Philip de, Berks, i. 145
Marvail, Andrew, Camb. i. 240
*Marvel, Andrew, Yorkshire iii. 472
Mary, daughter of Edward I. Berks,
i. 121
dau. of Henry VIII. Kent, ii. 127
dau. of James I. Kent, ii. 129
dau. of Charles I. Westmin. ii.
Henry, Essex, i. 542
Mascal, bishop, Robert, Salop, iii. 59
Mascall, Leonard, Sussex, iii. 264
*Masham, Lady Damaris, Camb. i. 261
*Maskelyne, Dr. Nevil, Wilts, iii. 356
Mason, Sir John, Berks, i. 130
* John, Essex, i. 545
* William, Yorkshire, iii. 472
Massey, Perotine, Hants, ii. 8
Mathew, John, Bucks, i. 200
Matthew of Westminster, ii. 424
Tobias, bishop, Somerset, iii. 116
*Matthews, Charles, Westmin. ii. 429
*Mauduit, Israel, Surrey, iii. 237
Maulever, Halvatheus, Yorkshire, iii.
Maundrell, John, Wilts, iii. 322
*Mawe, John, Derb. i. 392
Leonard, bishop, Suffolk, iii. 171
May, John, bishop, Suffolk, iii. 170
Thomas, Sussex, iii. 258
Maydenston, Ralph of, bishop, Kent,
ii. 134
Maynard, Henry, Essex, i. 543
* Sir John, Devon, i. 449
Mayo, Richard, bishop, Wilts, iii. 326
*Mead, Richard, Westmin. ii. 429
*Meadowcroft, R., Staff, iii. 157
Mede, Joseph, Essex, i. 519
Meliorus, St., Cornwall, i. 308
Mepham, Simon, bishop, Kent, ii. 135
Merlin, Ambrose, Carmarth. iii. 524
*Merrick, James, Berks, i. 163
Rouland, bishop, Anglesea,iii. 509
*Merriott, Thomas, Wilts, iii. 356
Merton, Walter de, bishop, Surrey, iii.
*Metcalf, John, Yorkshire, iii. 472
Metcalfe, Christopher, Yorkshire, iii.
Metingham, John de, Suffolk, iii. 176
Michel, , Wilts, iii. 338
Middleton, Sir Henry, Chester, i. 292
Sir Hugh, Denb. iii. 534
* Dr. Conyers, Yorkshire, iii. 472
David, Chester, i. 292
* Thomas Fanshawe, bishop, Derb.
i. 393
Milburgh, St., Salop, iii. 55
Mildmay, Anthony, Northam. ii. 536
Mildmey, Walter, Essex, i. 521
*Mill, Dr. John, Westm. iii. 313
*Miller, James, Dorset, i. 475
*Milles, Jeremiah, dean of Exeter,
Cornwall, i. 335
*Millhouse, Robert, Notts, ii. 584
Mills, Thomas, Kent, ii. 154
*Milner, Rev Dr, Westmin. ii. 429
* Isaac, dean, Yorkshire, iii. 472
* Joseph, Yorkshire, iii. 472
Milverton, John of, Somerset, iii. 118
Minors, William, Staff, iii. 135
♦Mitford, John, Northum. ii. 666
Mitton, Thomas, Salop, iii. 81
Mohun, Lady, Somerset, iii. 1 06
William, Cornwall, i. 329
Molineux, . . . .,Lanc. ii. 212
Sir William, Lane. ii. 201
Sir William, jun.. Lane. ii. 201
Molle, John, Devon, i. 401
*Molyneux, Samuel, Cheshire, i. 297
Mona, Guido de, bishop, Anglesea, iii.
Monck, George, duke of Albemarle,
Devon, i. 415
*Monckton, Sir Philip,Yorkshire,iii. 472
Monmouth, Prince Henry of, Monra.
ii. 433
Gefferyof, cardinal, Monm. ii.434
Jeffery of, Monm. ii. 437
John of, cardinal, Monm. ii. 434
Thomas of, Monm. ii. 438
Monox, George, London, ii. 410
*Monro, John, Kent, ii. 186
* Montagu, Elizabeth, Kent. ii. 186
* Elizabeth, Yorks. iii. 472
* George, Wilts, iii. 356
*Montague, Charles, Northam. ii. 540
— — Edward, Northam. ii. 511
Edward, Northam. ii. 520
Sir Henry, Northam. ii. 513
James, bishop, Northam. ii. 506
* Lady Mary Wortley, Notts, ii. 584
Richard, Bucks, i. 201
*Moore, Edw. Berks, i. 163
* Sir John, Leic. ii. 259
* John, archbishop, Glouc. i. 582
* Sir Jonas, Lane. ii. 221
Mordant, John, Berks, i. 187
*More, Mrs. Hannah, Glouc. i. 582
Margaret, London, ii. 363
Sir Thomas, Dorset, i. 474
Thomas de la, Glouc. i. 561
Sir Thomas, London, ii. 361
*Morell, Thomas, Bucks, i. 219
Morisin, Sir Richard, Essex, i. 508
Morison, Fines, Line. ii. 292
Mortimer, Edmund, Suffolk, iii. 161
Sir John, Heref. ii. 94
* Morton, Dr. Charles, Westm. iii. 313
John, Dorset, i. 454
Robert, bishop, Dorset, i. 455
Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 465
Morwing, Peter, Line. ii. 291
*Moss, Thos. Staff, iii. 157
Mounson, Sir William, Line. ii. 285
Mountaine, George, archbishop, York-
shire, iii. 413
*Mounteney, Richard, Surrey, iii. 237
Mountgomery, John, Essex, i. 526
*Moyle, Walter. Cornwall, i. 335
*Mudge, John, Devon, i. 449
Mulcaster, Richard, Westm. iii. 308
*Musgrave, Sir William, Cumb. i. 363
Mush, John, Yorkshire, iii. 437
*Nares, Sir George, Westmin. ii. 429
* James, Westmin. ii. 429
* Robert, arclid. Yorkshire, iii. 472
*Nash, Dr. Treadway Russel, Wore,
iii. 389
Naunton, Sir Robert, Suffolk, iii. 175
Neale, Tlioinas, Glouc. i. 562
Necton, Humphrey, Suffolk, iii. 181
*Needham, Marchmont, Oxf. iii. 36
Neile, Richard, bishop, Westmin. ii.421
*Nelson, vise. Horatio, Norf. ii. 494
* Sir William, Norf. ii. 494
Neot's, St., Essex, i. 501
Hugh of, Hunts, ii. 101
Nequam, Alexander, Herts, ii. 50
Nesta de Neumarch, Breckn. iii. 516
Nethersole, Sir Francis, Kent, ii. 157
*Nettleton, Dr. Thomas, Yorkshire,
iii. 472
*Neve, Timothy, Salop, iii, 84
Nevil, Alexander, bishop, Durh. i. 481
Cicely, Durham, i. 477
George, archbishop, Durham, i.
Hugo de, Essex, i. 532
Johan de, Essex, i. 532
Ralph, bishop, Durham, i. 480
Robert, bishop, Durham, i. 481
Nevile, Thomas, Kent, ii. 184
Nevill, Anne, Warw. iii. 272
* Henry, Berks, i, 163
Newborough, William of, Yorkshire,
iii. 424
Newburgh, John, Dorset, i. 474
^Newcastle, Margaret duchess of, Essex,
i. 545
*Newcome, John, Line. ii. 310
* William, archbishop, Berks, i. 163
Newmarket, Thomas of, bishop, Camb.
i. 230
Newport, Sir Richard, Salop, iii, 82
*Newton, Sir Isaac, Line. ii. 310
* John, Northam. ii. 540
* Richard, Northam. ii. 540
* Thomas, bishop, Staff, iii. 157
* William, Kent, ii. 186
Nicholas, Ambrose, Hunts, ii. 106
*Nichols, Dr. William, Bucks, i. 219
Nicolls, Sir Augustin, Northam. ii. 512
*Nicolson, William, bishop of Carlisle,
Cumb. i. 363
Noel, Henry, Leic. ii. 243
Marten, Staff, iii, 139
*Nollekens, Joseph, Westmin. ii, 429
Norgate, Edward, Camb. i. 242
Norrice, Henry, Berks, i. 156
Norris, Henry lord, Oxf. iii. 15
• Sir John, Oxf. iii. 17
* John, Wilts, iii. 356
North, Sir Edward, Camb. i. 258
Northall, Richard, bishop, Midd. ii. 320
Northampton, John of, Northam. ii. 514
Northampton, Richard Adam of, bishop,
ii. 504
*Northcote, James, Devon, i. 449
*Northhall, Richard, Westmin. ii. 429
Northwood, Johan de, Kent, ii, 168
Norton, Sir John, Kent, ii. 179
Thomas, Somerset, iii. 117
Nottingham, William, Notts, ii. 573
Nowell, Alex. Lane. ii. 204
Noy, William, Cornwall, i. 311
Oatlands, Henry of, Surrey, iii, 204
Ocham, Nicholas, Surrey, iii, 213
William, Surrey, iii. 213
*Ockley, Simon, Devon, i. 449
*Odell, Thomas, Bucks, i. 219
Offley, Sir Thomas, Chester, i. 295
*Ogle, Sir Chaloner, Northum.ii. 566
Oglethorp, Owen, bishop, Oxf. iii. 14
Oldcastle, Sir John, Heref. ii. 72
*01dfield, Joshua, Derb. i. 393
* Thomas, Derb. i, 393
Oldham, Hugh, bishop. Lane. ii. 195
*01dys, William, Oxf. iii. 36
*01ive, Catharine, Heref. ii. 96
* Oliver, Dr. William, Cornwall, i. 336
*Opie, John, Cornwall, i. 336
Orlton, Adam de, bishop, Heref ii. 74
*Orton, Job, Salop, iii. 84
Osith, St., Essex, i. 501
Oswald, St., Salop, iii. 55
Oughtred, M^illiam, Bucks, i. 209
Overal, John, bishop, Suffolk, iii. 170
Overbury, Sir Thomas, Glouc. i, 563
*Owen, Hugh, Salop, iii. 84
John, bishop, Northam. ii, 506
* John, Oxf. iii, 36
Sir Roger, Salop, iii. 81
* William, Salop, iii. 84
Oxford, John of, Oxf. iii. 19
Robert of, Oxf. iii. 20
*Packe, Christopher, Leic. ii. 259
Packington, Sir John, Wore. iii. 383
William, Wore, iii. 371
*Page, William, Westmin. ii. 429
Paget, Eusebius, Northam. ii. 516
William, London, ii, 364
*Paine, Thomas, Norf. ii, 494
*Paley, Dr. William, Northam. ii- 540
Palin, George, Cheshire, i. 280
Palmer, Edward, Glouc. i. 566
Henry, Sussex, iii. 262.
James, Westmin. ii. 426
John, Sussex, iii. 262
Julius, Berks, i. 126
* Samuel, Bedf. iii. 191
Thomas, Sussex, iii. 262
*Papillon, David, Leic. ii. 259
Par> Sir Thomas, Northam. ii. 533
Sir Willium, Northam. ii. 533
Par, Sir William, junior, Northam. ii.
Paris, Matthew, Camb. i. 235
Parker, Henry, Yorkshire, iii. 428
R., Camb. i. 239
* Samuel, bishop, Northam. ii. 540
*Parkes, David, Salo]i, iii. 84
*Parkhurst, John, Northam. ii. 540
John, bishop, Surrey, iii. 208
Parr, queen Katharine, Northam. ii.
queen Katharine, Westmin. iii.
Richard, bishop, Lane. ii. 200
* Robert, Salop, iii. 84
Parre, Thomas, Salop, iii. 68
Parry, Dr. Richard, Flintshire, iii. 539
*Parsons, Dr. James, Devon, i. 450
Walter, Staff, iii. 139
*Partridge, John, Surrey, iii. 237
Paschal, John, bishop, Suffolk, iii. 167
Paston, Sir Clement, Norf. ii. 455
William, Norf. ii. 449
Sir William, Norf. ii. 465
Pateshull, Martin de, Northam. ii. 509
Peter, Northam. ii. 515
^Patrick, Simon, bishop, Line. ii. 310
Patrington, Stephen, bishop, Yorkshire,
iii. 409
Paulet, John, Somerset, iii- 112
*Payne, Thomas, Northam. ii. 540
Peach, John, Kent, ii. 179
Peacock, Reginald, Wales, iii. 492
^Pearson, Dr. George. Yorkshire, iii. 472
* John, bishop, Norf. ii. 494
* Richard, Norf. ii. 494
*Peck, Francis, Line. ii. 310
Peckham, John, bishop, Sussex, iii.
*Peel, Sir Robert, Lane. ii. 221
*Pegge, Dr. Samuel, Deib. i. 393
Pelham, Sir William, Sussex, iii. 253
Pemble, William, Sussex, iii. 258
Penketh. Thomas, Lane. ii. 202
*Pepys, Catherine, Camb. i. 261
* Samuel, Hunts, ii. 110
*Percival, Dr. Thomas, Lane. ii. 221
Percy, Henry, earl, Northum. ii. 548
Thomas, bishop, Salop, iii. 84
. William, bishop, Yorkshire, iii. 409
William, Yorkshire, iii. 454
Perkins, William, Warw. iii. 283
Perne, Andrew, Norf. ii. 464
Perpoint, Robert, Notts, ii. 581
Person, Robert, Somerset, iii. 105
Persons, Anthony, Berks, i. 125
*Peters, Charles, Cornwall, i. 336
Petow, Peter, Warw. iii. 276
Petre, Dorothy, Essex, i. 522
Petrok, Wales, iii. 498
*Petty, Sir William, Hants, ii. 36
*Pettyt, William, Yorkshire, iii. 472
Peverel, Thomas, Suffolk, iii. 168
Phseas, John, London, ii. 372
Phaier, Dr. Thomas, Wales, iii. 496
Philips, John, bishop, Wales, iii. 495
*Phillips, Ambrose, Leic. ii. 259
* JohnOxf., iii. 36
Thos. Bucks, i. 219
Philpot, John, Hants, ii. 7
John, Kent,ii. 154
Sir John, Kent, ii. 155
*Phipps, Sir Constamine, Berks, i. 163
*Pi(kering, George, Northum. ii. 566
Pilkinton, James, bishop. Lane. ii. 196
Pirest, Agnes, St., Devon, i. 401
Pirry, Hugh, Glouc. i. 567
Pits, John, Hants, ii. 21
*Pitt, Christopher, Dorset, i. 4/5
* Thomas, Dorset, i. 4/5
* . William, Kent, ii. 186
* William, earl of Chatham, Cornw.,
i. 336
* William, earl of Chatham, Wilts,
iii. 356
Plantagenet, Edward, Warw. iii. 273
George, Salop, iii. 55
■ Henry, duke of Lancaster, Monm .
ii. 438
. Princess Margeret, Wilts, iii. 319
Prince Richard, Northam. ii. 502
Richard, duke of York, iii. 400
Richard, Salop, iii. 54
Thomas, St., Yorkshire, iii. 4 02
Plat, William, London, ii. 385
Playferd, Thos., Kent, ii. 155
Plough, John, Notts, ii. 574
Plowden, Edmond, Salop, iii. 61
Plympton, Robert, Devon, i. 422
*Pococke, Edward, Oxf. iii. 36
* Richard, bishop of Meath, Hants,
ii. 36
Points, John, Glonc. i. 572
Pole, Reginald, cardinal. Staff, iii. 128
William de la, Yorkshire, iii. 439
Pollard, Sir Lewis, Devon, i. 411
*Polwhele,Rev. Richard, Cornwall, i.336
* Theophilus, Cornwall, i. 336
Pomeray, Henry de la, Devon, i. 425
*Pomfret, John, Bedf. iii. 191
Poole, Richard, bishop, Wilts, iii.324
*Poore, Matthew, Yorkshire, iii. 472
Pope. Thomas, London, ii. 384
Popham, Sir John, Somerset, iii. 98
*Porson, Richard, Norf. ii. 494
Porter, George, Cumb. i. 345
*Porteus, Beilby, bishop, Yorkshire, iii.
Portman, Sir John, Somerset, iii. 97
*Pottenger, John, Hants, ii. 36
Potter, Barnaby, bishop, Westmin. iii.
Dr. Christopher, Westmin. iii.
* Francis, Wilts, iii. 356
John, archbishop, Y^orkshire, iii.
Poulett, Sir Amias, Somerset, iii. 96
Poultney, Sir John, Leic. ii. 241
John, Leic. ii. 243
Towel, William, Heref. ii. 96
Powlet, William, Hants, ii. 13
Poynet, John, bishop, Kent, ii. 137
Poynings, Sir Edward, Kent, ii. 139
*Pratt. Charles, earl Camden, Westmin.
ii. 429
* — — SamuelJackson, Hunts, ii. 110
Preston, Sir Amias, Somerset, iii. lOO
Dr. John, Northam. ii. 516
*Pretyman, George, bishop, Suffolk, iii.
*Price, John, Heref. ii. 96
* William, Wore. iii. 389
Prideaux, John, bishop, Devon, i. 408
Roger de, Cornwall, i. 327
Priestley, Joseph, Yorkshire, iii. 472
*Pringle, James, Northum. ii. 566
*Prior, Matthew, Dorset, i. 475
Prude, William, Kent, ii. 183
*Prynne, William, Somerset, iii. 122
Puckering, Sir John, Yorkshire, iii.
PuUen, Robert, cardinal, Oxf.iii. 12
*Pulteney, Dr. Richard, Leic. ii. 259
Purcase, Sir William, Camb. i. 241
Purient, George, Herts, ii. 64
*Pye, Henry James, Berks, i. 163
Quarles, Francis, Essex, i. 5 1 9
Radcliffe, Ralph, Cheshire, i. 277
* John, Yorkshire, iii. 472
Radnor, Elias de, bishop, Radnorshire,
iii. 558
— — Gulielmusde, bLshop, Radnorshire,
iii. 558
*Raffles, Sir Thomas Stanford, West-
min. ii. 429
*Raikes, Robert, Glouc. i. 582
*Rainier, admiral, Peter, ii. 186
Raleigh, Sir Walter, Devon, i. 419
William de, bishop, Devon, i.
Ramme, Thomas, bishop, Berks, i.
Ramsay, William, Hunts, ii 102
Ramsden, John, Yorkshire, iii. 457
Randolph, Thomas, Northam. ii. 517
* Thomas, Oxf. iii. 36
Ranulphus, com.Cestriae, Staff, iii. 144
' RastalJ, John, London, ii. 377
*Rastrick, John, Line. ii. 310
Ratclif, Thomas, Leic. ii. 235
Ratcliff, Thomas, Essex, i. 513
Ratcliffe, William, Line. ii. 293
Ravis, Thomas, bishop, Surrey, iii. 209
*Rawleigh, William, Norf. ii. 494
*Rawlinson, Christopher, Lane. ii. 221
Rawson, Joseph, Bucks, i. 219
- — Richard, London, ii. 409
Ray, Benjamin, Line. ii. 310
Read, Peter, Norf. ii. 458
Reading, Hugh of, Berks, i. 132
William of, archbishop, Berks, i.
Recorde, Dr. Robert, Wales, iii. 496
Rede, William, bishop, Kent, iii. 136
*Reed, Joseph, Durham, i. 490
*Reeve, Clara, Suffolk, iii. 197
Reinolds, John, Devon, i. 424
*Relph, Rev. Joseph, Cumb. i. 363
Reneger, Michael, Hants, ii. 17
*Rennel], Major John, Devon, i. 450
Repington, Philip de, Derb. i. 369
Philip, Wales, iii. 490
*Rep ton, Humphrey, Suffolk, iii. 197
*Rett, Henry, Norf. ii. 493
*Reynolds, John, Derb. i. 393
* • Sir Joshua, Devon, i. 450
Rhese, Sir John, Wales, iii. 502
Rich, Alice, Berks, i. 123
Margaret, Berks, i. 123
Sir Richard, Hants, ii. 13
Richard, London, ii. 409
Robert, Berks, i. 132
Richard, son of Henry IL Oxf. iii. 8
St., Wore. iii. 360
Richardson, John, Camb. i. 239
John, bishop, Cheshire, i. 250
^ Joseph, Northum. ii. 566
^ Samuel, Derb. i. 393
Sir Thomas, Norf. ii. 453
William, Bedf. i. 191
* William, Northum. ii. 566
*Richardus, Comes, Devon, i. 430
Richmond, Legh, Lane. ii. 221
Ridley, Sir Thomas, Camb. i. 238
Rievaulx, William of, Yorkshire, iii. 422
'Rigaud, Stephen Peter, Westmin. ii.
Ripley, George, Surrey, iii. 215
Sir George, Yorkshire, iii. 420
Rippon, Peter of, Yorkshire, iii. 424
Rishton, Edward, Lane. ii. 210
»Ritson, Isaac, Cumb. i. 363
* Joseph, Durham, i. 491
Roberson, Thomas, Yorkshire, iii 429
Robert the Searcher, Yorkshire, iii.
the Scribe, Yorkshire, iii. 423
Roberts, Richard, Cornwall, i. 330
♦Robertson, Joseph, Westm. iii. 313
Robinson, Henry, bishop, Cumb. i. 343
* Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 472
* Rochester, John Wilmot earl of, Oxf.
iii. 36
Rochford, Sir John, Line. ii. 307
*Rodney, admiral lord, Somerset, iii.
♦Roebuck, Dr. John, Yorkshire, iii. 472
Roger, bishop of Coventry and Lich-
field, Berks,!. 146
the Cistercian, Devon, i. 421
Rogers, Robert, Dorset, i. 461
John, Lane. ii. 192
* Dr. John, Oxf. iii. 36
Rokeby, Sir Thomas de, Yorkshire, iii.
Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 453
Role, Richard, St., Yorkshire, iii. 403
Rolls, Dennis, Devon, i. 441
*Romaine, William, Durham, i. 491
Roman, John, Cornwall, i. 319
John, Yorkshire, iii. 464
*Romilly, Sir Samuel, Westmin. ii. 429
*Romney, George, Lane. ii. 221
*Rooke, Major Hayman, Notts, ii. 584
Roper, John, Kent, ii. 180
Sir Thomas, London, ii. 368
Rosamond, Fair, Heref. ii. 81
*Roscoe, William, Lane. ii. 222
*Rose, Henry, Oxf. iii. 36
Hugh, James, Sussex, iii. 266
*Ross, John, bishop, Heref. ii. 96
*Rotheram, John, Northum. ii. 566
Roth well, Richard, Lane. ii. 216
Rouse, Anthony, Cornw. i. 330
John, Warw. iii. 283
*Rowe, Elizabeth, Somerset, iii. 122
* John, Devon, i. 450
* Nicholas, Bedf. i. 191
Rowlands, Henry, bishop, Carnarv. iii.
Rowlet, Sir Ralph, Essex, i. 343
Rubeus, Helias, Camb. i. 236
Rudburne, Thomas, bishop, Herts, ii.
Ruffinus, St., Staff, iii. 128
*Rushworth, John, Northam. ii. 566
Russel, Sir Francis, Bedf. i. 187
Sir Francis, Northum. ii. 565
John, Dorset, i. 457
John, bishop, Hants, ii. 9
John, Wore. iii. 382
* Thomas, Dorset, i. 475
Ruthall, Thomas, bishop, Glouc. i. 556
*Rutherforth, Thomas, Camb. i. 261
*Ryves, Bruno, dean, Dorset, i. 476
Sir Thomas, Dorset, i. 460
*Sacheverell, Dr. Henry, Wilts, iii. 356
Sackvill, Richard, Sussex, iii. 262
Thomas, Sussex, iii. 251
Sacvil, Andreas, Surrey, iii. 224
Sir Robert, Surrey, iii. 224
Sacvils, family of, Sun-ey, iii. 225
* Sadler, John, Salop, iii. 84
Sadlier, Sir Ralph, Midd. ii. 322
*St. Aubyn, Sir John, Cornwall, i. 336
St. Ives, Roger of, Hunts, ii. 103
St. John, Sir John, Bedf. i. 186
Oliver, Bedf. i. 187
St. Leger, Sir Anthony, Kent, ii. 140
Salephilax the Bard, Wales, iii. 499
Salesbury, William, bishop, Denb. iii.
Salisbury, Godwin of, Wilts, iii. 334
Sutton of, Wilts, iii. 33 7
Salkeld, John, Cumb. i. 347
♦Salmon, Nathaniel, Bedf. i. 191
* Thomas, Bedf. i. 191
*Salt, Henry, Staff, iii. 157
Saltmarsh, John, Yorkshire, iii. 434
Saltry, Henry, Hunts, ii. 101
Samford, Fulke, bishop, Somerset, iii.
John of, bishop, Somerset, iii. 94
Samuel, Robert, Suffolk, iii. 164
*Sancroft, William, archbishop, Suffolk,
iii. 197
Sanders, Laurence, Warw. iii. 275
Nicholas, Surrey, iii. 216
* Samuel, Derb. i. 393
♦Sanderson, Robert, Durham, i. 491
Sandford, Nicholas de, Salop, iii. 80
Sands, James, Staff, iii. 139
Sandwich, Henry of, bishop, Kent, ii.
Sandys, Edwin, bishop, Lane. ii. 197
Sir Edwin; Wore. iii. 391
George, Yorkshire, iii. 434
Sarisburiensis, Johannes, bishop, Wilts,
iii. 323
*.Saunders, Richard, Devon, i. 450
*Saunderson, Dr. Nicholas, Yorkshire,
iii. 472
Sautre, William, London, ii. 353
Savage, Arnold, Kent, ii. 176
* Henry, Wore. iii. 389
John, Cheshire, i. 289
Thomas, bishop, Cheshire, i. 268
Savil, Sir Henry, Yorkshire, iii. 431
George, Yorkshire, iii. 457
*Sayers, Frank, Norf. ii. 494
* Dr. James, Norf. ii. 494
Sclater, William, Bedf. i. 171
Scot, John, Kent, ii. 178
Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 437
Willia»i, Kent, ii. 177
*Scott, Dr. James, Yorkshire, iii. 472
* Right honoi-able John earl of
Eldon, Northum. ii. 566
* Dr. John, Wilts, iii. 356
* Dr. Jonathan, Salop, iii. 84
Scotus, Johannes, Northum. ii, 550
Scroop, Sir Jervasius, Line. ii. 308
Scroope, Richard, archbishop, York-
shire, iii. 408
Thomas, Suffolk, iii. 184
*Secker, Thomas, archbishop, Notts, ii,
*Seed, Jeremiah, Cumb. i. 363
Seimor, Edward, Wilts, iii. 327
Thomas, Wilts, iii. 327
Seintleger, John, Kent, ii. 177
Selden, John, Sussex, iii. 259
Sempringham, Gilbert de, Line. ii. 271
Sengham, William, London, ii. 374
*Senhouse, Humphry, Cumb. i. 363
Richard, bishop, Cumb. i. 343
Sertor of Wales, cardinal, iii. 492
* Settle, Elkanah, Bedf. i. 191
Sevenock, William, Kent, ii. 156
Sewald, Yorkshire, iii. 463
2 Q
*Seward, Anna, Derb. i. 393
*Sewell, Dr. George, Berks, i. 163
*Seyer, Samuel, Glouc. i. 582
Seymour, Sir Francis, Wilts, iii. 353
Jane, queen of Henry VIII. Wilts.
iii. 320
*Shadwell, Thomas, Norf. ii. 494
Shakspeare, William, Warw. iii. 284
Shai-nborn, lord, Norf. ii. 468
*Sharp, Abraham, Yorkshire, iii. 473
* Granville, Durham, i. 491
* John, archbishop, Yorkshire, iii.
Sharpe, Richard, Somerset, iii. 116
* William, Westmin. ii. 429
Stratford, Ralph, bishop, Warw. iii.
*Shaw, Rev. Stebbing, Staff, iii. 157
* Dr. Thomas, Westmin, iii. 313
*Shebbeare, Dr. John, Devon, i. 450
Sheffield, Edmund, Line. ii. 290
*Sheldon, Gilbert, archbishop, Somerset,
iii. 122
* Gilbert, archbishop, Staff, iii. 157
*Shenstone, William, Salop, iii. 84
Sheppey, John of, bishop, Kent, ii. 136
*Sherard, William, Leic. ii. 259
Sherborn, Robert, bishop, Hants, ii. 10
*Sherringham, Robert, Camb. i. 261
*Shield, William, Durham, i. 491
*Shippen, William, Cheshire, i. 297
Shirley, Sir Anthony, Sussex, iii. 254
Sir Robert, Sussex, iii. 255
Sir Thomas, Sussex, iii. 255
Shirwood, William, Durham, i. 485
Shordyche, John, Midd. ii. 330
*Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, Norf. ii. 494
*Shower,Sir Bartholomew, Devon, i. 450
Shrewsbury, Robert of, bishop, Salop,
iii. 56
Ralph of, bishop, Salop, iii. 58
Robert of, Salop, iii. 63
Shugburgh, Anthony, Warw. iii. 296
Shute, Nathaniel, Yorkshire, iii. 432
* John, first Viscount Barrington,
Herts, ii. 65
Josiah, Yorkshire, iii. 433
Sibs, Richard, Suffolk, iii. 185
*Sibthorpe, Dr. John, Oxf. iii. 36
Sidenham, Humphry, Somerset, iii. 104
Sidney, Frances, Kent, ii. 157
Sir Henry, Kent, ii. 141
Sir Philip, Kent, ii. 142
*Simmons, Dr. Samuel Foart, Kent, ii.
*Simpson, Dr. Bolton, Cumb. i. 363
* Dr. Joseph, Cumb. i. 363
* John, Leic. ii. 259
Sitleton, Edward, Salop, iii. 62
Skelton, John, Cumb. i. 346
John, Norfolk, ii. 461
Skinner, Robert, bishop. North. ii.507
Skip with, William, Leic. ii. 258
Sir William de. Line. ii. 279
Sir William, Line. ii. 280
Skudamore, Sir James, Heref. ii. 95
Skuish, John, Cornwall, i. 317
Sleigtholme, Wm. St., Yorks. iii. 404
Slingsby, Henry, Yorkshire, iii. 457
*Smallbroke, Richard, bishop, Warw.
iii. 299
*Smalridge, George, bishop, Staff, iii.
*Smart, Christopher, Kent, ii. 186
Richard, Wilts, iii. 332
*Smeaton, John, Yorkshire, iii. 473
*Smith, Charlotte, Surrey, iii. 237
Charlotte, Sussex, iii. 266
* Edmund, Wore. iii. 389
* Elizabeth, Durham, i. 491
* George, Durham, i. 491
Henry, Leic. ii. 238
Henry, Surrey, iii. 217
* Sir James Edward, Novf. ii. 494
Captain John, Cheshire, i. 275
John, Lane ii. 213
* John, Westm. iii. 313
* Joseph, Westm. iii. 313
Miles, bishop, Heref. ii. 75
Dr. Richard, Wore. iii. 372
Robert, Leic. ii. 242
Robert, Line. ii. 310
Sir Thomas, Berks, i. 131
Sir Thomas, Essex, i. 5io
William, Cheshire, i. 281
William, Lane. ii. 211
* Dr. William, Oxf. iii. 36
* William, Wore. iii. 389
*Soane, Sir John, Berks, i. 163
Somercote, Laurence, Sussex, iii. 256
*Somers, John, lord chancellor. Wore,
iii. 389
Somerset, Maurice, Som. iii. 103
*Somervile, William, Wax-w. iii. 299
Sommercot, Robert, Line. ii. 271
Sophia, daughter of James I. ii. 129
*Southcote, Joanna, Devon, i. 450
Southern, Thomas, Warw. iii. 299
Southwel, Robert, Suffolk, iii. 187
Sparks, Dr., Thomas, Line. ii. 292
*Sparrow, Anthony, bishop, Suff. iii. 197
Speed, John, Chesh. i. 277
*Spence, Thomas, Northum. ii. 566
Spencer, Dr. Miles, Westm. iii. 309
Sir Robert, Northam. ii. 536
Spenser, Edmond, London, ii. 379
Spicer, John, Wilts, iii. 322
Spine, John, Somerset, iii. 117
* Sprat, Thomas, bishop, Devon, i. 450
Spring, Thomas, Suffolk, iii. 188
Sprint, John, Glouc. i. 564
*Squere, Samuel, bishop, Wilts, iii. 356
Stafford, Edmond, bishop, Staff, iii. 130
Henry, baron of Stafford, iii. 137
Henry, duke of Buckingham,
Breckn. iii. 516
Humphrey, Leic. ii. 253
John, archbishop, Dorset, i. 455
John. Staff, iii. 135
* Staines, Sir Thomas, Kent, ii. 187
Stamford, Sir William, Midd. ii. 322
*Stample, Sir Thomas, Berks, i. 1G3
Stanberry, John, bishop, i, 406
Standish, Henry, bishop, Lane. ii. 195
John, Lane. ii. 203
Stanford, Nieholas, Line. ii. 288
*Stanhope, George, dean of Canterbury,
Derb. i. 393
Stanley, James, bishop, Lane. ii. 195
Thomas, Staff, iii. 154
Stapleton, Robert, Yorkshire, iii. 456
* Sir Robert, Yorkshire, iii. 473
Thomas, Sussex, iii. 261
Starkey, Sir Humphrey, Chesh. i. 272
Stathom, John, Derb. i. 371
*Staveley, Thomas, Leic. ii. 259
*Stedman, Thomas, Salop, iii. 84
*Steevens, George, Westm. ii. 429
Stephen, William Fitz, London, ii. 373
*Std^hens, Nathaniel, Wilts, iii. 356
* Robert, Glouc. i. 582
Sternhold, Thomas, Hants, ii. 18
Stevens, Wm Bagshaw, Berks, i. 163
*Stevenson, William, Northum. ii. 567
Steward, Sir Simon, Camb. i. 260
Still, John, bishop, Line. ii. 276
*Stillingfleet, Benjamin, Norf. ii. 494
* Edward, bishop, Dorset, i. 476
Stock, Richard, Yorkshire, iii. 468
• Simon, Kent, ii. 150
*Stockdale, Percival, Northum ii. 567
Stokes, Matthew, Bucks, i. 206
*Stonehouse, Sir John, Berks, i. 163
*Stothard, Charles Alfred, Westm. ii.
Stow, John, London, ii. 380
*Stowell, lord, Durham, i. 491
*Strachan, Sir Richard John, Devon, i.
Strange, Alexander, London, ii. 386
Strangways, Egidius, Dorset, i. 474
Stratford, John, bishop, Warw. iii. 276
Robert, bishop, iii. 277
Strickland, William of, bishop, Westm.
iii. 304
Stuart, Prince Charles, Westmin. ii.
*Stubbs, George, Lane. ii. 222
Stuckesly, Walter de, Glouc. i. 570
Stuckley, Thomas, Devon, i. 414
Stumps, T. Wilts, iii. 337
*Sturges, Samuel, Derb. i. 393
Sturmy, Henry, Wilts, iii. 343
Sulcard of Westminster, ii. 423
Sudbury, Simon, archbishop, Suffolk,
iii. 167
Summers, Sir George, Dorset, i. 459
*Surtees, Robert, Durham, i. 491
*Sutton, Charles Manners, archbishop,
Notts, ii. 584
Sir Richard, Cheshire, i. 279
Richard, Line. ii. 294
Swinden, Henry, Norf. ii. 494
Svvinton, John, Cheshire, i. 297
♦Sydenham, Cuthbert, Cornwall, i. 336
* Dr. Thomas, Dorset, i. 476
♦Sydney, Algernon, Kent, ii. 187
Symonds, Edward, Herts, ii. 56
Syveyer, William, Durham, i. 486
*Tabor, Sir Robert, Camb. i. 26 1
Talbot, Edmond, Yorkshire, iii. 453
Sir Gilbert, Salop, iii. 81
Sir John, Salop, iii. 62, 63
Talbote, Richard, bishop, Salop, iii. 59
♦Tanner, Thomas, bishop, Wilts, iii.
Tarlton, Thomas, Staff, iii. 139
Taverner, William, Oxf. iii. 34
♦Taylor, Brook, Westmin. ii. 429
♦ Dr. John, Lane. ii. 222
♦ John, Salop, iii. 84
Rowland, Suffolk, iii. 164
♦ Silas, Salop, iii. 84
♦ Thomas, Westmin. ii. 430
Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 432
Temple, Hester, Bucks, i. 210
♦Templeman, Sir Peter, Dorset, i. 476
♦Tenison, Thomas, archbishop, Camb.
i, 261
♦Tenterden, lord, Kent, ii. 187
Terer, John, Chester, i, 296
♦Terry, Daniel, Somerset, iii. 122
Testwood, Robert, Berks, i. 125
Tewkesbury, Alan of, Glouc. i. 560
Thelian, St.; Merion. iii. 546
♦Theobald, Lewis, Kent, iii. 187
Theorithoid, St., Essex, i. 500
♦Thicknesse, Philip, Northam. ii. 540
* Mrs., Weslmin. ii. 430
Thin, Sir Thomas, Wilts, iii. 352
Thinne, Francis, Kent, ii. 153
♦Thirlby, Styan, Leic ii. 259
Thomas, bishop, Camb. i. 230
Thomas, Sir Rice ap, Carmarth. iii.
ap William, Flintshire, iii. 541
son of Edward I., Yorkshire, iii.
♦Thompson, Benjamin, iii. 473
♦ Capt. Edward, Yorkshire, iii.
♦ Sir Peter, Dorset, i. 476
♦ Admiral Sir Thomas Boulden,
Kent, ii. 187
Thorn, Robert, Somerset, iii. 119
Thorneborough, John, bishop, Wilts,
iii. 326
♦Thornhill, Sir James, Dorset, i. 476
♦Thorpe, John, Kent, ii. 187 "
* John, Kent, ii. 187
John, Norfolk, ii. 461
♦Thoreaby, Ralph, Yorkshire, iii. 473
♦Thoroton, Dr. Robert, Notts, ii. 584
♦Throckmorton, John, Bucks, i. 220
Sir Nicholas, Warw. iii. 280
Throgkinorton, Sir Arthur, Northam.
ii. 537
*Throsby, John, Leic. ii. 259
*Thurlow, Edward, lord chancellor,
Suffolk, iii. 197
* Thomas, bishop, Suffolk, iii. 198
Thurway, Simon, Cornwall, i. 315
Tibbas, St., Rutland, iii. 38,
*Tickell, Thomas, Cumb. 1,363
Tighe, Dr., Line. ii. 292
Tilbury, Gervase of, Essex, i. 516
*Tillotson, John, archbishop, Yorkshire,
iii. 473
Tilney, Sir Frederick, Line. ii. 282
*Tipper, John, Warw. iii. 299
Tiptoft, John, Camb. i. 233
Tirrell, Sir James, Cornwall, i. 328
*Tobin, John, Wilts, iii. 356
Tisdall, Thomas, Oxf. iii. 25
*Todd, Dr. Hugh, Cumb. i. 363
Tomson, Robert, Hants, ii. 15
*Tonge, Dr. Ezreel, Yorkshire, iii. 473
*Tonkin, Thomas, Cornwall, i. 336
Tonstal, Cuthbert, bishop, Yorkshire,
iii. 409
*Topham, John, Yorkshire, iii. 473
*Toplady, Augustus Montague, Surrey,
iii. 237
*Toup, Jonathan, Cornwall, i. 336
Towers, John, bishop, Norfolk, ii. 448
Townsend, Roger, Norfolk, ii. 486
* George, first Marquis, Norfolk,
ii. 494
*Townley, Charles, Lanc.-ii. 222
* John, Lane. ii. 222
Townson, Robert, bishop, Camb. i.
Tracy, Sir William, Glouc i. 558
Trafford, Sir Edmond de, Lane. ii. 215
Traheron, Bartholomew, Cornwall, i.
*Trap, Joseph, Gloue. i. 582
Tregonwell, John, Cornwall, ii. 312
Tregury, Michael, bishop, Cornwall, i.
*Trelawney, Sir Jonathan, bishop, Corn-
wall, i. 336
Tremaine, Andrew, Devon, i. 427
Nicholas, Devon, i. 427
Tressam, Thomas, Northam. ii. 335
Thomas, Northam. ii. 535
Trestram, .... Midd. ii. 327
Trevisa, John, Cornwall, i. 316
Trigg, George, Line. ii. 293
* Trimmer, Sarah, Suffolk, iii. 198
Tucker, William, Exeter, i. 447
Tuckville, Joan, Devon, i. 447
Tuke, Sir Brian, Essex, i. 542
Turbevil, James, bishop, Dorset, i. 455
Turner, Dr. William, Northum. ii. 548
*Tumor, Sir Christopher, Bedf. i. 191
Turpin, Richard, Leic. ii. 237
Tusser, Thomas, Essex, i. 518
Tuthar, prince Henry, Pembr. iii. 554
*Tweddell, John, Northum. ii. 567
Twiford, Roger, Midd. ii. 324
Twis, William, Berks, i. 134
Tye, Christopher, Westmin. ii. 425
Tyrrell, John, Essex, i. 526
Ulverston, Richard, Lane. ii. 202
Urapton, Sir Henry, Berks, i. 131
Underbill, John, bishop, Oxf. iii. 14
Thomas, Warw. iii. 291
Unton, Sir Edward, Berks, i. 159
*Upham, Edward, Devon, i. 450
*Upton, James, Cheshire, i. 297
Nicholas, Devon, i. 423
Ursula, St., Cornwall, i. 308
*Uvedale, admiral Samuel, Suffolk, iii.
*Valpy, Rev. Dr , Berks, i. l63
*Vanburgh, Sir John, Cheshire, i. 297
Vaughan, Richard, bishop, Carnarv. iii.
Walter, Wilts, iii. 383
Vaux, Sir Nicholas, Northam. ii. 532
Robertusde, Cumb. i. 352
Vavasor, Henry, Yorkshire, iii. 454
Veal, , Cornwall, i. 319
Veer, Henry, Northum. ii. 532
Venile, Sir Robert, Norfolk, ii. 454
Vere, Aubrey de, Essex, i. 517
Sir Francis, Essex, i. 514
Henry, Essex, i. 515
Sir Horace, Essex, i. 514
Verney, Sir Richard, Warw. iii. 296
Vernon, John, Derb. i. 390
Vesty, John, Warw. iii. 278
Villiers, George, Leic. ii. 231
Vinarius, Capellanus, Norf. ii. 476
*Vince,Dr. Samuel, Suffolk, iii. 198
Vines, Richard, Leic. ii. 239
Vipont, Thomas, bishop, Westm. iii.
Robert de, Westmin. iii. 311
Vivan, Machell, Northum. ii. 552
*Vivian, Thomas, Cornw. i. 336
Waad, Armigel, Yorkshire, iii. 418
Wadham, Nicholas, Somerset, iii. 107
*Wager, Sir Charles, Cornw. i. 336
*Wagstaffe, Thomas, bishop, Warw. iii.
* William, Bucks, i. 220
*Wake, Sir Isaac, Northam. ii. 508
* William, archbishop, Dorset, 1.476
*Wakefield, Gilbert, Notts, ii. 584
Henry, bishop, Yorkshire, iii. 408
Walbey, Robert, Yorkshire, iii. 467
Walbye, John, Yorkshire, iii. 467
Walch, Joan, Line. ii. 307
Walden, Roger, bishop, Essex, i. 605
Waldensis, Thomas, Essex, i. 517
* Walker, Adam, Westm. iii. 313
■ George. Lane. ii. 209
* George, Northum. ii. 567
* John, Herts, ii. 66
*Wall, Dr. John, Wore. iii. 389
Waller, Richardus, Kent, ii. 177
Wallingford, Richard of, Berks, i. 132
*Wallis, Dr. George, Yorkshire, iii. 473
* John, Northum. ii. 567
John, Wore. iii. 370
Wallop, Sir John, Hants, ii. 15
*Walpole, Horace, earl of Orford, Dor-
set, i. 476
* lord Horatio, Norfolk, ii. 494
* Sir Robert, Norfolk, ii. 494
Walsh, Richard, Wore. iii. 383
* William, Wore. iii. 389
Walsingham, Sir Francis, Kent, ii. 143
* lord chief justice, Norfolk, ii. 494
Walter de Constantiis, bishop, Wales,
iii. 490
♦Walter, Sir Edward, Somerset, iii. 122
John, Heref. ii, 80
— — Sir John, Salop, iii, 61
Waltham, John of, bishop, Essex, i.
Roger of, Essex, i. 5l6
* Walton, Izaak, Staff, iii. 157
John, bishop. Wore. iii. 364
*Wanley, Humphrey, Warw. iii. 299
*Warburton, William, bishop, Notts, ii.
*Ward, Edward, Oxf. iii. 36
Samuel, Durham, i. 487
Samuel, Suffolk, iii. 186
Simon, Yorkshire, iii. 444
Ware, Richard de, bishop, Herts, ii. 43
William of, Herts, ii. 51
, Warham, William, archbishop, Hants,
i. 9
Warner, John, bishop, Westmin. ii. 421
* Warren, Sir John Borlase, Notts, ii. 584
Wast, Joan, Derb, i. 369
Waterhouse, Sir Edward, Herts, ii. 44
Thomas, Herts, ii. 59
*Waterland, Daniel, Line. ii. 310
Waters, Mary, Kent, ii. 158,
*Watson, John, Cheshire, i. 298
* Richard, bishop of Llandaff,
Westm. iii. 313
Robert, Norfolk, ii. 490
*Watts, Isaac, Hants, ii. 36
Waynflet, William, bishop. Line. ii. 273
*Webb, Francis, Somerset, iii. 122
William, Cheshire, i. 282
*Wedgwood, Josiah, Staff, iii. 157
Weevert, John, Kent, ii. 207
*Wells, Dr. Edward, Wilts, iii. 356
Jocelineof, bishop, Somerset,
iii. 93
William, Norfolk, ii, 460
*Welsted, Leonard, Northum, ii. 540
Welton, William de, archbishop, York-
shire, iii. 407
Wendover, Roger de, Bucks, i, 205
Wenham, Sir Richard, Oxf. iii. 35
Wenlock, John, Bedf. i. 186
Walter de, bishop, Salop, iii. 58
Wentworth, Thomas, London, ii. 365
Sir Thomas, Suffolk, iii. 178
Thomas, earl of Strafford, York-
shire, iii, 418
Werburgh, St., Northam. ii. 503
♦Wesley, John, Line, ii. 310
* Samuel, Dorset, i. 476
* Samuel, Line. ii. 310
West, Nicholas, bishop, Surrey, iii.
Thomas, Lane. ii. 212
* Thomas, Lane. ii. 222
♦Westall, Richard, Westmin. ii. 430
Westberry, Walter, Wilts, iii. 340
Westfield, Thomas, bishop, Camb.
i. 232
Westminster, Gilbert of, Westmin. ii.
Matthew of, Westmin. ii. 424
Suleard of, Westmin, ii. 423
*Weston, Edward, Bucks, i. 220
Elizabeth, Surrey, iii. 217
Richard, Essex, i. 511
* Stephen, Devon, i. 450
Wetherset, Rich. Camb. i. 237
*Whalley, Peter, Warw. iii. 299
♦Wharton, Sir George, Westm. iii. 313
* Henry, Norfolk, ii. 494
* Dr. Joseph, Hants, ii. 36
f Thomas, Cumb. i. 361
* Thomas, Hants, ii. 36
Whateley, William, Oxf. iii. 22
♦Wheeler, Maurice, Dorset, i. 476
Whelock, Abraham, Salop, iii. 66
Whelpdale, Roger, bishop, Cumb. i.
Whetamstead, John, Herts, ii. 52
♦Whiston, William, Leic. ii. 254
Whitacre, Jeremiah, Yorkshire, iii. 435
William, Lane. ii. 204
♦Whitaker, John, Lane. ii. 222
♦ Dr. Thomas Dunham, Norfolk, ii.
♦Whi thread, Samuel, Bedf. i, 191
♦Whitby, Daniel, Northam, ii. 540
White, Francis, bishop, Hunts, ii. 100
♦ Gilbert, Hants, ii. 36
♦ Henry Kirke, Notts, ii. 584
John, bishop, Hants, ii, 10
John, Hunts, ii, 103
John, Oxf. iii. 24
Richard, Hants, ii. 21
Richard, Wilts, iii. 332
* Robert, Notts, ii. 584
Sir Thomas, Herts, ii. 57
♦ Thomas, bishop, Notts, ii, 584
Dr. Thomas, Somerset, iii. 120
William, Kent, ii. 131
Whitefield, George, Glouc. i. 582
Whitehead, David, Hants, ii. 1 8
♦ William, Camb. i. 261
* Whitehead, George, Westm. iii. 313
*Whitehurst, John, Cheshire, i. 298
Whitgift, John, bishop, Line. ii. 276
Whitlesey, William de, bishop, Hunts,
ii. 99
Whittington, Robert, Staff, iii. 136
Wiat, Sir Thomas, Kent, ii. 152
*Wicke, John, Somerset, iii. 123
Wickham, W^illiam, bishop, Hants,
ii. 8
William, Hants, ii. 22
William, bishop, Midd. ii. 321
Wickliffe, John, Durham, i. 479
Widevill, Richard, Northam. ii. 532
Wightwick, Richard, Berks, i. 136
Wikham, Thomas, Berks, i. 153
*Wilberforce, Wiilliam, Yorkshire, iii.
*Wild, Jonathan, Salop, iii. 84
William, Devon, i. 417
Wilkes, Alice, Midd. ii. 326
*Wilkins, John, l)ishop, Northiim. ii.
* William, Norf. ii. 494
*Wilkinson, Dr. Henry, Yorkshire, iii.
*Willes, General, Cornwall, i. 336
Willet, Dr. Andrew, Camb. i. 238
Wiilliam, son of Edw. III. Berks, i. 123
Williams, son of Edward III. Herts,-
ii. 40
* Sir Charles Hanbury, Monm. ii.
* Edward, Salop, iii. 84
Sir John, Berks, i. 156
John, Carnarv. iii. 528
Sir Roger, Monm. ii. 436
WiMibald, St., Devon, i. 400
*Willis, Browne, Dorset, i. 476
* Dr. Francis, Line. ii. 310
* Dr. Thomas, Wilts, iii. 356
Willmer, William, Northam. ii. 537
' Willoughby, Sir Hugh, Derb. i. 372
* Sir Hugh, Derb. i. 393
Francis, Warw. iii. 299
*Willymot, William, Herts, ii. 66
*Wilmot, Sir Jchn Eardley, Derb. i. 393
*Wil*on, Barnard, Notts, ii. 584
* John, Westin. iii. 313
* Thomas, bishop, Cheshire, i. 298
Dr. Thomas, Line. ii. 277
Wilton, Dr. Thomas of, Wilts, iii. 335
John of, Wilts, iii. 334
John of, jun. Wilts, iii. 334
Wiltshire, Sir John, Kent, ii. 179
*Winchelsea, Anne, countess of, Hants,
ii. 36
Winchelsey, John, Sussex, iii. 257
— — Robert, bishop, Sussex, iii. 245
Winchcombe, Benedict, Bucks, i. 217
— — Tideman, bishop, Glouc. i. 557
Winchester, Lamprid of, Hants, ii. 16
Wolstanus, of, Hants, ii. 16
Windham, Edmund, Norf. ii. 482
Windham, Sir Edmund, Norf. ii. 483
Windlesore, Hugo de, Kent, ii. 167
Windscombe, John, Berks, i. 137
Windsor, Roger of, -Berks, i. 132
Sir William, Bedf. i. 187
Sir William, Bucks, i. 203
*Wing, Vincent, Rutland, iii. 51
Wingate, Edmund, Bedf. i. 169
Wingham, Henry de, bishop, Kent, ii.
Winniffe, Thomas,bishop, Dorset, i.456
*Winstanley, Henry, Essex, i. 545
Winter, William, Glouc. i. 558
Winterburn, Walter, cardinal, Wilts,
iii. 322
*Wintringham, Sir Clifton, Yorkshire,
iii. 473
Wirley, Roger de. Staff iii. 154
Wise, Gildasthe, Somerset, iii. 101
* Joseph, Cumb. i. 363
*Withers, PhUip, Wilts, iii. 356
William, Sussex, iii, 264
Wivill, Robert, bishop, Leic. ii. 230
*Wolcot, Dr. John, Devon, i. 450
Wolfadus, St., Stafl'. iii. 128
* Wolfe, general James, Kent, ii. 187
*Wolferstan, Samuel Pipe, Staff, iii. 157
Wolfild, St., Essex, i. 501
*Wollaston, Dr. William, Staff, iii. 157
Wolsey, Thomas, cardinal, Suffolk, iii.
Wolstan, St., Warw. iii. 274
*Wood, Anthony, Oxford, iii, 36
Nicholas, Kent, ii. 159
* Robert, Surrey, iii. 237
*Woodcock,. Robert, Westmin, ii. 430
*Woodd, Basil, Surrey, iii. 237
Woodevill, princess Elizabeth,Northam.
ii. 501
Woodford, Thomas de, Leic. ii. 252
* William, Leic. ii. 237
*Woodhouse, Robert, Norfolk, ii. 494|
Sir Thomas, Norfolk, ii. 483
*Woodlarke, Robert, Northum. ii. 551
*Woodroffe, Benjamin, Oxf. iii. 36
Woodstock, Thomas of, Oxf. iii. 9
*Woollett, William, Kent, ii. 187
*Woolstonf, Thomas, Northam. ii. 540
Woolton, John, bishop, Lane. ii. 198
Worcester, Florence of, Wore. iii. 370
Workman, John, Glouc. i. 564
*WorraU, John, Berks, i. 163
Worsop, Robert, Notts, ii. 574
*Worthington, Hugh, Leic. ii. 259
* Dr. John, Lane. ii. 222
Thomas, Lane. ii. 210
Wotton, Nicholas, Kent, ii. 146
* William, Suffolk, iii. 198
*Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel W. , Glouc. i.
Wray, Sir Christopher,Yorkshii-e,iii.415
Frances, Line. ii. 295
*Wren, Sir Christopher, Wilts, iii. 356
Matthew, bishop, London, ii. 360
Wrey, Sir William, Cornwall, i. 330
* Wright, John, Derb. i. 393 ^ *
* Samuel, Notts, ii. 584 Young, John, Hunts, ii. 103
*Wrighte, Sir Nathan, Leic. ii. 259 Too, William, Devon, i. 431
Wriothesley, Thomas, London, ii. 363 Yorke, James, Line, ii. 295
Wrotesley, Walter, Staff, iii. 154 * Philip, first earl of Hardvvicke,
Wroth, Willielmus, Midd. ii. 329 Kent, ii. 187
Wulsine, St., London, ii. 352
Wulsy, St., Westmin. ii. 420 „
*Wyatt, James, Staff, iii. 157
*Wycherley, William, Salop, iii. 84 *Zouch, Dr. Thomas, Yorkshire, iii. 47^
Wydevill, Lionell, bishop, Northam. ii. William le, bishop, Northam. ii.
505 504
London : Printed by Nutta'.l and Hodgsoi., Couyh Square.
In the list of tlie Worthies of Cumberland, vol. i. p. 363, the name of Bishop Whelpdalb, who
flied hi 1432, IB inserted by iiii»taXe.
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