An elite school will soon ditch a long-running language program, in a move experts say could be "ideological" and will leave Australia ill-equipped to engage with our closest Asian neighbour.
'I feel like a child': The challenges and rewards of learning your family's language
You might know the word for 'hello' in your family's language if you've grown up speaking it at home, but do you know the word for 'policy'? Angelique Lu on what it's like to go back to study Vietnamese as an adult.
Photo shows A woman in a blue and black dress standing outside.'Mummy doesn't know': When your toddler speaks better English than you
Although I wasn't born in an English environment, I am in an English-speaking environment 24/7. I still have some difficulties with specific words or slang — but my kids don't, and they're just three and four.
Photo shows A toddler sits beside his mum looking at a book about dinosaurs, parenting when English is your second language.When Nonna's not enough: How to learn a language and stick with it
If you're looking to fill time in iso by becoming a linguist, we have some advice.
Photo shows Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond with a speech bubble saying "Ciao!"My one regret is not learning a second language — and I'm not alone
When my nonna died it felt like a critical link with my Italian heritage had been broken. My children wouldn't grow up with the Italian language spoken around them.
Photo shows Close-up of two people looking at a language book, with cream, blue and green brushstrokes in the background.