Dragon Locator is a magical device created by Azuregos to locate blue dragons across Azeroth for Kalecgos from the Azure Span.
Objective of[]
- [70] Where in the World is a Lost Blue Dragon?
- [70] The Search for Blue Dragons
- [70] The Last Missing Blue Dragon
- [70] A Pair of Blue Dragons
- [70] Lost Blue Dragons
- Gossip
Choose your next destination.
<Choose which part of the Dragon Isles to explore.>
- Crystalsong - Right an ancient wrong in Crystalsong Forest. Click to view the scouting report → [70] Crystalsong Forest
- Booty Bay - Save Zeros, a blue dragon deep in debt in Booty Bay. Click to view the scouting report → [70] Booty Bay
- Jade Forest - Reunite with Kalecgos' old friend, Kirygosa, in The Jade Forest. Click to view the scouting report → [70] Jade Forest
- Theramore - Investigate a cadre of rogue mages in the ruins of Theramore. Click to view the scouting report → [70] Theramore
- Winterspring - Join Haleh in her artifact work in Winterspring. Click to view the scouting report → [70] Winterspring
Patch changes[]
- Patch 10.1.0 (2023-05-02): Added.
External links[]