Yale Enviro Center


The Yale Center for & advances fresh thinking & analytical approaches to decision-making. Home of the EPI:

New Haven, CT, USA
Joined March 2011

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  1. New report by the Yale-Data Driven Grp w/ -20 & 's Schwarzenegger Inst

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  2. Scenes from Paris: Beyond the negotiations by

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  3. Cites need to address issues and says (FES '14)

  4. As cities prepare for climate change, mayors and city leaders must address equity and climate justice issues,...

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    OpEd w/ Josh Sperling on implications for planning in

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    GRT to be in >> Prep Leaving Many in Danger

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    Thoughts on Today's Paris Agreement from &

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    . : "What was unthinkable has now been called unstoppable."

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    So what are the major outcomes of ? Find out now!

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    Approved! Standing ovation in plenary. Thanks all!

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    Hugs all around approved! Thanks

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    gives shout out to non-nation actors for their important role at !

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    Intense huddles as the minutes tick by and worlds wait for climate agreement at

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    Ready for what could be the biggest moment in climate change policy since 1992?

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  15. Yale Law School profiles YCELP's engagement at the U.N. Climate Change Negotiations. Professor Dan Esty, Dena...

  16. Yale Team Supports Local Climate Action at Paris Talks

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  17. The Nature Conservancy interviews YCELP's Dan Esty on the climate talks in Paris....

  18. Taking Action: Connecticut Trustee Dan Esty on | interview with .

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    Read D. Esty's "Global Response to : 5 Mistakes the 2015 Needs to Fix"

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    Great article by D. Esty!

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