Relevant Positions

Bayer Water Position

The availability of fresh water is a growing concern around the world and therefore currently a heavily discussed topic on the international agenda. Although water scarcity is no global phenomenon as e.g. climate change, an increasing number of regions does not have access to sufficient fresh water supplies to meet industrial or sometimes even basic sanitation needs.

Bayer Water Position

Our commitment to protect und use water responsibly is expressed in our corporate water position.

Bayer operates production facilities around the world, but only 2 % of its water usage takes place in areas officially classified by the World Resources Institute as water scarce (e.g. Australia). Nevertheless, Bayer is committed to make contributions to the protection of water resources. This includes the further improvement of our own water-use-efficiency, the development of innovate products and technologies for the market and the support of water-related community projects.


Furthermore, we are an endorsing member of the CEO Water Mandate of the UN Global Compact. Bayer CEO Marijn Dekkers was among the first endorsers of the communiqué “Make Water Sustainability A Priority” which was published on occasion of the UN conference “Rio +20”. The protection of all natural resources is an integral part of Bayer’s commitment to sustainable development. Our commitment to protect und use water responsibly is expressed in our corporate water position.

Last updated: March 2, 2015 Copyright © Bayer AG