The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic initiative for companies that undertake to align their business activities and strategies with ten universally recognized principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. Bayer was one of the first signatories in 2000.
Signatories are also obligated to report each year on the progress they have made in implementing these principles. Bayer combines its progress report with its annual financial report. We link a tabular overview with pages in the report containing extensive information.
In recent years we have successively expanded our commitment to the Global Compact. We became a signatory to the CEO Water Mandate and the Caring for Climate initiative, and thus support ambitious goals with respect to the protection of water resources and the climate.
Bayer expressly undertakes to uphold the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. To ensure that these principles are anchored in our business operations, we have developed guidelines, policies and company positions that are binding for all employees around the world. This applies equally to our suppliers, whom we obligate to observe the ten principles all around the world.