South Africa's Energy Price Hike Opposed

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa are to protest against Eskom's application to increase electricity prices by 16 percent per annum over the next five years. more»

SA Rhino Poaching Figures on the Rise


Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, says she is concerned that around 668 rhinos were lost to poaching in South Africa in 2012. So far 267 people have been arrested. more»

Fitch Downgrades SA's Credit Rating

The government is currently assessing issues raised in Fitch's rating review - which has downgraded the country's long term foreign currency credit rating. more»

SA Farmworkers' Strike Continues

While there are reports of wage talks between farmers and unions to end the violent strike, labour Minister has called for stakeholders to settle their industrial dispute. more»

Zuma in Bid to End the Zimbabwean Crisis

President Jacob Zuma is expected to be tough on Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe at the SADC summit in Tanzania. more»

SA's Road Carnage Likened to a 'War Zone'

Nearly 1500 people have died on the country's roads this festive season. The transport ministry said drunken driving was one of the main causes. more»

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