Arts Development Service
The CRD Arts Development Service provides funding support to arts organizations on behalf of 8 municipalities in the capital region: Victoria, Saanich, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, View Royal, Metchosin, Highlands and Sidney. The Arts Service has three funding programs: Operating Grants provide annual financial assistance to established arts organizations for ongoing programming and administrative expenses; Project Grants support emerging or established arts organizations for new, recurring or developmental initiatives; and IDEA Grants (Innovate, Develop, Experiment, Access) support non-arts mandated organizations for arts related programming initiatives.
The Arts Service manages Landmarks, a searchable website dedicated to the presentation of public art in the region. This service is provided on behalf of arts service municipalities with public art policies.
The Arts Service is also a contributor to the Golden Jubilee Arts Fund. The fund is administered by the Victoria Foundation. The purpose of the GLAF is to provide enriching arts experiences for youth in grades K to 12.
At the request of municipal councils, the CRD Arts Service was established in June 2001 through CRD bylaw 2884, for the "provision of assistance in relation to the arts and culture for the purpose of benefiting the community or an aspect of the community". The same bylaw gives authority to the Arts Committee.
CRD bylaw 2973 established the Arts Advisory Council "for an independent community-based body to provide advice to the CRD on matters relating to the arts service".
- Bylaw 2884 (PDF )
- Bylaw 2973 (PDF )
Arts Service staff provides assistance to the Arts Committee and Arts Advisory Council, administration for the funding programs, and liaises with other levels of government, NGOs and the public in providing information related to the CRD support of the arts.
CRD Arts Advisory Council & Committee
The Arts Advisory Council is a volunteer committee who provide advice on arts policy and program development for the Capital Region. They are also responsible for the adjudication of applications to the project and operational support programs. The Advisory Council is appointed by the CRD Arts Committee.
- Arts Advisory Council Bios (PDF )
The Arts Committee is composed of the following representatives from each of the member municipalities of the CRD Arts Service:
- Councillor Carine Green (Oak Bay)
- Councillor Allen Dobb (Highlands)
- Councillor Marilyn Loveless (Sidney)
- Councillor Pamela Madoff (Victoria), Vice Chair
- Councillor Lynda Hundleby (Esquimalt)
- Councillor Moralea Milne (Metchosin)
- Councillor Vicki Sanders (Saanich)
- Councillor David Screech (View Royal) Chair
Arts Advisory Council Appointment - May 2012 new
The CRD Arts Committee is pleased to welcome Lara Tomaszewska, newly appointed to the Arts Advisory Council. She joins Robert Thompson and Jessica Van der Veen, also new members in 2012.
- New Members' Bios (PDF )
Arts and Culture Contributes $170 Million to Economy
Victoria, BC – Five organizations announced the results of an economic activity study done on arts and culture in Greater Victoria today, showing that the sector generated total economic activity of $170 million in 2010.