Car sharing in Germany - statistics & facts
The number of car sharing stations in Germany has been increasing during recent years. In 2023, there were 7,100 stations, compared to 3,250 in 2013. Rising demand may be due to various circumstances. Using car sharing services rather than buying a car could be connected to financial reasons, whether for a certain time or long-term, as well as wishing to use means of transport sustainably by not contributing to vehicle numbers. In larger cities, people may need a car only occasionally and otherwise get around with public transport. In 2024, car sharing companies provided a total of 43,110 vehicles for their customers.
Surveys indicate that the number of people who use or are interested in car sharing in Germany is dropping, though the opposite is true for actual user numbers. Registered car sharing user numbers have exploded in Germany in recent years, from over one million in 2015 to more than 5 million in 2024. Car sharing offers a lot of advantages to commuters and the mobility market in Germany is definitely one to watch. Growing energy prices have added a significant challenge both for businesses and customers alike, however, though this will not shut down demand completely.