QMP3Gain Wiki
Multiplatform GUI of MP3Gain which adjusts volume of MP3 files
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Graphical user interface front end supporting MP3Gain engine which analyzes and losslessly adjusts mp3 files to a specified target volume. A complete re-creation (made in QT4) of the original MP3Gain GUI, however it can be run on more platforms.
Hi Zsolt,
this looks like a really good tool. I've downloaded it and I'm experimenting on Ubuntu 20.04.
I can add a folder of MP3 files, plus all the subfolders. But I cannot work out how to display the remaining columns: Volume, Clipping, Track gain etc. - they remain empty. Also, the Menu Help option doesn't seem to do anything.
Do you have a basic README text file with simple instructions: how to load a folder of files, run the analysis for every file (and display all the results), then Save and commit the changes?
Best regards,
Hi John,
I do confirm that Help/Contents does not work from AppImage, thanks for your message. I'm still analyzing the issue... I shall notify you if there is progress (and new release).
The help document inside the application describes fairly well its operation, however it can be displayed from the app, there is no easy way to export into other format.
Hi John,
there is a new test pre-release containing updated AppImage here:
Please download it and test the help/contents menu item in the app. Let me know its result!
Hi Zsolt,
please forgive this 'blast from the past'. It's a long time since we
I have been using the latest version of QMP3gain on Ubuntu Linux 22.04.04
LTS; it's really good now, a massive improvement in useability from 2022,
and easy to install.
However, I have a question for you.
I ran QMP3gain for an MP3 top level folder and all subfolders and files,
with a target album volume of 92.0dB. As far as I could see, it worked
fine. I checked a few subfolders and the album volume was close to 92.5.
I closed the application and switched the PC off.
A day later, I opened the same top-level folder in QMP3gain, and it is now
telling me that the album volume is 94.5dB in every subfolder, but with an
album gain of -3.0dB.
Does that mean it will play tracks at a volume of (94.5 - 3.0) <=> 91.5dB?
Or did I do something wrong?
Best regards,
John Moulding.
On Mon, 21 Mar 2022 at 14:33, Zsolt Branyiczky brazso@users.sourceforge.net
Hi Zsolt,
I am already using version 0.9.4 of QMP3gain and 1.6.2 of mp3gain (backend).
On Tue, 16 Apr 2024 at 13:01, John Moulding sapjsm@users.sourceforge.net
Hi John,
unfortunately I cannot tell you why you got different album volume on the same file-set next day. Are you sure that there was no change under the folder at all?
"Album volume is 94.5dB in every subfolder, but with an
album gain of -3.0dB." means that next "Album gain" operation will modify all Album files with -3.0dB to approximate them to the target Album volume.
If you can reproduce the issue, create a ticket. Albeit without your files I'm afraid I will not be able to reproduce them on my side.
Best regards, Zsolt