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Talk:David Wood

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I have to say[edit]

I have to say I am very proud of the editors of this article for not calling him an islamaphobe as he only quotes muslim sources and that would look very bad for the authors of his page. I'm quite proud of you all for being fair and consistent in your views! (talk)

He hardly[edit]

He hardly just quotes Muslim sources, don't be so ignorant.

He performs a classic tactic used by Islamophobes, he ignores the context of the Quran and reads half sentences which are missing out the context.The Quran reflects on past events with morals and guidance inbetween. If there are any references to Jews, Christians and Pagans, it's referring to a specific group of people at a specific time during a specific event, he will ignore this.

This is a guy who used the "Infidels" tagline to one of his websites, when Infidel is a Christian term for non Christians, he fell for the myth that "infidel" is a muslim or Arab word. — Unsigned, by: 2a00:23c5:8889:6c00:acc3:eb06:bfc3:1f4c / talk / contribs