Tasks for the phase following initial pilot wiki release
Fri, Nov 22
Fri, Nov 22
mszabo added a comment to T379881: Using mobile device: selection of an option is only partially hi-lighted:.
Per discussion with @kostajh, this is not a blocker for the December pilot release.
kostajh removed a parent task for T345246: Implement database storage for incident report submissions: T374105: Incident Reporting System - MVP.
kostajh added a comment to T345246: Implement database storage for incident report submissions.
This is not for the MVP. @Madalina do we have another task tree / milestone where we can place this task?
Thu, Nov 7
Thu, Nov 7
kostajh updated the task description for T345246: Implement database storage for incident report submissions.
kostajh updated the task description for T345246: Implement database storage for incident report submissions.
kostajh updated the task description for T345246: Implement database storage for incident report submissions.
There is not a product request to show an ID in the confirmation screen. The idea is that the user will get an email and an ID is assigned via Zendesk. Declining this task, for now. (cc @KColeman-WMF )
Wed, Nov 6
Wed, Nov 6
kostajh added a comment to T345246: Implement database storage for incident report submissions.
We will want to file a L3SC task for approvals related to this.
kostajh moved T347279: Create a unique ID for each report submission from Backlog to Post-pilot wiki release work on the Incident-Reporting-System board.
kostajh renamed Incident-Reporting-System (Post-pilot wiki release work) from Non-emergency workflow to Post-pilot wiki release work.
Tue, Nov 5
Tue, Nov 5
kostajh moved T378779: Implement special page for IRS non-emergency flow from Backlog to Post-pilot wiki release work on the Incident-Reporting-System board.
kostajh moved T374113: [Epic] Introduce Community Configuration to IRS from Backlog to Post-pilot wiki release work on the Incident-Reporting-System board.