Accessibility for visitors with disabilities

Working towards access for everyone to all the spaces and the artistic contents of our museums

image montrant une main en train de toucher une oeuvre

Targeting cultural provision to as many people as possible implies taking into account the diversity and specific needs of all kinds of public, including those with disabilities.


In this respect, the museums of the City of Paris have gone some way towards adapting to different types of disabilities, whether physical, sensory or mental.


To this end, a wide range of accessible activities, involving a wealth of original and innovative ideas, have been organised thanks to the work of the cultural outreach departments.


Many resources and materials are available to visitors: tactile or multisensory supports, labels/cards in Braille, documents in relief or large print, videoguides, guides that are easy to read and understand, induction loops, wheelchairs, and more.

image avec les logos accessibilité
Paris je t'aime H

Retrouvez nos musées sur le site MyParisJeTaime Handicap, en partenariat avec :

Paris je t'aime – Office de Tourisme de Paris.

The State "Tourisme & Handicap" label:

For a visitor with a disability, the State "Tourisme & Handicap" label is proof of a proven commitment and a guarantee of an efficient and appropriate welcome.


The logo, displayed at the entrance to establishments and on their literature, provides reliable, uniform and objective information to disabled people on accessibility in relation to their disability (hearing, mental, motor, and visual) by means of four pictograms.


After being awarded labels for its reception arrangements for people with motor, hearing or mental impairments, the Maison de Victor Hugo achieved the full set in 2018 with its 4th "Tourisme et Handicap" label – the latest pictogram is for its reception of visually impaired visitors.


This success is further recognition of the work and commitment of the entire team at the museum.


La Maison de Victor Hugo, musée accessible

image avec logi tourisme et accessibilité

For more information on the State Tourisme & Handicap label:

image avec le logo d'

Check out our museums on the website, in partnership with the Comité Régional du Tourisme Paris – Ile de France: