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The best way to contact me is by sending me an email at fiorenza@mat.uniroma1.it
I have my PhD in math from the University of Pisa. Have been a postdoc in mathematics for three years (in Roma Tor Vergata and Sapienza). Since 2005 I am assistant professor at the Sapienza - Università di Roma
I’m principally interested in categorical constructions arising from theoretical physics. See Hypothesis H.
Something like a personal research wiki with more information is beginning to develop at
I enjoy exchanging thoughts on topics of interest for my research and always felt it would be a pity not to use the web for that purpose. To satisfy that need I use to work on
the wiki The nLab (this wiki here).
Here is where I develop revisions of nLab entries which (from my point of view) deserve consistent revision. By this I do not mean these entries are wrong (in any sense you can give to this word); what I mean is that there are a few entries which have been edited severla times and have suffered an excess of stratification (add a line today, add another tomorrow…). So it could be not a bad idea to clean up thema a bit. As revision is complete I’ll post them on the nLab. Everything you find here is work in progress: please, edit it!
Currently revising:
On Poisson algebras internal to graded vector spaces (such as Gerstenhaber algebras):
On t-structures and reflective factorization systems:
Domenico Fiorenza, Fosco Loregian, -Structures are normal torsion theories, Appl Categor Struct 24 (2016) 181–208 [[arxiv:1408.7003](http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.7003), doi:10.1007/s10485-015-9393-z]
Domenico Fiorenza, Fosco Loregian, Giovanni Marchetti, Hearts and towers in stable -categories, J. Homotopy Relat. Struct. 14 (2019) 993–1042 [[arXiv:1501.04658](https://arxiv.org/abs/1501.04658), doi:10.1007/s40062-019-00237-0]
Revision on June 25, 2024 at 17:09:16 by Urs Schreiber See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.