MSU has created this institutional plan for off-campus and off-site research where such a plan is required by an awarding agency such as NSF.  This plan establishes standards, education and communication expectations.  MSU promotes environments of learning and research of high integrity and where respect and safety are at the forefront.

The plan includes review of policies, required education, a written Communication, Response, and Safety Blueprint, review of resources and a verification by all members of the research team that they have completed required components of the plan. 

Research Team Leader is required to

  1. implement a written Communication, Response, and Safety Blueprint and
  2. assure that all members of the team have completed the steps below and have verified completion.

NSF defines off-campus/off-site research as:  data/information/samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork and research activities (i.e. human subject research, Yellowstone field work, geological studies or data collection.)


View Implementation Timeline

This diagram will assist Team Leaders in understanding when certain steps are required throughout this process.


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Institutional Plan Requirements

All Team Members must view all components of the Instituional Plan and complete the verification in the last step at this website