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Link to original content: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Movement_Charter/arz
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This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter and the translation is 29% complete.

حركة ويكيميديا ​​هي حركة مجتمعة وثقافية دولية توضح إلى فكرة المعرفة ال مش بفلوس إلى جميع العالم تحدد المبادئ حركة ويكيميديا ​​("المبادئ") القيمة والمبادئ الكيان السياسية لهياكل حركة ويكيميديا بما في ذلك الأدوار والمسؤوليات للكيانات القائمة والجديدة وهيئات تأسيس القرار في النظر المشتركة للمعرفة المجانية يتوافق هذا الميثاق على الجميع وكل شيء مرتبط رسميًا بحركة ويكيميديا: جميع المشاركين الأفراد والمؤسسات، وكيانات الحركة، والمشاريع، المسافات عبر الإنترنت وخارجها.

من نظام التعرف علي حركة ويكيميديا ​​ومبادئها ينصح هذا الميثاق إلى تسهيل تعاون أصحاب المصلحة مع بعضهم البعض بطريقة تعزز رؤية حركة ويكيميديا هذا حيتعاون:

  • تصنيع استراتيجية للتكبير والتوسع والإمكانيات المستقبلية ولضمان التجديد الباقي في إحياء المعرفة ال مش بفلوس وتواجدها؛
  • اللالة عملية تصنيع الرأي
  • المسافة من تعارض وتعزيز الأندماج الماشورة الإنشاء بين أفراد الشوغل
  • مدافع قوي عن حسابات المستفيدين والمصالح المالية لمختلف البيئة التي تتألف منها حركة ويكيميديا؛
  • تواجد الإحساس بالانضمام

ينفع تصليح هذا الميثاق إذا وقع الازم التوافق جانب التصليح

أفكار ومعلومات حركة ويكيميديا ​​

توافق حركة ويكيميديا ​​على معلومات قائمة على الحقائق وقابلة للتحقق ومنفتح وشامل لتبادل الفكرة ويجب وخدان جميع الأزم في حركة ويكيميديا ​​على بيان هذه المبادئ والقيم المشتركة وأن تخالفها.

وتجمع هذه القيم المشتركة المبادئ وهي كانت متاحة أيوة عند نشأة حركة ويكيميديا ​​ــ الترخيص المجاني والمتاح، والتنظيم نفسة والتبادل، والمعلومات الواقعية والقابلة للتحقق ــ وتمتد إلى القيم المشتركة الضرورية للتطور عي شان مستقبلنا. وتعترف هذه المبادئ والقيم بمشاركة الفمرة باعتبارها مسعى تعاونيا كبير.

هي حركة ويكيميديا ​​هي حركة مختلفة، إلا أن الحركة تظب ثلاثة معاني مهمة. وهذه المعاني المهمة هي:

الترخيص بدن أجر والمتاح

تعمل حركة ويكيميديا ​​الترخيص المسموح لمعاونة كل ما تعملة، بما في ذلك، على سبيل المعني والمعلومات لا الحصر، النصوص والوسائط والبيانات والبرامج ولذوادة من الاستخدام والتوزيع والتحسين. يتم كمان توفير بعض المحتوى الخارجي الذي تتم مشاركته بموجب مجموعة متنوعة من التراخيص للاستخدام بموجب ترخيص مفتوح. تلتزم حركة ويكيميديا ​​بتعميق شوفانها من خلال تكبير مجالات المعرفة الحرة، ودمج أشكال مختلفة ومتحدثة من المعرفة، وزيادة العديد من الأشكال المحتوى.

الترتيب الشخصي والمحبة في التبادل

تتكل حركة ويكيميديا ​​على السواقة الموزعة أبتدآ من قائمة المتطوعين، تعهد حركة ويكيميديا ​​بالغالبية العظمى من القرارات وتأسس السياسات إلى المساهمين والناس المشتركة والمؤسسات على المستوى الأكبر إلحاحًا أو أقل مستوى ممكن من المشاركة. تتخذ المجتمعات المتعلقة بالإنترنت وغير المتصلة بالإنترنت في كل الدنيا عمومًا القرارات بنفسها، من خلال مبدأ التبعية. تناشد حركة ويكيميديا ​​إلى الإبداع وتشيل المسؤولية والتعاون في فك المشكلات وتأكيد مبادئ هذا الميثاق.

بيانات حصلت وقابلة للتجادل

ينوي محتوى حركة ويكيميديا ​​إلى تمثيل حقيقة قد تعكس تعريفات الملحوظية أو الحياد عبر أجزاء متنوعة من حركة ويكيميديا، ولكن الهدف هو توفير المعرفة ذات الجودة الكبيرة جدآ تعتز حركة ويكيميديا ​​بالمصادر ومراجعة النظراء والإجماع تتلاشئ حركة ويكيميديا ​​بجدية وإجتهاد كل التحيزات والفجوات المعرفية والبيانات ال مش صحيحة.

بلزوادة إلى المبادئ المبدئية وهما الثلاثة، ويؤكد هذا الميثاق بالقيم التي تعتبر مهمة للحكم الرشيد. هذه القيم هي:


بتدور حركة ويكيميديا ​​جاهدة للأجتهاد بشكل مستقل، مع التركيز على شوفتها للمعرفة الحرة وتوجيهها، وبدون أي عائق من التحيز أو المحسوبية. لاتتحاوب حركة ويكيميديا ​​قولة ايوة للمؤثرات التجارية أو السياسية أو النقدية أو الترويجية التالية بالتنازل عن شوفتها بأي شكل من الأشكال.


تحس حركة ويكيميديا ​​أن الكتير من المجتمعات وأعضائها يواجهون مصارعات متنوعة فيما يتعلق بالمساواة في المعرفة. وتدور حركة ويكيميديا ​​إلى تمكين هذه المجتمعات وأعضائها من التغلب على أشكال عدم المساواة التاريخية والاجتماعية والسياسية وغيرها من أنواع عدم المساواة في المعرفة. وتاخوذ رأئ حركة ويكيميديا ​​تدابير فعالة، مثل تخصيص الموارد، لتعزيز وتحقيق المساواة في المعرفة من خلال الحوكمة اللامركزية وتمتين الجميع.


تجدد مشاريع ويكيميديا ​​بلكثير من اللغات، وتعكس العديد من المناطق والثقافات. وتستند جميع الأنشطة إلى الاحترام المتبادل لتنوع المشاركين في حركة ويكيميديا. ويتم تعزيز هذا الاحترام من خلال التدابير الرامية إلى دعم السلامة والاختلاط ومختلفة توفر حركة ويكيميديا ​​مساحة مشتركة متنوعة، حيث يمكن لكل من يشارك في رؤية وقيم حركة ويكيميديا ​​المشاركة والإبداع المشترك. تعزز هذه المساحة الشاملة إمكانية الوصول من خلال التكنولوجيا المساعدة للاحتياجات التانية والمختلفة.


تحط حركة ويكيميديا ​​في الفئة الأول سلامة المشاركين وأمنهم وخصوصيتهم. وتسعى حركة ويكيميديا ​​إلى ضمان بيئة آمنة تعزز التنوع والشمول والمساواة والتعاون، وهي ضرورية للمشاركة في المعرفة الحرة في النظام البيئي للبيانات عبر الإنترنت. ومن أولويات حركة ويكيميديا ​​السعي إلى ضمان السلامة في كل من الفضاءات عبر الإنترنت وخارجها. ويتم تعزيز هذه الأولوية من خلال تاكيد وإنفاذ مدونات سلوك شاملة، واستثمار الموارد اللازمة لنمو هذه الأنشطة.


تبقي حركة ويكيميديا ​​نفسها مسؤولة من خلال سواقة المجتمع الممثلة في مشاريع ويكيميديا ​​وهيئات حركة ويكيميديا. يتم تنفيذ هذه المساءلة من خلال اتخاذ قرارات شفافة، والحوار، والإشعار العام، والإبلاغ عن الأنشطة، ودعم مسؤولية الرعاية.


تتوسع حركة ويكيميديا ​​من خلال الابتكار والتجريب، وتجدد المستمر رؤيتها لما يمكن أن تكون عليه منصة المعرفة الحرة، مع الاستمرار في احترام قيم ومبادئ هذا الميثاق. تتبع حركة ويكيميديا ​​استراتيجيات وممارسات فعالة لتحقيق شوفتها، تأيد وتدفع هذه الاستراتيجيات والممارسات بأدلة هادفة قائمة على المقاييس حيثما أمكن ذلك

الناس المساهمة

المشتركين الناس الفرديه وهم جوهر حركة ويكيميديا يرتاح وينفرد المشتركين بالاستقلالية كلناس للمساهمة في رؤية حركة ويكيميديا ​​وأنشطتها بمعرفتهم وخبرتهم ووقتهم وطاقتهم سواء عبر الإنترنت أو من غير الاتصال بالإنترنت يقوم المساهمون الأفراد ببناء المحتوى وإدارته وتأكيد المهام الإدارية والمشاركة في اللجان التطوعية وترتيب الأحداث والانخراط في أنشطة تانيه تبع حركة ويكيميديا.


ميقبلش الناس اليعملون بصفتهم متطوعين رواتبًا مقابل هذه الجهود ومع ذلك يقابل المتطوعون التقدير أو الدعم في مجموعة مختلفة من الأشكال الأخرى. تتأثر المشاركة التطوعية بالقدرة على الوصول إلى الموارد الموانع الأخرى.

Individual contributors and other volunteers commit to individual or collective activities in the Wikimedia Movement based on personal preferences, and should be empowered to participate whenever possible.


  • ينفع للمتطوعين الوصول على الحماية من المضايقات (على سبيل المثال، مدونة قواعد السلوك العالمية (UCoC)، ومبدأ الرعاية) على مواقع حركة ويكيميديا والاتي في ال حاصل عبر الإنترنت وشخصيًا التي تحتويها أي هيئة حركة ويكيميديا.
  • ينفع للمتطوعين المشاركة في المشاريع والمجتمعات بطريقة منصفة ويحق لجميع المساهمين والمتطوعين التانيين وخدان وقت الراحة أو التوقف عن المشاركة عندما يشوفون هو ينفع.


  • يلتزم كل المساهمين والمتطوعين التانيين اتباع سياسات حركة ويكيميديا ​​التي تنطبق عليهم أثناء المساهمة والقيام بالأنشطة التطوعية.
  • كل المساهمين والمتطوعين التانيين مسؤولون عن أفعالهم ويحاسبون على مساهماتهم في مشاريع ويكيميديا ​​m:Special:MyLanguage/Movement Charter/Glossary#Wikimedia projects

افراد ويكيميديا ​​

مجتمعات حركة ويكيميديا ​​هي مجموعات من الناس الذين يساهمون عن طريق الإنترنت ومن جواها في بناء وتعزيز رؤية حركة ويكيميديا وتختلط هذه المجتمعات المشاركين الأفراد والموظفين المدفوعي الأجر وممثلي المنظمات الشريكة التي تتوافق مع رؤية حركة ويكيميديا وتشمل مجتمعات حركة ويكيميديا، وزي مابيقول المعني لا الحصر مجتمعات المشاريع والمجتمعات الجغرافية ومجتمعات اللغات ومجتمعات التكنولوجيا المطورين تتنوع حركة ويكيميديا ​​وتتطور وتستمر من خلال العمل الجماعي والفردي وعضوية مجتمعاتها.

Wikimedia project communities have autonomy to establish policies for their individual projects, so long as such policies are in conformity with this Charter and the framework of global policies.[1] This autonomy allows individuals and communities to experiment and develop new social and technological approaches. These communities are expected to be open[2] about their governance, their processes and their activities, so that everyone in the Wikimedia Movement can work together as a global community in a fair and unbiased manner. Almost all decisions made on individual Wikimedia projects are made by volunteer contributors, either individually or as interested groups.[3]


  • Wikimedia project communities have editorial control of the content in their individual Wikimedia projects. The framework of global policies, including the Terms of Use for the Wikimedia project websites, establishes this editorial control.
  • Wikimedia communities are responsible for developing their own dispute resolution and moderation processes within and in conformity with the scope of global policies.[4]


  • Wikimedia Movement communities should encourage participation in their activities and governance. Anyone who adheres to the global policies and has sufficient interest, time and skills should be encouraged to participate.
  • Wikimedia Movement communities should be fair and equitable in governance and policy enforcement in order to fulfill the vision of the Wikimedia Movement and to maintain their overall health.
  • The policies and guidelines of Wikimedia Movement communities should be easily accessible and enforceable.

Wikimedia Movement Bodies

Wikimedia Movement volunteers and communities form organizations to support and coordinate their activities. In this Charter, these organizations are referred to as Wikimedia Movement Bodies, which include Wikimedia Movement Organizations, the Wikimedia Foundation, and the Global Council. The Global Council and the Wikimedia Foundation are the highest governing bodies, both with their own specific purpose and responsibilities.

So that under-resourced and underrepresented contributors can participate meaningfully in Wikimedia projects and other Wikimedia Movement activities, Wikimedia communities and Movement Bodies should seek to reduce participation barriers. Wikimedia Movement Bodies have no editorial control over specific projects or content areas. All Wikimedia Movement Bodies have a Care Responsibility towards the Wikimedia communities with whom they work.

The Independent Dispute Resolution mechanism will be[5] created to resolve conflicts that existing Wikimedia Movement mechanisms are unable to resolve, or where involved parties are unable to handle such decisions for reasons beyond their control. In the absence of this mechanism, the Wikimedia Foundation, or its chosen delegate, will assume this responsibility.

Wikimedia Movement Organizations

Wikimedia Movement Organizations are organized groups that exist to create conditions for open and free knowledge to flourish in a given geographic or thematic context. Wikimedia Movement Organizations operate in line with the Wikimedia Movement’s vision, and include Wikimedia affiliates, hubs, and other groups that the Global Council[6] or its appointed committees have recognized formally.

There are four different types of Wikimedia Movement Organizations:

  1. Wikimedia Chapters are affiliates that are independent organizations founded to support and promote the Wikimedia projects in a specified geographical region.
  2. Wikimedia Thematic Organizations are affiliates that are independent organizations founded to support and promote Wikimedia projects within a specific topic or focus.
  3. Wikimedia User Groups are simple and flexible affiliates that can be organized by region or theme.
  4. Wikimedia Hubs are organizations formed by affiliates for regional or thematic[7] support, collaboration and coordination.

Wikimedia Movement Organizations are a key way in which Wikimedia Movement communities can organize within the Wikimedia Movement for delivery of activities and cooperative endeavors. Wikimedia Movement Organizations may employ professionals to support the mission of the organization, as well as the free knowledge vision. Most often, this support is provided by amplifying and supporting the work of volunteers.


Guided by Movement Values, Principles of Decision-Making, and standards established by the Global Council, the body of a Wikimedia Movement Organization can decide its composition and governance according to the context and needs within which it operates. The decision-maker in a Wikimedia Movement Organization is an organization’s board or a similar body and is accountable to the group that such board or similar body represents—for example, its membership body.


The responsibilities of Wikimedia Movement Organizations include:

  • promoting the sustainability of Wikimedia Movement communities that the membership body intends to support;
  • facilitating inclusion, equity, and diversity within their community;
  • upholding the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC); and
  • developing partnerships and collaborations within their areas of interest.

For numerous reasons, including the resource allocation within the Wikimedia Movement, Wikimedia Movement Organizations should make their work and activities transparent by providing publicly accessible reporting.

Wikimedia Movement Organizations may choose to develop their financial sustainability through additional revenue generation, thereby increasing the overall capacity of the Wikimedia Movement. When necessary, such efforts for revenue generation must be coordinated with other Wikimedia Movement Bodies, including the Wikimedia Foundation and the Global Council.

Wikimedia Foundation

The Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) is the nonprofit organization that serves as the main steward and support of the Wikimedia Movement’s free knowledge platforms and technology. The mission of the Wikimedia Foundation is to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, as well as to disseminate it effectively and globally.

The Wikimedia Foundation should align its work with the strategic direction and global strategy of the Global Council. Following the Movement Values and Principles of Decision-Making, and the WMF’s mission, the Wikimedia Foundation is expected to contribute to distributed leadership and responsibilities across the Wikimedia Movement. For the same reasons, the Wikimedia Foundation is also expected to work towards equitable distribution of resources, such as those established by the Global Council in consultation with stakeholders.


Guided by Movement Values and Principles of Decision-Making, the Wikimedia Foundation can decide its composition and governance in accordance with this Charter, and the context and needs within which it operates. The Wikimedia Foundation works closely with the Global Council, especially on matters that have global or movement-wide impact on the Wikimedia Movement.


The Wikimedia Foundation’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Operating the Wikimedia projects, which includes hosting, developing, and maintaining core software; setting Terms of Use and other broad movement-wide policies; running fundraising campaigns; respecting and supporting community autonomy and stakeholder needs; and engaging in any other actions so that Wikimedia projects are easily accessible available and vision-aligned;
  • Supporting programmatic activities for the Wikimedia Movement; and
  • Legal obligations, including stewarding the Wikimedia brand; providing policies that provide a structure so as allow projects to run; ensuring legislative compliance; addressing legal threats; and enhancing safety of volunteers.

Global Council

The Global Council[8] is a collaborative and representative decision-making body that brings together diverse viewpoints to advance the vision of the Wikimedia Movement. The Global Council operates alongside the Wikimedia Foundation and other Wikimedia Movement Organizations to foster an inclusive and effective environment for the Wikimedia Movement as a whole and for all stakeholders involved.


The Global Council serves as a forum where different Wikimedia Movement perspectives converge, thereby playing a pivotal role in shaping the future trajectory of the Wikimedia Movement. The Global Council seeks to ensure the continued relevance and impact of the Wikimedia Movement in an ever-changing world through its functions of strategic planning, support of Wikimedia Movement Organizations, resource distribution, and technology advancement.

Decisions are better informed and reflect the needs and priorities of the global community when a wide range of voices and experiences from across the Wikimedia Movement represent and participate in the highest levels of decision-making. By electing and selecting a majority of the Global Council’s members from the Wikimedia Movement’s volunteer base, the Global Council fosters a stronger sense of ownership and trust, while working towards the Wikimedia Movement’s vision of free knowledge. To support inclusion and representation of diverse perspectives, the membership of the Global Council should not be dominated by any particular demographic, including, but not limited to, any linguistic, geographical, or project-based demographic.


Guided by Movement Values and Principles of Decision-Making, the body of the Global Council can decide its composition and governance in accordance to the context and needs within which the Global Council operates. The Global Council also decides on the details of its own procedures. These procedures include, but are not limited to: the Global Council structure, membership, decision-making processes, responsibilities and accountability, and mechanisms for the inclusion of new and less-heard voices.


The Global Council focuses on four functions and areas of decision-making that have a direct impact on the Wikimedia Movement community and stakeholders. The Global Council has decision-making authority over all of its functions established by this Charter. The members of the Global Council are held accountable for the decisions and actions of the Global Council through the election and selection process.

The Global Council elects a Global Council Board, which is in charge of coordinating[9] and representing the Global Council as mandated by this Charter and the Global Council’s decisions. The Global Council Board approves the establishment and activities of the Global Council committees and their membership. These Global Council committees determine their own composition and ways of operating, and can appoint additional members who are not members of the Global Council to contribute to their work. The Global Council has at least four committees, individually responsible for each of the four functions outlined in this Charter.

Strategic Planning

The Global Council is responsible for developing long-term strategic[10] direction for the Wikimedia Movement. The strategic direction will serve as a foundation for decisions made by the Global Council and as guidance for the prioritization of the initiatives to achieve strategic goals. All Wikimedia Movement Bodies are expected to support the strategic direction established by the Global Council and incorporate it into their programs and activities. Based on such strategic direction, the Global Council also develops recommended annual global strategic priorities for the Wikimedia Movement. The Global Council develops the strategic direction in consultation with all stakeholders inside and outside the Wikimedia Movement.

Support of Wikimedia Movement Organizations

The Global Council establishes standards for the functioning of Wikimedia affiliates[11] and Wikimedia hubs. To achieve this, the Global Council and its committee establish and oversee processes for recognition/derecognition of these affiliates and hubs;[12] seek to ensure that Wikimedia Movement Organizations are in compliance with organizational standards; facilitate conflict resolution to maintain collaborative and respectful relationships within the Wikimedia Movement; and simplify access to resources (financial, human, knowledge, and others) for more equitable support and empowerment of Wikimedia Movement communities.

Resource Distribution

The Global Council establishes and periodically reviews the standards and guidelines for the equitable distribution of the funds[13] in the Wikimedia Movement in alignment with the strategic direction. These standards and guidelines shall comply with the Principles of Decision-Making. Furthermore, the Global Council and its committees determine the grant distribution to the Wikimedia Movement communities and Wikimedia Movement Organizations; determine movement-wide goals and metrics in conformity with the priorities set out in the strategic direction; determine the regional, thematic, and other funding allocations; and review global programmatic outcomes.[14]

Technology Advancement

The Global Council coordinates across different Wikimedia Movement technology-focused stakeholders,[15] and provides advice and guidance on technological advancement. The Global Council assists and advises the Wikimedia Foundation in prioritizing technological changes,[16] including the opening or closing of Wikimedia language projects, and helps the wider Wikimedia Movement understand the technological priorities as set forth in the strategic direction. The Global Council will exercise these functions in collaboration with Wikimedia Movement Bodies and online technical contributors.[17][18]

Initial creation and future expansion

The first Global Council will have twenty-five members. Of which, twelve members will be elected by the Wikimedia community at large; eight members will be selected through Wikimedia affiliates; one by the Wikimedia Foundation; and the remaining four members will be directly appointed by the Global Council, for the purpose of increasing expertise and diversity within its membership.

The Global Council selects twenty-percent (20%) of its members to serve on the Global Council Board.

With the experiences gained through its initial set-up and processes, the Global Council will review internal workings and mechanisms in order to innovate, adapt, and grow as a Wikimedia Movement Body. At least once every 3 years:

  • The Global Council, in collaboration with Wikimedia Movement stakeholders, conducts an evaluation of its functioning. The evaluation will include a review of whether an expansion of the Global Council’s functions and its scope for decision-making is advisable and feasible within the following Global Council term.
  • The Global Council reviews the Wikimedia Movement’s needs to determine whether the current membership size of the Global Council is compatible with its responsibilities. The Global Council may decide to expand or contract its size as a result of this review. The Global Council can have a maximum of 100 members.
    • If the Global Council and other stakeholders choose to increase the membership size of the Global Council to gradually build up a broader base of diversity and experience, it may do so at intervals of up to 25 more members every 18 months until the Global Council reaches 100 members.


This Charter is designed to endure for many years. Because of this, except as provided below, amendments to this Charter are to be made only in extraordinary circumstances.

Categories of amendments

  1. Minor corrections.
    • Spelling and grammar corrections that do not change the meaning or intent of this Charter.
  2. Changes to this Charter that affect only the working processes of the Global Council.
  3. Changes to this Charter that:
    • Modify the overall responsibilities and membership of the Council.
    • Modify the values of the Wikimedia Movement; or the responsibilities and rights of individual contributors, projects, affiliates, hubs, the Wikimedia Foundation, future Wikimedia Movement Organizations, and the wider Wikimedia Movement.
  4. Changes proposed by the Wikimedia Movement.
Amendment Category Process Change Approval Body Notes
1 55% support for proposed change Global Council Board
2 55% support for proposed change Global Council Community consultation recommended
3 Movement-wide vote, 55% support for change Wikimedia Movement Voting mechanism to follow the ratification process as closely as possible, including support vote from the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
4 Proposals must meet criteria to move on to voting. Movement-wide vote, 55% support for change Wikimedia Movement Voting mechanism to follow the ratification process as closely as possible, including support vote from Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees

Process for proposing Wikimedia Movement Charter amendments

The Global Council Board may propose amendments in Categories 1, 2, and 3. The Global Council may propose amendments in Categories 2 and 3. Category 4 amendments are proposed by members of the Wikimedia Movement. Category 4 amendments must meet certain criteria, including public support in order to trigger the amendment voting process. The Global Council is responsible for designing the process in consultation with the Wikimedia community.

The Global Council must appoint an independent committee to manage voting on Categories 3 and 4 amendments. The Global Council may define voting eligibility criteria for affiliates and individual voters, or may delegate this responsibility to the independent committee.


The Charter is ratified and comes into effect after a vote that has the following result:

  • 55% support from participating Wikimedia affiliates, with a minimum of half (50%) of eligible affiliates participating in the vote;
  • 55% support from participating individual voters,[19] with a minimum of 2% of eligible voters participating in the vote; and
  • The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees votes to support the Charter.

Prevailing language and translations

Translations of this Charter may be provided in other languages. In the event of doubt or conflict between any translation and the original English language version, the English language shall prevail.


  1. The framework of global policies include those documented here and here, such as the Terms of Use for the Wikimedia project websites.
  2. An open review process should be possible for every community.
  3. Meaning “those who show up” to help make a decision, whether changing content or a policy.
  4. Community policies may not conflict with global policies or legal obligations.
  5. To be changed to “is created” once established.
  6. Prior to the start of and transition period of the Global Council, Wikimedia Movement Organizations are recognized by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees.
  7. This Charter sees Language Hubs as a form of Thematic Hub.
  8. In line with the legal reviews received in 2023 for this Charter, the Global Council will initially not be set up as a legal entity.
  9. The Global Council Board is the body tasked with: making sure the processes within the Global Council are running according to plans and timelines; coordinating with others where and when necessary; ensuring that the Global Council is operating and functioning according to its purpose; and other similar tasks.
  10. Strategy is inclusive of major projects to change the Wikimedia brand.
  11. This is meant to be inclusive of the functions held by the Affiliations Committee (AffCom) prior to the creation of the Global Council.
  12. The trademark licensing and contractual agreement components related to this process remains a responsibility of the Wikimedia Foundation.
  13. This refers to the movement-wide allocation of funds.
  14. This is meant to be inclusive of the functions currently held by the Regional Fund Committees prior to the creation of the Global Council.
  15. Stakeholders include contributors, Wikimedia Foundation, affiliates, hubs and more.
  16. A Memorandum of Understanding-like or Service Level Agreement-like document will be created between the Wikimedia Foundation and Global Council to lay out the agreement for how they work together, including how Global Council suggestions are received by the Foundation.
  17. This Global Council committee is meant to reflect the Movement Strategy Initiative for a Technology Council.
  18. Final technological prioritization decisions will be taken by the bodies primarily dedicated to the delivery of products and technology services, along with the appropriate community-led movement body associated with the Global Council.
  19. Individual voters, for the purpose of the ratification process, are individuals who would normally be eligible to vote in elections to select Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees members.