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Adhara | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Adhara.

Adhara (also known as Adara, Epsilon Canis Majoris or Epsilon Canaris) is a binary star system, visible from Sol in the Canis Major constellation, located in Federation space and orbited by ten planets. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps)

History and specifics[]

Federation space FASA TCMP

Federation space star map.

This system was in the general vicinity of Betelgeuse and the Novoe Petrograd system. (FASA RPG module: Trader Captains and Merchant Princes, 1st edition)

The system's primary is a B type blue giant star. Both its inhabited planets earned a 16 rating on the industrial scale. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps)

Located in Starfleet Intelligence sector 4, a Starfleet Intelligence base was established in the system for the Internal Activities Unit and Klingon Activities Unit. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual)

Epsilon Canaris III was home to a humanoid civilization which were undergoing a planetary conflict for much of the 23rd century. Thankfully, the conflict was eventually resolved through the mediation of Ambassador Alexandra Tremontaine. (TOS episode: "Metamorphosis"; TOS - Crucible novel: The Fire and the Rose)

By the 23rd century, Humans had also established a scientific colony on fourth planet Adhara. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)

Intelligence operative S'dran S'coolnik grew up on a moon in the system. (FASA RPG module: The Triangle Campaign)

In the 2250s, the Battle of Thranstor was fought during a Klingon thrust toward the Adhara system. (FASA RPG modules: Return to Axanar, The Four Years War)

In the 24th century, the Magna Roman Constitution-class starship USS Centurion engaged and defeated a Romulan fleet in the system. (TNG novel: The Captain's Honor)

No history or specifics are established for this location in Starfleet Command III, as its name was arbitrarily selected for a Federation system on the game map by the game software, with random attributes.

System makeup[]

Epsilon Canaris system binary star



Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system)Antica IV (Antica)Antide Prime (Antide system)Archer IV (Archer system)Beta Renna systemBeta V (Beta system)Betazed (Betazed system)Boreal III (Boreal system)Canopus Major (Canopus system)Chalna (Chalna system)Clarus systemCoalition of MadenaDaled V (Daled system)Daran V (Daran system)Delta IV (Delta system)El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system)Epsilon CanarisGamma EridonGravesworldHalee systemHayashi systemHansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system)Idran Star ClusterIlecom systemJanus VI (Janus system)Jaros colony (Jaros system)Lauren III (Lauren system)Lima Sierra systemLorenze ClusterM24 Alpha systemMakus III (Makus system)Manark IV (Manark system)Manu III (Manu system)Maxia ZetaMelina II (Melina system)Milika III (Milika system)Miridian VI (Miridian system)Nimbus III (Nimbus system)Ogus II (Ogus system)Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system)Organia (Organia system)Pentarus systemPenthara IV (Penthara system)Razzbo systemSeiji MajorSeptimus MinorSerlaySherman's Planet (Sherman system)Straleb (Omega Sagitta system)Strnad solar systemThasus IV (Thasus system)T'lli BetaTorona IV (Torona system)Turkana IV (Turkana system)Tycho systemTyken's RiftVandor IV (Vandor system)Vaytan I (Vaytan system)Wolf 359Zeon MinorZeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
Stars, systems and objects of the Canis Major constellation
Alpha Canis Majoris (Sirius, Alpha Canaris: Sirius AShahr) • Delta Canis Majoris (Wezen, Delta Canaris) • Epsilon Canis Majoris (Adhara, Epsilon Canaris) • Aludra, Eta Canaris / Eta Canis MajorisGamma Canis Majoris (Muliphen, Gamma Canaris) • Pi Canis Majoris (Korvat, Pi Canaris)
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (A)
AaladAarakAarraAbakirAbalmaAbassaAbdadiAbelAberrizAbessiaAboiraAbraxasAbrenaAbroraAbroxAb'vekAbyss AlphaAccellusAchillonAcibenAdigeonAdonoloAdraAd'rethAdrian's BaneAd'vethAecupusAeonAerieAerimeaAesaAesirAesuriAetisanAexixAfebraAfervaAflorAfritalisAgbarAgiirratAgricoAhadiAhzdarAia'vadiAiligAinAinaroAindiaAin'TokAirolaAitiAjoraAkemoraAkersAkirenAlabasterAlactiAladfarAladsoAlakAlamedusAlannahAlarisAlastorAlatumAlcyoneAlderamAlderaminAldhanAlelaAlephAleraAlexisianAleydaAlfas DucatAlfin-BernardAlfirkAlforAlfrAlgeridaAlgeronAlilaAliothAlkaluropsAlkukAllendonAlmedoAlmeisanAlmekanAlnathAlnitakAlonsoAlorinaAlpha AldissAlpha ArietisAlpha AtaruAlpha BaratisAlpha CorandaAlpha DarwinAlpha DemetriusAlpha EmoriAlpha Epsilon TauriAlpha EquuleiAlpha FeronisAlpha HeliosAlpha HonorusAlpha HydrosAlpha ImvoriAlpha Is'tekAlpha KirikiAlpha KratoniiAlpha LeporisAlpha Min'rothAlpha MaluriaAlpha Marak 272Alpha NarniaAlpha NemvadiAlpha NexusAlpha NimorraAlpha OmicronAlpha OrionisAlpha OrtelinaAlpha ParnaculonAlpha PerseiAlpha QuarramAlpha SarpeidonAlpha ShiroAlpha SigmaAlpha TauAlpha Tel'rethAlpha TenoriAlpha ThetaAlpha TrimoraAlpha VarangisAlpha VegetisAlpha VergorisAlpha XaridianAlphaxAlsafiAltamidAltaneaAltanis IdrilonAltarAlthosAltorAludraAlulaAlvaradiAlvarkaAlyaAlycenAma DaraanAmalAmanaAmborisAmbrose's StarAmebisAmeldaAmi BeraAmmdonAmonAmpokAmpolisAmstarAmvadaAn DaraanAnaxaAnaxarAndraAndrade AbyssAndreaAndrekAndrocusAneldaAneziraAnkiAngosiaAnnobonAnrakAnretaAntasAntedeAntiacusAntideAntigoneAntiliosAntipathyAntonehkAntos VeriaAntrosAnzibarAparchaAphir'kethApniraApriliaApyraAquila ScorpiAr DaraanArachnaeAradaArakAralanAraliAraraArb'saArbutusArcadiaArcan-BetaArcanis MajorisArchernarArchibaldArdajiArdanArdanaAretianArgentomeaArgezArgonaArhenniusAriaAriaxAriannaAridanesAridiaArkabArkenArktoArloffArmusArnabArnebArnebiusArnosAroriArovenArrakisArtaleirhArtemisArvadaAsaraAsearaAsellusAshgraveAshiraAsiti AlphaAsiti BetaAskalifex's SorrowAskalonAsmidiskeAsnethAsta DaraanAstamanteAstareaAsteropeAstra BelAstra BoraAstra EndaAstra FaraAstra ImraAstra InaAstra JelraAstra JoraAstra KaldaAstra KolAstra LeraAstra MelvaAstra MentaAstra NorAstra PevraAstra RendraAstra VeldraAstra VinAstra YaraAstra YeraAstridaAtabisAtaliaAtalisAtana DaraanAtarviAtlasAtriaAtriusAtropiraAtryn'aucdetAugustus GammaAumoide PoreAuvaAveryAvanAvekAv'telAX AraeAxelotAxtoxAyelaAyin AlephAylus AlphaAylus BetaAytaAyvrenAzati PrimeAzedisAzentraAzinda the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (A) AaamazzaraAbilakk AlphaAbilakk BetaAchirdActriumAdhilAdia AlphaAdia BetaAegis AquilaAjirAl NathAlam'ak system (Alam'ak) • AlbireoAlcorAldhibainAlferaz (Alferaz AAlferaz B) • AlgolAlgiraAlkaidAlmachAlmathaAlpha Andromedae (Alpha Andromedae AAlpha Andromedae B) • Alpha AquariiAlpha AquilaeAlpha AurigaeAlpha BoötisAlpha Canum VenaticorumAlpha CamusAlpha Coronae BorealisAlpha CygniAlpha MajorisAlpha OphiuchiAlpha ProximaAlpha TrianguliAlpha Ursae MajorisAlpha ZariaAlpha-1 AndromedaeAlpha-2 AndromedaeAlpheccaAlpheratzAltairAmlethAnchaAndromedaAnkaroAnticaAntosAnzat AlphaAnzat BetaAokiiAquilaArawathArbazanArchariaArcturusArduriaArgayaArgusArtelineAscellaAtairAtikAureliaAvenal the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (A) AcamarAchernarAcruxAcubensAdaraAdelphousAdhaferaAdharaAelasAgenaAgornuAgurthaAjilonAkaaliAl NairAlchibahAldebaranAlgorabAlhenaAlkesAlnilamAlpha-2 CentauriAlpha CancriAlpha Canis MinorisAlpha Canis Majoris (Alpha Canis Majoris AAlpha Canis Majoris B) • Alpha CarinaeAlpha Centauri (Alpha Centauri AAlpha Centauri BAlpha Centauri C) • Alpha ChamaeleonisAlpha CirciniAlpha Comae BerenicesAlpha CorviAlpha CrucisAlpha CygniAlpha EridaniAlpha GeminorumAlpha GruisAlpha HydriAlpha LeonisAlpha MensaAlpha MonocerotisAlpha OniasAlpha PhoenicisAlpha PictorisAlpha PrimeAlpha ScorpiiAlpha VirginisAlpha VolantisAlpha ZetaAlphardAlshemaliAlterfAlungisAmarAmargosaAmiriiAndoriaAngelAnkaaAntaresArchanisArcherArgeliusArgelius BAridedAviorAxanarAzhaAzraga the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (E)
EbionEbor TorEclosionatu's DepthsEdaraEdelaEderlyn's EndEdjaraEdmoraEdoraEdrinEdrisEdvaranEgara 172EisenhowerEivoxEizebEkinusEkkoranEl AdrelElaminElamraElbaEldaraElectriElexElgardElkauronEllionEllison's StarElnonElohimElonaElsk'vethElthanElvadaElvenElvrosElysia IncendaeElzanElzbarElzibarEmbenEmilaEminiarEmkaidEmmeline's GateEmranaEm'varaEmvatraEndicorEndless MawEndraEnkothEnochEnoriEnraEnteraEntrunarEofaranEojurEphrataEpsilon 119Epsilon Anubis (Epsilon Anubis AEpsilon Anubis B) • Epsilon BallaraEpsilon BetaEpsilon CetiEpsilon DeltaEpsilon FornacisEpsilon IonisEpsilon KitajEpsilon LyraEpsilon MinoraEpsilon MirandaEpsilon SierraEpsilon SoronaEpsilon TauriEpsilon ThetaEpsilon Ursae MajorisEpsionEquessEramorErcolaErdorErebErela DaraanEremarErgolErivekErkiaEr'vadiErvikEsablEscorEsindaEskiisEssaiEss'varaEstasiEstoEstradaEstronEstrona DaraanEta SeratornEta TauriEta TrianguliEth'bernekEth'dajaEth'feraEth'kabaEth'kinaEth'molaEth'silvaEth'teoEth'varaEtlaEvadexEvaraEvekExcalbiaExona DaraanExorEye of GabrielEye of HeliaEzani Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (E) EdasichEl NathElasi PrimeEltaninEnnarEnteliorEpsilon AurigaeEpsilon BoötisEpsilon CygniEpsilon DraconisEpsilon OphiuchiEpsilon SerpentisEta CassiopeiaeEta Coronae BorealisEta DraconisEta LyraeEta OphiuchiEta SerpentisEta Ursae MajorisExoEye of Ket-Cheleb Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (E) EdenEdinovEisnEjul ThelniEpsilonEpsilon CanarisEpsilon Canis MajorisEdrenEpsilon CarinaeEpsilon CorviEpsilon EridaniEpsilon GeminorumEpsilon GruisEpsilon HydraeEpsilon Indi (Andoria) • Epsilon LibraeEpsilon MonocerotisEpsilon OrionisEpsilon PavonisEpsilon PhoenicisEpsilon ScorpiiEpsilon VirginisEta AntliaeEta Canaris / Eta Canis MajorisEta CorviEta CrucisEta EridaniEta HorologiiEta IndiEta LupiEta ScorpiiEta VirginisEye of Grun Beta Quadrant icon image.


External links[]
