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The fruit of the tree Malus sylvestris, which has a long tradition as a ‘healthy food’; the components responsible for the 'apple effect' include high pectin content, soluble fiber and polyphenols
Apples may be useful in reducing the risk of cancer, controlling DM, favourably altering GI transit times in both constipation and diarrhea, and for cardiovascular disease, as pectin decreases cholesterol
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Popular nutrition The fruit of the tree Malus sylvestris, which has a long tradition as a 'healthy food'; the components responsible for the apple's effect include its high pectin content, soluble fiber, and polyphenols. See Healthy foods.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The edible, more-or-less spheric fruit of trees of the genus Malus.
[O.E. aeppel]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about apple

Q. what about drinking vinger apple to keep fit?

A. 90% of the alternative medicine people use are not tested clinically. it doesn't mean they don't work, just that that no one tested them to see if they are truly useful and what is the active ingredient in them. in a site i found they gave a big list of what can apple vinegar can help you for. from acne to cholesterol, diabetes and Menstrual problems. too much if you ask me. if there were 3-5 things on the list it was reasonable. but almost 20? so you might as well take it cause it wouldn't hurt you. but i'm not sure about the usefulness. try it and let me know :)

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References in classic literature ?
Determined, if necessary, to pay the price of her sister's liberty with every farthing she had in the world, she repaired the next day, having the whole sum about her in bank- notes, to her appointment outside the Asylum wall.
It was hastily agreed between them that Miss Halcombe should return early the next morning and wait out of sight among the trees--always, however, keeping near the quiet spot of ground under the north wall.
Miss Halcombe was at her place, with the promised letter and the promised bank-notes, before ten the next morning.
Imperfect as the revelation was, it must nevertheless be recorded here before this explanatory narrative closes with the events of the next day at Limmeridge House.
Lady Glyde next inquired whether her sister was then staying in the Count's house.
Her recollection of what happened to her the next morning was still more vague and unreliable.
Arriving at Limmeridge late on the evening of the fifteenth, Miss Halcombe wisely resolved not to attempt the assertion of Lady Glyde's identity until the next day.
But when she next put the servants to the test, and found that they too were, in every case, uncertain, to say the least of it, whether the lady presented to them was their young mistress or Anne Catherick, of whose resemblance to her they had all heard, the sad conclusion was inevitable that the change produced in Lady Glyde's face and manner by her imprisonment in the Asylum was far more serious than Miss Halcombe had at first supposed.
The pursuit from the Asylum, diverted to Hampshire for the time only, would infallibly next take the direction of Cumberland.
There was so obviously no one else that the next moment I had lost my impression of her having accidentally said more than she meant; and I merely asked what I wanted to know.
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Over half of consumers believe voice-based shopping, for example, will be widely offered within the next year, so brands that don't start ramping up on voice commerce strategies may already be behind the curve.