Characters who are musicians. Also characters who are talented or skilled in music.
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- Adam Warlock (Earth-61284)
- Alan Moore (Earth-616)
- Alan Swan (Earth-616)
- Alfred Yankovic (Earth-616)
- Alison Blaire (Earth-10005 Revised)
- Alison Blaire (Earth-CH10)
- Alison Blaire (Earth-65)
- Alison Blaire (Earth-616)
- Alison Blaire (Earth-1610)
- Alison Blaire (Earth-11326)
- Alison Blaire (Earth-13729)
- Alison Blaire (Earth-78149)
- Alison Blaire (Earth-93342)
- Allan-a-Dale (Earth-616)
- Amanda Armstrong (Earth-616)
- Anthrax (Rock Band) (Earth-616)
- Antoine Delsoin (Earth-616)
- Aretha Franklin (Earth-148611)
- Ariel (Zephyrean) (Earth-616)
- Arthur Douglas (Earth-616)
- Arthur Douglas (Earth-13122)
- Arthur Douglas (Earth-TRN840)
- Arthur Van Krijg (Earth-616)
- Aubrey Webber (Earth-616)
- Audrey Nathan (Earth-199999)
- Barry Melton (Earth-616)
- Beatles (Skrulls) (Earth-616)
- Benjamin Loufitz (Earth-616)
- Beyoncé Knowles (Earth-616)
- Billygoat Joel (Earth-8311)
- Black Vinyls (Earth-616)
- Blackagar Boltagon (Earth-341983)
- Brendan Jerry (Earth-928)
- Brian Newman (Earth-616)
- Bruce Barthol (Earth-616)
- Bruce Harris (Earth-616)
- Bruce Kulick (Earth-9658)
- Bruce Springchicken (Earth-8311)
- Buddy Crawford (Earth-616)
- Bzermikitokolok (Earth-199999)
- Chaim Witz (Earth-616)
- Charles Chandler IV (Earth-616)
- Charlie Johnson (Earth-38126)
- Charlie Watts (Earth-9290)
- Chester Weems (Earth-80360)
- Christopher Brown (Earth-616)
- Claude Rubio (Earth-616)
- Clinton Barton (Earth-61284)
- Comte de Saint Germain (Earth-616)
- Cord Ryan (Earth-616)
- Crackajack Jackson (Earth-616)
- Damask (Earth-616)
- Dante Pertuz (Earth-616)
- Dante Pertuz (Earth-61284)
- Darla Deering (Earth-616)
- David Alleyne (Earth-616)
- David Bennett Cohen (Earth-616)
- David Bird (Earth-8311)
- David Evans (Earth-148611)
- David Kies (Earth-616)
- David Larnum (Earth-616)
- David Robert Jones (Earth-616)
- Dazzler (Band) (Earth-1610)
- Desiderio Arnaz y de Acha III (Earth-9904)
- Diskhord's Bandleader (Earth-616)
- Doni Blair (Earth-15730)
- Doop (Earth-616)
- Drax (Earth-61284)
- Ed Clements (Earth-616)
- Edward Osako (Earth-928)
- Edward Osako (Earth-96943)
- Edward Osako (Earth-TRN657)
- Eimin (Earth-616)
- Eimin (Earth-13133)
- Elizabeth Brant (Earth-65)
- Elizabeth Brant (Earth-65B)
- Elizabeth Brant (Earth-TRN684)
- Elton John (Earth-616)
- Elvis Presley (Earth-616)
- Eric Brooks (Earth-616)
- Erika Graham (Earth-616)
- Gabriel Jones (Earth-616)
- Gabriel Jones (Earth-86315)
- Gabriel Jones (Earth-90214)
- Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan (Earth-61284)
- Gary Hirsh (Earth-616)
- Gene Gretch (Earth-616)
- George Harrison (Earth-616)
- George Harrison (Skrull) (Earth-616)
- George Henry Martin (Earth-616)
- Gerhart (Earth-616)
- Glenn Miller (Earth-1610)
- Gloria Grant (Earth-65)
- Gloria Grant (Earth-65B)
- Gloria Grant (Earth-18157)
- Gloria Grant (Earth-TRN684)
- Gordon Sumner (Earth-148611)
- Gorgon Petragon (Earth-341983)
- Grey Bryson (Earth-616)
- Guido Carosella (Earth-61610)
- Gwendolyn Stacy (Earth-65)
- Gwendolyn Stacy (Earth-65B)
- Gwendolyn Stacy (Earth-138)
- Gwendolyn Stacy (Earth-31690)
- Gwendolyne Stacy (Earth-12131)
- Harry Charles (Earth-616)
- Harry Thornton (Earth-58732)
- Harvey Lavan Cliburn (Earth-534834)
- Headbanger Heaven (Earth-616)
- Henri Galain (Earth-616)
- Henry Pym (Earth-2301)
- Hobart Brown (Earth-138)
- Hobart Brown (Earth-138B)
- Hogun (Earth-11911)
- Jaine Cutter (Earth-616)
- Jake Cooley (Earth-616)
- Jamal Afari (Earth-10995)
- James Barnes (Earth-61284)
- James Barnes (Earth-TRN912)
- James Hendrix (Earth-616)
- Janice Lincoln (Earth-138)
- Jayden Ong (Earth-616)
- Jean Grey (Earth-1044)
- Jeb Lee (Earth-616)
- Jefferson Reed (Earth-616)
- Jericho Drumm (Earth-61284)
- Jimmy Martin (Earth-616)
- John Domino (Duplicate) (Earth-93060)
- John Domino (Earth-83930)
- John Domino (Earth-93060)
- John Domino (Earth-95132)
- John Lennon (Earth-616)
- John Lennon (Earth-47366)
- John Lennon (Earth-TRN133)
- John Lennon (Skrull) (Earth-616)
- John Roderick (Earth-616)
- Johnny Ito (Earth-616)
- Johnny Punk (Earth-51914)
- Jonathan Storm (Earth-616)
- Jordan D. White (Earth-616)
- Joseph Calhoun (Earth-616)
- Joseph McDonald (Earth-616)
- Joseph Pincus (Earth-616)
- Joshua Guthrie (Earth-616)
- Joshua Guthrie (Earth-9612)
- Joshua Guthrie (Earth-600123)
- Lila Cheney (Earth-616)
- Lila Cheney (Earth-58163)
- Lois Anders (Earth-616)
- Lorina Dodson (Earth-138)
- Lorna Dane (Earth-61610)
- Lorna Wu and the Coral Shores (Earth-199999)
- Lou-Ann Savannah (Earth-616)
- Lucien Dennis (Earth-616)
- Ludwig van Beethoven (Earth-616)