List of all notable quotes by or about Benjamin Grimm (Earth-616).
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(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
I love Alicia, and she loves me best as ... The Thing! So why don't you forget about tryin' to change me back, and work on some way to make her see again instead?
Look, big fella! You proved your point! We know you're not a 97-pound weakling! Now why don't you calm down and let's talk this over...??
Yeah, you got each other--! But you ain't got me! Not anymore! I'm thru bein the fall guy for this combo! You divvy up the glamor, but me -- I'm still the Thing! I got the short end of the stick on this whole deal! You can git married, but not me! You can be normal -- but not me! Well I've had it! I'm thru!
I shoulda gotten wise to you long ago! You made me a sap for years! But the Wizard opened my eyes... and now you're gonna get it!
I know how it feels to be a misfit -- to haveta depend on yer strength -- because ya ain't got anythin' else to offer anyone!
'N now I got some real friendly advice, chum! Don't start readin' any continued stories if ya can help it!
Hey, Stretch! Now that ya talked us into stayin' here in the micro-world to fight Psycho Man... how in the name'a Aunt Petunia are we gonna find 'im?
I'm always runnin' inta some big-talkin' joker who thinks he can whup the ol'FF! But we're still here, see? Which is more'n ya can say fer them other far-out foul-ups!
This is the way Dory Funk, Jr. always starts 'rasslin' matches... and if it's good enough for the champ... it's good enough for ol' Benjamin Grimm!
Someone almost kiboshed me with one crummy punch-- an' I never even got a look at the creep! If they ever find out about this on Yancy Street-- ferget it!
Why that crummy rat! He's gotta be settin' me up -- fer a trap! 'n' if he thinks I'm gonna fall for it -- he's freakin' right!
Say... didn't Miracle Man say he'd bumped off the Cheemuzwa's? 'Cause if he did--- an' that wuz them-- then they wuz-- Ulp!
Looks like we ain't got a choice either, Richards. 'Cause after what you just did, there can't be a team anymore. This is the end mister... The end of the Fantastic Four!
Apologi--? To THAT crazy dame?! Ya know sumthin', Stretch? Some days it just don't pay to get outta bed.
I've had it! From now on, you three can fight Doc Doom all by yer lonesomes! Every time I put the kibosh on 'im, he turns out ta be a blasted robot!
So you ain't gonna talk, huh? Well, lemme tell you somethin', buster -- St. Pete ain't nothin' ta write home about, but that don't give you the right to take it off the map! So knock it off before I get mad an' clobber ya!
Why, you overblown pile o' scrap iron, I'll-- Hey! What in the name of Aunt Petunia's goin' on here?
Them blamed Yancy Streeters never miss my birthday! Last year they sent itchin' powder. Maybe if I shake it, I can... Holy -- it's tickin'!
... When creeps like you go an' call me names -- I get real angry. An' when Gentle Ben gets angry --It's Clobberin' Time!
Jeez, givin' artificial respiration to an Arcturan mutant wasn't covered in my Boy Scout Handbook...
You ain't seen the last of me by a long-shot, Hot Stuff. Without yers turly, who'd provide the glamour fer th' group?
When are you jokers gonna realize that I ain't no paintywaist who folds at the first sign of trouble? I'm the strongest member of the Fantastic Four! That's gotta count for something! I just get no respect!
Stop bellyachin', creep! I don't tell ya my problems! But don't worry, pal! Soon all your problems will be over, 'cause--it's clobberin' time!
Alicia, I'm sorry fer doubtin' ya! Now, start from the beginning... an' go real slow, because somethin's fishy here, an' it ain't yer statue of Triton!
Howcome nobody ever wants ta stop an' talk it out before they try ta bash in my rocky li'l noggin'?!
Now… it's almost like I don't… I don't love her anymore. At least, not the way I used ta. It's as if we've passed over from being in love ta just lovin' like friends love. Like I love Sue, or Reed, or even Johnny. But… how am I gonna be able to tell Alicia that?
I ain't goin' back, Reed! Not yet, anyway! I figured you'd need somebody strong to keep bailin' you outta trouble, so I asked She-Hulk to take my place!
You killed Ben Grimm. Yeah. There ain't no human bein' locked away inside this pile o' rocks no more. I'm the Thing now, through and through. Forever.
Why is it always me everyone comes ta for help?! I'm only human! It just ain't fair! It just... AIN'T FAIR!
So! It's you -- the Miracle Man! Guess that explains who's been playin' with my noodle... I suppose it's my turn ta do some playin' now!
"Get those meddlers!" What a nice welcome... yer supposed to take a guest's coat when he arrives at yer place for the evenin'!
Huh? Startin' up her bike again an' comin' at me?! Look Blackie, I don't even know who are -- but the Thing ain't playin' target fer nobody!
Read my lips, Hawkeye! No! N-O! Never in a million years! Nix! Negatory! Not in your life! Thanks but no thanks an' BYE!
Aw, for cryin' out loud -- ! It's clobberin' time -- ! I guess... ... Of all the revoltin' developments -- ! Why am I doin' this? I hate that son-of-a-snake in th' grass more'n' I hate myself! I hate savin' his butt -- ! But, when th' chips are down, dad-blast it -- somewhere deep down in my guts...oww! I guess I know what I gotta do! For one, I gotta twist your nose off fer that cheap shot, Rhino!
But the reason I came -- is ta ask ya ta stop lookin' for me, already! I gotta go away, an' I can't tell ya why! But I gotta go -- an' for the sake o' the friendship I hope we still got, you gotta LET me!
@$%#@, She-Hulk -- move! We got a lot of panels to fasten onto this framework before Richards' big-deal ray cannon will work right!
Brothers have been hatin' each other since Cain and Abel, Susie. The lucky ones don't let it get the best of 'em.
You got whut I useta have, Double M! Me, I could take the Hulk now--an' I'm gonna take Master Panda-Bear's block off if he don't give up!
I useta worry ya wouldn't like me if I were Ben Grimm, insteada the Thing, Alicia! Ain't it nice fer both'a us that it don't matter any more?
I just keep wonderin' who sent those pint-sized ballistic missiles after us... an' why. An' if it is Frank, how did he come back in time... an' what sorta horrible things is he running away from?
That's real funny matchhead. If it wuzn't for a guy like me providin' a good example, you'd probably be out stealin' hubcaps somewhere!
Ya sound like a man who's finishin' his last inning... but I thought you X-Men always come back from the dead!
So I guess that means Thor an' Sif is history. No -- not history, 'cause they're mythical beings -- outta fairy tales. Only they ain't gonna live happily ever after! Matter of fact -- they ain't gonna live at all!
Just what I needed...annuder mystery. If the Thinker ain't controlling the Adaptoid----then who is?!
That's the last time I try mouth-ta-mouth resuscitation with a guy that calls himself a thunder god...
Ahh... Gotta be somethin' in the air I'm allergic ta! Feels like my eyes'll start waterin an' I'll be all sniffly any second now! Not ta mention my knees're weak as a... newborn...
Maybe ya gotta be an outcast yerself ta understand--ta really see what happened here. I think that Moley found out fer the first time that he was wanted--needed really...loved, if ya follow me......even if it was only by other outcasts.
Whatever we had between us, Alicia, whatever comes in the future......I am first and foremost, your best friend. And as your friend, wherever your heart leads......I wish you joy, and ev'ry happiness.
Lady-- -- or whatever the heck you are -- -- I got my three favorite words fer you: It's clobberin' time!
Ain't never seen that side o' him before--like he wuz possessed fer a spell there--an' then he's back t' "Hulk smash!"
Hey... don't you kids have school? Have you seen any living planets around here? And can you explain N'Sync to me?
Lissen, genius. We ain't called "The Fantastic Three." Besides, I told ya, I never felt more right in my life.
Lockjaw's her dog, kid! Her dog! So she went home ta visit-- so what?! At least you got a girl -- an' can hold her in your arms without worryin' about crushin' her! At least you got a life!
I'm much obliged to you both. This is a keepsake I'll treasure. But the truth is, I got a family. We may not be related by blood, but that really don't matter. I'll keep this gift, as a token of what may come. But I'll never forget what I already have.
Would ja believe he took time off... go west and find his fame and fortune in the movie business!
They may be a bunch o' nutty idjits, but they're all just as good at clobberin' as I am! How in blazes am I s'posed ta fight a damn army o' me?
Aw, who you kiddin', Ben? After all this time, you know there's only one constant in life. Things never change.
My point, an' I got one, is this: Safety ain't all it's cracked up t' be. Not if ya live a life worth th' risks. Sure, I coulda wallowed over one lousy break instead o' facin' th' world. An' some days, I still do. I backslide. And yer gonna do that, too. It's hard not ta. Yer gonna get lost in th' bad. But so long as ya got folks around who love ya, ya gotta remember tomorrow c'n always be better.
Maybe that's it. Maybe I'm too dumb ta die. Or maybe I just love my family and you forgot one thing...the FF is first and!
Yer smart enuff not ta complain--around me, at least--about y'r looks. And I'd give anything f'r him not to 've put the whammy on ya. But I......I mean it messed ya up in th' head.
Funny. Always figgered I'd die... closer t' Yancy Street. Only regret... wish I wuz home. Wotta revoltin' development this is. Wotta rev
But like the sayin' goes, they gotta take you in when no one else will. And from the sound of it, Cole got taken--hook, line and sinker.
Wait a sec, Shulkie, did he say it like this? "I'm sorry, Old Friend. But it looks like you'll stay this way forever"
I mean... c'mon. This is us, right? Whatever happens, we stand together. Always have......always will.
Cool yer heels and quit callin' me Rock Man. It's the Thing and you know it! There's a fight, but it ain't between you and me, big guy.
Then I made a little joke, and said maybe the only way to really protect the world from the Hulk if he ever goes really nuts is ta stick him in a rocket and shoot him out into space--let him be somebody else's problem.
You know, sometimes it just takes one day, one day with yer family to make ya realize somethin'......that money don't mean nuthin', and that they love ya anyway. Even if you have been actin' like a billion dollar idiot!
--it's clobberin' time! TM, copyrighted, patent pending, supplies limited, order now, offer not valid in some states.
Actually, Pete, it's kinda like I got a whole new super power... and with that power comes a lot a' responsibility. That make any sense?
Hey, just 'cause sumthin's broke, just 'cause it ain't perfect......don't mean it ain't beautiful. Sometimes all them cracks an' flaws......they tell a story. They give it heart. An' sometimes that makes what ya got......a classic!
It's like when that hammer fell, it tilted the whole country toward Oklahoma -- and anything that's not nailed down is rolling right toward it.
Heck, I'm glad I got this second life. In fact, if you ask me, I think......I'm the luckiest guy there is!
Don't you see what you're doing? Don't you see that you're tearing apart everything that makes this place worth fighting for? Look around! Take a long freaking look around!
Now, I ain't anybody to be setting any examples -- but getting ANGRY? Ain't gonna change the fact that we lost one of the greats.
Memories are only good when they're shared with people. People who understand what makes those memories special. After all... what good is there in bein' labeled an island icon if there's no one there to brag about it to? Trust me on this... I know. I'm the man they call El Morrito.
Okay, I'm sure this's interesting and all, but if we don't actually fight the bad guys, we'll lose our hero license!
In real life, you three had new powers from the cosmic rays, like me... You could fight back... But in this dream, you were just normal people... And I...I smashed you to pieces... Afterwards, Sue, my hands... My hands were... ... This nightmare? It's the first time I've had it in awhile, but...I have had it before...I used to have it a lot, I think... Which scares me, Sue, 'cause that means... Doesn't it mean that that's in me, somewhere? That potential hurt you? Waiting ta come out?
Y'know, Johnny...we seen a lot o' weird stuff over the years. But it was always simple—black and white. Doom, Galactus, Annihilus—we knew who the bad guys were...It wus always...clean. I dunno how Vincent did what he did or even what he was—but he wasn't bad! I think he really believed that he was workin' to do something good. T'make the world a better place. I dunno...Maybe he was ill—or just lost perspective and crossed the line—maybe...
Just once, buddy, ya gotta trust me that maybe you don't know everything. Doctor Doom is all my fault.
Uatu the Watcher was dead, murdered. Me 'n' some other heroes wuz there... When everythin' changed! Suddenly I knew stuff-- A memory. Thing is-- Tha' memory wuzn't mine.
Let's get to the ship and hope the little varmint fixed it enough to get us off this -- aw, nuts. More Badoon...
All right, you guys! Whatever ya got... Lock 'em! Load 'em! Charge 'em up! This is it! Our pal back there's hurting! All 'cause he put everything on the line for this crummy planet! Well, here's where we return the favor! Got that, spacemen?! You want the Surfer?! You'll have to go through us!
Lissen... he's just upset. It's a long story. But we... we just wanted you ta have this Fantastic Four flotsam and fluff 'cuz we knew ya'd 'preciate it.
Ya thought... it was okay for Johnny and me to be left behind... and think you were dead! You! Sue! Franklin! Val! Kids, Reed! You let us believe the kids were dead!
Sorry, baby. Duty calls. But when I get back, I promise ya, Mrs. Grimm... we are gonna have the best honeymoon ever.
I think you're on to sumthin'. The whole family -- they ain't been properly introduced yet. Ya know what'd fix that right up? If you and me set up a good, old-fashioned... Yancy Street block party!
The Terrible Trio! Boy, you torpedoes are really slumming, huh? Evicting old people? Guess when your only employment reference is Doc Doom, you gotta take what you can get, huh?
Did... didja say... give up...? 'Cause I can't do that. See... There's this pair 'a kids I know. Little... little scrappers. Never known nothin' but war. Can't... Can't seem to get their faces outta my head. It's funny, ain't like I'm short 'a reasons to fight, right? You killed my friend... You wanna kill my family... why am I thinking about two strangers? Only... these two strangers got a chance now. Chance at a home... chance at a better life. And all I gotta do is not give up on 'em. All I gotta do is not die. So I guess I can't die. I'm the Immortal Thing. Put up ya dukes.
Think you scrappers got what it takes to be part 'a the Grimm family? 'Cause me and the missus would love to have ya.
I guess if she's not chipped, and if we put up posters around town, and if nobody claims her... then maybe --jes' maybe-- there might be room in this stony ol' heart for one more.
The Thing | Are you tryin to hint that I'm dumb?! |
Human Torch | Who's hinting? |
The Thing | I accept your apology! |
Human Torch | Try to swat me with that asbestos rug, will ya? It's about time I showed you who's top man around here! |
Thing | Top man?? You red-faced refugee from a kindergarten! I don't know whether to clobber ya or give ya a spankin'! |
Human Torch | Watch it, he's attacking! |
The Thing | Glad ya told me, bright eyes! |
Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd) | Truly, there is a spark of divinity in all who live, and think... and strive! |
Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) | A spark that will one day ignite... and illuminate the universe! |
The Thing (Benjamin Grimm) | Sheeesh! Billy Graham's got nothin' on you! |
Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) | The Silver Surfer reached Galactus in time! Earth is saved! |
The Thing (Ben Grimm) | Sheeesh! We may haveta start collectin' unemployment insurance! |
Mister Fantastic | It's hopeless, Johnny! |
Human Torch | Never thought you'd say that, Reed! |
The Thing | You know Stretcho, kid... if he can't do somethin', he figgers nobody can! |
Johnny Storm | Reed, what if he's from some strange undersea race? |
Ben Grimm | You mean the old "They're gonna take over the world" trick? How corny can you be? |
Crystal | Poor, dear Johnny! Here -- Let me hold your head in my lap! |
Ben Grimm | Y'know -- All of a sudden, I don't feel so good either! |
Johnny Storm | You get an aspirin, you BIG APE! |
Crystal | To me, you'll always be the kindest -- and the gentlest -- and the most beautiful person I've ever known! |
The Thing | Yeah (Sniff), that's my problem! I always been just another pretty face! |
Johnny Storm | You want us to use the Pogo Plane? |
Ben Grimm | Heck, no. I just git my kicks outta openin' 'n shuttin' cockpit doors. Now git in 'n give yer jaws a rest. |
The Hulk | Hulk is bigger! Hulk is stronger! |
The Thing | Mebbe so ... But I'm a heckuva lot faster ... and I ain't exactly a flyweight myself! |
Agatha Harkness | Calm yourself Mr. Grimm -- Ebony was just being affectionate. |
Ben Grimm | Well, why don'cha put some combat boots on 'im so a fella can hear'im comin'! Us Super-Hero types are sensitive about bein' sneaked up on! |
Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) | No Ben! You're no match for him! |
Thing (Ben Grimm) | SHADDUP! Ya wanna give me a complex? |
Sue Richards | It must be horrible to be feared -- to be attacked -- just because you are different -- Just because you're a stranger in a strange world! |
The Thing | I should'a thought of that! I'm one guy who outta know how it all feels to be different |
Deathlok | Fight harder, fool. Otherwise you'll never stop me! |
The Thing | Wuzn't concentratin' on 'im! But I ain't gonna make that mistake twice! |
Sasquatch | Good afternoon Mr. Grimm! I trust you're enjoying your afternoon constitutional! |
Thing | Holy smokes! What freak show did you step outta? If there're any more like you at home, I don't wanna meet'em! |
Sasquatch | Mr. Grimm I salute you! The sight of me causes most people to react in panic -- yet, you have the presence of mind to attempt a joke! Very commendable! |
Vindicator | Shaman, you're looking much better now! What can you tell us about this Ranark character? |
Shaman | Not much! Legends describes him as a were-wraith... an unholy synthesis of man and demon! However, we mustn't underestimate him! He's incredible ruthless and he's supposed to have dominion over the earth, wind and fire... |
Thing | Sheesh! What're we fighting... a boogy man or a rock band?! |
Franklin Richards | Do you think they'll ever return, Uncle Benjy? |
Thing | I don't know, kid! They're headed for the Kree Galaxy -- home of the deadliest warriors at the end of the cosmos! In a way, I feel kinda sorry for them... |
Franklin Richards | The Impossible People--? |
Thing | Nope... the Kree! They just don't know what they're in for! |
Thing | Could yu turn around an' stop? I think I left my stomach somewhere around that last curve! How far ya goin' anyway? |
Savage She-Hulk | Who knows? I stopped checking when I passed ninety! |
Sphinx | Fall down, blast you! Fall down! |
the Thing | Fat Chance! My Aunt Petunia throws a meaner right hook than you... an' she's a lefty! |
Thing | This fight ain’t over yet--not by a long shot! Ya only won on a technicality! Ya didn’t really beat me! Ya’ll never beat me! I’m just too stupid… and ugly… ta know when to quit! |
Champion | No, my friend...I could never beat you! I know that now! I could crush your bones, and break your body--but I would never conquer your spirit! Any world that could spawn one such as you--is truly the worthiest of all! I sense that one day my people will battle yours for the total supremacy of the cosmos--but that will be in the eons to come! And what a glorious competition it shall be! Farewell, my friend! I have endless universes yet to visit! Infinite worlds to offer my gift! We shall never meet again! A pity! For to you--and you alone--I would offer the supreme glory of...a rematch! |
Lillian Templeworth | Gracious Mr. Grimm, your bestial strength does have its uses! |
The Thing | So does my shy an' retirin' personality! |
The Thing | Don't waste yer time with that gizmo! It wasn't designed fer a lug with my physique! |
Nurse Hasslebutt | Hospital regulations require me to record each patient's blood pressure twice a day! I won't have you disrupting my routine! Besides, you have nothing better to do! |
The Thing | You ain't wrong! This is the most excitement I've had all day! I oughta be out tradin' punches with some super-meanie like Doc Doom or the Sandman -- insteada wastin' my time here! Hey, what's the verdict? Am I gonnalive? |
Nurse Hasslebutt | According to these results -- you've been dead fr a week! |
The Thing | I gotta get outta here! |
Sid Brute | Hi, I'm Sid Brute, your director, and I like to go over your part with you. It's really so easy -- monsters are about to destroy Tokyo. You show up, beat the little beasties into submission and save the city! Now, isn't that just too, too simp, hmm? |
The Thing | Uh, yeah. Just one thing -- how come the monsters are attackin' Tokyo? |
Sid Brute | Don't be silly, Benj. Monsters always attack Tokyo! |
The Thing | Oh, yeah. Can't argue with that, I guess... |
She-Hulk | If you killed all the women in the past, there wouldn't be any women in this time. There wouldn't be anybody! |
Mahkizmo | What? Why not? |
Thing | Shulkie... I got th' feelin' nobody ever told this guy about th' facts o' life! |
Thing | Any chance you Inhumans have a recipe fer pumpkin pancakes? |
Karnak | What are these wonders called "pancakes"? |
Invisible Girl | Just ignore him, Karnak! |
Alicia Masters | But... we can stay friends, can't we, Ben? |
Ben Grimm | Friends...? Always. |
Hulk | Photos! No way! Cost you another forty points... |
Thing | Thirty. |
Hulk | Thirty-five. |
Thing | Twenty. |
Hulk | You just said "Thirty-five"! You're supposed to go up in a negotiation, moron! |
Thing | You ever thought'a joinin' the FF? We could use a guy like you! |
Peter Parker | Nah. I've heard the pay isn't all that great. |
Ben | Save the speech, big shot. We get it. We gotta use this power to help mankind, right...? |
Reed | That's right, Ben. |
Sue | ..then you'll have no problem piloting this. |
Johnny | Whoa...! Don't tell me this bathtub flies. |
Ben | 'Course it does. He probably dreamed it up one afternoon between Seinfeld reruns. Okay, Susie. You better hope he designed this thing fer these mitts I gor fer hands now... |
Thing | You know I once punched Galactus, right? |
John Clark | Threats will get you nowhere, Mr. Grimm. |
Thing | Yeah, that's what he said, too. |
Hydro-Man | You boiled my hand, you mother-- |
Thing | Watch your language. Also, your chin. |
Wolverine | I thought for sure you were gonna tell us it was clobberin' time. |
Thing | You got the picture. |
Thing | Ya know what I hate? I know... I know... Easy answer might be that I hate myself. Nah. That ain't it. Way I feel right now...after everything I did...everyone I hurt... I don't think enough of myself to hate. When I held that hammer...when it had ahold of me...I couldn't stop myself. And I still remember every ugly thing the Serpent's avatar -- Angrir -- whispered in my head. But now...more'n anything...I hate the idea of hurting my friends. |
Valkyrie | You know...for many years I was used against my will...used for evil. But guilt can be a cruel master, too, if you let it. I'd never suggest that you forget the things you've done. But rather than letting your shame crush you, I'd suggest you work to set things right. |
Invisible Woman | Is there nothing...? |
Unnamed doctor | You could pray. Pray for a miracle. |
Thing | A miracle... Does that guy have any idea who he's talking to? |
Man-Bull | Come on... the boss wants to give him a greeting. |
She-Thing | And here he is. Hello, lover, it's been a while. |
Thing | Wha..., I don' believe it! Yer th' boss here? Sharon? Sharon Ventura?! |
She-Thing | I don't answer to that name anymore, Ben--haven't in a long time. I'm She-Thing. Simple. And as of today, I own you. |
Mister Fantastic | ...That shouldn't be possible. |
Thing | Uh--what shouldn't, exactly? |
Mister Fantastic | I'm not certain yet, Ben...the only explanation I can see is--fantastic. |
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- West Coast Avengers Vol 2 4
- Secret Wars II Vol 1 7
- West Coast Avengers Vol 2 10
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 296
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 297
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 298
- Fantastic Four vs. the X-Men Vol 1 2
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 301
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 303
- Silver Surfer Vol 3 1
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 315
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 327
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 336
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 337
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 340
- Fantastic Four Annual Vol 1 23
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 342
- New Warriors Vol 1 17
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 361
- Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 39
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 367
- Fantastic Four Annual Vol 1 27
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 395
- Mighty Thor Vol 1 485
- Fantastic Four: Unplugged Vol 1 1
- Fantastic Four: Unplugged Vol 1 2
- Fantastic Four: Unplugged Vol 1 6
- Avengers Vol 2 6
- Fantastic Four Annual Vol 1 1998
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 ½
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 4
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 6
- Marvel Team-Up Vol 2 10
- Rampaging Hulk Vol 2 5
- Hulk Vol 1 9
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 25
- Iron Man Vol 3 35
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 39
- Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Comics Magazine Vol 1 2
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 40
- Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Comics Magazine Vol 1 5
- Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Comics Magazine Vol 1 7
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 45
- Fantastic 4th Voyage of Sinbad Vol 1 1
- Daredevil: Yellow Vol 1 3
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 50
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 51
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 56
- Thing: Freakshow Vol 1 1
- Fantastic Four Vol 3 58
- Thing: Freakshow Vol 1 2
- Thing: Freakshow Vol 1 3
- Thing: Freakshow Vol 1 4
- B-Sides Vol 1 3
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 502
- Startling Stories: The Thing Vol 1 1
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 505
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 508
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 510
- 4 Vol 1 5
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 516
- Hulk & Thing: Hard Knocks Vol 1 2
- 4 Vol 1 11
- Hulk & Thing: Hard Knocks Vol 1 3
- She-Hulk Vol 1 9
- Hulk & Thing: Hard Knocks Vol 1 4
- Fantastic Four: Foes Vol 1 4
- Fantastic Four: Foes Vol 1 5
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 529
- Spider-Man Unlimited Vol 3 11
- 4 Vol 1 22
- Marvel Monsters: Monsters on the Prowl Vol 1 1
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 533
- Thing Vol 2 2
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 535
- Thing Vol 2 4
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 536
- Thing Vol 2 5
- Fantastic Four: First Family Vol 1 2
- Thing Vol 2 6
- Thing Vol 2 7
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 538
- Thing Vol 2 8
- Fantastic Four: First Family Vol 1 5
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 539
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 541
- Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America Vol 1 2
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 548
- Fantastic Four: ¡Isla de la Muerte! Vol 1 1
- Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four Vol 1 1
- Fantastic Four Vol 1 561
- Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 590