List of all known work(s) that Annalise Bissa edited.
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(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Annalise Bissa" into "Editor" field of said article.)
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All items (769)
- Daredevil Vol 1 595
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 289
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 147
- Thanos Vol 2 13
- Darkhawk Vol 1 51
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 148
- Daredevil Vol 1 596
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 290
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 149
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 291
- Thanos Vol 2 14
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 150
- Daredevil Vol 1 597
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 292
- Thanos Vol 2 15
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 293
- Daredevil Vol 1 598
- Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock Vol 1 1
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 294
- Daredevil Vol 1 599
- Infinity Countdown Prime Vol 1 1
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 295
- Thanos Vol 2 16
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 296
- Thanos Vol 2 17
- Daredevil Vol 1 600
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 297
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 298
- Thanos Vol 2 18
- Daredevil Vol 1 601
- Infinity Countdown Vol 1 2
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 299
- Hunt for Wolverine Vol 1 1
- Legion Vol 1 4
- Thanos Annual Vol 2 1
- Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 11
- Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost Vol 1 1
- Infinity Countdown Vol 1 3
- You Are Deadpool Vol 1 1
- Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 300
- You Are Deadpool Vol 1 2
- Daredevil Vol 1 602
- Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer Vol 1 1
- Infinity Countdown: Daredevil Vol 1 1
- X-Men: Red Vol 1 4
- X-Men: The Wedding Special Vol 1 1
- You Are Deadpool Vol 1 3
- Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk Vol 1 1
- Legion Vol 1 5
- You Are Deadpool Vol 1 4
- Infinity Countdown: Captain Marvel Vol 1 1
- X-Men: Red Annual Vol 1 1
- You Are Deadpool Vol 1 5
- Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 12
- Dazzler: X-Song Vol 1 1
- Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost Vol 1 2
- Infinity Countdown Vol 1 4
- X-Men: Red Vol 1 5
- Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk Vol 1 2
- Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer Vol 1 2
- Infinity Countdown: Black Widow Vol 1 1
- Infinity Countdown: Champions Vol 1 1
- Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk Vol 1 3
- Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 13
- Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol 1 1
- Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost Vol 1 3
- Infinity Countdown: Champions Vol 1 2
- Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk Vol 1 4
- X-23 Vol 4 1
- Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer Vol 1 3
- Infinity Countdown Vol 1 5
- X-Men: Red Vol 1 6
- Infinity Wars Prime Vol 1 1
- Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 1
- X-23 Vol 4 2
- Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 14
- Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol 1 2
- Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost Vol 1 4
- Infinity Wars Vol 1 1
- Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer Vol 1 4
- Infinity Wars Vol 1 2
- Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 2
- X-Men: Red Vol 1 7
- Hunt for Wolverine: Dead Ends Vol 1 1
- X-23 Vol 4 3
- Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 15
- Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol 1 3
- Thanos Legacy Vol 1 1
- Iceman Vol 4 1
- Infinity Wars Vol 1 3
- Journey into Mystery: The Birth of Krakoa Vol 1 1
- X-23 Vol 4 4
- Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme Vol 1 1
- Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 3
- Return of Wolverine Vol 1 1
- Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer Vol 1 1
- X-Men: Red Vol 1 8
- Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol 1 4
- Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker Vol 1 1
- Iceman Vol 4 2
- Infinity Wars Vol 1 4
- X-23 Vol 4 5
- Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 16
- Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex Vol 1 1
- Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 4
- Infinity Wars: Arachknight Vol 1 1
- Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker Vol 1 2
- Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme Vol 1 2
- Return of Wolverine Vol 1 2
- X-Men: Red Vol 1 9
- Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer Vol 1 2
- What If? Magik Vol 1 1
- Iceman Vol 4 3
- Infinity Wars Vol 1 5
- X-23 Vol 4 6
- X-Men: Red Vol 1 10
- Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol 1 5
- Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps Vol 1 1
- Vault of Spiders Vol 1 2
- Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 17
- Doctor Strange Vol 5 8
- Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther Vol 1 1
- Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker Vol 1 3
- Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 5
- Spider-Force Vol 1 2
- Infinity Wars: Arachknight Vol 1 2
- Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex Vol 1 2
- Return of Wolverine Vol 1 3
- Doctor Strange Vol 5 9
- Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps Vol 1 2
- Merry X-Men Holiday Special Vol 1 1
- Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther Vol 1 2
- Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker Vol 1 4
- Mr. and Mrs. X Vol 1 6
- Spider-Force Vol 1 3
- X-23 Vol 4 7
- X-Men: Red Vol 1 11
- Infinity Wars Vol 1 6
- Infinity Wars: Fallen Guardian Vol 1 1
- Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 1
- Infinity Wars: Infinity Vol 1 1
- Wolverine: The Long Night Adaptation Vol 1 1
- X-23 Vol 4 8
- Return of Wolverine Vol 1 4
- Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 2
- Age of X-Man Alpha Vol 1 1
- Doctor Strange Vol 5 10
- Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men Vol 1 1
- Wolverine: The Long Night Adaptation Vol 1 2
- X-23 Vol 4 9
- Doctor Strange Vol 5 11
- Return of Wolverine Vol 1 5
- Wolverine: Infinity Watch Vol 1 1
- Age of X-Man: X-Tremists Vol 1 1
- Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 3
- Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & the X-Tracts Vol 1 1
- Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men Vol 1 2
- Wolverine: The Long Night Adaptation Vol 1 3
- X-23 Vol 4 10
- Wolverine: Infinity Watch Vol 1 2
- Age of X-Man: X-Tremists Vol 1 2
- Doctor Strange Vol 5 12
- Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 4
- Major X Vol 1 1
- Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & the X-Tracts Vol 1 2
- Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men Vol 1 3
- Major X Vol 1 2
- Wolverine: Infinity Watch Vol 1 3
- Age of X-Man: X-Tremists Vol 1 3
- Doctor Strange Vol 5 13
- Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 5
- Wolverine: The Long Night Adaptation Vol 1 4
- Major X Vol 1 3
- Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & the X-Tracts Vol 1 3
- Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men Vol 1 4
- Doctor Strange Vol 5 14
- Wolverine: Infinity Watch Vol 1 4
- Age of X-Man: X-Tremists Vol 1 4
- Major X Vol 1 4
- Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 6
- Wolverine: The Long Night Adaptation Vol 1 5
- Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & the X-Tracts Vol 1 4
- Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men Vol 1 5
- Major X Vol 1 5
- Wolverine: Infinity Watch Vol 1 5
- Age of X-Man: X-Tremists Vol 1 5
- Doctor Strange Vol 5 15
- Major X Vol 1 6
- Secret Warps: Soldier Supreme Annual Vol 1 1
- Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & the X-Tracts Vol 1 5
- Secret Warps: Weapon Hex Annual Vol 1 1
- Age of X-Man Omega Vol 1 1
- Secret Warps: Ghost Panther Annual Vol 1 1
- Fearless Vol 1 1
- House of X Vol 1 1
- Secret Warps: Arachknight Annual Vol 1 1
- Powers of X Vol 1 1
- Secret Warps: Iron Hammer Annual Vol 1 1
- House of X Vol 1 2
- Major X Vol 1 0