| NOUN | a score | scores |
| VERB | to score | scored | scored scoring | scores |
| SYNO | account | grievance | grudge | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| educ. to score sth. [Am.] [Can.] [evaluate numerically] | etw. bewerten [Test, Examen mit Punkten] 3404 | |
| to score | punkten 972 | |
| sports to score [football] | treffen 454 | |
| to score [scratch] | ritzen 296 | |
| to score [marks, points] | erzielen 290 | |
| to score sth. [gain points] | etw. erringen [Punkte in einem Spiel, Wettbewerb] 205 | |
| to score sth. | etw.Akk. anschreiben [Punkte, Spielstand] 129 | |
| art to score | einkerben 72 | |
| to score sth. [Am.] [coll.] | etw. erbeuten 68 | |
| artgastr. to score | einschneiden 65 | |
| filmmus.theatre to score sth. [e.g., to compose music, to underlay a film] | etw. schreiben [Film-, Bühnenmusik] 18 | |
| mus. to score sth. [coll.] | etw. orchestrieren 17 | |
| gamessports to score | scoren 8 | |
| mus. to score sth. [e.g. to score a symphony] | etw. instrumentieren 7 | |
| hort. to score sth. [fruit tree] | etw. schröpfen [Obstbaum] 7 | |
| to score | Punkte erzielen | |
| to score | Punkte anschreiben | |
| sports to score | einen Treffer erzielen | |
| art to score | einen Kratzer machen | |
| comm.gastr. to score | auf Rechnung setzen | |
| sports to score [football] | ein Tor erzielen | |
| med.stat. to score sth. | etw.Akk. zahlenmäßig bestimmen [Ergebnis] | |
Substantive |
| gamessports score | Spielstand {m} 3627 | |
| score [evaluation] | Auswertung {f} 3115 | |
| educ.gamessports score | Punktzahl {f} 358 | |
| mus. score | Partitur {f} 162 | |
| filmmus. score | Filmmusik {f} 109 | |
| gamessports score | Spielergebnis {n} 75 | |
| score | Bewertung {f} [z. B. beim Audit] 71 | |
| mus.publ. score [for voices or instruments] | Stimme {f} [Notenauszug einer Einzelstimme] 60 | |
| score | Punktestand {m} 40 | |
| score [notch] | Kerbe {f} 34 | |
| score [sl.] | Eroberung {f} 30 | |
| score | Trefferzahl {f} 29 | |
| score [scratch] | Kratzspur {f} 29 | |
| score [reason] | Grund {m} 26 | |
| score [groove] | Rille {f} 24 | |
| unit score | Stiege {f} [veraltet] [= 20 Stück] 19 | |
| score [cut, insection] | Einschnitt {m} 19 | |
| score | Punktezahl {f} [z. B. beim Audit] 18 | |
| score | Bewertungsziffer {f} 15 | |
| gamessports score | Stand {m} [Spielstand] 15 | |
| score [weal] | Striemen {m} 6 | |
| stat. score [pertaining to a test or questionnaire] | Wert {m} [Ergebnis eines Tests oder Fragebogens] 5 | |
| med.stat. score | (zahlenmäßiges) Ergebnis {n} | |
| gamessports score | Stand {m} eines Wettkampfes | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| a score [archaic] [twenty] | zwanzig | |
| five score [archaic] [one hundred] [also: fivescore] | hundert | |
| four score [eighty] | achtzig | |
| one score [archaic] [twenty] | zwanzig | |
| three score [archaic] [sixty] | sechzig | |
| two score [dated] [forty] | vierzig | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to keep score | mitzählen | |
| to keep score | die Punktzahl anschreiben | |
| to score against sb. | jdm. zur Last legen | |
| drugs to score drugs [sl.] [obtain drugs] | sichDat. Stoff beschaffen [ugs.] | |
| to score off sb. | jdn. ausstechen | |
| to score off sb. | jdn. in den Schatten stellen | |
| idiom to score off sb. | jdm. eins auswischen | |
| to score off sth. | etw. ausstreichen | |
| to score out sth. | etw. durchstreichen | |
| to score with sb. [sexual] [sl.] | jdn. klarmachen [sexuell] [ugs.] | |
| to score with sb. [sl.] | jdn. ins Bett kriegen [ugs.] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| mus. (musical) score {sg} | Noten {pl} [Notentext, Partitur] | |
| sports aggregate score [football / soccer] | Gesamtscore {m} [Ergebnisse aus Hin- und Rückspiel im Fußball] | |
| sports aggregate score [football / soccer] | Gesamtergebnis {n} [Ergebnisse aus Hin- und Rückspiel im Fußball] | |
| med. Apgar score | Apgar-Score {m} | |
| mus. autograph score | autographe Partitur {f} | |
| mus. autograph score | Autograph {n} [Notenblatt, Partitur] | |
| sports box score [Am.] | (tabellarischer) Spielbericht {m} [vor allem Baseball] | |
| idiommil. box score [Am.] [sl.] | Verlustliste {f} [Tote, Verwundete, Vermisste] | |
| pharm. break score | Bruchrille {f} | |
| butcher score | Metzgerschnitt {m} [Häutefehler] | |
| butcher score | Fleischerschnitt {m} [Häutefehler] | |
| med. CHADS score [CHADS2 score] | CHADS-Score {m} [CHADS2-Score] | |
| mus. choral score | [Chorstimmen ohne Instrumentalbegleitung und Soli] | |
| mus. close score | Partiturauszug {m} | |
| mus. compressed score | Partiturauszug {m} | |
| mus. condensed score | Partiturauszug {m} | |
| fin. credit score | Kredit-Score {m} | |
| fin. credit score | Credit Score {m} [Kreditwürdigkeit] | |
| sports cricket score [coll.] [fig.] [very high score] [e.g. in football, soccer] | Kantersieg {m} [müheloser, hoher Sieg] | |
| pharm. cross-score [tablet] | Kreuzbruchrille {f} [Kreuzbruchkerbe in Tablette] | |
| daily score | Tagespunktestand {m} | |
| sports double score [football] | Doppelpack {m} | |
| sports even score | Punktegleichheit {f} | |
| filmmus. film score | Filmmusik {f} | |
| final score | Endnote {f} | |
| final score | Endergebnis {n} | |
| final score | Schlussstand {m} | |
| final score | Schlussresultat {n} | |
| sports final score | Endstand {m} | |
| mus. full score | Partitur {f} | |
| med. Gleason score | Gleason-Score {m} | |
| med. Glogau score [classification of wrinkles] | Glogau-Score {m} [Faltenscore] | |
| med. inflammation score | Entzündungswert {m} | |
| med. Karnofsky score <KS> | Karnofsky-Score {m} <KS> | |
| VetMed. lameness score | Lahmheitsgrad {m} | |
| med. Lansky score | Lansky-Score {m} | |
| sports level score | Punktgleichheit {f} | |
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Übersetzung für 'score' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- to score sth. [Am.] [Can.] [evaluate numerically]
- etw. bewerten [Test, Examen mit Punkten]educ.
- to score
- punkten
Punkte erzielen
Punkte anschreiben
einen Treffer erzielensports
einen Kratzer machenart
auf Rechnung setzencomm.gastr.
- to score [football]
- treffensports
ein Tor erzielensports
- to score [scratch]
- ritzen
- to score [marks, points]
- erzielen
- to score sth. [gain points]
- etw. erringen [Punkte in einem Spiel, Wettbewerb]
- to score sth.
- etw.Akk. anschreiben [Punkte, Spielstand]
etw.Akk. zahlenmäßig bestimmen [Ergebnis]med.stat.
- to score sth. [Am.] [coll.]
- etw. erbeuten
- to score sth. [e.g., to compose music, to underlay a film]
- etw. schreiben [Film-, Bühnenmusik]filmmus.theatre
- to score sth. [coll.]
- etw. orchestrierenmus.
- to score sth. [e.g. to score a symphony]
- etw. instrumentierenmus.
- to score sth. [fruit tree]
- etw. schröpfen [Obstbaum]hort.
- score
- Spielstand {m}gamessports
Punktzahl {f}educ.gamessports
Partitur {f}mus.
Filmmusik {f}filmmus.
Spielergebnis {n}gamessports
Bewertung {f} [z. B. beim Audit]
Punktestand {m}
Trefferzahl {f}
Stiege {f} [veraltet] [= 20 Stück]unit
Punktezahl {f} [z. B. beim Audit]
Bewertungsziffer {f}
Stand {m} [Spielstand]gamessports
(zahlenmäßiges) Ergebnis {n}med.stat.
Stand {m} eines Wettkampfesgamessports
- score [evaluation]
- Auswertung {f}
- score [for voices or instruments]
- Stimme {f} [Notenauszug einer Einzelstimme]mus.publ.
- score [notch]
- Kerbe {f}
- score [sl.]
- Eroberung {f}
- score [scratch]
- Kratzspur {f}
- score [reason]
- Grund {m}
- score [groove]
- Rille {f}
- score [cut, insection]
- Einschnitt {m}
- score [weal]
- Striemen {m}
- score [pertaining to a test or questionnaire]
- Wert {m} [Ergebnis eines Tests oder Fragebogens]stat.
- a score [archaic] [twenty]
- zwanzig
- five score [archaic] [one hundred] [also: fivescore]
- hundert
- four score [eighty]
- achtzig
- one score [archaic] [twenty]
- zwanzig
- three score [archaic] [sixty]
- sechzig
- two score [dated] [forty]
- vierzig
- to keep score
- mitzählen
die Punktzahl anschreiben
- to score against sb.
- jdm. zur Last legen
- to score drugs [sl.] [obtain drugs]
- sichDat. Stoff beschaffen [ugs.]drugs
- to score off sb.
- jdn. ausstechen
jdn. in den Schatten stellen
jdm. eins auswischenidiom
- to score off sth.
- etw. ausstreichen
- to score out sth.
- etw. durchstreichen
- to score with sb. [sexual] [sl.]
- jdn. klarmachen [sexuell] [ugs.]
- to score with sb. [sl.]
- jdn. ins Bett kriegen [ugs.]
- (musical) score {sg}
- Noten {pl} [Notentext, Partitur]mus.
- aggregate score [football / soccer]
- Gesamtscore {m} [Ergebnisse aus Hin- und Rückspiel im Fußball]sports
Gesamtergebnis {n} [Ergebnisse aus Hin- und Rückspiel im Fußball]sports
- Apgar score
- Apgar-Score {m}med.
- autograph score
- autographe Partitur {f}mus.
Autograph {n} [Notenblatt, Partitur]mus.
- box score [Am.]
- (tabellarischer) Spielbericht {m} [vor allem Baseball]sports
- box score [Am.] [sl.]
- Verlustliste {f} [Tote, Verwundete, Vermisste]idiommil.
- break score
- Bruchrille {f}pharm.
- butcher score
- Metzgerschnitt {m} [Häutefehler]
Fleischerschnitt {m} [Häutefehler]
- CHADS score [CHADS2 score]
- CHADS-Score {m} [CHADS2-Score]med.
- choral score
- [Chorstimmen ohne Instrumentalbegleitung und Soli]mus.
- close score
- Partiturauszug {m}mus.
- compressed score
- Partiturauszug {m}mus.
- condensed score
- Partiturauszug {m}mus.
- credit score
- Kredit-Score {m}fin.
Credit Score {m} [Kreditwürdigkeit]fin.
- cricket score [coll.] [fig.] [very high score] [e.g. in football, soccer]
- Kantersieg {m} [müheloser, hoher Sieg]sports
- cross-score [tablet]
- Kreuzbruchrille {f} [Kreuzbruchkerbe in Tablette]pharm.
- daily score
- Tagespunktestand {m}
- double score [football]
- Doppelpack {m}sports
- even score
- Punktegleichheit {f}sports
- film score
- Filmmusik {f}filmmus.
- final score
- Endnote {f}
Endergebnis {n}
Schlussstand {m}
Schlussresultat {n}
Endstand {m}sports
- full score
- Partitur {f}mus.
- Gleason score
- Gleason-Score {m}med.
- Glogau score [classification of wrinkles]
- Glogau-Score {m} [Faltenscore]med.
- inflammation score
- Entzündungswert {m}med.
- Karnofsky score <KS>
- Karnofsky-Score {m} <KS>med.
- lameness score
- Lahmheitsgrad {m}VetMed.
- Lansky score
- Lansky-Score {m}med.
- level score
- Punktgleichheit {f}sports
- Apgar-Score {m} = Apgar score
- Bishop-Score {m} [geburtshilfliches Scoring-System] = Bishop's / Bishop score [pre-labour scoring system]
- CHADS-Score {m} [CHADS2-Score] = CHADS score [CHADS2 score]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Higher MADRS score indicates more severe depression, and each item yields a score of 0 to 6. The overall score ranges from 0 to 60.
- The following is the final release of score percentiles as seen on the 2007 SAT score reports. The mean score was 964.
- Using Score A and Score B, assign the correct Score C using Table C.
- Australia score listed first, score column indicates score after each Alston goal.
- District Tando Muhammad Khan is ranked at the 115th position in the education score index of the Pakistan District Education Rankings 2017 published by Alif Ailaan.
- District Nankana Sahib is ranked at the 26th position in the education score index of the Pakistan District Education Rankings 2017 published by Alif Ailaan.
- The total score is the sum of the pre-exam score, the written tests scores and the oral test score.
- The raw score is then added to the adjusted multiple choice score to receive a composite score.
- Current versions of Whac-A-Mole include three displays for Bonus Score, High Score, and the current game score.
- Final scores are calculated as the sum of the "Fight Judges' Score" + "Global Popular Vote Score" + "Experts' Jury Score" + "Rain's New Dance Song Choreography Score".
- Huawei Mate 30 Pro received an overall score of 121 from "DXOMARK", overtaking the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 5G. The device had a photo score of 131, a video score of 100, and a selfie score of 93.
- The score reports list the individual's total score, as well as their "t"-score and the related percentile. The score reports also include Internalizing, Externalizing, and Total Problems scales.
- The total score is the sum of the pre-exam score, the written tests' scores and the oral test score.
- The score received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Score, losing to the score of "The Grand Budapest Hotel", also composed by Desplat.
- Each gymnast carried forward half her preliminary round score (prelim score) to the final, where it was added to her score in the final (final score).
- The ABCD2 score was proposed in 2007 as a modified version of the ABCD score of 2005 (the ABCD score did not consider the presence of diabetes).
- The S10+ received an overall score of 109 from "DXOMARK"; it had a photo score of 114, a video score of 97, and a selfie score of 96.
- Scores are based on difficulty, artistry, demonstration of required elements, and overall performance quality.
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