Übersetzung für '
wrongly' von Englisch nach Deutsch
SYNO | incorrectly | wrong | wrongly |
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- "Male captus, bene detentus" (wrongly captured, properly detained) is a legal doctrine, according to which the fact that a person may have been wrongly or unfairly arrested, will not prejudice a rightful detention or trial under due process.
- The following works have been wrongly attributed to him.
- Note 1: Date wrongly given as 26 May in some sources.
- The result is that the levorotary l-ephedrine is wrongly named L-ephedrine and the dextrorotary d-pseudoephedrine (the diastereomer) wrongly D-pseudoephedrine.
- The algorithm starts a new perceptron every time an example is wrongly classified, initializing the weights vector with the final weights of the last perceptron.
- The "Revakhanda" of Vayu Purana since 1910 has been wrongly attributed to the Skanda Purana, says Juergen Neuss, but he adds that the manuscripts attest the "Revakhanda" containing 232 chapters belongs to the Vayu Purana and was wrongly included in the Skanda Purana by Veṅkateśvara Steam Press in 1910 and all publications of the Skanda after it.
- Keiller died in October 1955, although Piggott's obituary for him wrongly stated September.
- When condemned persons are executed before they are determined to have been wrongly convicted, the effect of that miscarriage of justice is irreversible.
- A goods train was derailed by wrongly set points in 1884.
- GenBank, being a public database, may contain sequences wrongly assigned to a particular species, because the initial identification of the organism was wrong.
- Plage des Salins is sometimes wrongly included as part of Pampelonne.
- Seeta, sometimes wrongly spelled as Seta, is a township in Uganda.
- It was formerly wrongly identified with Anazarba.
- Spinach is sometimes wrongly claimed to be a good source of iron. However, this myth is often also wrongly explained by researchers misplacing a decimal mark.
- It was wrongly called an Evangelistarium in the Supplementary Catalogue.
- Female inmates wrongly imprisoned on an island fortress plan their escape.
- "Phaloesia fulvicollis" was previously wrongly listed as a synonym of "Gnophaela aequinoctialis".
- Tim Cole (1960–1999) was an American student wrongly convicted of rape.
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