Übersetzung für '
warrant' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a warrant | warrants |
| VERB | to warrant | warranted | warranted warranting | warrants |
| SYNO | countenance | endorsement | guarantee | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- First warrant officer (1WO) is a warrant officer rank in the Singapore Armed Forces. It is senior to second warrant officer but junior to master warrant officer.
- In the United States, warrant officers are appointed by warrant then commissioned by the President of the United States at the rank of chief warrant officer.
- Additionally, due to the large number of warrant officers stationed there, the Warrant Officer Candidate School and Warrant Officer Career College are both located at Fort Rucker.
- WO are used for United States warrant officers only. Countries not listed use only regular officer ranks, do not have warrant officers, or warrant officers are considered OR (Other/Enlisted Rank).
- Several court decisions have been issued on the legality of using a Stingray without a warrant, with some courts ruling a warrant is required and others not requiring a warrant.
- The Warrant Officer Career College develops and administers active and reserve component warrant officer courses to include the Warrant Officer Candidate School, Warrant Officer Basic Course, Warrant Officer Advanced Course, Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education, and the Warrant Officer Senior Service Education.
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