Übersetzung für '
tomatoes' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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- "Septoria lycopersici" is a fungal pathogen that is most commonly found infecting tomatoes.
- Dry-farmed Early Girl tomatoes have a cult following, and aficionados claim the taste of dry-farmed Early Girl tomatoes rival those of the best-regarded heirloom tomatoes.
- "Rotten Tomatoes" is an American review-aggregation website for film and television.
- Ruether had a love for growing tomatoes, and was known for the small plot of land where she grew tomatoes in front of her office window at Garrett-Evangelical.
- "Killer Tomatoes Strike Back!" is a 1991 American comedy film.
- Canned tomatoes, or tinned tomatoes, are tomatoes, usually peeled, that are sealed into a can after having been processed by heat.
- Tomatoes will benefit from dill when they are young since it will repel harmful pests while attracting pollinators, but as dill matures and flowers it will slow or stop the growth of tomatoes.
- The sauce features a guisado - a sautee flavor combination of garlic, onion and tomatoes (although tomatoes are sometimes omitted, depending on the dish).
- Many western interpretations of the dish add tomatoes to the sauce.
- Stuffed tomatoes are one of a number of dishes in which tomatoes are filled with ingredients, usually including rice.
- Potatoes, eggplant, and tomatoes are all solanaceous plants that contain unique glycoalkaloids. In the case of tomatoes, one of those unique glycoalkaloids is esculeoside A.
- Tomatoes were brought to Europe in the early 1500s.
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