Übersetzung für '
shelf' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a shelf | shelves |
| SYNO | ledge | shelf |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition is a biogeographic region of Australia's coastal and continental shelf waters.
- A floating shelf is a form of shelf with its wall fixings hidden within the shelf board, with no visible supporting brackets.
- The Chukchi Sea Shelf or Chukchi Shelf is the westernmost part of the continental shelf of the United States and the easternmost part of the continental shelf of Russia.
- TEIS can also refer to the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf, a major ice shelf in Antarctica.
- The first shelf-stable formulation of ranch dressing, created in 1983, had a shelf life of 150 days.
- Its most dramatic example of glacier retreat is the loss of large sections of the Larsen Ice Shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula.
- Around midday, when incoming sunlight is at its maximum intensity on the shallow shelf, the number of fish on the shelf decreases.
- The Amery Ice Shelf is the third largest ice shelf in Antarctica, after the Ross Ice Shelf and the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf.
- Each plane of the timeswitch occupies one shelf in a three-shelf group – the lower shelf is plane 0, the upper shelf is plane 1 and the middle shelf is occupied by up to 32 DLTs (Digital Line Terminations).
- Spain is an eminently maritime country with a long continental shelf running along the entire periphery of the Spanish coast.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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