4 Übersetzungen
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- Wir sind die Millers = We're the Millers [Rawson Marshall Thurber]
- Millers Mönchsaffe {m} = Miller's (monk) saki [Pithecia milleri]
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- From fathers to sons, a family of millers worked this mill from 1812 to 1914.
- The Cossidae, the cossid millers or carpenter millers, make up a family of mostly large miller moths.
- 1664: A stone bearing this date was found in the millers cottage.
- By that time industry was beginning to harness the river, too, as Jacob Walden established his mill in the village downriver that would later take his name. Millers in the Black Dirt Region clashed heavily with farmers in what were known as the Muskrat and Beaver Wars for decades afterwards, since the millers needed the water to flow freely while the farmers depended on keeping it diverted.
- In a traditional rural society, a miller is often wealthier than ordinary peasants, which can lead to jealousy. Millers are often accused of associating with thieves, and were targeted in bread riots at times of famine.
- The following millers were associated with Outwood windmills.
- He left Dunn in 1878 and joined his brother-in-law, Thomas Grose, as flour millers.
- James and Thomas Shaw began their careers as flour millers and sawmillers in Ontario.
- Experienced millers and millwrights were in short supply in the early colony.
- "Nectopsyche" is a genus of white millers in the family Leptoceridae. There are at least 60 described species in "Nectopsyche".
- The only people who were generally safe from the vodianoi's anger were millers and fishermen.
- The Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations had been formed in 1900 as part of the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Stock with its work financed by levies on sugar growers and millers, matched by government funding.
- From this time most of the settlers were artisans, millers and brick makers of Scottish and English background.
- is a Dutch society of volunteer millers who operate many of the Dutch wind- and watermills.
- In the years that followed there continued to be disputes between the reigning kings and the millers for different reasons.
- is an association of volunteer millers operating windmills in the Dutch province Friesland.
- During the war Carr acted as the millers’ representative on the Millers’ Tribunal set up under the Ministry of Food.
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