Übersetzung für '
correct' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| ADJ | correct | more correct | most correct |
| VERB | to correct | corrected | corrected correcting | corrects |
| SYNO | correct | right | to adjust | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| correct {adj} | korrekt 3405 | |
| correct {adj} [right] | richtig [korrekt] 1059 | |
| correct {adj} [right] | recht [richtig] 90 | |
| correct {adj} [accurate, exact] | genau [korrekt] 47 | |
| correct {adj} [proper] [e.g. behaviour] | 25 angemessen [korrekt, einwandfrei] [z. B. Verhalten] | |
| correct {adj} [right] | zutreffend [korrekt, richtig] 24 | |
| correct {adj} [free from error] | fehlerlos [korrekt] 21 | |
| correct {adj} [conforming with accepted standards] | ordnungsgemäß [korrekt] 16 | |
| correct {adj} [conforming with rules or accepted standards] | vorschriftsmäßig [korrekt] 12 | |
| correct {adj} [free from error] | fehlerfrei [korrekt] 7 | |
Verben |
| to correct sb./sth. | jdn./etw. korrigieren 4083 | |
| to correct | beheben 3291 | |
| to correct | berichtigen 445 | |
| to correct sth. [put right] | etw.Akk. verbessern [korrigieren, berichtigen] 183 | |
| to correct sb. [admonish, reprimand] | jdn. zurechtweisen 46 | |
| to correct sth. [revise, straighten out] | 35 etw.Akk. zurechtrücken [ugs.] [fig.] [korrigieren, klarstellen] | |
| to correct sth. [put right, rectify] | etw.Akk. richtigstellen 28 | |
| to correct sth. | etw. abändern [korrigieren] 22 | |
| to correct sb. [punish] | jdn. strafen [bestrafen] 19 | |
| to correct [mistakes] | ausbessern 17 | |
| stat. to correct sth. | etw.Akk. bereinigen [Statistiken, Zahlen] 13 | |
| to correct sth. | etw. nachbessern 8 | |
| to correct | ausgleichen 6 | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| all correct {adj} | alles richtig | |
| approximately correct {adj} | nahezu richtig | |
| certified correct {adj} | als richtig bescheinigt | |
| dimensionally correct {adj} | maßgerecht | |
| environmentally correct {adj} | umweltgerecht | |
| grammatically correct {adj} | sprachlich richtig | |
| ling. idiomatically correct {adj} | idiomatisch richtig | |
| law legally correct {adj} | rechtsrichtig [Amtssprache, Rechtssprache] [bes. österr.] | |
| more correct {adj} | korrekter | |
| more correct {adj} | richtiger | |
| most correct {adj} | korrekteste | |
| not correct {adj} | unrichtig | |
| objectively correct {adj} | objektiv richtig | |
| partly correct {adj} | teilweise korrekt | |
| partly correct {adj} | teilweise richtig | |
| politically correct {adj} <PC> [speech etc.] | politisch korrekt <PC> [Sprache etc.] | |
| quite correct {adj} | ganz in Ordnung [nur prädikativ] | |
| scrupulously correct {adj} | überaus korrekt | |
| technically correct {adj} [as confirmed by experts] | fachgerecht | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to be correct | stimmen [zutreffen] | |
| to correct errors | Fehler berichtigen | |
| educ. to correct exercises | Schulaufgaben korrigieren | |
| econ. to correct inflation | die Inflation ausgleichen | |
| to correct oneself | sich korrigieren | |
| to correct oneself | sich selbst verbessern | |
| to correct papers | Schriftstücke markieren und verbessern | |
| to correct sb.'s mistakes | jds. Fehler verbessern [korrigieren] | |
| to correct sth. silently [spelling error, typo, etc.] | etw. stillschweigend berichtigen [Schreib-, Druckfehler usw.] | |
| to prove sth. correct | die Richtigkeit einer Sache beweisen | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| correct amount | richtiger Betrag {m} | |
| correct answer | richtige Antwort {f} | |
| correct behaviour [Br.] | korrektes Verhalten {n} | |
| correct behaviour [Br.] | richtiges Verhalten {n} | |
| correct behaviour [Br.] | angemessenes Benehmen {n} | |
| correct calculation | richtige Kalkulation {f} | |
| correct conduct | korrektes Benehmen {n} | |
| correct definition | genaue Definition {f} | |
| correct diagnosis | korrekte Diagnosestellung {f} | |
| ling. correct English | korrektes Englisch {n} | |
| correct figures | richtige Zahlen {pl} | |
| ling. correct French | korrektes Französisch {n} | |
| correct language | korrekte Sprache {f} | |
| correct match | richtige Anpassung {f} | |
| correct notice | angemessene Kündigungsfrist {f} | |
| mus. correct pitch | richtige Tonhöhe {f} | |
| correct pronunciation | richtige Aussprache {f} | |
| correct solution | richtige Lösung {f} | |
| correct spelling | richtige Schreibweise {f} | |
| correct tape [rare] [correction tape] | Korrekturband {n} [Schreibmaschine] | |
| correct translation | fehlerlose Übersetzung {f} | |
| correct version | richtige Version {f} | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| correct in form | richtig in der Form | |
| law correct in substance {adj} | inhaltlich richtig [Urteil] | |
| if (found) correct | bei Richtigbefund | |
| if found correct | wenn in Ordnung | |
| It appears correct. | Es erscheint richtig. | |
| not quite correct | nicht ganz richtig | |
3 Wörter: Verben |
| to correct a defect | einen Fehler beseitigen | |
| to correct a forecast | eine Vorhersage korrigieren | |
| to correct a mistake | einen Fehler ausbessern | |
| to correct a mistake | einen Fehler korrigieren | |
| to correct a mistake | einen Fehler richtigstellen | |
| to correct a misunderstanding | ein Missverständnis aufklären | |
| to correct a proofsheet | einen Bürstenabzug korrigieren | |
| publ. to correct a proofsheet | Korrektur lesen | |
| to correct a result | ein Ergebnis richtigstellen | |
| to correct a score | eine Angabe korrigieren | |
| educ. to correct a test | eine Schularbeit verbessern [österr.] [Klassenarbeit korrigieren] | |
| to correct it back | die Korrektur rückgängig machen | |
| to correct one's mistakes | seine Fehler korrigieren | |
| phonet. to correct one's pronunciation | seine Aussprache korrigieren | |
| watches to correct one's watch | seine Uhr stellen | |
| to correct the defects | die Mängel beheben | |
| printpubl. to correct the proofs | die Druckfahnen korrigieren | |
| printpubl. to correct the proofs | die Fahnen korrigieren [fachspr.] | |
| publ. to correct the proofs | Korrektur lesen | |
| law to correct the record | die bisherige Darstellung korrigieren | |
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Übersetzung für 'correct' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- correct {adj}
- korrekt
- correct {adj} [right]
- richtig [korrekt]
recht [richtig]
zutreffend [korrekt, richtig]
- correct {adj} [accurate, exact]
- genau [korrekt]
- correct {adj} [proper] [e.g. behaviour]
- angemessen [korrekt, einwandfrei] [z. B. Verhalten]
- correct {adj} [free from error]
- fehlerlos [korrekt]
fehlerfrei [korrekt]
- correct {adj} [conforming with accepted standards]
- ordnungsgemäß [korrekt]
- correct {adj} [conforming with rules or accepted standards]
- vorschriftsmäßig [korrekt]
- to correct sb./sth.
- jdn./etw. korrigieren
- to correct
- beheben
- to correct sth. [put right]
- etw.Akk. verbessern [korrigieren, berichtigen]
- to correct sb. [admonish, reprimand]
- jdn. zurechtweisen
- to correct sth. [revise, straighten out]
- etw.Akk. zurechtrücken [ugs.] [fig.] [korrigieren, klarstellen]
- to correct sth. [put right, rectify]
- etw.Akk. richtigstellen
- to correct sth.
- etw. abändern [korrigieren]
etw.Akk. bereinigen [Statistiken, Zahlen]stat.
etw. nachbessern
- to correct sb. [punish]
- jdn. strafen [bestrafen]
- to correct [mistakes]
- ausbessern
- all correct {adj}
- alles richtig
- approximately correct {adj}
- nahezu richtig
- certified correct {adj}
- als richtig bescheinigt
- dimensionally correct {adj}
- maßgerecht
- environmentally correct {adj}
- umweltgerecht
- grammatically correct {adj}
- sprachlich richtig
- idiomatically correct {adj}
- idiomatisch richtigling.
- legally correct {adj}
- rechtsrichtig [Amtssprache, Rechtssprache] [bes. österr.]law
- more correct {adj}
- korrekter
- most correct {adj}
- korrekteste
- not correct {adj}
- unrichtig
- objectively correct {adj}
- objektiv richtig
- partly correct {adj}
- teilweise korrekt
teilweise richtig
- politically correct {adj} <PC> [speech etc.]
- politisch korrekt <PC> [Sprache etc.]
- quite correct {adj}
- ganz in Ordnung [nur prädikativ]
- scrupulously correct {adj}
- überaus korrekt
- technically correct {adj} [as confirmed by experts]
- fachgerecht
- to be correct
- stimmen [zutreffen]
- to correct errors
- Fehler berichtigen
- to correct exercises
- Schulaufgaben korrigiereneduc.
- to correct inflation
- die Inflation ausgleichenecon.
- to correct oneself
- sich korrigieren
sich selbst verbessern
- to correct papers
- Schriftstücke markieren und verbessern
- to correct sb.'s mistakes
- jds. Fehler verbessern [korrigieren]
- to correct sth. silently [spelling error, typo, etc.]
- etw. stillschweigend berichtigen [Schreib-, Druckfehler usw.]
- to prove sth. correct
- die Richtigkeit einer Sache beweisen
- correct amount
- richtiger Betrag {m}
- correct answer
- richtige Antwort {f}
- correct behaviour [Br.]
- korrektes Verhalten {n}
richtiges Verhalten {n}
angemessenes Benehmen {n}
- correct calculation
- richtige Kalkulation {f}
- correct conduct
- korrektes Benehmen {n}
- correct definition
- genaue Definition {f}
- correct diagnosis
- korrekte Diagnosestellung {f}
- correct English
- korrektes Englisch {n}ling.
- correct figures
- richtige Zahlen {pl}
- correct French
- korrektes Französisch {n}ling.
- correct language
- korrekte Sprache {f}
- correct match
- richtige Anpassung {f}
- correct notice
- angemessene Kündigungsfrist {f}
- correct pitch
- richtige Tonhöhe {f}mus.
- correct pronunciation
- richtige Aussprache {f}
- correct solution
- richtige Lösung {f}
- correct spelling
- richtige Schreibweise {f}
- correct tape [rare] [correction tape]
- Korrekturband {n} [Schreibmaschine]
- correct translation
- fehlerlose Übersetzung {f}
- correct version
- richtige Version {f}
- correct in form
- richtig in der Form
- correct in substance {adj}
- inhaltlich richtig [Urteil]law
- if (found) correct
- bei Richtigbefund
- if found correct
- wenn in Ordnung
- It appears correct.
- Es erscheint richtig.
- not quite correct
- nicht ganz richtig
- to correct a defect
- einen Fehler beseitigen
- to correct a forecast
- eine Vorhersage korrigieren
- to correct a mistake
- einen Fehler ausbessern
einen Fehler korrigieren
einen Fehler richtigstellen
- to correct a misunderstanding
- ein Missverständnis aufklären
- to correct a proofsheet
- einen Bürstenabzug korrigieren
Korrektur lesenpubl.
- to correct a result
- ein Ergebnis richtigstellen
- to correct a score
- eine Angabe korrigieren
- to correct a test
- eine Schularbeit verbessern [österr.] [Klassenarbeit korrigieren]educ.
- to correct it back
- die Korrektur rückgängig machen
- to correct one's mistakes
- seine Fehler korrigieren
- to correct one's pronunciation
- seine Aussprache korrigierenphonet.
- to correct one's watch
- seine Uhr stellenwatches
- to correct the defects
- die Mängel beheben
- to correct the proofs
- die Druckfahnen korrigierenprintpubl.
die Fahnen korrigieren [fachspr.]printpubl.
Korrektur lesenpubl.
- to correct the record
- die bisherige Darstellung korrigierenlaw
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- This includes correct field dimensions, correct line and other markings, correct size goal posts, correct positioning of pylons and the condition of the field surface.
- Although the following are not necessarily correct answers, they are correct in the context of the test.
- After no correct answer was given by viewers, the correct answer was revealed to be 292.
- There can be more than one correct evaluation order.
- Proper brewing of coffee requires using the correct amount of coffee grounds, extracted to the correct degree (largely determined by the correct time), at the correct temperature using the water of balanced mineral composition.
- The 'Thomas's wrench' was designed for reducing fractures. and correct clubfeet. The club foot would be rolled between the two shorter cylinders to forcibly correct it.
- The player won $500 for each correct placement. Ten correct placements won the grand prize of $25,000.
- This procedure is polynomial-time and gives the correct answer if "P" is a correct program for graph isomorphism.
- Section 3 consisted of 6 Multi correct- multiple choice questions, where one or more than one options for each question were correct.
- Communication tasks can be either functional, meaning that there is exactly one correct answer corresponding to every possible input, or relational, when multiple correct answers are allowed.
- If these figures are taken to be correct, or even remotely close to correct, this is the best Republican performance ever in Tennessee.
- When a question is asked, each answer given by the Think Tank is displayed, some being correct, some not, with at least one of the options being correct.
- She has aroused attention because of her strong and isolating views. She describes herself as biblically correct, not politically correct.
- Club memberships are correct as of the 2011–12 season. Caps and goals correct as of 18 June 2012. Ages are correct as of 8 June 2012, the opening day of the tournament.
- Correct answers earned points which were converted to "spins" in the second half of the round.
- Neighbor joining has the property that if the input distance matrix is correct, then the output tree will be correct.
- Though the terms may be similar, correct information retrieval must differentiate between the intended use and irrelevant uses in order to return the correct results.
- The contestant is asked a question with multiple answers, and must give as many correct answers as possible over the course of the ride (a total of 24 seconds in length).
- In this case, the method found the correct solution in one iteration. For other networks, it may take multiple iterations until the flows in the pipes are correct or approximately correct.
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