| NOUN | a mate | mates |
| VERB | to mate | mated | mated mating | mates |
| SYNO | better half | fellow | first mate | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| biol. to mate | begatten 606 | |
| to mate [form a pair, set] | zusammengehören 182 | |
| tech. to mate | fügen 166 | |
| to mate | anpassen 131 | |
| to mate | zusammenfügen 62 | |
| to mate [fit together] | zusammenpassen 62 | |
| zool. to mate | verpaaren 59 | |
| huntingzool. to mate | rammeln [Jägerjargon] 38 | |
| to mate [match, couple] | kuppeln [verkuppeln] 33 | |
| hunting to mate [hoofed game] | beschlagen [begatten beim Schalenwild] 8 | |
| to mate | sich gatten [geh.] [sich paaren] | |
| zool. to mate | sich paaren | |
| zool. to mate | decken lassen | |
| games to mate sb. [chess] | jdn. matt setzen | |
Substantive |
| mate [Br.] [coll.] | Kumpel {m} [ugs.] 1453 | |
| mate | Kamerad {m} 306 | |
| mate [Aus.] [Br.] [coll.] [friend of same sex] | Freund {m} 147 | |
| mate | Partner {m} 117 | |
| mate [workmate] | Arbeitskollege {m} 93 | |
| mate | Gefährte {m} 88 | |
| naut. mate | Maat {m} 53 | |
| mate [Br.] [coll.] | Digger {m} [nordd.] [ugs.] 37 | |
| mate [Br.] [coll.] | 32 Kollege {m} [schweiz., nicht ausschließlich Arbeitskollegen] | |
| mate [coll.] [female friend of same sex] [Aus.] [Br.] | Freundin {f} 32 | |
| games mate [chess] | Matt {n} 26 | |
| mate | Gehilfe {m} 18 | |
| gastr. maté [also mate] [tealike beverage] | Mate {m} 16 | |
| mate | Arbeitskamerad {m} 15 | |
| mate [Br.] [coll.] | Kumpan {m} [ugs.] 13 | |
| mate [Br.] [coll.] | Spezi {m} [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.] 11 | |
| mate [female] | Partnerin {f} 8 | |
| zool. mate [male] | Männchen {n} 8 | |
| mate [Br.] [coll.] | 5 Kollegin {f} [schweiz., nicht ausschließlich Arbeitskollegen] | |
| zool. mate [female] | Weibchen {n} 5 | |
| bot.T maté [Ilex paraguariensis] | Matestrauch {m} 5 | |
| bot.T maté [also: mate] [shrub] | Mate {f} [Pflanze] | |
| mate [Br.] [coll.] [male] [friend, companion] | Haberer {m} [Kumpan] [österr.] [ugs.] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| Cheers mate! [Br.] [coll.] | Danke Kumpel! [ugs.] | |
| Ta, mate! [Br.] [coll.] | Danke, Kumpel! [ugs.] | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to mate sth. with sth. [join, associate] | etw.Akk. mit etw.Dat. verbinden | |
| zool. to mate with | decken | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| (yerba) maté | Matetee {m} | |
| age-mate | Altersgenosse {m} | |
| best mate [Br.] [coll.] | bester Kumpel {m} [auch für weibliche Kumpel] | |
| mil.naut. boatswain's mate [German navies, petty officer second class of the boatswain career] | Bootsmannsmaat {m} [deutsche Seestreitkräfte, Maat der Bootsmannslaufbahn] | |
| cabin-mate | Kabinenmitbewohner {m} [auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff] | |
| educ. class mate | Klassenkamerad {m} | |
| class-mate | Schulfreund {m} | |
| educ. class-mate | Schulkamerad {m} | |
| club mate | Vereinskamerad {m} | |
| sports club mate | Vereinskollege {m} | |
| cook's mate | Küchenhilfe {f} | |
| naut. coxswain's mate [petty officer second class of the coxswain career] | Steuermannsmaat {m} | |
| cubicle mate | Wabenkollege {m} [ugs. für eine Person, mit der man eine Wabe im Großraumbüro teilt] | |
| drinking mate [Br.] | Zechbruder {m} | |
| drinking mate [Br.] | Zechkumpan {m} | |
| drinking mate [Br.] | Saufkumpan {m} [ugs.] | |
| games epaulette mate [chess] | Epaulettenmatt {n} [Schach] | |
| naut. first mate | Erster Offizier {m} | |
| flat-mate [Br.] | Mitbewohner {m} | |
| flat-mate [female] [Br.] | Mitbewohnerin {f} | |
| games fool's mate | Narrenmatt {n} | |
| educ. form mate | Schulkamerad {m} | |
| group mate | Gruppenkamerad {m} | |
| mil.naut. gunner's mate [German navies, petty officer second class of the artillery career] | Artilleriemaat {m} [deutsche Seestreitkräfte, Maat der Artillerielaufbahn, auch Artillerie-Maat] | |
| games Légal's mate [chess] | Légals Matt {n} [Schach] | |
| games Légal's mate [chess] | Seekadettenmatt {n} [Schach] | |
| games Légall's mate [chess] | Seekadettenmatt {n} [Schach] | |
| life mate | Lebensgefährte {m} [in eheähnlicher Verbindung] | |
| mil.naut. machinist's mate [German navies, petty officer second class of the machinist career] | Maschinenmaat {m} [deutsche Seestreitkräfte, Maat der Maschinistenlaufbahn] | |
| biol. mate choice | Partnerwahl {f} | |
| zool. mate copying | Nachahmungseffekt {m} [Verhaltensbiologie] | |
| zool. mate copying | Nachahmung {f} der Partnerwahl [Verhaltensbiologie] | |
| biol. mate preference | Partnerpräferenz {f} | |
| zool. mate selection | Partnerwahl {f} | |
| mate's receipt | Verladebescheinigung {f} | |
| mate's receipt <M.R.> | Bordbescheinigung {f} | |
| room mate | Stubenkamerad {m} | |
| room mate [female] | Stubenkameradin {f} | |
| pol. running mate | Kandidat {m} für die Vizepräsidentschaft [USA] | |
| pol. running mate [female] | Vizepräsidentschaftskandidatin {f} [USA] | |
| pol. running mate [female] | Kandidatin {f} für die Vizepräsidentschaft [USA] | |
| pol. running mate [USA] | Running Mate {m} [Kandidat / Kandidatin für die Vizepräsidentschaft in den USA od. für das Amt des Vizegouverneurs] | |
| games scholar's mate [chess] | Blitzkrieg {m} [Schach] | |
| games scholar's mate [chess] | Schäfermatt {n} [Schach] | |
| games scholar's mate [chess] | Schustermatt {n} [österr.] [Schach] | |
| sleeping mate | Bettgenosse {m} [veraltend bzw. hum.] | |
| games smothered mate [chess] | ersticktes Matt {n} [Schach] | |
| soul mate | Seelenfreund {m} | |
| soul mate | Seelenverwandter {m} | |
| soul mate [female] | Seelenverwandte {f} | |
| soul mate [female] | Seelenschwester {f} | |
| soul mate [female] | Seelengefährtin {f} [geh.] | |
| stable mate | Stallgefährte {m} | |
| table-mate [neighbour at table] | Tischnachbar {m} | |
| team-mate | Teamgefährte {m} | |
| sports team-mate | Teamkollege {m} | |
| sports team-mate | Mannschaftskollege {m} | |
| sports team-mate | Mannschaftskamerad {m} | |
| sports team-mate [female] | Teamkollegin {f} | |
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Übersetzung für 'mate' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- to mate
- begattenbiol.
rammeln [Jägerjargon]huntingzool.
sich gatten [geh.] [sich paaren]
sich paarenzool.
decken lassenzool.
- to mate [form a pair, set]
- zusammengehören
- to mate [fit together]
- zusammenpassen
- to mate [match, couple]
- kuppeln [verkuppeln]
- to mate [hoofed game]
- beschlagen [begatten beim Schalenwild]hunting
- to mate sb. [chess]
- jdn. matt setzengames
- mate [Br.] [coll.]
- Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
Digger {m} [nordd.] [ugs.]
Kollege {m} [schweiz., nicht ausschließlich Arbeitskollegen]
Kumpan {m} [ugs.]
Spezi {m} [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
Kollegin {f} [schweiz., nicht ausschließlich Arbeitskollegen]
- mate
- Kamerad {m}
Partner {m}
Gefährte {m}
Maat {m}naut.
Gehilfe {m}
Arbeitskamerad {m}
- mate [Aus.] [Br.] [coll.] [friend of same sex]
- Freund {m}
- mate [workmate]
- Arbeitskollege {m}
- mate [coll.] [female friend of same sex] [Aus.] [Br.]
- Freundin {f}
- mate [chess]
- Matt {n}games
- maté [also mate] [tealike beverage]
- Mate {m}gastr.
- mate [female]
- Partnerin {f}
Weibchen {n}zool.
- mate [male]
- Männchen {n}zool.
- maté [Ilex paraguariensis]
- Matestrauch {m}bot.T
- maté [also: mate] [shrub]
- Mate {f} [Pflanze]bot.T
- mate [Br.] [coll.] [male] [friend, companion]
- Haberer {m} [Kumpan] [österr.] [ugs.]
- Cheers mate! [Br.] [coll.]
- Danke Kumpel! [ugs.]
- Ta, mate! [Br.] [coll.]
- Danke, Kumpel! [ugs.]
- to mate sth. with sth. [join, associate]
- etw.Akk. mit etw.Dat. verbinden
- to mate with
- deckenzool.
- (yerba) maté
- Matetee {m}
- age-mate
- Altersgenosse {m}
- best mate [Br.] [coll.]
- bester Kumpel {m} [auch für weibliche Kumpel]
- boatswain's mate [German navies, petty officer second class of the boatswain career]
- Bootsmannsmaat {m} [deutsche Seestreitkräfte, Maat der Bootsmannslaufbahn]mil.naut.
- cabin-mate
- Kabinenmitbewohner {m} [auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff]
- class mate
- Klassenkamerad {m}educ.
- class-mate
- Schulfreund {m}
Schulkamerad {m}educ.
- club mate
- Vereinskamerad {m}
Vereinskollege {m}sports
- cook's mate
- Küchenhilfe {f}
- coxswain's mate [petty officer second class of the coxswain career]
- Steuermannsmaat {m}naut.
- cubicle mate
- Wabenkollege {m} [ugs. für eine Person, mit der man eine Wabe im Großraumbüro teilt]
- drinking mate [Br.]
- Zechbruder {m}
Zechkumpan {m}
Saufkumpan {m} [ugs.]
- epaulette mate [chess]
- Epaulettenmatt {n} [Schach]games
- first mate
- Erster Offizier {m}naut.
- flat-mate [Br.]
- Mitbewohner {m}
- flat-mate [female] [Br.]
- Mitbewohnerin {f}
- fool's mate
- Narrenmatt {n}games
- form mate
- Schulkamerad {m}educ.
- group mate
- Gruppenkamerad {m}
- gunner's mate [German navies, petty officer second class of the artillery career]
- Artilleriemaat {m} [deutsche Seestreitkräfte, Maat der Artillerielaufbahn, auch Artillerie-Maat]mil.naut.
- Légal's mate [chess]
- Légals Matt {n} [Schach]games
Seekadettenmatt {n} [Schach]games
- Légall's mate [chess]
- Seekadettenmatt {n} [Schach]games
- life mate
- Lebensgefährte {m} [in eheähnlicher Verbindung]
- machinist's mate [German navies, petty officer second class of the machinist career]
- Maschinenmaat {m} [deutsche Seestreitkräfte, Maat der Maschinistenlaufbahn]mil.naut.
- mate choice
- Partnerwahl {f}biol.
- mate copying
- Nachahmungseffekt {m} [Verhaltensbiologie]zool.
Nachahmung {f} der Partnerwahl [Verhaltensbiologie]zool.
- mate preference
- Partnerpräferenz {f}biol.
- mate selection
- Partnerwahl {f}zool.
- mate's receipt
- Verladebescheinigung {f}
- mate's receipt <M.R.>
- Bordbescheinigung {f}
- room mate
- Stubenkamerad {m}
- room mate [female]
- Stubenkameradin {f}
- running mate
- Kandidat {m} für die Vizepräsidentschaft [USA]pol.
- running mate [female]
- Vizepräsidentschaftskandidatin {f} [USA]pol.
Kandidatin {f} für die Vizepräsidentschaft [USA]pol.
- running mate [USA]
- Running Mate {m} [Kandidat / Kandidatin für die Vizepräsidentschaft in den USA od. für das Amt des Vizegouverneurs]pol.
- scholar's mate [chess]
- Blitzkrieg {m} [Schach]games
Schäfermatt {n} [Schach]games
Schustermatt {n} [österr.] [Schach]games
- sleeping mate
- Bettgenosse {m} [veraltend bzw. hum.]
- smothered mate [chess]
- ersticktes Matt {n} [Schach]games
- soul mate
- Seelenfreund {m}
Seelenverwandter {m}
- soul mate [female]
- Seelenverwandte {f}
Seelenschwester {f}
Seelengefährtin {f} [geh.]
- stable mate
- Stallgefährte {m}
- table-mate [neighbour at table]
- Tischnachbar {m}
- team-mate
- Teamgefährte {m}
Teamkollege {m}sports
Mannschaftskollege {m}sports
Mannschaftskamerad {m}sports
- team-mate [female]
- Teamkollegin {f}sports
- Mate {m} = maté [also mate] [tealike beverage]
- Mate {f} [Pflanze] = maté [also: mate] [shrub]
- Running Mate {m} [Kandidat / Kandidatin für die Vizepräsidentschaft in den USA od. für das Amt des Vizegouverneurs] = running mate [USA]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The game has a Soul Mate system where two players can become Soul Mates.
- Yerba mate also is consumed as mate cocido. When it is prepared with milk it is called mate de leche and milk is added, it is called mate con leche.
- Photographer's mate (PH). The Photographer rating was established in 1921 and was changed to Photographer's Mate in 1942.
- Though also known as "mate", "mate de coca" has very little in common with the "yerba mate" drink in Southeastern South America.
- MATE also provides various wallpapers, usually in system's /usr/share/backgrounds/mate directory.
- Depending upon the size of the vessel it might have a fourth mate, fifth mate, and so on. The largest ocean liners could have senior and junior levels of each rate of mate as far as 10th mate.
- A mate is a deck naval officer aboard a merchant vessel, such as the chief mate (first mate), second mate, or third mate.
- bimaculatus" mate outside the nest with males patrolling in circuits, searching for a queen to mate with.
- In line with Damiano's bishop mate earlier, this could be seen as 'Damiano's king mate mate'.
- The plant is used medicinally as a diuretic mixed with yerba mate in mate.
- In the merchant service, master's mates were the officers immediately subordinate to the master and frequently divided by seniority into first, second, third (etc.) mate which evolved into the modern terms First Mate, Second Mate and Third Mate.
- Examples of Club-Mate-based mixed drinks are: vodka-mate; Tschunk, a combination of rum and Club-Mate; Jaeger-Mate, a mix of Jägermeister and Club-Mate.
- Vacant, third mate third mate at this time; Ebenezer Perkins was appointed as third mate in December, 1792; Perkins was promoted to second mate in 1799 and Nathaniel Saltonstall was appointed as third mate.
- Another set of "Mahte" figures relate to the natural world, such as Veju Mate ("The Mother of Winds"); "Meža mate" ("Mother of the Forest"; counterpart to Lithuanian "Medeina"), protectress of wild life; "Miglas mate" ("Mother of the Fog") and "Lietus mate" ("Mother of Rain").
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