Übersetzung für '
malignant' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| ADJ | malignant | more malignant | most malignant |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The European Malignant Hyperthermia Group accepts two mutations in CACNA1S as diagnostic for malignant hyperthermia.
- Treosulfan in combination with fludarabine is indicated as part of conditioning treatment prior to allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) in adults with malignant and non malignant diseases, and in children older than one month with malignant diseases.
- Melanocytic tumors of uncertain malignant potential (MELTUMP) are melanocytic lesions in the dermis that cannot be classified by morphology as either benign naevi (moles) or malignant melanomas because the mass shows features of both.
- The malignant ameloblastic fibroma will have features of malignant transformation such as mitotic figures in either epithelial or mesenchymal tissue (8).
- Secondary malignant neoplasm is a malignant tumor whose cause is the treatment (usually radiation or chemotherapy) which was used for a prior tumor.
- Vital signs should be frequently monitored as catatonia can progress to malignant catatonia which is life-threatening.
- Although they are not malignant, there are rare cases of malignant tumors arising from an epidermoid cyst.
- A neoplasm can be benign, potentially malignant, or malignant (cancer).
- A digital watermark is called "semi-fragile" if it resists benign transformations, but fails detection after malignant transformations.
- Malignant skeletal muscle tumors are referred to as rhabdomyosarcoma.
- The relatively high compensation received by claimants with non-malignant injuries has been an ongoing problem.
- In a Phase I study, intra-pleural administration of GL-ONC1 is being evaluated in patients with malignant pleural effusion, which is caused by cancer from malignant pleural mesothelioma, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), or breast cancer.
- Malignant or fungating wounds are caused by proliferation and infiltration of malignant cells into the skin and the surrounding lymphatic vessels.
- The endoscopic differential diagnosis includes other benign, pre-malignant and malignant gastrointestinal polyps.
- A splenic tumor is a rare form of tumor that may be malignant or benign. Malignant forms include lymphoma and sarcoma.
- Hidradenocarcinoma (also known as malignant hidradenoma, malignant acrospiroma, clear cell eccrine carcinoma, or primary mucoepidermoid cutaneous carcinoma) is a malignant adnexal tumor of the sweat gland.
- Malignant salivary gland lesions are rare. However, when a tumour extends to the submandibular, sublingual and the minor salivary glands, they tend to be malignant.
- Malignant nephrosclerosis is where hypertensive nephrosclerosis occurs in presence of malignant hypertension (when DBP > 130mmHg).
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