Übersetzung für '
gray-headed' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| orn.T gray-headed (tree) babbler [Stachyris poliocephala] [Am.] | Graukopf-Buschtimalie {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed albatross [Am.] [Thalassarche chrysostoma] | Graukopfalbatros {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed antbird [Myrmeciza griseiceps] [Am.] | Graukopf-Ameisenvogel {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed apalis [Am.] [Alcippe brunneicauda] | Braunschwanzalcippe {f} [auch: Braunschwanz-Alcippe] | |
| orn.T gray-headed batis [Am.] [Batis orientalis] | Heuglinschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed bristle-bill / gray headed bristlebill / gray-headed bristle bill / gray-headed bristlebill [Am.] [Bleda canicapilla] | Graukopfbleda {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed bulbul [Am.] [Pycnonotus priocephalus] | Graukopfbülbül {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed bullfinch [Am.] [Pyrrhula erythaca] | Maskengimpel {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed bunting [Am.] [Emberiza cineracea] | Türkenammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] | |
| orn.T gray-headed bunting [Am.] [Emberiza cineracea] | Kleinasiatische Ammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}: Kleinasiatischer Ammer] | |
| orn.T gray-headed bush-shrike [Am.] [Malaconotus blanchoti] | Graukopfwürger {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed canary flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis] | Graukopf-Kanarienschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed canary-flycatcher / canary flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis] | Graukopfschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed chachalaca [Am.] [Ortalis cinereiceps] | Graukopftschatschalaka {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed chachalaca [Ortalis cinereiceps] [Am.] | Graukopfguan {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed chickadee [Am.] [Poecile cinctus, syn.: Poecile cincta, Parus cinctus] | Lapplandmeise {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis] | Graukopfschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis] | Graukopf-Kanarienschnäpper {m} | |
| zool.T gray-headed flying fox [Pteropus poliocephalus] [Am.] | Graukopf-Flughund {m} | |
| zool.T gray-headed flying squirrel [Am.] [Petaurista (elegans) caniceps] | Graukopf-Riesengleithörnchen {n} | |
| orn.T gray-headed fruit dove [Ptilinopus hyogaster / Ptilinopus hyogastra / Ptilinopus hyogastrus] [Am.] | Blaukopf-Fruchttaube {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed green woodpecker / green-woodpecker [Am.] [Picus canus] | Grauspecht {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed greenbul [Phyllastrephus poliocephalus] [Am.] | Goldbauchbülbül {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed greenlet [Hylophilus decurtatus] [Am.] | Graukappenvireo {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed honeyeater [Lichenostomus keartlandi] [Am.] | Grauscheitel-Honigfresser {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed kingfisher [Am.] [Halcyon leucocephala] | Graukopfliest {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed lapwing [Am.] [Vanellus cinereus] | Graukopfkiebitz {m} | |
| zool.T gray-headed lemur [Eulemur cinereiceps; früher: Eulemur albocollaris] [Am.] | Weißkragenmaki {m} [Lemur] | |
| orn.T gray-headed lovebird [Agapornis cana] [Am.] | Grauköpfchen {n} | |
| orn.T gray-headed mollymawk [Am.] [Thalassarche chrysostoma] | Graukopfalbatros {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed nightingale-thrush [Am.] [Catharus aurantiirostris] | Goldschnabel-Musendrossel {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed parrotbill [Paradoxornis gularis] [Am.] | Graukopf-Papageimeise {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed pied woodpecker [Am.] [Yungipicus canicapillus, syn.: Dendrocopos canicapillus, Picoides canicapillus] | Grauscheitelspecht {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed redstart [Am.] [Basileuterus griseiceps, syn.: Myiothlypis griseiceps] | Grauwangen-Waldsänger {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed spinetail [Cranioleuca semicinerea / Certhiaxis semicinerea] [Am.] | Graukopfschlüpfer {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed starling [Am.] [Sturnia malabarica, syn.: Sturnus malabaricus] | Graukopfstar {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed tanager [Am.] [Eucometis penicillata] | Graukopftangare {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed thrush [Am.] [Turdus obscurus] | Weißbrauendrossel {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed thrush [Am.] [Turdus rubrocanus] | Kastanienamsel {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed thrush [Am.] [Turdus rubrocanus] | Kastaniendrossel {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed tit babbler [Am.] [Alcippe ludlowi, syn.: Fulvetta ludlowi] | Braunohralcippe {f} | |
| orn.T gray-headed tit babbler [Am.] [Alcippe ludlowi, syn.: Fulvetta ludlowi] | Braunkopfalcippe {f} [auch: Braunkopf-Alcippe] | |
| orn.T gray-headed warbler [Am.] [Basileuterus griseiceps] | Grauwangen-Waldsänger {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed warbler [Am.] [Vermivora ruficapilla, syn.: Helminthophila ruficapilla, Leiothlypis ruficapilla, Oreothlypis ruficapilla] | Rubinfleck-Waldsänger {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed waxbill [Am.] [Estrilda quartinia, syn.: Coccopygia quartinia] | Gelbbauchastrild {m} [auch: Gelbbauch-Astrild] | |
| orn.T gray-headed wheatear [Am.] [Oenanthe moesta] | Fahlbürzelschmätzer {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed wheatear [Am.] [Oenanthe moesta] | Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer {m} | |
| orn.T gray-headed woodpecker [Picus canus] [Am.] | Grauspecht {m} | |
| orn.T island (gray-headed) monarch [Monarcha cinerascens] [Am.] | Graukopfmonarch {m} | |
49 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'gray-headed' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- gray-headed (tree) babbler [Stachyris poliocephala] [Am.]
- Graukopf-Buschtimalie {f}orn.T
- gray-headed albatross [Am.] [Thalassarche chrysostoma]
- Graukopfalbatros {m}orn.T
- gray-headed antbird [Myrmeciza griseiceps] [Am.]
- Graukopf-Ameisenvogel {m}orn.T
- gray-headed apalis [Am.] [Alcippe brunneicauda]
- Braunschwanzalcippe {f} [auch: Braunschwanz-Alcippe]orn.T
- gray-headed batis [Am.] [Batis orientalis]
- Heuglinschnäpper {m}orn.T
- gray-headed bristle-bill / gray headed bristlebill / gray-headed bristle bill / gray-headed bristlebill [Am.] [Bleda canicapilla]
- Graukopfbleda {f}orn.T
- gray-headed bulbul [Am.] [Pycnonotus priocephalus]
- Graukopfbülbül {m}orn.T
- gray-headed bullfinch [Am.] [Pyrrhula erythaca]
- Maskengimpel {m}orn.T
- gray-headed bunting [Am.] [Emberiza cineracea]
- Türkenammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]orn.T
Kleinasiatische Ammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}: Kleinasiatischer Ammer]orn.T
- gray-headed bush-shrike [Am.] [Malaconotus blanchoti]
- Graukopfwürger {m}orn.T
- gray-headed canary flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis]
- Graukopf-Kanarienschnäpper {m}orn.T
- gray-headed canary-flycatcher / canary flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis]
- Graukopfschnäpper {m}orn.T
- gray-headed chachalaca [Am.] [Ortalis cinereiceps]
- Graukopftschatschalaka {m}orn.T
- gray-headed chachalaca [Ortalis cinereiceps] [Am.]
- Graukopfguan {m}orn.T
- gray-headed chickadee [Am.] [Poecile cinctus, syn.: Poecile cincta, Parus cinctus]
- Lapplandmeise {f}orn.T
- gray-headed flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis]
- Graukopfschnäpper {m}orn.T
Graukopf-Kanarienschnäpper {m}orn.T
- gray-headed flying fox [Pteropus poliocephalus] [Am.]
- Graukopf-Flughund {m}zool.T
- gray-headed flying squirrel [Am.] [Petaurista (elegans) caniceps]
- Graukopf-Riesengleithörnchen {n}zool.T
- gray-headed fruit dove [Ptilinopus hyogaster / Ptilinopus hyogastra / Ptilinopus hyogastrus] [Am.]
- Blaukopf-Fruchttaube {f}orn.T
- gray-headed green woodpecker / green-woodpecker [Am.] [Picus canus]
- Grauspecht {m}orn.T
- gray-headed greenbul [Phyllastrephus poliocephalus] [Am.]
- Goldbauchbülbül {m}orn.T
- gray-headed greenlet [Hylophilus decurtatus] [Am.]
- Graukappenvireo {m}orn.T
- gray-headed honeyeater [Lichenostomus keartlandi] [Am.]
- Grauscheitel-Honigfresser {m}orn.T
- gray-headed kingfisher [Am.] [Halcyon leucocephala]
- Graukopfliest {m}orn.T
- gray-headed lapwing [Am.] [Vanellus cinereus]
- Graukopfkiebitz {m}orn.T
- gray-headed lemur [Eulemur cinereiceps; früher: Eulemur albocollaris] [Am.]
- Weißkragenmaki {m} [Lemur]zool.T
- gray-headed lovebird [Agapornis cana] [Am.]
- Grauköpfchen {n}orn.T
- gray-headed mollymawk [Am.] [Thalassarche chrysostoma]
- Graukopfalbatros {m}orn.T
- gray-headed nightingale-thrush [Am.] [Catharus aurantiirostris]
- Goldschnabel-Musendrossel {f}orn.T
- gray-headed parrotbill [Paradoxornis gularis] [Am.]
- Graukopf-Papageimeise {f}orn.T
- gray-headed pied woodpecker [Am.] [Yungipicus canicapillus, syn.: Dendrocopos canicapillus, Picoides canicapillus]
- Grauscheitelspecht {m}orn.T
- gray-headed redstart [Am.] [Basileuterus griseiceps, syn.: Myiothlypis griseiceps]
- Grauwangen-Waldsänger {m}orn.T
- gray-headed spinetail [Cranioleuca semicinerea / Certhiaxis semicinerea] [Am.]
- Graukopfschlüpfer {m}orn.T
- gray-headed starling [Am.] [Sturnia malabarica, syn.: Sturnus malabaricus]
- Graukopfstar {m}orn.T
- gray-headed tanager [Am.] [Eucometis penicillata]
- Graukopftangare {f}orn.T
- gray-headed thrush [Am.] [Turdus obscurus]
- Weißbrauendrossel {f}orn.T
- gray-headed thrush [Am.] [Turdus rubrocanus]
- Kastanienamsel {f}orn.T
Kastaniendrossel {f}orn.T
- gray-headed tit babbler [Am.] [Alcippe ludlowi, syn.: Fulvetta ludlowi]
- Braunohralcippe {f}orn.T
Braunkopfalcippe {f} [auch: Braunkopf-Alcippe]orn.T
- gray-headed warbler [Am.] [Basileuterus griseiceps]
- Grauwangen-Waldsänger {m}orn.T
- gray-headed warbler [Am.] [Vermivora ruficapilla, syn.: Helminthophila ruficapilla, Leiothlypis ruficapilla, Oreothlypis ruficapilla]
- Rubinfleck-Waldsänger {m}orn.T
- gray-headed waxbill [Am.] [Estrilda quartinia, syn.: Coccopygia quartinia]
- Gelbbauchastrild {m} [auch: Gelbbauch-Astrild]orn.T
- gray-headed wheatear [Am.] [Oenanthe moesta]
- Fahlbürzelschmätzer {m}orn.T
Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer {m}orn.T
- gray-headed woodpecker [Picus canus] [Am.]
- Grauspecht {m}orn.T
- island (gray-headed) monarch [Monarcha cinerascens] [Am.]
- Graukopfmonarch {m}orn.T
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Due to the species' history of containing all fellow brown lemurs as subspecies, they are very commonly misidentified in images and texts, and often confused with other species (such as red-fronted lemurs and gray-headed lemurs) or with various other unrelated hybrids.
- The species "Pyrrhula erythaca", first collected by him, is sometimes called Beavan's Bullfinch (Also called Gray-headed Bullfinch).
- The gray-headed kite ("Leptodon cayanensis") is a raptor found in open woodland and swamp forests.
- Sometimes included with the gray-headed dark-eyed junco proper as part of the gray-headed group, this subspecies differs from it in having a more silvery bill with a dark-colored upper mandible and light-colored lower mandible, a variable amount of rust on the wings, and pale underparts.
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