Under the Cover of Darkness
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When the workday is over, rain falls
The city is in a haze on my way home
Sometimes it felt like I would never arrive
And that the world made me a man of darkness
It's three in the morning and I'm in bed
Soon the sun will rise, but I can't take it anymore
I've worked hard, seen days turn to nights
I'm not getting anywhere and nothing gets better
Now wagons roll through the city gate
The world is waiting and money's being made fast
Before the end of the world sets its eyes on our house
Darling, put out all the lights
Rain, rain beats against the window
I'm under the cover of darkness
Rain, rain beats against the window
I'm under the cover of darkness
I've stood in the darkness where the city ends
Among trucks and all my longing out of here
I've lived in the light until my heart burned
Across the whole land
Rain, rain beats against the window
I'm under the cover of darkness
Rain, rain beats against the window
I'm under the cover of darkness
Put your arm around me darling, hold me tight
When we dance the last dance, the darkness is ours
Rain, rain beats against the window
I'm under the cover of darkness
Rain, rain beats against the window
I'm under the cover of darkness
We've danced closely through the dawn
Now the leaves are falling, now the fog is lifting
I take my jacket, my shoes, I walk the street
A workday starts for a man of darkness
Versuri originale
I skydd av mörkret
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Despre traducător
Nume: maja
Rol: Guru
Contribuţie: 1234 traduceri, 242 cântece, i s-a mulţumit de 1296 de ori, a rezolvat 29 de cereri a ajutat 17 membri, transcris 6 songs, a explicat 1 expresie, a lăsat 32 comentarii, added 1 annotation
Limbi: nativ Suedeză, fluent Engleză, Suedeză, intermediate Germană, beginner Italiană, Latină, Coreeană