Memories That Became Violets
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Something not too flashy
Picking out a card for you
It's almost your birthday, isn't it
That time I had marked
The calendar but then forgot all along
You'll surely forgive that
The Christmas when we fought
The ski slope where we were shoulder to shoulder
Those days were the first time I had loved so much
Someday, I would like to meet again
Hoping that you to stay that radiant self
Though our goodbye has arrived
For all the times we were so absorbed in each other
That amount of memories will bloom
With our friends from that day
Occasionally sharing rumors about you
Are you doing well
At college in a far off city
The campus that you had so longed for
You must have found something new
Someday, I would like to meet again
I am no longer the cry baby I once was
I will always remain proud
To have loved, and to have been loved
Memories do softly bloom
Someday, I would like to meet again
Hoping that you to stay that radiant self
Who will encourage me
In a corner of my heart
Memories that became violets
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Szczegóły podziękowań:
Użytkownik | Jak dawno temu |
Feedeeri☆ | 4 mies. 3 dn. |
Przesłany przez użytkownika Sakuchan w 2024-07-31
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Blue violets symbolize faith, affection and love. Among the most romantic of flowers, it is appropriate that the protagonist's memories of her love have become violets, tucked away quietly in a corner of her heart.