Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Spagnolo)
Sitting here in the corner where you can't see me
Will another tequila help this time?
Am I going to talk to you or will the same stupidity happen again?
Dancing in front of me in slow motion, hey
Playing a song from nineties
And before I regret it
I want to tell you secretly with a song (hey)
I'm not drunk, I promise
But you are perfect (you are perfect)
You are perfect, but you haven't realized
I want to tell you face to face without explanation
That love comes suddenly
And it's that you are perfect (you are perfect; woh-woh)
You are perfect, yeah-yeah (Laramercy gang)
(Pri-yah-yah, Farru)
With the note I have, I feel like I'm seeing you 20/20 (blep!)
The perfect vision, baby, if it's all it hurts my mind
You are an abuser
When you shake it you make me fall in love
I want you to make me the mixer (pum-pum-pum-pum)
What you are going to do, let's do it now (blep!)
Go slow, put her violent
Guide me without fear and move
Let me feel you, stick me to your body
And when you bend over, how delicious I feel you
And I'm going to have another drink, let's see
To see if I'm seeing well
Because every time I look at you, you look more beautiful (blep, blep)
And I'm going to have another drink, let's see
To see if I'm seeing well
Because every time I look at you, you look more beautiful (Fa-rru)
I want to tell you secretly with a song (hey)
I'm not drunk, I promise
But you are perfect (you are perfect)
You are perfect, but you haven't realized
I want to tell you face to face without explanation
That love comes suddenly
And it's that you are perfect (you are perfect; woh-woh)
You are perfect (pum-pum; pri-yah-yah-yah)
One shot, two shot, three shot (blep!)
A bit of salt, lemon and tequila (blep!)
Baby, this is my note, come and hesitate
The sun is coming up and they don't finish the pile (Farru)
We leave rulay from here
We walk with the note on high
I had never seen a booty your size
And I already want to give you ra-pa-pa-pai (hey)
I want you to know that I like you, girl (yeah-eh)
After here, tell me what are we going to do
I love every part of you, you are at another level (yah-yah)
For me you are perfect, woman (guayo, guaye)
I want you to know how I feel with this song
And get drunk with your body on a perfect night
Because you are perfect, perfect, perfect, baby
I want to tell you face to face without explanation
That love comes suddenly
And it's that you are perfect (you are perfect)
You are perfect (oh; no) for my heart, yeah (oh; wuh)
Luis Fonsi
Dance it, dance it
Fa—, Fa-rru
You are perfect (Farru)
For my heart
Grazie! ❤ ringraziato 23 volte |
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Pubblicato da Maryanchy 2020-09-18
Commenti dell’autore:
The guayo or ralladera is a metal scraper used as a percussion instrument in traditional styles of Cuban music such as changüí, predecessor of son cubano. In the Dominican Republic, the güira, a similar metal scraper used in merengue, is sometimes called guayo.
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Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine. Stai con l'Ucraina!
Chi è il traduttore
Shoot for the moon even if you miss you will land among the stars.
Ruolo: Revisore
Contributi: 2295 traduzioni, 2886 canzoni, 29 collezioni, ringraziato 17508 volte, ha soddisfatto 492 richieste per 169 membri, ha trascritto 10 canzoni, ha aggiunto 245 modi di dire, ha spiegato 578 modi di dire, ha lasciato 495 commenti, ha aggiunto 16 annotazioni
Lingue: madrelingua: Croato, fluente: Croato, intermedio: Inglese, Spagnolo, principiante: Portoghese, Sloveno
Copyright © Maryanchy
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