Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Spagnolo)
of all the things that I have asked you, I only want you to fulfill one
I don't care about fortune
I was happy with those kisses and I want them back, tell me, moon
if there is any possibility
And if it's not too much to ask
I want to turn back time so I can see her
relive what I felt, meet her again
I promise you that this time I won't lose her again
no, I won't lose her again
And if it's not too much to ask
I'll go around the world if she's somewhere else
I'm swearing to you, moon, I'll do my part
I only ask you that, you tell me how to pay you
What do I have to give you?
Oh, oh, oh, moon
I'll go crazy
Oh, tell me, moon
How much is it going to hurt?
What do I have to do?
Oh, tell me, moon
How much is it going to hurt?
And if it's not too much to ask
I want to turn back time so I can see her
relive what I felt, meet her again
I promise you that this time I won't lose her again
no, I won't lose her again
And if it's not too much to ask
I'll go around the world if she's somewhere else
I'm swearing to you, moon, I'll do my part
I only ask you that, you tell me how to pay you
What do I have to give you?
Oh, oh, oh, moon
I'll go crazy
Oh, tell me, moon
How much is it going to hurt?
What do I have to do?
Oh, tell me, moon
How much is it going to hurt?
Grazie! ❤ ringraziato 7 volte |
Puoi ringraziare l’utente premendo questo tasto |
Pubblicato da Maryanchy 2022-03-11
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Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine. Stai con l'Ucraina!
Chi è il traduttore
Shoot for the moon even if you miss you will land among the stars.
Ruolo: Revisore
Contributi: 2295 traduzioni, 2886 canzoni, 29 collezioni, ringraziato 17509 volte, ha soddisfatto 492 richieste per 169 membri, ha trascritto 10 canzoni, ha aggiunto 245 modi di dire, ha spiegato 578 modi di dire, ha lasciato 495 commenti, ha aggiunto 16 annotazioni
Lingue: madrelingua: Croato, fluente: Croato, intermedio: Inglese, Spagnolo, principiante: Portoghese, Sloveno
Copyright © Maryanchy
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