It Rains Inside
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What can I do, it rains inside
And the heart hurts and is coming apart
I think of you, I want to fly and overcome this sadness
To escape I want to live forever close to you
Nothing matters and forget this silence that steals
my tomorrows, freed and cornered
It rains inside of me, inside me I cross the sky for you
The heart floods while I think of you
When you're not here it rains inside
What can I do if your gaze is buried in me
Then it tears out my soul, there is no farewell
There is only distance that seperates you and me
I want to laugh like we did that dawn
And little by little rescue the sun of your mornings
And the wind of your wings
It rains inside of me, inside me I cross the sky for you
The heart floods while I think about you
When you're not here it rains inside
It is impossible to love you from so far away
But I feel that I will die if I don't have you
It rains inside of me, inside me I cross the sky for you
The heart floods while I think about you
When you're not here it rains inside
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Thanks Details:
Utente | Tempo fa |
Flower 603-8 | 6 anni 1 mese |
Ardelle | 12 anni 4 mesi |
Gli ospiti hanno ringraziato 11 volte
Pubblicato da Freda 2012-07-24
Aggiunto su richiesta di Ardelle
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Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine. Stai con l'Ucraina!
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Contributi: 605 traduzioni, 1320 canzoni, ringraziato 7243 volte, ha soddisfatto 189 richieste per 120 membri, ha trascritto 11 canzoni, ha aggiunto 1 modo di dire, ha spiegato 1 modo di dire, ha lasciato 490 commenti, ha aggiunto 42 annotazioni
Lingue: madrelingua: Inglese, Spagnolo, fluente: Inglese, Spagnolo, principiante: Latino