The black tree
Dalszövegek (Francia)
This tall black tree
This sky full of smoke
In front of my
misted-up window1
This fire, burning and crackling2
All these reflections on the walls
These flowers' smell
On these dark furniture pieces
And the sound
Of raindrops
Lapping on rooftops3
At night
A setting you're familiar with4
Maybe you will remember it
Remember the fireplace
The books, so often reread
Nothing's changed, everything's the same
Though everything's different
There is a taste of sleepiness
Or sadness in the air5
I couldn't explain6
Maybe it's only time
Passing by, leaving its dust
Of dead dreams and illusions7
Maybe it's your absence, my dear
- 1. lit. "In front of my window / with misted-up window-panes"
- 2. lit. "This fire that burns and crackles"
- 3. lit. "And the sound / of these raindrops / that lap on the rooftops"
- 4. lit. "It is a setting that you know"
- 5. lit. "A taste of sleepiness / or sadness floats around"
- 6. lit. "I do not know how"
- 7. lit. "It is maybe only time / that passes and leave a dust / of dead dreams and illusions"
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Thanks Details:
Felhasználó | Ideje |
Sergei Kolesov | 2 év 4 months |
Fantasy | 2 év 10 months |
Julia_Arkhitektorova | 2 év 10 months |
La Isabel | 2 év 10 months |
Guests thanked 2 times
Kűldve: Torpedo23 2022-01-10
Szerző észrevételei:
Ceci est ma propre traduction. Essai d'équilibre entre fond et forme.
Voir les annotations pour des traductions plus littérales.
Own translation. Attempt at keeping both meaning and form.
See footnotes for more literal and detailed descriptions of the lines.
- A hozzászóláshoz regisztráció és bejelentkezés szükséges
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A fordítóról
~just passing through~
Name: Torp (Торп)
Csoport: Super Member
Hozzájárulások:82 fordítások, 270 songs, 35 gyűjtemények, 737 thanks received, 17 translation requests fulfilled for 9 members, 94 transcription requests fulfilled, added 8 idioms, explained 13 idioms, left 1501 comments, added 234 annotations
Languages: native Francia, fluent Angol, intermediate Portugál, Orosz, beginner French (Middle French), Olasz
All comments welcome - please feel free to report mistakes or typos and to suggest modifications or edits.
Tous les commentaires sont les bienvenus ! Merci d'en laisser un pour signaler des erreurs ou suggérer des modifications.
All posted content is my original work, unless explicitly stated otherwise.