Fais-moi une place
A spot for me
- 1. lit. "Make a space for me / at the bottom of your bubble"
- 2. implied "if I bother you (too much)"
- 3. lit. "In order for you to forget me"
- 4. lit. "Make a space for me / at the bottom of your heart"
- 5. lit. "In order for me to kiss you / whenever you cry"
- 6. lit. "In order for you to smile"
- 7. lit. "I want you never to be hurt / never to be cold"
- 8. lit. "And I don't care for anything / but you"
- 9. lit. "Make a space for me / in your future"
- 10. lit. "In order for me / to stop turning my mind over my memories so much"
- 11. lit. "Make a space for me / in your emergencies / in your boldness / in your confidence"
- 12. lit. "distant, distracted, cruel"
- 13. lit. "I don't want you to be bored"
- 14. lit. "I don't want you to be scared"
- 15. lit. "I would like you to forget / the taste of misfortune"
- 16. lit. "Here, now"
- 17. lit. "in giant's steps"
- 18. lit. "I will make myself / all new, all beautiful, all that"
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Sergei Kolesov | 2 év 4 months |
MissAtomicLau | 2 év 11 months |
Please note that this version of the song is adapted from the original song by Julien Clerc (https://lyricstranslate.com/en/Julien-Clerc-Fais-moi-une-place-lyrics.html), also adapted by Françoise Hardy (https://lyricstranslate.com/en/fran%C3%A7oise-hardy-fais-moi-une-place-l...). All three versions have slightly different lyrics.
Since no singable version of this song had been created in English yet, I decided to give it a try. This is an attempt at doing so while keeping both meter and meaning.
The translation published above is my own, though I did take into account other translations of other versions of this song already posted on LT in order to come up with it, namely English translations done by @Lokhie, @Marilou, and @ghostly.
You can find them here:
Note : Cette version est une adaptation de la chanson originale de Julien Clerc (https://lyricstranslate.com/en/Julien-Clerc-Fais-moi-une-place-lyrics.html), également adaptée par Françoise Hardy (https://lyricstranslate.com/en/fran%C3%A7oise-hardy-fais-moi-une-place-l...). Les trois versions ont un texte différent.
N'ayant trouvé aucune traduction chantable de cette chanson en anglais, j'ai décidé de me lancer, faisant au mieux pour garder le rythme et les idées. Ceci est ma propre traduction.
Ont été prises en compte dans le processus de traduction les publications d'autres traductions en anglais de cette chanson publiées par @Lokhie, @Marilou et @ghostly.
Voir :
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Tous les commentaires sont les bienvenus ! Merci d'en laisser un pour signaler des erreurs ou suggérer des modifications.
All posted content is my original work, unless explicitly stated otherwise.