Who's laughing now
Dalszövegek (Spanyol)
My nieghbor told me what he has planned and you see
It was all prepared
The normal thing is that they spy on you, don't let yourself be teached
prove it, you dont have proofs!
I had to lie to to the daughter and the grandma and the daughter and at the end
The normal thing is that they spy on you, don't let yourself be teached
Batteries, preserves and albal paper
Too many coincidences can't be done alone
They can't be done alone, they're too many
Everyone laughed and, who's laughing now?
I know what I talk about, ask the people, look
Look, if birds are drones and the moon is fake, what?
What's under the Cibeles?*
I had to lie to to the daughter and the grandma and the daughter and at the end
Don't let them wash your school at the brain, get out of the herd
Too many coincidences can't be done alone
They can't be done alone, they're too many
Everyone laughed and, who's laughing now?
Keep signing there
Then let's see if I've understand it
You go to the end of the street and the earth ends
Because of course, since it's flat, it ends there
And suddenly, you fall, right?
I mean, just saying, you can't believe that science works
But you can believe tha the Earth ends at the end of your street
You fucking douchebag
How did you get to that conclusion?
You fucking subnormal
What school did you go to?
Son of a bitch, cunt piece of shit
Too many coincidences can't be done alone
They can't be done alone, they're too many
Everyone laughed and, who's laughing now?
They said he was crazy and he wasn't
That he said lies, and he didn't
Everyone laughed and, who's laughing now?
- A hozzászóláshoz regisztráció és bejelentkezés szükséges
*A fountain in Madrid, Spain, under it theres a subterranian river called Canal de Pascuala, it's also the "secret weapon" of Spain's central bank. If someone tries to rob it the river would drown them https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvkK125XYAE7kwS?format=jpg&name=medium