Man In A Movie
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Perhaps if you hadn't go to this place
perhaps we wouldn't exist now
this feeling that time has stopped
I saw only you
It seems we will only meet in dreams
a person appeared next to me
(Only you)
when night comes and I close my eyes
as if I'm drunk on you, it makes me sleep
I’m a man in a movie
when I look in your eyes
like a protagonist from a movie, beautiful
I hope this moment will continue
I’m a man in a movie
to me who has you
there is nothing else I hope for
yes, right now I feel perfect
I’m a man in a movie
Then I couldn't hide my trembling heart
then as you look at me you smiled softly
the blowing wind is
like a beautiful melody to me
It seems we will only meet in dreams
a person appeared next to me
(Only you)
when night comes and I close my eyes
as if I'm drunk on you, it makes me sleep
I’m a man in a movie
when I look at you
like a protagonist from a movie, beautiful
I hope this moment will continue
I’m a man in a movie
to me who has you
there is nothing else I hope for
yes, right now I feel perfect
I’m a man in a movie
All moments with you, to me are..
I love it, oh I love it
I don't want to let go
not even a scene
not even a minute
I can’t
I’m a man in a movie
when I kiss you
like a protagonist from a movie, beautiful
I hope this moment will continue
I’m a man in a movie
to me who has you
there is nothing else I hope for
yes, right now I feel perfect
I’m a man in a movie
Merci ! ❤ remercié 10 fois |
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Publié par infiity13 2017-08-01
Ajouté en réponse à la demande de taenry
anglais, coréen
Paroles originales
Man In A Movie
Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (anglais, coréen)
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Qui traduit ?
우연이 아닌 선택이 운명을 결정하다.
Nom : infiity13
Modérateur Of The Asian Continent
Contribution : 4997 traductions, 554 translittérations, 370 chansons, 19349 remerciements, a répondu à 1569 demandes 492 membres aidés, 79 chansons transcrites, a expliqué 2 expressions, a laissé 1536 commentaires
Langues : maternelle grec, courant anglais, avancé français, allemand, russe, intermédiaire chinois, japonais, coréen, espagnol, turc, débutant bulgare, hindi
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.