Silver Shine
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A tingling feeling and cold to the bone
I asked you to come with me
For a day that seemed like eternity
Left me waiting a long time
While the flowers don't wither
And the sun doesn't set
Waterfalls tumble over me
I can understand somewhat
Then otherwise not at all
I will chase you down
Myself dragged from the ashes
Yet the winds blow against me
If I could see into your imagination
Your silver shine
Merci ! ❤ |
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Publié par somethingswell 2024-12-03
Traductions de « Silfurskin »
anglais #1, #2
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Qui traduit ?
Rôle : Gourou
Contribution : 1663 traductions, 8 translittérations, 1055 chansons, 2597 remerciements, a répondu à 598 demandes 244 membres aidés, 9 chansons transcrites, a ajouté 19 expressions, a expliqué 21 expressions, a laissé 166 commentaires, a ajouté 5 annotations
Langues : maternelle anglais, avancé féroïen, norvégien, intermédiaire danois, italien, russe, débutant finnois, islandais, vieux norrois, espagnol, suédois, ukrainien
I don't care if you post my translations elsewhere, I just ask that you give credit, either by linking to this translation or simply crediting me by name: @somethingswell on lyricstranslate.