Letras de canciones (Serbio)
I can't get any sleep
Empty sheets chase the sleep away
And life is melting
And disappearing fast
In a split second
As if I'm losing my mind
Because I don't notice reality
I'm still kissing you
I still trust you blindly.
Like I'm insane, I don't know where to go
I'm afraid of a new love
And days, open wounds
I don't count them anymore.
The prayer is like ember on my lips
The prayer, instead of words - just your name.
(And) Heaven knows, like me, how many times I've repeated it
Heaven knows, just like me,
That your name is my only prayer.
I can't lie to God while I'm praying,
But I would be lying if I said I didn't love you
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Publicada por ldrbaby el 2021-03-07
Las traducciones de "Molitva"
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