Letra de Oltre quel reef – Versione titoli di coda [Beyond (End Credit Version)]
Ahahahah, corretto
Mmh, non saprei, sinceramente potrebbero essere entrambe le cose...
In several European countries the title of the film and the name of the protagonist were changed to Vaiana ; the official explanation was that, in some countries, Moana would be unusable as it was a registered trademark. Some newspapers have however hypothesized that, in Italy, the title of the film was changed to Oceania in order to avoid possible references to the pornographic actress Moana Pozzi.
Information source: https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oceania_(film)
Apparently that could be a reason why.
No, it's called Oceania
Corretto, grazie :)
Un'altra piccola correzione: penso che dica "So chi sono, ho un ruolo e lo devo assolvere". Magari qui non è tanto evidente, nella versione del film è più chiaro: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/moana-2-ost-oltre-quel-reef-beyond-lyrics
Prova a vedere :)
Sei sicuro che non dica "Il destino sta mutando"? :D