Der Kleine Gott der Welt bleibt stets von gleichem Schlag,
Und ist so wunderlich als wie am ersten Tag.
Ein wenig besser würd er leben,
Hättst du ihm nicht den Schein des Himmelslichts gegeben;
Er nennt’s Vernunft und braucht’s allein,
Nur tierischer als jedes Tier zu sein.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Faust, Prolog in Himmel
In sa tupa nibada
trinniat su puzone
isporadu pranghende
sas bellas temporadas.
Su prantu est in de badas
dach’isse l’est perdende,
colada est s’istajone
de libertade amada.
El poble que conserva la seva llengua guarda la clau de la seva llibertat
Anonymous Catalan
- Prologue -
«We would pass lightly over the earth, like water», said Antonio Setzu, «like water flowing, leaping, down from the full basin of the spring, slipping and meandering among mosses and ferns, down to the roots of cork and almond trees, or sliding down the stones, across mountains and hills to the plain, from the streams to the river, to slow down towards the marshes and the sea, called as vapour by the sun to turn into a cloud dominated by the winds and then a blessed rain.
Apart from the madness of killing each other for unimportant reasons, we were happy».
- Epilogue -
«Now you are the Guardian of Time», said Antonio Setzu, and added in a low voice: «Like those who preceded you, you must remain a Christian without question and abide by the laws we gave ourselves in the mists of time and we wrote and modified during the reigns of Marianus and Eleanor.
The more evil the time will be, the more adhering to the ancient law will be seen as rebellion or sedition.
You can add new explanations to the ancient facts narrated in the history entrusted to you, and recount memorable events of the thirty years of your custody, provided you do so clearly and concisely.
Since the day of the loss of freedom on our land, we, the Guardians of Time, have preferred to end the story at this point».
Sergio Atzeni – Passavamo sulla terra leggeri
(English translation by Hampsicora)
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